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tv   Documentary  RT  February 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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the government should remove these barricades and give us permission to move towards delhi to protest peacefully. this country belongs to every one. a prime minister is for everyone. you must come forward and handle the situation and accept our demands. we are trying to break the barrier, which the government had made in front of us, and we're going across the border today. so we had planned how to break the structure and how to walk. we will cover our tractors and the tires well, to move past the security forces, we will definitely break the barricades. this is our endeavor, this caravan will only stop in delhi. it will not stop here. so i'm saying that they have enough supplies in the trucks and talk to us that would last them with several months. so the a t also the call is now on to move these 2 dogs. the more the government has maintained the to the profile as the more these government is also from fox form is developed to move the found the income. but that is something the pharmacy has not happened and which is why this told us which comes right ahead of the general
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elections. and the country in that sense is also significant. and the talks that unfold over the next few days are going to be very, very crucial. but the bigger question is, if it's all the som of will be allowed to march to the national capital, which is in fact fabricated, seemed from all 3 borders. many thanks for your company here in archie and to national that so for me for today, but my colleague piece of scott will be with you at the top of the the to for your part. and leadership depends tenacity in journalism and publishing since 2010 asylum just being held in aggressively narrow
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a dock cold and cooler spaces. she has been since the 7th of december 2010 in one form or another. and we're now here of the videos often present, where does the system fall down that the foundation, corruption being something that if it was fixed would have, is kind of in the warm and slow on effect, a would reduce in equity and society. coffee for the last for the
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the information that such doesn't change the law, especially in the world in which we live today. with the power of the state and its links to the media and networks is so strong that it's not easy to fight against them. we can the extent that and they did that extremely intelligently. they never made up information. they never met new fact good information. they just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. that mean,
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what could be more honorable than that for their release is or a 100 percent correct. they're all the time take is no body of journalism. can ever claim to be that, however, quote, it is so important, so we can makes can never be of a statement. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn list. take a chief month. you see, i repeatedly propose can not bring the wicked weeks down there from the dorian embassy in london, flying him to the united states. some senior trump administration officials and c i . executives even discussed this fascinating assign. according to former intelligence officials, the spanish courts had the evidence that there were discussions of poisoning join. nothing new from the embassy operations were being slammed under
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the directorship of the microphone pail. just a single moment in the afternoons. tearing per box. i'm as kind of sonya for training in parents raised the question of the guy who was the size of the say i brought to the tip top on assessment to me and the sides. charge lynn for the the in for a bottom and said yes, yes, i'm sure we know. ready let's say i is interested in mr. assigned on mock some of the types of spec pavement sites and thought about one thing interested. it's a file implants or you could map, i'm good. how can these courts approve an extradition request? under these conditions, how can they accept an extradition to the country, the prophet to kill julian, but probably closer to kill a publisher and because of what he published. this goes to the fundamentals of
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trust, freedom, and of democracy. we knew when julian was in the embassy, that there was a high likelihood that the embassy was being spied upon by the united kingdom by the united states. what we didn't know until the whistle blow came forward, that the security company employed by the ecuadorian embassy to provide security is joanne and to embassy staff. was capturing information in breach in the terms of their agreement with the ecuadorian government and providing it to bodies in the united states. it is a alleged that we're doing it at the behest of the c i. e. c global, the security company that was hard to protect. julian was actually spying on him and sending the camera feeds and the sound back to the usa, back to the ca, through solitary confinement, through the character assassination. through the orwellian legal process. through the violation of his most basic human and
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legal rights. one thing after another was like this theater of the absurd stripping him of his basic human dignity to the newest new position that gets to the listing fee, the the newest $1.00. and we thinking of these prusio east, i'm wanting to the seller being deported orders. me, she wasn't mean theo, the, the, the main thing is they seem to be the new but not the go and just get a little guess is inclusion. and when you is that seem to get up, i will use which of the building it really must constant. is it showing you the new name that a see? and then read mostly that, that he, i know is if you have no point in montana that will be seen the 14, not the, and it was enough to them then, which is what i mean does the literacy that mean one of the see the shuttle if this was sort of like a low because they should, like i said, if i meet the person ever since that we see the familiarities where they amigos. you said this and compared to, is that, i mean to do this thing?
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is there someone in the c d, w? i don't see the last letter. you see the constructor, they got the kind of thing, you know, big window isn't up as shown that in. and they don't have condition to perform the video. if i use it in so young, if i use a constant, so young unified years and then what do you, is it the present on the video to medieval d o b? i mean to a, by the way that people and i could pass it into the, to ended up as an extend me. now there's some discrepancy about what you know, you can waste about the game on data that's going to the owners of inclusiveness 7 . deborah, look, i know a lot of limits and even ment i don't know about that. they're still at a place said they're not gonna send like a video i'm which would be implemented to a fee and they, they've come see them in the store. it. i've seen it other, it seemed to me i was able to see was yet, but i said it seemed to muskrat as english. i couldn't either see. i'm sure you see
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them. my impression of him when i 1st saw him in 2011 said he was young and he was healthy. and he was extraordinarily garage. the wooden feet was presented to court for the 1st time. and he drives to stand up to talk to the judge and seek another stand up . you have a person that this is the right from the outset. doctors for assigned had express concern about you know, the potential for depression and, and suicide. but in particular, that psychological stress predisposes to cardiovascular consequences. heart attacks and strokes, no surprise that he actually did have a stroke. and it makes it a continuing matter of or to bed. and all
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the countries he could be thrown away with much more quickly to tom really happened. he likes a secure sion of true screen kind of a long slo, home of the some of the in the
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meeting you had, i just was, he was on the wrong in those those key moments before it, you know, the kind of huge organization. pretty much julian, and what have a secret communication devices he had any laptop, what he had with any tool bag was a, you know, when i nuclear bowman, cetera. hey, was a young man with a vision and, and big ideas. and the most massive link and the most important leech that had ever occurred in his backpack. the always with familiar with hurts,
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ease of use. we expose same things to criticize the messenger to distract from the power of the message. regarding himself as on the run. he did talk about the consequences and i'll have to say what, what he thought the consequences would be. is it that would hand him to the ends of the us that he was dead rod and i always did wrong. i would never had anticipated, but they would have acted with such endless ferocity that he did so mean requirements to move into that and that's what he expected. and, and indeed that's what he, what he got, the how did we get to this point, rights to freedom of expression and
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a free press expanding and developing. or are they are writing to understand at present. we must know out past the ever since we have had the ability to articulate f thoughts through virtualization. we have wanted to express ourselves without fear of retaliation of censorship or sanction the 5000 years human civilization has been beverly to establish, maintain and defend out, right to free speech, the impulse and start on a bridge. power f boys be and continued to be a threat to free speech. democracy at the free press stage, a still using persecution,
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torture and violence toward off challenges from their citizens. the playbook of our talk received as being well learned and repeated the company's philosophy of non violent resistance. notice that he had uh, which means holdings. i'm to troops or the late to influence active us, including martin luther king, jr, nelson mandela and daniel ellsberg. after the boys, time of far at ease are still adverse to being challenged. the who, when i would show the same just a whole new world, we have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail.
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when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground. the take a fresh look around. there's life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images, presented as 1st. can you see through their allusions, going underground? can the
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february $22121.00 schuman rights free speech and civil liberty advocacy organizations, wrote a joint left to, to the us attorney general, expressing the profound concern to the ongoing criminal and extradition proceedings relating to julia and i saw on she was just a great correct press print both in the united states and abroad on the article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights, protects the rights for a speech. we have the right to free speech for that can be limited in certain circumstances. for example, the, it's a brake i usually said, you know, because it vs president present is delivering a speech the opening of the games of the future,
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which an invitation for them and encompassing $21.00 disciplines that much traditional thoughts are these things. that's what are you good. i'm happy to welcome the pine ease of fidgets of sports in russia. consent absently in over the formats the issue that has given the name to the tournaments. these are truly the games that the future mingling of tradition and mcdonough, modernity, and combination of intelligence and skill unification of sports and science is something that we will need to ensure success. this fast paced time to the multiple, the free and competitive world, which is taking shape right now. yeah. which is only fitting the idea to
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bring together classical inside the sports we came to, i came about in russia. our country is one of the leading sports countries in the world, the homeland of many athletes, of many victories and records. we have always a student for promoting sports. and it's high, 2 main values. this innovation of sports is our gift to the great sports family. prussia is also the land of great scientists, designers and engineers. advancements have opened new horizons to humanity. and today researches. companies have opened up new frontiers, not official intelligence to camden. feels that are at the forefront of progress. since pension funds, russia has been known for its hospitality engineer all city. it's always ready
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to welcome its friends and to throw a great feast on the system video much. we are proud to organize great sporting events, but actually even the many of them have been held here in cuz i used that that, that is a city full name, which is like so just regular public of touchstone, a sum up with in fulton filaments, with the spirit of the gig, i see it's unique, independent, rich with the cultures of many people because of them. and it keeps moving. the traditions of a sense of well being open to innovation, always taking up for new projects, but given the sienna in over this project. and carried out specialist when you move fluids,
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then the sports is just one example here in sports science. and the reason is the contestants, you build full world championships, must have been in high demand among people of all ages except the development of mass sports, which is a priority. the russian federation is one of the national priorities. and i'm sure you remember that that's what i see is that the number of popular games will surely be joined by digital sports on so very irrelevant and very dynamic kind of competitions can renew interest in the physical exercise and healthy lifestyles among people of all ages. and especially young people with the children's and this is a particularly valuable aspect of the games things to see about them. in addition to the foundation, principals are still such as sort of deputy of nations and the quality of athletes . you could have to be honest,
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open uncompromising competition is free from any political motivations, discrimination or double standards. what, i am confident that's true, slow it slow range. here the games were to play you for the stage mastery and scale the will for which victory will be shown by thousands of new athletes from over a 100 countries. and there is no doubt that the competition was between the best and the best. will be a captivating spectacle move we conquering the hearts of people using the paving the way for new stocks, the pitch, the international tournament held according to the federal concepts of fulton, a new page which the history of modern sports under this history is being made. right here and right now in russia the
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that was yeah, yeah, sure. friends with it that you assign a what i see. i would like to ask my colleagues friends to say a few words and connect to the opening and the whole ration of these games, the not really need to see new somebody. and this is pretty easy. and the what do you know? what do you notice doing all of them? so your research on the was the letter who oregon you're using this one day warnings, all phone done. most of the satellite claim you have like
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a video was there. and what, what do i do to support you? did it your keys and it's the one you kind of thing. i thought it doesn't include both of these unique games. your future on mashed was enrolled today. didn't i watch all of us accelerate you're going to come that's hold of the next games. and as i said, not to get it, you're going to putting it in cups, which a lot of sports do you know, need to see sports will then sort of thing belong to the judge. and then i don't wanna miss was on the on bottom is that uh but didn't you guys have him come up? it can, she goes to this or call him and spot the diagnostics to leveraging it. christine motor jen glass bottles that are you gonna call? i'm and who's probably that's 2 days. yeah, that's the strongest when patients are the ones
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who do so. so before what visual hug each other, i'll be sought to draw a new but is did the jewelry to sleep was all the, let's see a little slow, but all the mall still to love. you have a lot even to solve what each one of these top but even available cuz i'll let you . well only that was all some of those. some you got, but i'm only about the dish got on. you should also know the only the only how make sure will all you, john. the part was the vs president that delivering a speech the opening of the games of the future in the cause zone is set to during his speech. and these are the games of the future and mixing both tradition and modernity, which favorites symbolic of cars on the city itself, which is about the mixture of traditions on people. so he'll not say, as always, will be bringing you a special coverage of those games over the coming days minus be discussed. i'll be
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back with the regular news program in just over 5 minutes time. the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detroit as left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories. yes, i used to move shortly. a customer on both of us for some reason yours. at the post to be done as an issue to us from clean optic travel to highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land capella. go really asked me for i was in the bush or more. yeah, cuz it should. so it means if you have, would it be over when we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this, i'm gonna stay on the lowest airflow. so must you feel like i'm a former student. let me see, mean membership. when you to, i've got the, i'm see,
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i don't know boys the middle of please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and come kind of these harsh lands. they had no time to think about the waste management now and, and then i can see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of. so it's pretty at because your system is a multiple and you have to put the to include. i have to deal with the issue the way are in moscow, standing in one to one of ours as most iconic symbols in bodies, greece elegans and articles on a grandiose scale theater. the,
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the, the if i do more lead for keith to then city on the yeah, we usually buy more into the account and us and you in the, remember also i suppose these very impressed for you the floors and then the very next 3 of them to do to me, nice has been kind of that which is 2 types daily rate of the same as on the g 's use that the pipeline in your subscription to the illustrative. which lexus, massachusetts, on some, submit the 1st of all. but those of the what do you have in your struggle?
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the participants are sticking with the brother party to ship the bridge. and what we can do here for the 6 got some mature of what this, how much adds to each and yes, i did get the usually the on the to the truth and that's for sure. the but i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with the system. i mean, motions force not too much better. so for us, the most pretty doing school day. you know, i'm so you and what position did you want to come? the legend more than usual sheet and stuff on ocean federal credit and we certainly should do. busy the, the
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russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center question, did you say even twist which is the
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opposite thing, images from gaza, where the parties of big savings had been recovered from a comp allegedly hits find is very striking back in the us that congressman makes a strong statement about palestinian children the, the final day of julian hassan, his legal bustle, against expedition to the us of his supporters radi outside the u. k. hi colton london demanding an end to the 15 year long persecution against the jail whistle blower. they have to admit that what they're doing.


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