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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EST

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of the, the disturbing images from the throne, yet $0.50 where at least one civilian has been killed and 9 wounded as ukraine strikes residential areas. again, hundreds of what campaigners and supporters of which he takes profound a duty and a fond of gathered here outside the i cool statement sent to bed coding i x we bring you the latest updates on julian a songs is final thoughts or suggest is kicking off in london as a tell what's the assigned us extradition on espionage charges and his family is at this phone treatment. and just kind of close the case of julian has the youth in the us and embarrassed put it on the world's side
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on spanish media outlets. e f e sophie is confirmed the killing of a defective russian pilot notes for is for hijacking. the russian have i called coming to the is colby and on tuesday, the 28th of february, and this is on the international with the latest. well, need some very well welcome to, you know, top story this, our one civilian has been confirmed, killed and 9 wounded. as you create a lazy shows and 2 strikes on, don't yet city on tuesday, according to officials. and they were pub, like a warning, disturbing images on has he had for tax struck several residential areas of the city. why that on know military targets people's homes as well as civilian infrastructure sites have been damaged. ukraine has been using high caliber rockets and kind of altima, the rates of target civilian areas that are sees egos,
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dano springs, more dates, house from the shelves. so little, the 1st try came early in the morning on one of the outskirts regions. how old were all the districts of the nets gets the keys to the district? it's very close to the town that has recently be liberated by the russian forces. so that was the 1st case. that's when one thinks one woman died and several people were injured. the 2nd strike happened literally one block away from me behind the i'm not sure if you can see that there are people wearing uh, orange grove. and that they are dealing with the estimates of the strike. and the thing is, the russian forces they have by taking up dave cuz they have pushed back key if you have minutes in the way from the town. so they cannot use cheap shelves. they can not use cheap. so get laid shelves in this house to show this central area of the net. so they use something very, very heavy. in the footage that we have seen,
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the crate is literally as high as an average human. so they're, they're, they're truly massive. which means that the use very expensive and well, we're very expensive. nato made rounds, which off uh well in various costs. supply for a key right now and basically means that uh, well 1st. and the 1st thing really to understand about this latest side is the central area. hope jeanette, is that he's no, no military purpose whatsoever. there's no military objects here. it's very busy in the section. if you look behind me, you can see there's plenty of causing the rules civilians. there's no, uh, temporary position or anything of the sort here, simply because the russian needs to move its ought to be closer to the front lines to well to be able to reach the enemy. so they use something very heavy, very expensive, and something that they don't have much of a, to strike a strictly civilian area which really tells a lot about what they,
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what they are feeling, what the kids come on this feeling. how big to the office about losing of day of good, because this is the tactic that we have seen so many times. terrace showings of the russian town of bell greg when the shouts just stood while the latest attacked the show that a shopping move. and as they showed a school, playground killings, you know, just civilians clean children and the wounding children. and even one told like one babies. and so it really tells a lot about the nature of these attacks and what is behind them. as ukrainian troops withdrew from the city of the f code, they left behind weapons and on the vehicles that are now becoming positive. the russians soldiers also know this exclusive footage service, the altima, so the band, so for the city russian troops had evacuated, more than 2000 wounded, ukrainian service men abandoned by fellow soldiers in that unplanned retreat from this is a mine, sweeping operations on the way is worse than falls,
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they say they can, you renounce any remaining pockets of military resistance? most goals or claims of far and less than that race will involved in the find 4 of the outcomes. the russian defense industry has one of these footage of a full mas phone called up. the notorious as well for gave inside the city were russian forces uncovered is still part of supplies, including western made equipment, food rations, and plenty of munitions that were abandoned by were tracing ukrainian troops. the ministry of defense is as uh, with mass and that raise from canada and georgia inside the building. we had from a russian soldier who took part in the decisive fossil for the area. the point of those sales life, it was a serious stronghold because some of the buildings here dated back to sorest times . the walls are thick and when meet are sick. the enemy had no intention of retreating at 1st, but our sold troops pushed through their defenses. the enemy afraid of being surrounded when the sledge, and as often was here, we took
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a captive. he told us that canadian mercenaries have participated in the fighting. here we discovered a lot of interesting information about the location of the enemy and to begin to act further using this data. a failure to release julia and assigns will forever stain both the u. k. and the us, that's the message from the west will blow his brother onto correspondence states where he is outside the high court in london, where the final opinion against expedition on espionage charges in that is now in session. behind closed doors. his was a songs, as long as his family members have said, have been hearing police treatments, and this case is closed the case with julian has the u. k. and the us, i'm embarrassed with it on the world side. simply by letting julian go and re establishing themselves as
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human rights advocates, that can be powerful around the world. so 3, julianna's, it's k is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. it's an attack on all journalists all over the world. it's an attack on the truth, and it's with an attack on the public right to know, hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which edicts pro found a duty in the phones of gathered here outside the high schools in central london coding a di x. now this is the critical to day here, savings full julian assigned to attend to expedition to the united states. now this cool case like spot 220102011. when june, amazon's published i drove of documents which were available real crimes or legible crimes, which is i was committed by the united states and both iraq and afghanistan,
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campaigners and for the press freedom organizations. uh hey, uh, this is a chris, a cool, cool. this is a cool guy said it's not just about to didn't it sounds what it is about the rights for people to publish information by is in the pro, the public interest that they're saying that this is an attack on press freedom, exposing things which might be the old lady in the world doesn't going through here . this is really a journalism. as or on supporting the case of julia saws. me, i can't get to london to inform both people in london about the opportunity as well as, but also my people at home in germany for campaigners. this is a heidi political case, a very highly charged with the involvement all to big powers like britain and the united states, and only set aside to expose the war trains of the united states. his case has exposed the corruption of amazing price. corruption of
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a technician race and it cannot serve on fire political plus, plus federal song studios wife. this is a matter of life or death and she has this right. and once more the if julian is expedited to the united states, where he pays 175 years in prison onto the espionage on a daisy piece of legislation, introducing 9 to 17. this would be the 1st time the publisher has been charged under the if he is expedited that he will die in prison. now that have been paid for his votes, his mental and physical health. this is even being we, it's all right. if i are you and special russell to describe the conditions that julian is held in in belmont try security prison. as to not forget the judy, the phones has not been convicted or charge with any crime by britain he was. but of course, he's all 3 in the ecuadorian embassy,
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but in 2019 police also be removed him on transferred him to as a high security president gave me was a full dose of committed acts of terror. now the dates these next 2 days, tuesday and wednesday are going to be absolutely critical. this will determine whether jude is going to be expedited. the system could take place very, very quickly. now, sellers as own have said that should be high, co ruled in favor of expedition, not civil appeal, potentially appeals to the you are paying coal of human rights the next 2 days where we absolutely vital in determining whether it's necessary or whether it will happen. mister sonjee is reportedly not feeling well and will apparently not attend his extradition, trial tease marita clause. or if a dell is deeper into the saga off the whistle blow and free speech ads, because he's being vilified by american officials for revealing that the t. c.
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courts to the well up to the songs answered the spotlights with a bang, releasing a series of explosive and incriminating leaks about various state actors, including the u. s. military. well, many call him a truth seeker, for those he exposed. he is of course, an enemy of the states. so what did he reveal? well, it all started in 2006 when event on known australia and computer programmer and active is set up a small website that he called, which leaks, it was a platform for anonymous whistle blowers wanted to share top secret information and data well, fast forward for years and the sides exploded onto the global stage. also known as collateral murder, it's $27.00 then which lakes release is classified us military floods. it's showing call not helicopters, conducting a series of attacks on baghdad. and this was in 2007. and they killed over
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a dozen people, including to void our staff. it was not the for us, so its incidents and definitely not the last but this time. not only that it involved journalists, but more importantly, there was video evidence which was made worse. while the fact that the perpetrators was so adamant in the claims of innocence, we regret the loss of innocent life. but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement. the thoughts as was so shocking, it was picked up by most international media outlets. it made the us look bad so the homes was on and eventually the source was exposed. and american soldier at the time called bradley manning and later chelsea after his transition. well,
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he leaks around 750000 sensitive military and diplomatic documents. mounting was court martialed and convicted of espionage among other charges and jailed by us authorities the iraq and ask god war diaries became a sensation, the rock files revealing a huge stuff. so as well as cases of abuse and torture by us led coalition forces. the majority of the us, $66000.00 over 60 percent of these, our civilian deaths, that is $31.00 civilians dying every day during the 6 year period. there were nearly 400000 military logs. it was a mess. washington claim that which leeks was putting american soldiers in danger by releasing misinforming you since, you know, i think that the, the so called war on terror is, is what has created more terror in, in the region. i can tell you from my own experience in the c, i a that many,
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many outside of fighters that i interview that i interrogated, said the same thing. they said that they had no problem with the united states until we bombed their villages until we killed their parents until we killed their brothers. and their uncles and their cousins until we farmed at the hospitals or the schools in their villages. otherwise, they had no problem with the united states. we have julian assigned you and we get weeks to thank for exposing that information. these leaks covers the us military's actions during the war and have done this dawn from 2004 to 2010. well, they revealed, call us from forces attacks on civilians friendly fire incidents as well as, as gun forces attacking each other. and once again, a much higher death, so including hundreds of civilians previously on reports and by the coalition. and
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here's just one example, a marine then $5.00 millimeter round at the bus. there are 4 kali sion of forces wanted in action to civilians killed 13 serial and spin dirt. the main salt from the lakes was washington's cover up of the true scale of civilian casualties from the media and the public with a staggering amount of attacks by callers and troops on ask and civilians. these files bring to light what's been a consistent trend by us and nato forces, the concealment of civilian casualties. 779 people were imprisoned there from 2002. the eldest, been an 89 year old as can village are suffering from dementia and the youngest. a 14 year old, innocent kidnapping victim. some people were page stopped for reasons like word a cost fuel watch. themes suspicious apparently because there was use this timers
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by all call you to i was sleep deprived. i was beaten till they broke my added, i was not given food for a very long periods of time. i was situated assaulted on the multiple occasions, hundreds of lives destroyed in secrecy, with no fair trial and 0 regard for the law. now made headlines around the world and the world seemed grateful that a song had exposed how the. 6 illegally the type and even tortured innocence, people for years in the court of cables, dated all the way back to 1977 showing how us foreign policies and c i a activities, larry, the foundations for the emergence of ices, decades later. and when the terrorist eventually turned on america, so should it says it tends to rain domains, in particular, the role of hillary clinton, while this military or power mode treat operation is moving forward. we need to use
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all diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of costs are in saudi arabia, which i provide and clung dustin financial and logistics support. so i so in other right, it goes to in the groups in the region. hillary clinton would go on to feel the wrath of wake leaks once again in swats to succeed in doing her presidential election campaign. clinton took $100000.00 in cash from and was director of a company that gave money to isis largest cyber publication of confidential documents on the c. i a turns out they can spy on all of us. year 0 introduces the scope and direction of the c. i a is global cobra hacking program. it's malware arsenal, and dozens of 0 de weaponized exploits against a wide range of us and european company products, including apple's iphone, google's android, and microsoft windows, and even samsung tvs,
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which are turned into a covert microphones, the c i a was furious and announced that it would work with the f, b i to conduct a criminal investigation. and so with the legs because it was apparently damaged and the agencies claim that but let's say it's to protect america against the bad guys, will damage and or no. so these revelations show, there's one source, said a serious need to address the c i is hacking capabilities and whether they exceed that it's mandated powers. instead the us authorities that all so that they could to destroy the lakes and so islands. julian, his sons, who ultimately paid the heaviest prize for exposing their on the countable corruption and war crimes which breaks the found the face is a lifetime in president if he's found guilty in the us, we will, of course, be bringing you the latest on this case. as we continue to follow the hearing at the high closing lunch and over the next 2 days. and as always,
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you can find more details analysis on reaction on our website, all t dot com, the spanish media outlets, a se saves it. so this have concerns. the killing off the defected russian pilots. maxime, it kills middle of now he was that it has allegedly been living in spain on the ukrainian identity. that's off the high dock in the russian helicopter. and killing to comrades. dementia that on february, 13th in a garage and be a how your set alley come to is maxime cause mean of the russian pilot who defected? last august to surrender to the claim and ami with a helicopter. she will spell it in as confirmed by sources close to the investigation. so let's get more details now from our correspondence to your relatives about many thanks for coming in fear rela. so tell us what exactly do we know according to these media reports? well, as we just heard nikki, there's was a russian pilot who had defected to ukraine with his helicopter just last august.
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and he was found dead in an underground garage, riddled with bullets from an unknown assailant. now spanish and ukrainian media have reported this, but spain state news actually said that the body was found on february 13 in southern spain, and that belong to pilot maxime who is meant off. initially, they had thought this was getting related, but upon further inspection to his backstory then they saw and look deeper into it . now. spanish law enforcement nor the court have confirmed that there was a murder. however, the spanish civil guard did comment that they did find safe documents and that the investigation is ongoing and classified. so what do we, how much do we know about maxime codes? we know, well, maybe he seems like a regular individual. he was a 28 year old russian pilot. he was actually supposed to be delivering parts for us . you 27. and as you 30 fighter jets, but instead he was recruited by the s b u and offered a half
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a $1000000.00. to do this, the now he hijacked the helicopter full of his crew and landed it forcibly, and har, coffee crane, and the head of the defense intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine. carol donald said that most members of the crew who had refused to surrender were killed. and as far as we know, they had no idea of what his plans were. and later on he actually admitted maxime admitted an oppressed conference in cab that he did do this, that he did transport a plane. and just more on his back story nicky, he was supposed to be a man who committed rash apps according to one of his colleagues knew him for 3 years. he had wanted no participation in the war. he wanted more of the peaceful mission, peaceful type of missions and another one of his colleagues had also said that he was a man that was very weak psychologically. and that this person had no idea how somebody
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like that to be put in charge of military equipment. now as far as rushes comments on the head of the russian for an intelligence service has said that maxine brought this upon himself when he decided to commit this asks, let's listen in this traitor and criminal became a moral corpse. the very moment he was planning his dirty and terrible crime. now apart from that, the says, the major general belief that the defect or pilot had actually offered his services to you create himself. and earlier in a conversation with rushing media, had said that perhaps he might be eliminated by ukrainian services once they were done with him. and perhaps maybe that they didn't want to pay up. now there haven't really been other comments from russia or from the kremlin as of yet. it seems like there's still a lot of questions that need on answering at this point. exactly. right,
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and there's so much, we don't know because the documentation that was found on him was of a 33 year old ukrainian man, obviously not matching who he is now. spanish media to clarify that this was in fact maxime and a spokesperson from the ukraine. n g u, our military intelligence also confirm to reuters that has been off had been found dead in spain, but he refused to say the exact causes just now. the question is, how could someone be found with fake documents? allegedly provided by the premium government? isn't this an illegal act, isn't this forgery? shouldn't be you say something? what about the implications of a crime then? could others go and submit this prime? there's a lot that we don't know who did it, of course is the question. and who benefits from this as well? so as you said, there's so many questions left to be answered. many thanks for coming in with the details, appreciate it that i can use opponents. now what angry saw him is a gathering across the country in pros has to blocking roads on the pony shoot for
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any and food or the farm is riding against new e. you climate change messes on the import of key design for cultural products ins . opponents, which they believe creates on fact competition. big blocks, roads and checkpoints on the ukranian border with trucks is banners and other equipments. this. * is still a dollar to trade unions, days is planning on and off road blockages throughout poland until the 10th of march demonstrates as grandest and national flags entrusted slogan to the scene in reign for marketing system. it did cash, we gain a check point. agricultural workers believe the impulses ukrainian, brandon's opponents of stuff and friends of mine, several ability to make a living as well, to ukrainian presidents below demands. lensky had to say about what was happening. sure, this is regarding the situation that demonstrates a daily erosion of solidarity things that are happening on our western border. the border with poland cannot be considered normal. a simple and clear justice is
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needed only 5 percent of our agricultural exports passed through the polish border . so in reality, the situation is not about grain, but rather about politics. while the polish minister of development and technology says that president is a landscape should take cash in making such statements. taking into account the totality of all relations the way we have suppose to do crime from the 1st day, i would remain cautious and expressing such opinions. let's discuss this now with all guest. george saw me. what do you see? any research fellow, all the global policy institute, many thanks for joining us on the program. stay really good to see. so we have present the landscape, cooling the up as already called the protest and will so it was auctions and erosion of solidarity. well, his power is one of you claims closest allies seemingly turned it's back on kids
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when it isn't poland so much that is done dates back. it's publish of workers and farmers who were never really supportive of of this war. but the bodies government would actually be quite happy if this whole thing just though, went away and uh, and the grain of the poultry and everything was continued to pour into poland. the bolt has gone with his being forced into a police, expressing sympathy for the bomb is it really goes this will simply because a going against the farm is, is politically suicidal. imposing. they are strictly powerful groups. there are elections coming up in april. the other election is coming up in june. so donald tools, who's surfaces all with ukraine and not with the farm, is just kind of being forced into explicitly at least expressing some sympathy for the farmers. how do you expect things to develop?
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georgia may not understand that ukraine is we're supposed to be announced a retaliatory move warning. it will provoke some crossings to publish drug. see, do you think that will happen? do you think the situation will develop a good that probably will happen. however, i do think that some of the ukraine is onto hiding to nothing here because the boat is government will eventually have to um, play kate, the farm is you don't mess around the farm. is there anything francis found this germany as long as you know the, the following is really have, you know, they have to sit is by the throat and these, if you mess with them, then everybody soft as an and that's why i think that eventually the voters nobody's going to have to cave will see what the brain does. now, the of the farmers have said that they will allow alms to continue to flow into ukraine's i, so this is a, you know, that this is strictly this border blockade is strictly directed towards um,
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from proud to use. but alms will continue to flow. so maybe that will just they will keep the ukrainians happy, but really it is quite outrages because originally, the reason why the e, you lifted it's, uh, it's, it's tyrus against the boat is green, was the poland, and then you've got it against the ukraine's grain was that ukraine couldn't get it's green out via the black sea, but you great is getting the the green out by the black sea. i mean back to expos via the black sea. a now um, at the same level as they were before the south of a cycle, special montreal purchase. so therefore you have to us, if you're getting the green, i buy that likely. why exactly? are you dumping lose grain into the you market? and then the, the, the cost of the question, pretty honest with yourself, because they're a very powerful agricultural interest in ukraine. many of them, uh,
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even based in the united states that wants to make a lot of money. they didn't buy all this land and ukraine funds, they wanted to make money. and that's and it's, they were pushing uh the you, if it's a continuing this, uh, it will, this uh, impulse of grain and without any terrace the pharmacist on having all the taking money out of the farm as puppies. we saw similar things in germany a few weeks ago. so what does this light is? stand off between the 2 neighbors. tell us about the attitudes in europe as well as ukraine, other boulder picture. the picture is, and we've seen this now for 2 years that the war and new great isn't the lead project in europe. there are, there are no demonstrations anywhere in europe in support of ukraine. there's no particular of the sympathy for ukraine, the, the, the, both of these expressions of outrage, the, that to go on and your,
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a baseball coming from the politicians. it's been the united spinning you the lead projects from the stop and this expresses, and you can see this in case of a live of the polish one was it was a german fault, was a french one, was a war, take german and french was also a complaint about this cheap imports of the ukrainian grants, and the farmers realize that the leadership, the people who run the you and many of the sort of the liberal governments in the you already saw started so that they have that green agenda. that basic, also culturally false, the farm is they want to get your move away from the, from pesticides in the, you know, the a gains that are against them. the emission of greenhouse gases. and the farmers realize that they've, you know, we're up against governments who hate us and who pursue policies that are detrimental to us. and the farm is in europe.


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