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tv   Documentary  RT  February 18, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

10:30 pm
as online use as soon as this you have it with me this afternoon. just explain simple. you know, she really wants to go to vegas ideals of what those are going to need. specialist me and i'm going to continue your questions on a shelf for my school year finished pressure cock moscow. i. those are the coordinate the point as long as the class. so it's not near me. i just have to repeat the blue interior with its generation. the watering integration by stream plus use of the records marriage and limited pass interview stop from us. can we push the investment? yeah, it's a couple of messages i just wrote in the multi 1000000 metropolis went almost everyone in chicago. couldn't handle it amount, making people use public transport instead seemed impossible. today though, you might willing count a successful businessman, politicians or actors on most goes metro. simply because it's quicker that way, less,
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less solidly wounded as difficult to ensure the quickest and most of them were shipments going. so the console focus as i get the machine and the chaise to the same article, such as a plane at washington state audio dot net. sure. hold on july here. there's no telling what it does on the west. cool. i spell a voltage waiting for new means of rush. so i mean good as i should was one of the shootings west coast are listed on the news, the news or shift you g. i meant to and some there and say it to the ladies because the bus lanes let the people of only traffic jams and drive on time when people wait for the 12, because the electric bus clicked most goes new on the train lines. the central diameters have connected commuter trains in the capital city, metra people canal run straight through the capital to the nearest the most good region towns. the most go central circle has no coming into the ground of the must
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go metro, blinking more than 2 dozen city districts and reducing the strain on the center major shift. so when you lose your muscle number, they mean, well, it's kind of like, just let me know. you can ask your mouse to it originally isn't, boy, is the most camper, i mean throw, i suppose you me new or ethan where she usually to meetings roadshow but there's a piece of the walk out there to lead satisfied. what do i think going keep progress with him? so if you have any interest which is not working, so i'm going to go on with these are going to crash jolaine. erica, new v. o. it was really easy to do. i was just wondering, is region one of the smarter mostly to the board of the sure kind of over the past 10 years. as most goes metro lines have grown by 50 percent. no other metropolis in the world has equal the pace of somebody construction. the big
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central line is the not just with nothing on the planet, the mattress covering 70 kilometers. it was laid on the ground in rankled time. nick, i've always thought how some of my chairs, what is that? what i mean for all the jamie seal and you're not from your finance team, it doesn't always stop at them. all of us are more confident, more for those who go to the store. like but i don't really sure girl may, i can so store using that you have to go see where you're going. there just likes to to deal with another promotional price lock for ever doing it in new york was pretty sure an extreme got it. it's or was there anything things i touch the blue shaped paperless. so about saying, yeah, some, some of this actually was so cool. he managed to cool these to some of the 2nd. i mean yet naples or levels to people that secretary is the old ones back
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most flash one video nice. last time i was up to roll shows that go either way, can i see what all this stuff. yeah. yeah. yeah. we should be able to get in touch with the same issue. but as far as the, the template is not the way it means to whom i squeezed the island and the vitality, thought it, cuz i can eat janiella serious leak if you can move forward to me. i appreciate it, but it's got to be your new wireless pre efforts for the cost of. so if she is raving by deals, i mean, whereas let's see here. uh, football ventercore anyway. so what i'm going to stick with ios. we're gonna, we is the single, the guy who's the best one or mentors or what did we even see shapes of that kind of format. as you've knew is that why scans the school then specially i'm gonna send you out of school with the no,
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i'm trying to do it. you're welcome to just leave without coverage. got kind of play out of sort of what you could i just each ation down the cause these issues choose to increase the door. i see the motion is somewhere to go. i've managed to be at the loop and i need your i yeah, i normally put themselves into somebody. yeah, i just catch them. i don't appreciate some fun. yeah. check the color sign me up. i'm not sure they have different actually spoke to my gosh, last i knew was by chase down the road. you the sum such as the stock is alika new for the course of these 5 live g e c. i need some little since these to buy for shots less. i'm the last issue aspect were supposed to have it a man which means to the gym. we could go look when you about an impersonal him. what am i getting those words get them was even serious because say you was a,
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i see chess young as well with love shift show some movie shift. yeah. that was very strong. my guys in that too. yeah. got a new fresh peaceful anthem. almost limitless energy providing light and wounds even at the edge of the world. conquest of the phone news access to advanced medical technology saving tens of thousands of lives. interesting decades of dozens of russia has re cleaned it status as world leader in terms of nuclear energy and technology. the world of the floating nuclear power plant russian technology is being used to build nuclear power stations in 12 countries. at the same time, the insured, yes. it is. i was like say for instance,
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it is the of the of the deal side. so i'm going to bump on the words why it saves up his heels in front of me onto his desk. and what was the line? yes, was a football level, as a village spitting go the know of do? it was all for see me on, says the pots the dispatcher. and so i'm like, so what's catching is that i'm going to put it in the system or what's going on. let's put this through it. i think the color the last just put a lot on the right. yep. the reading. yep. rush. it was the only country with the nuclear icebreaker fleet. the northern secret, which is the shortest logistical colorado lincoln east and west a bit significantly faster and more cost effective than the suez canal risk. it also grounds access to the optic with its which natural results is michael handling gas. in the next 4 years, more nuclear vessels will slide down rushes, melting slippers, funding the whole 50. so it'd be at the around what the status of all of which last
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hour, so possible. so the federal provide, if it's the, it's the interest of what the cost is more of a deal and then young for i didn't miss an exponent was given by of them on such as this on the launch is the right has been in level or so for me, sue is the success of the i knew it was a c, i knew that i got the full a wish that costs the local. i just didn't want to ask a few of them. i was doing a follow me a lot slammer financing. the temperance of any throwing out the solid. give yourself a leasing if i'm really i'm going to have the same spreadsheet. so for all the new, so the new front for the new i need the insurance and the longer, but the more about the loss. but i left some of them
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so i have the 1000 which is the v 6 quite strong, 3 fan using the model of the one to the full of life. and then yeah, once they got bought a and b, that's the kind of thing. if any of them come out to me this, well, no, it's down more than i just bought lots a couple and then would say for, for the the store and yes, that the cell phones. but not only ended up all federal functions. the maya, come on the yeah, i never really see what's going on with them about these things. i was the 1st one was the and this is a was i say, i said this is the last name or the, the, the
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for the business. and you put in the 3 of the daily that was chosen, you know, mary comes to you when you wrote it, you know, just go to it is just such an up curriculum for those who don't you provide your stuff such and sure. ruckel even was manager of the different student info, which of course and yet you throw in the with them the probably just a moment that was true. obviously if it was just you know, that was sent to us yesterday. i just i just looked up through usually i'm guilty and that'd be studies for civilian forge of flourish to for me to on, on, on the if we can, we can load it mostly just some of the posting, sustainable. they won't because of this new way to box or do full color. was there any don't know which these are do i know for the don't or that you just to do given the other than that, we're going to use best opinion. finance has come up with the
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same wrong just don't you have to shape house after kids and engagement trails. when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground, the the blue one and the blue not put to most of the location of the unit 7. 3. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was
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to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so just to show the great deal to the new suddenly looking through here to keep a new model. uh, new mazda thought, this new noon, and one of our from new i'm, i got the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more promotion to try to put all of this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so that's good to go. if you
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want the fondest to should buy a new on it, on site in sentiment, someone could see that on the, on the, on the put the ticket bucket, i got the the in southern russian with its warm, sunny climate and photo ground. this land has been cultivated for centuries. generations have left on the sewing land. it's a lands to which everyone here was inexplicably named. the russia itself is a brit baskets that could feed the whole world. is the way i got that. i see a girl in lincoln said, acumen come with a 3rd bullet student with you. if i say it was this kid, this is the starting with see a voice. and so there is a goal of, as you can use those issues with the, to be way of the he has last requested, said to the,
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was the assume the for just or is this the government more over by just this with the new, the push it is a trip up we're doing a lot of it still pretty much all so stuff, but i see going invest this. i don't keep all of them that i'm going to be able to start a new regions and rush around new people. these are what's greatest riches and it's hard crime, you know, was always with russia building a bridge at coast to coast strength wasn't just a grandiose infrastructure project. it's a connection to the ground even stronger this the interest of the like this can the yeah, how to do it. so some of them it, so there was simply that way as well. so. so for the record, the party will meet from, you know, the chest, the who are the additional weight to the queue is use baby watch the us through the
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show suburban goes control. i don't deal with don't store, we're going to move a similar to of stuff would have to do with it. but those actual don't want those keeps if it will be associated with the bundle explosion that with that, that the, for the kids are made it easy to go sort of to somebody well as to see what, stupidly risk them and you will lose those who so basically will you look for me? yeah, you know, it's with us to stick with them so that i see lou just as which try me and it's events. depaula rushes pride, enjoy it, greece and inspiration. it's spring, 9 years of construction and incredible transformation. the russian spring is coming and growing stronger. the people defended their right to the native language of true history and the memory of their ancestors. the process going to be just go to go to prison. you understood them. yeah, but so no. so all of those to be good, 300 percent, one of them,
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this is clinics. you could definitely look similar to yours a week ago or 2 little bushes. that means the system in the course of it. and still, perception is so much we, so it's a blessing to have just want them to learn to play well, it sounds to me and they agree to the cool people going with friends. we do it this way of the, of the built onto it. this was the ago been yes, can you the magic still pay more to the budget? this phone was maybe to swing up sort of the issue prescription. so my number to be on the new this fluid, although you with the we to lose can you see up and you must go to see if it goes to it. and it pulls up the shirts at the for the g. no, looks a whole bunch of them to go to the at this stage, can you put the must with and with the but it was just a bit try me is experiences exceptional, restoring infrastructure and creating a fully fledged social support system. and it's a little bit and implemented now in the new regions. well,
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1st let me go to my overly, i. normally it was, it really is me and it wasn't level that go to the table to that. so official go outside the go to go to sure, you know, as you put in the system, that is model but source and student assessment, this the new stuff. now we just go in to the initial stuff on this. go on here to move this over to us or something like that because when you visited but you up with them. so what should be to this should or is that the basic issue which is exploited the loop or is that the should, that does all say that and you get this just good luck with that, that the, that just sufficient commercialised and certainly we live it out so yep, it's been a little bit small of good to and, and that was all i should put you on the but just guess, let's just throw at least a bus which is a, is a about this goes to 0 is one of the, so i'm going to figure it out certain level, the never was, what was most the, what else was, i mean it was a home the funny me that they would want us to the ceiling and it's not the ocean is all to look for today with the system because they need a little to see the come genuine forensic and so yeah, we came up with
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a bit too much today, mary. opal is a city where restoration is followed by all of russia, residential areas, mountain playground, schools and clinics. some, i'd call it a made a construction project, but there's much more background to carol, so to people who have just lived through the scam his time of their lives. so does that gives you an international waste of do not been yes. and where's the sudden the speech is usually the national crime? take up much of this just as for the office for you just discuss the open up mine or just the symbol for the the source of a. the chart as though it's betsy by the rest of the land is an inexhaustible source of natural resources. thanks to which the country is so self sufficient. the industrial redevelopment of side building it
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has become a new center of attraction for people and technology. new environmentally friendly production has been launched on the many and products for radiation and ship building and turning point will buy products into useful materials. the largest project and the global oil and gas industry plus doug oil produces premium oil with minimal environmental damage. my, your remember on my board. so as i look at mine, there is a technology of the futures as of mankind, school to the is a leading innovation center, a modem, science city that unites creators and discoveries hoopa come to face of technological progress in modern russia. the question means that the co pay usually takes now part of can you realize that we are both in utah, west korea will not be used for the city partners get picked up article frustrated with it, the rest of it. i'd say school isn't able to pick the rest of the of what you call
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list. i said there's a bunch of fun which sounds like combine you in really still to combine. you're not in the nurse to see what new a screenshot is. come part of the month or you could just, if you get an interest, if, but there's a for 30 minutes, need you to show, consider the rest. you can see that i'd say i'm going to assume that most up kind of get permission to close. just be the function for this function to go into jeanette sites. just the problems judging and i could change the creatures to look tomorrow or put your show machine. well, these are some place that's a difficult to get into scripts when you hit the post. the fox, the blue cross go so you don't, you don't have any unusual language speed. you can buy them for the new storms. now, the current a bunch of phone calls to sales to nothing. you must have to try to session that to this. one of the doors were open in the evening. sometime anything must come most go on monday, and we'll just watch what i'm seeing unless you're in a window. charlotte, thanks to them. i told her to accompany many have adopted
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a new outlook on life by on a person. ethics can mimic almost any gesture. this is the 1st step towards naturalization, when a prestige has performed the exact movement that the person thinks about. it's also a new and rehabilitation for soldiers who were injured fighting for dumbass and the new territory at custom laptops and milk are sitting there for the most of you have the money of food show you is deal of destroying somebody supposedly my bill. it's been, you just get used to a that the good know what i see is the story best to get this machine is giving system. anybody thoughts except what some of the commercial central form that i see . but just fucking this about, let's go with the book, i think the pension when you put that on such as can before you them least i'm step on my gosh, publishable before they click fund of just from national board. try to, oh, should go to the right to problem the told me that, well that's what was your 1st yesterday, but i was just coming in and she lives in pennsylvania shows as well as going out. ok, lawyers, which was kind of, i get a when i start servicing,
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you might have just been with us up and have somebody look, i think it was at some point is what's up as along some fox, almost hoping you caught it the way until april 30th when you pull it up, say some of them they'll get, well, the nice thing to it is i've sent the stuff the survey out of the system, the cpanel as well to cool. let me that's fine. yeah. we are you. we building the, the book on. yes. and the, the, the table or part of my store for me, plenty of full scope of books, of documents with no one you need any more questions about those moves. i mean, unless i'm gonna buy something can absolutely be installed. i see. and so to is about to combine yeah, photos anyways. gimme a shout about almost remote stuff in, in your thoughts slide. it also means that each of us, though, would you do more is to search for jobs setup with uh, you know, what's on the customer, just go ahead and get the mobile calculation. was it the suitcase to that you said
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the issue of my as is minutes for the digital talking to us, we'll take those 2 boards into this but most of them or spoke to you always what the, the, it's great and the russia is the largest country in the world, but to clearly see how big it is that's priceless. the far east and the volcanoes of coming to the unique cost beauty of the russian know the mountain trails about tying into euros. and the centuries old traditions of the middle school, this is russia, was thousands of kilometers of rows for climate zones, as well as millions of picked as it protected far as the major was the 160 s and the cities in russia, each with its own language, traditions and spirituality, the age of churches last some synagogues, and taps on that,
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which is the formation kaufman culture. each historical milestone. russia is diverse, a multi faceted. that's why you want to know more and more about that the as i would have, by the way, you would you mind i was going to put across on us not, not stuck up. yeah. these are so something today as a concept in the lower. sure. yeah. sure my move would be just to let them. yeah. so i for them to so i never nauseous fluid as well cause i have to so yeah, but it's the form x dollar. you wouldn't go got to set the loose cause also bringing you to frazzle for your color. meaning, you careful. pres. lots of october, sir, sir? yeah, yeah. about my area. so uh, the store visual, uh my, uh, i see the tool malware or the sticker in we're
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not up to mitchell so it would be just salt lake jeans than those could clear up. we scheduled a simple, i didn't know the sentient it's near as a new bullet book. it in the by you go according to will spills go a sub border by steve, you know that bus to ride the bus route to new york. is that where i live book while they go to machine new valve, not on the ups store and those on the new boulevard north. what's the deal? so it was really early pick up in the nursery. yeah. be up like, throw it in the christmas cuz that's a good way to see a fussy but dublin was a gun to that. the sco ciocca. but guess what? the most night suspicion, the
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village of the the one that it is that the stylus levels through is told that adults does that both
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the idea is that we're going to sit in the front where, you know, doing your duties of income or get, you know, a visa, multiple of those sites that finish each port. i see this page and we'll go over this and you'll do lots of good on the account number he is, tim got to did so he just pulled up david's dyson new and can choose the homeland much like the parents. it's given that this was publishing. there's just soon as well i was calling with a world of sensation and feeling and world of childhood has no style. just makes me huge. good evening to go see with the purchase. they should want to continue some of the for this month. and that does embodied
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in every russian where does it begin? in an office, with sleepless nights spent over designs a model and begins with good patient care, who's building new homes and roads the 1st flight. and the 1st metro training. the people can ensure its of itself loosely and stand up so that when needed the, this is the place they loan for the land of their ancestors. the story of pride, of longing for each citizen. the place that lay stays in the
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the hello and welcome to the cost of full boards. here we discuss the wheel in the way are in moscow, standing in front of one of russia's most iconic symbols and embodies greece elegans and articles. on a grandiose scale theater the,
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the russia takes will control the strategic city of i'm the guy in to do next. for public following months of fields, bottles i saw you print interest of a growing lapse of suffering significant loss. as also ahead. you have to know the week of the idea of strikes on the policy an enclave in choosing a devastating rate that kills more than 15 locals for the alleged sake of saving 220 hostages. the mentality of is written by furious protest against but nothing, you know, government has thousands of his relatives demand another ceasefire and prisoner swaps deal with guns while also calling for new election.


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