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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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to how it started, how it's going, and how it will end. on this edition of the program, we examine all 3 propositions, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers us cast. across the streets of dave, we report exclusively from the hearts of, of the, of the russian forces won the battle for the strategic don't bass. 15 for the pray, new thing, 2400 troops. there was a retreated. that's according to moscow. the west indirectly provides african terrorist groups with weapons recently plugged into the comes in, that's a doubling us use ation from the defense minnes. still not julia fights we have would. so before around the swab, under bondage, we also have to be able to provide little we points on that content we fall into
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the country this before we get into the wrong hands and you can call me tricks. and it's the final say to you and the soldiers legal battle against extradition to the us. i suppose is raleigh outside the u. k. hi, quote in london, demanding an end to the 15 year long persecution, all the james whistle. plus, i've seen him on what's wrong and they got ready to change the world with sure. who's calling this press the, this is of the international coming to you live from most go plenty coming up. are but the next 30 minutes here on the nice our well, russian forces ard phone thing. and if taking a notebook, he location on the front lines of the cast and region that's according to the
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defense. so in this, the static issue, as he reported to president block, made preaching the crime, then hi. couldn't cause issues. the village of cranky has been cleared and our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed there, operating at maximum efficiency, some individual enemies soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that. they are being offered a chance to surrender. it comes just days off the rush or not. it's the complete liberation. no, but done this with public safety of, of the, of which would be notified by caps troops for almost 10 years. the decisive battle for the strategic gary took many, many months with ukraine, taking massive losses on being forced to finally withdrawal. well, here's some exclusive footage now from all news crew in size, the city showing the off of most of that brutal fighting that took place that the
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defense minister says here for last, at least 2400 soldiers during 2 days of retreat from up the car vladimir putin has emphasized the heroism of russian service men who ambushed the ukrainian garrison, often crawling through several cologne which is of underground pipes ortiz, it goes down of is in of the of car right now. and he's been hearing from some of the russian troops who baffled in that case. 50. just need to warn you that his report does contain some pushy graphic images that you may find distressing. on the way down the road was clear just 2 days ago, we went through and removed 3 anti tank mind barriers, including foreign french made mines with magnetic target sensors. as well as quite a lot of unexploded cluster munitions. what this app is saying may sound worse,
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some, but he's confidence is contagious. our filming crew is heading into of dave, got embedded with the viking. special task force, the march to the oven. god of rush is offensive here. now one of the primary objectives is the more about the operation, the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers. scott said, across the streets of j, if we can see the blue tape, it's the same signature mark of ukrainian soldiers under bracelet with the something that resembles a pentagram right now. we're working with a special forces unit with the russians. special forces units. of course the viking and not so far from us, they are still fighting those ukrainian soldiers who did not make it out of the town. so will the sounds that you here is what is happening. they are clearing the streets of game,
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could to make sure that every nook and cranny is under the control of russia. he a key belief troops with men to loosen the deadly new surround the towns garrison, part of russia's fighters. we've been in the 35th brigade tells me how they denied the enemy this opportunity to have both the fortifications in this area was serious, that they couldn't get across the road, a sniper and the machine gunner worked over on that side. and on the other side as well. and the machine gunners was sitting there. and on this side of the flame throwers in grenade launches, somebody. here are the, as all fighters for the documents say they were from this the sold brigade. ukraine has a hard time lifting up. do you have to go? well, it has on the ground is a handful of left for dead units. abandoned. lost, confused. so key of has polluted control and violets to work
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is a part of the parts. it wasn't the so this is the of the of the railway station and that was one of the positions held by the as all new nazi battalion, or rather the new inclination over this was where the ukrainian combined was hoping to still precious advice, literally hours before i realized that one of its efforts were futile. but right now it is sending its drones devices here, the a listening for the buzzing, the because if the drone is, if it's one of the larger one of the, of the cultural rooms, there is
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a good chance that they will be able to shoot it down outside of town rushes armies working hard to capitalize on the games. so just behind me is the of dave koch and chemical plant. it's the dominating heights in this area. and so the ukranian forces, they fell back that way. so the russians, they are moving in from the heights into the valley, and this is exactly the spot that the russian commodities hoping will make the advance of the russian troops the towards last ditch. can i see you on this? well, move, move as more seamless there's plenty of work and have dave go for the viking task force and other russian units from the mining to uncovering potential energy hiding spots. locos, enjoy. what for them feels like a low in the fighting and brace for a storm. ukraine's fiery retaliation of every artillery calibre that they've got
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somebody who's done up reporting pro of the oxy. well, following the latest ukranian law says on the front lines. the pentagon says could be in even bigger trouble, not so unless you guys will make is approve the foreign aid package that's been stuck now in congress for months. if we don't get more, if we don't get the supplemental, i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate or started from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on um, what city is, what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. well, this comes as republicans will make, is in the house of representatives, have rejected another offer from democrats to prove
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a $95000000000.00 for an a bill that would include money for ease crane at the g p. once a back to deal on border security with mexico, 1st form of pentagon list, michael maloof says time is running out in washington for throwing kids and up a phone number from lifeline. a. f desk is a turning point. it's the beginning of what i would see as a cascading effect of a russian offensive to finally route ukrainians out of a areas that they've long held. and, and they, they are totally on the defensive now. and if you hit in a number of areas, at the same time, it disperses their, their concentration of forces even more. and because they're already depleted, and they claim to have little very edition,
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this makes their task even more arduous. i think people have seen that with a have difficult and everything else with others is going to be throwing the good money after bad. and, and, and they, that the, even the europeans are seamless. now. they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to, to, to buy equipment for you cried the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march, 15th partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding if there's to be any before parts of the government shutdown. so the congress late the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now in the us congress. with some pretty big criticism coming out of nigeria. now as the
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defense chief of the country has cold out west and countries, citing the in direct involvement in providing weapons to terrorist groups in the african country. this is general kristof, i'm lisa who says the ohms are increasingly falling into the wrong hands that sees compact the situation to what's been happening in ukraine and gaza in the fights. we have would say what i'm the swap on the bi limits. we also have be able to take away a little, we points on that content we falls into the country. and so it shows that it will require in a, an international corporation collaboration for us to be able to address this issues . most african countries don't produce this, we phones, this will phones get into the wrong hands under the call matrix, because uh, like you mentioned in the ukraine level, we pause. i mean, i know this, we both i meet for most was technicians and that's why we use this opportunity to
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hold on them to take it as a responsibility to ensure that they put tomatoes in place. but this before we get to wrong hands full of the do, we have a little peeling mouse and you had these down and ready to use them. i guess it was sensitive. and so for nearly 2 hours, the nigerian type of defense stuff, major general kristof i most of spoke to charlie's interview with you about the prevailing security problems in the country. and the west african regents the defensive set of bodies are making efforts to address in securities. but noted thoughts. these efforts are hampered by the lack of weapons to carry out military operations about african militaries compared to very counterparts abroad struggle to get the weapons. they need to fight in security territories everywhere and the most out in africa. unfortunately, where one getting the brunt. and unfortunately, we don't produce the we follow that we're using fighting them. i think what
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happened is before making extremely difficult for us to even get the reform to be able to address this issues. and so we also happening to them to call see that if only so we can get one percent of the weed funds that were given to you claim i show you and joe, but peaceful. my julia is facing numerous security problems, including and islamic insurgency in the northeast kidnappings, around some deadly farm. i heard atrocities in the central valley and separate east and gang falling in the south east. the defensive also raised concerns about arms for leaf racing in africa. he said the trend is worse than for security charlies for parties. he also said climate change had excessive pay that hunger and premium biology in the region. made a general most of that by julia is taking measures to tide in florida patrols to control arms smuggling. but noted thoughts, the international communities and countries that produce weapons also must be more accountable tennessee of using our
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t boned material the it's the 2nd and final day of hearings that the u. k. hi quote on web ex designed joe who was so low at julian his own to the us on s p of those charges. schools of his support, which is have been riding in london and demanding his release as long as his family members, friends and colleagues, say he's being persecuted for, revealing the truth, which he makes nowadays for, for the feeling on well and didn't appear in court on tuesday. i'm a good friend of julia and assigned to instead of his wife and on the go mother of the youngest child. and i have been visiting julian whether it was in the ecuadorian embassy, where he was for 7 years. and also in belmont, where he's been for nearly 5 years. i've seen a man who was strong and big on ready to change the world with truth
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to a man whose colorless depressed. oh, really, sorry, very low on, on her side. but really what's going on is our prosecute takes julia and until he ends his life through his health, through his style, monroe to keep fighting, to keep that candle lit he's been criminalized, have been committed. no offense, the crime for which he is being punished about what crime in inverted commas is doing journalism. we would lies about why we went to war and a rock. we would lied to about why we went to war and i've got his thoughts on information was given to us via which he likes to turn into sand. his efforts that helps to expose those lies lies the rest of the journalistic refreshing. what tacitly covering up the new york times, the god. yeah. and i'll ties appear as
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a major newspapers used to love which he likes montero in the uh, with breaking stories. i'm gonna say i'm also in the top, which they should be if say, you know, if i thought that was the issue, those publications, but i should be screaming about this because much of remax as well. london slope there in the city. what julian this sanchez suppose is a take him to the streets crowds if also raleigh didn't room the and then all right, demanding freedom for the wiki leaks found some demonstrate just don't are in seats reminiscent of course of those who invite detainees at guantanamo bay, which is sancha is also published expos days a bounce with a high court and the case hearing that we can expand his final appeal against expedition to the us. julian this onto course published thousands of classified documents, exposing us military atrocities in countries like afghanistan and iraq. not strong
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did him on the most wanted list in america, where he faces up to a 175 years if found guilty. he's been locked up at belmont prison in the u. k. since being arrested the in 2019 without facing trial. meanwhile, another over now and west will blow, edward snowden, new exposed, expensive us government efforts, really suffice on the civilians. as pointed to the fact that the sanchez extradition from button to the us would actually contradict a treaty between those 2 nations and pink floyd co founded, brought to waters, as also spoken as against the persecution of a search. his which has told us when we spoke to him back in 2022. the all of these charges have been shown to be
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completely without merit, the hacking charged with face. finally on the testimony of a convicted criminal and the, the file. so most lending the gold, 20 or something, and who has since recounted his testimony, saying that he was paid to say that he was paid to give evidence against you. and in a search julian hassan should not have spent a single day either in the ecuadorian embassy, where he was on the sort of block south for about 8 years, or certainly not in the march 1st, and the high security prison. because he has committed no crime. how many times do we have to explain this to the rest of the well he is one of the most important human beings on us. why is that? because he is one of the few prop journalists on what he has done is
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expose inconvenient shrews to the powers. the big to the ruling clause is exposed, that they are entirely happy. and i'm talking now about the government with united states of america and the government of the united kingdom, the, the surprises with may, the supporters with debris of news, the supporters with the grant. is that just a purchase with wonder why? the psychiatrist with all the small news directed her cause to exist all over the internet, but probably only to now cause that well under attack by the same people who weren't julian a sorry dag, the west and mast major is not to be trusted up. and they, and they appear entirely disinterest, didn't the room on the floor. most of them probably never heard of magnet cultural
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habeas corpus, or any of the basic tenets of english law that developed in searching century and that we've been trying to abide by ever since. and it's all being thrown out of the window now. some of the world's most famous and expensive outwards will be destroyed. if julian, his own stories in prison or russian notices just threatening to do that cheese. uh, looking up some $45000000.00 worth of most the pieces in a rig contain f, as wired, to destroy the aut, unless the selling just reported to be a life every single day. the because sodium brand and warm soul and media. and as i did these things to
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create them to create the platform, it seems kind of each of these customs of culture platform resolved that anybody can resolve within the idea of which the piece of dying there. it's still like
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a desmond speech which came to the test so that he stopped paying for the 24 hours if these times to be, nor did he stop. so they can still be destroyed in the deeds at the it's, he'll be never destroyed because i believe that us on to be will be pretty the thing. uh, what time you have so many war. and i truly believe that i would find the the most speech is if most explanations to be will be north of the press. one of the sponsors old spots on projects type in new woodman, spoke to me on tuesday. he explains his donation of a work fine artist and the will whole thing that off is an expression that the very freedom that julian his own joseph deserves. i gave him do well,
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go to work and which is one of my biggest pop up to make production freedom. these guy in boston eh, ah, he's an expression of freedom. you can give me if not you. i exactly like another piece or you don't do anything. so out is a way to express what is your defense and the ad. so that's on the well obviously i make them to do the best way to, to participate to the section as opposed to what i'm really talking about. hey, is the legacy pieces like this? it must be people who would be shocked at the idea that you would donate a rule whole piece that could potentially be destroyed. if julian, his own, dies as a result of being in prison, new expedited to the us housing vision, the legacy of the conditions you set forth in donating that piece. but i think it's, it's a shopping, you know,
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is for me is shocking use to make your somebody dying. it's not giving a piece of how to i don't care about eh, people shopped by my and by what i did, i care about as far as like, i tell about freedom as long as it gets, it seemed, or it is the same build up for them the for the us is blocked and immediate c spa initiative for garza, this is for the full time the country was the only you in security council member to vote against sell. jerry is proposed peace resolution. here's housing rules off the conditions on boss of the as well as the russian own boy have reacted to the
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american veto. to assess unfortunately, the security council has failed once again to rise to the goals and aspiration of the people. this faith view, there's an absolved security council of shoulder and its responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations to bothers and people. this fe, the doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations to implement a precautionary measures ordered by the international court of justice. oh, there's people, the rules plus with the old jury and draft was capable of reversing the situation and ending the evaluation of palestinians in gaza. unfortunately, the latest and now force us veto prevented this from happening and due to the fate of another 1000 peaceful guise of citizens. it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council, namely the united states. well, let's take a closer look at the draft revolutions pitched by both algiers on washington. what
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all jerry is demanding an immediate and full truce. the us is cooling for only a temporary and limited c spine. and on the conditions all hostages, all release from gomez. the both motions reject the force displacement of palestinians and cool for humanitarian assistance across the only place. but the proposed u. s. resolution fails to mention the implementation of professional measures that were in implemented by the international court of justice. washington's representatives have cool, do, and dropped detrimental to p. storks we have made incredibly clear that the resolution before the council would not achieve the goal of a sustainable peace. and may in fact run counter to yet a proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we cannot support
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a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engaging on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share. a text that can and should be adopted by the council. the us position is exactly and completely and endorsement a support of israel's war and gaza every criminal aspect of it. and they are the major blockade of any agreement being reached internationally through the un. this is the 3rd data, and it is, crum, no, there's no other way to forward it to us is determined to put no pressure whatsoever on israel. instead, they are continuing to send arms money. and every form of political and
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diplomatic support that they can rally around the world. although that is now a totally isolated position. i assist you in both shows. it was strictly one vote against and that was the u. s. they are for this war. totally, completely. israel is their strategic partner, is their destructive force in the area. it is a threat to every other country in the area. and it's not only a support for israel in this a media of more in gaza. but at the same time, the u. s. is bombing german, rac, syria. the gas line is in a ram, were taken out. i mean, there are seeking to widen the war, not to bring it to an end. that's important to know, loves the us blocks. another piece proposed the goes across and locked in america. the venezuelan president has back statements from brazil is he condemned. this was
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devastating assault on the posting in the label. the hitler was a construct, a monster created by the western awaits. today the criminal military apparatus of israel has the same encouragements vehicle funding and support. as president lula said, what the israeli government is doing is the same thing that hitler did to the jewish people you for the for they don't realize that the guys that he's not a war but a genocide and that's what's happening in gaza with the posting and people does it exist in any other time in history. in fact, it only happens when people are decided to keep the use brazil. recall that some bass that are from israel and but as well as liter express strong support for brazil's position for other latin american countries. colombia too late on the us and bolivia have also pulled in passengers from israel over the idea of actions in
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gaza. in total 8 countries world wide have taken steps to withdraw their own bassinger from tel aviv. further back in october of last year, gustavo petro, the 1st left wing president of columbia double channel known as condemnation of israel, describing its options as genocide. it's called genocide. they do it to remove the palestinian people from gaza and take it over the head of the state who is carrying out this. genocide is a criminal against humanity. their allies cannot talk about democracy. no democrat in the world can accept guise of being converted into a concentration camp. concentration camps are prohibited by international law and those who create them become criminals against humanity. bolivia went a step further severing ties with israel for the 2nd time since 2009 under then president of a morales whose recently stated his.


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