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tv   News  RT  February 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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of the parts, we still have some common ground. the top headlines right now here we're not seeing as russian forces gain more ground along the don't you upfront the lines coming just days off to taking the keys to do of the. i hear it out. see, we have an exclusive report coming up is key of the law says raising questions in the west about how the conflict can possibly end in the favor of you pray. either be, will killed or surrender. will they try to run and sleep? most of them chose the latter. those who didn't. well, they remain under the debris. this is a war of extermination and a war's famine. this is not a war, this is our 9 lation of hunger grows. the food supplies the dwindling as the un cups of a delivery, so they all but destroyed northern gaza comes however,
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it is ready. officials praise the idea of the devastation of the and i am personally proud of the ruling and gaza and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren. but the jews did and fighting for freedom of human rights groups all to bring that extra that. i think julian, a sound from the u. k to america violates a treaty between the nations. the size of the judges today delayed a ruling on the whistle, blowers case the court before we jump into the program, just a quick heads up. we are standing by to go live to rio de janeiro for rushers, for administer. speaking to the press of the g. 20 summit, we will get this soon enough. but for right that whole of us here on the program, we begin in the don't ex people's, or public with russian forces have captured the village up yet. that's according to
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the nation's ministry of defense, as our corresponding eagerness died off. now expect one thing to understand about that is a small village just outside the city of the desk where i am right now. it's got to has become possible off to russian forces, liberated another town to even close to, to where i'm standing right now. and that's the town of money in case used to be one of ukraine's major struggles where they basically they turned it into a bass. the end of defense, so why did russia decided to make the bed? it's next target off to liberating martin, even though the village itself has maybe 3 or 4 streets. basically, this village is seen as one of the key points towards the town of oakley dot, which is another stronghold of the crating. and i mean, he didn't ask for public schools who are very, very close to the city of dentists see is located on the domain 18 high surrounded by open fields. so uh, taking over it uh with a stupid in stop and upfront attack is really impossible. and even if it is
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possible, it would ensue heavy losses. so the capture of the town of the village of the bed that is one small step towards flanking oh, good. on cutting supply lines to this town for the ukrainian forces. this is the say, the tactic that we have seen in of day of the latest big victory with dog u. b. it is bigger than the capture of the bed. and we were among the 1st t v crews to visit the town of dave. and we have, we have been bringing you exclusive reports. this is our latest one. as we have been observing some, a trophy vehicles that fell into the hands of the russian fruits and speaking with the locals. this is the high rise district enough to have cuz this was supposed to be the main stronghold, at least one of the main struggles of its garrisons. but when the russian troops cuts the main supply, audrey well, they will simply left with the rather well unpleasant choices either of these pay
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and will either be, will killed or surrender or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the latter. those who didn't well, they remain under the debris russian troops, the reef, the spoils of the soldiers salute as they tow a ukrainian tent right past us. an infantry fighting vehicle that lays on its side and the massive crater is pulled out and towed a way to of dave good. is it so see the say. feel free. everything from nature may bradley's too small a weapons. and damn oh, perfect. what does the ford escape? so what does i'm going to get off of uh, as much as food i mean already keep troops didn't bother with digging
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trenches inside of town, making themselves comfortable in houses and basements, rightful homeowners had no shame. this one of the, the crating troops hate mdf cane retaliation to fight is on the front line. stay 5 tanks near the front tree 1st on my co scrimmage street. and they forced all civilians leaf and then the military took over. and then when they were under pressure themselves, they started spreading around the city. despite all this, we see a staggering number of locals while driving around up. dave got all of them chose to live through how and bombs and bullets were only a part of it. one elderly woman tells me how you crane town humanitarian aid into a tuneful bending people's will the people responsible for distributing and give it out there? well, i'm russian. so the ukrainians were giving me to meant there in a but not all the time. wherever to get the
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a do you have to write an application and then you had to ride glory to ukraine. it frustrated me. yet she refused to be evicted on key terms. the ukrainian troops offered to evacuate for their way from the front line, but i refused. i'm a russian citizen of russia. why should i move there? i have a son living and then yes, but they didn't allow me to go there. many of leaving, even now the look of somebody who, but the real beers that will do cities that russia is building a new in hopes that their homes and lives be revitalized to make is done up, proposing form of data. got out. see, let me find the head of a danish ministry of defense says to the country will transfer the 1st at 16 fine to just to ukraine. this sum up, designed to the 1970s. will the old jets feed the much heights, game changer that's being talented by western players? we've got you covered at all, all the website and i put in has taken to the skies to see 1st hand
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to russia to strategic bama, the to 160 and, and the president arrive of the cars on aircraft planned flight reportedly last at 40 minutes earlier he personally inspected for more than nice strategic miss all the carriers, the people of 160 and such as the cross can carry a nuclear weapons and all elements of the so called russian nuclear triad. they also carry 5 bombs or small bottoms. that a very precise have a lot of my food and as already shed his review on the aircraft, i can, yes, of course it can be accepted into the armed forces of the russian federation. this is a new aircraft. it handles very well visible to the naked eye with high reliability and improved comfort to gaza. now whether un world food program is suspending a deliveries to the northern pond. so the goal is to enclave that decision. basically leaving conflict palestinians, the facing famine of the aid of stuff with your portal to remain in place until is
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possibly to be actually a safely distributed because that's the issue of the world food program said the, the new pause is due to quote the collapse of civil order during distribution, recent times of st kale, vic situations has delivery trucks brought food to locals. the so called a civil this. busy order is not the only issue of the crowds of displaced palestinians who had gathered to get food from a trucks and gaza city, forced to flee when the idea of forces opened fire. some of the residents we spoke to cold. the attack, ethnic cleansing is become very hard. i've been trying to get humanitarian night for several hours. this is a war of extermination and a war famine. this is not a war. this is our 9 lation. to do the north of guys that is suffering from poverty, banks have come and displeased people we, the palestinian people are on the arm. they displaced us from my homes,
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were hungry and were inevitably approaching death. this is injustice. this is ethnic cleansing. and of the you in organization there really thing works. agency has seen his finances basically drive off through a number of western countries cut off that funding. it's all because there's rail alleged that a handful of the un body stuff we're actually involved in the mass october attacks . the end of the day, the world health organization says no one should be denied access to humanitarian. the sorry it is, are they to all the g 20 taking place in rio de janeiro and there with the russian foreign minister, right that behind me. so get off or off. let's listen and see what he's having to say us. we're now completing how it works at the meaning of ministers of foreign affairs of the g. 20. will she have to move police 1st of all, i'd like to know tell her that for 12 and particular still slaughter boucher work
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under the brazilian chairmanship and the amazing conditions that my book been given . the hospitality angelo, which, which gets propelled so it's a cheese if you have business like dialogue, without just any attempts to use it to push someone's agenda. because ultimately, the g, tennessee was established within said look for a collective joints of approaches to solving pressing issues of the world economy to see what and if they should have seen that on. because it's clear enough that today's situation in the world economy is gonna be more than roughly distorted by methods used by the west. you have to go used to be up to you bunch, those refuse to follow the rules. the rules that are of the sports neo colonial nature, and the methods that the west uses to punish the competitors. bates unlawful sanctions. truthfully serves consultations on proper se,
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like mailing on the trade blockades of many, many other things. if you have a schedule, we specialize. but for us, this distorts disrupters, the very foundations of the world economy. that is, that you have to speak to you and to slows down the realization of prospects that whole countries of the world would like to see realize. it good for them to just know that having personally opportunities with the role countries, we got his meeting by the ticket that you'll do to the west selfish policy proposed to didn't give it a minute. i'd also like to point out that there have been arguments recently about whether the judgment say, should the products involved in jewel political matters and brazil's sherman ship? i think we'll go city and found a very correct z most perspective on the introduction of geo politics and economy. that's what that exactly in the context i've mentioned here. you've been looking at
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how to a political trends, jewel, political actions, because usually i'm speaking of the westbound lanes, the middle of how they affects the prospects of the world economy for all countries, which is a pretty big school is and how those actions actually hadn't part of the development of yourself mutually beneficial economic projects. right. but yes, good. yeah. so this is how it formulated the agenda for all yesterday's session of villa changes for the detail a few minutes and due to it. and you have said you've been developing countries, emphasized the needs to really step away from lots officials, hopefully narrowing of this to good use of facilities in pursuit. so if there's someone else as jo, political goals, patients to the goals, that's harvest mishimoto that mostly have nothing to do with international legislation. and i only am that's defending the interest of a small group of countries and the terms of some of our went western counterparts.
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as judgments administer will meetings to which i've heard the discussion from this key issue use good is towards matchers of simple saying the key of regime or of sound is agree cause ations of the russian parts of this year. general attempt said this is ukrainian icing was the agenda on those attempts, but usually we're not supported by most of the countries on the global, south, east, everywhere for those number 2. this is a mistake to members and you might also closely related to this to the 1st one dealt with on the 2nd day of our minister will session is the reformation of global institutions guys. so that's the question that's been around for quite a while. some 20 years the play base it wouldn't have the shape. so i'd say, let me remind you that's in front of the 10 giving you the community cables. class of 222. but we sit through it as much as the goal of increasing the role of 2nd and
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significance of developing countries. institutions of global governance reform seem to have and i mean above all the i m f, the world bank are huge school. so through the issues that we have come out of cooperation organizations move in and the world trade organization just didn't slip for send years to that. so we'll see what it is showing you. what a slug would i the you reminders us about the last is decisions i mean daily last september was a, a similar less the verdict of the past where the judge went and spoke. you're not a mislead bluesy and mostly in favor of increasing the role of developing countries . asthma, you guys been with us, according to the real weights of their economies and everybody knows very well that it's not the 1st year that the united states has been locking the reform of the of those is quotas. payments to the i am asking because let me just go to some of
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the position of the real economic growth indicators as a to them for those that are needs. so yours has been like you will issue struggling to retain their beloved king much minorities in the i m. s. usually it's not willing to smooth deals really mean, but i've sent them a go a sofa, not willing to give away the percentage of votes. if he was not on the list to continue, see what you see of us, the part is sociable with controlling this international structure of esentially to the fellow and appreciate it. is that be something that makes sense? and i was like to see those assist you flush it promises to extend your time to a verdict. so i'd like to say that implemented then by go into activities support level self countries on this matter. this, the thing is the also, it needs to be pointed out. so now it's a page that's a boss from bretton woods institutions, the i m. s. on the world bank. you saw some of the world trade organization 7 through there also new centers of gravity for the world
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majority of the developing in different areas of the world in the region territory . it's the shanghai cooperation organization, the sand. so use the ration economic student in the middle. so we've come to this in these institutions. these entities have been establishing contact with some on each other within the initiatives pushed forward by president for this to form that allows you or see if you are agents partnership that's open to any country. it'll be continental without exception enough for goods to the african union. and many subs structures in the middle east side of the south of africa. it's the legal veteran states i've already mentioned does sound it to yourself and, and let. and then there again, is the community or the excuse of lesson and caribbean staples of c to forget it was all those, those me, those are blogs and unions. they should also contribute, which are solutions, make their contributions they should make their voices heard in the context of
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reforming global institutions is african union and joined for jaden, which on st. angelo think it would be only fair share to get my if is that's relevant to the regional organizations of asia and latin america followed suit those views. so i, you to represents their confidence and the regions were here with less confidence on the global sales on a global, easily and, and connection with a structural reform of the global governance. the fordable said that there's many participants attached to belong to the ratio of reforming the security council. and we also have folks to say the disciples express our position for beauty, which we think the security council should be reformed by removing the is the key, the device selector open, just as under a presentation of developing countries. now out of the 15 members over the security council, so usually it goes to 6 members represent us allies just because you've sold lost,
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all of them are on positions that are dictated by washington's expectations complexity sites. so when we decide practically as a mattress of expanding the un security council, we are going to support exclusively the representatives of patient asia, africa, and latin america. this is a position shared by many other countries, the countries that realize the unacceptable debility outside of us because of the expansion of over a presentation of the western states, which is out of proportion with a real that each contribution to the world. politics said, because as i've already noted, the west entire policy is shaped by washington, the source new york, histone and others obediently because of a, something that they've been observing. so most of the friends of attracts doing so . states as the summit and rio de janeiro is taking place on the 18th and 19th,
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something of a birth of g 20 summit, c a. and we hope that this is going to take place with the observance of all basic norms of international regulation, including sylvester. it's split up, which is respects for the national sovereignty of old main member states. your questions please the the, the scope of model. so i'm gonna share the role as i said, in the very beginning of my speech with you, my, the discussion of guilt footboard is everybody realizes more and more so each day that the geopolitical gay and set the thing in ventures m, i hope the west is not going to weave affects directionally, the world economy in a very negative sense to do this, or taking the objective processes magically you have been growing up to date again,
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different regions except that coal for unification of that for the set of rules, barriers you 3 are but that's quite a look on so each of those subjects of factors, the united states and the satellites. this today, in the form of the collective west, you'd have been building extra barriers with used to have so ring to announce the support you natural logistics and financial chains, or would you consider making manufacturing more expensive? yep, they do it this way. what does the to buy them, what you're supposed to know, which but either so i think that's our brazilian friends. what? thank you. minutes have found a very smart to good perspective on this topic. is it easy you viewing match or is up to a politics from the point of view of their directory? so i'm going to keep the 2nd sentence, lance, on the spheres of economics, finance and international trade relationships. little confusing him on that, that are essentially the mandate of the g 20 looks if you spend the 70 full feeling
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the mandates of that your twin size is becoming more difficult. because this world's economic indicators are artificial, distorted by the west bush and police. the police people but you are successful perhaps very important to take away from the agenda. very well formulated. and i think discussions are going to continue during the summits on this topic. the of the little you and you thought you knew the coming to you to it's probably i would like to go into this is detailed comments on problems experienced by our brazil and hoss problems was the fueling, the that the,
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which you was aircraft of for their international guess? sonya indeed it's a good example of the international politics affecting of me calling to meet and normally answer going mental ties. it so happens that here in like brazil, they're almost no companies. you've got fuel aircraft that wouldn't belong to western corporations that you asked me to do. so initially, i just want to commend the actions of our brazilian hosts. so did the best to make sure of those issues result. so the, the main thing is taking, taking place today, the
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virginia and you see the, the, the us that's been increasing pressure no doubt about that. but whether that helps them in any way, i don't know. i wouldn't like to result in categories of someone losing or someone when they do that and then the loser is taking revenge. and this going on forever. the special circles begin this step, especially in the united states. unfortunately, it isn't it which has failed to make regular lessons due to the solar eclipse and still thinks that there are rules that nobody has same would you and you have to have rules that catered. so it was a us interests now that go into 2nd, the police us to rely on the principles of territorial integrity that you see it as was the case when they didn't accept the slave decision ups and ukrainian people living in the right me, a in dunbar put in so before that decision metal they had to emphasize the
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principle of self determination of nations. i got to deceptively this again the when they were attacking the uni, let surely declared and defend themselves, independence of the cost of all that was done in the chaise. the issues before our meeting here, it's good that then the unit conference on security move to the study. we just looked at the stomach video that way we had to deal with the long stops to participate so that we may see a heads up with some pseudo turned into the problem. turned into the local. no, you got them gatherings when you where the west continues to sway themselves and they're selling that just relevant to expect you to be. well, i follow the media account version of that and mr. blink can said, there we go. there should be some when you those and then you of course, like for me we should not but divide the world. the one you in the office and
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separated locks on to just seems like except the bose seems like a legitimate policy. but he then he can take these and 1st of all we're going to the corporate was democracies. below it is so know, there are other blocks, as he said, the most beautiful thing is, is the statement that old countries, i quote, have a choice is medal. this is to you to be at the table the at the table of the international system for be on the menu. so each of itself is here. you have that approach of the chief of us international politics. which is like wishing that with an appetite like this, our american counts are partners. i just wish them not to show, but i think the citizens bytes more than they can to help. we should all but could we please realize that unless wisdom last week on less than the stand the due to
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the point listless surface permanent tips attempt to lay planes. i guess these to find scape goat slaughter because the u. s. x has a cross, i kids are as the judge and as the court and does that with the furniture. it's all in one and she the number and this is terry i regarding the death of nev all nasal it is a prime example of that. and you to which i don't even one to go in soon as the comments here, these people have no rights to interfere in our home affairs, especially given farrell and such as problems. i got the story is what you learn a sound scottsdale that's happened show. so we've been looking at, it was kind of died from tortures and the ukranian jail is and you have the americans or any other westerns, political figure, commented on that, showed us with this. there's just another example that's not says are allowed to do
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anything. and this is very serious and video, but when you go there for a talk about your requirements, comments like a invoices for an open, an independent investigation we. this is a shame we used to require you to put an open investigation on you. then you can put it in the system, is that, you know, it's in connection with what happens with us. citizen of this, of that kind of phrase is let me see, let me. but when our property was blown up to what we were told, we were told no international investigation, we're going to figure this out of our selves. so this difference in the approach we have versus this is the middle colonial, isn't that we have fault, i guess. then we'll continue fighting on christmas. and of course, picking exactly precisely boston of all the latest news deal. nobody knows what they did to him. the you will, and in germany as well,
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i do apologize. we just lost the transmission, right. that basically was coming out of rio de janeiro and it would be a day to the g 20 conference, the if we cannot go straight by fill up roof and all the signal has been re establish thats missing father was an ambulance waiting for him to enter so would you be so doctor has informed me that everything they could to help him was disability for press you to switch tables. a bunch of his german medic ceiling requested his urgent ex tradition. so, and this all to me are hours of less than one day. i think it might. and later when he landed in germany, there's nothing scheme clean. if you can show you most of the when you, they. so that will show most of didn't find anything in him of what we were, excuse yourself, and the bonus for. so what duplicate good, the caustic, the soul of notice of view, what they manage to trace some points on a substance and is below d. where should we requested access to his central data? and they said it's, it was none of our business. so we were accused of having poisoned to them,
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but you need to. so we're not allowed to take a look. i'm doing a number that has simple dates, ask of them and you come when you put goes. so, and then if you lose it, sure and the circle closed on, but we're not allowed anywhere near the data. and those people are trying to accuse us of doing something by the other spin transparently. well, i think this is just unfair of save the and then they see it so. so then you have some of the cause of all this because the story with the germans refusing us access to his blood samples a time when i really and you can sort of with most of the blood samples of a person that we were accused. the boys a name and they were behaving so arrogantly back then that's a problem. it's going to just update you on the printer to bring up some recollections. this, those are issues. this arrogance, they really get it back very fairly quickly. of
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the fluid, i suppose it goes to fix the issue. well, lab, sure. every main thing, not only with let and america ministers excited them ministers of other countries as well as including the south african republic, the jeep cherokee, the james was good for this. at least as much leadership press release is that highlight the key topics to pull up. it's really a new cuz if we discussed that i would discuss it. i mean, it just depends. but every time we need to in the margins of big enough, national events and full runs of those meetings don't take long enough for us, but don't have enough time to cover the entire range of issues. but every country has its priority.


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