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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the the, it's breaking news if it's how it's headlines or whatnot. see, as russian political activists alexi and the valley has died in prison and investigation is underway, invalid, he was serving a lengthy sentence with pro extremism and other charges. grace troops are in distress on the front lines of his clothes, allied united states attributing blame to a lack of lethal aid from washington. the biggest man it's here is not tailoring, not tanks. what can be causing drones and when the disabilities please good. this whole neighborhood is the problem, ground and rush. i have both of his forces in the in battle city, all of our trouble with former veterans for all of the
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ride. we all work in a way to friday night here in most go with a news in coming by them. we all continuing operating news with the updates to a russian political activist alexi, nevada only has died in prison, the penitentiary service. i said mister nev, i only became ill off for a walk and lost consciousness. he was 47 years old and the gremlins that spoke pausing through injury, pest go for setting an investigation is currently underway. as far as we know, in accordance with all the clickable rules, the federal penitentiary service is conducting in investigations. there is no need for special orders in this case because there's already a set of rules that the institution must abide by. there was information that a blood clock was responsible, is that true? i don't know. the medical person almost determined that, well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically, the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service,
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who was the 1st organization to save it and of only has indeed died political activist. and also we, we should mention, political extremist and russia from and from 2022 onwards. according to the russian government and the service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called. and they tried to re recess. take him for a whole 30 minutes a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports also on confirmed ones that he had complained about feeling bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization that's responsible for looking after human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to a state we're actually recorded. we do have one source at our to you says that that he died from a blood clot, but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. and just about an hour ago,
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the penitentiary service said that the commission was already on its way to the penal colony where this took place. and the last piece of information that we do have is that, and of all these lawyer has refused to comment on this situation. specifically per the request of all of these families. like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the western media, people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian for administered the lot the and president, the head of the european commission. all saying that the, the russian government is to blame for and of all of these death, even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. whatever your thoughts about alexa devonte is the politician. he was just brutally murdered by the kremlin. that's a fact. and that is something one should know about the true nature of russia's current regime. the you holds the russian regime for soul responsible for this tragic death alexis, of all new paid with his life for his resistance to a system of oppression. his death in
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a penal colony reminds us of the reality of vladimir putin through g. russia has turned into a violent state that kills people who dream of a better future like me and sobbing. now devonie imprisoned and tortured to death for standing up to put in dreadful news about and of all me. if the report about his death in russian prison is true, it represents another terrible crime by putin's regime. this is something that rushes for administrators spokeswoman, where is the harvest? said is really revealing about the west. it's true. attitude to fax and situations like these. the immediate reaction of native leaders to nobody needs death in the form of direct accusations against russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet. but the conclusions of the west are already here. and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times
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before. when we seen similar situations like when the volume, the felt ill in 2020 western press was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guardian, russian government. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances in the fall and the system that was completely ignored. and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation. now. as i was originally discussing this with an independent dutch john, let's have sonya offended and about this breaking news. she says western powers had been sponsoring within the valley, basically in an attempt to turn him into an opposition leader. and use them as a puppet for their own interests. i know it's a very strong comment, but it's also very true. it causes great for that. i mean, today if it's the munich security conference and the you is somehow desperate to because you know, ukraine is losing and the us doesn't want to pay money anymore at home. so let's kids it's, you know, it's great for him because he doesn't care about,
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i mean the home, the, i think, you know, i also read in the dark media, for instance, pregnant is still ex prime minister. ok. also he's in j. o, you know, russia is to blame content is to blame sumac from the u. k. also make the same statement as you mentioned from the you also to say without any age instigation. and so it's, it's great for them and it's very sad. the website has become like this this day, and there is no room for, you know, common sense. there is no room for diplomacy, religions himself or say, this is even worse than because we know chris is lying. but the politicians, they should be, you know, we mind the people. okay. we have to wait for human, more diplomatic, but there's going to west who we know that they want somehow to make an opposition leader. that's what they do with all their color resolutions, the data they need to know position the figure because they want to get actually
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break. and russia is just the play on the west. they are taking so how position leader is how they cool them. finance them. put them there to profits, and of course he has to be good. say that to them needs mazda, and that's use in the us and the west made. so you, so a, we know already all these organizations, like george summer open. uh, you know, society foundation and lots more. they are financing these opposition. members the situation for the ukrainian now i me enough for teaching city and about extra public as well as sending by the minute washington. his claim, the key of failure is on the battlefield and of the f guys due to a lack of munition being sent to ukraine. i want to share a few words about the battlefield. switching a situation in ukraine where the fighting is incredibly intense in the east, particularly in a city called f. difficult to city that we've talked about several times before.
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unfortunately, we're getting unfortunately ukrainians, that the situation is critical. in very large part, this is happening because ukrainian forces on the grounds are running out of artillery ammunition because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill. we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian cells. west and media outlets have previously appraised. ukraine have been very quick to change their narratives. the not pointing out of sight he is on the battlefield, especially concerning of the west. a news report say that ukraine will soon lose its grip on that city. now up, do you have to is considered one of the main strategic points in the baffle for the region. losing control over the city would push key of us troops farther away from the regional capital. don't. yeah it's, it's also not the only point on the front lines with the situation has become critical. if not untenable. few cranes, troops for analysis on the issue we spoke with the andre thomas house and then ameritas law professor at the university of south africa. he says that ukraine is change of pop. combined dose is unlikely to improve its capabilities on the
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battlefield of the all signs that the key of redeem is beginning to crumble and the, the decision to a points are connell, who become the chief of the defense, falls over the heads of the fact many very competent, capable, an experience in general, some seniors that shows a degree of despair. so don't take line the last year is, was doing some of the things, a pointing slavish and completely uncritical young people over their heads over responsible lead those responsible generals. it will not, it will not be to the advantage and it will certainly not improve the ukraine's ability to defend the car in motors or as they used to dream off to re conquer the, the liberal. right. it's a tree, is the new republics and even the crime, you know,
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all this exclusive footage are showing russian forces, conducting operations, and the northern parts of new guns republic uh, ground assaults, along withdrawn operations being carried out in the kremlin, naya direction, the city of thomas k, k, 8 bucks. mood is where many former veterans of the wagner group are now fighting as part of another unit of these eager donald reporting from the city which still stands as a reminder of the fist fighting the ones to place. it's a city in ruins. it's crumbling. facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war which wants this place to this day that, that most below me is the city over to almost. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not a tillery not tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility is this good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we,
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that we are imbedded with, they are, they keep telling us constantly, listen, listen for the bus. because, well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fights, is where with they are the ones who kicked ukrainian troops out of every nook and cranny, over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves . dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra, or musicians, is going through the tubule and face these wagner, veterans still carry that music in their hearts, but now they play a tune of the road as a different unit called camera town. or the tuning fork is almost all summer. the idea is for the out of to musical instruments as for me to be cleaned up in tune properly. in other words, they all return to the original state unit for their intended purposes. so
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a distinctively performs the tasks, but the moment in the box of the smart for tally and the full new legacy, the crucible of more the plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same though, the enemy in front of them when i bought them, fill it out for the target of different sorts of we face the infantry, including with a sheltered infantry hiding in the dugout, it's likely, but we also come across armored vehicles when you don't that you camera tone might be a small only units, but it's also a mean one dedicated to finish what they started to get to the youth on you out opponent is finding the wrong way that the body for this is the big mistake. the sold will judge us, all decisions have be made and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say vulgar for so right. there is nothing more to say the over. i'm gonna get done of reporting from. i've gentleman's out save the
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quote on imaginable destruction. that's how the united nation so describe what is left of gaza off the mold. in full months of more, the human agency, the palestinian refugees are shed of some footage of a buildings. homes and hospitals tend to rubble by as ready as strikes estimated the more than 70 percent of the civilian infrastructure and the region has been completely destroyed. and almost all of gods has population on our homeless united nations as well, and no place in guys that can be considered to be safe anymore. and as the conflict on falls in gaza, support among his re lease for their own forces is by no means unified and people. protesters are regularly hitting the streets, demanding an end to what? well, i've made so many of condemned as a genocide. and that's of being causing trouble for those who was speaking out as i'm at least bureau chief now explain of late in the afternoon after work. diane's
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23 year old is really jewish, anti war activist from hyphen as well as the 3rd largest city. and the biggest in the north is waiting for her friend and other activist. hey yon comes soon. the to start discussing what would be the best location to those days if and any odds bag signs and posters in hebrew and english with various calls including to stop genocide and gaza. and to refuse joining these really military. the 2 together with 7 other protesters here for a silent because driving by an irresistible urge to speak out. this war is a product of the freshman of the occupation, of 48th and the end of the 6 to 730000. so citizens are larger, the same government says supposedly wants to represent me in my interest. it's in the endless cycle of violence. if we want this, we must stop. so it's a faucet for me to, to go out into this theory to tell the world. so the israel is that we exist onto
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our activities will exist even if it's, if it's a single cost or freedom, they call it different protests. the idea is to stay in one place for around 20 minutes and then move on. skip to another location, not to be close by police. and these the years do have grounds. guy a has been detained twice, and that is only after the war started the police or violent towards us. always. if it's in a process, they'll, so come to talk to pick you up a little bit. suppose you go to the floor and the police car for a couple of hours. he's talking to us to, to get to be seen by a police officer and know that you can do anything. so just to defense yourself, because if you'll defense yourself, you'll be charged with um, will the technical police officer when they detain you, they please the chargers decided to,
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to talk to me with the excitement with disturbance of the public order. they'll say that you are a trip to of the country that you're putting the public risk to tell you many, many things, but eventually the, the only do it to scare you. and it's not the only police that the anti war protests are. is who pressure from what do we feel? a young man passing by stops to express his disagreement with slogans minutes later the car stops music. i test the how you feel about your fellow is rather just like this woman. now. like putting shame on you because this is going genocide drive out and you've got the most people in isabel, they don't really realize that's because you really don't understand that they are very much they believe it was just the funding itself. they don't really think
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about the effect that is i was killing tens of thousands more than a 1000000 people were pushed away. of their lands again is really the self defense is what i was trying to defend. it's called colonial presence. in that sense, it is defending itself people, as we talk a call from the disability law enforcement division stops, light's flashing, though no police, but they are responsible for maintaining public order and safety they leaves. we see that the activists are aware they may return and detention could fall as they rush to fold and hide their posters. preparing to make a quick escape. i think the officers coming to us. so let's see how is going to end today. they're coming. sorry. do speak english with the anti war protests. it's
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a small one is a problem because it's not legal. what they need permission. you mean, even if it's just 5 people according to is really mon only protests with over 50 participants requires a permit to proceed, which we didn't on august. the don't know when we were waiting for you. they just run away in fear of the tension. although it is nothing the authority of these men, the activists dispersed listening to the fabric of the city like shadows. but the protest is not over. we catch them 20 minutes later in another part of the city. and here again, unpleasant encounters with people passing by, supporting the war, slamming the protests or we want states before our
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meeting of some sort of government building does come us getting rid of them. yeah . but in the process of getting rid of it from us, we unfortunately it's not some, it's 30000, no, the 1000 to everything. goods. they said they were the same. old recent polls show the significance majority was really support the idea as offensive in thousands does according to palestinian sources, claims thousands of lives, including civilians, children among them. if you'll say the news channels, you'll see the people that are coming to the news channels and they're talking about feeling guidelines about the bus, a clean thing. they brought it very well. she was to thinking that the that is okay to kill 30000 people in gaza. this is not just the one off of my spell of
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madness, genocidal madness, but a continuation of an ongoing process. and we want to stop. the protest skips to another location and then it's over for tonight, the activist stuff, kathy know when was detained. that means all of them will take to the streets again the next evening to prove they exist and saved us the alternative point of view. race and optional ality reporting from hyphen meanwhile, in washington to get this, congress has passed a bill to outlaw any attempts to improve relations between the us and syria, the so called a sod regime and see normal as ation act for c's sanctions against any individual entity working with the government of the syrian president bush or alice side to discuss it not opposing live, to argue, correspondent,
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yes. and that getting this double. yes. and you know, while off the years of the us and its allies using i see. so i, so to get rid of us out and forth regime change of the mass coast and then the huge oil it's quake a year ago. the heat toki and syria and washington blocks, countries from sending. oh, it's quick a to syria. and now we have this latest washington move to target damascus again on believable what do you know? yes and story. i think you hit the nail on the head when you said all this time later, all these years have passed and it seems that the united states seems that it is boring. for the most part, that reproach meant a normalization wisdom. ask us is a higher probability than it was, let's say a few years ago. and the timing is a significant, significant above anything else. the timing is important because many nations have come together to discuss the prospect of agreeing for a long lasting piece deal, something that would ensure tens of millions of syrians internally displaced or
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otherwise returned to their homes. and for the most part, bring some sort of stability to the middle east, which is currently on the edge of war. but of course, this bill does also stretch. it can be considered a strategical move by washington, but it's more so washington vocalizing its position in all of this. and that it would essentially be proposing or sorry, opposing any and all efforts made by any other mediators with respect to the government in damascus. and before we continue, i'd like to provide a little bit of a brief of what that bill includes. this bill prohibits federal officials or employees from taking any action to recognize a syrian government led by bashar al assad. the bill also expands existing sanctions related to the syrian conflict to cover additional activities and persons, individuals and entities. the department of state must provide congress with a strategy to counter for and government efforts to normalize relations with the
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bushel r l a side regime. the details in that bill suggests a number of 2 things. the 1st one is of course that the united states is trying to legitimize its presence in the syria. but more importantly, it's also trying to legitimize its presence to ensure that it can ensure its interests are not affected by the many different actors within the region. of course, this takes into consideration, rush out search. here iran, the united states, many european countries, namely speaking, fronts, have all, have some parts of play. but what's really important here is of course, of these, the current situation. for the most part, many of the clashes, or the general outlooks of war, had been diminishing. many nations have been discussing the prospect of normalizing their ties, whereas the united states, as well as israel with us backing, are continuing to attack specific areas in and around damascus. we remember the us led coalition against dias. when rocco was completely level of citing
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a victory against the islamic state, and there's a lot more that goes on. but the general interest, of course, to consider the northeast of syria in which the united states are currently backing curtis rebels within the country. this has been a point of tension for turkey as well, but more importantly, the united arab emirates was one of the 1st error nations to reach out with respect to normalizing ties, as well as uh for the 1st time in a very long time, more than a decade visit damascus. i'm actually formalize of these discussions afterwards. the arab league mentioned you uh, the invited the brochure or less of the searing president to take part in a summit. and these talks are continuing. so on the one side we have the united states which are trying to oppose any possible prospects of a long lasting solution to this ongoing conflict. and on the other, we have nations that are trying to do anything and everything to ensure that things become a little bit more normal. comparative comparatively speaking, and this includes turkey, which for the most part have had of course, a long lasting relationship well before the war broke out. and since it did break
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out, the tensions have been salary. but for the 1st time in more than a decade or until right even at issue it's of interest in normalizing ties with by charlotte as well. this with i pathetically speaking be done with the help and mediation of russia. this will be crucial and via there are a number of steps that have been taken on cards issued its interest and ensuring that the territorial integrity of syria will be provided to, to the syrian governments that it starts with territorial integrity and borders would be protected. and uncle also wants something out of this as well. so there seems to be some discourse at this very moment. decisions like this, some of the united states a seem to compose any and all efforts ensuring any kind of peace and stability and integrity within the middle east. right. allstate correspondent, yes. and i can. thank you so it won't turn them over to all of us. funny shows a coupon, a maximum security us prison shrouded in secrecy, but notorious for decades withheld. hundreds that america put behind bonds so often
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without any charge or trial. but now to ask on, prisoners have finally returned home after 20 years on the pad well rounded up during the so called us war on tyra, which kicked off 2001 of the 14 years behind bars in cuba, they would ship it off to a month spending that time with a house arrest. i'll get mode still operates today, despite numerous presidents and global calls, the shut it down. let's lift the lid on this and get more on the story with all these shawna do bits. detainees have been held in guantanamo bay, outside the new for decades opened during us as we were on terra, the prison became infamous for extraordinary rendition, in effect, the systematic torture enforced disappearance and secret detention carried out by the c. i. a in coordination with states around the world, it feels as if guantanamo is something that we should only be reading about in the
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history books. but even today, 22 years of direct opened. it remains operational. some 13 men are still stuck the lawyer, if one of the president says it's an affront to the human rights. one tournament is a horrible relic of the past, with the 30 and side still bearing its legacy. like the majority of those still there. sure call we is cleared for release from guantanamo in 2021. a government board took the recommendations of personal authorities with other intelligence and determined. his continuing detention was no longer necessary for national security . his imprisonment drags on for other reasons. political and other wise, all of which are, besides the only point that his detention today is unjustified. and this is after 2 decades at guantanamo, almost as soon as it opened us agencies started worries and concerns over the
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middle of trees, interrogation practices, that same report states in december, 2002, that approval was given to get my as it became known for enhanced time test resistance techniques during interrogations. not only approved ami field manual list, this included 20 hour long interrogations. oscillations for up to 13 days, stress positions, and the use of the detainees food via against them. allegations of torture soon it started to emerge. it despite promises from the likes of president obama, i have said repeatedly that i intend to close. guantanamo and i will follow through on that. i made the decision to close bond to animal because i do not think it makes america safe. this needs to be the year congress lives, the remaining restrictions on detaining transfers, and we close the prison at guantanamo pay. we have to keep living up to our values
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and move ahead on our plan, including safely transferring detainees to finally close the detention center at guantanamo bay. the one kinda move remains open. new, an expensive urge the us to address ongoing issues at the prison saying detainees are still being violated after over 2 decades of custody. the us government is intimately aware of the depth and severity of many detainees, current physical and psychological harms. you have to guantanamo bay detention infrastructure remains constituted by among other constituent elements near constant surveillance force. so extractions and do use of restraints and other arbitrary and problematic implementation of the standard operating procedures stemming from inadequate training. the u. s. government has failed to provide any torture rehabilitation to detain these despite having previously authorized and
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enabled torture practices and serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. despite admitting aspects of the prison dock post, the us continues to push back against current allegations. we are committed to providing safe and humane treatment for detainees at guantanamo in full accordance with international and u. s. domestic law. detainees live community and prepare meals together, receive specialized medical and psychiatric care. i'll give them full access to legal counsel and communicate regularly with family members. many of them are still held, bit low have never been charged with a crime. in fact, of the almost $800.00 men and boys held that for the use of neat hum, full of effort being convicted, that includes 5 pleaded guilty in.


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