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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the presidential meeting is the planning is on the way for the presidential meetings. both sides have their own positions and it says, no, that's the we with the position of that is as far as all the way it gives you the service, you and most companies, all courts and the government. so we expect to see a, an agreement. so by, that's whole agreement to be rich, this is the position of all of a sudden, friends, as far as i know, but it won't stop for the product, the pretty of the stuff on the scale on the individuals in this young people see you utilize us uh, security for the restaurants and one for youtube channel. what are the practical steps taken by russia and venezuela to prove and prevents the actions of the us and its allies, such as, uh, the uh, discounts or those, the confiscation of the russian assets. russian resources,
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or the russian airplanes likes the incidents we've seen before. we've seen recently, well, been as well that is also a victim to this barbara barbaric policy by the us and it satellites in addition to the airplane situation that she has mentioned that as well and resources of national reserves have been frozen. i've been uh, taken over by the number of western states. this isn't gross violation of international. we're going to pull away from that press conference, not because the russian defense minister simply showing you is giving an interview to the task news agency as homeless the situation down forces in general go to. so i would start with the previous year. just went through is as much hype to bring in the calendar offensive, which as we know has failed. what's your take on?
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what was the main reason for this failure? right to turn the car. so more than the governance that came up to me is what? no, no we and of course a great deal to mystic thoughts. i guess defensive was widely mostly outage, but you're on a fairly last year. ok, a general staff and those kinds of intelligence. notice that the fisher you will find information about. so serious counter offensive been prepared. and by serious, i mean, not a 100 or 200 people, but it was a pleasure to shop this. it strikes google homeless. so 160000 people, 102110 lambs plus almost associated reserve battalions and $800.00. thanks to him. i think that's a minute. almost $100.00 safety at products do. finally, this is very new to this. there's or $25.00 hundreds that the units of our butler
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and of course are distance here. once we're talking about that, such a group was about to bid was injection. we employed all kinds of intelligence are supposed to be as in this army. recall in units aerospace and satellites, and then one of the marine traffic and railway traffic headed back to us. but we needed to find out and figure out so you can upgrade your machine, purchasing the dates levels, and then the assets will take on some choices. there guys are, those papers fail for each of them and that is a task. remember to go ahead, sir, publishing it or considering the general stuff, analysis of all the and so we had to do coordinates, we needed to figure out where exactly the counter offensive says to take place and put together and to respond accordingly. yeah, uh you know, by the blowing our assets there, you more than that, i took him in the program,
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we had no time to, to and then to waste way thing present the premium version. yeah. so the president's doesn't decide it's a good book or sure. your own within your about on it to create deeply layered burden with this line of defense us along the line of this list. when we come back line of over 2000 kilometers at them. and not just a deeply layered line of defense. but let me get the repairs or let me see, the 1st thing would be a system of defense that would allow for an active defense. and i didn't put it in there. when we started a time i went in with offensive and defensive action to divide to, well at the same time, taken out more and more personnel and equipment. the main reason basically doing this and that on a daily basis. and the things that called support lots of intelligence and they to prepare to have an expression. and with the so move when it started in class
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several, these things were held for the plan was presented and approved by the president printed them now and showed the more than this horrible down pulling curve gloves and pollution lube center stage pollution trends. they weren't as we were given, carte blanche cod lounge to use any just because it assets we need it. and i'm very grateful to the earl builders, original governors mayor of moscow. and we must go region and many, many others. the governor cried me a letter, said the categories are not their criticism, they are set to stop the near future. just go to the old age when it's all of them contribute to it so that we're really curse with that issue. my wife is president of and i think they account for extensive percentage of all the workers can well the remaining 82 percent, which was done by the engineering troops at the bottom. and so basically with
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those 3 lines of defense portion, but along the front line, it's an amazing amount of work because millions of land mines piece that you can let me know through frontier with them to sales on. so if and side sounds good was to infringements. issue was particularly within their to number and the put them in old lives with the option of tax of defense with this because we couldn't afford to wait for the exact spots of the break to. so they figured out our books, we figured that the house was sort of preparing the troops stop filing reserves. and by that time we had created enough as well, personal reserves contract here. uh gosh. and with, with, uh, what's in this nice way contracts, and i know it's kind of troops and berlin professional trips abroad in the upgrade
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. you, my mistake is this. uh, gartner, sna look pretty measured today. and then i'll occasion search for the position that should load for you to understand what it is to, to move and replace big noun schedules to premier now or says this is the me say in regard was moving $6000.00 tons of cargoes every day, which was there every day at $6000.00 tons of cargo at the bay, 3 plus $7000.00 tons of cargo and thieves moments and commissions artillery shells . if you will. 1500 tons of drinking water alone. the machine that i bought this display as understand what it is. it's a huge machine, a huge operation on my ground. there are sort of things that when i just that needs to be perfectly organized is 0. 4 way to prevent some logistics are crucial. valdez
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. i believe verse of circle everybody needs to go. oh, sure. i think all the necessary gear just to the needs to be covered from auxilary fire and send them out to the right of us because he acts of like, used to quit back then there's the crew cab to cab. i'm just as you pull it up with the take a look at there are, there's a stereotype that this has some kind of easy operational sense insides because it shows him put kind of a splitter of 67, only made. so recall satellites is working above this area, right? and if we take the entire satellite solution, this leads a little countries there. that's where we are both. we end up with 260 satellites here working against us gathering recall. think human intelligence data put together this good thing? i thought i'd say eventually this was all we had prepared for the operation. there was a note that those sounding continents to plan,
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nobody understood. so again, so the send off the counter offensive in the original direction. my open and they wanted to, i'm sure, but i would say me look to make a corner door towards my real phone number to the desk and the enemy expects it to get to us of the cream and 2 cups of fly, roads towards crimea. the position, the sub center. so this was basically the objectives of their entire x services missile. this was the idea behind celebrations behind the planning or send me a report. thank you, stuck, good to both of them. you want to see where to pull it up with it. i think this stuff in order with it still functions. i'm now with no, that's the reason is that when do you live in glen, you this task uh to put your work. so somewhere in, in,
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in poland and then the baltic states congress now it took a dressing because out of the outcome of this operation showed that their methods, the technology, their new methods of warfare. when you can name it was fishing in their lots that's unique or successful in the item is aging of no, cuz it could do, but i knew it was pearson. well, neither you nor i can think of any location where they would be at least somewhat successful. spend the. so i've got his tom or c rog or libya or syria and then i could then just let me remind you that's great or so when we started helping the syrian government, the toner, put configured music is getting worse down the syrian most warranties and only had 17 percent of the territory under the control and these days systems took over 90 percent because of course you wouldn't move and nobody's cutting the heads there
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anymore. just think it just came cramming. it was a good way. then you put that they, nobody's blowing up historical monuments and nobody's putting people in cages there anymore for it to numerous companies that we saw books they, they both seem to have called in about this and think goes to that. but let's get back to our affairs. pick a group, i knew it printed me on that i moved to a notice. it is still in a sure m. c, everyday work stuff is that involves all kinds of assets. the satellite, really quote them that retros marines army of ation. i'm not sure that's a good portion that was done was done. we are really part of the side precision weapons because we had to deliver the message and strikes windows and i'm going to part of the range strikes against us with a good book here. it says here that this is why it would talk to fly rhodes, concentrations of personnel. so step by step to begin to have points and i just
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have to quote the carrier groom issue. but by deploying those they keep dash it. but so many assets would prevents at the end, the me from reaching given the 1st line of defense and there were 2 more of them. the on the social is essentially this is by that time and they had loss is 166000 people. boiler was me. so killed and wounded is over a 100 times since it is the most intrinsic 4 hundreds ever been pharma. the girls by the threes and abc spread lives and he's all kinds of them were basically from what they have now over. how stores low pods times have been destroyed and particularly as to the city they have lost $123.00 crafts. if it came on because of jensen helicopter senior, this counter offensive is moving quickly to come to chris to the broadcom said was
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easy just to kind of say it was easy to counteract because of the very basic combat work and some parts. i'm very thankful and grateful soul or mentors. it shows cuz this most of the time when we would pick rings and then 3 or 4 preferred to where they might be of this, where it is not their civil for an interview. but this is the time that the army was crystallizing. we did the dream as i stood there, i think about 2 weeks ago is because then for the most location for the, for an office publication which style, it sounds good to us if i read. so the validation there that is quite in line with what device think reason why she works from cooking to do, we can show that one of these is why got excited because this says they're getting it out of the door and open isn't actually a very experienced and significant general don't she for those rights,
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that's the longer we where it is to this operation continues. press machine open the, in the strong, there are certain is better songs. and here's the thing. put point before you the far as the russian army becomes fluid. i completely cite guns, that's because region that's going to come to our transit, tennessee 3, we see sir coming 0. see how there is a level level commander associate. this escrow of all commanders of all our units troops, man um organs cuz as to she wouldn't hit the clear. and we can say that today what we have is a different vehicle prostate and talking about our latest successes over the past few days. we should mention the operation to the rates of div, okay, could you tell us about how it was prepared and conducted the coordinator, which was a special going on and so to the patients began long ago and she said this was the
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reasonable thing to do because we do it because of the law and southwest of updates . we wanted to stash up and give her some reserves when you're on the general staff. when so go to an operation, we have been preparing for it. so forcing me to push the good sense old some sense expensive for you and bankrupt. tell for december. okay, go to them or do you need to put a go to cooper and you might understood, so group radio about little preparing plans as we realize that this is a strong culture that has been falsified for 9 years. concrete, reinforcements such ways underground passages, a portion of the dentist as low as an example of a star. that sure that goes a tough isn't much just a crack. let's see. management is just wanted to run with it. yes. as many assets
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there that for america come with them, i mean to this degree capable of long ago and us, which took us to choose the shuttle during large areas. so we received, we achieved suitcase there was a point, but who were delivering 460 high precision strikes a day at the premier and induced it on. and that translates to some, 200 tons of explosives, pollution as to which condition delivered within point accuracy. which means it should be under 500 kilograms deliveries and they are no longer a 2 meters accuracy. so thanks to our pilots just to ship with. surely we will proceed in the mail and then press stop or the last all of them the heads i just had heads combat experience in syria up to 200 sol sees
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so or by let's. so the music product was from the beginning and those are the borrower, and potentially to the goober. tens are good for all the time with the content and say their volunteers for 7 different materially, syrian professionals, there's instructions in units of volunteers, since he is in jackson education without president watson. what paper show and to show the show edition, because we're letting them go and put themselves on. all this as of today allows us to come with say, that's when we brought the enemy to a point where they were, but it adds to flee from there. is we have created unbearable conditions for them to put the put the restaurant units i was talking about. they use the pipeline and underground pipelines unplugged for government 3.5 kilometres. and lens normally use that pipelines to get behind enemy lines to get a strong cold. there were motion problems. so basically add to bring all the
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supplies along the 5 could i suppose this to on the verge of the which so this of d is called corporation. i think it's going to be in military textbooks and it's going to be starter, studied in military schools in for those right. so what's the part in this? the defensive is continuing. yes. very. my time in the west turned in a direction to 3 to 10 block weather. i think you will see 2 days ago. it was associated to it's very, it's a lot of times they have concluded if salem, somebody on that portion to address your house, it probably won't be able to deliver right to the cups of them on some of the, the total area is now 7. so he plus kilometers twice as much as 2 days ago. this operation had been prepared, had been prepared, meticulously cash, and get it understood. and the general stuff 0 surely posted the numbers. last
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means it's the same day codes to minimize las as in casualties. so to make sure this operation is as effective as possible, you said the enemy was routed, but it's funny in this regard to hear a lot of statements from key is where they say that it was almost a bland pullback of their troops. what would you say to that? is that a good beginning to it was, i don't know how to comment on that solution. no us, let's touch this. it doesn't provide sufficient specifically for this case, but desirable to just charge it to him, okay? but so while we had had the system of objects of control in place with the searches for pressure, you a these in place, the nice in the air to control the that your sales has come off of the homepage, so not salary shelves. and so the shows the shows, there we go in the guided bombs. and so for this, today's wars different, those you a, these,
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they gave the target data and they control the heads and there was a progress report pronounced to lose and pursuing nearer, most think it's not only on the arc, say the, but those are the, there are videos out there to go because there could be one say that for i don't know, i told them center steve, or good night as if we're going to it's what they call them, organize the retreats that we have is when you to and i knew via video intelligence that shows that they originally, it was very far from organized. they didn't front cover of the dead bodies. they left the injured behind along with lots of weapons and notes, regular events switch. let them take this to risk now. sure. yeah, i'd say. and considering the actions of our across that asian well, i can understand i can understand why they don't put that on them for choices. i lose the move in such a rush. we saw them walking along those fields coming to me with
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a drove since there's little to come in to make here. gosh, bring your mind there. but of course, they wanted to keep up a good face, but i'm, but sure i can say they realized that it was that there was a big conference in unique where they had to, well, i'm to build up a nice facade to the cache. and then they had to demonstrate that they were holding up. and then when, and the last of the of come was a great surprise to them. you're not for us. so you could be much more time to go. but it's such as on a day, there was a report to the president about your liberation of clint key, which can we say that this is the final from the end of that is to create an account that are offensive for me. so i was kind of blown and i'm pretty sure no problem and um, uh yes, because pregnancy is another solution and that should go because of other supplements and final thoughts crime you, we are ready for whatever may happen there. that's as i have reported to the new
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per po, coordinate kaplinski district as zillow kind of lots of lives doing both at some a commander of the group and that's no direction. indeed, they have completed the cleansing of the area putting up the area. but though i'm considering the personality menu, there are many people there from the ground, basically in the underground side house. they would be in very deep, they're pretty new quotes here. and they were weeping over the radio. do i get them to begging for x direction? which is not so, so we're still working the of what to do. and i suppose came with a suggesting over the aid to surrender. those are still dogs and they're all of the last day we had to they both surrender cover north salem for me to go cream to costco. but in general, on the shores of the rivers, trendkite and conquer,
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disconnect our offices, nation posts, their own reading goober, to sign the earnest here. and so i just think of, you know, i feel i must have commends and would think that these then same color pirates. so version marine's, julia written brigade's see. what's the full say say i page and i show, yeah it's, i was super brigades and are forced air force them. it was, it wasn't easy. the movie to look can't scenario. it's furnished. i tried to, they had lots of stores developed to the phone number is 2 times where is the best souls? so am i supposed to track until destroyed and prevented me from. so we're bringing in more slip of sports as the prostate, another with artillery, and then we're working on the permanent aisle to retire from just the opposite shore. trim decay on the opposite bank of the river. the slope is stay on the number they're going to be difficult because they were
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under constant surveillance and i'll tell are it far saint anthony, this us is what's in the loop in the way the website is just for you to to get the big chairs. there's that there's some mistakes that credit cards are small settlements here, but again, i'll say much, but they has accumulated for brigades, their full marine brigades. the problem is of those who have faults in different directions before the very strong experienced troops, some of them had been under their so my real bo butchering assumption is a well trained well as of so now we need supplies. some of them, the heads are under the training abroad and figure quote this to them. and their objective was to, to break through us towards condensed cambridge because he at times indicated as a to they were also facilities that the part of the trip
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i'm sure it the rest of all this shit and much that takes time. sure i do, but i do is as so as in the united states, there are no, i do. but in a nice thing to time, never thing for the presidential elections. i mean, the put together to in the folders to get ready for the rush, tight and event orange time. this to the discussion of the latest you brain. a digital package is i think you're good for removing insurance with the crane and put those there now contemplating the signing off on another round because i paid until your price to, to go with it to so much to be to get the most quickly quote, to hand those for marine brigades just on the printer, they lost the sale of some of $1800.00 people who attempt to push to the total casualties. they amounts to almost 23400 people and the entire her. so whole
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peroration continues to painting this counter offensive up there's the total pounds used is somewhere around $13200.00. this was coming from losses. the for any losses in around her. sonya state deal system say, what about the situation with supplies and the armed forces is the our economy, our industry coping. right. you remember to bring into the machine no good was makes it shift and it's near. it's a 100 appreciate the model in 14 or but it measures that wasn't proficient and that's the best number to. ready upgrading our request of studies that can for you essentially longer. tiffany took advantage of the houses. i think it is also a list item. tiffany, who never worked on fixing and upgrading their equipment. and this is
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prepared to go and now we have enterprises know whether we wanted to or not. a much estimate, but they started from the ground up from scratch and in the matter of 3 months or because they started making as many munitions as you all need to country is in the month. and so one enterprise makes as much as all native countries combined. and this can, you imagine we could put amber? this is a new generation of business leaders and inter printers who are ready to contribute to victory. and there are many of them. i have to say about to goes to building us. they have done a great deal to make sure that we're able to upgrade
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and fix our equipment as quickly as possible. so that would reach your pace. there's the pre boy protection that we've gotten to fix more equipment than what action you're getting. and we have all of these enterprises, 207 c in fact using that to change the guns. so for all to early weapons, and this is a very serious effort because we make active use of this artist you literally and to make sure that this strikes so precise and to improve that precision. we need to fix all these guns in time. we needed to up grade and build more tanks, more infantry carriers, we had to upgrade all these vehicles with increase to, to the number of joe swim agents. it's 17 folder
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on us and we increased to lose connectivity by 12 fold of a number of the shells. we may and this what inspires us we send was most, makes us confident. this is a very serious work and we have been doing it. and then there is something that we call the people's military industrial complex. when we're talking about grass roots defense, why do i call it grass roots? because you can imagine, for example, a person who makes bread, but then he starts makes weapons without digging any money for that. just give me the tools and give me is it parts and i will make it for free. and there are
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hundreds of people that are hundreds of enterprises. they do this embley, they buy 3 d printer is a with a good for the nice around. and one of the countries i will not mention name it. then they bought them as well for hundreds to boost mobile garage right devices, and they use their numbers. for ben garza do make work shops and you have to move around the country and to see this nationwide efforts. as people try to contribute to our share, the victory can never pay us. no. and we have a lot of many new weapons to adjust locations over the past 8 or 9 months. all that progress we have achieved in terms of our unmanned aerial vehicle. so now we're.


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