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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the obsessing images from gaza, where the parties of big savings had been recovered from a calm allegedly head spine is really striking. back in the us that congressman makes a strong statement about palestinian children the, the final day of julian assigns is legal bustle against expedition to the us as it supports us valley outside the u. k. hi. quotes in london. demanding an end to the 15 year long persecution against the jail whistleblower. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing
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literacy and their persecuting the journalist who expose them and protests in india and violence. as pharmacy rejects a government office for through price guarantees of thousands resume that march to the countries the most skilled to the world. you are watching oxy international monies. pizza scouts pay with all the very latest banks for joins. now begin this all in garza where the bodies of 2 victims have been recovered from a call that was allegedly head spine is really striking. the city of rough or you might find the following images of setting. up to the heavily chalk colt says web polled from the lead wrecked of the vehicle. they were taken to
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a nearby mould for identification. locals lined up to look inside the body by subjects their relatives were among the debts. several of the bodies was seen being taken away from the burial. within 49300 palestinians have been killed in gaza since october. the 7th is according to local officials in while in the us, and that's based as grilled a republican lawmakers and why washington is ami israel, despite the spiraling civilian deaths hold. congressman and the oldest delivered a rather shocking response. the scene further divided these are the influencers, these are meant to be the best of us society. these are the people that the, that the rest of the army population are listening to for the model lead, if you like. and this also comes, remember, this is the crucial point. $12600.00 to children have been killed since israel
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punitive assault on gods have gotten in october. the. this is a, an insanely large number of children to be killed in a conflict. and everything we discussed, the relation to these comments has to be taken to the context of this brutality. this is the 1st high ranking us official, we've heard and which is very, very brutal sort of tone towards the feelings. in gaz. recently we had a guy called a steward, sale the, which a obama official, unofficial in the obama regime, by the, by about government to be like, to was, you know, record briefly, you know, attracting a street vendor essentially purely because of his, our, the parents and making some really horrendous suggestions to him about the killings being gather some of this is that i think i want to hear. 2 you support her, let's say you go, i'm the support terrorism. i'm not. so you go, i'm just working years, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me. my kids. what about you should thing.
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let me go. i mean to ok. oh, i see you're retail for thousands. how the city in case you know, why he wasn't enough? was go, go, go. well, as far as he could explain that away by saying, you know, he's a full, my employee. he doesn't represent any parts of the government. now, but does the position, the government stating on the officials that, that we've seen speaking to basically what a difference? yeah, well of course the current administration has rediscovered its concern over israel's behavior in gaza. it seems that after supplying you know, billions of dollars with the weapons with which the killing is being done. let's face it with a us support military and financial and political. and these really assault on guys would probably have to stop. now we've also heard at john kirby, this is for it is combat. it is bloody, it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt
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. so again, these are the moral leaders and essentially you have junk kirby. they're suggesting that, you know, this is a war, this is a, is rarely self defense. and we are expecting many, many civilians to die. and we're going to allow our proxy, if you like, and the region to carry out as much a killing as, as they like, really with our political protection live protected them in the u. n. remember, as well as the us consistently and persist the voting against the cease far as recently as, as an, as a number of days ago. and meanwhile, in, in israel, the is really is are far less squeamish about calling a spade a spade a regarding what they're actually doing in, in cars are on the what's the leave? i've ordered a complete c, jim, gaza, there will be no electricity, no food, no war, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we're fighting against human animals, and we're act accordingly. as though it's not that how mos controls garza into moss
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as the enemy. it's the gaza, contains from us and gaza is the enemy. the answer is simply leveling the ground and killing the largest number of people possible because they are women are enemies, their babies are enemies. their 1st graders are enemies. mos militants are enemies and their pregnant women are enemies, shot by selling them. so that decides and the siege to break the siege. it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision because without hunger and thirst amongst the gods, the population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine, but some, it's clear for everyone today, the right wing parties were correct about the posts in the matter today. it's very simple. you're going everywhere and they tell you and natalie gaza. they can put some say in isolate them, even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything.
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they tell me most she of course, we must a nearly all guys. and so again, the question here is when it goes to the us administration's past and present, it's whether this is an insight into a culture, a culture within the us political machine. if you like. remember both these individuals that mr. salvage on ovals were recorded essentially on the fly their way of making these statements as policy statements, nicky, these were recorded on avalon to the been hot water. there are literally hundreds of thousands of us officials, politicians, their support staff. how many of them hold the same belief that basically, if you're the wrong color, you're from the wrong country, or you're the wrong religion, or your country of origin is one which we perceive as an entity has chief, a life can become on the face. let's stay with the conflicts in the middle east. it's day 3 at the hague, as the international cult is having a case against isabel's illegal occupation in paula stein. for the minutes i've
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been, who's the verses on boston? susan evans said, that's a negotiated the 2 state solution is the best way to solve the classes. violence can only lead to more violence, hate threats, and brings hated. this vicious circle must be broken. the current way for filings is no exception. it was proceeded by an assistant policy of the united states and its allies, aimed at freezing the state of cool water heading down the political processes the promoting at one side, the division of a settlement. this fluid policy of washington has productively led to a failure that has cost thousands of innocent place use it on palestine are under no obligation to conduct in good faith and without delay negotiations. and that, that each in their final state disagreement all states. and that, that
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a national organizations are on that and obligation to continue to creating conditions for such negotiations. less cost live now to do me to do it on a who's a spokes person for the thoughts as reformist democratic function. dmitri, great to have you on the program. and it, it would seem that the prospect's full, the so cover the 2 state solution or diminishing off the kinetic votes. it's a back and that's in yahoo's a position. so the uni lots of creation of a palestinian state. critics have basically said that this give this, we have a veto over the 2 state solution. so it's no doubt that the united states of america, where it's consecutive administration since the signing of the all small accord, had been complicit in ruining any hopes for the 2 state solution to be realized on the ground by cover and providing the political cover for the united for the state of israel,
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by standing by the state of israel in the united nations security council. like the veto that was used yesterday by providing israel and all the equipment to continue with its war crimes, supremacist, the ideology and beautiful military occupation of the west. bank and the siege, gaza strip. all that has in bold, the is riley leadership to take further steps to the right to be more radical, to be more focused on the colonial settlement enterprise in the west bank and dragging this regular street to the point that today we are speaking about the society with serious, serious, uh, sentiments that are not acceptable in the 21st century, such as the ap promoted and except to be a genocide,
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the rhetoric such as the, the notion of being uh, none, none carrying about the blood bass. that is really army is carrying on. and guys, all these things that are not acceptable around the world only were possible because the consecutive us administrations have covered, fostered the into supremacist restaurant, and the more radicalized by time is really government. so i just wanna pick you up about the, the us stance on that. dimitry is told the international court of justice in the a, the subject on october. the 7th demonstrated is a legitimate security needs quotes, and then a solution for the conference and the region. what was your response to that be it? my response is that the war did not start on october 7th. this really,
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genocide has been continuous since 76 years. the war crimes, the military occupation, defiance of international law. even though i send along with my uh, with the front desk of warm inspection against any, uh, all of that good uh, touch, applied civilians anywhere around the world. i would like to note the more than 29000 palestinian people that were slaughtered on purpose in revenge of revenge, a genocidal act of war. for me, this is thousands of times more rarely more bra barrick. then what happens on october 7th? so bring in october 7th and not bring it up. the 200290001000 1000000000 people were killed with the support of the is riley society. and by the is re
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elected as wally government is, is just by itself is adopting v is riley supremacist ideology. as of the 1200 is riley. people that were killed, which the majority all were military and many of them or even killed by the israeli army. themselves on october 7th, 7th or more important than the more than 290001000. they need to a people slaughtered by the army of which 70 percent are women and children, and 70 percent of the gaza homes and destroyed screens are gone. he was been filmed, neighborhoods disappeared, were what, almost 2000000 people are. refugees forcibly displays in a very small area. and rough, well, i'm can eunice, the old. this is and, and bring it up of the 7 as if it is something. and this whole scene of is riley
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draws if he's a walk on this siding with this one is this idea that zine is blood is more important than anybody else is one. and countries like vienna and research is like the united states. and even countries like germany have not learned from their beloved the genocide, the history and this bill support israel's genocide, i guess a 1000 people today. we certainly may just dance very clear on not dmitri just one last question. um, what do you think needs to be doing to, to bring an end to this conflict and what role do you think that the us has in this obviously vetoed for 3rd time, a resolution in this un security council the other day, which basically seems to be paralyzed into the community, as is not the merch, if anything just stopped the boat shed and gaza. what needs to be done in the united states of america is, is full head zone supportive of these rarely,
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genocide and gods that provides that israel with money provides as well, with the military equipment, with the bombs that goes out, kill our children. this is the practical side of things now for electron elections reasons. a, by them feels there's in the assessment, the to change his rhetoric and his administration's rhetoric. but practically, they all part of it. they're not interested in 2 state solution. all there and interested in is being wide by the israelis in terms of, you know, a detailed wagging the dog. in that sense, that the, the us admit the indeed the political, corrupt political system in the united states. as allows for organizations foreign influence organizations luck a back to really control the politics that have to do with the middle east. and specifically when it comes to the 1000 new people and people who are embedded
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in that. so premises zine is id all or g, like the, the, the like, mentally demented. by then i'll actually calling the shots today. i'm controlling directory. i'm more over not supportive of do not of these bed. what is the general in terms of money weapons but also in their spreading their lives? how many times did joe biden was called? was he called in spreading lies that were given to him and stalled to him by the is right. and you just repeat it. and look at the all the sports spirit, the people in the administration, they are math pieces for the uh, previously convicted. that there's, that there's really government like a big view and all this. so we are dmitri here with a very cool blow because system that our children pay with their blood price for.
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well, demitria let's, let's hope that's the cool that's for bad. and there there's, there's an end to the situation much sooner rather than later. thank you. so much for your time and your thoughts today to meet you daily, on the spokesperson for the foxes performance democratic section. thank you. thank you. moving on to other news now just by the rainy weather in london. this morning . protesters have gathered outside the u. k. high court building now is the 2nd and final day of hearings on whether to expedite the jailed whistle blower julian assigned to the us on espionage charges. the 1st session took place behind closed doors on tuesday speaking outside the courthouse, the cones editor in chief of wikileaks delivered a dummy assessments of the march time, the smallest and most important video audio a different word. and just, you know,
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i don't want to sell this house on the right. has no meaning else to the, to the campaign is on for fault. is that with you to find the judy in the phones in the 2nd and final day of his hearing, i get to potential expedition to the united states. now there's some said somebody residing in the ad because of the verdict that could be delivered today. and we've spoken to his supporters over the course of the policy and say of call south over whether the british establishment cool kind of data about justice. i've seen a mine who would strong and they got ready to change the world with true. who's colorless, depressed really, very, very low on, on terrified, but really what's going on is a secure, takes julian until he ends his life through his health,
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through his domino to keep keep that candle he's been criminalized, having committed, no offense, the crime for which he is being punished about crime in inverted commas is doing journalism. we wouldn't lie about why we went to war and a rock. we would lie to about why we went to war and i've got his thoughts on information was given to us via which he likes passed through june and assigned his efforts. that house to expose those lies lies the rest of the journalistic profession. what tacitly covering on this end piece shows the lie and shot the age where it's a little bit more. hi, feel free, fresh as long as the sign. we have feel free speech. now, the lawyer, mr. us on have all use that the don't you think the original case did not take into consideration the obligations of the white house along with the c. i head cook top
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upon to assess the night, visit us on the, on the streets of london. they say that this call very serious doubts over the assurances given by the united states over mister, mister as on his health and wellbeing assurances, amnesty international have said all was to pay for the richard on. now there's a number of potential outcomes just could deliver that verdict today, they could uphold the original decision to exit arguments this on to the united states way. he faces 175 years in prison on the espionage i would, i could as many believe defer that decision and then now it's a verdict as an unspecified lights, it dates. the 3rd option is that they hold the ultimate officers on his legal team and they call him i for the right to appeal. now, that would mean i haven, months and months down. the line of course, will be here to give you all the latest updates as we have the weather which lakes found a has a possibly being feeling on well,
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which prevents them from the parent getting quotes on tuesday. but it's telling me members have taken to the stage outside the cult in london in his support saying he's being persecuted for revealing the truth. how the u. s. case is rely on lines. the policy, they say, don't questing these lines because that will defend our allies. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing literacy and their persecuting the journalist who expose them. julia has ran over for to the he is in one form of incarceration or, and of you go to advance of julian's human rights suspended. are you good with
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you this afternoon? the we don't see of the news now. the failure of a bridge missile test has been described in media reports as a big embarrassment for the royal navy projects out reports of the misfired and flopped into the water just meters away. in the atlantic ocean, the british defense ministry confirmed that's an anomaly occurred during the exercise conduct of last month by a new place summary. let's the u. k. housing assistance, the country's nuclear deterrence remains safe, secure, and effective previous tests of the miss out several years ago also ended in failure. the i'm joins live now by farmer us army officer just on his left properties next so. so thanks for joining the spring of studio measure. so 2nd successive test after one reports and evade of costs back in 2016 demo dease as a business new credit, cert remain safe skilled, effective. as we just said,
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this seems to be somewhat of an inconsistency that yeah, considering that uh for the u. k. the submarine, uh, is the only, uh, real leg of the uh, the nuclear to turn that for nuclear submarines that carrier sum range. so if your muscles aren't flying, obviously you don't have much of it during the simple fact that the previous tests done in 2016 and this will flu flu of course itself that a nice thank god to us of that nation work. um. but the fact that it's been with uh, almost a year or so. yeah. since sort of saving the test that again. so it tells you one, the missiles are aging and they are aging. if you look at the russian system, the russian navy test concept, and you have to test sconces. mm hm. does the missile itself will age and remind a warhead ages also, and to get to a point where it can hit critical, massive won't even have an explosion. hm. so that's, that's a separate issue. but obviously there's issues with the missiles. there's issues i
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would say with a guidance system from 2016, but this time i mean the missile didn't launch effectively. yeah. it got it, pulled it out and just slots into the sea. and it seems all the, the m o d would wait 8 years to test to try that again after a failed test in 2016. right. so that would be instance of a wake of cold and the, yeah, absolutely. your normal services like this, you would take apart what you could of the missile recover and figure out what's going on around the way or the missile start checking. or if it's a, if it's a programming error, if it's a problem in the propellant, whichever system you get down, you can do here. then type your uh, a fish bone on analysis. come down to what your problem issues are and start checking all the other methods and then get them back on line as fast as possible. yeah. when you consider you only have 4 submarines with a limited payload of i think, 12 missiles a piece. if i remember correctly, yeah, 48 missiles is your whole nuclear deterrent effectively?
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yeah. and they don't work. well, how concerned should the m o d b because obviously the on forces of a whole. they've been on the funded and hollowed out for decades. now. do you think it should be awake a coffee? okay. well, considering the, the, the minister of defense as constantly making noises about starting a war with russia, you think that would be top priority for him. uh, realistically speaking, the, the british military industrial sector is very under funded. it's very, it's howard allen is what it is. and i know, obviously the equipment is not be maintained. so i've been regular tests that are to 8 years between one missiles, one failed missile test, and other failed missile times. and that's, that's incredible amount of time. just not the, even if it was successful missile does, it should be testing those missiles. and the only way to test him is the launch him should have enough missiles that you can launch in tests at least once every 2 years. and it's a fact that 8 years a fast, it shows that the, there is no standard that's no standards are being held. and it's
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a holler for the queen of the si presently has $68.00 ships. russia, which is the land power, has over $460.00 so just the discrepancy right there. it's, it's obviously a hollowed out military and the business carrier had problems recently on the propeller problems as well. obviously, the number of troops is, is dwindling. how long do you think it would take for the u. k to bring it smoother to help to strength? and what does it need to do to do that? well, uh bruce smells here at district depends what it, what you mean by that. if you're talking about with american equipment as fast as i can buy it, americans can produce it. if you mean with homegrown manufacturing, that's a whole different thing because again, look, challengers a, a new challenge or 2 hasn't been built in more about 10 years, right? so the plants and best their mothball worst they've been, the equipment is gone. you have to rebuild the manufacturing facilities. if the and it's just one thing that you put together, you have to have all the manufacturing ability to for all the sub components. people are, are gone,
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those people that used to work and those plants are gone and done the retirement they've died, they've moved or they're onto other industries. so you have to rebuild a labor force that can actually do the manufacturer. and what was the energy cost? when the simple fact uh, what do you get like some lot, but it used to buy a decent amount of russian gas also. so when you've cut off your energy supply, everything gets more expensive. and frankly, the green policies have just been a disaster for everyone. so again, if you just want to buy equipment, you can do it relatively quickly as the american manufacturing. but that's again then you're dependent on somebody else. indeed indeed, if you want a homegrown military like the, the u. k. used to have that is going to take time. i mean it's this at least 510 years. but some significant challenges ahead. the for that for the bit, you should know the size of coffee make form. you saw me office thanks very much for your time today. thanks like well, that's a route for this off on any of those stories do have what's all websites on come,
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my name's be to scott's on the bucket, you know, but just over 30 minutes the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the 2nd superseding and doesn't involve 18 charges, which include 17 charges under the espionage act and one charge under the c. s. a leasing document relates to the 2010 which he likes publication. so to clear the amount of publication, the rules of engagement, rock, the diplomatic cables, the will along the same respect of iraq and afghanistan and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that expedition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about
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a piece of process related to the spine on us as his legal team, and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described, the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concern about the application of the u. k. us treaty. that treaty prohibits x regarding someone for a political offense. the united states has applied for his extradition, but is treat it as a criminal. and this was car to this is, julian is a dangerous terrorist who is going to flip out on a k installed gunning everyone down in the cold. i was sitting up in the gallery watching this astonishing spectacle of injustice and order to
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talk to his lawyers. he had to kneel down, fresh, easy that's of across. so a cause here was had to say and to top, it was upset. it makes it very difficult for us as these legal team to take instructions from join. when he's sitting behind us, we have to be constantly watching to see if he's got instructions on what's happening during the course of the hearing. and it's very difficult to talk to him in a secure and confidential way. because in order for him to communicate to us, he has to say it loud enough so that the people next to us can often hear it's our opposing counsel. that's unsatisfactory, of course. and while we made an application, now legal team identification during the course of the hearing to have him speak with them was denied the case of the case of the case brought against him. this is what i would call
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punishment by process. we are doing our best to push back on this using legal


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