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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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to see the about how it started, how it's going, and how it will end. on this edition of the program, we examine all 3 propositions. the breaking news in our to international russian forces take the vintage of printing, but it's been cast on region warning, graphic images. i had the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers scattered across the streets of dave and in an hour to expose the vault team follows the russian troops that claimed to keep victory in don't boss season. the ukrainian stronghold of ideas with cab losing 2400. you printing and soldiers of a 2 days of retreat rushes defensive instead, stressful that russia has no intention of deploying nukes in space despite the western media reports is as the rumor was a misguided attempt by western powers to secure more funding for you. great.
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it's an attempt to terrify senators and congressmen in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine, but also in order to confront russia and then slick the strategic to say it on a pro found a duty and the phones have gathered here outside beef. i cool according a di, bring here the latest updates on julian that sounds fine. old buffalo for justice picking up in london, she states that sounds the jail whistle blower finds you extradition on espionage charges. in this case is closed the case and the us an embarrassed put it on the world. the
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the like for moscow you're watching r t international. i'm a day show are josh with the top stories this our bushes defense ministers delivered amendatory status report to president clinton. he said, russian forces of taking another strategic location, the village of cranky and the cas on ridge and on the left bank of the do you need part river green cause attrition. the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are standing all along the river bank. you push and it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed there, operating at maximum efficiency. i don't want to give the impression that cranky is a small, unimportant settlement. it was a target for an enemy break through last summer. some individual enemies soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river and forests and fox holes. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender. this victory comes as fond of a major rush in advance and the don't ask republic where moscow has also seized the stronghold. city of, of the,
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of the russian. defense minister says ukrainian troops have lost at least $2400.00 soldiers there in 2 days. that's after russian forces were able to ambush a ukrainian garrison after crawling through several kilometers of underground pipes like an important emphasize the car ridge, a trip to carry out the operation. as soon as you bid our guys activities cottage and here we simplify to reach the diameter of these pipe. as i was informed by the commander of this unit is just 1.2 meters. our guys are a big company and they didn't know where they were going. they reached an unknown place and seized 19 buildings at once. for several days, they held the line there and incurred losses. of course, this is a special page in the history of russia, as the country defended its interests. this expensive thing to it shows the aftermath of the buffalo for the city. russian troops evacuated as a 2000. and when did you bring in service men that were left behind during caves?
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retreat. mine sweeping operations are underway, as russian forces say they are clearing out any remaining pockets of military resistance. our correspondent egos done of visited after you have got to get an extensive report on the russian troops working there. you may find some of the following images disturbing that over to you. right now, the road was clear just 2 days ago. we went through and removed 3 anti tank mind barriers, including foreign french made mines with magnetic targets sensors, as well as quite a lot of unexploded cluster munitions. what this app is saying may sound worse them, but he's confidence is contagious. our fielding crew is heading into of dave, got embedded with the viking special task force. they marched through the oven, god of rush is offensive here. now one of the primary objectives is the more about the operation, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers, scott said, and across the streets of dave, we can see the blue tape. it's the same signature mark of ukrainian soldiers and
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a bracelet with the something that resembles a pentagram right now we are working with the special forces unit with a rush and special forces units. of course the viking and not so far from us. they are still finding those ukrainian soldiers who did not make it out of the town. so all these sounds that you here is what is happening. they are clearing the streets of games to make sure that every nook and cranny is under the control of russia. he, a key belief troops were meant to loosen the deadly new surround the towns. garrison, white of russia's fighters, with the 35th brigade, tells me how they denied the enemy. this opportunity could you probably have both the fortifications in this area was serious that they couldn't get across the road to the sniper and the machine gunner worked over on that side and on the other side
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as well. it was this, the machine gunners was sitting there, and on this side, there were flame throwers in grenade launches. somebody. here are the as all fighters, of course the documents say they were from the salt brigade. more ukraine has a hard time lifting up. do you have to go? well, it has on the ground is a handful of left for dead units. abandoned, lost, confused. so key of has polluted control and violets to work well the, the so this is the of the railway station. and that was one of the positions held by
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the as of neo nazi battalion, or rather the new inclination over this was where the ukrainian combined was hoping to still brushes advise, literally hours before realize that one of its efforts were futile. but right now it is sending its drones devices here, the a listening for the buzzing, the because if the drone is, if it's one of the larger one of the, of the cultural rooms, there is a good chance that they will be able to shoot it down outside of town rushes armies working hard to capitalize on the games. so just behind me is the of the i've got a coke and chemical lunch. it's the dominating heights in this area. and so the ukranian forces, they fell back that way. so the russians, they, i'm moving in from the heights into the valley, and this is exactly the spot that the russian commodities hoping will make the
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advance the russian troops towards last as well. move, move as more seamless there's plenty of work and have gave code for the viking task force and other russian units from the mining to uncovering potential and to be hiding spots. logos enjoy. what for them feels like a low in the fighting and brace for a storm. ukraine's fiery retaliation of every artillery calibre that they've got somebody who's done up reporting pro of the oxy for more details and rushes like just frontline success as well as some background. and after you guys role in the fight against ukraine, school government, you can head over to r t dot com, following ukraine's retreats from the key footholds of cranky. and the of the of the pentagon is never studied. crane will be forced to decide which state as it can
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continue to hold without us aid that says american military aid, stoles, in the us house of representatives. a deep got unfortunately, was a strategic withdrawal that ukraine made in order to conserve their own artillery and ammunition and look, if we don't get more, if we don't get the supplemental, i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate, or sorry, from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on um, what cities, what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. bill that comes as the white house slashed out, the us speaker of a house, mike johnson saying the republican is court actively harming america's national security by starting tens of billions of dollars and for an aide. most of which was
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meant for key of the speaker has refused to put the bill to a boat until next week. is that amounts for more? you're creating an aide. come made a strong of us media reports that brush up last to deploy nuclear weapons and space must close as the west has no reason to worry about this because russia has no intention of doing so. that's according to comments by bushes, defends administer, saturday. show group during a meeting with president button, a. bruce concerns another question, concerns the noise that has been raised recently in the west, including in the united states about the, the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. our position is clear and transparent understanding of course, my said, and we have no blast to deploy nuclear weapons in space or use any other elements of nuclear weapons on satellites. for example, they know we don't have such plants, but they're making a fuss. nonetheless. what surprises me is a different aspect. everyone knows what we have and you open the state of this in
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2018 in the message to the federal assembly. in fact, to the whole world, they know that we are in the final stages of developing new weapons for some reason . they don't talk about it, and that's what really should be fields. well, it all started when word went out, the members of a congressional committee had been given some classified information about a so called national security threat. and based on that mainstream us media in the united states, i went crazy years. some of the response us has new intelligence on russia's efforts to deploy a nuclear anti satellite system in space. russia recently showcased a new capability in space. washington. i was wanting to do a p and eliza about russian efforts to develop nuclear weapons based in space to target satellites. and it involves a russian military capability, something potentially serious that might target satellites, but it's not an immediate threat. and now sources are telling us it has to do with
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the russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space. after that media buys never became clear what these members of congress had actually been grieved on. however, at that point, it's been confirmed by russian that they have no such plans, but us media has continued to kind of spin into an overdrive about is the lead space weapons. what else did the russian presidents on defense ministers say about the, the 1st that western powers of making about the so called russia threats? well, they did offer an explanation about why a main stream us media is going in to this over at dr. and making these claims that are contrary to reality, this is the analysis they put forward preaching and we'll get to the point, you know, it opinion. there are 2 reasons behind this fuss 1st. it's an attempt to testify. so this and congressman, in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine,
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but also in order to confront russia and inflict us to teach you to fit on it. and secondly, this is an effort, perhaps a clumsy one to try to encourage us to use humans. the goal is to teach the stability. so it appears that there is a desperation coming from the white house to keep the ukraine money rolling in. that of that played a role in the use hysterical clay. it's quite interesting analysis there, but at this point, russia is out of method as no such plans for these fictional outer space weapons. we heard from former us security policy analyst mark on the move, he dismissed the reports as a ruse to fabricate a need for more funding for your grant. this is something that, uh uh, this, this latest thing with nukes and in space. well, but it was uh all the roofs anyway, and uh if, if the notion was to put nuclear weapons in, in space, that could be a complex now. and in order to forward satellites that could be in effect,
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nuclear weapons. i think people are seeing that with a have the h can everything else that they're just going to be throwing good money after bad. and, and, and they, that even the europeans are seeing this. now. they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. yes. or using this as a roost to, to, to stimulate the need for more funds, the ukraine. it isn't going to work. it fell flat in the congress. by the way, there were there were congressmen who had, have been around for some time, who got the briefing from the intelligence, you know, they lift their hair on fire and then they put it out with a frying pan. they just basically says that there's nothing new here, it's nothing. so it was a very, very poor effort to try and get those funds moving. that's just not going to happen
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as it is. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march 1, there's a partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding if there's to be any before parts of the government shut down. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now in the us congress. the us as once again blocked an immediate, says via initiative for gaza. the country was the only un security council member to vote against the peace resolution proposed by old jerry a, with washington's representative. say the draft is actually detrimental to piece talks, as we have made incredibly clear that's a resolution before the council would not achieve the goal of
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a sustainable piece. and may in fact, run counter tit proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we can not support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engaging on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. next, now take a look at what kind of resolution the us wants instead of the old jerry and proposal. both are calling for humanitarian ceasefire. but while jerry and the months and immediate choose the us a solution for only a temporary one with the condition that all hostages are released, both reject the fullest assessment of palestinians and coal for humanitarian assistance across casa. but the us version fails to mention the implementation of the provisional measures by the international court of justice. here's how you and
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security council members commented about the outcome of the vote. hello, this people that will supposed to live in fidelity algerian draft was capable of reversing the situation and ending being i elation of palestinians in gauze after 3 . unfortunately, the latest and now 4th us veto prevented this from happening. and due to the fate of another 1000 peaceful guys of citizens for what everybody needs to understand is that this result is not the failure in the work of the un security council, which today was effectively united. rather, it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council, namely the united states. you to full responsibility for the consequences of this lies with washington. regardless of its attempts to get away from it, you're speaking about it's important mediation. lacking women assess. unfortunately, the security console has failed once again to rise to the goals and aspiration of
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the people. this faith view. there's an absolving security console shoulder in its responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations policy and people. this faith, it doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations. stuck implemented precautionary measures ordered by the international court of justice. libby, political analyst and filmmakers shrunk stones as washington's moves. i send him mixed messages. us is positing which is that the hostages have to be released in order to achieve the ceasefire. and then there's maybe the more rational approach, which is called a ceasefire. and negotiate under at least the auspices a piece we've seen. obviously in the past, in the past few weeks reports about bite and they switch between negatively about that yahoo and feeling that he's powerless, essentially, to, to force and then you know, to do anything. at the same time, we see that the us is consistently sending military aid. so we'll see you have now
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in the coming weeks of congress goes forward with another, you know, $14000000000.00 or so to as well. so the point is that you're talking at the kind of side of your mouth and one level by and it's saying, well, we're opposed to this, you know, to this, you know, aggression don't go into rafa. but we're still arming and supporting in a failure to release really in a songy will forever stain both the u. k. and the us. that's the message from the whistle blowers, brother r. t correspondence. steve sweeting was outside the high court in london, where the final appeal against expedition on espionage charges is now in session, behind closed doors. here's what a sounds family members are to say. the pieces. friedlander in this case is closed . the case with julian has made the u. k. and the us and embarrassed, and it on the world side simply
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by letting julian go and re establishing themselves as human rights advocates that can be powerful around the world. so 3 julian, a, sorry, it's k is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. it's an attack on all journalists, all over the world. it's an attack on the truth. and it's when i'm attack on the public, right to know, hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which the co founder duty and the phones of gathered here outside the high court in central london, the cooling a di x. now this is the critical food i have been told you didn't a sanches potential expedition to the united states. now this cool case like spark to 2010 in 2011. when junior phones published, i drove of documents which were available real crimes or legible crimes, which is
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a that was committed by the united states in both iraq and afghanistan. so campaign is on for the press freedom organizations. ah, hey, uh, this is a chris, a cool, cool. this is a cold case. it is not just about duty and a phone for the is about the rights for people to publish. information by is in the pro, the public interest. that's nice. i can, but this is an attack on press freedom, exposing things which might be the old lady in the world doesn't go onto here. this is really a journalism, as or on supporting the case of joining us all. i me, i came here to london to inform both people in london about the about you them as always. but also my people at home in germany for campaign is this is a heidi political case that maybe heidi charged with the in bozeman all to big powers like britain and the united states, and only to the sides. expose the war,
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tribes of united states. his case has exposed the corruption of amazing press, the corruption of or to dish, right. and they cannot sit around fire political plus, plus federal song studios wife. this is a matter of life or death. she has this, right. and once more the if julian is expedited to the united states, where he faces 175 years in prison onto the espionage on a day to piece of legislation introduced in 1970. this will be the 1st time the publisher has been charged under the if he is expedited, he will die in prison now that have been paid for his votes, his mental and physical health. this is even being reiterated by a un special russell to who describes the conditions that julian is heralded in bel multi security prison. as to not forget the judy in the phones has not been convicted or charged with any crime by britain he was. but of course,
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he's all 3 in the ecuadorian embassy, but in 2019 police also be removed him on funds for them to as a high security prison usually was a full dose of committed acts of terror. now the states these next 2 days, tuesday and wednesday are going to be absolutely critical. this will determine whether june is going to be expedited if the system could take place very, very quickly. now, seller just as own have said that should be high, co ruled in favor of expedition, not civil appeal or potentially appeal to the you are paying coal of human rights. we heard from middle list expert to catholic, almost an founder of the online channels. the rhianna analysis, he's asked the u. s. case against hassan. she is meant to show a journalist around the world that expose and washington's grimes will have grave consequences you might have seen. and this is the most important case for free.
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press enter your journalism. assign just main message and main motivation was to stop the wars by exposing the true motivations and multi use of the invading powers . and after world war 2, most of the invading powers were from the west and word b, the united states or the u. k. against need be against syria against the dark again . so i've got a son in different regions of the words and this was terrifying projects for the united states because for the 1st time the public can see the to a multi is up. they pull additions, a waging these destructive wars and spreading may hammer around the words, and couldn't get spreading democracy and spreading human rights, etc. therefore, if a scientist expedited to the united states, which by the way plaza to poison him to assassinate him, he is likely to survive the american dungeons. in my opinion. this means also the joyless around the world will be seated with the following message from the united states. behave obeyed, or similar destiny is awaiting you, if you will,
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try to expose our crimes. well, by bringing you the latest on the julian assault cases, but follow the hearings at the high court in london over the next 2 days. more details, analysis and reaction can be found on our website, our team dot com, the inter poland is now where i'm gray. farmers are gathering across the country in protest blocking roads on the publishing in border. the farmers are riley against the eaves, new environmental measures, and the import of ukrainian agricultural products, which they believe creates unfair competition. they have locked roads and checkpoints on the ukranian border with tractors, banners,
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and other equipment. the foremost solidarity trade union says it is planning on an off road located throughout poland until march 10th. the photo your scene right now has been circulating the web. one of the protest as was seen supporting the soviet flag advanced as, as tractor current. a banner that called is not important to quote do with ukraine . and the leadership demonstrate as brenda's national flags and chunk of slogans that are seen spinning grain from watkins at the medic cash. again, a tech point agricultural workers believe the import of ukrainian grain into poland is i'm fat and undermines their ability to make a living. here's what ukrainian president vladimir zalinski had to say about what's happening. sure, the civil action regarding the situation that demonstrates a daily erosion of solidarity, things that are happening on our west and border. the border with poland cannot be considered normal. a simple and clear justice is needed only 5 percent of our agricultural exports passed through the polish border. so in reality,
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the situation is not about grain, but rather about politics. the bonus minister of development on technology kristof government says that presidents the landscape should take care and making such statements, taking into account the totality of all relations the way we have supposed to do crime from the 1st day. i would remain cautious and expressing such opinions. senior research fellow at the global policy institute, judge them really says you are farmers have started questioning who's signed that governments are really on. as the farmers realize that the leadership of people who run the you and many of the sort of the liberal governments in the you already saw started so that they have that green agenda. that basic, also culturally fall style defined because they want to get your move away from the, from pesticides in the you know, the games that are against them. the emission of greenhouse gases,
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and the farmers realize that they're dealing with we were up against government who hate us and who pursue policies that are detrimental to us originally. the reason why the e, you lifted it's, uh it's, it's tyrus against um, ukraine's grain was that ukraine couldn't get it's green out via the black sea, but the green is getting the, the green out by the black sea. i mean back to expos via the black sea on now um at the same level as they were before the south of the circle, especially the truck bridge us. so therefore you have to watch if you're getting the drain out by the black. see, why exactly are you dumping this grain into the you market? and then the, the, the course of the question could be honest with yourself because they're a very powerful agricultural interest in ukraine. many of them are based in the united states that want to make a little money. they didn't buy the oldest land and ukraine for fun. they wanted to
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make money and that's and each day what bushing uh the you into continuing this. uh, it will this uh, importance of grain and without any terrace the german defense, james has gold of the western countries for indirectly providing african terrorist groups with weapons. he says a large amount of the arms shipped to ukraine of the launch. the company went into violence, local john listed with the abuser who has the details for nearly 2 hours, the nigerian chief of defense staff, major general christopher moves us pope to charlie's in a boot about the prevailing security problems in the country. and the west african regents the defense took set of bodies are making efforts to address in securities . but noted thoughts. these efforts are hampered by the lack of weapons to carry out military operations about african militaries compared to very counterparts abroad struggle to get the weapons they need to fight insecurity. tories is
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everywhere. and the most tight in africa. unfortunately, where one getting the brunt. and unfortunately, we don't produce the we fall that we're using, fighting them. and if you would, up with this before making extremely difficult for us to even get the reform to be able to address this issues. and so we also happening to them to consider if only we can get one percent of the weed funds that we're giving to you create a kind of show you and joe, but peaceful men. jones was, is very, very comfortable. we don't need any or that any for the book on ground. he was, do you think we meant my julia is facing numerous security problems, including as loudly as insurgency in the northeast? kidnap and surround some deadly farm. i heard atrocities in the central belt and separate east and gang violence in the south east. the defense you also raised concerns about arms for least reason in africa. he said the trend is worse than for
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security challenge for 5.


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