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tv   Direct Impact  RT  February 17, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EST

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suppressed and it turned out to be a true story. but now it's appears that throughout the allegations of trump, russia collusion, and throughout the impeachment of donald trump, related to his phone call was the lensky. there was all kinds of false statements, all kinds of lying that was done. but at this point, only this, alexander smear knob individual has been charged. so that raises suspicion about the balance of forces in washington dc and the one sided and as of american justice . now, hunter buying will be testifying before a congressional committee before the end of the month, and that is something that many critics of the binding ministration are very happy about. they are hoping that a 100 buying will be faced with some tough questions about his business dealings with version the holdings and other corruption that people look at from his laptop and from other reports that have come out. uh, but it appears that there is very selective enforcement of this law regarding lying to the, the i or miss representing the truth to federal investigators and informants. so
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the fact that smear knob has been charged but christopher steel, james clapper, and so many people who said so many false things throughout the trump presidency and its aftermath uh, remain at large spacing, no charges. it points to a certain bias and how the laws being enforced early we heard from the host about these 360 view school to you. now sue's, she says that despite the latest indictments, the bite and family still have major questions to answer the republicans investigation and the appeasement jo by that is completely hedging a lot on this case. so today in the west, if you're a democrat and you're a part of the, by the administration, you're celebrating this, this latest thing that has come out about alexander smirnoff, his arrest when he landed in the las vegas here for the here read airports your celebrated because now the f, b i by the way, i was interested in a was an f, b i, informant. so they can just arrested their own inform. it's for information that he gave them, that supposedly they did some sort of an action on,
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but they didn't valves, they didn't verify it before they put it out in this either shows that we have a very inept f b. i or what is more likely happening is they're trying to cover up their own tracks and everything going on. their l haired. fact, hunter biden himself joined bereavement in 2013, and between 20132018. took in $11000000.00. that is a fact us them across excel as a chris bond holder and has found himself in hot water that's off the he voted in favor of sending military aids to as well well, public, the accusing the country of committing will crimes. and johnson sen, van holland says, i cannot support a blank check for the netanyahu government's current campaign in gaza. and then went on to support a blank check. democratic senators, war and invited holland have voiced the criticism of israel, but nonetheless just voted for the $95000000000.00 for an a bill that gives these
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rail $14000000000.00 because it also includes 61000000000 dollars for the ukraine proxy. will the meal come? takeover of the democratic policy is so complete that progressives are now funding a genocide. they claim to oppose. senator chris van, holland, kids in gaza are now dying from the deliberate withholding of food. that is a war crime. it is a textbook war crime and that makes those who orchestrated war criminals. then the senator voted for military aid was but all this into context the us senate recently passed a $95000000000.00 store and a bill which provides funds full ukraine on settings as well. $14000000000.00, but it's will in gaza. the face of the bill is still in, but it was, it sits in the house of representatives, were republicans, us, the nice thing to relocate me. i was big, full green lighting, the a package of band hall and stood in the center is i live in boston as well. so can
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i take a choice that sees in the palace to the united place that are present? i want that to sink. yeah. kids in guys are now dying from the deliberate withholding of food in addition to the heart of that news . one other thing is true, that is a work right. it is a textbook work, right. and that makes those who orchestrated work, criminal published in american journalist ramsey, but we would say the inconsistency between instead of the event. holden's actions on words reflects the wider american sentiments. so i read a deluxe thing that this is an issue of, of senator, of then the holland, per se. i think the holland expresses the largest sentiment of the democratic administration of, of jo by that. and that is, um, you know, provide a political discourse that may appear to be challenging is really oh, or,
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or confronting as well, or at these demanding as well to be a little bit kinder in its genocide against the palestinians. what on the other hand, actually when, when it comes to the action to pounds, they do everything in their power to keep as well strong, to keep providing what is to is wellington to defend, is will, before the extreme, the enraged international are committed to the security council and other institution. so holland is just really a, the presentation of the over american ad situation regarding the warrant gauze and the last one, a 130 to 3 days. if you'd like to find out more about this story and anything else you can visit our website all t adult. com. we have all the latest updates that on documentary is old. so i'm back in 30 minutes with we'll see you then the
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. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. i've been doing news for 30 years and 2 languages all over the world. here in the us, i've interviewed for you as president's working for the u. s. has major television networks. i don't like what they do. see, i think news should be honest and direct and impactful. this direct impact the the, well, disney company recently reported it lost 900000000 dollars in movies that, well just didn't do so well because people decided they didn't want to go see them . that's almost a $1000000000.00. now just how many bucks office flops of disney incurred? well, let's look at the numbers. where we learned that the last 8 big movies that disney
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released did not do well. not at all guardians of the galaxy and the little mermaid, and that would be that those are bad, strange world light, your even worse summer, calling them complete failures in the industry. so when kids, right, i mean those, those sound like solid titles, solid beans, which in the past would have been great for disney. right. so what's different? but the differences, the characters have been changed, right? they've been modified, not just modernize, know they've been given. progressive makeovers, and that is making many americans think that disney has just gone too far and that they no longer represent them. for example, on cora, one of america's most popular question and answer platforms, this question pops up. that's why we see so many gay and lesbian characters and almost all of us movies or tv series. most of the comments sounded like this,
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quote, this honestly drives me insane. i will start by saying that i have nothing against homosexuals or transgender is or whatever else there are out there these days. but it's getting out of control, stop quote. and there's this comment. i agree, a guy agenda is being thrown in our faces, whether we want it or not. look, as far as we're concerned, whether there's a agenda at disney and it exists or it doesn't exist as it's not for us, but they got i'd rather just look at the numbers, the research. and here's what upsets according to gallop, roughly 7 percent of americans identify as gay, lesbian, or transsexual, 7 percent. that means that would be perfectly normal and expected to see occasionally or 7 percent of the time or more characters on tv and movies, who are gay or lesbian, or trans actual right? perfectly normal. but what many americans say they see,
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and what studies seem to show is that it's not occasional far from it. it's more like i'm the present or everywhere. in fact, well only 7 percent of americans may identify as l g. b in movies, they're more like at a minimum 20 percent. don't take my word for it. this is a study that's done by glad this is a non profit organization that advocates for l g b t, according to their report. one 5th of all the movies that are made in hollywood have at least one l. g b, 2 character. that means, according to hollywood, 25 percent of america is gay, lesbian, or transsexual. now, is that reality? not even close, right. i mean, hollywood is for training on america that is it like the real america yet according to glad hollywood is it doing enough? they want to make sure that america is more representative of gay, lesbian and transsexuals. well, that's what they advocate to be fair,
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according to glad hollywood still has, quote, a long way to go to get it right. what they argue is that we should be seeing more good characters and so far, companies like lions gate and paramount pictures, and so many pictures on united artists and universal pictures. walt disney studios warner brothers seem to agree because they are in fact casting more l g b t characters. but apparently not enough, according to glass. studies do show that growing number of americans among those americans who support l g b t, right. so they actually support l g b t rides. but there's sometimes i'm comfortable sitting down to watch television with their families and saying on america that doesn't resemble the america that they have come to know for them is not a question of accepting l g b t. it's about watching tv shows, commercials, and movies that tell them every family must have a uncle or a lesbian aunt or an eligibility son or a daughter, or
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a grand parents. even though real demographics don't bear that out. but that's not the only issue where hollywood is kind of losing america. the fact of the matter is, mirrors were taken tv and movies in america. kind of get up distorted sense of who we really are. men, for example, man, are generally emasculated in the media. these days and had been for about a decade or so, the leading man used to be a dude who was strong and not afraid to show his virility and his aggressiveness. sometimes maybe too much. sure. but that's now being been replaced by a softer version of man. and it's worse, men are off and actually presented as a stupid, clumsy not capable. whether you're watching a commercial or a movie or a tv show, that's what you're going to see. i always have to be corrected by somebody else, especially women. because women, on the other hand, are now the super heroes. they are the top cots, with all the right, karate shots,
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well man have to be saved by them. women are also generally smarter and more capable than men in hollywood, according to movies, and according to commercials, or how they're portrayed. the don't get me wrong. men still make more money than women and all they would. and that's not right. but when it comes to image, even close, and that's a some social psychologist. and so c ologist is having kind of a, an adverse effect on boys who are growing up in america who are just kind of confused. like, what's my role supposed to be? fact is the world that hollywood creates is simply nothing like the world that we live in latin americans, for example, hispanic americans. they make up almost 20 percent of the population of the united states. that means or one 5th of the population right. now when you watch tv and movies, according to studies,
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they barely even are visible. even though they're 20 percent of the population, they make up only 3 percent of, of the characters that you see on, on tv, and movies. and how are they presented in those movies? criminals cleaning ladies, drug dealers. the americans, for example, have it much better these days. after all those years of being treated horribly by hollywood. now, even though they only make up 13 percent of the population, they say on the present in movies, good. see and tv commercials and, and tv shows by most accounts as seen by many casualty viewers, african american seem to represent anywhere between 25 to 50 percent of the population, even though demographically, that's nowhere near correct. and by the way, more often than not, they are presented positively by hollywood casters, professionals, doctors and business people and lawyers. white southerners, for example, our cast has poured adults on educated bigots. the question is whether one group is
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better than the other. obviously, the reality of america is that it's filled with wonderful stories of great achievers, or black or african american, former slaves also, asians, and white, and hispanic. and every few in between the question is this hollywood skew demographic reality? and in so doing, is it losing america's trust in general? most conservatives, of course, so yes, but they're not alone when it comes to not trusting hollywood. many americans, including liberals, discovered a long time ago that hollywood is not the place you want to go to better understand the world of the country that we live in. in fact, hollywood is that a history of lying to us flat out lying to us? no place. is it more on dishes, more malignant,
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then it's relationship with the military. did you know that the defense department has a special office of a special department within the department that works with hollywood to approve and even help right and produce the movies that you watch? it seems that this is how they get us. for example, if you think about it, put yourself in the times of all these things that happen in the united states, those movies. and those tv shows is how they got us to hate the vietnamese one day . but then they switched to the rockies for the f counties. the next there's a terrorist gloss. busy by hollywood standards, by hollywood standards, tend to be violent errands. russians are bullies, the chinese are sneaky. now remember, the japanese used to be sneaky, but that's no longer the case. because hollywood decided to reassign the sneaky thing from the japanese now to the chinese. because somebody,
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and i guess the pentagon or the state department made that decision, talk about marching orders. here's the point. according to research conducted in places like the university of georgia. hollywood is in bed with the us state department and the pentagon. so much so that if you want to make a movie and they don't like it, it's probably not going to be the same. so say you are a producer and you want to make a war film. you would walk into the entertainment liaison office in downtown los angeles resale when a film an air force base or what an ad across the carrier, i want some black old helicopters or whatever it is. and they would tell you straight away, give us your entire script. in the documentary theaters of war that you just saw, piece of producers and directors explain how the pentagon insist on control of their message. that means you have to turn your script literally over to them.
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some people probably would say, well yeah, i've heard of this like the top gun maybe black hawk down, maybe some of the marble series. but what they don't know is how systematic this has been. and how huge this operation is being you can call it censorship. you can call it propaganda. it's, it's all of these things. censorship, propaganda that says those are the words of oliver stone. now he is one of the few directors who have succeeded without seeking the approval from the pentagon. somebody's been able to bypass a, but that's one and a 1000000. so just how pronounced is the state department's hold on the message that we receive and movies the producers of theater award did a freedom of information act to try and get those details. those numbers, which they say when they saw them, that they were stunned. what we've found is that thousands of homes, thousands upon thousands of products have been affected and are often rewritten at
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script level by the national security state in the united states. the normal people know about that because they don't by the way, what do you say we continue this conversation? you and i how do you say we go to twitter? i'm there. you're there. call it x. call it what you want there. i'm rick sanchez, tv rick sanchez, tv. i'll be looking for you when we come back. how hollywood sells out. not just in terms of a faith america that they create, but also how they sell out to the state department independent gone. do they allow to rewrite their scripts? as i mentioned earlier, i just find that amazing me right back the
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the president find the president need to talk. i've said that repeatedly, publicly and privately in the united states. for years, you cannot solve this without me sitting down, and this is not ukraine and russia sitting down. this is the united states and russia sitting down and talking about a serious way to have neutral respect. and they have mutual security because that's absolutely what's needed for this world. the talking about this is ted rall. he's a political cartoonist and you can find it by the way, at raul dot com r a l l dot com. of course you can find him anywhere else cuz he's very publish
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also very controversial. which may be one of the reasons that we have on the show that let's get to it. what do you say? let's do it. so last night i was watching a movie with my wife. i went to uh apple tv, and uh, i was watching this, jennifer garner, i wrote down the title. the last thing he told me is the name of the series good series. you can tell it's well done, they put some money behind it and stuff. but right, as soon as i started watching it, i saw something that, that, that stood out for me as just an average boy, american guy, you know, were hispanic american guy. so in the interviews jennifer gardener, she's being jennifer broader, but that all of a sudden her associate is an african american woman who is immediately like one of the 1st themes is kissing her lesbian girlfriend. and i'm just thinking is that really necessary? but you don't find the fact that she's african american,
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then the next character is also uh, somebody who is obviously a day. most of the actors are academic african american and, and, and i'm saying this as a di ted, there is no worse atrocity in the history of our country than what we did to african americans. and they do deserve, and they deserve to be put in a place now where people can understand them as something other than the way we used to treat them in hollywood and the way we treated them across the board. but unfortunately, that's not what's happened. it's not honest what i see when i turn on movies. when i see hollywood is not what america looks like, but what they're trying for america to be there may be 3 percent the population escape. that's great and they need to be represented. what about 50 percent? african americans are 13 percent of the population. they're not 60 percent. so it's creating a backlash. this empty hollywood, empty movie, anti entertainment backlash, which is creating a width in america. that's my perspective. what's yours?
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a. look, i've experienced it personally. i pitch stuff to hollywood. quite often. i have a project right now in development. i had another project that was based on one of my own books. it was called really american to admit the worst thing i've ever done . um and uh, basically the show that was, it was pitched to me, someone came to me and said we'd like to turn this into a tv show. and basically i was going to be the host. i was gonna be the m c. and then we're gonna sort of have people recreate the worst thing that they'd ever done in episode after episode. yeah. at one point they come to me and they said, you know, there's this problem, you're a white guy and we're wondering, you know, do, do you care if the host is not you? i'm like, okay, with the host. it's not me. i have other things to do. it's like do you care if the host is black, for example, or another person of color? i'm like, no, i don't care. and then the like, oh god, but it really should be you because he wrote the book. i'm like, well,
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you guys got to decide what you want to do. i can't become black. i'm just, this is why i am in the, in the whole project fell apart because they couldn't spoil that. they said that they couldn't leave the production company, said that there's just was no bandwidth in hollywood these days for projects that either showcase a white male straight assist normative able bodied star much less and m c. and you know it, it is. i noticed similar things. i'm in the world of pub book publishing. i went to the local, independent books earlier today. all the books from the center table that are featured. they're all this just like you describe, right. sort of like, uh, you know, my 1st lesbian kids or, or whatever. and i'm kind of like thinking, this is so american. we go from a world where a black people never saw themselves on t right ever, chico, and a man was a revolutionary shot, right? for, for to kind of it's right, and then it's like now we're, we're like,
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white people may not see. hold on tv. and that's what this is the 1st country as the point. i don't think either one of us would classify ourselves or could be classified as people who are either racist or don't want other people to be seen on tv. it's just that when i turn on my tv, it doesn't look anything like the america that i live in. it's, i want to do whatever isn't taishan. i want dave. it's ok if you want to throw in a trans character from time to time. i certainly want african americans and asian americans and everybody else by the way, hispanics are 20 percent in population. we're only drug dealers in movies for some reason. but i so, so it in us, it in us, you know, no, it's not us. and like, the thing is, you know, if, if blacks are 14 percent of the population, then if they should be in front of our eyes, roughly 14, the time is in all arenas. right? but i can put on that because i tried that numbers. i can show you there, there is somewhere between 35 and 55. that's it. well, that's kind of, yeah,
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that's kind of insane. and you know, i was thinking about, you may have seen this old movie, i think of, from the eighty's early ninety's called boomerang. eddie murphy was the star and it was an experiment clicked on. it was experimental, felt great movies takes place in an office and without comment. everyone in the field is black, right? there's no, there's no, it's in an office. i think it's a legal office, but there's no clerks who are white, there's no, everyone's just black, and the fact that they're black isn't really central to the plot. it's just a world where everyone's a black american. it's cool, but it's an experiment. and that, that is becoming what hollywood looks like. yeah. for real. and it's like that's not a correction. a correction is where you make the, you make pop culture. look the way that society, right. i said we both agree. there's something weird that the creating a world that doesn't exist, and for some reason they're manipulating it. now, what is the cause, right? i, this is what there's a couple of different things that we can talk about here. the 1st is to the people
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in those professions who are in management and make the decisions. that's what they believe. in other words, they're likely is a majority of or they're a majority of people in hollywood for example. they tend to be very well very liberal. you know, i don't want to go into the discussion too much, but they, they, they probably tend to be more gay. they probably tend to be living in a world that makes them want to do that. that might be one of the reasons you agree . i think that's part of it. i mean, you know, i saw bill maher sketch, where he was talking about how, you know, there's, there's, it's very likely, if you're in like manhattan, where i live, or l a, where he lives, that, you know, you'll know, a parent who has a, a transgender child you know, not so likely if you're from youngstown, ohio. i grew up in the day right now. and there's something to that that world is
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more diverse. but i also think it's sort of a very corporate kind of way of looking at problems. it's like, it's sort of very simplistic. it's like, okay, well we, you know, someone from the d, you have your new ceo of d. i comes over, it tells you, you know, um, but, you know, see, you know, rick, we have this problem with our company. we are, we don't have nearly enough people of color, and so you think to yourself, you know, instead of thinking, okay, well we need to up that out. we need to increase that. you're like, okay, no more white hires. only bring in people of color stuff like it's like we don't have enough what, what much any. okay. so there was no you want to tell your story. that's about you . would they want to make it about somebody else because they don't think it fits that they need to do it about that? by the way, those of you watching us around the world and you don't understand the word the tech just used. it's diversity. a quality of what it, what are the, what's the last one, enclosure, and that's actually something now that has become part of
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a nomenclature. for those of us here is the united states. if you work in a corporation that has become a sort of mand truck for your company nowadays, and i even have a little bit of a problem with that. not that i have a problem with either of those words. i have a problem with the fact that they're kind of creating quick mandating it, you know, well it's, it's the fact that it's so um, ham fisted and clumsy, right? it's a fish. it's like there's no grace to it. i mean, to be reasonable. you, you kind of have to say, well, ok, i mean, look, people says life is not a 0 sum game in when it comes to employment and exposure it is. every minute that i'm on this show, someone else is not on the show, right? so this is like, so when it comes to this sort of thing like, you know, i recently had a friend suggest to me, oh, you know, hey, if you try to reach out to x, y, z, media corporation about maybe seeing if they'll hire you. and then i'm like,
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are you serious? i'm exactly the demographic that they're trying to fire. hey, it's a delight to talk to you to touch my guy and i appreciate your work and i appreciate the conversation. thanks. thanks rick. so fun. hey, before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. simple, really? we want to the silo the world. we've got to stop living in these little boxes where we only know our troops troops don't live in little boxes there everywhere. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you right here where i helped provide you with a direct impact. the the the,
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the ukraine's military chief confirms a withdrawal of troops from the t city of, of the advocates of the month of 5th fossil law president, the landscape told you are up and a bit to drum of mole financing points. dr. ring bull bull says this out, you're pulling intimate julie, this is the neo colonial divide of the world into those who consider themselves exceptional. and the rest, those who are given the role of doing the will of god's chosen ones. russia, sorry, i'm going to say close for an end to colonial dependency. and his speed at the, for the freedom of nations for him in most good, attended by hundreds of delegates from about 50 countries. and us will start to is clock down on an s b i implemented with lunch but the buy.


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