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tv   News  RT  February 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the, the for the the job itself is suddenly under the control of the russian forces. there are no sabotaged groups. there's no ukrainians, or there's no ukrainians who left here who decided to stay here willingly. just a 3 to 50 off of gifted taken as russian forces evacuate school the we did ukrainian troops to upon the left behind the pulse of the solvers. hill says is upset. the israel has declared its president facility non grata comparing the death of civilians in gauze up to the whole the cold. also as successive governments have given the city of people, only 3 options displacement, subjugation, or the death of stein demands. israel and its occupation us the legal proceedings
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again until the beginning of the un cold and the height, the tops just sticks over into tuesday minus b to scott's. and here's how the world is looking. as a new day gets into way here. must russian forces have assumed full control of, of the, of can near them. yet city that's up to you. cleaning troops hastily retreated from the strategic location is all teasing. he goes down to with his reports from us that throughout the day that we have been working here, we have been hearing gunshots, and we have been hearing brushing tillery, and while ukrainian artillery as well, working hard and going up each other. but 1st and foremost, the town itself is firmly under the control of the russian forces. there are no, uh, sabotage groups. there's no ukrainians, or there's no ukrainians who left here who decided to stay here willingly. rather,
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it was a mess over we over a withdrawal. and so not everybody simply got the got the order to full back towards last that you can and so on and so forth. we're working with with d mining crews and with the i would assume teams that whose main task is to clear everything to clear anyone who may have remained hidden in the basement. so over all these buildings that since a lot of ukrainian troops presumably were left here, were abandoned that by their own to month, they may be hiding in basements, and they may be looking to obtain civilian clothing so that they could disguise themselves as locals. and so that they could evacuate fast to russia and then 2 of the and well then probably to go home and try to sneak back into ukraine. this is the tactics that we have seen in pretty much every town. every major city here in
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the don't pass that was liberated by the russian on forces. of course i will group, i will be bringing you more form of data. i will be bringing you more reports. this is just a sneak peak into, and you can probably hear you can probably hear tillery working. this is because the fighting is ongoing. the crate in the russian forces are trying to forbid to prohibit the ukrainian, the account by the ukrainian enemies from gaining a foothold uh new positions that are closer to up. dave, good, which is very, very important, of course, because the main goal of leverage, but to make specific you've been that's safe because it hasn't do violent violent showings in the past months. this, let's just say it was a ukrainian stronghold, but it's has been devastated by years of fighting. the russian army is now clearing mines in the city. while i'm building the sofa, the little damage is a church and the russian orthodox code just called it's
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a miracle one says go. he found shelter that describes how people felt about the developments to us on top of all. we'll have to survive like this kind of in the basements. that was the only way. somebody done the debris. some will look at this of life. i just couldn't leave. it's my home. i live in the church. it belonged to shut it down and run away. on the 17th i still wash and soul just coming into the city. i sold them and couldn't believe it. so now we're forever with russia, not my was of days please, not ukrainian warehouse people are are overwhelmed with emotions. but we're all happy that we're finally home. we have difficult copeland's which is the largest coal processing facility in europe, has been fully cleared of ukrainian troops according to moscow bush and forced to say that they've evacuated over 2020. when did you clean your soldiers? who had been hold up in the plans, the struggles were upon the abundant by the commanders as give to split the city
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before it's taken by bishop this weekend is what we heard from civil service. men who are now in up to you, staggered since their exit was unplanned, they abandoned their injured soldiers and their uninsured fighters. generally the officers and also of units were the 1st to withdraw on. what does she do have come on the near their command, abandoned them. they had no communications. i would say the guys were new here. they didn't know the terrain. the guys were confused and panicking. meanwhile, the german media has reported the building supplied ukraine with us, designed and vehicles that went fit for coming back to the task force as apparently had in sufficient protection against themselves and lun minds. and also being sold to germany, a triple the regular price. we spoke with berlin state parliament meant that going on independent. and he says that the regular german people up on the boat and off paying for the war ukraine. the german don't have enough reference for themselves. and the now is the german government,
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the selling weapons to the green and government and know cause a lot of a businessman at night omega their own business with this. so do use of the dealer. they change that price on so, and that takes the money from the government. but in fact it's the money of the german tex payoff drummond, tex payouts pay trip or full credit and they pay for that. okay. and government for the how sort of agreement government they pay for the weapons deliver to dual credit union army. and of course, government tax bells pay for the refugees which came from him to germany. and of course, i think is a not good to insect or so on to deliver any reference to credit union and government or moving on to other news. now, palestine has spoken out against israel in the united nations called in the hague, that reduced instead of eve of committing atrocities for decades with impunity from
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global powers. the general side and the way in gaza is a result of the case of impunity. and inaction successive is there any governments have given the sea of people, only 3 options, displacement, subjugation, or the occupation can only be a temporary state of affairs. a permanent occupation is a legal oxymoron from this whole thing inside. we can hear that they are more than ready and waiting for such a hearing for a long time to happen. so they are extremely happy and grateful with such a fortune, see, and also to be there at the hearings. so today is, as you've said, is the 1st hearing of the i, c, j to ask the question that was asked by the you, engine, or assembly back in december 22. and the question was, is what is the, is there is a few patients passes in palestine territories at this moment as especially right
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now, you know, with the, with the time the site taking place in jazz a and also a solution about it's always going to happen with the off to patients with any patient and supplement, increasing in the west bank and part of the east jerusalem. and also some saying that they might be some changes of the all to the of the, of, to us. and i'm also going to get some history about this is not the 1st time that the i c, j is asked to ask the class that sort of is are on substitution of how sign. so to use for all. so as i mentioned before in 2004, i think deals also us that or what does this waste and again of is your old when it's sort of uh, building the iron walls around the west bank smell for the next phase. uh for this hearing zone storm to take 7 days in action. it started in february, 19th, and tomorrow we shall be hearing from south africa. oh, sure. yeah. so the always,
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yeah. and the number list and some other countries. so to give the question today is the occupations tentatively or not and add more to the status of the occupation officer. oh, nice to to not miss wellington says that the hearings are illegitimate and says that it will continue to defend itself. israel does not recognize the legitimacy of the proceedings of the contractual court in the hague, regarding the legality of the occupation, which are an effort designed to infringe on israel's rights to defend itself against excess central threats. the proceedings in the hague or part of the palestinian attempt to dictate the results of the diplomatic settlements. without negotiations, we will continue to reject this the government and the conduct that are united in rejecting this unacceptable course of action. well, the human rights office has raised grave concerns about sexual violence and the conflicts in gaza uncalled for an investigation into allegations against israeli
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soldiers. we are particularly distressed by reports the palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped, naked and searched by mail is really army officers. at least 2 female palestinian detainees were reportedly rapes, while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence as cross live now to ronnie and body. here's a un representative from the monitoring and g o. but you, ronnie o, thank you for finding the time to speak to us. thank you very much for having me brook view and says that those quotes credible allegations that is ready soldiers of committed sexual violence, extra judicial killing against palestinian women and girls you and human rights office has called for an independent impossible prompt or an effective investigation. this it will be one in fact,
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i was happy to read the report that especially the bus stuck in which the, during the years in the past few, where are the speak about this specially i met money of expressing a especially woman. and you know, let's say, but the inside because of the traditions a woman's of today, if i liked these issues, you know, the society that it, i mean they are very much is i've, so this is why most of the month, they don't highlight that box money of them where really free since some years they were able to speak about this loudly. so this is very important as part of the moment inside. yeah. can you just elaborate a bit, please on that round you there this in total concerns that needs to be taken into consideration had from the reserved women with these women and faith consequences back home. postwar. how they've been subjective to such assaults, to in fact it's so it's very important question because i met one of the expenses
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and i was and she was in 67 in prison. now she's almost a t, as she did just now to speak to bring out the yeah. you see that she was really there, you know, and that she, i know this in one of the many come tv because she had the nationality. and that is the was she was divorced it and they took back here a many times and, and as genetic do. so i meant to enjoy that. and she bring this issue. this is not bring me more because that some ladies where i just did fall short or long time and in the beginning they, they don't want to speak about the on said, you know, at the end really they bring the issue. now the society is very hard when it comes to this show on this dispute. so even after such a legit associated the many continued to suffer for for months and years afterwards
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. and how difficult would you think you'll be to conducts an investigation into these claims? and do you think that the, the electorate perpetrators would be brought to justice if these obligations are confirmed? and i'm sorry to tell you that these people, they don't believe any more of these really is the nation. and we kind of, you know, because i'm sitting now, you know, the suffering event. let's speak about matt and web and present. you know, we have many cases that you can and let's say it completed this meant study. you know, because of this talk chuck, because they are, they were kids. i took it up, but i didn't know we didn't think i need buddy to account. any of this is it? i just saw just the problem. this is why people continue to hide when it comes to this issue. so how could i blame it? you know, lived in a very concert, the conservative society to bring this issue out. so i don't want to tell you that
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it's very complicated, but it does not easy as, as something, you know, some people, they think it's very easy just to go as the cloud. yeah. well, when indeed, i know speaking just a bit more widely vanya, obviously, they're, you've mentioned, their stories are published and has been sold, should abused harass, noted, in these jails and more widely, 30000 dead, 70000 injured. and i'm afraid those figures are likely to be much higher. are you? what do you make of the international community? it is inability to start what's going on in gaza. you know, we speak loudly, we use. oh, let me tell is the general um, i was many times in the i see, you know, as the human being as the representative, etc. and he will be again in march and we are happy that the judges they accept to meet us. and you have names and no, it's not complicated because the, some of the is the prison that the, they speak loudly that the,
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this is what you want to get a default to prevent water for electricity. it's just stuff. so i think now it's we get more ease. yeah. but this has nothing to do with the issues of really being well, mine's or prisoners, etc. it's not another issue. so i, we, when my kids maybe this is way and bring some, if we were able to bring some, is that i used to, i thought this is what instead of there's some people where stuff are to speak about this issue. i will give you one example i have brother was and even use. i never did. so i asked him how it was, you know, it's, it's really hard on it. i, i can only imagine that ronnie and nadia you and representative from the monitoring and jo bundle. thank you. bye. what kind of your thoughts today? thank you. thank you. thank these are the following minister has declared the brazilian presidents included the silver episode,
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a non drops of that's fully comments that he made on the war in gaza. the confederates and all the cost on says the nation which was once persecuted is now the one committing the atrocities to you by the way of don't realize that guys that is not a war, but a genocide because it's not a war between soldiers. it's a war between a highly prepared army against women and children. what's happening in gaza with the posting and people. does it exist in any other time in history? in fact, only happen when people are decided to kill did use for context. so a personal non grata is what lou are the so what was called by is are all and that's what the foreign minister said. and the foreign minister talked about the october 7th attacks and how is or was defending itself from terrorist. and basically said lula was not allowed into the country until he apologize. now, for that remark, result has responded, saying that this is in fact israel, who is being divisive and is isolating, and is the personal non growth. and let's have
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a listen to what the presidential advisor said. this is absurd, it will only increase the isolation of israel. lula da silva is admired all over the world. and right now israel is persona non grata. it's all surprising as well that the is really prime minister, was also largely a outrage and appalled the president of brazil by comparing israel's war in gaza against come us a genocidal terrace to organization. to the holocaust president silly by his displays the memory of 6000000 jews murdered by the nazis and his demonize, the jew estates like the most virulent anti semites. you should be ashamed of himself. apart from the prime minister, the holocaust museum term and strongly condemned lulu the sold as words and said that they are outrages and hateful towards the people of israel and false because israel is a sovereign nation defending itself from quote terrorist furious response from is well which was predictable, but is it justifiable to compare what we're seeing and gone as of right now to the
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publication of the jewish people? the latest figure from the palestinian health ministry does show that there has been a mass amount of dest. you have at least 20029000 people who have been killed. at least 69000 people have been injured. this doesn't account nicky for the people that are lost on accounted for and stuck under the rubble. and so that is becoming more clear that this is about getting the palestinians out and forcing them out of this area instead of actually attacking come off. and what, what we saw during that is that to palestinians, this reminds them of the not fun. and they're hardly the only ones that are reminded of that event. one, if i see victory, i see older infrastructure be any way. i see that they don't have one house not destroyed. i see congress of thousands fling like nag back, walking towards big xhylia when we mentioned the whole course. everybody remembers it as one of the greatest tragedies in human history is that is
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a kind of movie di renee that is well should now stand accused of committing atrocities on a par with that. well, you said it yourself, it's an ironic thing in spite of what happened to is real. it's part of what happened to jewish people and this is not an excuse to now have carte blanche to act. however, they are acting in this situation. and gaza is a start humanitarian crisis that we haven't seen in a very long time. and it's something that has to be resolved. and certainly laughter of actually outlined a, this feeling let's have a listen is really is can create the impression that because they suffer during world war 2, they can do anything today. yes, there was a hollow cost, it's a terrible crime. but there was also a genocide of all the peoples of the soviet union. they suffered no less as they were exterminated in various concentration camps in leningrad together with the jews. according to this logic, then everything should be possible and allowed for us now as well as this in principle is probably systemic. and not good if we want to preserve international
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law. also, according to the un and other international human rights organizations, we're seeing that what is role is doing is not justified in terms of what they've say is targeting of how much we're going to live now by brenda altman, chief editor, the upper up monday, news outlet but thank you very much for being with us today. know and give israel is declared the presenting and presidents persona non grata. and that's up to you compared to the goals of all it's all the costs. nobody. those presidents have supposed to be called his on bus to, from israel. all significance is, is this the duration in bilateral relations? this is the most full. so diplomatic measure, besides a director of diplomatic relationship, due to gravity is economic and political weight and so into so called a double south, especially in latin america. it's and know the steps towards israel withdrawing. isolation, the only for a lies of design and is it redeemed. at this moment i do made state and there will
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be in the union who's broke the government of the it's from popular pressure to help stop the genocide against the function depot. didn't give on that topic. do you think the brazilian presence comparison between god and the holocaust is a fair one is obviously a very sensitive issue for these relays. and if it was such comparisons when the risk of trivializing the holocaust itself, as i've seen the president let did not make it compare reason in terms of numbers or just i start rico circumstances who wanted to draw attention to how to terminate against the police. didn't, and people follow the same methodology as the whole lookout that's in the methodology of extermination. and he also wanted to show, i think the brutal contradiction between the resume, the claims,
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the suffering both, they all look out and adopt nicely like practice against another people. well brazil is obviously is hit bucket this and saying that isabel is actually the, the persona non grata in the international are being and that's obviously given the war in gaza. what do you think about that? do you think the israel is becoming increasingly isolated around a dozen countries also have cuts off, but what size with the country? i'm so about that a and it's happening not just in brazil, but around the go. the state of israel up is becoming an enemy of people's an enemy of humanity. a police go resumed as painted and despise it. as south africa get their rate upward, tide was in the last century. well, i'm obviously a number of countries including south africa. as you mentioned, they've lost legal cases against israel, a, the u. n. codes in the hague, for the crimes against humanity, the way it's been treats in gaza. um,
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do you think that what do you think you'll take for benjamin netanyahu to change his approach to gaza? it seems that despite any international condemnation, legal proceedings, suffering of different logic ties, he remains resolute in, in his operation. the still many decades design is the machine has behaved like a private spate of illegal estate which fails to comply with the united nations resolutions on the policy, many issues and the occupied territories. this is vance of zion is, is prep, bested by tonight. just say the state of israel is it's watch dog in the middle with its bridge pads in the region. if tonight this phase and there will be a union pulse for and then so and many terry aid to israel,
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the genocide will be, is dump it almost immediately. the rate fall was of the was the road for now and it then yahoo at compass. so it doesn't seem like supports will be uh, not forthcoming anytime soon, but ultimately she for, it's of the upfront monday news outlet. thank you very much for your time today. thank you for the invitation. other news now the us presidential hopeful nikki haley based the spec to of russian expansions of poland and the baltic states that was in her appearance on a b c. news. on sunday, she was talking about the future financial aid for ukraine. and the plan is on funding that document. putin's agenda, that po said once it takes ukraine. poland and the politics are next. now he is putting soldiers around those countries just like he did ukraine. and if that happens, those are nato countries that immediately puts america at war. that is what we're
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trying to avoid. and that's why this aid package is so important for them for you to know has publicly denied having any search intentions that originally delayed us . his long term position on engaging poland on the baltic states. and his recent interview with the us journalist took a cos. can you imagine a scenario where use and russian troops called glucose, which is the sound system? the problem, in one case, if poland attacks russia, why? because we have no interest in poland to latvia or anywhere else. why would we do that? we simply don't have any interest to do this, but it's just a trip longer and it goes against commonsense to get involved in some kind of a global war and a global war. and we'll bring all humanity to the brink of destruction. it's obvious. we spoke the legal and media on the list line that was nice as the isn't going to be any major reaction for nikki haley. set. this is not going to be pars. this is not going to be corrected. there's not going to be any or without him,
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there's not gonna be anything. there's this reaction that people say politicians. what ever happens? so money is ukraine. if you mentioned a volley for all money, a new ukraine will never uh, as long as he's based throw money or ukraine fro it. so it, what about the money we need here? i'm sitting here now in new york city, where we're constantly wondering about what about our borders and let me tell you something. this is now starting to resonate with voters because as we approach november, people are asking, where is this money going? is it accounted for? what exactly do we have to show for it? what is, what is the score down or is this post cold war roost of phobic? are strange, almost in our put this patel or reflex that people have regarding anything involving
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a russia in any way whatsoever. people are still trying to parse the interview that tucker carlson had with flood and reporting as though. oh my god, he sat down with them and they talk. yes. you mean they, she talked to him, you'd ask me this has been going on forever, but all of a sudden now, russia, wow, wait a minute now now now where things are different. how and finally, the russian defense ministry says that it has proof that gifts forces have use you estimated chemical weapons during the i was in the ukraine with the complicity of western countries does not limit itself to the use of non lethal chemicals and actively use a scheduled chemicals, i would like to draw attention to the statement by representatives of the armed forces of ukraine about the availability of such compounds at their disposal.
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including equivalents of the weaponized nerve agent to boon, which is included in list one of the chemical weapons convention. and was used by the fascist invaders during the great patriotic war. now the russian defense ministry came out with quite quite detailed information on how you crane is using chemical weapons in the battlefield. the not only on the ground, but also to carry out terrorist attacks. and they've given out some examples of that. one of the cases is the one the freshman politician blood. you must solve the who was hospitalized with signs of poison. and now when his blood analysis came out, it turns out that they found the substance in his blood that he's actually included in the convention of the prohibits and of chemical weapons. now another case is the one of the heads of the administration of flu. gov people, republic who was also dealing with severe poisoning with phenolic compounds. now in december of last year, ukraine has also dropped on russian forces. gas grenades,
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which see a substance. now this substance is set to cause the skin burns as well as respiratory problems and even cardiac a rest. this substance belongs to the class of riot control, chemicals as well, and the end of january, another toxic chemical was used against the russian forces. now this time, this chemical is actually banned in due, any set to cause blindness, liver, and kidney issues. now these cases are not limited. the, you know, the russian officials have actually discuss that right. great lens many more cases . but here you have ukrainian armed forces using chemical weapons in the battlefield else with the help of the west. and this was a point that was further stressed by russian and nuclear and chemical defense chief means you put them up. so, according to available information, the key of regime with the assistance of western curators is developing a new tactic of conducting military operations using
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a special chemical belt. it provides for the detonation of containers with pressik acid and ammonia during the advance of russian troops. it is assume that such tactics will significantly complicate the activities of offensive operations of the armed forces of the russian federation and provide key of with additional time to prepare defensive lines in the zap, rosie car call vin sumi regions. no rush did accuse the united states of not destroying this chemical weapons as both countries have previously agreed to do. so . moscow also accused washington of essentially delivering these weapons to ukraine, which as we've mentioned earlier, they're being used in the battle field. now, on its side ross, i did actually destroy its chemical weapons as and has fulfilled its obligations as previously promise. russian officials also laid out list of violations and non compliance by the united states with the requirements to develop not leave full chemical weapons. now here you have that ukraine is basic.


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