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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the, the starting with the latest views, the west has rented the verdict. the current leading said weston politicians are making denigrating at unacceptable is option followed. the dep opponent locked of it, elected nevada, as on the investigation, is still on the way greg, it's true. the southern district on the phone lines with its close ally, the united states actually beating bleeding to a lack of legal aid from washington. the biggest minutes here is not tailoring tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility is good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. as russia upholstered its forces in the bible said he of auto mall to waving former veterans from the fact that
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the why this is our team to national routine you live from moscow. welcome to the global update this our i am i called punch in the russian political activists. i like the nevada who's died in prison either penny. tasha reese of a set of mr. nevada. you became ill after all walk and lost consciousness. he was 47 years old at the west who was quick to point the figure at moscow formed, yvonne is dead, but rushes forward. ministry responded that it was no time for the same old games. the death of alexi, nevada, and the has once again demonstrated their her parker seat cynicism and unscrupulous and this to blame russia and every situation scheme is inaction in a short period of time within 2 hours from 1419 western politicians and the media corps at their beckon called, managed as if to obtain the results of
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a forensic examination that had not yet taken place to conduct the investigation accused moscow and render a verdict accompanying this post button dmitri pest cobb has denounced from a choice options by western politicians regarding the cause of death, as i inquire, is still on the way the statements of western leaders a quite obvious look. there is no statement for medical experts, no information from medics and no information from forensic experts. there's no definitive information from the f, a science. so there's no information about the cause of death, and there are these statements. it's obvious that they're completely outrageous. we consider such statements to be absolutely unacceptable. they're unacceptable. and that's how we feel about that. well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to save it and of only has indeed died political
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activist. and also we, we should mention political extremist and russia from and from 2022 onwards, according to the russian government as a service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called and they tried to re recess, hate him for a whole 30 minutes. a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports also on confirmed ones that he had complained about feeling bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization that's responsible for looking at for human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to a state we're actually recorded. we do have one source at our to says that that he died from a blood clot. but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. and just about an hour ago, the penitentiary service said that permission was already on its way to the penal
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colony where this took place. and the last piece of information that we do have is that, and of all these lawyer has refused to comment on the situation. specifically per the request of all of these families. like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the what western media people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian for administered the lot the and president, the head of the european commission. all saying that the, the russian government is to blame for and of all of these death, even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. whatever your thoughts about alexis devonte is the politician. he was just brutally murdered by the kremlin. that's a fact. and that is something one should know about the true nature of russia's current regime. the you holds the russian regime for sol, responsible for this tragic death alexis, of all the paid with his life for his resistance to a system of oppression. his death in a penal colony reminds us of the reality of vladimir putin through g. russia has
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turned into a violent state that kills people who dream of a better future like nance of and now in devonie, in prison, and tortured to death for standing up to put in dreadful news about nev all me. if the report about his death in russian prison is true, it represents another terrible crime by putin's regime. this is something that rushes for administrative spokeswoman murray is a harvest that is really revealing about the west. it's true attitude to fax and situations like these. the immediate reaction of native leaders to nevada. these depth in the form of direct accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet. but the conclusions of the west are already here says, and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times before. when we seen similar situations like when and of all,
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ne felt ill in 2020 the western press was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guy in russian governments. and the medical professionals in rush are conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances involved. the system that was completely ignored . and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation. now. i'll be your current conflict is a direct result of kids boundary. and so the west, that's the down being verde by russia's top, diplomats say, to get a lot of who's been taking part in the confidence assessing the past 10 years since the room might include in key f. the keys, the list is really just the key for us, or it is earned to nationally recognize becker and with the press start from the modern court. even earlier american and british advisors are seeking most departments, including the security service and now it is already common place or no one is surprised by this practice. they sit there and make sure that money is not stolen, although no one will ever stop to deal with. the situation in ukraine is
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a good example of what standard and the west and the thought to have to start to fit into a system of political and economic coordinates by any means leads to. as far as we know, the european external actions service has made recommendations for ukraine, which proceed from the fact that it will not be possible to win with the methods that ukraine is currently using. an ukraine boots on the truck, so it's necessary to bet on the transfer of even more language weapons to crank so that it can reach to hard to brush up to, to get through this. and that statement came as the situation for the creating all me in the strategic setting that then yes for public is worsening by the minute. washington has claimed the t of lose this on the battlefield in the are due to a lot of immunization being sent to you trade. now, western media outlets that have previously praise you create and have been switching up the narrative as to point out keith's instance of the come about the radius of the of cries, could say that one of the main strategic points in the bottle for the region losing control over the city would push, keeps drew's father away from the regional capital,
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didn't ask. it's also not the only point on the front lines why the situation does become critical for ukraine's troops. we spoke to alexander markovich, head all day so far on the institute, and he says that there are many similarities between the trades surrender of our 2 months last year. and of jessica, i guess it's mostly desperation, which the nature proxies are feeling at the moment. and especially mr. celeste students. yes. also since just recently. um shuffled out as ami the ship and replaced um, just come on the seduce me, what's the deal of the ukraine and nationalist bosses and to swap them out with steve, steve. and the interesting thing, after most fox sports um is that um just you was actually also responsible for 40 just cents the defense of the city when it was already clear that it would fall 50 refundable on both groups inside of them, the same is happening now right,
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happening right now, um at the discount. so ukraine is actually making its own defeat even worse by still sending um your service into the town. and um they are even um, sent to you. um also re gates there. so i guess this people will somehow um, cover the retreat of the army or even was um, shoot ordinary um soldiers were trying to escape the city, but it was the explicit but it shows russian forces conducting operation the northern parts of the new guns re region ground assaults had, along with drilling, operations are being carried out and then from an i a direction by the city of auto mall sc, also known as bach. mood is where menu, former veterans of the 5, the group. now find this part of another unit. are these egos done of reports on the city which still stands as a reminder of the fewest fighting the ones to place that it's a city in ruins? it's crumbling. facades are
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a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war, which wants this place to this day. that, that most below me is the city over to almost. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not a tillery not tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility is good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we are imbedded with they are, they keep telling us, constantly, listen, listen for the bus. because well, everybody understands we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight, is where with they are the ones who kicked ukrainian troops out of every nook and cranny, over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves
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. dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra or musicians, is going through a turbulent phase. these wagner, veterans still carry that music in their hearts, but now they play a tune of their own as a different unit. cold camera tone or the tuning fork is almost all summer. the idea is for the out of to musical instruments to be cleaned up and tuned properly. in other words, they all return to the original state used for their intended purpose and effectively performed the tasks hoping to bump in the pots of the smart vitality and the full new legacy to the crucible of more. the plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same as though the enemy in front of them are both of them. fill it out. the targets are different sorts of, we face the infantry, including the sheltered infantry hiding in the dugout. it's likely that we also
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come across armored via the camera tone might be as solely units, but it's also a mean one dedicated to finish what i started to get to the youth i knew out opponent is finding the wrong way to, to but this is the big mistake the sold will judge us all decisions that be made, and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say vulgar for so right. there is nothing more to say. the over, i think, is done of reporting from us to almost oxy, the former i f, b i. and some info meant to expose the binding families, alleged shady business meetings in ukraine the set to go on trial. alexander smith also has been charged with lying about his plains the jo body in the nissan honda except the bride still feeling more than $10000000.00 of the defendant story to the f. b i. it was a fabrication, an amalgam of otherwise on remarkable business meetings. and contacts that it
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actually occurred, but at a later date then he claimed, and for the purpose of pitching, prism on the defendant's services and products, not for discussing bribes to public official one when he was in office. well, we have the case of alexander smyrna, and this is an individual that according to special counsel, david weiss, he's now being indicted for making a false statement and creating a false and stick tissues record i could face up to 25 years in prison, essentially providing what they allowed just balls information to the fbi. i essentially, he came forward then you talked to the guy about the hunter biden's scandal regarding the risk, my holdings right after the 2014 your roommate and to the son of then vice president joe biden, who's currently the president of the united states. i got hired by a ukranian energy firm called burris my holdings, now you got hired by them and he had no previous experience in the energy industry
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. and he was paid quite handsomely for his work. the whole thing smacked of corruption to most observers. so it's a ledge that smear now i've misrepresented the truth to the, the i've and told them that they had that, that they had told him, they hired him to protect us through his dad and all kinds and from all kinds of problems. now they're claiming that this is not an accurate statement. now it's not clear if alexander is near enough july, but it's worth pointing out that throughout the donald trump presidency and throughout the dealings with allegations of trump, russia collusion, there were all kinds of calls statements that were made for example, christopher steel. and then from this da ca, the claim to prove donald trump was the holden to russia. that's been completely the box. the entire collusion investigation now showed that there was simply no evidence of illusion between trump and russia. and we have a report from the special council investigation saying the basis of that entire
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story that the media ran with for the 4 years of trump presidency was not accurate . ready was what the ultimate report from the us department of justice had to say about the story. it's nonprofit collusion completely. the special counsels investigation did not find that the trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with russia and its efforts to influence the 2016 us presidential election. and then there was james clapper, right? james clapper from the office of the director of national intelligence. he went around to other intelligence officials and had them sign a letter saying that the 100 biden laptop story was lost in this information. and a number of former intelligence officials basically signed this letter urging the american people not to believe the hunter, laptops story that undermines laptop with some kind of fictitious russian propaganda. well, it turned out the 100 by the laptop story was indeed real. the laptop existed, the contents, the laptop were not misrepresented. it was a true story, but the intelligence community was mobilized to urge the american public to ignore
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it. this is all the james clamber, former director of national intelligence, had to say about that. there was message distortion, all we were doing was raising a yellow flag that this could be russian does information. so right before the us elections, we had a major scandal related to the family of one of the presidential candidates that we had government officials, former intelligence officials mobilize, do you know, suppressed. and it turned out to be a true story. now, it's appears that throughout the allegations of trump, russia collusion, and throughout the impeachment of donald trump, related to his phone call was the lensky. there was all kinds of false statements, all kinds of a lying that was done. but at this point, only this, alexander smear knob individual has been charged. so that raises suspicion about the balance of forces in washington dc. and the one sided and as of american justice now on terabyte and we'll be testifying before a congressional committee before the end of the month. and that is something that
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many critics of the binding ministration are very happy about. they are hoping that a 100 by and will be faced with some tough questions about his business dealings with version the holdings and other corruption that people look at from his laptop and from other reports that have come out. uh, but it appears that there is very selective enforcement of this law regarding lying to the, the i or this representing the truth to the federal investigators and informants of the fact that smear knob has been charged. but christopher steel, james clapper, and so many people who said so many false things throughout the trump presidency and its aftermath remain at large spacing, no charges. it points to a certain bias and how the laws being enforced or less. now cross live to a host of the 360 views probably now to use joining us from nashville, scotty is good to have you join me right now. that for us, it is an honor to join you on such a day and i have, i did this is my notes sheet right now. it's literally all over the place because
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if you are not looking at the headlines that are happening this week, and now this latest one with the arrest, you have to understand it is all completely connected. you cannot not be. all right, i think you, you, of course, we'll have time for you to give us insight into all the notes you've taken now for us with a blow as we are charged with treason. now f b i n foreman's auto lock. it is what's your take on the latest attack on the mine who dare to speak out again to the bottom family. ok, let's point this out. the republicans investigation and the appeasement joe biden is completely hedging a lot on this case. so today in the west, if you're a democrat and you're a part of the, by the administration, you are celebrating this, this latest thing that has come out about alexander smart off his arrest when he landed in the las vegas airport. the here read airports your celebrated because now the f, b i, by the way, i was interested in a was an f, b. i. informant. today just arrested their own informants for information that he
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gave them. that supposedly they did some sort of an action on. but they didn't vouch, they didn't verify it before they put it out in this either shows that we have a very inept f b. i. or what is more likely happening is they're trying to cover up their own tracks and everything going on. their l haired. fact, hunter biding himself joint bereavement in 2013 and between 20132018. took in $11000000.00. that is a fact. and his brother, his father, was present up until 2016. so therefore, joe biden was vice president when his son was on the board out for advice. and it's caleb accurately pointed out he had no history and energy. in fact, as a finance, he had more and more of a background in finger painting. then he does the energy sector and yet he made $11000000.00 and it 2020. he was even advised by the nbc hour that he needed to re amended tax return for $400000.00 that he just magically left off from his
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time. it breeze about $400.00 grant, he just didn't include in his taxes. they're all held facts. and this did show. there is obviously time. and if you think of it, any energy company, hired hunter, just based on his background and not his last name and ties to his father. i got a bridge brooklyn to tell you for $5.00. okay, that's good to know that stuff. the what type of message is the us federal government sending when the saved in full my b b i was supposed to protect is now being charged himself. once again, this has been the claim all along that there's a 2 tiered justice system that serves here. and if you get and that right now, currently the d o g is just a tool of the by to ministration to take out their political opponents, which is very mad, cheaper critical considering the accusations that are currently happening with the events today of alex devaney debt that you have jo biding coming out and talking about, oh, we don't know exactly what happened, but we guarantee it has something to do with vitamin. please. wait
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a minute. let's have you what you're doing right now with your d, o j, your d o g is to have your number one opponent, your people that anybody connected to the opponents. and then not only are they going and taking your mounts, but this is right during the election year and you're turning around and making the accusation across the pond. maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. exactly, you and you're talking about election that was going to ask you, what do you make of the timing of the charges given that the big guy is driving to run for 2nd to okay, let me give you a clue as to what's been happening here on the west coast on the, in the west for the last week, maybe 2 weeks. there had been a huge change in the current, especially on the ride side. the people that the edge were going to. so i can see that between the $61000000000.00 being blocked by house republicans of aid, additional aid going to ukraine and showing an expose. and basically the corruption that's happened in the, in accountability and that the senators who voted for the same ones that are actually blasting latimer putting it in the rush it today. but i wrote digress the
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$61000000000.00 that were block my house. republicans, you had tucker carlson's interview, had more than 50000000 views in the majority. those interviews happen in the west and you're still has seen the follow up from whether it's tucker, walk around, mosque out. those are very popular and there's a resonating cuz people are actually getting to see the truth, the unfiltered truth that they've been denied. they. ringback you have all of a sudden all this positive truth getting out there and p. r of what's going on. and now you have the united states government going back on a waiting and hold on, rushing out of the space with and they're going to target. we have a national security that you had the binding to me on, so we don't know how the baby died, but we know that it had to have something to do is vladimir to then you also have the reverse coming back and now you have the rest of an f b i, informant. and saying that the entire case against or by the peach which is completely a fault, would you cannot use your common sense in real life. that there was so much the tides were attorney. and the truth was getting out there that this administration
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in the west had to do something to stop it and they are pulling nothing back, give it a week or 2, and i guarantee we will find out the truth behind why the guy, you know, why the f b i is targeting, alexander, smiled, and how did he really lie? and what he told, i feel like that it's just going to take time to tell out the truth on this one. all right, the speaking of upcoming elections, if from puerto, when we were left me the scenario here, if trump went to win, how do you think it would affect what some i'm calling the f b? i is recent, which hans against biden's opposition? well, that is an interesting because obviously the d o j wasn't with trump or working at trump and trump as president. i don't expect that to change. the only thing is i think would die of donald trump is elected again. he now has his eyes, the bulls been taken off, his eyes that he had his administration. i think he is going to go in there. he knows that he has no friends, no loyalty, and he is going to do everything you can. i said he was gonna come in there like
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a wreck in 2016 is going to be even more because he go, he knows he has to bring light to the raft that exists within the bureaucracy of the us government right now. or they will continue not only to take him down and his family, but anybody or anybody that considers to be a supporter of his policies in his principles going forward. so i think what you're going to see is a major overhaul. you're going to have a lot of re, re, forest retired people getting out and the ones that stay in that are still corrupt . i think they realize that they, they will be stressed out and hopefully they will be exposed for being the corrupt judicial system that unfortunately it's been allowed to stay and not only are and. busy it is, but our d o j as well. it's so interesting talking with you. thank you for so much for your insights. cutting now he is host of the 360 of you. thank you very much. thank you . the water, the washington congress has passed a bill to our loyal ab attempts to improve relations between the us and syria of
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the so called a side res, seem add to normalization. ask for sees as functions against 80 individual or 80 entity working with the government of syrian president by sharing the sad arch increased by the yes, the cabinet takes the story from here. it is working for the most part that reproach meant a normalization wisdom. ask us is a higher probability that it was, let's say, a few years ago. timing is important because many nations have come together to discuss the prospects of agreeing for a long lasting peace deal. something that would ensured tens of millions of syrians internally displaced or otherwise returned to their homes. and for the most part, bring some sort of stability to the middle east, which is currently on the edge of war. but of course, this bill can be considered a strategical move by washington, but it's more so washington vocalizing its position and all of this. and that it would essentially be posing any and all efforts made by any other mediators with respect to the government in damascus. this bill prohibits federal officials or
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employees from taking any action to recognize a syrian government led by bashar al assad. the bill also expands existing sanctions related to the syrian conflict to cover additional activities and persons, individuals and entities. the department of state must provide congress with a strategy to counter for and government efforts to normalize relations with the bush r l a side regime. the details in that bill suggests a number of 2 things. the 1st one is, of course, that the united states is trying to legitimize its presence in the syria. but more importantly, it's also trying to legitimize its presence to ensure that it can ensure its interests are not effected by the many different actors within the region. of course, this takes into consideration, rushed out, searching around the united states, many european countries, namely speaking, fronts, have all have some parts of play. but what's really important here is of course, of these, the current situation for the most part,
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many of the clashes or the general outlooks of war had been diminishing. many nations have been discussing the prospects of normalizing their ties. whereas the united states, as well as israel with us backing, are continuing to attack specific areas in and around damascus. we remember i the us led coalition against dyess. when rocco was completely levelled, a citing a victory against the islamic state. and there's a lot more that goes on, but the general interest, of course, to consider the northeast of syria in which the united states are currently back in curtis rebels within the country. this has been a point of tension for turkey as well, but more importantly, the united arab emirates was one of the 1st arab nations to reach out with respect to normalizing ties, as well as a for the 1st time in a very long time, more than a decade and visit damascus and actually formalize these discussions afterwards. the arab league continued the invited to bush or are less of the searing president to take part in a summit. and these talks are continuing. so on the one side we have the united
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states which are trying to oppose any possible prospects of a long lasting solution to this ongoing conflict and all the other. we have nations that are trying to do anything and everything to ensure that things become a little bit more normal compare of comparatively speaking. and this includes turkey, which for the most part have had of course, a long lasting relationship well before the war broke out. and since it did break out detentions have been salary, but for the 1st time in more than a decade until right, even the issue it's of interest in normalizing ties with bush are listed as well. this with i prophetically speaking, be done with the help and mediation of russia. this would be crucial. and the, there are a number of steps that have been taken on cards issued its interest and ensuring that the territorial integrity of syria would be provided to, to the syrian government. that it starts with territorial integrity and board as would be protected. and uncle also wants something out of this as well. so there seems to be some discourse at this very moment. decisions like this, some of the united states seem to oppose any and all efforts ensuring any kind of
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peace and stability. integrity within the middle east to 5. that's the update this hour so you can get more details and archie does come. i'll see you again. i'll probably out the the one or 2, but this happens 2023. the us declared is full support for his royal in its war against the rebels. the u. s. has waged was in iraq and syria. hostilities have resulted in more than 1000000 casualties. the 3rd country is experienced. he is of civil war of the ever us invasion. the
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spaniards, especially called the total. so then i'll go send me a bill of ideas, explication, let me go assignment and design a share of stock of dollars. me check with our actual store. but basically i didn't i to confident couldn't in was that the police show crushed on somebody called the to cutty. what you're seeing us boy accomplished on our new skills because they have discussed completion of all of us. talk about the funniest of getting in the city school, but that level of problem the flow of how many kinds get funding a scholarly problem, the boy feel free to shoot when was the shop show was dealing this lump around them and then i do it both of them is often afraid of the way on the some of.


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