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tv   Documentary  RT  February 18, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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using and those are coming from some of the circle is accused with in the comments was because it's clear that these reward are supported from somewhere. we don't know exactly where people and the guys, the folks that are using come from with that come from your counselors and so on. but next up we have a powerful documentary for you that should slice on what really happened at the city. if you see me power plants off the beach, 2011 us great on. so no, i mean, if you want me against the wall needs, at the top of them the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, most of the hospitals and teachers on all 50 case, the late fee floaty, goes to say the, the, the, the, the, the
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the not everyone is obeyed. the order to have been some some like now go talk to her in this thing may have decided to stay in their home and not all but his mother is 90 . 4 years old. she is very fragile. it has not let me do a pos on thing with deals now that he died. he died. yeah, that i send a high net transporting hurry to another place would probably think it was turned to die from that broken heart. this happens too often among the displaced the physical sort of something to shoot the time that instead of the instead of being put on a super nice bundle,
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that's what it should be. back out, the kaiser i should be fine for me. i mean, some of the seconds, obviously some of these are off the a good job the but the, the city where the matter. yeah. the most of
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the most on your sheet for cushions, nuclear power plants, brake director dice one by any incurable with use decisions to dissipate tucker by injecting sea water into the reactor use defective site.
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the the in 1954. when the rivalry was, the former soviet union was becoming increasingly strong, and the world was divided into 2 blocks. the united states department of defense secretary carried out some experiments. it's closing costs. this experiment with an e p, a test consisting in the explosion of
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a hydrogen bomb. the american scientists made a mistake and made calculations underestimating the power of the explosion, which was 3 times stronger than expected. the japanese fishing vessel died. go for quote, you might well within the surrounding waters and was hit by the lady liked to phone out the the 23 fisherman had to be hospitalized immediately. google yamma i t g, the marconi, oprah rates report the best. so died a few months later from the acute radiation syndrome, radio and television interrupted their food costs to spread the news. traces of radioactivity were founding tuna fish in the pacific ocean. and this falls, the cold bridge to come out in the open and confessed to choose a little time because of fear of radiation panics spread from that moment. tell them the people
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of japan have been totally full size images to meet the energy the american government concerned about the spread of anti american and, and to nuclear sentiment in japan, a country it considered a military and economic base of great importance took appropriate measures by involving old japanese communications media using words such as peace, justice, and security. for the promotion of nuclear energy, the actually came on to title a war criminals suddenly reinstated, by the americans. and to in the meantime, had become a power for low b. as in media tycoon played a very important role. he was a great admirer of american culture, and he was confused at the nation's economic prosperity depended on the friendship with the us. from the columns of a newspaper, you owe me your ition, boone, and from his own private tv channels. and upon television, he launched
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a powerful and effective pro nikia campaign. in a few years, he succeeded in defeating the mtv and movement in his country. and in persuading the majority of citizens, but seemed bracing nuclear power was no sonia wise, but rather an indispensable choice. in 1950 for us president eisenhower carried out the program item is the piece to sweep away the memory of the foaming of japan. and after only 2 years following the diagram for code you model incidence. a symposium on u. p. energy for civil purposes was organized and took place symbolically. in hiroshima, not to totter was chosen as the president of the new commission for atomic energy. the construction of the country's 1st nuclear power plant was soon announced thus, each was that the country which would probably have been lost in the world to a spouse and your energy became one of its main and most convinced supporters,
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the june some or nothing come. which you menu, that items just for the method that i give miss the news that i didn't allow yesterday. again, that's when it comes to our solution that them this now. so it's sort of the email that you are on the nuclear gypsies, the nuclear power plant, seasonal workers, number in the thousands. and they are immediately recognized. they seem distracted on most terms, but in reality they are looking at you. they make you perceive and say you have something to say, and they do. if you go to visit them in small taverns in the neighborhood at the nuclear power, they are paid 3 or $400.00 a day to be contaminated. although after the interest seems to me, practice get their parts every little comes up in their own pockets. focus cima.
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they represent almost 90 percent of the workforce and they will stand. most of the radiation are low. so in order to earn more, sykes the dose in motors or take a double shift using different names for sacrifice prompted by disappear, necessity of making use. currently, it's a traditional job. i was told about 5 to a photographer who became famous in the seventy's for his report, tarnishes inside japanese nuclear power plants still get all those on. they don't really have talk to you or she back. well, as i said, thank you and does a lot of people to think that i'm most general going i'll get and see all the do you have a do you not do tell me what, what am i talking to my account so uh so you got the came up to them this to the 2nd and i tried correct? yes. let me just look it up. you. yep. so we just done the, the one that i'm still getting. not the one you enough to me. you one, the more what's on the i'll get back to the screen. i don't know if the record see joe,
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those invested settlement on the client. i would tell me is on the corner of it and nothing's been weighing it. you'll be definitely getting up. okay. and then, oh you oh, we can definitely do it less than that. of the seal, the middle of the night. i call my boss or g e i m. i said, my recommendation is that we tell us utilities, but g e cannot support the continued operation of these plans and my boss said to me, well it can't be that bad deal. and keep in mind that if we have to shut down all of these more important plants, it will probably mean the end of j as nuclear business. forever. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the the home to, you know, that kind of made it to dollars to, to uh, to the oh, $7.00, logo on its own system. so i am coming based next on this rear is site as a new but the new one, especially typical one here to use the world when they're down those funds.
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damage to the reactance where they pay to be the worse played a full 2 months. some of them line everything in in may that they use for the right one reactor two's building is the only one still in one piece, but it's the source of the most things. just radioactive. the explosion that happened inside the building damaged the base of the reactor, costing of one of the various rooms and underground conduit every day, hundreds of tons of radioactive water spilled into the ocean. that cannot be met close on the 20. i don't allow ideas of soldiers that you might have been in motion and i'd sure to get it back in. i don't know, they don't know, maybe phenomena. mother made it down to the depth of a college student idea that him all night. so that wasn't, you know,
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much for me in that comes from those sorts of those through i years are still up to the we now know for sure that the, for a made a whole that metallic base of the city and became our to complete it. but the thing is, the rate of the here and the report from the government's investigation committee. because of the radiation, no one, not even the robots can approach close enough to understand how much concrete
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separates the corrion from the ground beyond the, i guess it was a pleasure for spouses, people to the best way and will cause issues of mutual recalls. and then you said that, i mean, if i give them the measurements, i'd like to bring up with you. well, that was all set for leslie and i wish we knew this whole machine or so, but most of them will find out what that means to somebody else. i think it was just an open them shaping machine, you know, in
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a solution or supposing those cookies yesterday, as we did on the, and i just get brush up and think i'll ask them to move them easy. phineas or another cause on some of the muslim, just for more than i'm the, by the name of the units for the introduced to your worship, manage the in the systems to collect the hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive liquids are no longer sufficient. the leaks everywhere,
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infiltrate the ground. some arguments that it would be best to throw everything over for him because of fishing area has already been compromised. pacific ocean is so big the, but nobody really knows what to be a long term effects. the radioactive substances, infiltrate the food and color rise on the top, where we stand with our dictates our fears, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the, the, and the patient. that is he on the program. i basically sending it to when i sent that out and puts it on and on for to pretty cool. we did all these more separately coding. they said in front of my ceiling. that information later supplied by workers confessed by the executives and then confirmed through concrete examples. in the $641.00 pages of the color color report talks about a name cause catastrophe. everything but such a guy the
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to send us the, the top out in the the the the the the business, the of the. i don't want us to do this in the middle class. so what is today is a company and so you can see what i want to products and that is the same on the left side of the street to settled and who is in 1st state and secret to grant. the current tower report shows that the direct cause of the
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accident for all for sale prior to march 11th. 2011 tuff goes to quick to cyprus and nami as the cause of the nuclear accident and denied that the earthquake caused any damage. the direct intervention by the current day, including prime minister turns visit to the physician with dietary plant disrupted the chain of command and brought disorder to an already dire situation at the site . the accident was the result of collusion between the government, the regulators, tapco, and the lack of governance by said parties,
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the with their behavior, they betrayed the right of japan to be safe risks. the, the, the, i wonder how it is possible that as of today, there hasn't been, i mean,
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diamonds for trial, let alone a conviction. all the criminal investigations that have been started have already been closed. we shall no longer prosecute. everybody is guilty. no one is guilty as in war. if there is no guilt, there is no responsibility. and there is no seeing if there is no repentance closer to each other. this is the, the point for tonight or 2 for the upcoming semi panel. for the me wire, the real risk is to leave these roads where they are now on the roof of my building right before the is it in to our routine maintenance. so which consists of the
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replacement of the spent, the fuel was taking place at the reactor, full performer this and maintenance the good for the, the room above the reactor. so that was our level is even ways that the pool contains the new food, you know, when the cooling system has stopped working and you have in the room above and the reactor full of them. but there was only want to build a louder and decide the pool or the fewer walls inc. and this new into the origin made with was a and the pool. boy, if the fuel had been left on top of that would be you had 10 other mountains down,
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no coloring. but this time it happens that go sequences would the culture would have been told that the reason why this made down the the x ray has, has remained the next to a long time. it was only after several months. we got to understand tanks to look off the conditions of inclement due to the pressure increase in the re insert the key to the bar that separates the reactor from the fuel to storage pools broke
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down, causing the water to pull out into the address fewer storage support had again not broke the water i would have to, to end up like causing met with
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a very short time on the portal is safe by chance. the the, the in, in the midst of nuclear and the economic sakes has been swept away. this disaster has forced japan to face up to refresh. many other countries have already dealt with the
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restaurant. in the face of solution, we are japanese, the increasing global energy demand is saying that the printer to renewable energy is important. but it is not enough in itself the while the dream is nuclear fusion of an infinite energy clean energy for all is still there, waiting for us. at the other side of history, of the seamless heroes were not enough. a bigger disaster has been avoided because a gate sounds broke, the women spared because miraculously,
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something in the country of technology did not work. the the, [000:00:00;00] the president by new president need to talk. i've said that repeatedly, publicly and privately, in the united states, for years, you cannot solve this without sitting down. and this is not ukraine and russia
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sitting down. this is the united states and russia sitting down and talking about a serious way to have mutual respect. and they have mutual security because that's absolutely what's needed for this world. the russia takes full control of the k don't. yes. with public safety of ideas, the following month for 5th baffles is so ukranian, troops and retreats of the suffering must've not put the kind of babies gripped fine, furious protest. gangs be next to me all who governments, thousands of his way, leads them on the new face,


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