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tv   News  RT  February 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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the, the washer takes full control of the strategic city of, of the, of caught in the doing apps for public following months. of fields, bottles i saw you print interest with throwing up to suffering significant losses also ahead. yes. another week of did the idea of stripes on the policy and enclave including a devastating race that killed more than 15 locals for the alleged states of saving . 2 is reading hostages. the television ripped by furious protest against the net and the i will, government has thousands of his relatives demand a number of things by a and prisoners swap, deal with gas out while also calling for new election discovery is destroying it.
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literally is the people dying. it's very important for me to bring down this government because they are damage in the country. everything they do is for their own benefit, their political st. the thanks for joining us for the re key here on our to international. i'm a nationwide josh and visit the top stories from the week just gone. we begin the, our in the don't. yes, republic with the russian. but a tree is officially taking control of a cd of d. f. the russian defense ministry has published voltage of the ukranian on a retreating before the newly appointed commander in chief, alex unassisted gave the order to have troops are seen moving along. roads on the fire and abandoning weapons and military equipment different says it's withdrawn to preserve lives must coast as you korean troops have suffered thousands of casualties. because local the order of their creating armed forces commander in
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chief seriously to bending the city was issued only day after you craning troops became fleet uncontrolled. some of the measures were currently being taken to finally clear the city of the militants and block. you cleanings. we need staff left the city and hold up at the difficult and chemical plant deliberation of div care has made it possible to move the front line away from the nets, thereby significantly securian from the terrace attacks by the criminal regime in key information on the defense of our troops was not transmitted until the enemy had been completely defeated and the city had been taken under control. the city of df. cat has been described as one of the most strategic points on the battlefield in the ukraine war. this what it shows what is left of the city after months of fighting residential buildings and the streets are abandoned with most of the city infrastructure tends to rumble. it's estimated that hundreds of civilians to remain in the state a from the pre well population of more than 30000 ukranian officials assigned to the lack of munition and arms as one of the reasons for
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losing the buffer for our gift. but according to reports, russian soldiers found full stops of west and supplied weapons enough to go with enemy units. web based, the alms were abandoned as ukrainian forces fled. the strategic city was but 2 human and neighbor rides lawyer had done cover leak. he says, ukraine is likely to use this wall, which the west refuses to accept. it is they don't want to lose. they don't want to be seen is losing this conflict. they've convinced their populations to send billions of dollars a arms and munitions to ukraine. they have to try to say that ukraine is winning, or at least as a chance to win, despite all the evidence to the contrary. you know, right now, congress is considering, in other words, $60000000000.00 a package to ukraine. if, if the american people realize ukraine is losing and will lose this war,
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they're losing, for a number of reasons, nothing to do with congress. they've gotten plenty of aid from around the world. the fact is that they are not as well trained as the russians. of course, at this point, they're conscripting an elderly man and in disabled people to fight because they have almost no soldiers left. which is another reason they're losing um is nothing to do with congress. but again, this is just propaganda to try to convince congress to do something and send them more money. it obviously shows this desperation, right? of ukraine needs the us more than the us need ukraine and to come up empty habit is going to be politically devastating for the leaders in these countries. biden, of course, is a, is good. his facing election in november. he's put his presidency on the line for you, craig and a number of other leaders in europe and done the same. they decided they can't give
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up now. then as in cream lanes, that's the reason for traits on a lack of i'm a nation from the west world, but now the economy is jeffrey sachs as americans are sick of spending money on this conflict. to catch the full interview on oaks town of boy because of worlds of parts you can head over to our website, all g dot com is a green continues to stuff like we show setbacks on the front line. west indeed is at the native security conference theme to convinced that russia is actually the one who's in the war to make no mistakes. pool as war has already been. and her failure for russia, ukraine has re gained more than half the territory russia occupied at the start of the conflict. thanks in part, to a massive supply of american and european weapons. the russian military has
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suffered severe setbacks. it has lost 2 thirds of its tanks and more than a 3rd of its leads in the black sea, well spent the evening russia on the contrary, there's nothing cheap, any of its military goals polluted and wanted to take care of in 2 weeks, 2 years later ukraine liberated more than half of the territories occupied by russia. russia has lost control of the western part of the black sea that says, thousands gathered in meaning to protest the ongoing nato conference, people in the crowd brandished post as that red quote. every war begins with a lie. some of the protest us condemned the german government's policy to watch russia. it seems pretty as a peace movement we have demanded from the beginning and continued to demand that all further acts of war be stopped and that we sit down at the negotiating table because we refuse to sacrifice the ukrainians to a senseless proxy war between nato and russia and we refused to be enemies of the
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russians. a peaceful europe can only exist with russia. my mind, my opinion is that we urgently need these with russia again to our real enemies in america. they are not l eyes the hour and so they have carried out terrorist attacks and our infrastructure and not want to drag us and to be work against the security conferences directed against our people. it's not just for the security of the states. security is probably intended for the government and for america, but not for the people until the west showed admire india for sticking to multiple options in dealing with other countries. that's what new dell is. foreign minister said at the munich security conference directed to is u, as in german account, about subtractive, grilling about in his blooming trade with russia. your question? do we have multiple options on size? yes. is that a problem? why should it be a problem if i'm smart enough to have multiple options?
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so it should be on my you know, you shouldn't be criticized. it's very hard to find a you need, i mention relationship. now again, different countries and defend relationships have different customers. so i agree, but he wants to talk to tony said, which is a good box most provide choices, swap populous, take some of those choices. but sometimes that will be choices on which you will say, well, you know, i think a lot of lots, up on the, you mean the programs also agents to back the united states of america as well as germany do try to give me it was a minister in relation to off relationship with russia by yes, uh, bottom minister was married at the daughter though he was very me to say the time he was with very, very said fargo know, going to be sure we are going to
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a lot of so far, far less off any of the 3 you have to go include the same time in the game. that is on the be, i mean the by the 19 we have the right to choose those bar on the bottom relation as well as far as the tanami operation. if you remember to read the g 20 watch summons also in the valley, there was the use tensors ran the rest of the copies trying to, you know, really costly in relation to the relationship. the relationship with russia is the best fit relationship. it's the relationship which is that on what is the, you know, 70 to 80 years old and rebuild of knocks in chapel times the relationship will do one quality reading center and say this on any of the country. and we have been very clear on this. i mean, i'm to earlier this week more than 50 civilians including children,
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were killed in 9 time idea of stripes. and rough uh, according to the guys of health ministry, is, were claims that you still sold as a cover to rescue 2 hostages. you might find the following footage, disturbing. the look at this, this is what happened. these are the 2 monitors right here. and there are injured people to my relatives got injured, my wife got injured and they were all taken to the hospital. these to remain here. they were the displaced from con eunice and all tents here for the displaced. it's like a refugee camp. houses and most square demolished by building. so strides according
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to accounts from the local media. rafa which is on the border with egypt, is now the most densely packed city and then bottled to fall as being an enclaves with more than one point. 5000000 civilians sheltering that as a result of a deadly rage. the idea of said is managed risk due to hostages, who was seized by her mos on october 7th, as well as vile to continue using force to return more, abduct cheese from das off. so that's 2 more hostages. hold on 134 still to got israel remains committed to the pledge, but there will be no one left behind. we will continue applying military pressure to release the hostages by full supply possible and to create the conditions for the release of the what's the idea of finishing batch is really security agency had been working on the move for several weeks. the operation was postponed twice and started at 1 am local time on monday. as soon as the opportunity popped up,
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as the army says, if less than an hour, and as a result, 2 hostages were indeed rescued and released these ro says 2 soldiers have been wounded from these really side as well. the countries air forces conducted heavy strikes and rough us to provide cover and support for the troops. the hostages were then taking too, in his really hospital and their condition is repulsively stabled. also pensions of brewing between israel and egypt all the lumen, large scale operation in the rough, fine southern part of the gas has 3 face railing system. the reason urgent need claiming the rossville full battalions. also, i'm not stationed in that area that have to be eliminated. as well also believes the roster dozens of tunnels that connect gather to age of 10 to collapse them is real, needs to intensified smoke through efforts. the problem is that at least 1200000 gallons are currently located in that area. and israel still does not have any
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clear plan on where to move them or how to protect them from being heard. these really get them in spokesperson earlier getting a very vague answer to that, claiming there is plenty of space in gaza for people to really move. let's take a listen. how long are you going to give them to leave? and where are they going to go? you still haven't explained where they're going to go, given that so much is gone. so now is lots of as well there. open spaces in garza, there are places where it is possible to set off tempting compliments, so that civilians can get out of homes way and not allow from us to use them as human shields. while it tastes a rather surprising and cynical statement by and his really official given diag conditions, people are health. and here's what the you, when reports about the situation in southern parts of the gaza strip right now. in rough uh, southern gaza there a 1400000 people, tons of kilometers of people living in the streets in plastic, make shift shouts as
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a military offensive in the middle of these completely exposed vulnerable people is a recipe for disaster. i'm all must be coming wordless. the question now is whether israel launches all day or is to launch its large scale operation and rough phone. we heard clear statements about preparations earlier this week. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the idea of to get ready for actions. the request was also sends to elaborate a plan for potential evacuation of guidance from the southern part of the 3. but it's really is also hesitating theory into edgar egypt, official cairo's, as any potential operation at its folders will put relations with israel to a challenge or t spoke to an official involved in the mediation process. we confirmed that indeed the relations between the 2 could potentially crack in case of the operation. israel's allies in america also warning against the moves while some mass claim that's the operation in the south of gaza, will stop all negotiations. and that means that the fates of $134.00 hostages still
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remaining inc, if to between gaza, will be unclear. we are now at nissan of both the crossing between israel, then a trip to ed dozens of protests or is this you can see behind me came to try to prevent humanitarian aid from going to the gaz us 3 of it is he had another riley of these kind to organize in recent weeks, they were stopped twice, really police a bit before this check point. they left their cars and walked here shortly on monday. by the way, there was another similar gathering planned as kept him shut long, crossing another major entry of the aides to the palace student and play some 50 kilometers from here, his really forces blocked the road, leading to that check point explaining the area was declared and military zone and didn't allow protest or is on media to pass through. most people believe food, water, and medical and shelter supplies send from these really territory go directly to the mass. supporting the militant group is rarely spied to the gainst,
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in gaza. so support over more than 10000 trucks and to the guy who has 3, carrying around 140000 tons of food and water, about 14000 tons of medical aid and also stream really needed equipment and materials for shelter is the un says more than 85 percent of gas is $2300000.00 population happening internally displaced in full months of these really offensive with more than a 1000000. now crowded around the rough farm and southern parts of this tree for israel is now when intensive, military activity raising concerns about the safety. of course, all civilian guidance, their thousands have taken to the streets of tennessee to protest the net. anyhow, government's handling of the war and gaza while calling for new elections. and these ro, the, the,
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this content is mountain in israel, as some hostages remain at home mas hands, while the war on gas rages on for testers are also demanding them uses via in prison. to swap deal with the policy and militants, is rarely police scramble to break up crowds looking a main kind of if city street in jerusalem, hundreds right outside the prime ministers, residents shouting semen of the month. here's what some of the demonstrators told us. and we can, i'm here because after experiencing the terrible catastrophe we went through in october, it cannot be that this government remains in power without asking the people what they want. and we want selections here. and now our economic security is dropping.
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prices went up by tens of percentages in the past year. our credit rating has dropped, which means damage for years to come. this government needs to go home. period. things are only getting worse with everything that's happened since the us. and it's been time to pick them out of prison years ago. every day we are reading is that this government is destroying israel, literally and the people dying and also the spirit of as well. the value of this country people are leaving. people are dying. what else can happen that would need to prove that this is a dangerous government, the worst government as well. and it's very important for me to bring down this government because they are damage in the country. everything they do is for their own benefit, their political st. and the only way, in my opinion to bring them down is, was protests. that's why i'm here. despite these ready public southridge,
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benjamin netanyahu claims collections, all the last thing the country needs is cabinets unanimously declared that it will not submit to any pressure when it comes to permanent recognition of palestine. you certainly will find a soft of israel categorically rejects international edicts on a permanent arrangement with the palestinians. such an arrangement will be achieved only through direct negotiations between the sides. israel will continue to oppose unilateral recognition of a palestinian state recognition, such as that following the massacre of october 7th will grant a major prize to terror a prize that has not been seen before and will prevent any future peace arrangement about you already of open eyeball is rarely peace activist and head of the true state collision says benjamin netanyahu is doing everything possible. just running these running right wing alliance and avoid early elections. it's very clear that the, these are the government a doesn't want to have a new election. because according to all of the boards,
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it's going to lose any lie and dramatically and the and they've been the gun sweetie. re name, email address, landslide, their victory. and we'd take over that then the out del sol. nathaniel always not aiming to, these are the public, he doesn't care what will be the result of the pause because he doesn't want to go for an eli election. he doesn't want to even ask the public what, what they think about these government. therefore, these doing whatever you can, you know that the strength is a writing a question, and not to allow a new election to be comp. and, and this is the reason why is giving away all these really interest to the explain why to reinforce as a, with these on government. and this is the, the reason why so many people we go out to demonstrate against this government. because they see that their policy is not the right policy for the state of phase when it's due, right for policy, for the past and within the hour it needs gulshan. meanwhile, mass protests in both the us and u. k. so fresh goals for peace and concept. thousands flooded the streets of
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british capital waving palestinian flags and chanting free polish dies. local police have reported the arrested 12 people, some of which where to stop displaying anti semitic blackouts in new york crowds of protest of gather in front of a citizen, most famous public library students and school children and life carries. so says the fred, stand with follow, stein and, and the conviction now, the policy and impossibilities you take gave an impassioned speech at the london protest. 110000000 part of sins. now saving an extra funds with more left to go. them to go with? no, no, no. the results of justice has the clear but a must be extended to those suffering cause yet 16 done in the countries
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hopefully to funding to unrest, which will run out of money by the end of this month. receive. so not same living through indian president has claimed the western sanctions mechanism is an effective and empty as all 12 packages had a limited impact and the russian economy. the countries gdc of times by 3.6 percent and 2023 outpacing both the u. n. u. s. according to official figures and economic slums in some european countries are a testament to the serious domestic challenges the phase are to contribute or rachel moss then brings us more on the story about the west, teen unity is really sticking together, just like drowning victims. that end up clinging to each other after germany's own national statistics office forecasted a 2 year economic slump in the wake of
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a 0.3 percentage point dropping g d p last year, saving high energy and living costs. now it's the u case turn to drop into recession. also with a 0.3 percent drop in g d p at the end of last year, that was even greater than what economists had even predicted. all, according to official figures, the finance minister blames high inflation. so the cost of food and energy that spiked when you're up decided to slack financial sanctions and constraints on its own. cheap gas supplier rough uh, but hey, there's an obvious solution for europeans looking for a more reasonable. busy cost of living. so i'm not exactly current on the prices, but here's what the cost of moscow. $647.00 roubles, so that is exactly 7 dollars, 70 dollars and 5 cents. i think in for that we got to cheeseburgers large fries, large colla a coke knock off and
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a piece of chocolate take. so we weren't guessing what this would cost. however many years and united states buy groceries and we didn't pay any sense of the costs as we're just putting in the car where we would actually eat over a week. and we all came in around 400 bucks, about 400 bucks. and it was a $104.00 us here. and that's when you start to realize that audiology maybe doesn't matter what size you thought corruption. if you take people standard of living and you tank is true filled, and crime and inflation. and they literally can't buy the groceries they want. at that point, maybe it matters less what you say, whether you're a good person or a bad person, you're reckoning people's lives in their country. and that's what our leadership done to us. and coming to a russian grocery store, the heart of people and seeing what things cost and how people with the radicalize you against our leaders. that's how i feel. anyway, right. of course we're not making any of this up by the way at all. so yeah,
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your opinions to just go do their shopping and dining in the most sanction country on earth. the same nation that the countries currently dipping underwater into recession said that they were going to drown as far back as 2022, a congress from engaged. the russian economy is collapsing. boot is to get the money, but he can hardly spend it. and time is not working for russia, it is working against russia. nobody wants to invest in bullshit anymore. put in, con, keep this up for much longer. this war will eventually come to an end by shipping the russian economy to the core. and we are in the process of doing so seems of all focusing on all the ways that they were going to implode, the russian economy, these leading european countries mostly just ended up showing how it's done on themselves, is dramatically bad. we can't go on like this. overall, we need to invest more in this country again and get economic growth going. now that the wind is really blowing across the country, it becomes clear,
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but we have failed to address and the last few days. gates. well, that sounds like good news actually, maybe now that matter for a quote, wind blowing across the country as a german economy minister cause it could power up the german industry and prevent the overseas exit as to countries that actually have a reliable energy supply. while the same economy minister was busy bragging about reducing his own shower times. contrast all that with what russian president vladimir putin has been saying about russia's economy, maybe schools last year was economic growth was higher than expected. precious gdp increased by 3.5 percent according to our calculations and by 3.6 percent according to the latest data. this has happened in the world average, globally just figure averages 3 percent. economies of developed countries are growing by an average of 1.5 percent. all of this is in line with the international monetary farms own upgraded assessment of the russian economy for 2020, for an upward revision of another 0.6 percent growth over its october 28
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point 3 projected resulting in a project and 2.6 percent growth forecast for russia in 2024, and a 1 point one percent growth forecasts for 2025. specifically the i m. s. site slide military spending and domestic consumption. so 2 things that are totally the result of western actions against russia, whether it's making weapons used in ukraine, against nato, back forces, or sanctions boosting russian domestic consumption and production. so it looks like the wes grand plan to destroy the russian economy is here's a bit of a snag and this recession stops, seems to be quite contagious. even japan has been hit losing its spot as the world's 3rd largest economy in enabling jeremy, even in its pitiful state right now to move up in the 3rd place behind the us in china. as for the u. k. well, it's now reporting
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a 2nd and consecutive quarterly decline says technically a recession with a greater economic contraction, then anticipated. apparently no one tipped off. the british prime minister though is that then moving right down the road is yeah, he has a full cross journey at the confirmation of recession exposed as a government, as a prime minister, completely out of touch with the realities on the grounds. a government that for too long has formed it could not make failure with complacency, content to be the manages of decline. this is so not the claims that he has a plan, but the plan is not working. he claims that the economy has tons,
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aqona. but the economy is shrinking. he claims he doesn't want to take us back to square one. but we are going backwards of the prime ministers claims our ins foxes. oh, come on now. no need to worry. the experts have it all under control. over at the european central bank in charge of maintaining price stability and low inflation, they're apparently busy fighting over whether staffers are committed enough to drinking the green koolaid. the top official over their reportedly has the backing of e. c. b, president to students gather in telling employees who are ardent practitioners of climate change religion that they're just not wanted there. that's supporting to a new report from political. so while the ship is struggling to stay afloat, those over at the home and in a position to help correct the course,
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have apparently been otherwise occupied, squabbling over the size of its carbon footprint. those of a past weeks, biggest stories had to our website or to come for more news coverage and analysis. i'm a day show our josh going underground is up. next the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm asked sooner than say, welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east. today, the so called world quarter game puts the u. s. u, u k,


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