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tv   News  RT  February 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the, the, the, the headlines with all the international as russian forces gain move around along the don't yet, front lines coming just days off to taking the key city. i did hear it out to you. we have an exclusive report coming up. this keeps lost his rights and questions in the west about how this perfect can possibly end in the favor of you can either be one killed, it was to render or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the laptop. those who didn't well, they remain under the degrees. this is a war of extermination and a war spamming. this is not a war. this is our 9 lation of hunger grows. the food supplies onto into the united nations, cuts off a delivery to the old but destroyed northern gaza income such as ready officials
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praise the i the devastation he'll be. and i am personally proud of the ruins and gaza and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren, but the jews did also in the program, fighting for freedom, a human rights groups argue that extra that. i think, julian, that sounds from the u. k to america violates a treaty between the 2 nations, such as judges delay a ruling on that was a blow as case today. the, well, what today is being so far here at ortiz, we work a way of thursday night here at moscow busy, busy at the audience, the national mothership here in the russian. com. so beginning the program now in the donuts people's republic where russian forces have captured the village of pop data that's according to the nation's ministry of defense of corresponding did file . this report. one thing to understand about that is a small village just outside the city of the desk where i am right now it's capture
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has become possible off to russian forces liberated another town to even close to, to where i'm standing right now. and that's the town of money in case used to be one of ukraine's major struggles where they basically they turned it into a bass the end of defense. so why did russia decided to make the bed? it's next target off to liberating martin, even though the village itself has maybe 3 or 4 streets. basically, this village is seen as one of the key points towards the town of oakland, which is another stronghold of the crating. and i mean, he didn't ask for public schools who are very, very close to the city of dentists. c with dies located on the dominating high, surrounded by open fields. so taking a good job with a stupid and stopping upfront attack is really impossible. and even if it is possible, he would ensue heavy losses. so the capture of the town of the village of the bed
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that is one small step towards flanking oh, good. on cutting supply lines to this town for the ukrainian forces. this is the say, the tactic that we have seen in of day of the latest big victory with dog u. b. it is bigger than the capture of the bed. and we were among the 1st t v crews to visit the town of dave. and we have, we had been bringing you exclusive reports. this is our latest one. as we have been observing some, a trophy vehicles that fell into the hands of russian fruits and speaking with the locals. this is the high rise district enough to have cuz this was supposed to be the main stronghold, at least one of the main struggles of its garrisons. but when the russian troops cuts the main supply, audrey well, they will simply left with the rather well unpleasant choices either of these pay. yeah. and will either be, will killed or surrender or they try to run and flee. most of them chose the latter
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. those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. russian troops the reap the spoils of war soldiers salute as they tow a ukrainian tent right past us. an infantry fighting vehicle that lays on its side and the massive crater is pulled out and towed a way to of dave good, is it so see the face, feel free. everything from nature may bradley's too small. the weapons in demo for the for the ford escape. so the city of, i'm going to get over to the insurance through them. it already keep troops didn't bother with digging trenches inside of the town, making themselves comfortable in houses and basements. rightful homeowners had no
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say in this. one of the crating truths hate, do you have gained retaliation? to fight is on the front line. stay 5 tanks near the front, free 1st on my co scrimmage street and they forced all civilians leave and then the military took over and then when they were under pressure themselves, they started spreading around the city. despite all this, we see a staggering number of locals while driving around up. dave got hold of them, chose to live through how and bombs and bullets were only a part of it. one elderly woman tells me how you credit into the humanitarian aid into a tuneful bending people's will the people responsible for distributing and give it out there? well, i'm russian. so the ukrainians were giving the humanitarian aid but not all the time. wherever to get the a, do you have to write an application and then you had to ride glory to ukraine. it frustrated me. yet she refused to be evicted on key terms. the ukranian troops
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offered to evacuate for their way from the front line, but i refused. i'm a russian citizen of russia. why should i move there? i have a son living and then yes, but they didn't allow me to go there. many of leaving, even now the look at my to open the box for b as there will do cities that russia is building a new in hopes that their homes and lives will be revitalized to make is done up proposing from of the oxy. just a few clicks away for you right now. the head of the danish ministry of defense saying that the country will transfer the 1st f 16 fighters to ukraine this summer, but designing the 1970s or the old jets through the much type of game changer and the conflict we got. you covered dotsie dot com the all right, the guys are now with the u. n. world food program is suspending a deliveries to the northern parts of the gang place. that decision leaves countless palestinians that facing famine. at the age stop,
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age will reportedly remain in place and so it's possible to be safely distributed for the welfare programs said the new polls is due to quote the collapse of civil order during distribution. because the truth is, recent times of c, k, else delivery trucks have brought food to local. so the so called symbol disorder, not the only issue of the crowd have displaced the palestinians, so it'd gather to get food from a trucks and gone to the city before to flee. but apparently, id of forth is open fire. some of the residents we spoke to cold, the attack ethnic cleansing is become very hard. i've been trying to get humanitarian aid for several hours. this is a war of extermination, and a war famine. this is not a war, this is our night elation to do the north of guys that is suffering from poverty. banks have come in, displaced people we, the palestinian people are on the arm. they displaced us from my homes,
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were hungry and were inevitably approaching death. this isn't just this, this is ethnic cleansing. although you an organization that relief and works agency is seen as finances dry out after a number of western countries cut off the funding. they did so because israel alleged that a handful of united nations workers were involved in the last october attacks. world health organization, however, says that the end of the day, no one should be denied access to humanitarian. what type of work do we leave? when people cannot get food and water, or when people who cannot even walk are not able to receive cash food and not reaching within the hub. so which is we? the circumstances of the most dia, and most catastrophic when it comes to food, water, shelter, security. without those things you, we just going to see even more kinda simians die, not from this 30 bombings and bullets, but from starvation, from malnutrition,
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from the fact that they are not accepted in water or medical supplies or anything to survive. as a human desperation of you, decide who to support, cuz there's just so many in dire need. so, you know, we try out this just, but it's just feels like it's never enough agencies of stretching themselves to get trucks in into concepts. so even if we raise quite a bit of money, aid is being blocked, as we've seen, the managerial assistance and food and water and medical key should be given and kind of the way across the board to whoever needs it shouldn't be approved by any body. let alone the person who's committing the will cry deeply flawed. that's how i'm gonna stay. international is labeled washington's reasoning to reject julian a sondors extradition appeal, human rights group cost with what the trial and means on the final day of hearings
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that the u. k. hi quote. they will assess the arguing, but it doesn't matter whether or not this case was political. that actually the u. k is applies to expedite either way. this is really a deeply so document for 2 reasons. one is that you need to, so i'm just doing something that publishes and journalists do all the time. they receive classified materials from a confidential source that exposes will crimes, crimes against humanity, torture really great issues in public interest. and they publish them and to prosecute the janice under the guise of an espionage acts for doing something like this is inherently alexis. the 2nd reason why this is really quite a fluid document for the us to make it. there is an agreement between the us and the u. k. as a mutual extradition agreement, and it's absolutely clear that political defense is called the, the subject of expedition request. yeah, there is a, stella, stella are as sounds right there. and the beginning of the bottom of the picture is sondra is the photos of marching on downing street demanding his immediate release . a case of high code is basically the 52 year olds. final attempt to appeal is
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extradition stateside where he's wanted on espionage charges or the judges for the meantime. it won't fit against making any immediate decision of the house was not just in london, the champions of the woods, the blower making their voices code of pictures right there from violin. people demanding a suffix to the associates persecution of juliet. so we've not weeks the end of the to day cool. henry painted tardiness on his potential expedition to the united states where he faces 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers, all heating cold that say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration other legit call cooktop in the white house. the with the say i
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to assassinate the service owns on the streets of london. they said this is call see have you found over the insurance is given by the united states about his health wellbeing? should he be expedited these assurances have being dismissed by i'm this, the international is not worth the paper that's a all written on. now there's being uh there is free to taking place now behind us from a, a range of us on. do you suppose? as we've heard about, the judges have deferred. that decision said not taking the decision today, so that verdict will be announced late today to we're hearing that that could possibly be more so forth. but of course, we'll keep you updated with the latest using developments as we get well for some of that was the blower, the free speech champion, but there was a dangerous maverick, the audio still commentary, the sound story bells into the week and each revelations to show the world, but also the high price, the australia national, have to pay for daring to ad washington's dose e laundry. you can catch the full document to you on our website,
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but for an hour small pre, i don't want to say i'm dying us personally. and i think that's what a sizing dad will wait, st. beside the any reason to suggest that he's not he's trying to expires the crimes that out. governments that maybe an hour before that to be able to just pretend to not know and this is the fest and i think the thing about we can makes it kind of forced us to acknowledge it. you know, we couldn't ignore it anymore. he's an idealist. he's on a mission, he's on a mission to empower paper within summation, which makes his own easy. but this comes with the price range to spend what he was in the story and it was safe to use $7.00 or 8 years.
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a long time. he's in prison is basically, um, and now he's been so many months in the the e mail most presents there a lot of people on humans, a lot of a very time for paid work. this department is conducting a thorough, aggressive investigation to determine how this leak occurred to identify the person or persons responsible. well, you would imagine that you're gonna want it to attend to both days of his hearing, but his lawyer says he's been feeling on with more details analysis, reaction the whole 9 yards on like all the
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i would like to be personally taking to the sky to see photon rushers, strategic bama, the, to $160.00 and the russian president adobe a personally inspected of 4 of the more than i strategic miss. all carriers across late is one element of the countries nuclear triad. the a to $160.00 called black chunk, buying a tie when the white swan domestically is got a range of about 12000 kilometers. it can post a number of munitions, including the car and the high percentage missile an offers flight putting shut his thoughts on the will. of course, it can be accepted into the armed forces of the russian federation. this is a new aircraft. it handles very well visible to the naked eye with high reliability and improved comfort. over $2500.00 participants from a $150.00 nations around the world depended on the india and capital. it's so the
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countries premier conference on world politics and a g of economics. it is old getting underway as a correspondent of engine shot in my reports from new in the beginning, the gathering thing. yeah, this is why so not dialogue in new delhi was around 2500 in so some thoughts of the funds have come from. oh wow. 100 fantasies now in the us flagship fall conference, rise to not dialogue looks at you or politics and g, oregon. nomics, but also how to work on some of the challenges of the international communities facing as one would expect in a geo political setting. and the focus has been full to the russia. you queen conflict. many are being asked on what side they are on. and then that's side of the question we enlighten america or in africa. perhaps good ask why you're not on the side of ukraine overtly, and openly, perhaps as because through cold it, the 1st vaccines that we saw were from china and russia. while the west was hogging
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the vaccines and then post cobit when the money was flowing in europe and the us saving hotels, airlines, or what have you. we're still going through those phase and we have not seen the amount of money and help that needed to do happen. and the last point is, had been couch and ukraine in terms of uh for serving territorial integrity. that's something we would understand in africa and latin america, when it's a talk with see against democracy in nato and what have you, are the west versus the rest, then you lose some goodwill in other parts that she has. guess the stein is the prime minister of increase in spoken about in the us or in the russia, ukraine conflict in the country that has time and again press that dialogue. i'm just on the see is the key. none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines and i'm convinced a few coupon ukraine and has an important role to play. it has a voice that should be heard. so today and tomorrow is divided into several
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sessions and 5, just a while ago, dr. x j, sean garcia in the us foreign affairs administer full. he spoke about how the g 20 under in the presidency. because in the diplomatic balancing act was such a success in india has in fact got lead us off from both the blocks from, from russia, as well as china, from off in the west, on the one umbrella. and of course, india takes a lot of pride in that. interestingly the sessions that are divided and the father is the patient that we are seeing from around $115.00 countries with loss when we see minnes to us. but it also seats from the heads of states, heads of governments, minutes week, among those experts. academics also, i think that can be, does the next 2 days are going to be funding and we're going to keep a track as all the action on full as he or otherwise than on dialogue. and you'll
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be heard from indian parliamentary and shashi puddle or who basically spoke about india is position on the ukranian. russian conflict. a beer has a very influential voice and a long track record. a good relations of both sides. but no one volunteers to mediates until the 2 sides both seek it under both ready to talk to a common policy. i don't think that india would put itself forward from what i've gathered there, waiting to see both countries move beside that. they're ready to, to piece for the longest time for 2 years. now, both countries seem to have an impact on the 4th full. and they haven't found the common ground again. so my expectation is that if they tend to india and say, well, you help communicate with each with us, i'm showing that would be very, very happy to do that. but i don't see the volunteering to do it until such time as the circumstances are totally right. but i would say as an indian what these really
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want is for both boys to and we want peace for the sake of the people in those areas. and also one piece of the rest of the world when it combines and estimates of physical skills with digital dexterity, promises to harold a whole new world of competition. what am i talking about? the so called fictional games of kicks. often the russians to they have cars on, and that's where you'll find all these the whole quarter. the international fidget old games of the future event is underway here in cars on russia. people from all different countries are in attendance, enjoying all different forms of entertainment, and getting a glimpse into what fun in the future is going to look like the best of my 1st time playing digital. and it's
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a great experience. i do take pride and you know, represent possible and me and my teammates, so you know, we try to play as long as we can play anytime weekend regards to sports, anything that we can join together and just have fun and entertainment. i think this is good for peace and go for everyone. well, as my 1st time it was uh, everything was amazing. seems they want people was really nice. the reflection was really warm. so i'm really happy and grateful to read here is my 1st for you, like playing music, all you know, playstation and also about the possible player. so it's everything new for us. so we are really opportunities here, and i really want to appreciate deep organize us on the goose young men in general, by all done on this very important events that to make the puzzle disability globally to participate in the gym. so that will have equal, right, was allow for leave, pass on,
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was known to disability in the glove. once again, rush has become a place where people with all different interests from all different backgrounds, can come together for a singular purpose. and here today and cause on that purpose is to have fun. hello, it is of america donald port or far t cause on the traditional values, according to a lot of it proved invested by people across the world. and of course, held very dear by russia is comments coming during a form, titles, strong ideas for new types. as you, as i mentioned, the task of lead me thing and they say things russia and that our detractors were pursuing as obviously failed. but it's also clear that we have more and more supporters all over the world, especially concerning what we call, traditional values of cetera. it turns out that they are not only ours. and these are traditional values for any same person. the support to hold onto these
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traditional values turned out to be quite large and reliable, not only and friendly but also in on friendly states. we also have many allies there actually. okay. wait a minute, i think that's it. and also one of the state support and the proposal for natalie and students who simplify the procedure for the far and those who wish to relocate for russia, we put in on the line that russia needs to attract more highly qualified professionals . i think of those who do come to rush in most respects the laws and even learn the language for us to discuss a more a broad perspective on this. what is the lack of foreigners in russia? for example, let's cost 5000 all for ultra maneuver and a conservative political commentator mikaela mother in law to joining us here live on, on the international a very good evening to you. thank you very much for coming on the program here. i know you've heard prudent talk about traditional values before, particularly traditional family values. some people say that russia is traditional values, now fly in stock, contrast to some of those in europe, even to some of those in america. can you read between the lines that mckayla and
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telling me, is there a stock difference between rushers traditional values as opposed to those in southern western countries that i do show that i use it as only one names? it is called family. i'm italian, so i know a lot about what is the family and you know, you know, like i know people live here. we love that addition and values. and so we are basically in they did every day by these as you be di, messages all over the place by the western country love by america, especially in that they bring those. so old is a crazy situation about gender identity. gender after may shows like stop so that, that i am 37 years old. i'm not so old, but i never ever hear old deeds a situation being dramatic like that it is today with the children. i am
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a doctor of 15 years old and every day we are in dated on messages of. 3 these people and they feel to be a minority all over europe and america to but there is a legal girl the, the small minority girl, but they pushing the said jane, the 50 is very sick on out of children. and by the way, there is smoke pride, any indoctrinating children is cause that and that is not pride to us taking pad and the rights to protecting our she has on it. yeah. but what about, you know, what about she, what do you block is mikaela? i mean, what about that, i mean, i imagine in the u. k, they won't, they won't, they want to actually make it little, well, a little children have to take issue, but the book is kind of any want to explain what the hell is going on. me is a crime and to me is insane. that we are all standing here to watching this
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disgusting situation. yeah. and what kind of pride the is the 6 lives in children at the drop show like they, they bring the drop clean in the show inside on this? no, i know i don't want to stay inside of school but the, you know, they have so i know they have done, they've been doing these special book reading sessions where they bring in a drive way into an i live in trenton. no, not the need to eat, not to need to eat nothing if you can. okay. okay, but soon, soon and actually probably because i'm sure i will be here for fight against it. they knew deleting children, they still lives in shield and in the name of the gender of their mean care. and i what, what, what is that mikaela? what the hell is that gender affirming care? i'm sorry, but who is pushing? who's pushing this transgender agenda? something that you would meet simply don't speak the language because i just don't get it. i don't get it mikaela. okay,
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because i need between america and the okay. and i'm telling you, i'm all these drama. it starts with the, by the ministration. before when it was from that you're leaving me and anything like that, then colby, they call the fun them a co be fun damage. okay. yeah i'm, i'm, i'm stabilize that our society and then all these parents and all these children was inside the house we button carpet and padding. so i guess the and, and that not true. that's what i seen guys, i'm sorry, but you know, i have a bunch of probably even in my confidence because i've talked to you what that thing good. and that the enough, the death to we have all these, the gender like a, was the people catch people off of the sex. well, it was the need for it. so a crazy and i'm watching the situation and i said,
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what's going on? like why we have to understand why we cannot open up the knots house. why we cannot pull up and not 1000 and put them back there like it is no normal what's going on. it destroys the core of every country in the works. it destroys our family and i'm a time and, and brody, you know, it time, you know, so no, oh, very, very well, i know you very well, that's all i say. yeah. you know, i'm autonomy, a mom, mom a mom of their. okay. and is like, i am again that they are distraught. they already destroy america. okay. and now they're calling me in your with this wave of bullshit started by step bullshit guys, but i didn't hear, i didn't hear that. ok, sorry i'm, i don't know how to behave sometimes anyway. so i'm very excited of this things because the only things that i can advise to the american people, by the way,
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i navigated in america i. my husband has a mirror with them and thank god, follow my advice or he will not be my husband. and the way the point is that, then we need to send, send me, you need to come back. family, mom on papa. you know, we need to stop the, these people, they are seeking the mind. they are a bunch of freaks. and they want mikaela mikaela. what, what, what do you say to those who right now? according you trends, phobic and a homophobic, what do you say? i don't kid, i don't care, i get i fight against the system every day. so i went to my daughter and my son. they went inside me samaritan school there and do some math. those cool. a paid by the d a is the, is like american government is the for the media study. right. so it was dying to, to my doctor is the sure i have the i have the prove about it. she asked to my
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daughter, i you a male or are you a female and what is your name? i said i called the school to say or are you insane? i'm the mother. she or she has their name. she you cannot do this without my permission and they are doing inside our school. the india ma'am. yeah. they're, they're all right. they're almost forcing it now mikaela in parts of america. now the police or the feds are getting cold. if you don't allow the school to do this kind of gen depending stuff with your children, it's, it's so wiring mikaela i wish we have more time. also entrepreneur, conservative political commentator mikaela motor lot to joining us here on how to international. thank you very much for your time. we appreciated me. thank you very much. and small apologies for a small belt of bad language they hear on how to international boat happen again. i promise. anyway, taking years of the evening out.


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