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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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stop full doors here, we discussed the wheel and the town itself is firmly under the control of the russian forces. there are no sabotaged groups. there's no ukrainians or there's no ukrainians who left here we decided to stay here willingly. the strategic city of, of the, of good taking is russian on forces evacuate schools of when did the gradient trips away a parent team left behind the given you a good face drawn to american ships, saving in the gulf of ogden as a part of the campaign for casa early at the blue crystal vessel and down the us drone the 3rd that is realize to get us the president present on on brad, are for comparing the depths of civilians in golf out to the holocaust. successive
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governments have given the still people only 3 options, this basement subjugation quote that fall assigned to non skills row. and the documentation is for the legal proceedings. i guess that at least again at the united nations port in the hey, the headlights, the ssl, i had to our website out. com for more i'm i do show on josh, i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest updates. the hello and welcome to prospect bullhorn john peter lavelle. here we discussed some real news. the death of alexi, nev only in prison, predictably, and quickly became politicized in the west. the volume is death is
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a cynical political tool. also, the annual security conference in munich was once an important intellectual venue. now it's a worthless talk shop and i'm joined by my usual guest, george, send me away in budapest, he's a pod cast where the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals and america. we have martin jay, he is an award winning journalist by german prospect roles and the fact that music and trump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. let's go start out with george in budapest. i'm the dennis of uh, mr. nevada. and they had such an early age in prison. first of all, i want to make sure to, with my guess here in with our audience that no person in cost incarcerated should die in prison, full stop. ok, full stop. ok. but predictably, the, the so called leader of the russian opposition. i don't want to be clear with everyone. that's how the west labeled mr. nevada and me. and that's not how he is seen or was seen in russia. okay. and so i'm trying to set this up george here.
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here's what joe biden had to say, you know, take it for what it's worth of us present, joe biden. acknowledge that. what wild quote we don't know exactly what happened. there is no doubt that the death of nevada only was a consequence of something putting in his stubs did. so it's a i don't know what he's talking about. we don't know, but we, we know um this is the typical messaging we get also for what it's worth, the vice president harris said russia is responsible, george. you know, we've covered this during the volume these checkered history a lot in the past. i think it's regrettable. like i said, don't say the 2nd time. no person should die in prison, george. and that's exactly right. it's very interesting. does that sound within hours actually within minutes of the announcements of his death, everyone he already knew who was responsible. um north stream,
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18 months ago. we still don't know just as successfully done the whole the investigation. we don't know, but he, i won't even know is he out of the boots and did it was interesting. um is that from that very same day of the amount. so that is uh this uh and the people wailing and subbing and uh, you know, biting the knuckles of grief over the loss of the leader of the russian opposition . and the dog chrome was hit with a $355000000.00 fine. um and with the interest is going to be probably close to around $460000000.00. now. um this was treated with much relief joy. i believe i'm on much of a media of the same people who weeping over the phone. there is a case belief driven by political agenda. it's never been done against anybody else
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and it's an up school that has never been used in this way. and no one way because that's the, that's the here, the leader of the opposition. the one of the, one of the video, much of this, of the liberal caucus sent to the test is being persecuted and is basically to try to be, be forced into bankruptcy. that's before we get on to all the, the full criminal cases of being up to see what they gains in 4 different jurisdiction. not one of them ever been down against the former president. no one is ever, this is both in each case. it's a complete extrapolation of, of the law is, you know, that's a, you know, the tailoring it in order to go after a political event of so this is really the problem with no, all the and the west that the west seems to be completely blind to how it treats its opposition? probably you know what the, those are the opponents that issue that throws into prison. there are still people in prison in guantanamo bay for, for more than 20 years was never done on trial,
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special or no, no one talks about that. but the still there, and then we got to be believe in washington dc, who protested as is the right under the 1st amendment. they protested that the uh, the, the certification of the election. they're still in prison and i'm, many of it happens. i haven't even had a health trial for them in and it was more likely to be sent as the grotesque task. and it was, it just simply say, navarro only was such as the 19 years of ridiculous stuff. that's the lesson then. um, what some of the, the proud boys was sentenced to. well also martin, we had the death of gonzalo lira. i mean with that, but there was no outcry in the west there. you know, you know, martin, the again, you know, when we get a story like this, so obviously it was, um, it will go crowd funding for ukraine and of all of the sudden death at the hands of whoever is a justification to fund the ukraine conflict. this is how they connected,
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but i want to remind our viewers here. the only was a very, or had a very checkered career politically in russia, it was mostly associated with the right wing nationalist for, for the 20 years that he was in, involved in agitation. i would put it that way. that's, that's uh, forgotten there. youtube videos where he refers to migrants as cockroaches. okay. or migrant workers is a, a tooth decay in russian society. and then he played this kind of reformer, anti corruption, a role and he with himself was convicted of, of, of corruption. george already points on, i want to be very clear that extremism thing kind of mystifies me. but that's a part of the law that can be easily interpreted in the way you want, but then they've all need that as being harold in the west is not the only the people know when russia yeah. but also i think the only in the west is i,
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i think we should make it very clear that perhaps a lot of his demise above the reason why ends up in prison was because of the west and methylated because of him getting so close to the americans and progress into european so, i mean there is that there's a film circulating, i don't know if it's more of him talking about $20000000.00. it needs to fundamental position in the campaign. yet he knows, don't be a really dumbing point rule. blacks bolt on his career that he was going to image that was not knowing in rush. it was surprised by that. ok. i mean that, that, that just a certified in the minds of most people that he's just the tool of the west. keep going. yeah. when i put the thing us, but i think we shouldn't be surprised, but that me shouldn't be surprised that he's going to continue to be as to what others are west as his wife will be. you know, i'm not joe, as touchstone, the point that there seems to be this turned us environment with a you lead his to unaware or just don't want to see how the rest is out of control
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machine going on in many western european countries particularly. but some, well, we are losing freedoms. we are losing our democratic principles. we are losing our liberties. you know, 20 years ago we would probably put on page 3 of the some of the times a big piece about. so in showing that how protest is rest or even genders to film protest as a risk. and that is happening today in great prison. we are arresting campus, police um, bundling into the bike and police vans quite aggressively. jealousy pulled up smartphones and just recalled what we called, b roll, just some basic footage, you know, because what are they afraid of where, you know, there is this mentality now and of these countries, the police represent the front line of gulf ultra product control and the anything to confront stuff, anything that may shakes this institution has to be dealt with quite united in the most abrupt as way. and i think we'd, when we've lost touches. uh and so let me
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a little bit with this this, you know this, this is the political correct. so it makes the news. i think we can expect a world leaders. we expect us to live on the land. oh my god, i almost wanted to vomit when she talked about all values on values. you know, i mean, foot, say well, you talking about women, your values or your values. um, just to blame. watching julia assigned the british prison, you know, and you met some goals, are there before, you know, for all your values, just too slow. so another 500 children today and gaza, you know, i mean, look good. say this just well, you know, you know martin's, you know, throw it up there at the george i, i think i've figured it out. you can have values when you're an elected official. what are you like to see? i, i think so. it's like, it's always bizarre. what watching her as if she's a, a political lead to just simply, i'm elected the but the, that is the model is actually the right about the issue of values. she's also
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advise, because it's stolen by the nato secretary general also lost the thought about it. we, we, we have values, they don't. and the key thing is that, um, they never get challenged on this. i never get uh, a mosque about these uh, you know, they leave that visible values. in the case of julian, this is absolutely friends incentive. how do you justify keeping in prison? uh, someone is not being in prison. 5 years who has not been convicted or anything. just easy has been convicted of nothing in in the u. k. and he's being held for 5 years in a high security, a prison, and that, you know, let me know that would really have awesome these questions. and if should anyone, even danes will ask the question, they would be immediately laid out by security. and as i saw her, these are some terrible suggest a person who doesn't really know how to behave in a proper a social setting. and so this is, this is really the,
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the point that with the, uh, the, you know, the nato and the land is that they simply convinced that if they, the russians or chinese other ones would be evil. this is what they do to their political opponents. and when, and you know, when you points out to them, what, you know, what, what he, what, what are you doing here? here are the political opponents here with people being thrown into prison. here people just be kept the year off the air and present. um, you know, the vessels that i, i, they, and they threw out a rumble the best to say what was just what about as of where it was just built in talking points. and again, you know, it's true if we go back to the january of the 6 there's, you know, thousands of people had been incarcerated, send to send, send to links, they present to us. and again, for longer terms then uh, you know, not enough on it. and still they get to it, but we have values. what are all these values? where are these bad?
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well, you know, it's interesting martin is that, um again we, we see a case where someone's death is quite useful for the powers that be because this is a, you know, we're going to talk about the, the munich security conference and the 2nd half of the program but this is one of the highlights of the security conference in munich is that, you know, we have a, a supportive is rail support of, of a ukraine and another battering ram against russian. this time it's in the volume it's, it's, it's very useful for these people. it's incredibly useful and you know, in the union we should always remember, it's not a democratic, but it's a, it's also kind of boring as a sort of the antithesis of democracy on the national state level. united. so it was designed by design. it was great. instead of the, it could rust through some policies that were never got through the democratic way . and you know, i know is this belief settled by the french leads at that time to the end of the
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war in the fifty's. this was a way to develop and to move forward, and there's some sort of bypass of the democratic stuff that we've just been waiting and going way you know. and people are still going to the delay and sort of get back to them. but you know, they, they, they, i'm diva host at all, those federalist and brussels, you know, milk in the gravy train. you know, i'm thinking that drum, you know, they're all coming out now with this same own comment which we hear again and again the last few days. you know, and it's been repeated to just to, in the last couple of days, you know, that your needs to be bigger. it needs to have more money for defense. you know, and this, this, this, this uh, unfortunate billing that will have to jump in here. we have to go to a break that all be through nato, not the european union gentleman. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real estate with our to the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the way are in moscow, standing in front of one of ours as most iconic symbols and embodies greece, elegance, and articles. on a grandiose scale theater,
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the welcome at the prospect boyfriend's, i'm peter, about revenge. we're discussing some really, as in george, i want to go to, you know, i said in the 1st part of the program that we would discuss the munich security conference. they used to be an inverse thing venue. i mean, i would follow what you would follow and we would, it would sometimes would be some very interesting guess. vladimir putin made a very historic one many years ago, which foretold what would happen in ukraine. it is happened um, uh, not that i'm say he can predict the future, but you can connect the dots of view. there's
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a certain thought process that goes forward for that. um with that of any kind of restraint, we're going to have a conflict. we have that now, but you know, the minute conference now is just, it's very jingle with stick. um it's, it seems extremely controlled, but they don't, they don't talk about security. this is what irritates me so much. the issue of security is never mentioned. you know, when you look at the, the, the, the big names you know, mister zalinski was there we have done about and his wife is there, very orchestrated here and they're not talking about the security situation in europe now. they're looking to bolster a failing regime in cube to batter against russia. again, luminaries in munich, presumably, experts in security, kamala harris is there, another experts that they, they don't call for a ceasefire in 1000. you, you would think, but these
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a weights have enough, you know, clout it and, and, and influence the say, well, we've talked about security here and you know, the security of the middle east, what we shouldn't have ceased, they can't even get there. we talk about everything it seems like, except for security, george, today us the right the, the, the, the, what they mean by security is security for themselves. they don't exactly by security for anyone else because they say they did take that seriously global security and then they would invite and leave this all over the world and ask them, well, what the security means to you mean that yeah, they go to um, you know, and those career what a security means on those career. what does security mean for iran? and they would get surprising answers. and so that was, that's why they would prefer, say, well, security and our security, that's all that really matches. but what's interesting, and that's really highlights the problem that nato isn't about protection, it is
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a protection racket. and the apple, they literally only thing that that's on the mines is how do we keep was going for as long as possible. so that at this media immunity security conference, the anguish they had was from mice come back and this, this is the 9 that trump will come back. now, you know, they like it, you know, they can go back and do the trunk is what you're saying. we're relatively peaceful, literally. oh, that was, it was was, it wasn't anything as bad as what we have today, but this will be a nightmare. the truck might bring was doing and it might, you know, he might, well, you might know of. i mean, he also sent lethal weapons the ukraine, so we don't know, but it's closing them night mess. you might come back and they might just bring was to an end. and that's, that's just terrible. and that's why in the, at munich they, they, they try to, as a badge of the republican is the only see of all that you have to do to sign off on this uh $60000000000.00 where you credit even though what's the connection between
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the 2 of us on the system tells you you got to get that money in. and so that's, that's the thrust of this conference. they just rating the republicans would be sufficient eagerness to throw more money into that slow the it would seem to be sure that's kind of a form of election meddling from an outside of course. but i don't know if the discount for the 100 out there. you know, market a, georgia is right. i mean, they only want to talk about their security, but i feel a little bit further, a little bit more new in the security of their class and of their id ology. okay. the security of the gemini, they were, it will be continued uninterrupted, and if not expand, this is what this is all about. the indivisibility of security is not in their lexicon. any longer, martin, i thought it was just basically a very long, glorified press conference. you know, it was really what about and then chose that's the right above the point of security racket rather than this is the increasing real defense strategy and what,
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what ways people talking about. they will read that to try and keep the old school going and keep the old messages of life and keeping everything in checks and making sure that everybody was on message. but the interesting thing from a john, this perspective is there weren't any for us that what with the journalists, you know, they have structured the events in such a way quite cleverly, actually that they invite to the top general is to actually share this of a 20 minute or 30 minute sessions. so that was a way of taking the books to say, well, we don't actually have to do live on script a quick question from jonas to which i didn't, you know, and you have these terribly, really contracts planted questions which made me almost a lot for one point, i'm the, the, the, the credit and pays the rent to rent a girl today who was tons of a cult members name someone will correct me. you know, he had his question, it was so thought that it was so low cost rates and the moment he done, you know, for didn't look to say okay, with us enough time now we have, we will have time. you know, so thanks very much. so i guess there's, there's no media instruction tool and i think nowadays that that,
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but they didn't want a buffet to get cold. george, i think that's probably what it was like i, i, i'm sure the menus of these things are really quite impressive. okay. but i mean, martin brings up a really good point in the way we see it. and it's interesting that we know we've kind of thrown in like january 6th we have in the fall and the we have the guns i will live. are we in a one time will be a power doesn't want to be interrogated, do they, they don't want to be challenged. it's getting worse and worse and plus it's something that martin can attest to. here is a media journalist. they're on the side of power that they're, they're there, they praetorian guard george, exactly on the, on the side of power. and that's why they continually so you know, like attack dogs, a lease against anyone or told who challenges it. so like carlson entered the that's a very good example. the goal of the attacks against the top across on the he had
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the temerity to go to moscow to interview any important will lead to but he didn't ask hard questions now these years never even realize oscar paul quest, if you, if you where when was the last time any journalist went into uh, the oval office, an awesome bind. and um, what the hell are you doing and you pray and how is this in any way benefiting the americans with benefit and ukrainians, benefiting anybody or asking why is that the pursuing julia massage. i mean, is this a, you know, get these a general is why, why you want to put him away the presence of the rest of his life. they never do that. it is always kind of morning like, well, what do you think we're going to do about this threat to democracy by donald trump? him is the president. and is that that's the level of they questions you get a so so then to do criticized a topic,
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also for softball questions because nobody's even ever the game. just just go to an am a and a nato press conference and with the questions it always is made to doing enough to come to russia. what do i do or you have is media class. i mean, i've been there and i've been, shouldn't be called media, but the, they're the ones that are more hot, they're always more hawkish. there's a, you know, with more retaliation, more retaliation. you know, we, it's, it's very into the, are you watch the sunday shows in the united states and in the, it's a kind of a perverse defensiveness, that the buy ministration has. like you're not doing enough. you know, and i mean, when we look back was they were going down to the pots of a 3rd world war. and it's a very artificial conversation that the powers that be and the media have, which of course none of these people in me have ever been on a battlefield. most likely martin go you have. so yeah, i have, i've been on the few in my career,
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but the point i think that towards making use it is, is let me follow up, i think come, it smells at tucker costs and off. tough questions. it's i don't think it's the questions with that tough. they were just really the kind of questions the my journalist interns or university were put together on the back on them like they've been doing well. i believe that they were just basically rudimentary, normal questions that you know anybody would come up with and we should be asking ourselves why, why does somebody like to the cause and have to ask those questions in the 1st place? and the answer is because nobody else is of the to and then what's happening in my career is i've seen the transition of you know, general is moving slowly over towards the political model to align themselves with the establishment with the intelligence services and everything. and robin b, you know, the results of some sort of angry, young man, strong stones, you know, at establish what we, what was, was the case in britain, in the 67 states, is that when we distinguish ourselves by being mc establishment against the french jim, is now, with the same rule pro, establishment, we're all part of, you know,
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the conspiracy. and let's get back to, you know, to this, this conference is ridiculous conference. you know, this really was an opponent example. you know, of the leads being turned from not really understanding what's going on, if they can, they can actually stink, or they can pull the will over our eyes and come up with this nonsense and come up with these, these constant messages. you know, of that nature has to be bigger, you know, defense funding has to go up, you know, we have to prepare ourselves. you know, what, some of the lynn came up with that and i, she wasn't really challenged. nobody said, well why, you know, um, what, where, where is this whole going? where's so heading, you know, but i think the conference itself, um, you know, for me it was no event. and even though you know at 50, well, they just turned upset. but look at their media coverage was probably anything better total because they didn't, they don't really have much to say. i mean, the big problem is we've got a problem in the world we could comp resolve. so we need to feet and lie on and then come up with these disorders,
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plans to protect people like those little delays. so they still have that power. there's 2, but the 2 ups in stoughton but and i'm sure it's michael speaks english breaking news. he actually speaks english, i believe, with a huff with string together even a sentence, a gentleman, but apparently the george short to the sergeant schultz is a half way who can speak english. so what george? yeah. is what it is i i'm not very impressed by it. because the sergeant schultz most gentleman speak a pretty good english and honest, but it's a, it's a 0 and it goes to this list, the salient issue here, which is this, the munich security conference. it is now, you know, the thrust of it is how much more money can we get to ukraine? that's going to give you a hundreds of thousands of that. you want to go kill in other a few 100000 with a view to what, what, what do you try to achieve here? you know, there's a, you got yourself into this rule for no reason. that's all your brain is not a member of maybe
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a grand another member the you. there was no reason for you to get it or why. what is the reason what it was, the explanation where and again this is what have journalist shouldn't be doing that job, which is the challenge of is that what is the reason for this? and then i'll doing it and i'll go see what needs to be brought up again. so that's, that's another thing you would just say at what point you're going to just say uh in all 3 of those, just going just keep repeating it. you know, the, it is on be like way, october, the 7th, october the 7th. but this is all they do. so what is any of this got to do with security? let's just the boys was going oh and it started another one in, in, in the, against the who is using the rest. see, great, you know, and then this is the alliance, you know, the somehow i a, yeah they, oh it's, it's, it's the, it's the munich and security conference. that's essentially what it is. create more insecurity and then to get more budgetary funds to, to keep these wars going. gentleman, that's all the time we have one, i think, my guess americas and in budapest. and of course i want to thank our be worse for watching us here. are to you so you next time. remember across the rules
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the, the russian states never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin machine, the state on the rush of funding and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say a request, which is the election to send version stealing of classified documents? how much money fraud found present? donald trump's legal troubles are not only costing him precious time on the campaign trail but could cost in his wealth as well. i'm sorry, now here's it on this episode of 3. 60 view rarely is a 91 felony cases across tuesday,


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