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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the, the, the russian army takes another strategic location, the village of crane. keep us in the east and kept us on region. the russian defense minister said again, show you both of his count kemp and then beat sings updates for preston for the net present on recent russian and miniature operations such as the capture of a gift in done yet. when the green and media tree folded the withdrawal of its 4 feet, they were already on the move leading from the location. this was done for political reasons, to cover up that retreat and give it an appearance of an organized withdrawal of disturbing images. now from the done yet $0.50 up, that's why at least one civilian has been killed. and 9 wounded as ukraine strikes
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residential areas, plus hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which he takes co founder duty and assault. have gathered, hey, outside the high cool. send to london recording a di x. we bring you the latest updates on julian, a sizes final bottles to adjust this, which kicks off in london on tuesday, gods as a jailed whistle. both fights us extradition on espionage charges. is finally got the outside the chords. please friedman and this case is closed the case with julian has the you and the us. i'm embarrassed with it on the world side. on to spanish media outlets. yeah, feed sources come from the killing of a defective russian pilot, hijacked to the russian helicopter, which results in the desk of sioux falls. our pilots
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coming to you live from us studio here in moscow you're watching to see international. my name's peter scott's here with all the very latest this tuesday. he says defense minister has deliberate a ministry status report to president putin. you said that russian forces have taken another strategic location as the village of key and keeping the capstone region on the left bank of the me a different a hi going cause issue. the village of green gate has been cleared. all forces are standing all alone. the bag, it's not just an observation point on troops, a station that will put a heat at maximum efficiency. i don't want to give the impression to cream cheese a small, unimportant settlements. it was a target for an enemy break through last summer. some individual enemies soldiers to remain on the left bank of the upper river in forests and folks holes. we're
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working on that. they are being offered just to the end of the surgery. sure, going out of the town of, of dave could just outside of the nets was liberated by the russian forces. yet another briefing to the russian commander in chief, that is, of course, a lot of my food and with more details about the latest success of the russian army . here in the dumbass and beyond. what russia knows is known in russia as new territories, basically has revealed uh that overnights uh, just over one night from the 17th of february on to the 18 ukrainian. um you lost some 2400 men as it was fleeing of day of canada according to the russian president. now it was what it was they were just running and the order that, that the ukraine and come on had said to gave uh, to receipt. that was just a political decision. basically they were trying to keep a straight face when things were going of right. and terribly, terribly wrong,
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apparently, by the time that the ukrainian combined had given the order to a treat. uh, the great invoices were already sleeping. so again, that order was just thrilled to uh, try and cheapest freight a face at the same time. uh sir, do you shortly reveal that uh, the total uh, the rush or the russian army did manage to take care of dave got with minimal loss is again, that is the quotes of the russian minister of defense. also talking to him, the russian president as far as the wall. well, this success bows into zipper. would you be concerned region? is it what was your region here in the dominican republic as well? uh well, well, the success is of course for me to bowl and he can congratulate to the russian defense minister. the russian president also said that the troops, they have to capitalize on this, that they have to develop this success and into the russian defense minister reveal
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that they continue. the russian army continues to move to move in the west and direction. and that while they are indeed capitalizing on what they have achieved, was ukrainian to withdrew from the city of difficulty left behind weapons and all the vehicles that have been taken by russian soldiers. now, this exclusive footage shows the aftermath of the bottle for the city. but some troops have evacuated more than 2 dozen. when did you printing service men left behind and the retreats from the city must see if an operations on the way brushing force in say they the claiming outs, any remaining pockets of resistance on moscow. also claims of foreign estimates were involved in the fights for a day of camp. there were some defense ministers or at least footage, but it says is of a former stronghold of the as all the brigades inside the city. the russian forces discovered a something called a supplies including west and made a weapons that were a bonded introduce. as the messengers were from canada and georgia,
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and they were inside the building for you, we had from the russian soldier pots in the bottom of the it's up on your boat sales life. it was a serious stronghold because some of the buildings here, dade, back to sorest times. the walls are thick and when meet are thick. the enemy had no intention of retreating and at 1st, but our sold troops pushed through their defenses. the enemy afraid of being surrounded when the sledge and as often was here, we took a captive, told us that canadian mercenaries have participated in the fighting. here we discovered a lot of interesting information about the location of the enemy and to begin to act further using this data in your mind, which has to come out. well, one civilian has been confirmed, killed and 9 wounded as ukraine. alicia's, a number of strikes on the nest city on tuesday, according to officials and the republic. the quick warnings there are disturbing images coming up now. okay, of attacks had several residential areas of the city where there were no military targets. people's homes, as well as some of the infrastructure sites have also been damaged. ukraine has
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been using high caliber rockets on coming up to the rate to target civilian areas. we're moving on to the news, this tuesday, affiliates, or at least joining us on what the stain, both the u. k. on the us left, a message from the whistle blowers brother onto correspondent steve sweeney, was outside the high cold in london. where the final appeal against that tradition on espionage charges is was in session. behind closed doors is what the song just family members have to say. ahead of hearing a bruce friedman, and this case is closed the case with julian has the u. k. and the us. i'm embarrassed with it on the world side. simply by letting julian go and re establishing themselves as human rights advocates, the can be powerful around the world. so 3, julianna's,
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it's k is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. it's an attack on all journalists all over the world. it's an attack on the truth, and it's with an attack on the public, right to know, hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which edicts pro found a duty and a phone of gathered here outside the high court in central london, the coding a di x. now this is the critical tude. i have been told judy in a song to attend to expedition to the united states. now this cool case like spot 220102011. when june, amazon's published i drove of documents which were available real crimes or legible crimes, which is i was committed by the united states and both iraq and afghanistan, campaigners and for the press freedom organizations on here. this is
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a critical cool case. this is a cold case that is not just about duty and the phone for the is about the right for people to publish. information by is in the pro, the public interest that they're saying that this is an attack on press freedom, exposing things which might be the old lady in the world doesn't going through here . this is real journalism and so on supporting the case of joining us all. i me, i can't get to london to inform both people in london about the, the, about, you name is always, but also my people at home in germany for campaigners. this is a heidi political case, a very highly charged with the involvement all 2 big powers like britain on the united states and only to the son to expose the war trains of the united states. his case has exposed the corruption of amazing price. it cannot send over to the survey and it cannot sit on fire political plus,
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plus federal song studios wife. this is a matter of life or death and she has, he is right. and once more the if julian is expedited to the united states, where he pays 175 years in prison onto the espionage on a daisy piece of legislation, introducing 9 to 17. this would be the 1st time the publisher has been charged under the art. if he is expedited, he will die in prison now that have been paid for his votes, his mental and physical health. this is even being reiterated by a un special russell to describe the conditions that julian is held in in belmont try security prison as to not forget the duty in its own has not been convicted or charge with any crime by britain he was. but of course, these thoughts are 3 in the ecuadorian embassy, letting 2019 police also be removed him on transfer them to the high security
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prison gave me was a full dose of committed acts of terror. now the dates these next 2 days, tuesday and wednesday are going to be absolutely critical. this will determine whether jude is going to be expedited. the system could take place very, very quickly. now, seller just as own have said that should be high, co ruled in favor of expedition, not civil appeal or potentially appeal to the you are paying coal of human rights the next 2 days, where we actually invite to and determining whether it's necessary or whether it will happen, split sanchez, supposedly not feeling well. i will not attend his expedition trial, excuse me. and the costs of adults deeper into the saga of the whistle blower and free speech advocates. he's been verified by american officials for revealing that does the secrets to the will to learn the songs answered the spotlights where the
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bang, releasing a series of explosive and incriminating leaks about various state actors, including the u. s. military. well, many call him a truth seeker, for those he exposed, he is of course, an enemy of the states. so what did he reveal? well, it all started in 2006 went to then all known australia and computer programmer and activist. set up a small website that he called with leaks. it was a platform for anonymous whistle blowers wanted to share top secret information and data. well fast forward for years and the size exploded onto the global stage. also known as collateral murder, it's 2010. which lakes release is classified us military floods. it's showing call not helicopters, conducting a series of attacks on baghdad, and this was in 2007, and they killed over a dozen people, including suv reuters staff it
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was not the 1st search incident and definitely not the last but this time. not only that it involved journalists, but more importantly, there was video evidence which was made worse, while the fact that the perpetrators was so adamant in the claims of innocence. we regret the loss of innocent life, but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement. the thoughts as was so shocking, it was picked up by most international media outlets. it may be, wes, look bad. so the homes was on and eventually the source was exposed and american soldier at the time called bradley manning and later chelsea. after his transition, well, he leaks around 750000 sensitive military and diplomatic documents. mounting
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was court martialed and convicted of espionage among other charges and jailed by us authorities the iraq and ask god war diaries became a sensation, the rock files revealing a huge stuff. so as well as cases of abuse and torture by us led coalition forces. the majority of the dust, 66000, over 60 percent of these, our civilian deaths, that is 31 civilians dying every day. during the 6 year period. there were nearly 400000 military logs. it was a mess. washington claim that which leaks was putting american soldiers in danger by releasing misinforming you since, you know, i think that the, the so called war on terror is, is what has created more terror in, in the region. i can tell you from my own experience in the c, i a that many, many outside of fighters that i interviewed, that i interrogated, said the same thing. they said that they had no problem with the united states
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until we bombed their villages until we killed their parents until we killed their brothers. and their uncles and their cousins until we bombed to the hospitals or the schools in their villages. otherwise, they had no problem with the united states. we have julian assigned you and we get weeks to thank for exposing that information. these leaks cover the us military's actions during the war and have gotten this done from 2004 to 2000 and said, well, they revealed call us from forces attacks on civilians friendly fire incidents as well as, as gun forces attacking each other. and once again, a much higher death, so including hundreds of civilians previously on reports as by the coalition. and here's just one example, a marine then $5.00 millimeter rounds at the bus. there are 4 college and forces
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wanted in action to civilians killed 13 serial and spin dirt. the main salt from the lakes was washington's cover up of the true scale of civilian casualties from the media and the public with a staggering amount of attacks by callers and troops on ask and civilians. these files bring to light what's been a consistent trend by us and nato forces, the concealment of civilian casualties. 779 people were imprisoned there from 2002. the eldest, been an 89 year old as gun village are suffering from dementia, and the youngest of 14 year old, innocent kidnapping victim. some people were page stopped for reasons like word a cost fuel watch. themes suspicious apparently because there was use this timers by all call you to i was sleep deprived. i was beaten, didn't they broke my added, i was not given food for a very long periods of time. i was situated,
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assaulted on multiple occasions. hundreds of lives destroyed in secrecy, with no fair trial and 0 regard for the law. now made headlines around the world and the world seemed grateful that a sound had exposed how the us illegally the tape and even tortured innocence, people for years in the court of cables, dated all the way back to 1977 showing how us foreign policies and c, i a activities, larry, the foundations for the emergence of ices, decades later. and when the terrorist eventually turned on america fashion says it tends to rain domains, in particular, the role of hillary clinton, while this military or power mode treat operation is moving forward. we need to use all diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of costs are in saudi arabia,
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which i provide and clung. dustin financial and logistics simple to iso and other right. it goes to in the groups in the region. hillary clinton would go on to feel the wrath of wick leaks once again in swats to succeed in doing her presidential election campaign. clinton took $100000.00 in cash from and was director of a company that gave money to isis. the largest cyber publication of confidential documents on this c. i a turns out they can spy on all of us. year 0 introduces the scope and direction of the c. i a is global cobra hacking program. it's malware arsenal, and dozens of 0 de weaponized exploits against a wide range of us and european company products, including apple's iphone, google's android, and microsoft windows, and even samsung tvs, which are turned into a covert microphones, the c i a was furious and announced that it would work with the f, b i to conduct
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a criminal investigation. and so with the leaks because it was apparently damaged and the agencies claim, the ability to protect america against the bad guys will damage and or no. so these revelations show, there's one source said a serious need to address the c i is hacking capabilities. and whether they, it's see that it's mandated powers. instead, the us authority is that all so that they could to destroy the legs and silence juliet sons', who ultimately paid the heaviest prize for exposing their on accountable corruption and war crimes. well, of course will be bringing you the late fees to on the julian us on the case as we follow the hearings of the hi colton london over the next couple of days. but details analysis and reaction you can head over to our web sites, all team dot com, the
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law, spanish media outlets. yeah. faith says it's sole says, have consented the killing of the defect to the russian pilots. maxime cruise mean of was allegedly be living in spain on the ukrainian identity of the hijacking. a verse i had a comp time which resulted in the desk of the 2 queen members, a dimensional debt on february, 13th in a garage and be a how your set like come to is maxime, cause mean of the russian pilot who defected last august to surrender to the cleaning ami with a helicopter, she was spotted in as confirmed by sources close to the investigation. this was a russian pilot who had defected to crane with his helicopter just last august. and he was found dead in an underground garage, riddled with bullets from an unknown assailant. now, spanish and ukrainian media have reported this, but spain state news actually said that the body was found on february 13 in
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southern spain. and that belong to pilot maxime cruise meant off. initially they had thought this was getting related, but upon further inspection to his back story then they saw and look deeper into it . now. spanish law enforcement nor the court have confirmed that there was a murder. however, the spanish civil guard did comment that they did find safe documents, and that the investigation is ongoing and classified. you how much we know about maxime cruise. we know he seems like a regular individual. he was a 28 year old russian pilot. he was actually supposed to be delivering parts for us . you 27 and as you 30 fighter jets, but instead he was recruited by the s b u and offered a half a 1000000 dollars. to do this, dave, now he's hijacked the helicopter full of his crew and landed it forcibly and hark of ukraine and the head of the defense intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine. carroll boot on of a said that most members of the crew who have refused to surrender were killed. and
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as far as we know, they had no idea of what his plans were. and later on he actually admitted maxime admitted in a press conference in here that he did do this, that he did transfer the plane. now as far as rushes comments on the head of the russian for an intelligence services said that of see brought this upon himself when he decided to commit this act. let's listen to this traitor and criminal became a moral corpse. the very moment he was planning his dirty and terrible crime, no apart from not be supposed to be major general, believed that the defect or pilot had actually offered his services to you create himself. and earlier in a conversation with russian media had said that perhaps he might be eliminated by ukrainian services once they were done with him. and perhaps maybe that they didn't want to pay up. it seems like there's still a lot of questions that need on answering at this point. exactly right, mchugh,
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there's so much we don't know because the documentation that was found on him was of a 33 year old ukrainian man, obviously not matching who he is now. spanish media to clarify that this was in fact maxime and his spokesperson from the ukrainian g. u. r. military intelligence also confirm to reuters that has been off, had been found dead in spain, but he refused to say the exact cause of death. now the question is, how could someone be found with fate documents allegedly provided by the premium government? isn't this an illegal act, isn't this forgery? shouldn't be you say something? what about the implications of a crime then? could others go and submit this prime? there's a lot that we don't know who did it, of course is a question and who benefits from this as well? so as he said, there's so many questions left to be answered. so british television network i tv has ad, it's controversial documentary, ukraine's will the side network project,
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kendall fi from the business government's voice and legit pro russian rhetoric. but they defended the broadcast decision with this official statement. this documentary is an example of independent journalism which tells the human story of the impact of the war. this film is a unique opportunity to see for ourselves what is happening on the russian occupied side of the front line. clearly set within the wider context of how the conflict was initiated by the russian invasion. the film provides a balanced insight into this war and was produced entirely free from any political influence which is good. unless the independent filmmakers shown. langan made the documentary the features interviews with the russian soldiers and civilians living in a waltz online and provides that take on the conflicts from the state materials called the b. b, a journey into the russian side of the war and east and ukraine. it's almost furious to look at and almost exclusively hidden and otherwise an accessible side
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of this conflict. well, the decisions ukraine's will do the side was denounced by form and i think, but just government officials taking us. i don't think this documentary should be shown at that time when the whole world is trying to help you crying in this difficult time. we need the support of the british public. but the documentary, like this could reduce the support of the british public. and this is the worry, so these journalists must be castle, what they are doing. my view, it is a mistake to show this documentary now by t v, often to validate and make the russian sides of human. of course, we all human, but in this case the russians are regressive and they have brought nothing but destruction to ukraine. my fear now is a bit so this documentary will be used by russian activists to prove that point that russia is on the good side. discuss live now to gen, list johnny miller and johnny. thanks for joining us this evening. first of all, what do you think that's i'd say these getting so much feats full this documentary . some critics, as we've heard,
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have said the clips on the film could be used by supporters of russia on the tv. how soon this girl might see myself. nice look up the screen you people on that was all about that raising jobs and the rest as well. criticism you some of the tests, so i think you try to show the other side. so absolutely i see the wrong is getting a lot because right now the american authors are trying to drum up support to reduce what on great rather than the east deal. this has been tested weston jarvis on my cell for some time during bus 135 states us to go to the germans. so i'm trying to tell she's what's happened. reality is the bus driver that's possible. really support the sure. and of course, the raise your gauge screening and shell are going off
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a lot. it's meant to be the last 9 years. reason this is an important point stuck mention very clear is because there is a peaceful solution to this complex uh that will be creating difficult task here. i believe it's difficult to do with the knowing that doing best, i will go to support technician to connect you in west des moines. realize there is a piece. this is done. bull giving you cable means that you're, you're just refresh. and so many people with this kind of she moved up the cheese piece rather, just go up and see great. well this of course isn't the 1st time that's a westjet list says, don't flock for covering a brush up on the one you claim. we also saw criticism, i took a cost and recently for his interview with the russian president, putin on the way he conducted it. do you think the criticism was warranted and why
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do you think he's caused such a step by simply talking with the russian leader? the left side streets or the other day has incredible the costs and will interest you. monitor badger stays in bhaskar 0, some radicals. but the reality is because most 0 i so i can see such a not crazy way in west the jobs i call because yours is and i'm talking about germs. right? so i just showed me, i don't see much of it. it's, you know, that every time i be the best the most, the size is this, the scale, the space is a difference of the society. very stable side of the society. i will give you, i'll try to use that as your top. do you think we'll see more coverage or. busy of
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the wall from the west, the media outlets origin. this now in the wake of this documentary on separate cost incentive, you well let me say is higher. this is the drum beats war and any kind of a few of us or know the place, the major fashion and policies in west one is equal to c, a c is damaging to the prospect more. well, that's what this is. russian of journalist voted on the russian. so i'm just the reality here because this direction is just all just trying to get more records the grades for me. well, the biggest thing is, what's your editor, steve rosen, but has previously said that he has tried to report from don't boss. and he's even tried to get an interview with the russian present himself. but he's been denied both. what are your thoughts on that?
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a lot, i don't like the crew size of the biggest one was on correspondence when it goes through other countries to try to less reality or come to you use wishes of the people in the country. i have not had any comments on, on any individual job, but that's what the groups are kind of like as you will, i think is a real this, this is connect, it's interviews isn't west reality or not. i think i just, i'm the responsibility the reality in russia of black people like the policy makers, pause things based on the reality around well journalist johnny millet, thank you very much for your take on the heat. i'd see these receiving 5 and that's independence documents. thank you. well that's a rock for they saw him on his feet. the scouts might be back with a know that.


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