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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the, the, it's breaking news in the headlines hero and i said as russian and political activist alexi, nevada only has died in prison. the investigation is underway instead of island, he was serving at length the sentence of fraud, extremism and other charges and credits. troops are in distress on the front line with his clothes. i lie that us attributing blame to a lack of a lease full aid from washington. the think is menace. here is not artillery, not tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility stays good, this whole neighborhood is the problem. ground and rush are upholstered, his forces and the whole city of out of trouble with former veterans from the
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wagner, the it is breaking news. the sound like you're one of the international with august, i'm correspondent, standing by a very welcome to you for all of us here and most so with the breaking news or on the russian political activists. the election of ality has died in prison. the penitentiary service said mister nev, i only became ill off for a walk and lost consciousness. it was 47 years old, the kremlin spokes post, and dmitri pasco, for side and investigation, is currently underway. as far as we know, in accordance with all the clickable rules, the federal penitentiary service is conducting an investigation. there is no need for special orders in this case because there's already a set of rules that the institution must abide by. there is information that a blood clock was responsible, is that true? i don't know, medical personal must determine that. well, there's
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a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically, the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to save it and of all. and it has indeed died political activists then also we, we should mention political extremist and russia from the, from 2020 to onward, according to the russian government of a service says that, uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called and they tried to written, resuscitate him for a whole 30 minutes. a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports also on confirmed ones that he had complained about feeling bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization that's responsible for looking after human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to a state we're actually recorded. we do have one source at our to you says that that
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he died from a blood clot, but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. and just about an hour ago, the penitentiary service said that the commission was already on its way to the penal colony where this took place. and the last piece of information that we do have is that, and of all these lawyer has refused to comment on the situation, specifically off per the request of all of these families. like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the western media, people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian for administer the lot, the and president, the head of the p and commission all saying that the, the russian government is to blame for and of all of these death, even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. and this is something that rushes for administrators spokeswoman murray's harvest said is really revealing about the wes true attitude to fax and situations like these. the
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immediate, the reaction of need to leaders to nobody's death in the form of direct accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet. but the conclusions of the west are already here. and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times before. when we seen similar situations like when the volume, the felt ill in 2020 western press was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guy in russian government. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances involved, the system that was completely ignored. and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation. now. i was talking earlier with independent induction journalist, i was telling you event at the end about the breaking news and she says western
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powers had been sponsoring mr. nevada only. and then an attempt to turn him into an opposition lita and ultimately use them as a puppet for their own interest. i know that's a very strong comment with it. his very true. of course it's great for that. i mean, today if it's the munich security conference and the you is somehow desperate to because you know, ukraine is losing and the us doesn't want to pay money anymore as opposed to let's get it's, it's, you know, it's great for him because he doesn't care about i mean the home, the, i think, you know, i also read in the docs media for instance, pregnant is still extremely new server. okay. also is in j. o, you know that russia is to blame. content is to blame, to mac uh from uh, the u. k. also make the same statements, as you mentioned from the you also to say without any age instigation. so it's, it's great for them and it's, it's very sad that the website has become like this, this day. there is no room for, you know,
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common sense. there's no room for diplomacy, religions himself or say this is even worse though, because we know the press is lying. but the politicians, they should be, you know, remind the people, okay, we have to wait for human, more diplomatic, but that's going to west. we know that they want somehow to make an opposition leader. that's what they do with older color resolutions that cool data. they need to know position the cigarette because they want to get actually break. russia is just the play on the west. they are taking so how position leader is how they pulled them, finance them and put them there as a puppets. and of course it has to be good. say that to them is mazda and that's used in the us and the west may. so you, so a, we know already all these organizations like yours, so most open uh, you know, society foundation and lots more. they are financing these opposition. members,
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the situation for the ukranian army, you know, strategic city and that's one that's good public is was making by the minute. washington has claims a key of failure on the battlefield in the idea of guy is due to a lack of munition being sent to you cry. i want to share a few words about the battlefield, situation situation and ukraine, where the fighting is incredibly intense in the east, particularly in a city called of the of the city that we've talked about several times before. unfortunately, we're getting reports from the ukrainians that the situation is critical. in very large part, this is happening because ukrainian forces on the grounds are running out of artillery ammunition because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill. we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian insults. well, what the media outlets have previously praise to crying and being very quick to change that narratives, then i'll pointing out kias. bailey is on the battlefield, especially concerning of the west. a news report say that ukraine will soon lose
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its grip on that city. now of do you have got is considered one of the main strategic points in the battle for the region. losing control over the city would push, keeps troops, father away from the regional capital bone yet. but it's also not the only point on the front lines with a situation that has become critical and basically on 10 level for ukraine's troops . so let's learn more. of course, live to alexander markovich, a head of the subordinate is to do now joining us a live from vienna. very well welcome to you today. so what a story this is the winehouse claiming that one of the reasons where you cranes retreat from the idea of god is a lack of i'm your mission for kids forces. i mean, do you, how big of an impact will this have as congress is debating whether or not to send more crates of cash to k? yeah. well, thank you very much for the invitation. i guess of disco somehow marks the turning points in this war. as far as we can now see, that's the tremendous shuttle hunger of the ukrainian army can't be satisfied
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anymore by western production. and especially the west and wall industry. so 0, for example, russia has definitely um, an advantage because the russian never stopped to keep up its own arguments industry and the americans and europeans on the other hand um the least of the 1991 that they will now with most the end of history and that all was in the future of just some kind of policing actions. and you know, they never were ready for such a battle. intense war and artillery intense war. and yeah, that's far on the ukrainians, which has been used, of course for terrorizing russian civilians. and don't boss without tillery, and i'll pay income the price um, for this most calculations on the $1.00 end. and on the other hand, i guess it will be a great relief um for the people in don. yes. and um,
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elsewhere in the on bus. when on the one hand superman find me lose this, its control over this very important um, strategic city, which has been turned into a really fucked dress since 2014. and also because ukraine is now no longer able to sell the city, for example. um with terrorist attacks um were for tillery shelves um, delivered by the west. yes, a good come in there. i appreciate you signing, alexander, and i mean to just to pick you up when it comes to the. the production of munition for example, rusher is producing 4 or 5 times as much. i mean ition, military gear and equipment. and then those nato and american bob knows who will of course, head to head. and this prophecy will against russia in your crane. and we're getting a lot of reports of even more ukrainian soldiers just trying to flee. just trying to get away from the front lines. our reports of infantry men who are being sent fall from the back all the way to the front lines who have no real training for
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front line combat. it just seems it's going from bad to worse by the 2nd. and now we're looking at the potential loss of, of the loss for the, creating a side that it makes me think of artists almost a bach mood. and when you say 20142015, i mean they to and america would digging in 2 of yeah, because they were building fortified tunnels. fortified trenches. they were getting ready nearly 10 years ago for a rule they blamed on proof and for starting 2 years. okay. what does it say as to where the nato and american proxy forces off right now, alexander, as we're looking at lots of another strategic city, i guess it's mostly desperation, which the natal proxies are feeling at the moment. and especially mister select skin t f. also since just recently, um shuffled out as ami leadership and replaced his last come on the solution. it
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was the hero of the ukrainian nationalist process and to swap them out with steve steve. it's interesting thing because you mentioned after most, fox sports. um is that um sir, you was actually also responsible for 40. yeah, senseless defense of the city. when it was already clear that it would fall since the funneled mon, both groups inside it and the same is happening. all right, happening right now. um at the disco. so ukraine is actually making its own defeats even worse by still sending um your service into the top. and um they are even um, sent to you. um also um free dates there. so i guess these people will somehow covered the retreat of the army or even was um, shoot ordinary um soldiers were trying to escape the city. i mean, you say ordinary soldiers that just keep in mind that so many ukrainians have so tragically been abducted walking down the streets going to the gym,
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guessing up the car they've been abducted by these a mobilization force as dragged off the streets. i'll be honest with you, alexandra. i've seen photos on telegram channels of sol. ukrainian soldiers who have down syndrome to either mentally retarded. i've seen footage of pregnant women coming out of the bushes wearing fatigues and holding a white fly can so rendering. i mean, the west, the west, an audience genuinely hasn't. no, i d a how bad and how desperate it's become now for your credit in the side there. so it's such a long time. it out into all of this, the munich security conference happening right now in germany. so lensky, his is securing 7500000000. you arose in cash from germany. let me ask you this. alexander, the american nature proxy got, they've already lost. they've lost this war. wherever says 7500000000 euros gonna go, is it to line the pockets of the zaleski regime and we're going to read tied to that, you'll send a homes on the french riviera. i guess this is the actual plan. oh,
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so then scans is also with us, but of course the question is if selected school will be actually able um to make it out of the country. um, off the market is um, a liberal rates. it's by the russian army. we especially have to keep in mind studies now um at odds with seduce me. and solution is also more close to the lights to the more fastest elements of the ukrainian army, which are of course not the same as the forcibly mobilized people. you've talked about just recently and i guess it's totally possible that maybe after somebody fits the ukrainian i'm you, i have these steps, fascist components. we'll turn on savanski and maybe make their own included tom with the help of the west. so they can um, hold out even more desperately um, with even motto, arisen in order to please um their american public mazda is, uh,
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were actually, as far as i know, um, no longer at that and saying that they think they can win this war. but um, what the americans actually wants to do is um, costs as much damage as possible to russia to ordinary ukrainians. so yeah, beyond the completely devastates that you're getting into, i guess this is the current mazda plan, off the west. when it comes to your claim, you can always leave the class. i'm sorry to jump in alexander, but yeah, i love how you call it a mazda plan. i mean, this western war against russia centrally left europe in no man's line. the industrialized, they cut off cheap russian energy, their economy is going down the toilet. europe has no choice but to pay $3.00 or 4 times the price for american n g. an america is supposed to be europe's ally, but now america is reducing the exports of l. n. g on canceling new licenses. europe needs to understand who is true, friends are in this scheme of
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a geo political chess board. today, europe is going and i think, due to his allegiance and alliance, and let's go goodness, to washington dc, alexander markovich ahead of us. aboard of institute. great to get you on the program. thanks for your time. thank you for the invitation. meanwhile, let's i show you some exclusive footage i with the russian forces conducting operations, northern parts of the new guns region, a ground assaults drone operations, oil being carried out in the criminal direction. the city of auditorium office gave a bucking mood is where many former veterans of the wagner group are now fighting as part of another unit. we'll have this report over now to all these equinox donald reporting from the city that still more or less stein's as a reminder of the fist fighting that took place, that it's a city in ruins. it's crumbling. facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war, which wants this place to this day. that, that most below me is the city over to almost.
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and arguably, the biggest menace here is not artillery, not tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility is this good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we are imbedded with they are, they keep telling us constantly listen, listen for the bus. because well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight is where with they are the ones who kicked ukrainian troops out of every nook and cranny over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves. dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra or musicians, is going through a tubule in phase these wagner,
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veterans still carry that music in their hearts. but now they play a tune of their own as a different unit called camera tone. or the tuning fork is almost all summer the idea of use for the out of to musical instruments to be cleaned up in tune properly . in other words, they all return to the original state used for their intended purpose and effectively performed the tasks or put them on the right parts of the smart battalion, the full new legacy. the crucible of war with plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same as though the enemy in front of them are both in philadelphia and the targets are different. we face the infantry, including the sheltered infantry hiding in the dugouts. we also come across armored vehicles when you don't want to come or tone might be a smaller units, but it's also a mean a one dedicated to,
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to finish what they started you to the youth on you out opponent is finding the wrong way. this is the big mistake, the sold will judge us all decisions have be made and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say, vote for surrender. there is nothing more to say. i mean, cuz done of reporting from us to him of oxy, quote, unimaginable destruction. that's how the united nations that describe what is left of gossip of often more than 4 months of war, the human agency, the palestinian refugees sharing footage of buildings, hall rooms and also bottles towed into rubble by as ready strikes. it is estimated that more than 70 percent of the civilian infrastructure in the region is completely destroyed. and almost all of gods as population are now homeless. united nations is one that no place in gaza can be considered to be safe any more.
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and as the conflict unfolds and gauze and support among his rates for their own forces is by no means unified. he will protest as regularly hitting the streets, demanding an end to what many a condemned as genocide that's being causing trouble. though for those who are speaking out as i'm at least bureau chief, now it's by of late in the afternoon after work. diane's 23 year old is rarely jewish, and 2 were activist from haifa, as well as the 3rd largest city and the biggest in the north is waiting for her friend and other activist. hey yon comes soon. the to start discussing what would be the best location for today's defense. any odds bag signs and posters in hebrew and english with various calls including to stop genocide and gaza. and to refuse joining these really military. the 2 together with 7 other protesters here for a silent picket dripping by an irresistible urge to speak out. this war is a product of the freshman of the occupation,
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of 48th and the end of the 6730000. so simians are murdered the same government, this supposedly wants to represent to me and my interest. it's in the endless cycle of violence that we want this we must stop so. so for me to, to go out into this story to tell the world. so the israel is that we exist onto our activities, and these will exist even if it's, if it's a, it's low cost or free them, they call it protests. the idea is to say one place for around 20 minutes and then move on, skipped to another location, not to be close by police on these be yours, do have grounds. guy a has been detained twice. and that is only after the war started. the police or violence was always the if it's in a process they'll, they'll come the truck to pick you up a little bit. suppose you put you through the floor and then do the, you'll be in
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a police car for a couple of hours. it's focused, wasn't the experience to, to get to be seen by a police officer and know that you can do anything. so just to defense yourself, because if you'll defense yourself, you'll be charged with um will the 2nd the police officer when the detain, they please the charges decided to, to charge me with the excitement with disturbance of the public order. they'll say that you are straight to of the country, that there are 2 things to publish in risk to tell you many, many things the bus eventually those, the only do to scare you. and it's not the only police that the anti war protests are. is few pressure from. what do we feel? a young man passing by stops to express his disagreements with slogans. minutes later, the car stops new. the protest. the
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how you feel about your fellow is rather just like this woman. now like putting shame on you as i was, is going genocide drive out and you guys the most people in israel, they don't really realize that's because it's really don't understand that they believe it was just the funding itself. they don't really think about the fact that as i was killing tens of thousands more than a 1000000 people were pushed away, of their lands again is really the, the, the self defense is what it was trying to defend its co colonial presence in that sense. it is defending itself, as we talk a call from the municipalities, law enforcement division stops, light's flashing. though not to police, they are responsible for maintaining public order and safety. they leave. so if the,
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the activists are aware they may return and detention could fall as they rush to fold and hide their posters. preparing to make a quick escape. i think the officers coming to us. so let's see how it's going to end today. they're coming. sorry, new speaking this with the anti war protests. it's a small one. is the problem. it's not legal. what they need permission. you mean? even if it's just 5 people according to his really long, only protests with over 50 participants requires a permit to proceed. which we didn't know to august. the don't know when we were waiting for you. they just run away in fear of the tension. although it is not in
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the authority of these men, the activists dispersed, slipping into the fabric of the city like shadows. but the protest is not over. we catch them 20 minutes later in another part of the city. and here again, unpleasant encounters with people passing by, supporting the war, slamming the protest. there's one safe before our meeting of some sort of government chilling from us, getting rid of them. yeah. but in the process of getting rid of it from us, we unfortunately it's not some, it's 30000 no, the 1000 to everything. goods. they said they were the same. old recent polls show the significance majority was really support the idea of defensive in thousands that according to palestinian sources,
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claimed thousands of lives including civilians, children among them. if you'll say the news channels, uh you say the people that are coming to the news channels that are talking about feeling guidelines about the bus, a clean thing they probably bring while she was to thinking that the that that is okay to kill 30000 people in gaza, this is not just the one off of my spell of madness, genocidal madness, but a continuation of an ongoing process. and we wanted stop the protest scripts to another location and then it's over. for tonight, the acts of a so happy, no one was detained. that means all of them will take to the streets again the next evening to prove the exist. and so does the alternative point of view ready for an option at all to reporting from high 5? well, that's a shift now to a southern israel where shooting a talk is a code at
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a bus station. at least 2 people reportedly dead. several others were ended. the incident occurred in the city of a committee after my last you, it's about 25 kilometers from the guys. a border is regulatory. he's saying a silent was killed while that's loading mall crossing live. now the local job, let's just mean i and for more details on this as mean thanks for dropping off with us so quickly live from jerusalem. can you give us details about the shooting? what do you know which of course, so as far as we know about this attack, according to eye witnesses, it's happened early in the after the going rate. and they say that a car which to road 40 and we have some of the high when suddenly the car did that you will turn and went to the bus based on and went down and started shooting with the guys on good. i've reached out low that he saw the bus station, but then according to i, it wasn't since they say and arms butler immediately act as fast as killed the terrorists. but uh, unfortunately, due to a millard to, is there any military sponsorship?
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we don't know exactly the exact number of the settlers killed or injured in this attack. some is there any media? they say the been 3 kills and we enjoyed other stay is too cold and other to insurance. i'm assuming media they say is actually sport kills for us, or either use that list killed and 7 injured. so, so far we don't know exactly like the exact same number of those people who've been killed or injured. however, channel 13 mentioned that make half an hour ago, that one of the injured this is the critical condition due to uh, being shocked at the rights treatment they had, and those rules. so nearby hospitals still got the right treatment. but so the only thing that we know about this attack that the attackers name is that them, sorry, his name is savage. i'm joan and he is from a shop closet f digit camp and east jerusalem. and he is a holder of a blue id. but and also as soon as,
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uh that that guy event that he was confirmed. is there any forces we did the house of jewels family in the refugee camp, and also close the entrance of the refugee camp, which is that truck which the opens the refugee count towards jerusalem and the rest of israel. but uh, we can definitely say that this is not the 1st attack that happened since the beginning of the war since because uh since october 7th, that tension has the grease excuse me and all the palestine and israel. and we never know because no, so don't hold onto that on the corner. so maybe that's gonna be the attention to escalate even more. but also there's many as are either set the public to speak, for example, it's in the whole comment that's on the, at that it's saying that the effect that happens. we have to modify reminds us that the entire country has become a frontline for attacks and terrace fx as so it's not just you know, attached to it or is coming from god that'll kill us. and also we have been viewed
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who plays the subtler who acted quickly and shut the service savvy and says, this is exactly why we need to arm all of that is read these and he will do his best to work more on the gospel. so they can are all of this really complete, right. local journalists live in jerusalem. uh, yes. mean i joining us here. analogy is national. thank you for cuz most populous nation and largest economy and nigeria, currently in an alarming state, is due to a rapid inflation rising. food insecurity, it's all the, according to the national bureau of statistics during the government on the us. and so the nation is facing a hunger crisis with $26.00 and a half 1000000 people estimated to be at risk of hunger. this year. a 9000000 kids in danger of malnutrition. the economy has been racked by rising food and security as well as the removal of fuel subsidies and at the valuation of the national currency versus the american dollar nigeria.


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