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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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let's assume the guys will dishes and you know the, they can use this on ok. save the rest. and um it takes the village of king k and the defense gets on region. the best benefits that it can show it uses the news and it may think with present prints in about the conflict. and you kind of, you also suggested that russia has no attention to the point mucous in space. despite the west. the media report is that the reason it was a misguided attempt by western powers to secure more funding for ukraine through if we can use it as an attempt to terrify scientists and congressmen in order to push through the all cation of funds that are allegedly vindicated not only for you, great, but also in order to confront russia and then slick us to take the supporters of which a co found a duty and a phone of gathered here outside the i cool central london fed coding at the
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day x we being you, the latest updates on julian massages funneled bottles suggest is picking off in london on tuesday. us as a jet with the 5 us extradition on espionage charges. family are gathered outside the cold peace treatments in this case is closed. the case of julian has the u. k. and the us, i mean, best put it on the world. the adults just takes over into wednesday. my name's beat to scott's, and here's how the world is looking as a new day gets into way. you must go versus the defense minister has delivered a military status report to president putin. you said the rest of the forces have taken another strategic location. the village of cranky indicates on region. that's
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on the left bank of the do you have from you. i a hi glen competition. the village of green gate has been cleared. all forces are standing all alone david bog. it's not just an observation point or troops, a station that will put a heat at maximum efficiency. i don't want to give the impression the 3 and g is a small, unimportant settlements. it was a target for anatomy breakthrough last summer. some individual enemy soldiers to remain on the left bank of the nearby river in forests and folks holes. we're working on that. they are being offered just to the end of the, his southern region of the front over that date of who's coming to spotlight. but well, there was no doubt that the main events they were happening over here with the net screens and, and in fact, clear kilometers away from this city of the net square. i am standing right now. here's the motion. so we get it out. do you need corporation using underground communications? we organize
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a foothold behind enemy lines. in the course of the alteration we liberated the cold persistence lines, our troops started moving westward. the world continues in a day of got the enemy left on a weapons, leaving behind the post and now and wounded. this 45, it had been created over 9 years. it is an unconditional success survey showing go, revealed plenty of details of the operation that led to the liberation of the day of the 1st and foremost, he did say that russia paid the minimal price when it comes to human life, that russia suffered minimal loss, is liberating this down full. so he reveals that at a certain point, there was a certain point in time when a rush hour would drop of some $460.00 heavy forms of dave come to king $500.00 a 1500 kilograms kilogram booms here. so he did reveal that the overnights, the garrison, the ukrainian garrison in of the last well,
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those thousands of people. and that was the night when uh, ukraine gave the order to retrieve. but arguably, the biggest operation that was held was the operation that started the tool. that was the beginning of the down for those kids garrison in of dave colin, russia special forces had to pull several moments is through an underground pipe. and she, she did our guys activities, cottage and here always in the diameter of these pipe. as i was informed by the commander of this unit, is just 1.2 meters. our guys are big, they didn't know where they were going. they reached an unknown place and see 19 buildings at once. for several days, they held the line there and incurred losses. of course, this is a special page in the history of russia, as the country defended its interests. as chris also realized, the key was building up defense as an update or rather digging them into the ground
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for years. and so breaking those reduce. there is a sizable milestone for russia here. and of course, speaking of this milestone, well, a lot of my food and i said that did congratulate the russian army with this achievement . but he did say that, well, the have to, uh, well capitalize on this end to take more tara tree and the speaking of rushes, operation and update, basically ukrainian come on. they did try to disguise the withdrawal. well, basically as a planned withdrawal, as something that they had slowed through, make the decision and then woke, carried out as planned. but according to the russian black presidents that was on the ground, the situation was nothing of the sort or that it was an absolute mess. an old fool you it's ukrainian units got the order to withdrawal under so on the ground again, it was complete, made him proceed to the enemy, had begun
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a key to take retreat from of the gun when the ukrainian military ordered the withdrawal of its forces and they were already on the move, fleeing from the location. as i understand, this was done for political reasons, to cover up that retreat and give it an appearance of an organized withdrawal. we know that it wasn't so it was an escape in every sense of the word, according to the russian minister of defense, the russian troops here already moving ahead. they are taking more and more land to the west of, of dave. and this is just the beginning, apparently, uh, the quote again, according to the russian defense chief of course out where rush is going to strike next. we'll have to see our crew will be standing by 2 reports and to provide you more coverage from on the ground of ukrainian chips, withdrew from the city of gift could be left behind both weapons and almond vehicles,
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which are now being captured by russian soldiers. this exclusive footage shows the aftermath of the battle full, the city. with some troops, half the buck you waited more than 2 dozen ukrainian servicemen left behind and the retreats by sweeping operations on the way. i'm russian forces, say they are clearing outs, and even many pockets of resistance must go also claims. the foreign mercenaries were involved in defined for the city. the russian defense ministry is released footage of what it says is a former stronghold of the us off battalion inside the city. there were some chips and cover the stock pot of supplies, including west admit equipments were also abundant. nobody says the message i'm kind of in georgia inside the building, and we heard from one russian soldier who took the pots in effect, an opponent of those sales life. it was a serious stronghold for some of the buildings here, date back to sorest times. the walls are thick and when meet are thick, the enemy had no intention of retreating. in that 1st hour a sold troops pushed through their defenses. the enemy afraid of being surrounded
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when they fled. as often was here, we took a captive. he told us that canadian mercenaries had participated in the fighting. here we discovered a lot of interesting information about the location of the enemy and began to act further using this data. which has the most of o has says that the west has no reason. meanwhile, to worry about potential russian, you've seen office space because most gale has no intention of defining them the less. according to comments viruses, defense minister certificates showing group joiner meeting with president a. bruce concerns another question, concerns the noise that has been raised recently in the west, including in the united states about the, the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. our position is clear and transparent and showing of course i see it and we have no blast to deploy nuclear weapons in space or use any other elements of nuclear weapons on satellites. for example, they know we don't have such plants, but they're making a fuss. nonetheless,
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what surprises me is a different aspect. everyone knows what we have and you open the state of this in 2018 in the message to the federal assembly. in fact, to the whole world, they know that we are in the final stages of developing new weapons for some reason . they don't talk about it, and that's what really should be fields. well, it all started when word went out, the members of a congressional committee had been given some classified information about a so called national security threat. and based on that mainstream us media in the united states, i went crazy years. some of the response us has new intelligence on russia's efforts to deploy a nuclear anti satellite system in space. russia recently showcased a new capability in space. washington. i was wanting to do a p and eliza about russian efforts to develop nuclear weapons based in space to target satellites and involves
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a russian military capability. something potentially serious that might target satellites, but it's not an immediate threat. and now sources are telling us it has to do with the russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space. after that media buys never became clear what these members of congress had actually been grieved on. however, at that point, it's been confirmed by russian that they have no such plans, but us media has continued to kind of spin into and overdrive about who is the lead space weapons. or what else did the russian presidents on defense ministers say about the, the false that western powers of making about the so called russia threats? well, they did offer an explanation about why a main stream us media is going in to this over drive and making these claims that are contrary to reality. this is the analysis. they put forward preaching the putting, you know, opinion. there are 2 reasons behind this fuss 1st, it's an attempt to testify. so this and congressman,
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in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine, but also in order to confront russia and inflict strategic to fit on it. and secondly, visits and assets, perhaps a clumsy one to try to encourage us to use humans. the goal is to teaching stability. so it appears that there is a desperation coming from the white house to keep the ukraine money rolling in. that of that played a role in the use hysterical claims. quite interesting analysis there, but at this point, russia is out of it as no such plans for these fictional outer space weapons. we heard from former us security policy unless michael mullis and he dismissed the reports as a rouge to fabricate a need for more funding for ukraine. this is something that, uh, uh, this, this latest thing with nukes and in space. well, but it was uh all the roofs anyway. and uh if,
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if the notion was to put nuclear weapons in, in space, that could be a complex now. and an orbit support satellites that could be in effect, nuclear weapons. i think people are seeing that with a have the h can everything else that they're just going to be throwing good money after bad. and, and, and they that even though your opinions are saying this now, they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give, to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. that's are using this as a rose to to, to stimulate the need for more funds, the ukraine. it isn't going to work. it fell flat in the congress. by the way, there were, there were a congressman, 311 habits. it has been around for some time who got a briefing from the intelligence, you know, they lift their hair on fire and then they put it out with a frying pan. they just basically says that there's nothing new here. it's just
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nothing in the past. so it was a very, very poor effort to try and get those funds moving. it's just not going to happen as it is. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march 1, there's a partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding if there's to be any before parts of the government shut down. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now. in the us congress affiliates, or least, julie massage will further stain both the u. k. on the us with us, the message from the whistle blowers, brother correspondence, the screen it was outside the hi, colton london for the final appeal against expedition on espionage charges is now in session. behind closed doors is what i saw just family members. have to say,
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this is a blender and this case is closed the case with julian has made the u. k. and the us, i'm embarrassed with it on the world stage. simply by letting julian go and re establishing themselves as human rights advocates, that can be powerful around the world. so 3 julian, a sorry, it's k is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. it's an attack on all journalists all over the world. it's an attack on the truth, and it's an attack on the public, right to know hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which he takes co founder duty and the phones have gathered him outside the high quotes and send to london coding a di x. now this is the critical food i have been told you didn't
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sanches potential expedition to the united states. now this cool case like smart 220102011. when junior phones published, i drove of documents which were available more crimes or legible crimes, which is a little committed by the united states in both iraq, afghanistan. and so campaigners and for the press freedom organizations on here. this is a critical, cool. this is a cool case that is not just about duty and the phone for the is about the right for people to publish. information by is in the broader public interest that they're saying that this is an attack on press freedom, exposing things which might be the old lady in the world doesn't gone through here this way of journalism and so on. supporting the case of joining us all. i me, i came here to london to inform both people in london about the about,
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you name is always, but also my people at home in germany for campaigners. this is a heidi political case, very hearty charge. with the in bozeman, all to big powers like britain on the united states and only to the sides, expose the war, tribes of the united states. his case was exposed the corruption of amazing press, the corruption of or to dish. sure, a and it cannot set of tires political plus, plus federal song studios wife. this is a matter of life or death and she has this right. and once more the if julian is expedited to the united states, where he is 175 years in prison onto the espionage on a day to piece of legislation introduced in 1970. this will be the 1st time the publisher has been charged under the if he is expedited that he will die in prison now that have been paid for his votes,
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his mental and physical health. this is even being reiterated by a un special russell to describe the conditions of duty and is held in, in belmont high security prison as told to now let's not forget the duty and the phone has not been convicted or charge with any crime by britain. he was, but of course he's thoughts on 3 in the ecuadorian embassy, letting 2019 police also be removed him on, transferred him to the high security prison, gave me was a full dose of committed acts of terror. now the dates the next 2 days, tuesday and wednesday are going to be absolutely critical. this will determine whether jude is going to be expedited if the system could take place very, very quickly enough seller just as own have said that should be high, co ruled in favor of exploration, not civil appeal, or potentially appeal. so the you are paying coal of human rights the next 2 days,
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where we actually invite to and determining whether it's necessary or whether it will happen. another renowned whistle blow, edward snowden, who expos extensive us government's efforts for spying on civilians. this points to the 5 this uh, sanchez, depending extradition from bits into the us were contradicts a treaty between those 2 nations. the outrages part of the u. k. is years long trial to condemn julie and assigned to die. and then the american dungeon is that the victim of his crime journalism is a state rather than a person, the definition of a political offense, which the u. s. u. k. extradition treaty explicitly forbids. we had for me at least experts kevin walk on monday and he was the found of the online channel seriana analysis. and he says the us case against us on she's meant to show gentlest around the world. like supposing washington's times will have grave consequences. in my opinion, this is the most important case for free press entry journalism. assign just main
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message, and main motivation was to stop the wars by exposing the true motivations and multi it's of the invading powers. and after world war 2, most of the invading powers were from the west and word b, the united states or the u. k, against navy, against syria, against the dark, against i've gotten a sign in different regions of the words. and this was terrifying projects for the united states because for the 1st time the public can see the to a multi is up. they pull additions, a waging this destructive wars and spreading may hammer around the words and calling it spreading democracy and spreading human rights, et cetera. therefore, if assigned gees expedited to the united states, which by the way plaza to poison him to assessing a team, he is likely to survive the american dungeons. in my opinion, this means also the joyless around the world will receive with the following message from the united states. behave or bay or similar destiny is awaiting you.
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if you will, try to expose our crimes be bringing you all the latest. on the julian a sons case, as we follow the hearings of the high costs in london over the next couple of days for details, analysis and reaction can be found on all websites, all the adults, the we've known to the news now the un security council has failed to prove yet another initiative for an immediate cease fire and gaza is else closer like the u. s. was the only member to vote against it. the us and the proposed resolution by octavia was i say dedrick said it was different mental peace talks that we have made incredibly clear that the resolution before the council would not achieve the goal
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of a sustainable peace. and may in fact, run counter tit proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engage them on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. and i'll take a look at what kind of resolution us once instead of the all jerry and proposal, both the calling for a humanitarian ceasefire was i'll give you a demands. and immediate true cus is pushing for only a temporary one with the condition that's all hostages. are released both rejects the false displacement of palestinians uncalled for humanitarian assistance across gaza. but the us version failed to mention the implementation of the provisional
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measures by the international court of justice is how un security council members commented on the outcome of the vote or. oh, there's people that will supposed to live in fidelity, altieri and draft was capable of reversing the situation and ending dna lation of palestinians in gauze after 2. unfortunately, the latest and now force us veto prevented this from happening. and due to the fate of another 1000 peaceful guys of citizens. but everybody needs to understand that this result is not the failure in the work of the un security council, which today was effectively united. rather, it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council, namely the united states, your route, full responsibility for the consequences of this lies with washington. regardless of its attempts to get away from it. speaking about it's important mediation, american women assess. unfortunately,
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the security console has failed once again to rise to the calls and aspiration of the people. this faith view. there's an absolved, a security council of shoulder and it's responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations for policy. and people vote in the boost phase. it doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations to implement the precautionary measures forwarded by the international court of justice between our last concert, the section on the 31st of january. and today, the casualty total has risen from 26000 palestinians killed by the is it i the occupying forces to now own most 50000 people killed and more than 69000 people in drift. this means that in just the past 20 days alone, is it a, it has killed nearly 4000 more palestinian children, women,
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and men. and just 20 days. this is deplorable. can sequence will be an auction. it means more than $200.00 that us damian's killed every day. it means that by the time the security council session ends more than 25 pallets, 2 unions will have been killed. it means motor babies will be mad at the wounded, amputated an orphaned motor trend and will die for of hunger and high flow fell mia and disease that's cause live. now super skill on list showing the stone to discuss this further shown great. the c u. m. the us has to be told yes and no. the initiative for a ceasefire and gaza do the us of both of these claims that it could hinder hostage released negotiations. hold water. i
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mean, it's it, there's 2 ways of looking at it. i suppose there's the way of looking at it from the what is the us is positing which is that the hostages have to be released in order to achieve the cease fire. and then there's maybe the more rational approach, which is called a ceasefire. and negotiate under at least the auspices a piece even if it's temporary. and that then give us all sides a little bit of an opportunity to actually negotiate in a better and a good say in a better position because there is actual piece at the moment. so i don't necessarily believe that you have to wait for the hostages to be released to initiate the ceasefire. well, the us made the unusual step of showing its own resolution before vetoing the algerian one. what do you think it did that?
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you know, this is, this is where things get very interesting as far as the us relationship to israel at the moment because we've seen, obviously in the past, in the past few weeks reports about bite. and they switch between negatively about that yahoo and feeling that he's powerless, essentially, to, to force and then you know, to do anything. at the same time we see that the us is consistently sending military aid. so we'll see you have now in the coming weeks of congress goes far with another, you know, $14000000000.00 or so to as well. so the point is that you're talking at the kind of inside of your mouth, one level bite in this thing. well, we're opposed to this, you know, to this, you know, aggression don't go into rafa, but we're still arming and supporting, you know, is it significant to the us have now openly cold on benjamin netanyahu, not to conduct it's offensive on russia. you know, is it the, the grid, the question is does it hold any weight? i mean, i bet i just said if, if you know to us is basically still sending arms,
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then what is the ramifications of political, i think, had a, an article recently saying that that may anonymous people within the administration are, are suggesting that it really doesn't matter what, spite of the saying about, you know, he's not liking nothing yahoo or the, or the behavior. they're not, nothing's gonna change as far as the policy is concerned. so again, it raises all kinds of questions of what is biden's actual position. these are the, you know, the, the entrenched, deep state. what is the actually, you know, what does the ex, what power does he actually have? i think if nothing else this actually will make by the weaker if they us kind of propose as gently all we don't agree with the invasion and, and is of a continues to do so it shows binds weakness. and finally, so i just wanna get your thoughts on the us resolution itself. it goes for a temporary cease fire quotes as soon as practicable knots in an immediate cease by all sides. we've already discussed the, the no offensive on rough. uh, what do you think it's chances are of passing as well uh that's,
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that's gonna be an interesting question. i think most, most countries would agree with that. obviously most countries agree with this resolution for an immediate cease fire. the, the issue with this potentially potential us resolution is we don't know when it's going to be voted on. and in fact, there's no timeframe as and we'll say may, may lead to it being vetoed by russia or basically being looked at as a watered down this as the meaningless. well, i'm so we'll have you on the program again if and when the us puts full resolution to you in security council of san stone. physical analyst, thanks very much for your time today. course. that's all for this off all the latest updates to head over to our website oxy dot com minus be discussed on the box in just over 30 minutes. the,
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the investor david sag, says the ukraine complex is based on false codes and to see about how it started, how it's going and how it will end. on this edition of the program, we examined all 3 propositions. the good news that we will lose each kilogram and any sort of good. so but shift for you to do that. explain it straight to us. hold on one of the
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material cartoons for down until your frontier files. oscar no issues. there's no reason that i might enough this, this just when she was doing this by junior, for us, the proper, what kind of tempo or the other depending on the patrol almost. so it's good to see where i'm from, cooper style. you won't actually, should the school counted as a bedroom, go up. it's probably not. i'm not, we've been here. thank you pretty do the the anything. yeah. beautiful. if you're getting the.


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