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tv   News  RT  February 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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on the ground can the div cuz coke and chemical plant is quite dangerous to hang around here. now, because they say there may still be some ukranian troops running around here somewhere. we have an experience of a cold from the recently accounted of days got chemical plant, the highest a strategic point, and they've done yet. republicans where russian phil says it fonts on the constant font. meanwhile, in gauze, this is a war of extermination and a war spamming. this is not a war. this is our 9 lation, hung grove and thought for supplies. showing you on hold, say it deliveries to the old but destroyed move in garza as as, as radius. officials praise the idea of devastation. i am personally
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proud of the dogs and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren what did you did? the protests in india autonomy violence with thousands of farmers marks on the countries capital. rejecting us government talks about the food price guarantees and quite thing for freedom. human rights, chris all care. the expedited interior getting us on from the u. k. to the new west violates of treat, say between the 2 nations on 12 judges, delay or warning. what's the lowest paid? the good morning from must go. well, i from the all to international h 2. and as always, it's good to have you with us. let's start off with the latest updates from don't
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boss, because following russia's capital all boxed is the country's defense ministry. has of footage of us military equipment abandoned by ukrainian forces. i'm at the hasty retreat and almost go says that to americans supplied almost vehicles. and another 2 ukrainian incentives as this was seized with russian soldiers declaring that the equipment will soon find its way back to the front line. but this time in the ranks of the russian army policies on trace lots of housing exclusive report from the cities highest point. that's the i'll see if got chemical called just a warning. you may find some of the images, the stopping in the yeah, there is development as my theories above the sleep chest, the solution age, it appears. we're now hearing the sound of helicopters. it's unclear whose i hope there hours there most likely hours because the ukrainians must understand that. as
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soon as we took the plant, we most likely brought our air defense here or the circle short of our team we. we use the frustrated right now the fighting is over on that side. it is clear that our guys wanted to move further. but fighting began in the woodland. there are visible traces of spotters here. he sat here and adjusted the showing of our guys of div cuz coke and chemical plants is quite dangerous to hang around here now because they say there may still be some ukrainian troops running around here somewhere. so there are a lot of places to hide here and it is unclear who is shooting right now. it's all
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a little bit chaotic regarding the significance of the plant. it blocks the view of the valley where our columns were advancing. and so when we took this waste tip, they could no longer see what's happening behind the plant. no matter how cool their camera is, to look pretty much they were forced to use drones. without them, they could not observe the movement of our troops. the plant itself is the highest point in the area. it offers an excellent overview. any movement was perfectly visible from here and they would immediately open fire. mind clear answers under way and buildings are being inspected. the ukrainians interfere with this work by using kamikaze drones that fly in regular literally. on the other hand, when there is somewhere to hide, these attacks are not so terrible, but they will oppose a greater risk when i have to go back out into open areas. ours guys are gonna hunker down here, build up their forces, and continue clearing the surrounding area. from here,
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i don't have time to inspect the entire plant. we have to leave already, but you can fit more than an entire company. in one of these basements, you can see the signs of a huge number, showings, obviously, aerial bombs, or artillery. but in the basement, there wasn't really any damage. it was possible to calmly stay on the defensive there. i don't know why they retreated and did not want to put up a fight regarding the lack of shells. i don't notice it. they are firing even firing right over us now. they don't target the plant itself. they show the areas where our troops are advancing and they also actively use cluster munitions. there are drones flying here. i wanted to send my drone up flight around, shoot a beautiful video, and now it's disappeared. they've probably shot it down with an anti tank guided missile the she
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is here lies one of the ukrainian fighters. there were many more of them earlier, but our brigades are removing all of the dead. this is one of the basements that we discovered they were living. you could see that the ukrainians brought work close to change and to either to pretend to be civilians or while they were drying their uniforms. it is clear that there is no damage to this living area. they hung out here quite comfortably, but now they've left the service. i am at the very top of one of the plants workshops. this is the reason why it was so important. just now i pointed my camera between those buildings. you can see everything like it's in the palm of your hand. so when we needed drones to see something, they only needed to install good cameras. and they had us in full view. it would have been enough to install a thermal imager and they would have seen everything they could open the deadly fire at any moment. glory to the russian soldier who despite everything are
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able to make it here, smoke sort of a lengthy and detailed patting that started last full time bolt about the grinding victory in of today's cut off. according to russian officials. let's take a closer look at how important strong hold on the outskirts of the city was captured for the students that are going to be a global to me. are we also successful use or do i have the
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new questions frontline struggles. com is a huge usaid package remain sold in congress. meanwhile, and new poll shows that are unique 10 percent of your pens now page that you quite and can achieve outright in victory against russia. that is significantly down from a year ago. we'll have more on the change in various tools for each one in approach to the you on wild food program is poor thing. it's a jennifer eastern open garza a decision that need hundreds of thousands of palestinians facing postables time and the holt to the live saving assistance would have had to remain in place. and
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so it's possible to be safely handed out. deliveries had only resumed last week following a previous suspension, 12 food program set. the new poll says cheer to quote, the collapse of civil with a joint distribution. and i was following several cases of trucks being new to it by 3rd to deprived locals. but it's not only civil disorder posing a threat of crowds of desperate locals with gathered to get food from a trucks and calls a city west to flee. when is ready, any time open fire on them with residents, claiming the attack equates to ethnic times is becoming very hard. i've been trying to get humanitarian aid for several hours. this is a war of extermination and a war famine. this is not a war. this is our night, elation the good, the north of guys, what is suffering from poverty? the banks have come in displeased people and we the palestinian people are on the, on the display stuff from my home. we're hungry and were inevitably approaching
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death. this isn't just is, this is ethnic cleansing and all the un, what can i say stops? the relief on walks agency has seen that's fine on says drastically cuts off to a number of west and country stop funding. i'll follow does radio locations that a handful of the parties to off were involved in the have mass attacks and october, however, the world health organization says no one should be denied access to 8. the what type of, what do we leave? when people cannot get food in water, or when people who cannot even walk are not able to receive cash, food not reaching northern hudson, which is we, the circumstances of the most dire and most catastrophic when it comes to food, water, shelter, security. without those things you, we just going to see even more palestinians die,
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not from this 30 bombings and bullets, but from starvation, from malnutrition, from the fact that they are not accepted in water or medical supplies or anything to survive. as a human desperation of you, decide who to support, cuz there's just so many in dire need. so you know, we try our best, but it's, it just feels like it's never enough agencies extracting themselves to get trucks in, into concepts. so even if we raised quite a bit of money, aid is being blocked, as we've seen, humanitarian assistance and food and water. and maybe co key should be given that and kind of the way across the board to whoever needs it shouldn't be approved by any body, let alone the person who's committed in the okay. well, just by grabbing concern from humanitarian organizations about the scale of human loss is really officials claim they do care about the population of bozza. but it seems that not everyone in the government go about number hello. we're not ashamed
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to say that. we want to see the soldiers of the idea of catching send war and he stares by their ears and dragging them all across the goddess trip. or in the best case scenario to a coffin. i'm personally proud of the ruins and gaza and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren, but the jews did when their families were murdered and raped and their civilians were kidnapped, we have emission. today we are speaking about society with serious, serious uh, sentiments that are not acceptable in the 21st century, such as the ap promoted acceptable genocide. the rhetoric, such as the, the notion of being a non non caring about the blood that, that is really on me is scary and on him guys are all these things. i would like to
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know the more than 290001000 people that were slaughtered on purpose intervention, revenge, and genocide. be asked of your for me, this is thousands of times more. oh no, good very then what happened on october 7th they are being k o think seems in india has thousands of outraged. mom is resumed that march on the countries capital as of today reject to the government also on price guarantees for that punches on to for instance, on the house of our latest the, the, these are tens of thousands of families. what to 100 find where you knew that have expressed 710 to march to new delhi, the political capital of the country. they said to hold the government responsible
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for the promises that were made to them 2 years ago. now as we speak, the farmers are on standby, they're up to harvey on up and job or doing nothing. dad, this is some $200.00 or less kilometers from the national capital to the date to date on and off. they went to a gas sale single fly out of the font most also, physical force was used and hundreds of farmers, in fact, over a 100 families have both enjoyed. now the families, scott and lee all discussing what their next line of action would be, means all the government has called a farm of back on the negotiating table agriculture and from a well from, in a sort of, in the arch and window. as basically said, let's conduct a 1st round of thoughts. after the 4th round, the government is ready to discuss all the issues like m. s p demand crap diversification, dis, double issue, and f i r. in the 5th round, i again invite the farm leaders in for discussion. it is important for us to
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maintain peace for the fall as well, followed by the government was dr. less effective. contract from able to lead. who am, is the minimum support size for 5 crops, including pulses, knees, cotton for 5 years. and the psalm was basically saying, either it's all or nothing. so it's a difficult situation for the government also, governments dealer, mazda, understandable, considering they need to be the farm of demands with the consumer demands that we couldn't even has to be maintain. but the families that seeing that no matter what we do intend to march to the national capital, how may be put on the government, should remove these barricades and give us permission to move towards delhi to protest peacefully. this country belongs to every one, a prime minister is for everyone. you must come forward and handle the situation and accept our demands. we are trying to break the barrier, which the government had made in front of us, and we're going across the border today. so we had planned how to break the
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structure and how to walk. we will cover our tractors and the tire as well to move past the security forces. we will definitely break the barricades. this is our endeavor. this caravan will only stop and deli. it will not stop here, bottom of the thing that they have enough supplies in the trucks and talk to us that we lost them for several months. so the a t also the call is now on to move these 2 items. the more the government hasn't been data to the profile as the more the government is also from fox form is developed to double the family income. but that is something the pharmacy has not happened. and which is why a, this protest which comes right ahead of the general elections in the country in that sense is also signal begin to and the thoughts that unfold over the next few days are going to be very vague. so, so, but the big question is, if it's all the som, of will be allowed to match to the national capital, which is in fact fabricated seemed from all 3 borders.
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washington's altima is to reject the interior and the phone, just extradition. appeal on the piece float us according to on the state international which will speak to me and meet at off tomorrow for the 2nd. and final day of hearing is that the u. k. hi, they will 1st the arguing, but it doesn't matter whether or not this case was political, that actually the u. k is applies to extradite either way. this is really a deeply fo document for 2 reasons. one is that you need to, so i'm just doing something that publishes in journalists do all the time. they receive classified materials from a confidential source that exposes will crimes, crimes against humanity, torture really great issues in the public interest. and they publish them and to prosecute the janice under the guise of an espionage acts for doing something like this is inherently collect. the 2nd reason why this is really quite a fluid document for the us to make it as an agreement between the us and the u. k . as
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a mutual extradition agreement. and it's absolutely clear that political defense is called the, the subject of extradition requests a sounds of support as launched on downing street to mounting his immediate release . the case at the high school is his final attempt to appeal his expedition state side, where he is one tips on espionage charges for the judges have up to the game making an immediate decision. the flow is not limited to london invalid and crowds took to the streets as well. carrying sign is demanding a stop to the start team. euros persecution of the phones or to speed sweeney has been placed in the following the case and sent this report just outside the court. and we've not reached the end of the to day cool, having st interior data. so i'll just pretend to expedition to the united states
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where he probably said 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers, all heating cold, not say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration . other legs, call cook top in the white house. the with the say i to assassinate the service, owns on the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the insurance is given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited? these assurances have been dismissed by obviously international as not worth the paper, the say, all written on. now there's been there a speak to taking place now behind us from a, a range of a sound. you suppose, as we've heard about, the judges have deferred. that decision that not taking that decision space, so that verdict will be announced a late today to we're having, so that could possibly be more so forth. but of course, we'll keep you updated with all the light, just using developers as we get well to contribute a tar read. believe that
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a phone just being punished because his revelations are just too uncomfortable for he wesley. the point there's been a progression or a sophistication of the wave is been able to suppress and weaponized the f, b i n g o j i, i've never seen in my experience the weapon ization as clear as it is and this administration, however, you go back to the bush era, you go back to, you know, george senior even bush, but there were twos. there were other things happening there. whether whistle blowers that tried to come forward. you didn't have the system of the internet and the social media work quickly were to get about right. so now, you know, they're taking bigger tactics because, you know, julian assault to be able to, as a publisher and journalist who's able to publish these documents in mass for people to see immediately before they be taken away by the 5 states. so to speak,
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by the us, i think it is. that's a progression, but i think that it's also systemic. unfortunately, to the culture, i mean, you're talking, we've had, how many wars and last couple of 100 years it's, it's amazing how we've spent less time as she's been at war, unfortunately. and part of more as you know, and, and doing a search eloquently address this in one of his interviews. but he said, you know, populations don't want war, they have to be tripped into it. they have to be ward into it. they have to be propagandized by their government into it. and unfortunately, just with eisenhower and we weren't about dwight eisenhower warren's that the military industrial complex could take over the u. s. with intelligence services and run it. and then the politicians just become the puppets, right? using corruption money, whatever to keep them all the way and they would just keep us in war after war after war. and unfortunately, that's what happens. so the progression is, is,
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is kind of systemic and an on all consuming, um, but in order to have those wars, they have to have some lens of consents. right? and to do that, you need strong propaganda and you need to suppress truth and you need to not let embarrassing things like work crimes or corruption come out into the public call. the which a found to himself has been said to the feeling on, well preventing him from the pairing and for them both days of the hearing. if you want any more details on this and not a set of send a full reaction to these events, you can head on move us to our website onto the, on the
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ball. gary a is postponing the delivery of $100.00 ahmed personnel. carriers, p crating, demanding stuff that nato picks up the bill to transport them out, the decision to provide the fact. this was foss taken 3 months ago, and the delay comes. the huge package remains in limbo and washington, while americans and europeans are increasingly doubting kids. chances of success autism, and it's joe has more details. as you quain spaces yet another year of the feast and as conflict with russia, the optimism of its biggest pay tron seems to be fading away. and the largest one is that the united states remains divided on how to handle ukraine, as both democrats and republicans are in the deadlock over further funding for kids . but the lesser media has already said, what seems to be increasingly clear. apparently no one actually expects ukraine to
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win. so here we are mister by that and says, we mustn't give mister put in the victory without quite committing himself to ukrainian victory. mr. trump says it's stupid to give key of anything but loans between the 2. the american people are getting the crucial debate about what we want the outcome to be and why. according to the democrats sending those funds to ukraine, is vital for the united states status as a global power. republican stay hesitant, not because the found the frost shop, but because they are calling on the bite and administration to focus on america's borders 1st. and well, ukraine serves as a leverage for them. playing on the weak sides of the democrats means more political points to when the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an 8 bill that was opposed by most republican senators and does nothing to secure our own board. it is time for washington to start showing some love to americans on valentine's day. this is a good day to point this out,
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need to listen to the american people and their needs and take action. in the meantime, the tig is growing. people are becoming more and more frustrated with kids leadership, or rather a lack there of approximately 70 percent of americans want the fight in administration to push for negotiated peace with russia as soon as possible. and they're not entirely wrong in believing. so, after all, despite western support, your brain has yet to secure any significant military widths. on the contrary, the backend has not only prolonged the conflict, but it has also caused supreme significant losses. however, while american officials continue to the bait about military donations to ukraine, republican senator lindsey graham has put out a new idea. i suggested making the legal aid alone to live president trump is suggested. the europeans gave you train $50000000000.00. 33 a that was
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a loan. i spoke to president trump earlier in the week about making the a to ukraine alone. this was his idea, not mine. you know, we did lend lease to britain, were $34.00 tree and dollars in debt. ukraine has minerals, they have a lot of resources. so the idea there is to take advantage of another space desperation and it's conflict in a more profitable way as well. with that logic, it's unlikely peace negotiations would suit the american agenda. i mean, ukraine is still viewed as the cheapest way for the us to stick your is to your political interest, a trade giving the money to create is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance that security. it's just, it's after the fighting has been done by the crate, is that the people who are being killed the us and you are supplying them weapons. so the truth is ukraine seems to really be on its own and is essentially being played and used by the west for their own political agenda. and in the end,
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you will end us conflict is only causing more bloodshed and creating an even greater risk of escalation. in the meantime, washington continues to claim the king who crane, which is of course and of direct and benefit to the us itself. it is in the national security interest of the united states to pass the supplemental funding request. you or the secretary speak about this last week? one of the points you made is that when it comes to our security assistance to ukraine, 90 percent of that money is actually spent here in the united states and benefits of american manufacturing and benefits of american technological development of building us call and to agree on increased $60000000000.00 in a to prayed. however, all of this amount was to funds will be invested one way or another in american production on enterprises. of course, most the ministry ones. well that's cost life now to 1st of all its moments on
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politics as a marriage college of california adult to jack rasmus like feel patients chuck i'm the 1st thing i'm you know i want to of to i want to think that the us media on a cool, white house officials on now increasing the activate, pushing the i to the most of the money given to craig will actually stay in the us that kind of trying to sell it as a, a win win almost. well, that's not quite true. a good part of it, maybe 3040 percent is actual cash payments to ukraine to keep is government from, from collapse and you know, the us, any, you are paying the wages and salaries and government workers and their pensions, which by the way, the better the american government workers get uh so, you know, maybe a 3rd event is actual cash payments. and then uh, you know, the m f is given a 13 and a half 1000000000. keep its uh, currency from collapsing. the rest of it is, uh yeah, it's uh, to buy goods uh,
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weapons. right. uh, the u. s. government actually pays the wasn't manufacturers money and the weapon manufacturer and send the good. so, you know, we're talking about tens and hundreds of billions, maybe of money that is not really going to ukraine. it's going to boeing in the racy on, and lockheed who then send the weapons over there. so, you know, they're getting very, very rich. yeah. you know, one of the most lucrative, the stop to place nowadays is the defense stocks because it looks like this is going on for quite a while. so it's not quite true. well, you know, this, the money goes to the present amount. most of the money goes to american war manufacturers and you know, it doesn't matter if it's loans, loans exist, but that's just the substance here. because uh, yeah. ok. yeah, the government still gives the money to the wor, work manufacturers. and then uh, you know, you've got ukraine, ukraine having to repay those loans to the government at some time. and what really
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happens is the us then forgives those loans further down the road. so this loan thing is, this is the stoops to try to sell it. i'm very sorry. there was so much more that i would like to ask too, but uh they told me that all the time has run out. i do appreciate as always, your insight, the that was adult to job causes russell, the comments on politics, as in mary's college of california. thank you to well, that is the news one down this thursday morning, next up, although it's meant to travels to namibia, unfortunate people who ever centurylink still feel this calls and connect to by a personal page and clicking on the the.


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