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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news in our to international, the ukrainian armies commander in chief, announces that his troops retreating from the important and strategic city all 5 b as in dog. the west has rendered a fedex, the crumbling, says western politicians are making denigrating and unacceptable assumptions. following the death of political activist, alexa, nevada, as an investigation is still on the way to american journalist received c. i a evidence that rush of favor, donald trump, the hillary clinton in the 2016 presidential election,
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the welcome everyone. glad you could join us. this is our to international life from us go, i'm, they show our josh, our top story. is this our breaking news here on our to international view? create an arm is commander in chief. has ordered his troops to retreat from the front line. city of, of d f o, one of the ukrainian commander says, care forces have already left the bottom of the full. they have any $4.00 to $5.00 cd has continued since the very start of the conflict between now says it has moved to quote more advantages. defense lines based on the operational situation around of the of go in order to avoid and circle mount and preserve the lives in house of service. man, i decided to withdraw our units from the city and move the defense on more favorable lines of the i is considered to be one of the main strategic points in the buffering. for dumbass, using control over the city would push tips troops,
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father away from the regional capital. don't ask of the situation that has long been a point of concern for ukraine's western allies. washington has claimed the key of losses on the battlefield in after you have called are due to a lack of munition being sent to ukraine. now, western media outlets that previously appraised kids efforts are changing their tune as they point out. kids extensive combat failures. let's go now live to power and catch up ski retired. he was ad falls, lieutenant cano, thank you so much for joining us. ukraine is now concerned it's retrieved from idea of kind of, what does this mean for the situation on the front line? well, it looks like maybe it's going to be calming a little bit and it looks like what we've been told from kids is that they want to take a defensive approach instead of, i mean it's like they've given up taking back the land. they want to have
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a defensive approach and they don't have a good defensive line, certainly not enough to have got. so they're pulling back to establish a, just as general source, the set of a more favorable defensive position. how long? how will lose investigate strategic point effective trains ability to hold its position in the don't ask for public i think it's a sign of uh, more retreating lines of defense to com. i think um, uh, i think really that the eye of kias and certainly of its western backers, the united states in particular, is to establish a new, a new border for ukraine. and that new border is what ukraine to can defend without expanding resources that really aren't available, whether it's human resources in ukraine, in terms of recruitment,
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or access to weapons and money from the west. both of those things are drawing up to us national security spokesperson ever since the talk to you cranes, front line failures up to a lack of i mean, nation. how does this narrative affect by parts and politics in washington? well, certainly it plays into a president biden's the end, the democrats, small, some of the democrats and some of the republicans, their demand for if we could only send more money in more weapons to ukraine, they would actually achieve gaines and they would be able to retake territory along their eastern border. so it plays into the sense of urgency that the congress should release these funds. but it's a weak play. it's not compelling. i think it's uh, it actually could be interpreted a completely opposite way. and that is that this war is coming to an end. the retreat comes right on the hills of jenner as others needs removal from the office of commander in chief. how do you say these to be advancing fluency and you're
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creating an internal politics? well, i don't have good visibility into ukrainian internal politics, but certainly the assessment is that uh, zillow jones delusion is very popular. he's more popular than uh, is there a sky of course, and he's more popular than zalinski. so he becomes a, a national, political threat to whoever is left holding the bag and key f, which right now is still zalinski and czar ski has to play it very carefully because of his reputation, his reputation as a, a butcher, his reputation for continuing to fight too long and sacrifice too much as he did in black mood, this reputation must be counted because he is not popular. and partly because of his past experience, and he's a russian on top of that. so is there a scheme? this could be
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a way to kind of counter the rumors and public opinion about the service. if he's, he's able to not repeat the mistakes that he'd made previously in his army. come in . all right, we're gonna have to leave it there carrying control skill retired use apple as an attendant cano, thank you for joining us. you. thank you for having me. meanwhile, this exclusive food, it shows russian forces, conducting operations in northern parts of a low balance collision ground assault, along withdrawn operations are being carried out in the criminal trial direction. the city of actor mosque, also known as black, moot, is with many of former veterans of the wagner group, now fight as part of another unit. artist, it goes not of reports from the city which still stands as a reminder of the fist fight in the walls. took place there. it's a city in ruins. its crumbling facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war,
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which wants this place to this day. that most below me is the city over to almost. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not a tillery not tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility is this good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we are imbedded with, they are the keep telling us constantly. listen, listen for the bus, because well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight, is where with they are the ones who kicked ukrainian troops out of every nook and cranny, over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves
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. dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra or musicians, is going through a tubule in phase these wagner, veterans still carry that music in their hearts. but now they play a tune of the road as a different unit called camera tone. or the tuning fork is almost all summer. the idea is for the out of to musical instruments to be cleaned up in tune properly. in other words, they all return to the original state used for their intended purpose, and effectively performed the tasks or put them on the right parts of the mach battalion, the food knew legacy. the crucible of war with plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same as though the enemy in front of them are both in philadelphia and the targets are different. we face the infantry, including the sheltered infantry hiding in the dugout. so we also come across
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armored vehicles. when you don't that you camera tone might be a smaller units, but it's also a mean a one dedicated to finish what they started. either the youth on you out opponent is finding the wrong way. this is the big mistake. the sold will judge us. all decisions have be made and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say, vote for surrender. there is nothing more to say. the whole thing is done of reporting from us to almost oxy russian political. active is alexa, nevada. he has died in prison, the pen to ensure we serve as a says mister divani became ill as a walk and lost consciousness. he was 4 or 7 years old. the west was quick to point the finger at moscow for an up on his desk, but rushes for a minute for responded that it was no time for the same old game. the death of alexi, nevada, and he has once again demonstrated their parker seat cynicism and unscrupulous,
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sniffs the blame. rush it and every situation scheme is in action in a short period of time within 2 hours from $1419.00 western politicians and the media corps at their beckon called managed as if to obtain the results of a forensic examination that had not yet taken place to conduct the investigation accused moscow and render a verdict. washington, those also acted with haste, commenting on the incident with american president joe biden, holding a press conference to say that the russian government bears responsibility for an of on his death. the american leader also took the opportunity to call for more aid for key of the reports of his desk. that says true, i have no reason to believe it or not. russian authorities are going to tell their own story, make no mistake, make no mistake. putting his responsible front of all his desk, putting is responsible, his treasures, reminders of the stakes. and this moment, let's provide the funding so ukraine can keep,
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defend himself against putting vicious on slides and war crimes. you're, why should he was 3 years ago in the meantime, they faced a hell of a lot of consequences. legal and media analysts law that says that joe biden is narrative is widely supported by the western media or it's not just the president. it's everyone. now, early this morning i heard a, a rather, and i won't mention the network. but somebody said that obviously this was, instead of all these depths was done at the head start of the direction of the russian government. and therefore, this is reason why we should have more support, or there should be more support for ukraine. and i think he, i don't even understand his connection. if i may bring up to suggestions,
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because when it comes to certain death, our media are very quick, or rather we'd love to hear the case of gonzalez lira. this is an american citizen who died reportedly, theoretically from pneumonia, while in ukrainian custody. if this logic transpires, if it is the whole truth, then if an american citizen is killed and ukrainian custody should ukrainian funding be stopped. whereas ukrainian funding should be increased. if for, if a russian dies, i'm not even sure of the calculus of this. so that's number one, there's been no mention of this at all. and we've asked, this is an american citizen. we're asking our own officials. i find fascinating is number one and how quickly people are able to ascertain forensic pathological report pathology. number 2, how quick a name or a theme or a belief system can be,
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can be a range. number 3, the for rice of the of it and how fast it's it occurs without anybody asking any questions. i mean, just, i would venture to say that if there was a lot of this says you cannot mention one west or media. anything about mr. devonte? unless you're able to say who he is or what he was and what he stood for, what he did, i don't think you should be able to comment. but that's not going to stop anybody, because at the, at, as you know, when a name or a troll becomes popular, nothing can stop it. criminal spokesperson dmitri pest covers the nouns to pretty much all assumptions by western politicians regarding the course of death as an inquiry is still on the way the statements of western leaders. a quite obvious look. there is no statement for medical experts, no information from medics, and no information from forensic experts. there's no definitive information from the f as i end. so there's no information about the cause of death. and there are
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these statements. it's obvious that they're completely outrageous. we consider such statements to be absolutely unacceptable. they're unacceptable, and that's how we feel about them. well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed. basically, the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to say that and i've only has indeed died political activist. and also we, we should mention political extremist and russia from it from 2020 to onboard, according to the russian government as a service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called and they tried to re recess to take him for a whole 30 minutes. a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports also on confirmed ones that he had complained about feeling
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bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization that's responsible for looking at for human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to his state. we're actually recorded we do have one source at archie who says that that he died from a blood clot, but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. and just about an hour ago, the penitentiary service said that permission was already on its way to the penal colony where this took place. and the last piece of information that we do have is that, and of all these lawyer has refused to comment on the situation. specifically per the request of all of these families. like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the what western media people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian for administered the lot the and president, the head of the european commission. all saying that the, the russian government is to blame for and of all these death,
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even though an official investigation hasn't even been conducted yet. whatever your thoughts about alexa devonte is the politician. he was just brutally murdered by the kremlin. that's a fact. and that is something one should know about the true nature of russia's current regime. the you holds the russian regime for sol, responsible for this tragic death. alexis, of all the paid with his life for his resistance to a system of oppression, is death in a penal colony. reminds us of the reality of vladimir putin through jean. russia has turned into a violent state that kills people who dream of a better future. like knee and sobbing down devonie, imprisoned and tortured to death for standing up to put in dreadful news about no volney. if the report about his death in russian prison is true, it represents another terrible crime by putin's regime. this is something that rushes for administrators spokeswoman, where is the harvest? said is really revealing about the wes true attitude to fax and situations like these. the immediate, the reaction of need leaders to nobody needs death in the form of direct accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the
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investigation yet, but the conclusions of the west are already here. so, and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times before. when we seen similar situations like when the volume, the felt ill in 2020 western press was saying that he was poisoned by the russian guy in russian government. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances involved, the system that was completely ignored. and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation now. and then bring us to permanent turn list of published reports on the c i a allegedly fabricating claims that the russian presidents reported donald trump in the 2016 us presidential election. they
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made it look like boots and supported trump. the evidence points the other way. they thought they could damage drum, it had nothing to do with all relationship with russia. it was just leave reaching capabilities to undermine this rookie unprepared trump campaign because they were easy. marks. on earlier reports suggest that the us surveillance community austin intelligence alliance of 5 nations to keep tabs trumped presidential campaign. according to the report, the methods of gathering information, not a legal without a warrant. the report also claims that use a search. intel is clear at coffee example of election interference of their obligation, say uppercase, engaged in so called bumping a term used when pre text is manufactured. in order to gain useful intelligence. they were making contacts, and bumping trump, people going back to march 2016. they were sending people around the u. k. australia, italy, the most sod in italy. the on my 6 was working at an intelligence school they had set up or for it's also say one of a few,
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i'll said confidential human sources. cambridge academic stuff and hop pulse was paid more than $411000.00 by the us government in 2016 via the pentagon office that exists to quote, to pay off spies. stuff. and hoffa was the man that approached, at least for trump, the targets including trump national security advisor, michael flane, who was the 1st of his surveillance targets. another with a target on his back was judge adult with those foreign policy advice, which is a trump campaign. according to an f b i investigation, he was the one with announced rushing into fair and seemed to the 2016 election. there are so many unanswered questions that the investigations kept covered up. i do believe that the operation will be the classified, should trump get re elected, which is why his 2nd term represents an extra essential threat to the intelligence agencies. according to former n y u professor, am i correct and well this the a is trying to conceal its own brung drawings by targeting trump,
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or what they're doing is trying to it. we're trying to make tromp or criminal to cover up their own criminal activities. but that's been the, the hmo of this regime for some time. we already knew that the russian collusion hoax was, uh, was just that a hoax. but now this shows that it was an incident on intelligence that came to the f, b i or the c i a, a through accident. it was really outsourced to these 5 eyes. and they then were told to find something on these people, which then they could claim came from other sources. the c, i a is probably one of the most criminal organizations on the planet. and so breaking the laws, nothing new for them at all. what's new about this is the weaponized ation of the, of the, of the intelligence community to foil a political,
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a rival to the regime in, namely, trump, in this case, they wanted to destroy him and cast down about his entire legitimacy before he was even, um, tapped to be president by the electorate. this is a community that is a, that thrives on data. and that, that collects it without a permission, without official size of permission in the case of the united states, and probably against the will of some of the so called allies of united states as well. the meanwhile, in washington, congress has passed the bill to offload any attempt to improve relations between the us and syria, the so called a sod regime. anti normalization actful says sanctions against any individual entity working with the government of syrian president bashar assad. arkay correspondence, yes. and can, has the story as it is working for the most part that's reproach meant
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a normalization wisdom. ask us is a higher probability that it was, let's say a few years ago. timing is important because many nations have come together to discuss the prospects of agreeing for a long lasting peace deal. something that would ensured tens of millions of syrians internally displaced or otherwise returned to their homes. and for the most part, bring some sort of stability to the middle east, which is currently on the edge of war. but of course, this bill can be considered a strategical move by washington. but it's more so washington vocalizing its position and all of this. and that it would essentially be posing any and all efforts made by any other mediators with respect to the government in damascus. this bill prohibits federal officials or employees from taking any action to recognize a syrian government led by bashar al assad. the bill also expands existing sanctions related to the syrian conflict to cover additional activities and persons,
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individuals and entities. the department of state must provide congress with a strategy to counter for and government efforts to normalize relations with the charlotte side regime. the details in that bill suggests a number of 2 things. the 1st one is of course that the united states is trying to legitimize its presence in the syria. but more importantly, it's also trying to legitimize its presence to ensure that it can ensure its interest or not affected by the many different actors within the region. of course, this takes into consideration, rushed out, searching around the united states, many european countries, namely speaking, fronts, have all have some parts of play. but what's really important here is of course, of these, the current situation for the most part, many of the clashes or the general outlooks of war had been diminishing. many nations have been discussing the prospect of normalizing their ties. whereas the united states, as well as israel with us backing, are continuing to attack specific areas in and around damascus. we remember i the
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us led coalition against dyess. when rocco was completely levelled, a citing a victory against the islamic state. and there's a lot more that goes on, but the general interest, of course, to consider the northeast of syria in which the united states are currently back in curtis rebels within the country. this has been a point of tension for turkey as well, but more importantly, the united arab emirates was one of the 1st error nations to reach out with respect to normalizing ties, as well as a for the 1st time in a very long time, more than a decade and visit damascus and actually formalize these discussions. afterwards, the arab league continued the invited to bush are less of the syrian president to take part in a summit. and these talks are continuing. so on the one side we have the united states which are trying to oppose any possible prospects of a long lasting solution to this ongoing conflict. and on the other, we have nations that are trying to do anything and everything to ensure that things become a little bit more normal. comparative comparatively speaking, and this includes turkey, which for the most part have had of course,
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a long lasting relationship well before the war broke out. and since it did break out, the tensions have been salary. but for the 1st time in more than a decade until right even issue, it's interest in normalizing ties with bush carlos that as well. this would have to physically speaking be done with the help and mediation of russia. this would be crucial and the there are number of steps that have been taken on cards issued its interest and ensuring that the territorial integrity of syria will be provided to, to the syrian governments that it starts with territorial integrity and borders would be protected. and uncles, so once something out of this is what, so there seems to be some discourse at this very moment. decisions like this, some of the united states seem to oppose any and all efforts ensuring any kind of peace and stability. integrity within the middle east, west back to syria and political analysts that comes up make isabella's a down. and she says, the u. s. has a long track record of imposing sanctions on countries. it doesn't favor this susan,
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or this booth who is by the united states or the senate. so i'm assuming and people is like any other sanctions imposed by the u. s. it's never been to help any people like what some of the senate members are claiming they are claiming that they are imposing this bill to help the story and people was they were calling. the crisis is a 13 year crisis. as the searching year warranty, syria with the worst crisis, why it's nothing less than a war. when the u. s. and it's international. both international and regional allies use center is coming from all around the world to flight the syrian government and the syrian people seeing government that they insist on calling this a routine as trusting their, let's say, aggressive sounds or to towards the syrian government. this is one and this
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section like any other satisfaction and close to the history by the united states of america on country is that they don't fly. it's never been to have this meeting . people at the united states and pull is more pressure on government. they don't like an older 2. we can regional alliances and international alliances that are not in the favor of the original nomic rule of the united states of america over today right now where his ball as anita has confirmed a desk of 6 group members in his run the attack on friday. and us, rollo went on to about the 10 of a was paying blog for the civilians had killed in southern lebanon this week. it does it, i thought the enemy and its friends will see that the price of blood will be in blood and not just by targeting sights, vehicles, or spite devices. this is only
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a part of the battle and it will continue. the statement follows a barrage of us, of all our rockets fired into northern israel on thursday with civilian infrastructure reporting to be being hit this, i'm sorry, 5 footage reports to show damage to a house in these really city of care yet no, no, no casualties. have been reported football assess, the rocket strike was in response to the idea of strikes 11 on south which reported the killed over to 10 civilians including 5 children. this makes it a lot easier to attack and civilians along the lebanese border since the conflict. the gun and gaza is reclaimed, it was targeting the area in retaliation for iraq and attacks had killed. and these really sold the respect to political analyst aaliyah. yeah, he says that is really isn't ready for war with lebanon in 2006, just one aspect of has a lot was a enough. so, but use what i mean to an open list. so the suite days,
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well i guess demo why now the stomach has, will, uh, cut it out. 1038 a solution onto yesterday. but the as well, um, you didn't choose to open up too long with an open war. with head below was no limit. oh no voltage. i think that the usual army is not too heavy is not for the life by the, by the under solutions to go to a war with level. because the by that and your solution, it is saying and announcing that level is in america case and also a b, b. that is what it is not worthy of stick with always likely to go in the 2nd world with has a lot with, with the most effective and least didn't go into the world view through
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the american and the central secretary. and i've seen that the met that i be militarily because going to who with head below would be we take the situation to a different lab, husband have more than 110000 soldiers. the situation and stuff is level is different from gaza. the awesome to the of the siege, gusta also the bottom is open to celia and do the work. and 2 of those, the 2nd who are with as well, we may a illusion. illusion. and those are the top stars. that's our head to our website or to come for more news and analysis. i'm a big show on josh going underground is up next
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