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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the cuz i'm sorry, is this how i'm setting images on gaza, where the bodies of big systems have been big cardboard from my coffee. one is really striking palm by coming to us as homeless one makes a shopping statement about the policy until the end of the because coke and chemical plants, it's quite dangerous to hang around here now because they say there may still be some ukrainian suits running around here somewhere that includes a report from the of the chemicals on the read, his highest that they do play is now in russian hands as the forces involved in the public on the inside assessment file. also have the
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projects in certain going on because farmers, we get into a government off of the same price guarantee, the thousands that minus to the con, please accept the vinyl. the song as legal liabilities, expedition to the us, rob a sampling know decision. and then now, suppose as much to the 5 methods office on the dice feet, the modeling an end, it's the 13 year long posted fusion. again, the jail joins, imprisonment is the results. people with too much power lost the plots power thursday. the screwdriver companies who labeled in the latest global news on the i'm us,
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i'm only, i'm, this is off the international 1st as, as i was blaze of 2 victims of been recovered from a call that was hidden by and is ready to strike in the city of rough up, you might find the following images upsetting. also, the heavenly child corpses will pull from the body directly to the vehicle. the words taken to a nearby mall for identification, lined up to look inside of the body by some check if they had relatives were among the dead. several of the bodies was seen being taken away from burial. more than $29300.00 passed into being killed and gather since the 7th long save of, of waiting to local officials. meanwhile, saying that he was an active, this has real, the republican note may go on why washington is palming as well. despite the squire named civilians that so far was when i the office to live with a shocking response. you seem footage of
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these are the influence 1st, these are meant to be the best of us society. these are the people that the, that the rest of the army population are listening to for the morrow lead, if you like. i'm this also comes remember, and this is the crucial point. 12600 to children have been killed since israel punitive assault on guys have a gun in october of this. is that an insanely large number of children to be killed in a conflict and everything we discussed, the relation to these comments has to be taken in the context of this brutality. this is the 1st high ranking us official. we've heard, which is very, very brutal sort of tone towards the killings in gaza. recently we had a good cold steward sailed the, which a obama official, unofficial in the obama regime, or the obama government, if you like to. i was,
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you know, record it briefly. you know, and a attracting a street vendor, essentially, truly because of his, our, the parents and making some really horrendous suggestions to him about the killings in gather some of this is that, i think i want to hear you support her. let's say you go, i'm the, i'm sick. i'm not so you go, i'm just working years, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me. go my to. you should thing not me go, i mean kill ok. why? see you don't want retail, 4000 palestinians. you know why it wasn't enough, wasn't, go, go, go. well, as far as you could explain that away by saying, you know, he'd have full, my employee. he doesn't represent any parts of the government now, but does the position the government stating on the officials that that we've seen speaking that they see many different? yeah, well of course the current administration has rediscovered its concern over israel's
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behavior in gaza. it seems after supplying, you know, billions of dollars with the weapons with which the killing is being done. let's face it with a us support military and financial and political and the is rarely a solvent guys would probably have to stop. now we've also heard john kirby. this is for it is combat. it is bloody, it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt . so again, these are the moral leaders and essentially you have junk kirby. they're suggesting that, you know, this is a war, this is a, is rarely self defense. and we are expecting many, many civilians to die. and we're going to allow our proxy, if you like, and the region to carry out as much killing as, as they like, really with our political protection live protected them in the u. n. remember as well as the us consistently and persist the voting against the seas far as recently
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as, as an, as a number of days ago. and meanwhile, in, in israel uh, the is really, is, are far less squeamish about calling a spade a spade a regarding what they're actually doing in in kaiser. i don't know what the lead. i've ordered a complete c. jim garza, there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we are fighting against human animals and we're act accordingly. social, it's as though it's not that how mos controls gaza and from mazda is the enemy, it's the gaza, contains home us and cause that is the enemy. the answer is simply leveling the ground and chilling the largest number of people possible because they are women are enemies. their babies are enemies. their 1st graders are enemies. mos militants are enemies and their pregnant women are in the shop or by selling them so that somebody decides and the siege to break the siege. it will be, in my opinion,
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a terrible decision because without hunger and thirst among the gods of population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine, but it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the posts in the matter today. it's very simple. you're going everywhere and they tell you and natalie gaza, they can put some say in isolate them, even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything. they tell me most she of course, we must a nearly all guys. and so again, the question here is, when it goes to the us administration's past and present, it's whether this is an insight into a culture, a culture within the us political machine. if you like. remember both these individuals that mr. salvage on ogles were recorded essentially on the fly, they weren't making these statements as policy statements. nicky, these were recorded on avalon to the been hot water. there are literally hundreds
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of thousands of us officials, politicians. there's some for stuff. how many of them hold the same belief that basically gives you the wrong color? you're from the wrong country, or you're the wrong religion, or your country of origin is one of which we perceive as an enemy. as cheap a life can become on the face. think the court in the hague is continuous here and there is israel is on an oval who pays? it will find the sign, rushes, i'm by so the netherlands overland them and kind of in has a say who the best cool solution to resolve the situation is to negotiate agent to state solutions. violence can only lead to more violence, hate threats and brings hated. this vicious circle must be broken according to way of for file, and this is no exception. it was proceeded by a system policy of the united states and its allies aimed at freezing the states of
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cool. what setting down the political processes, the promoting at one side, the division of a settlement. this fluid policy of washington has a dig simply let through a failure that has cost thousands of innocent place. is it on palestine or under no obligation to conduct in good faith and without delay negotiations? and that the reaching a final state disagreement all states and that, that a national organizations are on that and obligation to continue the crating conditions for such negotiations. they only had from they may see the, the army, so the 1st and full, the 5. so reform is done on funding function. he said that the us it by for the lightning bullets we'll cover all the simple as well. cut this away as the potential for 2 state solution. it's no doubt that the united states of america
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over its consecutive administration since the signing of the all small accord, have been complicit and ruining any hopes for the 2 state solution to be realized on the ground. all that has in bold, the is riley leadership to take further steps to the right to be more radical, to be more focused on the colonial settlement enterprise in the west bank and dragging this way of the street to the point that today we are speaking about the society with serious serious a sentiments that are not acceptable in the 21st century, such as the ap promoted and except to be a genocide, the rhetoric such as the the notion of the uh, non non carry about the blood bath. that is really on me is scary and on.
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and guys, all these things that are not acceptable around the world only where possible. because the consecutive us administrations have covered, fostered the esign, a supremacist record, and the more radicalized by time is rarely got. now to the nicest updates on the don't last find rushes of it for you in of the i've got the country's defense. and as you have said, footage of us all the vehicles that were abandoned by your clarity of forces in the retreats and also says to us as a buy download vehicles on 2 moines putting it in for 2 vehicles. let's say you can as sophie's russian soldiers say, the equipment will soon find its way back to the front line. this time in the right . so the russian army was good estimate, dozens of all new vehicles that lodge a talon, the auxilary left by the plannings. during the retreat,
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all these all dre, the phil, it's all brings us this exclusive report from the cities highest point of the chemical pond. a warning, however, some disturbing images are ahead, as well as the yeah, there is development. as my theories about loosely just the solution age. it appears. we're now hearing the sound of helicopters. it's unclear whose i hope they're hours. they're most likely hours because the ukrainians must understand that. as soon as we took the plant, we most likely brought our air defense here or the circle short of our team we. we used to be frustrated. right now the fighting is
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over on that side. it is clear that our guys wanted to move further, but fighting began in the woodland. there are visible traces of spotters here. she sat here and adjusted the shelling of our guys of div cuz coke and chemical plants. it's quite dangerous to hang around here now because they say there may still be some ukranian troops running around here somewhere else. there are a lot of places to hide here, and it is unclear who is shooting right now. it's all a little bit chaotic regarding the significance of the plant. it blocks the view of the valley where our columns were advancing. and so when we took this waste tip, they could no longer see what's happening behind the plant. no matter how cool their camera is too much, they were forced to use drones. without them, they could not observe the movement of our troops. the plant itself is the highest point in the area. it offers an excellent overview. any movement was perfectly
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visible from here and they would immediately open fire. mind clearances on their way and building started being inspected. the ukrainians interfere with this work by using kamikaze drones that fly in regularly. on the other hand, when there is somewhere to hide, these attacks are not so terrible, but they will oppose a greater risk when i have to go back out into open areas. ours guys are gonna hunker down here, build up their forces, and continue clearing the surrounding area. from here, i don't have time to inspect the entire plant, so we have to leave already, but you can fit more than an entire company in one of these basements, you can see the signs of a huge number, showings, obviously aerial bombs or artillery. but in the basement, there wasn't really any damage. it was possible to calmly stay on the defensive
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there. i don't know why they retreated and did not want to put up a fight regarding the lack of shells. i don't notice it. they are firing even firing right over us. now they don't target the plant itself. they show the areas where our troops are advancing and they also actively use cluster munitions. there are drones flying here. i wanted to send my drone up, slide around, shoot a beautiful video, and now it's disappeared. they've probably shot it down with an anti tank guided missile the she's refusing to utilize one of the ukranian fighters. there were many more of them earlier, but our brigades are removing all of the dead. this is one of the basements that we discovered they were living. you could see that the ukrainians brought work close to change into either to pretend to be civilians or while they were drying their uniforms. it is clear that there is no damage to this living area. they hung out
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here quite comfortably, but now they've left him a service. i am at the very top of one of the plants workshops. this is the reason why it was so important. just oh, i pointed my camera between those buildings. you can see everything like it's in the palm of your hand. so when we needed drones to see something, they only needed to install good cameras. and they had us in full view. it would have been enough to install a thermal imager and they would have seen everything they could open the deadly fire at any moment. glory to the russian soldier who despite everything are able to make it here, smokes, then see on detail finding aloud before our quick victory. and i've the, i've got to go into the russian on a soft general, but very good rest of, of, by the races. we on, in the old and on the 2023. let's take a closer look at how the russian on forces competed. most important. so hold on the
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outskirts of the city as judas, the, to the office. gimmie are real serious to you sort of this the
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fine until these out thousands of indian farmers review the mazda countries capital also reject 10 government offer on price guarantees for their products, but the product as the one by that the, the visa, tens of thousands of families the what to 100 find where you and news that have expressed 710 to march, to new denny, the political capital of the country, the state to hold the government responsible for the promises that will meet to them 2 years ago. now as we speak, the farmers are on standby, they're out the harvey on up a job or doing nothing, damage to some 200 dollars, kilometers from the national capital to the day to day on and all save up to the sales sec. a fly out of the phone, most of the physical force was used on hundreds of farm, was in fact, over
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a 100 families headboard in georgia. now the family, scott, and we are discussing what their next 9 of action would be, means all the government has called the farm was back on the negotiating table agriculture on pharma wells administrative in the arch. and linda, as basically said, let's conduct the 1st round of thoughts. after the 4th round, the government is ready to discuss all the issues like m. s p, demand crump diversification dis, double issue, and f i r. in the 5th round, i again invite the farm leaders in for discussion. it is important for us to maintain peace. the funds were offered by the government was dropped. it was the fifty's contract from england to lead. who am, is the minimum support size for 5 crops, including pulses, knees, quartered for 5 years. and the tom was basically saying, either it's all or nothing. so it's a difficult situation for the government also,
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governments dealer, mazda, understandable, considering they need to be the farm of demands with the consumer demands that he couldn't even has to be maintained. but the families that seeing that no matter what we do intend to march to the national capital, how may be put on the government, should remove these barricades and give us permission to move towards delhi to protest peacefully. this country belongs to every one, a prime minister is for everyone. you must come forward and handle the situation and accept our demands. we are trying to break the barrier, which the government had made in front of us, and we're going across the border today. so we had planned how to break the structure and how to walk. we will cover our tractors and the tires well, to move past the security forces. we will definitely break the barricades. this is our endeavor, this caravan will only stop and deli, it will not stop here. bottom of the thing that they have enough supplies in the trucks and talk to that with loss them with several months. so the se also the
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young call is now old to move these 2 dogs. the more the government hasn't been painted, we all profile as the more these government has also from farm is developed to move the family income. but that is something the pharmacy has not happened and which is why this told us which comes right ahead of the general elections in the country in that sense is also signal begin to. and the thoughts that unfold over the next few days are going to be very vague social, but the bigger question is, if it's all the som of will be allowed to match the national capital, which is in fact fabricated, seemed from all 3 borders. you of the seas on arrest to lot of times the injury and follows. i'm police in spain during a mass protest against one to to you. i agree called full policies. the
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form of gather the spies come from the good news that you make it this long. since the traffic in the area of protest movement has been gaining sense of the use and explain to is lead to put an agricultural workers comprehends type of environmental research that they say on this for 5 of the new the in the you father is also one of the protective measures of that mass input from a world, including from the same place on this i've been, they'll pay off and show points on the planning board and system that no, i go to the goal is to apologize. be that through the voters going up is of taken the find the see present impose. i'm team dumping measures against input from the plane. unless cute, makes sense and concessions. and we will see how the ukrainians will behave, what policy they'll choose on exports, the poland,
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whether they will start to get along the ball is in ukraine's course. if this fails, suppose google introduced further restrictions. so the most needy child of mother brussels in the family, that'd be poland, ends up on the front line of the drama. do can get out with the use foster kids ukraine. well, brussels is acting like it's busy, just doing its nails, polish farmers and truckers angry with unfair competition from ukraine that's now become brussels. official policy are to the point now of trying open trucks from ukraine and dumping out the green. similar to what i saw here in france as well a couple of weeks ago, the mirror, nevada said on social media that quote, ukrainians are literally watering the blood with blood. the fields upon which this grain is drawn, also called the farmer's quote pro russian pre walker tours. well, one guy did have a side asking, pretend to bring order to ukraine, poland, and brussels. here's why the protestors themselves say they're doing it though. for
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the blocking roads because no one wants to release of this from ukraine of the screen, etc. it floods our market and lowers our economy. all prices are going down because of ukrainian goods. the problem i understand that help is badly needed because they have a war and so on. but if you were to go through this q and see what kinds of cars, tesla's range rovers, bmw, use, are standing there. you change your mind. i don't think these are going to the war . this is just such a classic example of the kind of chaos and brussels ends up creating by making ridiculous rules and then loving the member states deal with the follow. in this case, we're talking about the block exempting ukrainian grain from farm products and from products from border controls and duties until june of this year. but at least the folks over and ukraine are grateful and somebody's happy right. people the so called sort of that, those polls do whatever they want for whatever comes into their head. it shouldn't
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be like that, but we supposedly are not enemies. but it turns out that we are the bottom of the support. it's not for 3 square feet. now they are dumping our wage on the road. the drama will hit them back, sadly, see themselves as big a man, remind them of the 19 eighties and 19 ninety's when they were travelling around ukraine searching for everything they could reach. sounds like there's a flight going on, the back room and brussels is just totally oblivious. so brussel itself is flooding its very own markets and killing its own farming revenues. since it's clear that poland sees that process is pretty useless and isn't even going to defend its own interest against a non you country ukraine, warsaw inactive, a unilateral import, down along with hungry and slack. yeah. so now key of is do keyed out with warsaw directly and the pool is present, it sounds like he has it all totally under control. the board of blockade was not the decision of poets authorities. it was simply the decision made by farmers and their organizations. it can be said that such protests have swept through almost
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the entire european union, simply puts farmers are afraid of a huge influx of ukrainian agricultural products into the u markets. the fullest for a ministry is now wielding the pro person labeled for accusing them of anti ukrainian slogans that glorify fruit. and maybe they just feel these protesters that protein was on to something. when he said that the ukranian food was not making it down to feed the poor and developing countries like brussels promised it would guess it all being dumped into europe. wasn't just some sort of fake news paddled by russia after all was the last day of absolutely hearings on whether x that i was the julian assigned to the us as right. so without a decision be announced. i'll tell you cause pharmacy. so any was on location that hadn't, has sent us this report. i believe not reach the end of the 2 day call. henry
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painted tardiness on his potential expedition to the united states where he probably saved 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers, all heating cold that say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration other legit call cooktop in the white house. the with the say i to assassinate we service owns on the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the insurance is given by the united states about his health wellbeing. should he be expedited these assurances have been dismissed by obviously and not so as not with the paper that they all written on. now they're saying they're a speech who's taking place now behind it from a, a range of a certainty, as opposed as we've heard about, the judges have deferred that decision, that not taking the decision say, so that verdict will be announced late today. so we're having that that could
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possibly be mocks, the 4th. but of course we'll keep you updated with the latest using the developers as we get off to the k. hi, good hon. and last day today. and by the day of we're getting pharma to feel his expedition to the us as a loss of that. but as far as his office on dynasty in london to cool pass on his immediate release, who he leaves, finding himself hospitable, they've been feeling on the well which and prevented him from appearing in court. his life center address the proud of is importers joins. imprisonment. is the results of people with too much power, who lost the plots, who got power thursday and are guilty. they know they're guilty and they want to continue to live their, their lives without any consequences for the crimes they've committed in this case is about whether state crimes can continue on, punish, done, scrutinized julian's freedom is the only on to those joins.
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life. is that severe risk every single day? he is in prison, he is a political prisoner use. the world's most famous political prisoner. the world is watching. julian has to be freed. the reason that the russian please allow, is that lexie know bonnie hasn't decided an outcry from worse than he is as a dom on woman to funding for you claim. but the ill faith of judy as honest as fails, a girl, the silent science. and by those less than powers, that is something english as a comedian mind, writings, campaign, rus russell, brand of mind to that. and that's what true morals and principles main, the values and principles can be applied to any situation they don't use as a weapon. uh huh. right. this guy's been really and remember we had put in the way and we can use this to amber volume narrative that we should perpetuate based
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profitable if they were real principals. they would be talking about doing the songs and go on zillow later on in the same way. oh yeah, sure. julian sounds really being bell ma, she's got another trial or anything that's the way because of conversations you did, david cameron or the job. i then probably be having you want and there's a reason for that, isn't it? well, the view i did on who did us on his fall as a 2nd final day of hearings at the u. k and i called in loan has dropped off, won't doing so analysis and reaction can be found on our website oxy dot com the the games all of the future i'm in in the would say to them at the latest.


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