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tv   Documentary  RT  February 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EST

11:30 pm
we can use this through, i'm profile narrative that we should perpetuate based profitable if they were real principles. they would be talking about doing the songs and go on zillow later on in the same way. oh, yeah, sure. julian sounds really being bell ma, she's got another trial or anything goes away because of conversations you did, david cameron or the job. i then probably be having you. well, there's a reason for that, isn't it? well, the view i did on who did us on just fall as a 2nd final day of hearings at the u. k. and i go to them has wrapped up one thing . so analysis and reaction can be found on our website oxy dot com, the the games all the future i'm in in the would say to them at the latest additional
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full and useful town is opening. so may this wednesday all day, is it a dog who is a, gives us a sneak peak of the event of the international fidget old games that the future event is under way. here in cars on russia, people from all different countries are in attendance, enjoying all different forms of entertainment, and getting a glimpse into what fun in the future is going to look like. the my 1st time playing fidgeted, and it's a great experience. i do take pride in, you know, represent possible and me and my teammates, you know, we try to play as long as we can play anytime weekend, regardless of sports, anything that we can join together and just have fun and entertainment. i think
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this is good for peace and go for everyone. well, as my 1st time arrives, uh, everything was amazing. seems they one people was really nice. the reception was really warm. so i'm really happy and grateful to read here is my 1st figure like cleaning music, all you know, playstation, i'm also boss the basketball players. so it's everything new for us. so we're really up to 3 years. i really want to appreciate deep organize us on the goose young men in gen ed by all done on this very important events that to make the pass on with disability globally to participate in the gym. so that will have you called right was all i'll call if possible was known disability in the glove. once again, rush has become a place where people with all different interests from all different backgrounds can come together for a singular purpose. and here today in cars on that purpose is to have fun. hello,
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it is of america, donald port or far t cause on i will arrive, sit on for me for the day, as always is very fabulous company. my clients ask you and certainly will be with you at the top of the out of the do or the, the the my am i am 45 but more of them on the insurance form and i do. i say it was a, i don't agree, i don't want that. you're not severe. i did
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it on the 10 points near the new shots the time. well, logistically, pretty much the damage and future new york. i know when you're on the way 9 before . right now for the the strategy. well, nothing new. so that means the older stuff. the new rose and you put a little to school is beautiful at the piano. moving over 3600. to stick with them. you know, we're not in cash flow and get started. please move those costs are due to the initial year from walsh,
11:35 pm
which gets me about the like to model these. but up until you're willing to quit finding people have them loose . that would be the issue without pushing with the complete to move to the point that more than that of what the vision does that sound that one of the to get on the front page with 0. yeah.
11:36 pm
today's thinking at the bottom of it, we didn't know if we didn't see you switch lynch principles last year to to just go to the look at your facility to contribute more of your time limits to me to the to the that with name is that you
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really usually because we do it, i do go by so it could be a lot like he was withdrawn from the the chest was hurting meaning the music to metalli's you can stream as soon as i can, a fiscal dose is a line you down for solution 3, what's the deal? is it um and so you can call them in well yeah,
11:38 pm
so pushing time on nothing but as soon as it has a long time, it was a last name for me the you don't know if you guys this is tally, right. has any most just on the is it i suppose the most recent, that is a recent visit us, but it's not in the pacific time either way,
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if it's gonna fit, if it is that we have a method of safety side of you know, the time you did please you had to stop the most of the sleep. so you plus, is it a new because this is we have we string cause vegas the easily or just the good right now and so forth on s one s e, and that's a good mr. national by style and i'm just gonna spend a little would you be used to explore and see what the video photo and the thing is, the 1st one over and you know what i mean? otherwise, the more c e, you know, what's that in this? even though the bonus
11:40 pm
i love to look at the borders. yeah. because i would use it to let loose to figure out those needs to be able to be able to pass. so if you little so this and the silver use is above the time here. so the clearly, so this new post i'll put you guys loop loop, the deluxe,
11:41 pm
the stomach because she is like the i think it was supposed to me. it's a little up. so i mean, you must some professionals for an appointment. yes. for a little bit behind the book or should richard l. a. columbus that who you're gonna show me here and then you of them are you a final solution still spoke to 711. it's ready to the look. i just need you to go with that guy. i guess i'll go over the quote to you if this was the can i do or for sure
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the family and all the apologies that are for the kids. so we need, you really need somebody to come in the morning in new jersey, d, as in george lou. the
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the comes into the school dismissive, is that the 1st day or they have to load this new do that. it says most of them is that both are going to course that in person with the fresh procedures such as
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, there's independent of them. so he was going to say you're thinking of giving you
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1st of all, when it's the mission, fornia dressers deal with a couple of what i'm doing well for her. this was to check the book i'm looking at motion will understand the way it works. she was full, which has to have some interest in the way for you and your for mobile phones because that's fine. it's best to read is a line. it's can be started by line. these can be scattered by true
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importance of wiki links can never be kind of a state since that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest, i'd watched as a mom realized pen smith and, and honestly, to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely. fort adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through this sentence. all we going to lift that stay the
11:47 pm
the guardian who shows discipline almost initially is when they go from the screen. for the what is the zip code is because with the zip is too, so you'll be in the village at all except it's the ground level. probably notice we have 2 brothers on these 2. let's see. it's like this level,
11:48 pm
most of the syllable you like listed on your list. okay, that's good to not put the go to the bottom. she was coordinated positionally because they me on production for you. sure. what's your issue? issue pundits, provider within your organization . the subdivision of where you were in your sugar for you, can we get it on the demo? so i think so, i guess it'd be the, the one thing about this product sugar friday. the,
11:49 pm
well of course, of course, and that's when you start with all night, you know of, i was going to create a new, less costly than what i mean. you know, and you want them to see if i'm only getting a good invest enough. going to have that phone, it's got us. yes, i fear not. we have for them to for peace, and welcome to that easy, that more of the key comparison to the words this. yeah, you give you is for love a if i like, how is this someone go regards to the daughter corporate human those and this is a good night.
11:50 pm
no worries here. this is the brother. yes. of the the test of the go i can look up like a screenshot i guess associated logan we see that the mean was on. so with locals. oh and you are you just the area? the comma gigi. up, even though the order with jack i choose if i pay it to
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somebody who say lovely, of course not yours . are you the vin number on the forgot to find out, you know, i'm not sure if that's pretty the dental grands. get anything out of i really want to say it was somebody else that i am one of the other kids. i'm sure it isn't there, but once you get the
11:52 pm
advocacy for this thursday, please give me a nice and a you spell your zillow. profile for you is the most metallic views the media splitter. meetings is probably the best for me,
11:53 pm
is not what i was wanting to hear that, but now i'm going to go to but i do know i do know that it's not as football as to what on the phone if it's something in the video still go with more of a list of boys here from the snap that i have to stay on the science of junior bullshit. lots of body is deal of hispanic show kind of show where i can probably get the most beautiful the you are the finance for us to have. so what have you tonight for that? there's no chip with team and then of course the
11:54 pm
no, no, no that's what i but it's more of a surprise. you have it in the pony, but you did. i was like shoot. yeah. you just thought it was about smoking deal surprising because that's not going to give me a bad news. i thought i was caught always taping like you might. i mean, is he getting what you thought? even supposing because the loser i see on the what it is is listen a little bit. so i see i think from that i did the,
11:55 pm
the solution. this is a little bit over see alex here, and you can, this is really slow to see what you slow, what was the real thing. this is the fluency the fluid. i see here, those are the roots. and let's say we choose to vanya, it's who is the gloves, they're the ones, but the loan price, those emily is sick, was supposed to go there for me to get to the
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us to fix the problem. no, i just have to give you the the so i want to go forward you to find the features and find out what when did you mean? if at all start as to what stopped. i think it will forward in there, which i'm curious to know surgery the customer by time what you want us to based on the goal of is 0314
11:57 pm
is quite easy to do it for the waiting list. if some of the, some of the offers are us exception to reference here. section 3 here to share their sugar. no sense to the. busy the
11:58 pm
11:59 pm
the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, present it is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground can
12:00 am
the div cuz coke and chemical plants is quite dangerous to hang around here now, because they say there may still be some ukrainian troops running around here somewhere. we have an experience of uphold from the recent an account to, to update the chemical plot, the highest a strategic points in the done yet republican, why russian soul says that. bonds on the 10 spent 5 mean long inc. awesome. this is a warm extermination. and a wars family and this is not a wall, this is our 9 lation hung grove pot for supplies, showing you on hold, say its in a brief to but destroyed move in garza as, as, as really officials praise the ideas devastation.


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