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tv   Documentary  RT  February 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST

6:30 am
you know, the u. s. n, you are paying the wages and salaries and government workers and their pensions, which by the way, the better the american government workers get. uh so, you know, maybe a 3rd of it is actual cash payments. and then uh, you know, the i m f is given it 13000000000 keep its uh, currency from collapsing. the rest of it is, uh, yeah, it's uh, to buy goods. uh, weapons right. uh, the u. s. government uh actually pays the manufacturers money and the width of manufacturer to send the good. so, you know, we're talking about tens and hundreds of billions, maybe of money that is not really going to train. it's going to bowling and recently on and the lucky who then send the weapons over there. so, you know, they're getting very, very rich, one of the most lucrative, the stop to place nowadays is the defense stocks because it looks like this is going on for quite a while. so it's not quite true. you know,
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that the money goes to the present amount. most of the money goes to madison, more manufacturers. and you know, it doesn't matter if it's loans loans or is this just the subject? huge because uh, yeah. okay. uh, the government still gives the money to the wor, work manufacturers, and then uh, you know, you've got ukraine, ukraine having to repay those loans to the government at some time. and what really happens is the us then, uh, forgives those loans further down the road. so this loan thing is, this is the stairs to try to sell it. all right, uh, to china now were cargo ships smashing to a bridge, cutting the roadway in hoffman. the nation is a southern province of glenn. don't. we understand a 2 people can find killed in the incident. 123 more. a missing 5 vehicles were on the spot and above at the time, withdrew, plunging into the river. the others actually fell into the into the empty congo ship. right. that, that's, we understand the owner of that vessel has reportedly been arrested
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towards file sending it to a busy post day here at all to international the mothership in moscow. appreciate you joining us, sharing your time with the entire audience. national news team will be back uh the top of the hour with more of your 1st they both have in the sense that we're not part of proof to those here where you order
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for your cover that you might need to know the of them to you not to be at the bottom, you do do load the product, the ocean, and that's the the we have
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a fix on the government would have to run the slip for the day or so they've got to even if i tried to just follow the don't try me on the search engine, police mail to you about the trash or do you most of the bullshit was search though lot of people, the luxury associate was to the own law or a commercial it seems to be most controlled. her children will start to move the one in the you so much of your future you were here for football insurance. i filled the order
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with. i'm just be sure to name them. you post them as noise from the true. i am a v lecture by the way i'm, they go for the premium the other as long as they have to select roto roote. so, so if the president of the issue is to show the type of shows is this order with them belong to people never go. and here's a sort of bringing more people to get this, not a big deal. is there a traditional mortgage, virginia beer?
6:36 am
she's all 3 or 4 of them were still here with 5 of somebody to tell you to reassure him about 3 years. i'm not sure we're good to meet with her for the one from saw from frontier to to choose the community the me i should feel smarter. uniform. you stick me. sure. eugene. my brother is in your your for your for wanting some of your skills. also use more, let me, let me approve some, some bubbles of food here. me professionally from the know israel's, you on,
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you're still central. which part of the full time, you know, so you're able to get pretty useful. you're not sure what you're used to because i'm funny, but it's not your share is now she has to remember what you want to do. so the teacher didn't just for junior people got uh what you what i showed
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you that afternoon almost i work studio is one year for one. you have 3232 of you said was frustrated. can you, the very best way is i'm gonna give you a call and go through one of the so she owes it practice. people start on hold of a solution, but you move it was on stage, which is from the stage like which to the way most of let me say it over those get who is a quote for 50 itself
6:39 am
. google, google. but if it's a single our thoughts of we know what you said, you go and you start from it says on through this if you want to be comfortable with this started and since if i did it for the summer, well yeah. to be able to show you the maya d loose and you punch and startled in grand school where you upload you for the the how are you? this is for them to them for the grades or source with them. it's you from the structure of cortez that you're looking for. 3rd, i and anyway, national,
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it's a way unless you designate for based on weight that's not the it's got all the rest is the, the toaster. is that what you do? the faith get us here. we order the fresh me almost the love nice but we say
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receive smart. did you see the items, the brothers, the pizza, the the number 2 and you the introduction especially if there's a special way you which you guys are doing. i mean, it's equipment is through, you could 30 or for about 300 of them. get these to be shipped. there shouldn't be a page after that. there's anything where you're right page noise and you can see
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it. you said you go, you buy cubicles with what there's still, are you going to california to choose to go to prison for the pick the answer to the, the, the, the, it's not a point here because i was about to do so here's what you've been with them to the bottom. that's what will be in your mind to see did you let them just makes it one you didn't leave us? what was the that's what you to know what i want to do, i think because that's what we think you should probably practice 11. the not the we're just the 3rd at the sound of, of them. what they do allow me to just,
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you know, just you being that you should have disappeared off the cover that you might do to the disclosure if there were enough. i'm, if did you need, could you email it to me? thank you for me. other than 5007, i just thought you to wrap the piece you guys are using to do that. also to shut you off by somebody is the issue expert to find the item to the the one on the on this do we put notes on this p to just make
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partial one or we can only see what you have left of the football media was that the blue star got you, i was reading the live stream. so let's say that the car, these 3 musical, you void that are stars, the phone level to fill a mile of the ones that i got. if i gave them a fill out the deck of some of them all know that my soon of what that says there's a lot of it's certainly nobody because of the hands and whose
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does she give it to, you know, giving it to you because i but i was, i was the speaking my senior when after we he you know, the issue. i see the, [000:00:00;00] the on the she was, oh, it was a 50 so it was
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a sort of stage where the car was actually just for the for the show stuff at the door. the blow for this deficient just is just the what's required it shut off should have should it should i said people just actually updated the desktop because i'm ready to move the page. it won't leave it with us, but you have to pay your so less than that other than to do with the notion. that's chase expert. buford. you're strategic that you needed for the
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the do you want just give you the, the of the state.
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let me see what your new position that you think is listed here. i'm only looking at the local this
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is the i'll put you on this next question. you see yourself because it does occasionally over there and then i think it doesn't include search . you the 1st the loser? any really super, as soon as i was looking to see nation issue. the issue was it was in the proceeds and you're looking for
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the west of $1000000.00 because you know the little looking to just look the problem is doing roughly so i'm on for a month it's very soon, but i do have new village. she has was, it was green, the green lock, your doors near your preventative. i've the invoice to frontier indicates that one's reputation. yeah. just for the day that we're dealing with ask us to do is to put off the set them up. good for sure. with this georgia number here and the 1st law or timing for them. so she has to have just sent you a name and you don't get perfect and you were interested from them. you know,
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when you're ready to move or you're kind of rolling department just do for them and just sit and them, you know, when you go over pushing is actually actually the industry. so the, to you to the one that does or doesn't know what was
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the good and then did the run that off in the last john, well that's what i had from the president because we've done that. yeah. so that was part of the sure with nature we actually was never a counted as present to that came with everything was one you pretty much every most of us. so scared was it was no, no even, no sir,
6:53 am
it's pretty much me. yeah. yeah . but it's going to be on somebody, someone in the state and comes the more sure to for me to put in for the, for, for even there's, you know, for the, for stuff i just get the for your patience just a minute that she don't finish and doing anything that just keeps goodness. is it somebody's just give sure to be able to do it or just she later create a new year. yeah, i do have
6:54 am
a loader to put you that address and into the, you know, the 1st of the whole community there and get a new genetic job that i could get kind of a tedious the, or
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the push the nazi one of the way to to do pretty simple to stay on the break, even the dogs are getting killed or the by giving me of the for the this is melissa future to nice. bob. i'm ok so the
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rest of the the the the the, the scripted 2nd week of the whole lot of people forget what the go and if eventually 20 financial oh is this for the promotion your own wish of was this one with the the just the sticking a little bit of other the dish come on. was this in hillsboro, 6 full for the lowest version of
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the most efficient nowadays. that's all with somebody's got all it good. read through was last name check. so the can you my part of the move on to the by the more affordable and finished on a gas for giving you a good fit. just fill it up with a sales force equals a cut. also the selection was good for both of them. the parker were mailed was good to him. so normal, do i show erica will do games and i'd like to get away from, you know, but as far as the appointment. so if i do and it's, it's in use now, you know,
6:58 am
for just sort of shift for to get a lot of those are, 1st of all a silver to the local square foot. you don't have to click a little less the gauge trucks. the police do something very good. so at this level is this vehicle here. they do granular junction to the player trace to see obviously if the last on the ship with
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the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify all confused. who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the same wrong just don't
7:00 am
you have to safe house to come to after care and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground the the size of the room killed will surrender. will they try to run and sleep? most of them chose the latter. those who didn't. well, they remain under the debris, ukrainian forces losing grounds of russia and a ton of, of difficult as the lake is big tree for moscow is causing west in audiences to question just how the conflict can possibly end a new crane space. the scenes of protests in india we understand styles of farmers, but marching on the country's capital, they have rejected


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