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tv   Documentary  RT  February 22, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EST

7:30 am
support from just outside the high court in the british capital. we've not reached the end of the to day, co, heavy and security and us on just potential expedition to the united states where he cited 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers, all heating cold that say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration a legit call cooktop in the white house. the with the say i to assassinate mistress owns on the streets of london. they said this is call save you found over the insurance is given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited these assurances, happy, dismay, spies. obviously international is not worth the paper that's a all written on. now. there's been, uh, there was fee to taking place now behind it from a, a range of a song you suppose, as we've heard about, the judges have deferred. that decision said not taking the decision,
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say so that verdict will be announced a late today to we're hearing that that could possibly be mocks, the 4th. but of course, we'll keep you updated with the latest using developments as we get along that imagine massage would love to be outside right now, but apparently he's failing on well, which explains why he failed to appear in court on both days of the hearing. the reports of him feeling unwell confirmed by salinger's lawyer details on our website the so just quickly did you know that the main judge set to rule on the knowledge case report for the has been paid in the past to represent the interest of the u. k. spy agency m, i 6 of the u. k. ministry of defense. these activities by the way, well,
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actually exposed by which he leads. so in fact, the very judge ruling on the fate of a song was already exposed for deep state ties by a saw unwittingly. just make sure your question well with us here. this is us the instant cash the the, the am i am 45, but the ones that are on the insurance form and i did. e got paid. it was a, i don't know for you. i don't want that, you're not severe, i could do that for you. but on the
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content, i just need you to be sure to visit the demo of your screen, which should damage and future new york. i know when you're waiting now, before i have to be there on the get this to a g. wow. nothing is something i mean, you mean the older stuff? the new rose and you put a little to school. is this? well, i beautiful at the piano. moving over, do you speak furnace to put it in no way, not in cash flow and get started, please move those kinds of data. and then if you get from walsh it gets to me. but the other one i would like to talk to
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you real quick binding people from lucy would be the shoot without pushing with the completed loop to teach the point that more than that of what the vision of the i was somebody on the 5th grade we had on friday, so the destination was 0. yeah. did you choose to continue at the bottom of it?
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we didn't know if we did see you which which levels not for you to to just go to the super, super easy to to contribute more of your time of the limits to redo the difference for the that but name is that it's really easy because we do it i do go by so it
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looks like he was withdrawn from the the, the researchers. what do you mean? they look at the visiting metalli and finish. finish that in facebook and i like it down for 1st 3. what's the deal? is it um and so you can call me when you this is the processing time on nothing, but as soon as the last time it was
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a last leg before you show us you really for me the, you don't know if you guys the sicilian writing has any most just on it, i suppose the most recent ends of this that i was looking to do for you, but it's not that it's got dirty and pacific to me that we have to do for this kind of thing for those that we as a method of safety saturday at the time you did please,
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you had to stop the most of the sleeping. so, you know, is it a new position? is re every spring cause of i guess the username is just the good right now and so good. and that's when i need to do a presentation give even though significant for a mr national by style. and i'm just in a little of a folder will give you just a couple of time to see what the rate your total on that person and yours and renewed in the other was because of the most for the more c e plots. and i'm going to put them in the the local look through
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the folders you would lose to figure out those needs to be able to be the with the password to do that or so this in the silva uses of does the same tier. so the superior just me pull this up, what do you guys do? the yeah that's that's probably because
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she would have been able to pull it up. so i mean, my social's putting in a little bit behind the book or for richard l. a. columbus that hold on here and then you of them, are you a it's a bundle solution still supposed to $711.00. it's ready to pay for the english. i just need you to go to the graph. i guess i'll go over the before the seal the can. i do also show
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from where you can go that far, which will far from the the cheese. so we need you really need somebody to come in the morning in new jersey. d, as in george lou, the for the, for the
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funds and use of the school the semester is that the compressor or they have to load this new do that. it says most of them is that the course that in the, for us procedures such as the
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the end of the independent from so he was because they said they would give you 1st of all when it's done the dressers do with a couple of items in the window and what's
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more for her that's the worst to check the book on booking books and will this thing the way it works and whatnot. which has just have some interest for you and your best to read the to take a fresh look around as
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a life kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills and is it just shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground again as a result of light is can be started by light. pace can be scattered by true importance of we can never be of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake. patrice been just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them
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available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest wants to so long realize pen smith and golf and, and honestly the biggest of late continuously. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the the
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use of discipline of both initially is the what is the zip code is because the zip is too, so you'll be in the military all except it's the ground level. probably notice we have 2 photos on these 2. let's see. for just the most of the syllable you like listed on your list. okay, that's good to know. pretty cool. yeah, bob, she was coordinated positionally today me on production for you. sure. what's your issue pundits provider within your
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organization? i think there's anybody else where in your sugar can we get a time examine starting so i guess it'd be the the one thing about the product sugar friday the well of course the ocean and that will go up. it's not, you know, of to create a new
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drone, less costly than what i mean 0 and you want them to see it on the, on the got everything and go to that. they're not going to have that phone. it's got, you know, you're not here for them to a 4 piece a little contract. you see that more of the kids going to actually do the words this yeah. usually for love a if i like, how is this not my go regards to the daughter corporate human. those and is nice tonight. no worries here. yes it brother. yes. the okay.
7:50 am
the test go i can look up like a switch, i guess, associated logan. we see that the new modem. so with locals. oh you are you just yeah. the area, the mama gigi, it's up to you know, the sort of with that, right? you pay it to somebody who say a lovely and who is not doing it yours are, you know,
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most of the forget it for the kids are good. if not, please advise them to grands get out of to re 0. save somebody, is that or the other kid should isn't there, but once you get the answer to this person and a you still, your zillow profile.
7:52 am
yeah. the one from the metallic views, the committee meeting just for the day permit splitting this not what i was waiting to hear the but i do know i didn't you know that it's not as football is the one on the phone the video still go over the symbol i see a some w snap that i have for the general stay on the time. so in showing you bullshit slash of body is deal is found that sort of
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stuff. but actually for i guess the you know, the finance for for that there's 2 ways to save and then the question. the no, no, no. so that's what i but as you movers, they'll probably have it in the pony and you'd be with the drugs. was i she jackie, just thought it was about something to do. if i seem to pick it up, i'm not going to give me a bad news. i thought i was caught always taping. like you might, i mean,
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is he getting what you thought? even supposing because the loser i see i'm on the the literally is is listen a little bit sooner. i see i think found that i did them on the other this pushing, this is a little bit over. see, i look, see, and you can just listen literally started with us, you would use a lot of what you think was the real thing. this is the
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fluency, the fluid i see here, those are the roots. and let's see what we choose to move on. that's what it was to do. the buck loan, those are millions sick. let's go through there for me to get to the the us to, to the bye. bye. uh or the or the so i will do this to hold you to send to
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40 not find a bit easier than finding where to find the human if at all as a facilitator stopped. and it will forward in there which are traditional surgery, little here across the by time were you were with us so much all the stuff you're going to use quite easily for the some of the office or us exceptions away from us here session,
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the fun part of it here to share it with the the, the, the, the, the,
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this is the the,
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the wires and why in this country. what if i give borrowed money at the store in this they should have been a short order for now, i'm not going to say lots of green scale when i am at your desktop session. that's just showing me your just is when you bought a new born, you sit on with the the, the, the,
8:00 am
the top headlines are what i've seen. international russian forces gain more ground along with don't have the front lines coming just today. he's also taking the t city of, of deer. we have an exclusive report from the stronghold lock key of losses, raising questions in the west about how the conflict from possibly and, and ukraine described either be, will kill surrender or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the latter. those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. this is a war of extermination and a war family and this is not a war. this is our 9 lation as 100 rose food supplies are when you and cut. so a deliveries to the old but this.


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