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tv   Documentary  RT  February 18, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

12:30 pm
nothing is easy, the president to seem like gather in telling employees who are ardent practitioners of climate change religion that they're just not wanted there. that's reporting to a new report from political. so while the ship is struggling to stay afloat, those over at the home and in a position to help correct the course, have apparently been otherwise occupied, squabbling over the size of its carbon footprint to those uh, some of the new stories that shave the we k on oxy, it's a national formal on any of them as well as all the latest updates due at over to our website oxy dot com. when i speak to scott, i'll be back with more in just around 30 minutes. the the,
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i guess it was a pleasure for sounds. people spoke last week and even if it was, then you need a quote for like motorcycle them. it's just a book on these business. we need to be able to get a new name by us. each sign is that i sent that along with the dates for proof of joshua full full speed. 0 one was a post the
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the property you will see me up for most of them is my source. the problem is i use the cost of your son. what you control is not easy, but he means this problem. first of all, can you know, some of which needs the national a, which insurance he needs because they ship any questions to show them even though sort of warnings, otherwise put the most time on the bus. present annual phone number? no kidding. but you cannot see what sort of fossil family and selling you pushing the community it, i'm not sure how much the claims can come on. you to look back on my point to sort
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of more which almost the crushing empirical customer. we have them, we don't, we don't wanna sway on this, just depending on your style. let's see if i said in, just on the, on the, what i'm used to bring in, it's not what i mean that kind of, i just need it up in with the other lots and one another. and i just finally see that question. what i like most tell you to start bustle the by all sides will be these are some. ready of us because i was doing a lot of sending you from the mama marshall. i'm gonna give you a the new story close to the new system. but i mean, if i give them for some i shall know nothing of this grandma not wishing list i'm. i know what it might be because i knew statement. most people i knew it was you so much at especially as the order from you and i was going i was, i'm not sure what you with us of what i said, almost that's in my buddy's guess. my other i need to deal with sort of deal with you. you are really way show me the training from one of
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the others. it was a little more of a sudden i was a veteran. i'm not sure what i'd like to bring up with you. he was more of this nation, but there's a number of us know what that kind of thing as a managed ssl tech support. and also the motion of what you're looking for. the beach is pointed, you know, somebody for nothing is shaquita and i wish there were really this little motion or so the shuttle um, what about the wireless shooting? sit on the front newsletters for miles on a place on the new phone. and you had to do, you need the machine, you said you're not sure what i need the machine across the report of a couple of us to get in to live with a true to certain positions. and if i get i guess. so the 1st of all,
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in sure, most of the most fun with most of the, of the other one is when the students at the yeah, what do you wish to assist you or someone else that much you but of my, me i'm, i'm, i mean, money is not on commission, you didn't know really covetous story with us when we, you know, and then we finally going to jump on next year. and that does not look like a on the safe, but as also close to the license because also, but if somebody's in the nation deals promotions, or full frazzled, mr. but i can use me as an opportunity to look on this. let's put the motives for what i'm going to pause on this thing as are so that the models can
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somebody model can be caesar from what it was. i'm just from within that there's a process and i should see a couple years old will down script and then yes is about or so best function or should i see it little skin my name is the word. i'm not going to list it on that much for you spend yes, i'm eligible to do this. let's pull it up and of course of a forklift. multiple books posted on the list and even as simple as you either because actually see on the blue, i mean the symbol of which can samples from this, from the, from the last i just, we know what i think needs to know from you more questions and answers for them most of the month, if at all, so i don't think women function with most of you spend took a look at it. you will need something to introduce new study and as casually as the
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last time crucial, and natural selection. i'm assuming there is some kind of settlement for stores instead natural select. so give me a new page. i'm unable, unable to say the same them, i'm still up. i'm snipped into this and if you click on scan function for kids, so let me open, you can be stuck with me. so you pick up, give me just a moment. yep. russell novel city, but some of the stuff on the mobile phone was originally supposed to put you on the web page again to pay on the money on your bill. the quick come on the phone, the web with us,
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which is much less money and we'll see if the machine you're in a solution or suppose the range ensure to do to see if that's the only thing. yes. was hoping to go to i'm not sure if it is the thing that wishing me fits your play in the afternoon. but can you pick those effects on the plane? yeah, no nope. but senior got those now, the middle of the road i'm supposed to hold you over the other one. you cannot actually go on as a zillow. i'm assuming matters, but i'm putting the speed you want the color on the schedule, but i need to skip michigan. none of the stuff like any of the stuff that i didn't just get wishing you just really measure the
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now let's use, i'm going fashion from the beginning and she was minus 3 is a coma? i think it was a home stay of 4. others new, nimble, most nimble as much to reduce a copay. if you need to know what this means is you to be picked up on the case because last time you said you would push to punch in your mouth. so forgiveness. your thoughts sort of live like depression? no, usually choice. yes because i'm the community on this. yeah. well yes. but that does not seem to slow down. well, thank you. still in your blue isn't on the see of malibu stable. shamika, when you put the all the heater personnel, football,
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football just looks to play, but our stomachs on social, on your social media bumper. we especially on the women phone. each total you're selling to this is the name of the, of the cars much but we've got all kinds of them together. remember what wasn't looking to throw somebody on the camera cheesecake and when you're on your substrate to not only get them to lots of people that can you search for the 1st month to see them. so you and your fucking, do you know what they do? the best or what time you can move them and you got plenty professionals interested in the fedex story. if i'm 40 all the condition officially much thing i'm doing the moment. you know, i'm our national bank. you must have products on your foot,
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some just video history, some of that for them. but if you do enough time for that, if you have exposure, still kick machines on the on the glass on the 1st assumption deal is different because of the my social i want to cosign for florida state. we currently got stuff want us to go, but i believe i shall continue just over the last with your score subject when needs and you shouldn't be sure some with them will skim. when you see it will not a, for someone to when you go to get that, it's when you fish just recently on the, the, you bought the best thing that nobody else will let them know with them for any additional . they're not announced a no, no, there's nothing in the building is causing you to let him know changeable,
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which i saw that before. so you'll have a supervisor, much less evaluation of the most and that will really help them to let them know what the wells are still work in place. my phone, i'm still i was just to push up to buy this and use that as we get on the go and i guess get for shift take the money, the fight with them. you know the stress and somebody. yeah. i mean, if school is the one it was, i'm gonna see what is this, what that was? i'm so i'm gonna select the columbia, which is a little bit of noise. you know, some in the morning is for the door shortly. and instructions just moving for beach,
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but from what it's gonna be honest with you. yeah. but we have the most of what she explained mostly on to the metro. i'm not sure we're still you still on the pacifica. keith above the spelling. yeah, mostly one more question. i should come off the last page the us the most with whose name? yes, she has an ocean. there's all sorts of ways for you. what do you use or not because of them i should leave, which if they don't deal with money into your most divorce, the easiest thing is this will not allow to go away as far as more from what you need. but that's gonna get this guy to post the cheapest, and that is split between how much one of them see one and that's my goodness for
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any of the show i can use for business me a little short question. couple days. just as i'm moving as a subscription on post the whole number, what's on the phone that you're watching, the mobile that you select from a special order entry to use for your wish if i need the the the, the
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mind fluid. yeah. and this way, most of us right now if what do you with order to get him started on. yeah. but it's not like, it always has more than i vision. is that all? yeah. yeah. music and it was that all the information and that's point which yeah them, oh gosh, the little sure. the cost thing is the new plan, the bit upset is some assumption spanish the the where do i need to? i need to borrow,
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which is not plus percentage to bubble that i'm used to insure kids to do or what i'm doing. this thing was yeah, this was brought them the breath them. when you go for the or say, get over to use the one that is pressure out and let me get out of the get the push that and then use the motors which comparatively skeptical for me to proceed near. but then just to see, what can i do to do? you gave me the girl a nice that's nice that i should call them. and yet the course just give just a so we wouldn't done them in it yet. and you my goal, but it's stuck. net still as a void, even it was a way of doing it that not even the phone has, could keep the experiment perhaps as of what the, what the good. so you think that is in my district more than pretty. so i would say any other should be doing the bundled in a more abuse to source solutions to your mobile, showing a little bit of an official. yep. and your models cuz i did it against them.
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customer contracts. and yeah, what's your best would be to where you will see it or smart through other give it answer for us the some of the problems. so there was no place to get out there. so it already has into so long as it's given the, the bundle in for the much, the full charge that let me get senior promotion department and what you do in the universe, the more seems you need to be efficient way. and then you might say that all of you g weight loss leadership, all 3 of them, of a 0 next to go to you was let him look at amy, your beloved them and get on was what the me um, blah, do i have to check my deal is your losing state going, you know, what actually boost british local sons of gosh, refresh on the community of
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a sudden uh, she don't get those and we thought the widget. uh tingley did them at the age of pacific tactical but almost the ideas, the union and the janet that's giving you a credit for house. those with there's that i think you're in comparative to you. there's a nickname, but them all right. yeah. just gotcha lunch percent 70 percent on the on bunch of started so that you knew that any of those competitive funding is the little guys come with with a solution focused deal the before the green shell come for the the you know, budget's a to on the the dish to 3 me just a bundled go for the seller. it's
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a new condition. there's to get you to do. it should hold them clicking but they can't wait for them. so they shouldn't longer. so addition to the interior is scheduled for the daughter of which you have the shipment, the at ocean's 12 mazda wisdom before the roll them with the move it the new board in florida, and then assign them floors, and them blew up due to what's the median says creators to push and then with different credentials will sort of just kind of at the core just shows do i talk? see my god just and i'm not going to issue the source suppression of students. may i ask you a quick question and we'd be sitting in the corner choke up to a vehicle because the people of course, but the um yeah. which is pretty ridiculous. but it typically, again, many of them won't be able to cuz i live in the private, the longevity just got off on national motion. i'm purchasing the minute the symbol of what our latest guys didn't disappoint. if it's sensitive material in the video
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that longer e below as much as due to it. so to get the particularly into that sheet, i assume that that's causative. causative if it is good for me, especially if somebody she has mine. yeah. but it's not so much the book on us a little bit good. conforming to us about the fish thoughts that seeing the motion and oral histories learn. yeah. up discussions that weren't enough or stolen about the courtroom fringe. you look at the bottom what the law it's cortez. yeah. the thought about what i was going to put into when it says google on will do it. it's on their printer. sylvia will create you that e cause will appear to wish you don't get your former should whites. i'm clear on the new. ok the positive computed and could i use uh no. not because the number was
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aided by itself. got them block on the computer, up on the spit are closed in the stadium shuttle. it didn't work. and then she was going to budget issue that i asked him, i to just, you know, she then yeah, it's going to stay in the sure will buy your that live or with the should it so she gave him the most of this and there's a little bit of that, so that's what repeat according to what i bought this to show a computer which is more than i dish with is that all you use it music and it was that all the information to love to go to and the uh, glove rachel store and thats just beside is because which formation of the door a to card that of yes ma'am. is it is you know, it's interesting in the birth of the land for single someone you 4 pm glass cool. she didn't cuz i am ready for you that,
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but of course it's just you to watch it and show as of course, it's a good way to, to me, english and ethical screwed up and by the critic i'm on the level up on me. she more example of i'm sure you meet your screen and you get the look at that. i'm just you and you sort the question. so got all the a mega stick. yeah. mccloud. so we could always, the seller of the family is getting industry music for gloss, mccloud, the same kind of dance and the metal. i've never gotten that no problem with extra data on that cause for me. sure. some shit, but you can, you call on nobody because i knew formally share on new york city, but it's very to put those are people change when we shift you cause it up. it's very easy to, but you need to put it out of issue and she finished the schedule. in fact, discuss the volume on i thought are pretty flat. so that's my luck. most of
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washington thing. you've got some assumptions page that you had worked with and you've got the money and got the most 1st. do it in his lease. yeah, pretty much you bought a car just in the court. somebody understand me. some of his thoughts distinctness, lower than that. so i've got this one guy modeling and did image that it should and this is a more than i thought. and this was good me, but you know, the assumption that it's when we just finished that at the summer stuff. so i'm going there. so will this give will, andrew, is that over there make their stems the front of the range is suggesting the nice but the near the shooting, even numerous b, n m dealing with any additional testing if there's quite the
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flow of missed you the and the some a digital elements and the number one set it up, but it is the dish you to at a she bust me out. it's not loud at the mazda of the mobiles, your digital that i knew on the good us to be honest in, you know, it's kristen g launch control some course, but at the summer there's always a collaborative way to, to go with is nice life. i was like, oh my god, the up is the by cheers. right? you are, this thing is mostly when you gosh vote on those to be 00 system motion and then work. and he's nothing you have any good fuel. simple action going thing is nice, quick going in with them to t movie the nimble available, just a couple of fish in the shop for the village where they live, quarter, and last way by to look on him. he didn't have any pity to ask
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a partition cusick that's an invitation, and it says, can brought them up to this on the ideas that i'm going to do. so i'll stick with you and i look established at the west side ocean contributing to as much of lindy's moving eventually mostly people shoot me an image of the most the on will just board to recreate on the finish it up. no, it changes were due to the initial reports on the group, but on the dial number comes to complain. you've cut them down, i'm slave your machine there because of the know this guy's a little book, a dentist music. the though is all conditioning. i should go through with you, but i do wish to and what was your last that on the chairs, my beneficial visit, the new was more yes,
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you would have somebody to me to produce products to do i do know of the a look share reading with the vision yet, are you sure which is so random. it's as quick as you need. yeah. a mazda 3 bush, said nevada with i'm going to the fall and she connected with the withdrawal mcgruther subdued to which is to of it's only been that they don't see any special and, you know, we story ish, there's that. but i didn't that. could those numbers are usually raj, the go ahead, it's a bunch the this the be look at each scratch, that's leaving your stuff nice to be bar is the data. so what are the image that i'm wish to? yes. could be the portal computer in your space. so in good, you're going to be in the book. gosh, how should is that if there was a lot of steps that i gave them, it said that there was much more so than logistical can somebody else. in addition to football new list to get the most ready to go out and
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then she saw national possible. can you meet superscripts and was not for the shirts or google the deal which were with the river the guttering. i'm not sure which it cuz they use deal with that kind of back. but also if i chose this difficult the 6th of edition, that's a bit of you just push pushing the car to try my then press the window. just the issue with the new done is cook artist that are some pricing on those. not and use a boards. workers told me costs the board to each level still will the sure girl in you're more than up was names to it or push
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canada and that's just some thoughts there. as though not the case that i came across some other goodies, but i said, let's just, or why don't i choose the procedure? would it cost me about the the the,
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the mission takes full control of it. and yet for public city of, of the following months of this finding that so you could introduce with the drawing of just suffering significant losses. and also at this hour, the sort of is goods by furious protests against the method. you know who governments, the thousands of these wireless demands, another sci fi on christmas to deal with gaza, also calling on you elections on the west and politicians on media quit to play most go for the death of the controversial political arts. vist, i'll explain the bone in prison even before the incidents is fully investigated.


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