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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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the, the, the breaking news on our to international russian forces take the vintage of crazy in the instant cash on region warning graphic images ahead. that's bodies of ukrainian soldiers, us cassidy. across the street, sylva gave k and r t exclusive. our teen follows the russian troops that claimed a keen victory in done by seizing the ukrainian stronghold of ab dsl with k. a. please. in 2400, hugh printing soldiers of the 2 days of retreats. rushes defends, when is the stresses that russia has no intention of deploying news in space. despite the western media reports, he says the bruno was a misguided attempt by western powers to secure more funding for ukraine.
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it's an attempt to testify. so just and congressman, in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly mitigated not only for you. great, but also in order to confront russia and then slick the city to say on 800 of a campaign as a supporters of which co founder duty and the phones gathered here outside the cool central under coding a di x would bring you the latest updates on julian hassan spinal baffled for justice, keeping off in london to say that the jail with the blow of fine us extradition on espionage charges police treatment. and this case is closed. the case of julian has the and the us an embarrassment on the world stage. the
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life for must go you're watching are to international. i'm a day show, a josh with the top stories. the sour rushes defense minister has delivered the ministry status report to president fulton. he said russian forces uptake is another strategic location, the village of cranky in the castle, in region on the left bank of the dd part river. i couldn't cause its issue. the village of cranky has been cleared away. our forces are standing all along the river bank to push, and it's not just an observation points. our troops are stationed there, operating at maximum efficiency. i don't want to give the impression that cranky is a small, unimportant settlement. it was a target for an enemy break through last summer. some individual enemy soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river and forests and fox holes. we are working on that. they are being offered a chance to surrender that this victory comes as part of a major russian advance ended in the republic with moscow has also seized the stronghold city of df. got the russian defense minister says ukrainian troops have
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lost at least $2400.00 soldiers. they are in 2 days. that's after russian forces were able to boost a ukrainian garrison after crawling through several kilometers of underground pipes, lugged important, emphasize the quarter aged tube to carry out the operation. and she'll go to our guys activities, cottage and here to resume substitute each of the diameter of these pipe as i was informed by the commander of this unit, is just 1.2 meters. our guys are a big company and they didn't know where they were going. they reached an unknown place and sees 19 buildings at once. for several days, they held the line there and incurred losses. of course, this is a special page in the history of russia, as the country defended its interests. this exclusive footage of the aftermath of about hold for the city. russian troops evacuated over 2000 wounded, ukrainian service men that were left behind during cancer. treat mind sweeping
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operations are on the way as russian forces say they are carrying out any remaining pockets of military resistance. our correspondent, a gosh, down of visited, i've got to get an exclusive report on the russian troops working there. you may find some of the following images disturbing that i'm going to use the word down the road was clear just 2 days ago we went through and removed 3 anti tank mind barriers, including foreign french made mines with magnetic target sensors. as well as quite a lot of unexploded cluster munitions. what this app is saying may sound worse them, but he's confidence is contagious. our filming crew is heading into of dave got embedded with the viking special task force. they marched through the oven. god of rush is offensive here. now one of the primary objectives is the more about the operation, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers. scott said, across the streets of dave car, you can see the blue tape. it's the same signature mark of ukrainian soldiers under
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bracelet with the something that resembles a pentagram right now we're working with a special forces unit with the russians. special forces units, of course the viking and not so far from us. they are still finding those ukrainian soldiers who did not make it out of the town. so all these sounds that you here is what is happening. they are clearing the streets of game, could to make sure that every nook and cranny is under the control of russia. he, a key belief troops were meant to loosen the deadly new surround the towns. garrison twaddle, rushes fighters with the 35th brigade tells me how they denied the enemy. this which unit to donald campbell, the fortifications in this area was serious because they couldn't get across the road to the sniper and the machine gunner worked over on that side. and on the other side as well. it was this,
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the machine gunners was sitting there, and on this side of the flame throwers in grenade launches, somebody, here are the as all fighters. of course, the documents say they were from the said, a sold brigade more. ukraine has a hard time letting up do you have to go? well, it has on the ground is a handful of left for the units abandoned. last confused. so key of has put in control and violence to work. well was the the, the so this is the of the railway station. and that was one of the positions held by
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the as of neo nazi battalion, or rather the new inclination over this was where the ukrainian combined was hoping to stop russia's advance, literally hours before realize that one of its efforts were futile. but right now it is sending its drones devices here, the a listening for the buzzing the is because if the drone is, or if it's one of the larger one of the, of the cultural drones, there is a good chance that they will be able to shoot it down, outside of town rushes armies working hard to capitalize on the games. so just behind me is the of dave koch and chemical plant. it's the dominating heights in this area. and so the ukranian forces, they fell back that way. so the russians, they are moving in from the heights into the valley, and this is exactly the spot that the russian commodities hoping will make the
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advance of the russian troops towards last ditch. can i see you on that? well, move smoove, i've more seamless, right? there's plenty of work and up, dave, go for the viking task force and other russian units from the mining to uncovering potential energy hiding spots locos, enjoy. what for them feels like a low in the fighting and brace for a storm. ukraine's fiery retaliation of every artillery calibre that they've got somebody who's done up reporting pro, update. ok, see for more details and brushes, latest frontline success as well as some background and app the because of role in the fight against ukraine. school government, you're going to have to our website r t dot com, following ukraine's retreats from the key footholds of pretty key and of the of the pentagon is never said ukraine will be forced to decide which citizen can continue
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to hold without us aid that says american military aid stalls in the us house of representatives. a deep got unfortunately, was a strategic withdrawal that ukraine made in order to conserve their own artillery and ammunition luck. if we don't get more, if we don't get the supplemental, i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate or start from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on what cities, what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. that comes as the white house lashed out to the us speaker of a house. mike johnson saying the republican is quote, actively harming america's national security by starting tens of billions of
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dollars in for an aide. most of which was meant for kids speaker has refused to put the bill to a boat until next week. for sure what to do for the month for more you create an aide, come i made a storm of us media reports. the brochure plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space must close as the west has no reason to worry about this because russia has no intention of doing so. that's according to comments by russia's defense minister sir did show hebrew during a meeting with president putting a bruce concerns. another question, concerns the noise that has been raised recently in the west, including in the united states, to about the, the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. our position is clear and transparent. i'm showing of course, my said, and we have no blast to deploy nuclear weapons in space or use any other elements of nuclear weapons on satellites. for example. they know we don't have such plants, but they're making a fuss. nonetheless. what surprises me is a different aspect. everyone knows what we have and you open the state of this in
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2018 in the message to the federal assembly. in fact, to the whole world, they know that we are in the final stages of developing new weapons for some reason . they don't talk about it, and that's what really should be fits. well, it all started when word went out, the members of a congressional committee had been given some classified information about a so called national security threat. and based on that mainstream us media in the united states, i went crazy years. some of the response us has new intelligence on russia's efforts to deploy a nuclear anti satellite system in space. russia recently showcased a new capability in space, washington as wanted 0 p and allies about russian efforts to develop nuclear weapons based in space to target satellites. and involves a russian military capability, something potentially serious that might target satellites,
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but it's not an immediate threat. and now sources are telling us it has to do with the russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space. after that, media buys never became clear what these members of congress had actually been. grief dawn. however, at that point it's been confirmed by russian that they have no such plans. as media has continued to kind of spin into an overdrive about is the lead space weapons of what else did the russian presidents on defense ministers say about the the false that western powers of making about the so called russia threats? well, they did offer an explanation about why a main stream us media is going in to this over drive and making these claims that are contrary to reality. this is the analysis. they put forward a preaching and we'll get to the point, you know, the opinion. there are 2 reasons behind this fuss 1st. it's an attempt to testify. so at this and congressman, in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated,
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not only for ukraine, but also in order to confront russia and inflict us to teach you to say it on it. and secondly, this is vanessa for perhaps a clumsy one to try to encourage us to do is human dialect goes to teaching stability. so it appears that there is a desperation coming from the white house to keep the ukraine money rolling. yeah. how does that played a role in the use? hysterical clay sat quite interesting analysis there. but at this point for us, it is, as no such plans for these fictional outer space weapons were heard from former us security policy on, on this mike, on the move, he dismissed the reports as a rouge to fabricate a need for move funding for ukraine. and this is something that, uh, uh, this, this latest thing with nukes and in space. well, but it was, uh, all the roofs anyway. and uh, if, if the notion was to put nuclear weapons in, in space, that could be a complex now. and an orbit support satellites that could be in effect,
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nuclear weapons. i think people are seeing that with a have the 8th and everything else that they're just going to be throwing good money after bad. and, and, and they, that even though you're kansas saying this now, they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give, to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. they're using this as a roost to to, to stimulate the need for more funds to ukraine. it isn't going to work. it fell flat in the congress. by the way, there were, there were a congressmen, 311 habits who have been around for some time, who got a briefing from the intelligence, you know, they lift their hair on fire and then they put it out with a frying pan. they just basically says that there's nothing new here, it's just nothing in the past. so it was a very 3 or 4 efforts to try and get those funds moving. it's just not going to
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happen as it is, the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march 1, there's a partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding if there's to be any before parts of the government shut down. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now in the us congress. the u. s. as once again blocked an immediate cease by a initiative for god. so the country was the only un security council member to vote against the peace resolution proposed by alder area with washington is representative said the draft is actually detrimental to a peaceful we have made incredibly clear. that's a resolution before the council would not achieve the goal of
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a sustainable piece and may in fact, run counter tit proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engaging on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. let's now take a look at what kind of resolution the us wants instead of the old jerry and proposal both calling for humanitarian things via but while old jerry had demands and immediate choose. so us is pushing for only a temporary one with the condition that all hostages are released. both reject the force displacement of follow, stands and called for humanitarian assistance across guns all. but the us version fails to mention the implementation of the provisional measures by the
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international court of justice. here's out you in security council members commented about the outcome of the vote. so this typically will supposedly been for the lady all cheery and draft was capable of reversing the situation and ending being i elation of palestinians in gauze off. unfortunately, the latest and now force us veto prevented this from happening. and due to the fate of another 1000 peaceful guys of citizens. but everybody needs to understand that this result is not the failure in the work of the un security council, which today was effectively united. rather, it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council, namely the united states, your route, full responsibility for the consequences of this lies with washington. regardless of its attempts to get away from it. speaking about it's important mediation. lacking women assess. unfortunately, the security console has failed once again to rise to the calls and aspiration of
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the people. this faith view. there's an absolved, a security council of shoulder and its responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations to policy and people. this faith, it doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations to implemented precautions. images ordered by the international court of justice and maybe political analyst and filmmakers. shenstone says washington's moves are sending mixed messages us as positing which is that the hostages have to be released in order to achieve the ceasefire. and then there's maybe the more rational approach, which is called a ceasefire. and negotiate under at least the auspices a piece of scene obvious in the past in the past few weeks reports about bite. and they switch between negatively about that yahoo and feeling that he's powerless, essentially, to, to force. and then you have to do anything at the same time,
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we see that the us is consistently sending military aid. so we'll see you have now in the coming weeks of congress goes forward with another, you know, $14000000000.00 or so to as well. so the point is that you're talking at the kind of side of your mouth and one level by and it's saying, well, we're opposed to this, you know, to this, you know, aggression don't go into rafa. but we're still arming and supporting. it's to balance. now where i'm grief pharma is a gathering across the country in protest blocking roads on the polish polishing cranium border. the farm is all raleigh and it gets to use new environmental measures and the import of ukrainian agricultural products which they believe creates unfair competition. they have looked roads and checkpoints on the ukranian border with tractors, banners, and other equipment. the farmers sell it already. trade union says it is planning on and off road located throughout poland until march 10th. the photo you are seeing right now has been circulating around the web. one of the protest as was
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seen sporting the soviet flag, that's as tractor carried a banner that called him like him, important to quote do with ukraine and the e. u. leadership, demonstrators brandished and national flags and chanted slogans in our stain. spinning grain from wagons, add the deacon, she gave me check points. agricultural workers believe the import of ukrainian grain into poland is on fat and undermines their ability to make a living. guess what your premium president vladimir zalinski have to say about what's happening regarding the situation that demonstrates a daily erosion of solidarity, things that are happening on our western border. the border with poland cannot be considered normal. a simple and clear justice is needed only 5 percent of our agricultural exports passed through the polish border. so in reality, the situation is not about grain, but rather about politics of the policeman, the staff development and technology, kristof goodman, says that presidents,
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alaska, should take care in making such statements, taking into account the totality of all relations the way we have supposed to do crime from the 1st day i would remain cautious and expressing such opinions. senior research fellow at the global policy is that you have drugs, i mean really says euros. farmers have started questioning who's site their governments are really on. of the farmers realize that the leadership, the people who run the you and many of the sort of the liberal governments in the you are all sides of the they have the green agenda. that basic, also culturally forestalled the farm, is they want to get your move away from the, from pesticides in the other a gains or against them. the invasion of greenhouse gases, other forms realize that they're getting to where we're up against governments who hate us and who pursue policies that are detrimental to us originally. the reason
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why the e, you lifted its, uh, its bits terrace against um, the grains grain was that ukraine couldn't get its green out via the black sea. but the green is getting the, the green out by the black sea. i mean back to exports by the black sea a now um, at the same level as they would, they pulled us off of a circle, special mucho bridges. so therefore you have to watch if you're getting the drain out by that likely. why exactly? are you dumping lose grain until the you mock it? and then the, the with course of the question, to be honest with yourself because they're a very powerful agricultural interest in ukraine. many of them are based in the united states that wants to make a little money. they didn't buy all this land and ukraine funds. they wanted to make money. and that's and it's, they were pushing uh the you into continuing this. uh, you know, this, the importance of grain and without any terrace. the
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spanish media outlets, as he says, it's sole says, i've confirmed the cleaning of the defective russian pilot maxim chrisman of e as allegedly been living in spain under ukrainian identity after hijacking a russian helicopter, which resulted in the depths of 2 crew members, a dimensional debt on february, 13th in a garage in b. a. how you all set? allie, come to is maxime, cause mean of the russian paula to the fact at last august to surrender to the green and ami with a helicopter. she was spotted in as confirmed by sources close to the investigation . this was a russian pilot who had defected to crane with his helicopter just last august. and he was found dead in an underground garage, riddled with bullets from an unknown assailants. now, spanish and ukrainian media have reported this, but spain state news actually said that the body was found on february 13 in southern spain, and that belong to pilot maxime cruise meant off. initially they had thought this
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was getting related, but upon further inspection to his back story then they saw and looked deeper into it. now spanish law enforcement nor the court have confirmed that there was a murder. however, the spanish civil guard did comment that they did find safe documents, and that the investigation is ongoing and classified. you how much we know about maxime cruise. we know he seems like a regular individual. he was a 28 year old russian pilot. he was actually supposed to be delivering parts for us . you 27 and as you 30 fighter jets, but instead he was recruited by the s b u and offered a half a 1000000 dollars. to do the steve, now he hijacked the helicopter full of his crew and landed it forcibly. and har, coffee crane, and the head of the defense intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine carol, down of a set that most members of the crew who have refused to surrender were killed. and
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as far as we know, they had no idea of what his plans were. and later on he actually admitted maxime admitted in a press conference in here that he did do this, that he did transfer to play. now as far as rushes comments on, the head of the russian for an intelligence service has said that of see brought this upon himself when he decided to commit this act. let's listen to this traitor and criminal became a moral corpse. the very moment who was planning his dirty and terrible crime? no apart from that b s. s b major general, believe that the defect or pilot had actually offered his services to you create himself. and earlier in a conversation with russian media had said that perhaps he might be eliminated by ukrainian services once they were done with him. and perhaps maybe that they didn't want to pay up. it seems like there's still a lot of questions that need on answering at this point. exactly. right,
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and there's so much, we don't know because the documentation that was found on him was of a 33 year old ukrainian man, obviously not matching who he is now. spanish media did clarify that this was, in fact maxime and his spokesperson from the ukrainian g. u. r. military intelligence also confirm to reuters that chrisman i've had been found dead in spain, but he refused to say the exact cause of death. now the question is, how could someone be found with big documents allegedly provided by the premium government? isn't this an illegal act, isn't this forgery? shouldn't be you say something? what about the implications of a crime then? could others go and submit those prime? there's a lot that we don't know who did it, of course is a question and who benefits from this as well? so as you said, there's so many questions left to be answered. the spanish civil god has availed exclusively to r t. if at maxim cause been else, documents might have been fake. the papers claim he was at 33 year old ukrainian
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man, although the pilot was really a 20th year road, russian national to old. my host of the conservative daily podcast says it's likely because when of received the fake papers from kim or washington, the only people that he could have gotten those documents from where the ukrainian military and, or the intelligence services, or maybe the united states. i guess the united states because done as well. and, but these are the same people by the way, that or if they did, in fact, pay him half a $1000000.00 or $379000.00 pounds. whatever it is that they would probably want that money back considering that they're asking united states to give them $60000000000.00. and there is no appetite in the united states to fund any more war or funding any more support for ukraine. but it does beg to have a vague the question. i don't think it's possible given their appetite for putting people on the front line to fight a war that no one wants to fight. that it would have been anything other than the ukrainian military and or the security apparatus,
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or the countries apparatus that would have allowed him to leave the country at all . and the idea that there were been some communication and, and what with his pilot. however, unfortunately his death is for the crating and forces begs to differ that there's probably more work in what we're, what we're discussing, that i think it's more likely that people in ukraine that were, that were in this environment. and people in the united states and other western nations that are part of this right, it apparatus wanted to do as much as they could to create a story that you're, that you're hearing today of failure to release julian massage will forever stain both the u. k. and the us, that's the message from the, with the blow west brother r t correspondence. the sweeney was outside the high court in london, where the final appeal against expedition on espionage charges is now in session behind closed doors. here's what a sons family members had to say. the treatment in this case is closed the case,
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the julian has the u. k. and the us i'm embarrassed with it on the world side. simply by letting julian go and re establishing themselves as human rights advocates, the can be powerful around the world. 3 julian, a sorry this case is an admission by the united states, but they now criminalize investigative journalism. it's an attack on all journalists, all over the world. it's an attack on the truth, and it's with an attack on the public right to know, hundreds of campaigners and supporters of which edicts profound a duty and a phone of gathered here outside the high schools in central london coding a di x. now this is the critical food i have a whole julian astrology is potential expedition to the united states. now this
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cool case like spot 220102011. when june, amazon's published i drove of documents which were available real crimes or legible crime, which is i was committed by the united states and both iraq and afghanistan, campaigners and for the press freedom organizations on here. this is a critical, cool. this is a cool case that is not just about to do the phone for the is about the rights for people to publish. information by is in the pro, the public interest says nice i can, but this is an attack on press freedom, exposing things which might be the old lady in the world doesn't going through here . this is really a journalism and so on supporting the case of joining us all. i me, i can't get to london to inform both people in london about the opportunity as well as, but also my people at home in germany.


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