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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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are going underground, can the upset thing, images from gaza, where the bodies of big segments have been recovered from a call? allegedly hits fine is rarely strike while back in the us. that congressman makes us talking statements about palestinian children bought of dave julian hassan. just legal battle against expedition to the us rep soap with no decision. it supports as much the prime minister's office on downing street demanding it ends to the 13 year long persecutions against the jailed whistleblower joins imprisonment. the results of people with too much power, we lost the plots, power,
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thirsty and our duty under the games of the future have its ornaments. combining traditional sports on east sports begins in the central russian city of cause on the 15 praises events has been without politics. discrimination or double sound of the assist on 11 pm here we must go. this is our to international with the very latest world. news is great to have you with us. we still have the solid in gaza where the bodies of 2 victims have been recovered from the call that was allegedly head spun is rarely striking. the city of rough. uh you may find the following. images upsetting to have a child called says were pulled from the bloody to wreck of the vehicle. they were taken to a nearby, more identification, locals lined up to look inside the body bugs stuck. if their relatives were among the dead, several of the bodies were seen being taken away for burial. i'm only 29300
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palestinians have been killed in gauze as since october. the 7th, according to local officials, steve all over in the us and lots of it says drilled a republican lawmakers and why washington is still all mean israel, despite the decimal. congressman and the ogle is deliberate, a shocking response. you see footage of these are the influence 1st these are meant to be the best of us society. these are the people that the that the rest of the army population are listening to for the morrow lead. if you like kemp this also comes remember, and this is the crucial point. $12600.00 children have been killed since israel punitive assault on guys have a gun in october. so this is a, an insanely large number of children to be killed in a conflict and everything we discussed the relation to these comments has to be
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taken in the context of this brutality. this isn't the 1st high ranking us official . we've heard it, which is very, very brutal sort of tone towards the killings and guys. recently we had a guy called a steward, sale the, which a obama official, unofficial in the obama regime, are due by the obama government, if you like to, at was, you know, record it briefly, you know, attacking a street tender, essentially purely because of his, our, the parents and making some really horrendous suggestions to him about the killings in gaza. some of this is that i think one year for jury. 2 you support her and they're saying, go on the board. i'm not. so if you go, i'm just working years, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me go my kids, what about my insurance didn't let me go. i mean to ok. oh, i see one retail, $4000.00 to me and said, you know why it wasn't enough. it wasn't. go, go,
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go. well, as far as i could explain that way by saying you don't get a full, my employee doesn't represent any part to the government. now, but does the position, the government, the state and the officials the that we've seen speaking the basically what the difference? yeah, well of course the current administration has rediscovered its concern over israel's behavior in gaza. it seems after supplying, you know, billions of dollars with the weapons with which the killing is being done. let's face it with a us support military and financial and political and the is really assault on guys would probably have to stop. now. we've also heard at john kirby, this is for it is combat. it is bloody, it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt . so again, these are the moral leaders and essentially you have junk kirby. they're suggesting that, you know, this is a war, this is a, is rarely self defense. and we are expecting many,
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many civilians to die. we're going to allow our a proxy, if you like, in the region to carry out as much killing as, as they like, really with our political protection live protected them in the u. n. remember as well as the us consistently and persist the voting against the seas far as recently as, as an, as a number of days ago. and we bought it in israel. uh the is really is, are far less squeamish about calling a spade a spade a regarding what they're actually doing in in cars or what the lead. i've ordered a complete seat. jim garza, there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we are fighting against human animals and we're act accordingly. oh, sure little as though it's not that how mos controls garza and tomas as the enemy. it's the gaza, contains home us and gaza is the enemy. the answer is simply leveling the ground and killing the largest number of people possible because they are women are
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enemies, their babies are enemies, their 1st graders are enemies. some os militants are enemies, and their pregnant women are enemies. c so that if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gods of population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the palestinian matter. today it's very simple. you're going everywhere and they tell you a nicely god that they can put some say in the highlight them. even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me on everything, they tell me most of you, of course, we must entirely all guidance. so again, the question here is, when it goes to the us administration is past and present. it's whether this is an
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insight into a culture, a culture within the us political machine, if you like. remember both these individuals and mr. salvage on ogles were recorded essentially on the fly, they weren't making these statements as policy statements. nicky, these were recorded on avalon to them in hot water. there are literally hundreds of thousands of us officials, politicians, their support staff. how many of them hold the same belief that basically, if you're the wrong color, you're from the wrong country, or is the wrong religion, or your country of origin is one which we perceive as an enemy has chief, a life can become on the face. when it's day 3, the haig, us, the international call to, to in your case against isabel's illegal occupation in palestine. but the minutes are, i've been versus investments in the netherlands is said negotiated the 2 state solution is the best way to solve the crisis of violence. can only lead to more violence,
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hate threats, and brings hated. this vicious circle must be broken. the current way for filings is no exception. it was proceeded by a system policy of the united states and its allies, aimed at freezing the states of cool. what setting down the political processes, the promoting at one side, the division of a settlement. this fluid policy of washington has predictably let through a failure that has cost thousands of innocent place easily on palestine are under no obligation to conduct in good faith. and without delay negotiations, and that each in their final state disagreement all states, and that the national organizations are on that are normally gauge to contribute to creating conditions for such negotiations. we heard from dmitri de leon, who was a spokes person for the fact that reform is democratic fashion. he says to the us
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by providing political cover under the support for israel could see a way of the potential for a 2 state solution. it's no doubt that the united states of america, where its consecutive administration since the signing of the all small accord, have been complicit in ruining any hopes for the 2 state solution to be realized on the ground. all that has in bold, the is riley leadership to take further steps to the right to be more radical, to be more focused on the colonial settlement enterprise in the west bank and dragging this regular street to the point that today we are speaking about the society with serious, serious a sentiments that are not acceptable in the 21st century, such as the ap promoted and except to be a genocide. the rhetoric such as the,
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the notion of being uh, non non carrying about the blood bath that is really on me is carried on. and guys of all these things that are not acceptable around the world only where possible because the consecutive us administrations have covered, fostered the esign to supremacist restaurant, and the more radicalized by time is really got you know, the news, the final day of uploads herring's on whether to expedite the whistle blower, julianna's sons to the us as well. so without any decision being announced, correspondence the sweeney was on location in the sense of this report. we've not reached the end of the 2 day co, henry interfere data. so i'll just pretend to expedition to the united states where he fight said 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team,
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his lawyers all getting cold that say the just isn't the original case, have not taken properly into consideration a legit call cooktop in the white house. the with the say i to assassinate the service owns on the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the insurance is given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited? these assurances have been dismissed by obviously international as not worth the paper does say all written on. now there's been, uh, there is free to taking place now behind us from a, a range of sound. you suppose, as we've heard about, the judges have deferred. that decision that not taking that decision say so that verdict will be announced a late today to we're hearing that that could possibly be more so forth. but of course we'll keep you updated with the latest using developments as we get left to the u. k. hi codes heard
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a last ditch bit by the jail. wikileaks founded to appeal his expedition to the us is the bullets is much the bridge 5 minutes. his office on dining street in london . it's a goal for us on just immediate release. mechanics found himself has reportedly been feeling on well, which prevents them from appearing and cold. is why those tele addressed a crowd of impulses. joins in prison. months is the results of people with too much power, who lost the plots, who got power thursday and are guilty. they know they're guilty and they want to continue to live their, their lives without any consequences for the crimes they've committed. this case is about whether state crimes can continue on pun his son scrutinized as julian's freedom is the only answer, though julia's life is that severe risk every single day he is in prison. he is a political prisoner. he is the world's most famous political prisoner. the world
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as was change, julian has to be free. we heard from a former c, i a office in pittsville onto this raven maguvvin, and he says, is a case against us on a pace representative of how the current british legal system says washington's address. i guess that the law is being used to a certain power and it's very different from 1215 back on running made. i was not alive at the time, but if memory serves, they are so law to restrain power. ok. and now we have british nobles, so to speak, at the service of, of the united states, trying to put julian aside from place to place from court to court until he is dead . his family and his lawyers said that he was not up to even watching the
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proceedings by a, by close circuit tv. the most likely outcome that i can see is that there be months and months and months and months of appeal and so forth. and even though the european court is likely to rule in julian's favour, that all the months, the chances are that my good friend julie and i will be judged by that campaigners in london and elsewhere in washington are really on the march. and there's a slight chance that these 2 a guest judges with those great wigs on, are aware of that. but on the other side of things, you have the powers that weren't julian's strong up and doing something. and unless some new, some miracle happens, unless it is sent directly to the european court of justice and they, they review that and they say, look, you've got to like this guy free. well,
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that would be one way of getting the british off, but it's not. it's not the instructions that they're following from washington. and let's call a spade a spade. in 1215 there were english nobles in 2012 due for it's a ok see more on us back in 2012, the wiki leeks found the last the program, hey on oxy, where he would sit down with world leaders. i know the prominent political figures that shows 1st guess was, has below liter house on those were all a and they just issues that have become some of the most pressing problems in the middle east today. the range of interest, there's also isn't uh, it's a stage that without establish on the basis. so, okay, fine glance of all of you something that lots of other people controlling by force financing. how convincing monthly, because against the mother's name is expelled. women homeless and basing to friends
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and christians to the products of times as outside of justice in soon enough there's not justice in the field house and i go to okay, buy it to somebody. they come mind a 50 or under do is just because i'm stronger than you and i just think they lose. okay. call you as the israel says that this will hear the board has but law has fired brokers into israel law at civilian areas. is that true? see the $11.00, the front, the task task. i mean even since 1948, when the state of israel was created on the understand this time. yes, randy forces have been sending something inside many civilians and nobody's towns and nobody's for that should just be on the left them a power in the resistance here. that's between 1919. okay, so then we'll decide $9.00 to $2.00, and then we'll follow on after 10 years of resistance and on the phone bill upset, we started, we are playing football,
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the money partially and strictly to start this route setting our so again, let's hope you have made a international media network, the united states is blocking alman off from the broadcasting into the us. at the same time, united states declared that it is a best, you know, phrase page. why do you think the us government is so scared of elman? uh, how many are we doing any of food in this as well, and when they want to be able to tell people that one of the areas that there was left in the smoking ice ation just videos and it is, but the one that people have sent to us has i'm a high for example, if it wasn't just to try it or not. and you have to be very nice. the defendant should have an opportunity to defend themselves. taking on that, i mean the, but the us administration, we have, we are a team that helps out. we don't even have incentives that vary based on what rights decide to,
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to defend ourselves like to be added to what the argument at people's when have as also they have presenting this voice from which will keep you updated as always on julia and i saw his face on developments on his 2nd, on final day of hearings of the u. k. hi colton london. well, details analysis and reaction can be found in our website's ok. com, the se in yemen? have i typed in american ship? that was sailing under a greek flag on monday and causing money damage us to go into the us central command, you for ministers of approved a red sea naval mission, single ships on board early warning systems to respond to who the attacks on
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international congo shipping contributes of racial often has more hey, you know, it would really stimulate the german e with connie's, if a sense of shifts over to the middle east and the who these just blew them off. well, god just makes some more now jobs for everyone. what it points it is, the germans, ryan, metal weapons maker, seems to be one of the only things that's totally recession proof. so guess they're going all in on the defense industry now with the launch of own now for as binds, the european union is responding swiftly to the necessity to restore maritime security and freedom of navigation in a highly strategic maritime core door. the operation will play a key role and safe guarding commercial and security interests for the sake of the you and the wider international community. not sure what they are hoping to accomplish, that the u. k. and us haven't been able to do already, which isn't much, frankly, london in washington are already over there,
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shooting at who the submarines and it really doesn't seem to be moving the dial very much. hey, have the brussels bureaucrats calculated the carbon footprint that all of these warships they're sending over are creating? it does give cleaners to an armada though, so maybe climate change has to take a backseat. you are pulling sure freedom of navigation in the red sea, working alongside our international partners beyond prices. response. it's a step towards a stronger european presence, etc. to protect our european interest. why our european interests always somewhere else anywhere around the world except inside of europe. while they're busy creating wholly problems for themselves here in the you, here's the thought. how about working on turning the gas tank back on and make it easier for people in industry that produce food and things right here in europe before tackling the middle east problems. even germany central bank is now saying
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that they're really in deep trouble. there was still no recovery for the german economy. output could decline again slightly in the 1st quarter of 2024, with a 2nd consecutive decline in economic output. the german economy would be in a technical recession. the german economy was so competitive with the u. s. specifically because it focused on manufacturing and spent well below 2 percent gdp on defense. more like a peak of 1.4 percent of gdp over the past 20 years. and that manufacturing production was made possible by cheap brush and gas, which they don't seem to want anymore. and the opposition is wondering where it's all going to stop the stages digging ever deeper into the already seen wallets of elderly people, the taxes and contributions for pension is now higher than the anti federal pension subsidy. it's an outrage. the tax and contribution button must be reduced,
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makes you wonder how they're even going to afford to produce all of the new weapons that they want with such pricey energy. oh wait. who cares? because the people who would be paying for it any way by washing public spending right into the defense industry covers, even if it's financed with debt, it's the people who will just pay hire at long term interest rates on their loans and have the costs of it all downloaded directly onto them. that's exactly what's already happening here in france. no sooner was it announced that nicole had unilaterally promised you training, present environment, or zalinski in other 3000000000 euros to ukraine, from the french tax fair in a face to face meeting in paris. a few days ago, the french economy and finance minister then publicly announced that the government would be trotting 10000000000 euros from the domestic budget. i am committed to not
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increasing taxes. we have cut them and won't deviate from this line. french people can't bear any more tax us been putting pressure on franz to lower its budget deficit by 4.4 percent. so something here has to have and apparently it's the french citizens interest. they're optional. not those of an entirely different country ukraine. that isn't even in the u. so now it's all aboard the u. red sea cruise, before they head over there, maybe they can figure out some other ways to cashin. like, let average europeans enjoy the cloud and show cruise line. probably cheaper than saying home and paying for every day stuff, given how high inflation and cost of living are right now in europe. and that's another story we across today, but the okay, it seems to project its power overseas, including in the middle east, back home, the defense ministry has been left red faced up to fail to try the nuclear missile test. these reports have described the incidents as a big embarrassments for the british military. the projects,
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all reports of lead misfired and they flopped into the walls to just meet as of weight and the atlantic ocean. the british defense ministry confirmed that an anomaly occurred during the exercise conduct of last month by nuclear submarine. but the okay as insisted that the country's new created. so it remains safe, secure, and effective. beavis test. altima saw a number of years ago also ended in failure. one of the i spoke with form of us on the office system is 5 crappy knick. and he said that's if the u. k. wants to keep any status as it will power. it must do something about his outdated military industry. a certain that for the u. k. this sabrina is the only a rear leg of the nuclear to turn now for nuclear submarines carrier uh, summaries. so if your muscles aren't flying, obviously you don't have much of a during the simple fact that the previous test in 2016 and this will flu is flu. of course, itself that are nice. but normal services like this,
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you would take apart what you could of the missile recover and figure out what's going on around the lawyer or the missile start checking. or if it's a, if it's a programming error, if it's a problem in the propellant, whichever system you get down near that you do here, then type your fish bone analysis, come down to what your problem issues are and start checking all the other methods . and then get them back on line as fast as possible. uh when you consider you only have 4 submarines with a limited pay load of i think, 12 missiles apiece. if i remember correctly, they're 48 missiles as your whole nuclear deterrent effectively. and they don't work well, well, how concerned should the m o d b? because obviously the and forces of a whole they've been on the funded and hollowed out for decades. now, do you think they should be wake a coffee? okay. well, considering the, the, the minister of defense, wisconsin really making noises about starting a war with russia. you think that would be the top priority for him. uh, realistically speaking, the,
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the british military industrial sector is very underfunded. it's very, it's hollowed out, is what it is. and obviously the equipment is not be maintained. so being regular tests or getting 8 years between one missiles, one failed missile test and other failed missile tests. that's, that's incredible amount of time. just not even if it was successful missile does, it should be testing those missiles. and the only way to tell some of the launch them should have enough. this was that you could launch in tests at least once every 2 years. it's a fact that 8 years a fast, it shows that the there is no standard, that's no standards are being held. and it's a whole lot. of course, the queen of the c presently has $68.00 ships. russia, which is a land power, has over $460.00 so just the discrepancy right there. it's, it's obviously hollowed out military you know, the news, the games of the future that end of it saves phone events that combines both traditional sports on the east pulse was launched this wednesday versus boots and
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gave a speech commending the competition as being free from politics on the line with the fundamental values of sportsmanship, a sweden is done. i am convinced that the fidget of sports will become some of the most popular types of active leisure for russian citizens. so they are contemporary spectacular and dynamic able to inspire, interesting uh, physical culture and a healthy lifestyle among people of all generations. including of course, children and young adults. this fact is particularly valuable for us. alongside the assertion of the fundamental principles of sports. those are sold the dirty of countries and peoples of the world, a quote in regard to athletes, as well as honest, uncompromising competition. the games of the future symbolizes freedom from political affairs, discrimination and double standards. premium of the opening ceremony of the international fidgeted games of the future event here in cuz on russia just wrapped
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up and it was certainly an incredible start over. there's thousands of athletes from over $100.00 countries here and participation, each of which was represented at a parade of women wearing the national outfits of each country, and marching down the aisle with the corresponding national flag in the background . russian president vladimir putin also gave a keynote speech, welcoming the events participants and saying that uh, digital support is the future and that the russian government, one of its main priorities, is going to be to promote this. because it embodies friendship between peoples and acts as a tool against discrimination. the russian president also said that most hours or more than happy to welcome its friends always and organized ceremonies to celebrate events like these events that really promotes the friendship between peoples of the multiple multi polar worlds. after all this event, the stated purpose is to engage millions of young people around the world and the
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total price money that is expected to be here is upwards of $10000000.00. but even more interesting than that is that participants here are going to have the opportunity to compete for the trophy of the games of the future. now this is something that's going to embark on a journey from moscow to the bike and or cosmo jerome and kaz expand, and then it's going to be launched onto the international space station. so a lot of interesting stuff happening here. the opening ceremony as a just come to an end, but we're going to see a lot of stuff over the next several days that are, are definitely is definitely set to be very interesting. and finally, moscow has held a you ration i t forum to discuss digital silver and say as a basis for long term international cooperation representatives or federal and regional thoughts. these, i'd see companies and experts from the international community or participated in the conference if each of the current trends in digital transformation and promising directions to the developments of information and communication
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technologies. we spoke with experts cosmos, as of, as of, during the events and the stress, the importance of securing digital, san francisco. it's good to you. it is important, of course, to says that uh, privacy and the management of data. so i think it is very important to upload digital supplement across the course. of course, the one we in cottage and inclusive of these does society and many people are just kind of just because of the, the security in the information age, which comes with uh, the solicitation. so it is quite critical and it's very important that we have a security asherwood to say about security and otherwise we will also be doing about the good things that are going to come. the world's is going to be integrated . we talk about globalization, we get into an area where technology is becoming very powerful. it's good.


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