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tv   News  RT  February 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the with salt, with breaking news of russia defends minister confirms that russian forces up taking full control of a city of ideas after months of fee, as baffled the biting concerns. the possibility that between the news, other strategic points due to lack of immunization. this comes with a bill that was on the page a to catch styles and congress. the thousands of is really protected. the running against prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu has government and calling for elections. it cannot be that this government remains in power without asking the people what they want and we want the elections here. and now this government needs to go home period. things are only getting worse and in time to pick them out. years ago, every day we are waiting is the live for months ago. this is our to international. i'm a nationwide joe shut up stories this hour was talked with breaking news. the russian forces of taking full control of the city of d. f. got in the don't ask republic. the strategic location is in months of relentless baffles. with your current entry, it's reporting the suffering massive losses. this was the announcements from the russian defense ministry spokesperson. because most of the order of the ukrainian
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armed forces commander in chief, serious key to abandon the city was issued only a day after your credit and troops began. fling uncontrolled from of difficult matters are kindly being taken to finally clear. the city of militants unblock your credit in units that have loved the city and are hold up. but they have difficult and chemical plans, but the deliberation of america has made it possible to move the front line away from the net scores in there by significantly secure and from terrorist attacks by the criminal regime in kia, all information on the advance of our troops. was not transmitted until the enemy had been completed, defeated and the city had been taken under control. this is a big deal. it's a very strategic point as well. and the ukranian forces have been if not withdrawing, they've been fleeing of different. what can you tell us? what it is from what we gather? we've spoken to fred is the colleagues over that and say they say the among the opinions there is chaos. a huge number of the troops would be the band and end up dave, but will they being told by radio with reviews of the job,
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they never even heard the will this to retrieve. of course there's, there's no way to retreat because maybe you need more or less what can be described as a route as i did that, isn't that for rush and fire control in this is called cynthia always under attack so that they have to pay groups tried for the absolute chaos which is backed by the number of the be put, the liberation of, of div go, has made it possible to move the front line away from the nets, thereby significantly protecting it from terrorist attacks by the criminal key of regime. as a result, an area of 31.75 square kilometers, was liberated from the ukraine and nationalists, the enemy's losses in the battles for of div go during the past day amounted to more than that was 500 soldiers. the russian minister of defense of your show who has the heads a tool and full blood way of food and a victory in a vehicle. he was also given us some details, you know, a very of the size of what fits you to. so i can help with this. cuz be liberated
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quite an incredibly quickly again, because the presidents get the will to, to retrieve robin with thousands upon thousands of the troops being that encircled with the costs 24 hours more than 800-8500. you pay the troops will either killed or taken captive. the vase that isn't over. let me tell you. it isn't over the still carrying out the, the, the wreckage, the theories of the multi story apartment buildings. there is also, it must be said about abuse, an underground city. it is an underground safety without the exaggeration of the past. he is the opinions realizing the importance of update because it is difficult to the state. this would change of importance of, of data because it could that sort of the roads to the railroad track, pull tabs. it also has a vocation system. the wonderful tracing plot that supplies drinking water to move in to 1000000 people in it. so it is a huge, lots for you. great,
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because it has been preparing up div that's for 8 long years. you know, thousands of thousands of submitted to use to make bunk goods, whatever of dave around the gave a very secure location. now the, the pulls out the re really isn't any way for them to hold the line as effectively because nowhere out they didn't expect of the, of the full. we also know that they wasted but the announcement of the capture of dave dental, they were absolutely sure because the bachelors a get k all 6. there are so many grading and so trapped in the rear hub, advancing brushing a sort of troops. we've heard from you, craig, and they said they've elected to save people's lives, which, you know, is a little late to be saying that you're claiming that you're trying to save people's lives. they won't have to say that. so just love a $1500.00. last and a single day, they would it be more organization to it, they will to trying to blame the weather, you know,
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general we the end as they always do to try this credit rush and fix it cost as hard as eating so that there's this positive deb, which is relatively little for this, this top of the also it must be said, you have units in out the way you create an official say either this was all because of you. this is what because you didn't give us enough shelves that isn't true. 2 weeks ago, i was just south of tiffany in mike, the more you creating shouts across the nation seeing fraud at us. so at the rush, and so i've been by there was some sites in that stretch while i was embodied for the front. there, there is, there is, there is less, there is, shouldn't be no shortage of shells. and um, being provided with school with you. great. so blaming these on the shortage of weapons or the weather is, is an attempt to navigate and his government to offer play lots of updates. one of the toughest baffles of this will. yeah, i mean that is going to be a bit of a humiliating retreat withdrawal for us or landscape areas at the munich security
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conference. right now it's heading all these western politicians. everything is going a ok. send me more weapons in cash. and when we're gonna win this conflict with doing absolutely fine and it, here we have as you say, this huge withdrawal from a very strategic city of the africa that now we, we can talk about on, i understand that it was, it was a part of the front line that people were not really supposed to talk about, we go to keep it pretty much cos josh right now. look, this is, this is the, this is the facts of it. and it was very difficult to work in when you observe. because new creative intelligence west and intelligence would track not only, and this is what we were told about phones, either journalist when we went to we spoke to. but if we say cold a, an office, they could track he's location. anything we showed. even if we check to double check, triple check could be used to get special thoughts. and so we would, we would in the age of people's lives 55 by showing certain things that have
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different examples of an operation that was long in the making long it was very valid. it was costly but, but it has to be in independence. now of course, what restrictions have been lifted and hopefully my, my good friend and colleague, he goes, donald is over there. hopefully you'll be enough to you soon again to show that you didn't fuse. fog isn't amounts, evaluation, west, i'm not munition job. and the encompasses as well as of the guy that missed all systems ministry vehicles abandoned and left behind by the u. k. the military as they retrieve. yeah. and it's a big retreat as well. it reminds me when you go back to it was, are to come off of a box moved as well. that was another significant frontline, the seats city. this the full in the same in the same way. there was, of course, but do, but that was possible. that was sort of that, that was easy chunk. you know, each top russians would come close to encircling in new brand new ways. and the
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last moment you would have zillow, escape on the table. how old are the last 11? take this and then they give the fact the go to the retreat, lose thousands and tries of loss that have by blaming the when i hear the description of the baby behind, all these munitions is un weapons. and americans supplied weapons in droves as they were treat. it sounds kinda like the withdrawal from afghanistan. we're divided ministration left of mind, 100 the millions of websites, maybe tomorrow is over there, instructing them on how the retreat because it sounds like the same sort of thing we saw on afghanistan. the bizarre thing i think is that you have a zalinski and munich the mandate not requesting, not asking doc cd for more weapons and munitions, demanding that the u. s. provides a more weapons or he will no longer consider the us strategic partner. it almost sounds like a teenage girl doing a break ups arrest, which is maybe in line with is up mentality these days. and then the top it off the top, the talk that they give me just
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a minute conference that somebody should consider the assassination of president vladimir. with the chaos going on inside you prayed with him replacing his top general with people. again, protesting the continued construction of their sons and, and uncles and brothers, and sending them to these front lines where there were there killed. maybe zelinski shouldn't be given anybody in the i you know, the course president has defended the decision to retrieve the cleaning. the move was to save, sold his lives at the same time, petitioning kids, western bikers for more funding of the whole. but we are very much counting on a positive decision by congress. this package is vital for us. we are not considering an alternative today because we count on the united states as our strategic partner. if we talk about an alternative, it means that it is not ask for teachers talk not shipping those learners, the landscape made this statement at the minute conference,
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which was also attended by western officials, caps, key partners. despite the news about the i've got the german, nita and the us vice president say it is russia, that is news in the war. make no mistake. pull this war has already been an actor failure for russia. ukraine has re gained more than half the territory. russia occupied at the start of the conflict. thanks in part to a massive supply of american and european weapons. i apply the recent $54000000000.00 commitment the made to support you on top of the more than $100000000000.00 are you are paying outlines and partners have already dedicated, well spent, the getting russia on the contrary. there's nothing cheap, any of its military goals polluted and wanted to take care of in 2 weeks. 2 years later,
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ukraine liberated more than half of the territories occupied by russia. russia has lost control of the western part of the black sea, which is in the meantime, finding those confirmed that possibility that ukraine millions of the strategic areas of the phone line due to a lack of a mediation. this comes as a bill that would indicate additional a took you have stalls and congress of the i don't know that i was confident that money was prepared for my us senior security policy. understood, michael, my new if he says congress is losing motivation to help you create as a tackles more process initiates, it shows that they are delusional. they're not realistic, and people can see for themselves. we see it,
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we see what's going on on the battlefield. we also know what the reality is and then when cala harris goes over there and start speaking i, i dread it. she's, she's, she came up with us simple declarative sentences together. and then what she does say is wrong, flat out wrong. and she's an embarrassment. so i, it's not, she, she's, she's really not helping for cause she's been during that even more the congress has its own issues. and frankly, no one here is really all that concerned about losing a being a strategic partner with ukraine because they haven't really been showing any forward movement in there for 2 offensive 20 the like they're very defensive on the ocean. and this way, this uh about with a range of the f guys is really sick, is very, very serious. it's really, that doesn't show any forward motion that the congress would be looking for in
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order to be encouraged to do anything. trying to stop diplomat as waiting saying, it's not the right time for peace talks between russia and ukraine. his statement came out, the caps for a minister, demetrika lab. i reported the sort of meeting with a strong use counterpart to discuss a high level summit. the right conditions in place for parties to go back to the negotiating table. china has done a lot of constructive work and we will continue to play a positive role or china. it's all for more that wants to be the mediator to broker a peace deal in ukraine. and while i, i don't think china see any concrete steps that ukraine has offered to for the best way for the peace negotiation. because of you know, what's the appointment for china to come in and to act as a mediator give you cream is not ready to for piece of it's, you know, the has to be a, it has to be a mutually agreed,
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a settlement this right now leadership being create even creating particularly under zaleski this you own, there is a lucian that they will get limited western support in their fight against russia. you know, they positioned themselves as part of nato as the cast off the united states to and then you guys just recently approved um, uh, over a 100000000000 dollar age. so as for ukraine, israel and taiwan. so the current situation, when there is no concrete steps shown by ukraine and you praise basket or piece, there's really not much. china could do thousands of taking to the streets of tennessee to protest. prime minister netanyahu has government calling for elections the
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the dentist done in israel with each boston day that hostages remain lost and the war rages on for testers, also called for a new exchange deal with the militant group from us. police were called to break up crowds blocking the main city streets. meanwhile, in jerusalem, hundreds of people rallied outside the front menaces residence and voice in the same cold river. it from some of them. you can. i'm here because after experiencing the terrible catastrophe we went through in october, it cannot be that this government remains in power without asking the people what
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they want. and we want selections here and now our economic security is dropping. prices went up by tens of percentages in the past year. our credit rating has dropped, which means damage for years to come. this government needs to go home. period. things are only getting worse with everything that's happened since the us. and if inside pick them out, years ago, every day we are waiting is to discover this trying as well, literally in terms of people dying and also the fear of as well. the value of the country people are leaving. people are dying. what else can happen that would need to prove that this is a dangerous government, the worst government, the government is running. it's very important for me to bring down to this government because they are damage in the country. everything they do is for their own benefit, their political seat. and the only way in my opinion to bring them down is,
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was produce. that's why i'm here. the united kingdom is facing this worst anti semitism crisis in 40 years and that's according to community security. trust, a group which monitors the jewish committee of the in the u. k. the number of violent incidents such 147 percent according to the chart. the organization rising from 1662 in 2022. to as many as 4103 recorded last year, and nearly 2 thirds of the attacks occurred in the 3 months following the outbreak of the it's rarely policy and conflict. 266 of them were physical results and the situation only seems to worse than the meanwhile of pro palestinian demonstrations in london described by some hugo officials as hate marches. continuing in earnest, just this month, some 200000 protest as march through the capital to the east. really embassy and such actions with taking each month since october last year. the nationwide protest stole some arrested for allegedly displaying untie semitic banners,
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or on suspicion of support. an extra ms. groups at one of them were sent demonstrations and added brought a police officer off the bystander to hide a star of david symbol so as not to cause that disturbance the arguments. 7 for us, the meet the class as prime minister richard, so you're not double down and as plants and population correct down in protest and anti semitism, one of these measures would not allow people to cover their faces to conceal their identity. and at the same time,
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along those not holding back on special treatments. so what's the israel send the outbreak of the conflict as we absolutely support as well as right to defend itself in line with international law. i'm proud to stand with you and is roused august i as your friend of use, the israel does have the right defend itself. must that within the within internationally managerial should avoid civilian casualties. but we do believe that the cooling this genocide and things of genocide is the right approach from get a side leave the case that when israel responds to terrorism, to some people, it automatically becomes via aggressive. we call it expect these rate is to have a 2 state solution with high mass in control of one pa. so what would be kind of stop those who sean from the river to the sea arrive is useful idiots who do not understand what they all say or was people who wished to wipe the jewish state from the map. martin j edited by bribe adult or told us that both the protest and
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hypocrisy of nuclear officials stand from britain being an extension of the state department as we keep here. and this is what allows us to send it. so i think we're going that's 6 that we know we know what that means and that's basically the code full is as of right to carry on with the genocide and, and it comes up in the international court. isn't really gonna have any effect because america controls the quote. so, um, you know, carry on now we've been coming to this america now from policy is basically just an extension of the state department and also, and ministers. i really just different much you know, attached to that department and have to follow that narrative from america. every single less of it you know, forbade some the, this is the consequence of it doing despite having 4000000 people for the muslims in the u. k. and having these huge contributions, even there's some kind of basis like that mean for example, you know, it's not, it's not just on the muslims that are against that you're not to be muslim to see
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what's going on. you down to the muslim to see what the, the israel is, just a stretch. i'm just going to fall and commit to industry on a site. now, in the netherlands, a group of every tree in router as as brooklyn, the into the oprah conference hole in the hague force and police, the deport care gas. local society to groups of every trim migrants tried to infiltrate the oprah halls, smashing windows during bicycles, rocks and traffic signs. when police arrived on the scene, 2 of the vehicles was set to place with the mail authorizing the use of tear gas. it's unclear of what course the initial confrontation emergency measures have been brought in in the surrounding area of the my go, oh, make america great again to think who was by storm in 2016. donald trump's mantra galvanized republicans at the time, but it also attracted the attention of global spy agencies. according to a recent report, the newest intelligence community,
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all the shadow we 5 eyes alliance just of l. 26 of trump's presidential campaign 8 . the result triggered allegations that the former president's campaign had been clued in with russia arches, maureen, across the river, has more over it. i mean that the whole trauma clue then would rush. the story was safe news and it was even proven in the west after a 4 year review which concluded that the f b, i's investigation. and so those claims was a seriously flawed and be totally unnecessary. lots of these new revelations or ball michelle, because they reveal that it was an international cooperation to interfere in you what selections by illegally spying on the candidates with the ultimate goal of taking him down this explosive report sites. online sources from the us house intelligence committee and claims that the c i a asked the intelligence agencies over to lions partners. so help them do the dirty work. now,
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who are these partners? australia, canada, new zealand, and did they get excited? king them, also known as bai's. also public and brock. it had been told the president brock obama, c. i a director john brennan had identified 26 trump associates for the 5 vice or target a. so was concerned that the i c high identified them as people to bump will make contact with or manipulate they would targets of our own. i see and law enforcement targets for collection and misinformation. so there's a group of cards. these have agent scrolling up to the most in experienced aids from the from team. apparently it's brendan, them and trying to get russian dirty laundry on their balls. and it didn't actually start after they loaned stop slow. that's b i investigation. but even before they were making contact, some bumping from people, going back to march 2016, they were sending people around the u. k. australia. it's really the most solid. initially,
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the emily 6 was working at an intelligent school. they help set top. that'll be all special investigation was announced. and the me, the i revealed who blew the whistle. it was the parts the media's intelligence source says that it was the u. k. government's communications headquarters, also known as a g. c h q that they somehow miraculously picked up suspicious interactions between trump, 8th and russian ages. well, that's the story that they sold to the public. then another fabrication sources say the g, c h keys version of events is false and sets the u. s. i c office for an allies to target 26 members of trump's team. possibly to justify the f, b i's investigation. all of this, it was a legal because us law requires a special award for this sort of surveillance on a person. and getting one for political purposes is election interfere in spots. who cares right?
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well, who did this fine and who are the chosen fools or inexperienced targets? this is what we know so far. the report claims that the c i a operative, steven harper approached at least ford from targets in total and was paid over $400000.00 by the us government in 2016. and they did this by the office of in that assessment, which is apparently a pencil gone office that exists the payoff spies the task step and help or against them, among other things. and there were just in the mobile instances where i think they actually put him in contact. c with people from russia and then use those contacts to smear him so. so you believe it was a treatment completely, it was worse than entrapment. it was a targeting operation and a complete set up. and then when the f b, i went to interview and it was on a complete pretext. it's true. the 1st time hopper interferes with the presidential
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election. we know that the classified documents showed how he spied on then he was president jimmy carter. so help ronald reagan when the for the c i a, an operation to collect insight information on carter administration. foreign policy was running ronald reagan's campaign headquarters in the 1980 presidential campaign, according to present and former reagan administration officials, the surface identified stephan, a helper, a campaign aides involved in providing 24 hour news updates and policy ideas to the traveling reagan party. as the person in charge, and now he was spying on farms age, including michael slim. it was the national security advisor who had already been inspected by the way. the crazy thing is i had just gone through a full security clearance update investigation which had just closed about 6 months prior. it included a polygraph examination. they knew there was nothing absolutely nothing. moving on
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since joseph misled a professor with the secret he was presented as a russian agent by former f b. i director james co, me that was until a photo surface showing the so called russian agents with the british prime minister. that made things very awkward to say the least. but who was this mind working for further options or for the c i a director the f. b. i interviewed joseph nev suit on february 10th, 2017. and that interview mister mr. lied you point this out on page $193.00 volume on mits, it denied it's and also false. we stated, in addition, mips it omitted 3 times. he lied to the epi, i yeah, you didn't charge him with the crime. excuse my art, it's one on one. i'm sorry. did you say 193 volume on 193? he lied 3 times. he pointed out in the report. why didn't you charge them with the crime? so i can't get into a internal deliberations with regard to a waiter would not be did you interview nothing?
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i could do that is missing western intelligence, a rush at all. i just can't get into that. lot of things you can't get into. well, now we know why house democrats on the intelligence committee code message kremlin linked and a russian caught out. but a soul was told public and racket the midst of it was a professor who really worked for m y 6. and he was spying on towards papadopoulos, a member of the foreign policy advisor and panel to donald funds 2016 presidential campaign. and he, like many americans want this operations to be the classified, which is exactly what trump tried to do, to expose this network of law i as in spies. but he was blocked time and time again, most noticeably by the c. i a director at the time. there are so many unanswered questions that the investigations kept covered up. i do believe that the operation will be declassified. should trump get re elected,
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which is why his 2nd term represents an ex essential threat to the intelligence agencies. it's a threat because the c, i a was always spying on people without a warrant or a cause using their international partners. but they were also major things off as they once a long and the high, big inconvenience evidence which points to 20 collusion with the russians. they codes the intelligence they made it look like pollutants supported from the evidence points. the other way. we looked at the reports and the sourcing, they used to evaluate the sourcing. and then we got further to look at the days that are available to them that they didn't use any overwhelmingly contradicts. and the conclusions that russia support of trump is hardly surprising by us intelligence agencies broke a few logs. they've done it before. it's not even surprising to hear that they falsified intelligence. remember, iraq. but what is surprising is that it's the 1st time we hear about them use


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