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tv   The 360 View  RT  February 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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with russia to day and split the r t supposed next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the election to send version stealing? i've caused by documents hash money fraud, found president donald trump. legal troubles are not only costing him precious time on the campaign trail, but could cost in his wealth as well. i'm sorry now here's it on this episode of 360 view. rarely, if a 91 felony cases across tuesday, cords and 2 different federal districts against donald trump. and if they are politically motivated and attempted to rail the former present presidential bid. or
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they solid cases, which could land the former president bankruptcy or even worse in jail. let's get started. the for president, donald trump is facing $91.00 indictments between 4 criminal cases. but the cases are not running smoothly. and so might even believe beginning to fall apart. now 1st the verdict in terms of new york civil business fraud trial was delayed at the judge arthur under on where did to find the details about our advice and berg, the trump organizations, former cfo, p d. o, and if he actually lied under oath. now attorney general leticia james, 6 define shop more than $370000000.00 of her claim. she misses represented the value of the company's assets to insure more favorable business loans and insurance
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premiums. meanwhile, the site in march, 4th, the start date of trumps election interfere it's trial in washington, dc no longer appears on the federal district course public calendar us district judge atanya, she cons oversight of the case is on hold. as it trump is appealing her ruling against his presidential immunity kites, and then start the scandal surrounding an affair between fulton county district attorney fanny willis, their special prosecutor nathan wade, had put her place in the case. also under investigation. no way was page $650.00 a $1000.00 of taxpayer money to prosecute the trump case. even though he was not qualified for such a high profile case. plus he use the money he or sig, finding willis on an extravagant vacations so much that representative jim jordan as he was a painting, well as for records of her use of federal grant money. now reason whistle blowers
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actually alleged she misused funds and was fired by well as for brain concerns to her and 2021. that a will is a plan to use a portion of a $488000.00 federal grant for frivolous expenses. and these expenses, which included weighed billing the fulton county da's office $4000.00 for 28 hour meetings with white house officials. now all of these details supposed to be in hatton federal jury ordering mr. trump to pay e. jean carol, $83300000.00 in damages address. civil jury found it last year that trump had sexually abuse and a faint or would she accuse of wrong doing? but her response to a few days later was this. you've talked about using some of trumps of money that you're about to get to help shore up women's rights. do you know what that might be? what that might look like, rachel? yeah, tell me. i had such such great ideas for all the good. i'm going to do with this
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money. first thing rachel, you and i go shopping for it to get completely new wardrobe, new shoes, motorcycle from crowley, new fishing rod for robin. rachel, what do you want to pay the house at you? rachel pen house and a brand new one. france. you want to go fishing and france? no. oh i a. that's a joke. that's a joke. some nice fishing in france could do something for women's rights. i would take the, obviously it's time for the team are let me, let me as if as if any persuasion in that regard. the lawyers. there were times that's a joke. okay. i've got to bring in our panel for this. we have for a democratic congressman from florida, alan grayson, ag, long host of the federal count down on sputnik radio and angela mccardle chair of the libertarian party committee. i want to get to all of it, but i,
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i could not miss that clip right there. and i would start with you on this one, angie, shopping spree, this on top of say, your part interview with anderson cooper, that most people think of the word rape as sexy. while the jury is or continue to roll in or rule in her favor, doesn't her behavior actually strengthen the argument that in all of this, this is political in the court of public opinion? oh, absolutely. she should not be on air bragging about how she's gonna spend the millions of dollars that she's just one of that's going into appeals. i mean this, you can tell that this is all just for playing up to her base, which is the love who loves the fact that she, you know, just $183000000.00. and it's, it's, you know, it's gross and it's just brass for her to go on air to discuss buying shoes and clothing with his money. and then buying penthouses. this is going to look very poorly for when she goes into appeals court. because then it shows that her intent
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was really just to really fast trump, and that's what this is about. and that's for a lot is case, are motivated angela and a judge and, and jerome, he basically wrote 11 weeks ago, the donald trump was guilty of committing front of new york before it even started . how can it be considered? consider the bank for pay back and forth interest banks are not even the ones are bringing the case forward rather. so city of new york who would actually benefit versed from receiving the $370000000.00 from the trump organization. and donald trump, and i think it's a giant circus. and what this does is, you know, in addition to eroding the general public space in the, in the electronic process. i think that it completely arose the, the general public space in the judicial branch as well. and, you know, that's, that's kind of where we're at here. i don't think that anybody's going to take anything that happens in court seriously going forward. how could you?
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well, but then i'm going to bring in donald trump number one fan. and i say that kind of like asking because we have alan grayson on this and i want to get your opinion on this because i know you probably actually think that all of these cases are doing a lot of damage to trump and are justified. but i wanna look at the judge in this case because judge anger army has a long history of supporting democrats, a member of the american civil liberties union, long time, liberal organization. if trump is indeed as guilty as democrats are saying, that would've been better to try this in a more politically impartial court room, at least from the optics point. i know every single ruling of the case has been legally justified. i follow these things pretty closely. and i will tell you that there is a line, and the line is, is cross sometimes by some judges, and that has not been cross so far in any of these cases that i can say they are making judgments on the. busy it's and by the way, what you're saying and the responses ramp and what about is what, what about to judge, what? what about the accuser? what about this?
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what about that? why can't we just focus on whether donald trump is guilty or not? whether he's liable or not, that would really be a welcome change from what i've been hearing from trump and from strong supporters . it doesn't really matter what happens to the money. what matters is that he falsely accuse somebody and actually alter that. he was held accountable. why don't we guy here when the case goes to trial, about why trump had classified documents that says toilet paper? are we going to hear all about what brand of toilet paper a buzz? can we just focus on what's important and what really matters is trump guilty or not? okay, so and you said boys for that a, why can't we just focus on whether trump is guilty or not? is that what the focus isn't all of this? no, because he would never get a fair trial in new york or washington. right. it's just, it's funny because you put this very same case in any other jurisdiction. and you might have a very different outcome. remember the original,
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he was originally going, he was originally supposed to be, hey, $5000000.00. how did that multiply to $83000000.00? and it actually happened in new york court. right on that. so, but usually it happens. it's like from a libertarian point, because one thing is, libertarians are known for us. they do not like the government involve anybody, whether it's of a politician on the left or the right. how are they viewing all of the judicial proceedings they're going against donald trump? it's come, it's politically motivated. energy additional branch has been completely captured by political activists. it's something that the left is very good at. conservatives are extremely behind the volume. so our libertarians with their being less of us. but the left has completely captured academia and where do attorneys come from? you know, colleges, universities, academia, they're completely captured. it's all politically motivated. really calls into question the integrity of other court proceedings as well. i, i hope that the average person starts to wonder and suspect and become more
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suspicious of other court proceedings and, and hearings that, that they think maybe that's not so fair either. alex jones is one of the 1st things that comes to mind like him or not. donald trump is a political canary and a coal mine right now. so, here's my question to you and then all these cases, every single time a new case comes against donald trump. why do you feel like he continues to rise in the poll from? if you don't think that necessarily is about the case itself is not. you know, whether he's guilty or not. she keeps continuing to rise in the pulse with each accusation that comes against them. the thing is actually on the slide in the polls, a rows against drive the santos. and that's because he's running against the steps there. in fact, that's been true. the republicans who rad against truck in general. you can have a personality called like right. the status try to do without a personality that that's the result of the republican primary. interesting. as the general election, it's been pretty flat for a very long time. and it is essentially likely to be
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a referendum on trump. the that's, that's the way he always wants it to be. and, and that's what we're gonna see the result of that good about a referendum on trump. angie trump, southern office usually see the referendums on the guy who's currently sitting in the office. why do you agree that this is actually more about a referendum on trump invited? well, this is certainly of the same playbook from 2020, which is, i'm not trump, that's the only thing joe biting can run on. is that look how awful trump is, but i'm not as awful, so vote for me. instead, you know what? it did, work in 2020, and they're doing exactly the same playbook. it's not a referendum on trump necessarily, but about the culture of trump, and they're building that as a hollywood script for all folly for it. again, i just hope that, you know, people see right through their tactics. ok, so angela, you brought up the idea of the cause of that this is actually weakening people's trust. possibly the additional system political that this is actually something that in this is to angela. this is actually, you know, weakening people's trust. they have in the justice system
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a out is do this plays out. i mean, we obviously have various politicians right now. there are trials for different scandals around around the country, but you, i look at them to consider problem it. menendez were just came down with him. there's other things that are happening. do you think that you did ever have a fair trial for a politician moving forward? it, i don't think so. i think the, the implications are really for reaching. i think you're gonna see potentially low voter turnout, more people voting 3rd party because they're just the team to buy the whole thing. you know, trust in the political process, no trust in the judicial process. either you might have people starting to look more towards arbitration. just becoming less emotionally invested in the entire there. and certainly wondering and digging into whether or not these laws are equally applied to people on both sides of the political spectrum. let's say, for example, that donald trump committed every single thing he was accused of all 90. 1 counts i
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do, you just can't convince me unless maybe you could put the evidence in front of me. but the other way you can convince me that joe biden and his ilk and you know, many of the people who came before him didn't come at all the same acts and the courts and politic the political machine. they just, they just turn their heads and look the other way because the political class doesn't have to follow the same rules that we do. but donald trump isn't one of the political leads, right? he's an outside or so they're gonna throw the book at him. that's what it seems like to me, and i hope that that's what it looks like to the average american. do you agree with that congress and that the political that there is a, are being a part of former member, or maybe you still are of the, of the political class. do you see that from the democrats standpoint, that there is a treatment different from the common person in the politician as if anything it's, it's worse but, and donald trump's case, it's not worth and simply accurate. any human being who took classified documents and stuck them next to the toilet is good again indicted. that's what's gonna
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happen. whether you're high, low or in the middle. okay, let me look what happened recently when it, when the iris found out that somebody had leaked, donald trump's tax returns, i sense the 4 years in prison. that's the way it goes. and that's true of all of trumps cases. none of these case are cases where he's been singled out mistreated. he's simply a grievance politician. he wants to why? that's the way he's always been going back 40 years in new york. he's still doing it. it's worked pretty well for him so far. not so much of just system and we're going to take a break right now cuz we're gonna get back to the secret documents that are besides the toy, cuz there's a little bit of details i got asked about alan. because when we come back, i'm gonna dive into the cases in georgia, which went from looking like cases against trump, for election or affairs. but newly released records shows several meetings between the attorney general prosecutor, the case is lever and the white house. during the exact time the cases were being filed, is it just a coincidence? we'll discuss
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of the is a lie. it's can be cited by line. these can be expanded by true importance of we could nip of the curve of station so that transparency
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is an extraordinary join mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right for a speech he did so in the public interest. so mom realized tends to me and endlessly of late, continuously. i know why advice may have him, you know, who is the guy that illegal anymore? why sweetheart adjustments for, to be on box weighing a 175 used to do it. you do, you have sense? it's all we going to lift that, stay the
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welcome back. plastic love story boy meets girl girl, falls in love with boy girl hires boy girl files case it gets for president boy, me for the current president staff. just a coincidence. i bet story for the, for the romance novels and for disney, but it's actually not so simple. and while we could discuss all the scandalous details of the georgia attorney general's affair with her staff member, which resulted in a divorce, the bigger question is, does all the scandalous side details have anything to do with the actual case being brought against donald trump in georgia? which more than any other case attempts to approve trump's actions and words were no salt on democracy following his loss and the 2020 election. so let's continue our discussion with our panel. we have former democratic congressman from florida, alan grayson. angie wong has to be final countdown on sputnik radio and engine mccardle, chair of the libertarian party committee. thank you so much for this. you know,
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and you've been a big one on this one. do you think anyone else? well, us and her personal romance has anything to do with the case against trump. well absolutely because it's clearly a conflict of interest. she hired her of legit lover. oh sorry, no longer legend. she's proven to be her lover to be the special prosecutor. and here's the problem with all this. he's not a very good black ops guy. he's actually broke down in his legal buildings like he's met with the white house council. he's met with the j 6 committee in congress . and, you know, there, there seems to be some things there. and now you know, there's, when there was even an air or an appearance of conflict of interest, you have to refuse yourself. we're now also seeing that the judge may have some problems as well. he used to work, judge scott mac, a fee, who is part of the, who's presiding over the rico case. he used to work for funny willis back between 2015 to 2018. how come that didn't come out? i mean is, this is like all my family. well,
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it is the south. it is george or something i'd be the river, but may i ask about this to you? um, let me allen desponding to her romance or personal affairs. does that actually hurt the case in the eyes of democrats? again, the not is the question is, is it appropriate or really appropriate for the present or it states, it's called the chief bone counter and the contested states and ask them in a recording that we will hear over and over again. can you get me another 11000 votes? that's what the case is all about. now if you're asking me what will as have brought the case, except for her relationship with this other attorney? i think the answer is yes, but it doesn't matter. what matters is that by reasonable objective standards, trump is guilty of election interference, and we all know it. i mean weight it unfolded in front of our hives. so it's so that i'm not gonna say that 2 wrongs make a right. i'm not gonna defend willis. i'm not going to just the judge cuz i know to
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the case, i'm not going to do that. what i'm telling you is that unless 2 wrongs make a right, donald trump is guilty. a. so angela racketeering, which is, was being charged to be a very broad and if trump is not guilty, why the 3 of his co defendants do you think strikes the deals with the georgia attorney general? i think that people feel terrorized by the judicial system right now. and they're, they're genuinely frightened and they're doing anything and everything they can to, to escape the whole thing with our lives intact. you see in a set, defendants get put through the meat grinder of you know, criminal courts all the time and make plea bargains and their attorneys push them to take plea bargains because it's so risky. i think that, you know, i don't know for sure whether or not they're going to send or guilty, but i do know for a fact that a lot of innocent people take plead deals because they're just trying to escape with their lives intact in their money. it can also be expensive, even be hot in front of congress for it could be a couple $100000.00,
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the attorney bills. now we're going to get to the top a gallon that you've been waiting to. i read those documents besides at the potty why, when it is donald trump was using when i guess when he was frustrating is knows what about the removal of those documents from the white house which has occurred 37 felonies. i'm trying to figure out how president trump could do this without anyone knowing. like, how did he get them from the white house to his bathroom in mar logo without the secret service s b i the butler asking questions or they do. i don't, i don't agree with the premise of the question. what happened was that there are other people who've helped him. i can't really picture trump carrying boxes around . he probably hasn't done that any time but his entire life. and what happened is that an investigation was launched once again became clear to initially the archives and then to t o jerry, that he had kept documents, and overtime they interviewed all these people and the security cameras,
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and they rated monologue. so i don't think you could say that, but nobody knew about this. the, the justice system grinds slowly, but it runs fine as suns and stuff. but once again, angie, somebody, i just physically carry those boxes. i know if i'm carrying a box out of the white house that has top secret on it, i'm probably not going to carry that box out regardless of who commanded me to carry it out. that was getting me on this. how come you did not find this out until after present for basically was announcing his re election bid errors bid for the president. why did that come out after? is that not just kind of change the whole situation? well look, leaving off and exiting president always takes every thing with him, his files, whatnot. you know, in preparation for the presidential library, this is not uncommon for them to take documents from the white house. you know, it. what's really frustrating is that you had special prosecutor robert her, who just said we're not going to, we're not gonna press any charges on joe biden for doing the same thing when he was
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vice president. right? when he didn't have the presidential community with within his file. so it's just, it's just 2 tears injustice again. and now you know, the public's really tired of this president. trump could declare any document he wants to be, you know, released to the public. that's what he has the right to do as a former president, alan, do you agree with that? now that's just completely wrong. and in fact it, there, there is a record that all the presidents where we've office since the archive that's was passed, which is like 6 presidents ago. whenever they leave office, they're instructed by their legal counsel. they have to leave everything behind. so that the, the premises not correct as, as to whether it's normal or appropriate. no, it's not. i mean, even members of congress who we are are instructed on, on this law. and, and, and, you know, honestly, let's use a common sense. does it make sense that donald trump would have boxes and boxes of
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highly confidential material classified documents actually labeled classified? is bathroom, come on? well, that's what i bring to you on agile. when you look at this, because they did find documents in jo biden's garage, i think, and one of his cars, the trunks that he had, his vice president now you've got donald trump had in for they also went through, i guess the 1st and the former 1st ladies underwear drawers. 5 wow, wow, this lots of libertarians to independents watching both of these situations. does this have any diseases just turn people away saying that it's just too much or must even bother with? and it looks entirely typical. i'm not really quite sure why we feign shock and horror politicians taking things out of their offices. they're not supposed to. i mean, this is, this is probably been going on since the beginning of the presidency. i'm completely nonplussed. i really, you know, can't stand joe biden and i'm sure that he has them. that doesn't shocked me. and i
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don't collect my pearls at the southern joe by doing it either. i just think all of this is just what politicians do. they take documents home and stick them in their bathrooms. i mean, we got, we're all, we got the wars going on overseas. those are the things that i'm concerned about. the whole thing is just a circus and a mockery. we're, we're talking about donald trump's toilet. i just, i'm embarrassed for americans who are thinking about this on a daily basis. so then angie, i have to ask you if donald trump is elected, what do you think happens to all of these cases that go against them? well, i think any federal case will get knocked out because he'll just who does wave his wand and it goes away. the state cases are going to be a little bit more difficult. he doesn't have jurisdiction over those. so it does have to get knocked out. but it looks like the georgia case is on its way, because i can't see funny willis continuing on with this. and certainly her office is entirely compromised now. so until another jurisdictions takes over that could
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happen. but i don't know if any other day who want to take on this mess. same thing in new york city, right. the alvin racks case. that's clearly not in the news anymore because as well as this week is cases anyway, i think you're going to start seeing every case slowly dissolving. and i, we're starting to see signs of that now. so and very helpful. well, i definitely have the a team here, so angie allen and angela. thank you so much for joining us with this conversation . venezuela? leah paul though lopez, an opposition leaders very a 14 year prison sentence on charges with a former prosecutor says was fabricate. busy for the current government in taiwan for present century beyond was jailed for corruption charges after his party lost critical power in 2008. a gusto peter shay assumed a power after you let a coo and 1973 and a rest of all of his political opponents and as well. the current president of egypt has been accused of orchestrating
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a crew which side to the rest of the sentencing. to a former president mohammed morsey who was democratically elected. but as god commands in matthew, you hypocrite 1st, take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take effect out of your neighbors. i following candidate trumps comments during a 2016 presidential bait that he would have hillary clinton investigate, arrested if he was like the president, democrats and republicans alike were quick to point out. even the attorney general underneath richard nixon resigned when he was ordered to investigate nixon's political opponents. former attorney general under obama eric holder quickly pointed out the jailing hillary clinton reconstitute and abuse of his power. well, what a difference, just a few years that a change of power can make in the united states. because here we go, here's, and this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the
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russia land, a vast resources found less potential for civilization. this has been to the level of the view from the washer fixed shooting system countries, most exciting accomplishments. the voice is a new thing in the pursuit can use. this is where i'm located. pardon, do you hear me from the pizzas as the russian can? i mean by that name that he had suggested to mention that almost a week later and i'll make out last night late as seo the next to stage to the 19th and the interview stopped. the investor, the institution,
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to the end of triumph, and for the to the, for the, the way, are in moscow, standing in front of one of russia's most iconic symbols in bodies, grease, elegance and express. it goes on a grandiose scale. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the child itself is firmly under the control of the russian forces. there are no sabotaged groups. there's no ukrainians, or there's no ukrainians who left here who decided to stay here willingly just drifted expedia of of the of goods taking as russian armed forces evacuate schools of wounded ukrainian troops who apparently left behind many who is brought to american ships sailing in the gulf nevada as a part of their campaign for gaza or any of the vessel and drowned by us. drowned brazil says it's upset that is related to care. that's precedent for stone and on


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