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tv   News  RT  February 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EST

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the, the, the headline stories this, our ukraine's military chief confirm is a withdrawal of troops from the key city about the pierce of president zalinski tour europe and a big drum up and yet more financing grades suffering more effort. also this, our new bill, again the judy, this is the neo colonial divide of the world into those who consider themselves exceptional interest. those who are given the role of doing the will of gods chosen ones. precious foreign minister of calls for an n 2 colonial dependency in his speech of the for the freedom of nations for them held your most or attended by hundreds of delegates from over 50 comes from us. authorities cracked on on an f. b, i, informant, to a ledge,
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that the items from link to $10000000.00 in bribes, dubious business dealings. the live for must go. this is our to international. my name's you know, new and you're welcome to the news. our. the commander in chief of ukraine's military has confirmed that his forces are retreating from the city of, of disc uh in the done yet square public. the strategic vocation has seen months of relentless bottles with key ebs troops reported to have taken must have lost since based on the operational situation around of dave. in order to avoid and circle mounts and preserve the lives in house of service, i decided to withdraw our units from the city and move the defense on more favorable lines. if true, this would be a major development on the front line b. i'm saying if true, because the russian come on is you have to confirm that indeed it's nemesis has
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retreated from this strategic point. but again, we have seen we have seen reports and we've talked to men on the ground to our sources on the ground. we have been saying that the fighting indeed has been relentless and if the ukrainian forces have decided to abandon of the day of cause, that would be a major development due to several reasons. first and foremost, it would be a 1st move of this calling on behalf of the ukrainian forces in over a year. in fact, we haven't seen anything of the sort since they the withdrawal and pull out over the town of lucy chance can dilute guns group public back in 2022. now even the, the one of the most bloody is bottles. the all of this conflict, the battle for the city of buck moved not to almost despite all the advice that the god from the nato allies, from please from mothers, sisters, and relatives, just families, friends of those who were there on the bus route, front line. they decided to hold the ground,
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then even then they lost that town. so the decision to pull out of date is something that we haven't seen in quite a while. also at the same time, remember that update is literally a the net sub to an unfamiliar person. to an unfamiliar person might not even notice that they already left the nets and ended up day of could. so that's a talent, it's very, very close to this major city. and that was often from, with, didn't ask civilians were shows. and so if the russian troops managed to push the ukrainian forces further away from of the events that would make in the city of the next much safe. and it would be able to finally breeze a gulf of fresh air, so to speak. because cheap to re shells would be simple, the city would be simply out of range, would cheap all tillery shelves. also, a big thing to look out for is where the front line will basically stretch along,
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which we do to loan, which which towns and villages. because right now, it is unclear where exactly view creating and forces prepared the full back positions. so again, it is, uh, it's, we are yet to see if the russian troops will just be satisfied with taking the idea of the day of good town. because of the rule, there's plenty to be done that there has been k us in the ranks of the korean forces reported by themselves from leaks videos. uh the last uh, basically the last radio that was radio silence on the positions of many, many units. so many units could maybe they didn't get the come on to withdrawal. maybe they simply were to, in circled, ready to pull out to do that safely. so of course, the zillow to be done to clear of they've got of, uh, any presence of you create in forces. that is the task that seems to be in front of the russian on forces right now. but again,
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we'll have to see the russian combined will want to capitalize on this and we'll try to push and send ukrainian force is running and fleeing further inquiry shutdown off for ukraine's miller treehouse release of this on verified footage sick plumes of smoke can be seen rising over what appears to be a major chemical factory and of the, of the largest co processing plant of its kind in europe use the fuel, industrial furnace that former c i a analysts, laurie johnson says, keeps trips. i've been months and i've gone then the key city. the 1st most important point is to have trained military personnel. the know how to operate a combined arms. what that means is that, say you're a soldier in the trench and, but you've got radio communication that you could call in air force the, you know, the air, air, air power trap plan to come in and carry out
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a strike. except ukraine doesn't have any aircraft to do that. now you can call for a helicopter books. the other problem you create doesn't have that. you can try to coordinate artillery, fire, and take fire and mortar fire. and yes, you cranes got very limited ammunition on that. but the problem is, well, is in the west, the west can't produce the west, the industrial capability of the west has been hollowed out. and they shifted much of their ability to produce those kinds of arguments to other places overseas. so it's not a matter of flipping a switch and having the united states magically supply some $155.00 millimeter artillery route. so across the board, you're looking at ukraine with the polluted manpower, chaotic leadership and not enough ammunition. and what appears to be ukraine's increasingly faltering war effort has taken center stage out. the ongoing unit security conference. nato's chief took the floor there to urge washington to call
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felt more money for kids. in your opinion, console has approved. unimportant due package of aids to ukraine, and i expect the us to follow suit. this is vital when it comes that ukraine's president is touring european capital is wearing officials, or at least trying to to keep funding the military conflicts. he's being hosted by as hunter part in partis, where they to sign the beloved real security pack. the deal runs for a decade that includes $3000000.00 euro in french aid for this year alone or year living. there is a landscape into a similar agreement in germany with berlin, pledging to provide yet more money and training for kids. for meanwhile, us lawmakers remain at all. it's over at propose financial aid package for ukraine . republicans and democrats have been at failing to strike a deal for months now. the white house wants to keep pumping more money to key if
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the us vice president spoke to the end of the security for him in munich, while claiming not ukraine's military is winning. and russia is the one that's in trouble make no mistake or has already been an actor failure for russia. ukraine has re gained more than half the territory russia occupied at the start of the conflict. thanks in part to a massive supply of americans and european weapons. i apply the recent $54000000000.00 commitment the made to support you on top of the more than $100000000.00. are your pin outlines and partners have already dedicated a well instructional consultant, defense specialist, early rozmini's insured his perspective with us. he believes us lawmakers so you
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claim a loss calls that are shifting the financial burden to the you. there's some divisions. i think some are uh, some are going saying repairs are realistic and they realize that this is the last cause. and it's just now finding the money there, but i mean, a lot of them, there's some there. are they actually volk lights? it's saying, and it's just, it's there to, we can rush or more, just prolong it as much as i can think there's going to be finger pointing back and forth is of one side. i'll say, uh, i'm in a bite and get us into this. why didn't we even in here and then the bite inside. we'll what we'll say. i see we didn't get the funding because uh, because the republican, so they're gonna play off today to their uh you know, their, their supporters in the background and the only thing, i mean there's, there's ways to move around this, the details, but a temporary stuff. gap and or somehow it's a or to put pressure even to put pressure, additional pressure on the europeans to provide additional support on the but,
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but yes, he shifted the blame and it's not surprising. i mean, a vitamin shifted to blame since it was a center. so it doesn't really surprise me at all that that's what it's looking at, which a lot of politicians do, i mean that's what they do. that's the name of the game. while the us sundance allies plain the world is united against then isolated russia, many countries in other parts of the globe beg to differ, or africa bureau chief, no say it, but him, he's in munich, and expands on that important detail this year of the munich security conference faces may use a criticism on various fronts, mainly from a globe, a south african like an american, an asian perspective. empty imperialist critics argue that the munich security conference, pre domain and the features,
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voices from west and countries side, lightning those from the global south limiting diversity of perspectives, neglecting security challenges such as conflict resolution in africa and the impacts of critical. yeah, legacy is the view, the munich security conference as perpetrating new going on. you had a power structures, marginalizing african and latin american countries. agency and giving priority only to security threats. relevant to western interests, while overlooking pressing issues like poverty and equality and the rubbing of national resources. critics also note that the conference often focuses on symptom management rather than addressing root causes with limited global
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south one for one's on policy, an insufficient attention to economic development. and they cannot make independence. critics also argue that the munich security conference, primarily, but a bit of sense leads to policy makers, excluding voices from civil society and marginalized communities inside you or itself. is it conceivable that the munich security conference was, it's predominantly less than governmental. i'm calling for the composition with embrace since the critique from the global south. it appeared as improbable that an establishment quoted and had gemini reed. i'm conflict with red daily. acknowledge the necessity for abroad that inclusive at t. o, the expansion of discussions to a compass,
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social economic consents more over challenging the funds, the month to structure for, for global or the that sustains itself on the subjugation of anti uh, nations, particularly from africa and latin america. and denies them a secure, an equitable, unbalanced position seems beyond the comprehension of such an imperialist neil colonialist security conference. this is most abraham reporting here for munich on the munich security conference. 2024th will very much related to the, the global side phase. increasingly coming together to resist western pressure that was the message and merging and indeed seem vividly an empty neil colonialism for them held here in moscow with officials for more than 50 nations taking part
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foreign minister sir gal overall to the floor, to also condemn what he called the siphoning of resources by the us, from europe, a yoko, natalie julia. this is the neo colonial divide of the world into those who consider themselves exceptional. and the rest, those who are given the role of doing the will of god's chosen ones. our choice in any situation is to negotiate in order to find a balance between the legitimate interests of the parties. and i emphasize precisely the legitimate interest boys, if their allies themselves prefer to continue their hopeless attempts to impose their ultimatums and the illusionary hope of holding onto the elusive instruments of neo colonial head, gemini. that is their choice. russia is ready for that to kneel, colonialism is a dead end pass. whoever file is, it is doomed to turn on conflict. it is enough to look at the relations within the western camp itself. with some neo colonial lives. there's have already begun to devour others amid economic problems. the americans have already opened. we started
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sucking resources out of europe. with ortiz, marina cost river was out the for them to and heard 1st town how nations are pressing on with independent policies. the spike pressure from former colonial powers, as the name of the form suggests, gathered here are representatives of countries fulfilled on the west. neo colonial as practices are harming their home life. for the wes benefit, we are talking about africa, asia, lots in america, europe. there are literally 400 delegates from over 50 countries and they are here to figure out mechanisms and strategies to ensure that they no longer have to play by the west rules. they want to cut their dependence on the west, so they don't have to face punishment by them in case they don't agree. we go to a new, a new york
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new and continuing wiggle room in for us into such a pleasure to be here in was because the russians did that issue and he needs to get to a mission new the junior play. the very important role in the but asian of the applicant when came into where he bites, buys a united russia party to participate in this confidence. and we believes that the 5 days and you should see easy line. we are more we believe that same day for the last season that you find it sees 3 years age and education. so it easy line. we said neil calling adams the sound of the common protective se forum i seen with these as
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a very important farm against the bank. the last little situation because the world is unavailable for phone changes. i know i see that the world is far from being made. just a was a ram from new globalization which can be expressed in the whole fairing area in other countries or fans you know, building blocks. the form started with medium advantage of taking those by 21961. the one adopted a resolution grant and independence to colonial countries and peoples, 89 countries voted in favor of that resolution and 9 countries of stains. and among them, interestingly enough, france, of course, the west, the u. k. and australia will since and the west has continued its damage in practice as well as russia has helped the postcolonial countries to grow. i know
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that our country has done much to break down the foundations of the colonial system and to support national liberation movements. it has provided young, independent states with serious assistance in ensuring security, establishing the economy and solving acute social and humanitarian problems. and today, we are ready to unite our efforts in the struggle for true freedom and justice for progress, for all countries and peoples for the formation of a democratic multi point a world or to. clearly the country is representative here, feel rushed as support and they align themselves with the rushes vision of a multi polar world. and a lot has been side as well about breaks, especially now as we know that the alliance is growing and expanding. and as we know and share of global g, d, p has overtaken the share of gdp of the g 7. and as we know, the more countries are about to joining the alliance, this is only going to make that share grow. and again, we know that developing countries, for example,
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their share and world freight is increasing suddenly whereas the share and world flight of developed economies is diminishing. so this is definitely going to change the dynamics in the world. and this is also something that's been brought up here again. so now they're working on making these mechanisms work so that they completely to lose their total dependence on the west. we wish just small guns and did a general limit lease, which is the conflicting unpaid, across the extension to wet, altogether as populous of dignified countries worldwide. and by hand through each area agreement. i'm a do all the process together into fighting this new calling colonialism with all its aspects. claim back. it's fully to con economics over and part of this over into being fossil through this. one of them must be dependent vacation of all it may not as in order to drive the robust industrialization. the aim here is to build
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on that progress and to find ways to ensure that the west can no longer dictate its rules on anyone else or so that doesn't have the power to punish any country for not going along with what the west swans for not playing along with its rules and also what we're seeing here is a desire of these countries so that the west can never again bring any country to its knees. we uh, so much excited with the launch of this forum of patches to fight i gazed nero calling the other than we knew to do for new organization like this one. so that we can establish of our own tools that can then make as most 3 nations via any country that wants to move forward, must be free and independent. and that is why there's a huge interest in this great conference today. i must say that it comes up just the right time when there is tremendous pressure in many countries. when you can
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really see the daily feeling of neo colonial is donald trump is under fresh pressure ahead of this year's presidential election. a new york judge has ordered the republican frontrunner to pay over $350000000.00 after finding him and his associates, including family members. guilty, y'all intentionally committing financial fraud over the course of a decade. mr. trump denies the charges on has slammed the verdict as a quote complete sent telephone shot. the case pertains to an investigation that was launched in 2019 while he was still president. the former american leader is now expected to file an appeal is just one of a string of civil and criminal law suits. donald trump is facing state veteran, new york journalist and or 3rd, daniel, as our group done to make this verdict for us. this trial is of course a complete flux, right?
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totally ridiculous. i mean, i mean, somehow trump is guilty of committing fraud. yet no one was defrauded the bang he repaid the fat. he repaid his loans with interest, the banks were very happy. he sold the real estate properties in question and the people we sold them, so we're very happy. and so, so no, there was no harm. it's a big most crime. there was no crime. this, this case is a far as the new york state law and which is on which it's based as defective. uh, but clearly clearly there is a general democratic party push to get trump to tie him up with the courts to discredit him before the election takes place november. but the, the important thing is, is that it appears to be backfiring and an absurd judgements like this uh, are actually going to hurt the democrats more than they heard trump an x and
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foreman for the f. b. i who investigated the bygone family's business dealings in ukraine, has been arrested by us authorities, alexander, smirnoff hows, being charged with making apartment leak false claims. the joe biden on his own hunter accepted $10000000.00 in bribes. republicans helping using the allegations to try and build a case for impeaching president by the defendant story to the f. b. i was a fabrication, an amalgam of otherwise on remarkable business meetings and contacts that it actually occurred. but at a later date, then he claimed, and for the purpose of pitching, prism on the defendant's services and products, not for discussing bribes to public official one when he was in the office. well, we have the case of alexander smyrna, and this is an individual that according to special counsel, david weiss, he's now being indicted for making a false statement and creating a false and stick tissues record. he could face up to 25 years in prison,
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essentially for providing what they allowed just balls information to the f b i essentially, he came forward then he talks to the guy about the hunter by whose scandal regarding the risk, my holdings right after the 2014 your roommate and to the son of then vice president joe biden, who's currently the president of the united states uh, got hired by a ukranian energy firm called burris my holdings. now he got hired by them and he had no previous experience in the energy industry. and he was paid quite handsomely for his work. the whole thing smacked of corruption to most observers. so it's a ledge that smearing of misrepresented the truth to the, the i've and told them that they had that, that they had told him, they hired him to protect us through his dad and all kinds and from all kinds of problems. now they're claiming that this is not an accurate statement. now it's not clear if alexander is near enough july, but it's worth pointing out that throughout the donald trump presidency and
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throughout the, you know, dealings with allegations of trump, russia collusion there, all kinds of falls statements that were made. for example, christopher steel, his infamous dot ca, that claim to prove donald trump was beholden to russia. that's been completely debunk the entire collusion investigation now showed that there was simply no evidence of illusion between trump and russia. and we have a report from the special council investigation saying the basis of that entire story that the media ran with for the 4 years of trumps presidency was not accurate . this is what the ultimate report from the us department of justice had to say about the story of trump. russia collusion completely the box, the special councils investigation did not find that the trump campaign, or any one associated with it, conspired or coordinated with russia and its efforts to influence the 2016 us presidential election. and then there was james clapper, right? james clapper from the office of the director of national intelligence. he went
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around to other intelligence officials and had them sign a letter saying that the 100 by whom laptop story was russian. this information and a number of former intelligence officials basically sign this letter urging the american people not to believe the hunter, laptops story that undermines laptop with some kind of fictitious russian propaganda. well, it turned out the 100 by the laptop story was indeed real. the laptop existed, the contents of the laptop were not misrepresented. it was a true story, but the intelligence community was mobilized to urge the american public to ignore it. this is all the james clamber, former director of national intelligence, had to say about that. there was message distortion. all we were doing was raising a yellow flag that this could be russian does information. so right before the us elections, we had a major scandal related to the family of one of the presidential candidates that we had government officials, former intelligence officials mobilize, do you know, suppressed. and it turned out to be a true story. now it's appears that throughout the allegations of trump,
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russia collusion, and throughout the impeachment of donald trump related to his phone call was the landscape. there was all kinds of false statements, all kinds of lying that was done. but at this point, only this, alexander smear knob individual has been charged. so that raises suspicion about the balance of forces in washington dc. and the one side is most of american justice now onto buying will be testifying before a congressional committee before the end of the month. and that is something that many critics of the binding ministration are very happy about. they are hoping that a 100 buying will be faced with some tough questions about his business dealings with various, my holdings and other corruption that people look at from his laptop and from other reports that have come out. but it appears that there is very selective enforcement of this law regarding lying to the, the i or this representing the truth to federal investigators and informants of the fact that some or not has been charged. but christopher steel, james clapper,
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and so many people who said so many false things throughout the trump presidency and its aftermath remain at large spacing, no charges. it points to a certain bias and how to laws being enforced. they just want to stay with this story. a little longer because we also heard from the host of ortiz 360 the scale. so you know, shoes. she say is not the spiked the latest indictment, the bite, and the family still have some major questions to answer of the republicans investigation and the appeasement jo. by that is completely hedging a lot on this case. so today in the west, if you're a democrat and you're a part of by the administration, you're celebrating this, this latest thing that has come out about alexander smirnoff. his arrest when he landed in the las vegas here for the here read airports your celebrated because now the f. b. i, by the way, i was, you know, smyrna wasn't f b i, informant. today just arrested their own inform. it's for information that he gave them, that supposedly they did some sort of an action on, but they didn't valves,
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they didn't verify it before they put it out in this either shows that we have a very inept f b. i or what is more likely happening is they're trying to cover up their own tracks and everything going on. their l haired. fact hunter biding himself joint bereavement in 2013 and between 20132018. took in $11000000.00. that is a fact we turn attention to gals that were for more journalists were killed on friday, bringing the total number of media workers who died there since the start of the war to $130.00, that's according to officials in the in bottle. then click a representative of the palestinian journalist syndicate to list the just doing one this job in cancer. it's all the full enterprise of being a journalist in gaza. first, it means that you may use your life any 2nd means that you are not protected,
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means that you can even lose a leg or lose an hour or have a thing, this non stop trauma, i'll see you losing loved ones losing the offices and not being able to work with no electricity, no food in today, and the weather in dense, no internet knock on vacation. this is what really means to be a during the list that i, i guess there's little during that it's in the word really worked and the circumstances of each one of our colleagues when i called them they say we're not sure if we wouldn't be alive tomorrow. because they are, they seem, they are all really at the target. and according to the us base committee to protect journalist, most of the media workers killed worldwide last year. a we're operating inside gas and the n g o saves it's being the deadliest you are for reporter. since 2050. the overwhelming majority of the journalist killed since a.


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