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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EST

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the, the, the headlines on all the international upsetting images from dogs, a, where the bodies of victims have being recovered from a ca, hits fine is wady strike, spell back given us a cold where so it makes a shopping statement that old color city and children should be killed the is the final day of julian hasanti of legal bonds when the game stakes to addition to the u. s. as opposed as riley outside the u. k. high court in london. the mountains are going to end to the 13 year long persecution, against the jail twice the amount they have to admit that what they're doing
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is criminalizing journalism is personalizing victory and their persecuting the journalist who exposed the protest in india ton violence with police using rather bullets sense 10 gas assignments with tax, the government's office of faith, twice guarantees and thousands, reducing the logs to the countries conference. the a very well welcome to you. it's 7 pm here in moscow. and this is on the international with the latest news from across the globe. it's great to happy with us as always, that was still on the out in garza where the bodies of 2 victims have been recovered from a call that was hit by an is really striking. the city of rafa. you might find the
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following images of assessing. also be heavily charged groups. these were pulled from the below the rest of the vehicle. they were taken to a nearby multiple identification, locals lined up to look inside to 40 bucks to check if the relatives were among the dead. several other bodies were seen being taken away for burial. more than $29300.00 palestinians have been killed in gaza since october the 7th, according to local officials. meanwhile, in the us and activist as grill, the republican lawmaker on washington is all make as well, despite the spiraling civilian deaths, toll congressmen on the uh, goes to live at a shocking response. i've seen the same footage of these are the influencers. these are meant to be the best of us society. these are the people, the p at the, the rest of the army population are listening to,
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for the more lead, if you like. and this also comes, remember, and this is the crucial point. $12600.00 to children have been killed since israel punitive assault on gods have gotten in october. the. this is a, an insanely large number of children to be killed in a conflict and everything we discussed. the relation to these comments has to be taken in the context of this brutality. this is the 1st high ranking us official we've heard and which is very, very brutal sort of tone towards the feelings in guys. recently we had a good cold steward sailed the, which a obama official, unofficial in the obama regime, or the obama government, if you like to, i was, you know, recorded briefly, you know, attracting a street vendor essentially purely because of his, our, the appearance and making some really horrendous suggestions to one of the killings in gather some of this is that i think i would need you support earlier. so you go
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on the board for terrorism. i'm not some of you go, i'm just working you right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me why go my case? what about my you should not me go, i mean kill ok. oh i see one. we killed 4000. you know why he wasn't enough? wasn't go go, go. well, as far as he could explain, by the way, by saying, you know, he'd have full, my employee, he doesn't represent any parts of the government now, but does the position the government stating on the officials that at that we've seen speaking, they see many different yeah, well, of course, the current administration has rediscovered its concern over israel's behavior in gaza. it seems after supplying you know, billions of dollars with a weapons with which the killing is being done. let's face it with a us support, military and financial and political. and the is rarely a solvent guys would probably have to stop. now we've also heard at john kirby. this is for it is combat. it is bloody,
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it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt . so again, these are the moral leaders and essentially you have jung, kirby, they're suggesting that you know, this is a war. this is a, is very self defense. and we are expecting many, many civilians to die. and we're going to allow our proxy, if you like, and the region to carry out as much killing as, as they like, really with our political protection live protected them in the un. remember, as well as the us consistently and persist the voting against the cease far as recently as, as an, as a number of days ago. and meanwhile, in in israel, this way, these are far less squeamish about calling a spade a spade a regarding what they're actually doing in in kaiser i've ordered a complete c. jim, gaza, there will be no electricity, no food, no more,
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no fuel. everything will be cut off, we are fighting against human animals, and we are acting accordingly. as though it's not that how mos controls gaza and from mazda is the enemy, it's the gaza, contains from us and cause that is the enemy. the answer is simply leveling the ground and killing the largest number of people possible. because they are women are enemies, their babies are enemies. their 1st graders are enemies. mos militants are enemies and their pregnant women are enemies shot. so lots of, if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst amongst the gods, the population will, will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. some, it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the palestinian matter. today it's very simple. you're going everywhere and they tell
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you a nicely god that they can put some say in the highlight them. even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything, they tell me most of you, of course, we must entirely all guidance. so again, the question here is when it comes to us administrations past and present, it's whether this is an insight into a culture, a culture within the us political machine. if you like. remember both these individuals that mr. salvage on ogles were recorded essentially on the fly, their way of making these statements as policy statements, nicky, these were recorded on avalon to them in hot water. there are literally hundreds of thousands of us officials, politicians, their support staff. how many of them hold the same belief that basically, if you're the wrong color, you're from the wrong country, or is the wrong religion, or your country of origin is one which we perceive as an enemy. have cheap a life can become on the face. is ready,
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our son to the age of full say will be prohibits age. i'm answering the famous alex and most during the 1st week of rama them as, according to local media reports in jerusalem. arabs say this move is a publication towards muslims. a subtle how ya. and frankly, i consider this decision to be insane and unbearable given the political situation and the current war that the palestinian arab community is going through. this war will move to the city of jerusalem. it's neighborhoods, streets and squares because it will be the month of ramadan. however, this decision is incorrect and insane and will lead to chaos in all parts of palestine. the 16th i'm of this decision is racist because the current government is an extremist right wing one whose ultimate goal is to empty the holy city. under international treaties, jerusalem is under, is really occupation. it's illegitimate for them to prevent palestinians or restrict our movements or our entry to i locks
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a mosque. this indicates that this government is leading the region into a greater conflict, which is an ideological and religious conflict. then you know, we spend our days in alex during ramadan, and this is something that provokes the arab people as far as know, security or political reasoning behind it. and as i mean, it's just provocation towards the palestinian people towards muslims. that if in the video may be restrictions include a cap on the number of individuals permitted to enter the site. the current plan on the grounds, access to muslim pilgrim's age. 60 or above you have permits issued by the tion. bed is ready. domestic intelligence agencies have expressed concerns the restrictions will exacerbate our jewish tensions and feel they have most rhetoric we spoke with the head of the supreme is nomic counsel, a cream, a sub for a 3 spacing indictments for 2 crimes of incitement to terrorism. here's what he told us, the most stable, see, but not the,
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regarding the decision to band most limits from entering out extra or imposing age restrictions. it is fundamentally invalid and unjust decision. no state in the world except the occupying the authority imposes age restrictions on places of worship. this is because the commenters of out excellent and treat us in humane. we these measures conflict with the freedom of worship and excessive pressure leads to an explosion. we can predict what will happen in the community if the occupation authorities insist on implementing these decision. we consider these this are invalid and justified and unnecessary. we felt that the patient authorities impose and that must bureau for on our accident from the 1st day of the war on gaza. while jews pray freely at the western world and in their synagogues and churches. why are there's such restrictions and demands on the blessed acts of moscow? we considered these measures invalid depriving hundreds of thousands of muslims over 4 months. and now they continue their arbitrary measures in rama down. peace
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is an acceptable in recent years. we know just the german ever run the down, the occupation authorities create problems and tension in a accent. if they stayed away from alexa, even if a 1000000 wisdom sprayed there, there would be no tension or security breaches. their presence and restrictions are the cause of tension. consequently, muslims are forced to break in the streets because they are denied and 50. 0 actually, naturally, these leads the classes attention. therefore, with a mind that the occupation authorities leave their hand off, the blast, no accent. actually is inherently connected to muslims, a decision made by the lord of the world, not by decision of the un security council or the united nations. these connection means the most leaves are the wants of worship there, and others have no say in it. yes, we have noticed a division between the right wing government and security forces. some disagree
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with the forces disagree with such a decision because it is, you know, actual not well thought out, impulsive, biased, and unjust. therefore, we hope that decision makers reach wisdom and retract such measures. that's when it was when it comes to alexa, it is for the most maintenance, if hundreds of thousands of works out access, it enables them to reach the mazda and force of the occupation authorities to retreat from their obstinate and unjust sense, national or just by the rainy weather in london, protesters have gathered outside the u. k. hi. code building is the 2nd on the final day of hearings on whether to extra dine dealt with the beloved julianna's songs to the us on espionage charges. the 1st session took place behind closed doors on tuesday, speaking outside the cold house, the parents editor in chief of which he likes to live a diamond assessment of the lines mock trial. the smallest
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and most important word on the right has no meaning else to the to the campaign is on for 4th. is that with you to find a duty in the phones in the 2nd and final day of his hearing against his potential expedition to the united states. now this some said somebody residing in the ad because of the verdict that could be delivered today. and we've spoken to his supporters over the course of the policy you guys say of call sounds over whether the british establishment cool, having the definitive a justice. i've seen them on who is strong and they got ready to change the world with true to mom who's colorless,
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depressed, really, very, very low on, on, terrified, really what's going on is a secure take julian until he ends his life through his health, through his domino to keep fighting, to keep that he's been criminalized, having committed, no offense, the crime for which he is being punished. what crime in inverted commas is doing journalism. we would lies about why we went to war and a rock. we would lie to about why we went to war enough to uninstall on information was given to us via which he likes to do any of this on his efforts that helps to expose those lies law as the rest of the journalistic refreshing. what tacitly covering on this on page shows the lie and shot the age where it's a little bit more. hi, feel free, fresh as long as the sun. we have no faith. sweet. now below is so mysterious on.
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have all use that the don't you think me original case did not take into consideration the allegations of the white house along with the c. i head cook top, applying to assassinate me through a song on the streets of london. they say that these costs very serious doubts over the assurances given by the united states over mister, mister as on his health and wellbeing. assurances, amnesty international who said all was to pay for the written on. now there's a number of potential outcomes. judges could deliver that verdict today, they could uphold the original decision to exit mississauga to the united states where he faces 175 years in prison on the espionage i would, i could as many police defer that decision. and then now it's a verdict as an unspecified lights at night. the 3rd option is it's a whole, the ultimate all on his legal team. and they call him, i for the right to appeal. now that would mean i haven,
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months and months down. the line, of course will be here to give you all the latest updates as we have to you. we can expound that has reportedly been feeling on well, which prevented him from a parent getting calls on tuesday. his family members have taken to the stage outside the london quote and his support saying he's been persecuted for revealing for 20. the u. s. case is rely on lines. the policy they say don't question these lines because that will defend our allies. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing the truth and their persecuting the journalist who expose the julia has over 14 years in one form of incarceration, or,
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and of you go to advance all of julian's human rights suspended. are you good with so you this afternoon, while the recent death, the russian political on to the selection invalid, he hasn't signed his now cried from western leaders as they demand move military funding for ukraine. but the old face of julian, a song says, failed to draw all the same attention by those western powers. and that's something that english likes to advise. campaign of russell brands has pointed out of what true morals and principles main, the values and principles can be applied to any situation they don't use as a weapon. uh huh. right. this guy's been really and remember we had put in the way and we can use this to amplify on narrative that we should perpetuate based profitable if they were real principles. they would be talking about julian assault and go on zillow later on in the same way. oh yeah,
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it should do it. it sounds really being bell ma, she's got another trial or anything cuz we've been kind of conversations you did, david cameron or the job. i then probably be have a new one. and there's a reason for that as well. to discuss this, by the way, not costing live to a former c i a officer, raymond, mcgovern, me, thanks for joining us on. the program stays very good to see a so 1st out about how would you explain the discrepancy in west indeed is focusing on the death of the valid it yet. i know the space of a song. there's no way it is. can you find a sound in the headlines in the papers? it's shameful. how they've avoided this? the more shameful thing? is that the well that, how do i put it? i guess that the law is being used to a certain power. it's very different from 1215 back on running made. i was not alive at the time, but if memory serves,
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they are so law to restrain power. okay. and now we have british nobles, so to speak, at the service of, of the united states, trying to put julian aside from place to place from court to court until he is dead of his family. and his lawyers said that he was not up to even watching the proceedings uh by and by close circuit tv. so my concern is that this, this person who is a publisher and is being being tried for publishing, accurate information. the only problem being that it revealed all crimes on the part of the united states and the u. k. that he's being moved around from court to court from delayed to delay and i'm afraid that your corresponding wish card, right? the most likely outcome that i can see is that there be months and months,
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certain months and months of appeal and so forth. or even though the european court is likely to rule in julian's favour, that all the months the chances are and my good friend julia and i will be judged by then. i'll get a full month's c, i a officer looking through those eyes. what are your personal thoughts on the the case as well? the case is grevious. uh, the more recent evidence from the spanish court showing that the ca, installed cameras and ways to pick up voice uh for julian's lawyers. uh for julian journalist and the 4 of these 4 americans. now american citizens are supposed to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures to the 4th amendment in the us constitution. there's a court proceeding going on now where the judge says what was there a warrant? no, there was no warrant, then it was a legal on its face that was also brought to the judges attention. you know,
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i liked this thing that the judges showed themselves open to the arguments yesterday, and those who went there told me they do, tells me that they did. but you know, this is, this is a kangaroo court. these judges, unless i am sadly mistaken, take their orders from the c i a just like everybody else does. the results here will be a way to keep truly are out of out of sight, out of any power to correct things. and my fear of course, is that if they was too weak to watch the proceedings yesterday, there's not much chance it here lest very much longer given in the previous legal bottles that we've seen before, this car into pale. i mean, you and you said you, you personally know a mutual friend. do you ever expect the songs to be for as well, you know, hope springs eternal and i am by nature and optimist,
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and miracles are possible. and the big new element here is that the campaigners in london and elsewhere in washington are really on the march. and there's a slight chance that these to a gushed judges with those great wigs on are aware of that. but on the other side of things, you have the powers that be and again, this is about power, not about law, the powers that be one, julian strung up. and unless some new, some miracle happens, unless it is sent directly to the european court of justice and they, they review that and they say, look, you've got to like this guy free. well, that would be one way of getting the british off, but it's not. it's not the instructions that they're following from washington. and let's call a spade a spade. in 1215,
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there were english nobles in 2024. it's a ok see more on a lot of people are saying that the implications of this case of much broad or this thing. this would be the death bed for freedom of speech with death bed for journalism. and then we have the u. s. which presents itself as, as boss to get a free speech. why doesn't apply to a whistle blower like a song or? well, it should popular see on steroids or even the guardian who is not very good on this issue has come out and said, no, this is crazy. the reality, of course, is this sticks. if julian is extradited, that every investigative reporter in the world, the matter whether they work in sweden or g a australia or iceland, they will know that if they publish secrets that a put the u. k. in the us, in
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a bad light, they've got to get you. okay. they have worldwide reach the c i a does. and it doesn't matter if you're in the nation. so this is, that's ok. you will be tried the us law and put away for the rest of your life. that's the reality here. now, does that mean a lot for the freedom, freedom of the press and expression? of course it does. it also means that they're good hell bent on showing this thing through. again, i'm taking a pessimistic note because i've see the reality here. i just repeated again that whereas it at, at, at the bank negative carter, you had, you had the law restraining power. if i got say, now you have power restraining, modifying notifying the law. while ray, many things to speaking to us today is always the great to hear from you raymond, mcgovern, for my c, i a office the on the political activist. thank you for your time. i,
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as you're most welcome, of course, the key thing you fully updated on a solid is face and all the developments on the 2nd of final day of hearings that the u. k. hi quote in london. and if you head over to our website, all the dot com was before the $1000.00. this reaction, right? the weights employee, the change of pace for you. now, because we're going to take you live to the central russian city of cars on which is hosting the opening of the games of the future novices. i didn't know that save tournament and encompassing at $21.00 disciplines that much traditional sports on the 8th floor. so we watching the opening ceremony right now is going to be taking
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place until the 3rd as much as it brings together over 2000, at least from old, around the well, the representative in 90 countries in fact. so it's a big deal. but games of the future all categorized into 5 challenges, and these include sports tactics, strategy, technology, and speed. also feature popular games under the umbrella tub fidgets. so which is a master up of the woods, physical and digital. so that includes football, basketball, and ice hall, p alongside racing, marshall, lots and tactical combat. plenty of things. the old tastes also the featured, all the multiplayer online. bottle the reading at the bottom of the robots as 5 bath plastics. well, the tongue says speed run fidgets, so be a max and the rest of the floor. so the mission is to engage mid ends of young
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people from the old, around the walls in these pages around on the total price pool for the games will reach $10000000.00. so it's not to dismiss that additionally, participants will bind for the for stages trophy all the games of the future, which will embark on a journey from moscow to the bike in no cause but drive and conflicts done. and then to the international space station rushes, the president peterson is expected to deliver a space devoted to these thoughts of the games of the future on the we will be taking you that live full that so they say do stay with us the to india. now with thousands of dollars, we're seeing that much to the countries competed off to rejecting a government also on price guarantees for that projects. but the protests have to and violent the,
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the, these are tens of thousands of families the what to 100 find where you and news that have expressed 710 to march to new delhi, the political capital of the country. they said to hold the government responsible for the promises that for me to them 2 years ago. now as we speak, the form of our on stand by there at the harvey on up and job or doing nothing. this is some 200 dollars kilometers from the national capital to the day to day on and off they went to a gas sale set a fire and at the farm was also a physical force was used on hundreds of farm was in fact over a 100 families headboard in georgia. now the farm was gone and we are discussing what day next 9 of action would be means all the government has called the farm was back on the negotiating table agriculture on pharma wells administrative in the arch. and linda, as basically said,
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let's conduct the 1st round of thoughts. after the 4th round, the government is ready to discuss all the issues like m. s p, demand crump diversification dis, double issue, and f i r. in the 5th round, i again invite the farm leaders in for discussion. it is important for us to maintain peace. so the funds were offered by the government was dr. boss of vacation contract from able to lead to m as the minimum support size for 5 crops, including false is me, is quartered for 5 years. and the psalm was basically saying, either it's all or nothing. so it's a difficult situation for the government. also, governments, dealer, mazda, understandable, considering they need to beat the farm of demands with the consumer demands that we couldn't even has to be maintained. but the families that seeing that no matter what we do intend to march to the national capital, maybe put on the government, should remove these barricades and give us permission to move towards delhi to
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protest peacefully. this country belongs to everyone. a prime minister is for everyone, you must come forward and handle the situation and accept our demands. we are trying to break the barrier, which the government had made in front of us, and we're going across the border today. so we had planned how to break the structure and how to walk. we will cover our tractors and the tires well, to move past the security forces. we will definitely break the barricades. this is our endeavor, this caravan will only stop and deli, it will not stop here. the saying that they have enough supplies in the trucks and talk to that with last them with several months. so the i see also the young call is now old to move these 2 dogs. the more the government hasn't been painted real profile as the more these government is also problem. file form is of almost a to double the family income. but that is something the pharmacy has not.


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