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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers us counted across the streets of dave. we report exclusively from the house of the after russian forces won the battle for the strategic don't about 15. would you claim using a $2400.00 troops that as it were treated that's according to most cars. julian, the soldiers, final battle against expedition to the us then back to days, thousands of visible which is raleigh, outside the u. k. high school in london, demanding an end to the food chain. the loan persecution of the channels were so low that i've seen a man who would strong and think i'm ready to change the world with true
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to whose colorless depressed and rushes defense minister defends washington. major phillips most goes allegedly planning, deployed nuclear weapons in space certification. good dismisses the room as an act, but to secure a more us funding for you. great improvements in on through for committees, and it's an attempt to terrify senators and congressmen in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine, but also in order to confront russia and inflict a strategic defeat on the they say though the international coming to live for most studios here in most go, thanks very much for joining us. lawson forces now are advancing and have
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taken another key location on the front lines of the case in region. that's according to the defense. soon as the certification will go, as he reported to president black made person at the crime, then i couldn't cause addition. the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed there. operating at maximum efficiency and some individual enemy soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender. this comes just days off the russia and to complete liberation of the tenants with public safety of, of the, of which had been taken by caps troops for almost 10 years. the decisive battle for the strategic area took many months with ukraine, taking massive losses and being forced to withdrawal his some exclusive driving footage from a news crew inside the city. as you can see,
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that it shows the off them off of the route to fighting that was taking place that the russian defense minister says care for last at least $2400.00 soldiers during 2 days of retreat from of the blood we pretend has emphasized the heroism of russian serviceman who ambushed the cleaning garrison of to cooling through several kilometers of underground pipes, are these it goes down of is in of the of caught right now. and he's been hearing from some of the russian troops who are in like key city. we must warn you that this report contains some 40 graphic images that you may find distressing. and i'm going to write down the road was clear just 2 days ago we went through and removed 3 anti tank mind barriers, including foreign french made mines with magnetic targets sensors,
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as well as quite a lot of unexploded cluster munitions. what this app is saying may sound worse them, but he's confidence is contagious. our filming crew is heading into of dave, got embedded with the viking. special task force, the march to the oven. god of rush is offensive here. now one of the primary objectives is the more about the operation, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers, us crested across the streets of, of day. if we can see the blue tape. it's the same signature, mock of ukrainian soldiers under bracelet with the something that resembles a pentagram right now we are working with a special forces unit with a rush and special forces unit. of course the viking and not so far from us. they are still finding those ukrainian soldiers who did not make it out of the town. so all these sounds that you here is what is happening. they are clearing the streets
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of game. could you make sure that every nook and cranny is under the control of russia? he, a key believe troops were meant to loosen the deadly new surround the towns garrison, white of russia's fighters. we've been a 35th brigade tells me how they denied the enemy. this opportunity could you probably have both the fortifications in this area was serious that they couldn't get across the road, the sniper and the machine gunner worked over on that side and on the other side as well. it was this, the machine gunners was sitting there. and on this side, there were flame throwers in grenade launches. somebody. here are the as of fighters, i was the documents say they were from the, the salt brigade more. ukraine has a hard time lifting up. do you have to go? well, it has on the ground is a handful of left for dead units. abandoned, lost,
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confused. so key of has polluted control and violets to work well the, the so this is the of the of the railway station. and that was one of the positions held by the as of neo nazi battalion, or rather the new inclination over this was where the ukrainian combined was hoping to still brushes advance literally hours before realize that one of its efforts were futile. but right now it is sending its drones devices here, the a listening for the buzzing the is because if the drone is,
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if it's one of the larger one of the a good cultural rooms, there is a good chance that they will be able to shoot it down outside of town rushes on, these working hard to capitalize on the games. so just behind me is the of dave koch and chemical lunch. it's the dominating heights in this area. and so the grading forces, they fell back that way. so the russians, they, i'm moving in from the heights into the valley, and this is exactly the spot that the russian commodities hoping will make the advance of the russian troops the towards last is, can i well move, move. i've more seamless. right. there's plenty of work and have dave go for the viking task force and other russian units from the mining to uncovering potential and to be hiding spots locals enjoy. what for them feels like a low in the fighting and brace for
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a storm. ukraine's fiery retaliation of every artillery calibre that they've got like is done up reporting pro of the oxy. following the latest ukranian law says on the front line, the pentagon says key if could be an even bigger trouble. and that's us lou will make is approved. the for an a package that's been stuck now in congress for months . we don't get more if we don't get the supplemental. i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate for or started from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on um, what city is, what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. this comes as republican lawmakers in the house of representatives
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of projected another offer from the democrats to prove a $95000000000.00 for an age bill. that would include money for the crane. now the g o p once a back to deal on the bill to secure routine mexico. first pursuing the former pentagon list, michael maloof says time's running after him, washington for throwing. yeah. and the financial lifeline are 66 weeks. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks, and when it comes back on the 28th february on march 1, this partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding if there's to be any before parts of the government shutdown. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now in the us congress. i think people are seeing that with a have the
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h can everything else that they're just going to be throwing good money after bad. and, and, and they, that even the europeans are seeing this. now. they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. meanwhile, moscow has developed weston need, do reports. russia is elijah to be planning to deploy nuclear weapons in the school . but the russian defense minister says the claims are part of an information, was to bring more american taxpayers dollars to ukraine. we've got all the details on this later on in this hour in the program. well, it's the 2nd and final day of hearings that the u. k hi quote. on whether the extra di jail we still blow a julian assaults to the us. this is on s been us charges of schools, of his support, which is have been rallying in london demanding his release,
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assault and his family members, friends and calling say that he is being persecuted for, revealing the truth. i am a good friend of julia and assigned to instead of his wife and the mother of the youngest child. and i have been visiting julian whether it was in the ecuadorian embassy, where he was for 7 years, and also in belmont, where he's paid for nearly 5 years. i've seen a man who was strong and big on, ready to change the world with truth to a man whose colorless, depressed really very, very low. and i'm terrified that really what's going on is our authorities a prosecute. takes julian until he ends his life through his health. through his
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stamina to keep fighting, to keep that candle lit he's been criminalized, have been committed. no offense, the crime for which he is being punished about what crime in inverted commas is doing journalism. we wouldn't lies about why we went to war and the rock. we would lied to about why we went to war and i've got his thoughts on information was given to us via which he likes passed through june and assigned his efforts. that house to expose those lies lies the rest of the journalistic profession. what tacitly covering up the new york times, the god. yeah. now pies appear as of nights, a newspapers used to live with the lakes material in the uh, with breaking stories. i'm gonna say i'm also in the top, which should be if say, you know, if i thought that was the issue, those publications, but i should be screaming about this because like to re max loved. it isn't
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the only city way, julian, to sondra is the pool, which is a taking to the streets cries of, also rallied in rome, berlin, and paris demanding freedom. the weekly lakes found some demonstrates as being wearing orange suits, reminiscent of those ones by detainees at guantanamo bay, which a solemn should also published expos stays about the hi coaches . hearing in the u. k. the wiki expound is final appeal against extradition to the united states. on those espionage charges, due to his own, published thousands of classified documents, exposing us military atrocities in countries like afghanistan and iraq, that long did him on the most willing to play spin america where he faces up to a 175 years. if he's found guilty, yeah, he's already being locked up a bell most present in the u. k. since he was arrested that in 2019 he has. ready
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yet faced the trial. meanwhile, another right now and whistle blower, edward snowden, who exposed expensive us government efforts really spawning civilians. as pointed to the fact that the soldiers extradition from britain to the u. s. would actually contradict a treaty between those 2 nations and pink floyd co founder roger waters has also spoken out against what he sees as being the persecution of a search. the. all of these charges have been shown to be completely without marriage, the hacking charged with face finally on the testimony of a convicted criminal and the, the file. so most lending the gold, 20 or something. and who has since rid can't induced estimate,
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saying that he was paid to say that he was paid to give evidence against you. and in a search julian hassan should not have spent a single day either in the ecuadorian embassy, where he was on sort of laptop for about 8 years, or certainly not in the march 1st, and the high security prison because he has committed no crime. how many times do we have to explain this to the rest of the? well he is one of the most important human beings on us. why is that? because he is one of the few prop journalists on what he has done is expose inconvenient for his to the powers that be to the ruling clause. he has exposed that they are entirely happy. and i'm talking now about the government with united states of america and the government of the united kingdom, the,
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the surprises with may, the supporters with the real news, the supporters with the grant is that just a purchase with money to what? the substances with all the small news, directed part cause the exist all over the internet, but probably only for now cause that well under attack by the same people who weren't julian massage dead, the we march to be a strategy and then to ship to call them squared made speeches in february last year, 2020. and at that point i thought, you know, had had, how, if they've got the tools to just keep doing what they do a bang the most is in washington dc. well, now i'm finding out how they do it, they do it because it feds as to their and asked as well. and i really don't know
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what else to say. i am consumed with holler or what's going on. the west and mass major is not to be trusted, and they, and they appear entirely disinterest, didn't the room on the floor. most of them probably never heard the magnet cultural habeas corpus, or any of the basic tenets of english law that developed in searching century and that we've been trying to abide by ever since. and it's all being thrown out of the window. now. some of the world's most famous and expensive volt works will be destroyed. if julian, the songs dies in prison, a russian artist has threatened to do just that. he's looking up some $45000000.00 worth of most the pieces in a rigs container. that's why to destroy the on unless so it is reported to be alive
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every single day, or the because sodium brand and warm, sullivan and media. and as i gives these things to create them to create the platform, it seems kind. if each of these customs a culture platform, resolve a new policy can result in the idea of which the
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east side there. it's still like a desmond speech which came to the test so that he stopped paying for the 24 hours these these time assume the note that his task. so they will be destroyed again, the beads at the it's, he'll be never destroyed because i believe that the assign to be would be pretty that team. what time we have so many well, and i truly believe that i would find the,
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the most speech and freedom of explanation. so there will be no 3 breast as well. one of the sponsors of that up project is 5 being new and he's been explaining his donation of a work by m d. we'll whole saying that off is an expression of the very freedom that julian this on himself deserves. i gave a 100. well, there were to work and which is one of my biggest bob, mike production for down these guy in boston. eh, he's an expression of freedom. you can do it if not, you, i exactly like another piece or you don't do anything. so i'll take is a way to express what is your defense and so that's on the well obviously i make them to be the best way to, to participate. choose the section as opposed to what i'm really talking about. hey,
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is the legacy pieces like this? it must be people who would be shocked at the idea that you would donate a rule whole piece that could potentially be destroyed if junior, in his own, dies as a result of being in prison, new expedited to the us housing vision, the legacy of the conditions you set forth in donating that piece, but i think it's, it's a shopping, you know, is for me is shouting news to meg or somebody dying. it's not giving a piece of how to i don't care about eh, people shopped by my and by, by what i did, i care about to as soon as likes. i care about freedom as long as it gets, it seemed or is the same build up for them? well, we'll keep you updated on the developments on the 2nd and final day of those hearings that the u. k. hi, quote. more details, of course, analysis and reaction can always being fund if you head over to our website ot
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built, the us has blocked and immediate c spar initiative for goes up for the full time. the country was the only un security council to vote against algeria to propose peace resolution his how the africa nations on bassett, as well as the russian and boy have reacted to that fee to or back to normal assess . unfortunately, the security council has failed once again to rise to the goals and aspiration of the people. this faith view doesn't absolve the security council of shoulder and
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its responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations to bothers and people. this fate, it doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations to implement that precautionary measures ordered by the international court of justice. all these people will suppose within fidelity, all cheery and draft was capable of reversing the situation and ending being i. elation of palestinians in gauze after 2. unfortunately the latest and now 4th us veto prevented this from happening and due to the fate of another 1000 peaceful guys of citizens. but everybody needs to understand that this result is not the failure in the work of the un security council, which today was effectively united. rather, it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council. namely, the united states, your route, full responsibility for the consequences of this lice with washington. regardless of its attempts to get away from it. speaking about it's important mediation will
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ahead of the both in us signal that it would reject the old jewelry and draw off even before it was proposed. now let's take a look at the resolutions of being pitched by both countries. now all jerry is demanding an immediate truce of us, on the other hand, is cooling only for a temporary c spy and on conditions the low hostages are released by him. us. washington's representative is called y'all. j range oft detrimental to piece torques. we have made incredibly clear that the resolution before the council would not achieve the goal of a sustainable peace and may in fact run counter tit. a proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy,
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we look forward to engaging on attacks that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. the us position is exactly and completely and endorsement a support of israel's war and gaza every criminal aspect of it. and they are the major blockade of any agreement being reached internationally through the un. this is the 3rd data, and it is, crum, no, there's no other way to put it to us is determined to put no pressure whatsoever on israel. instead, they are continuing to send arms money. and every form of political and diplomatic support that they can rally around the world. although that is now
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a totally isolated position. i assist you in boat shows. it was strictly one vote against and that was the u. s. they are for this or totally, completely. israel is their strategic partner, is their destructive force in the area. it is a threat to every other country in the area. and it's not only a support for israel in this a media more in gaza. but at the same time, the us as bombing young men rack syria, the gas line is in a ram, were taken out. i mean, they are seeking to widen the war, not to bring it to an end. that's important to know what the demands for more a to ukraine in washington comment made a stool of us major reports that russia plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space most go as dismiss these claims as being fake news. that's according to the russian
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defense minister said, okay, show go during meeting with president pigeon at the kremlin. bruce concerns another question, concerns the noise that has been raised recently in the west, including in the united states about the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. our position is clear and transparent understanding of course by said we have no plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space or use any other elements of nuclear weapons on satellites. for example. they know we don't have such plans, but they're making a fuss nonetheless. probably what surprises me is a different aspect. everyone knows what we have, and you openly stated this in 2018 and a message to the federal assembly. in fact, to the whole world. they know that we are in the final stages of developing new weapons for some reason they don't talk about it, and that's what really should be feared. well, it all started when word went out, the members of
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a congressional committee had been given some classified information about a so called national security threat. and based on that mainstream us media in the united states, i went crazy years. some of the response us has new intelligence on russia's efforts to deploy a nuclear anti satellite system in space. russia recently showcased a new capability in space, washington, as won't into a p. and as about russian efforts to develop nuclear weapons based in space, to target satellites, that involves a russian military capability. something potentially serious that might target satellites, but it's not an immediate threat. and now sources are telling us it has to do with the russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space. after that media buys never became clear what these members of congress had actually been grieved on. however, at that point, it's been confirmed by russian that they have no such plants,
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but us media has continued to kind of stand into in overdrive about. and so let's face weapons. what else did the russian presidents on defense minister to say about the, the 1st of western powers? i'm making about the so called reference threats. well, they did offer an explanation about why a main stream us media is going in that is over drive and making these claims that are contrary to reality. this is the analysis. they put forward a preaching and we'll get to them in our opinion. there are 2 reasons behind this fuss 1st, it's an attempt to terrify senators and congressmen in order to push through the allocation of funds that are allegedly dedicated, not only for ukraine and to put it, but also in order to confront russia and inflict a strategic defeat on it with no problem and secondly, this is an effort. okay. perhaps a clumsy one, who to try to encourage us to resume a dialogue on strategic stability. so it appears that there is a desperation coming from the white house to keep the ukraine money rolling. yeah,
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that of that played a role in these hysterical clay sat quite interesting analysis there. but at this point for us, it is as no such plans for these fictional, outer space weapons and that, so for that, but we will be back at the top of the next hour with moon using these a on the new zone on, on the international. because they joined us to the the, the 2nd superseding and gotten involved 18 charges which include 17 charges under the espionage act and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dr.


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