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tv   Documentary  RT  February 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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risk the serious questions about the security of the complex process of tabulating maryland. ballast in nevada that needs to be addressed prior to the june primary and november general election. i'd like to not cross live to a new york base correspondent caleb mopping. caleb is good to have you join me now . could you walk us through this disturbing revelation? well, starting on sunday voters and nevada started noticing that their voting records had irregularities in the record of when they had cast their boat last uh, the electronic records were in accurate. uh they started demanding answers. um, the nevada secretary of state's office started receiving complaints and now has offered this explanation. the legacy systems used by a number of the counties require additional steps to be taken to ensure that the voters who did not return their ballot do not have vote history. some of those steps were not taken, which resulted in inaccurate data. now,
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they emphasize that actual vote tabulations were not affected by this computer and technological glitch. they said this simply effected the record of voting history for individual voters participated in the primary vote. however, this raises a lot of concerns as we have been repeatedly told that the us election system is completely safe and solid. but apparently these flaws and these inaccuracies. and irregularities did flow from a computer coat related to those who voted by mail. non casting mail bout send it via the post and that apparently was the trigger of these are regularities. and that's something that critics of the us selection system. those who say that donald trump may have been unfairly, uh, you know, voted out of office may have lost the election on fairly they often point to issues
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related to mail in dallas to make such claims. so for many who are critical of the us selection system, this does ring a lot of bell. however, the secretary of state's office in nevada is saying they're out of it. the no vote tabulations were actually changed, but people look at this and they remember how many times usa has tried to blame russia and tried to say that any problems in the us elections or somehow it conspiracy from russia or computer hackers. this looks like an inborn problem. it's load from the mailing in of balance and it seems of parents and it looks like local officials are scrambling to address it. they say within the next 48 hours, everything should be correct. right? we have to living here now have collab mopping r t cross button. thank you for bringing this up to speed on this are to those comments where you can get the details of the story as well. following this out, i'll see you again and i'll be off by not the
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in the meantime, i am, i am 45, but the ones that are on the insurance form and i did it got paid. it was a, i don't agree, i don't want that. you're not severe, i did it on the on 10 points near the latest. so be sure
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that all those new the demo logistically, pretty much should damage and future new york. i know when you're on the way now before i have to be there on the get this to a g. wow. nothing is something i mean, you mean the over. so here you rose and you put your little to school. is this? well, i beautiful at the piano moving over, do you speak to an stupid oh no, no, we're not in categories, low and get started. really move those kinds of data. and then if you get from walsh, which gets me, but the other one i'd like to talk to you later. and so you will degree funding, people can least it would be the sure without pushing with though teach
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the right place for that more than that of what the vision of the the, the 5th grades we had on file. so and they're on a test page with 0. yeah. just doing your job. today's thinking at the bottom of it, is it c u. s. glitch, father,
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rich purples. last year to to just go to the ciocca. so we need you to contribute more of your time limits to redo the difference for the that but name is that your your dish dish load really easily, but i do go by so it looks like he was withdrawn from the
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the, the lease which has already meaning the visiting metalli's, you can finish filling in facebook and i write it down for the 1st 3. what's the deal? is it um and so you can call them in. well yeah, so processing time on nothing. but as soon as the last time it was a last leg,
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before you show me the you don't know if the police affiliate writing has any most just what is it i suppose the most recent is it, is that a listening to this? but it's not good. yeah. and the pacific means that we have at least. mm hm. because it us going to pay for those that we as a method of $50.00 saturday of the time you did please you had to stop the most of the sleeping. so you plus is it, and because this is free, every spring,
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cause of i guess the username or just the good right now and so forth. and that's when i need to do a presentation even though significant for a mission that some of the style and i'm just listening to the folder, will give you this close to explore and see what the video to run over and the ocean window to me. i forgot what it was for the more c e. you know, what's that? i and i look through
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the folders do cause i would lose to figure out those needs to be able to be able to pass the little. so this in the silva uses a does go through with the same key to some of the clearly so this new posts up. what do you guys do the yeah that's that's probably because she would have a think it was supposed to me. so up, so i mean,
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you must some bushels putting in a little bit behind the book or should we should l a. the columbus, the government. the only reason why the, the, the part of the venue of the moderates are also some still supposed to $711.00 is ready to pay for the english. i just need you to go to the graph. i guess i'll go over the court. this is, this will, the can, i do is show this where you the family often go to apologize for, for the
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kids. so we need, you really need somebody to come in the morning in new jersey. d, as in george lou. the the
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issue is, is that the 1st day or they have to load this new do that. it says no service. mm hm. if it were starting to look for something that they left for us, plus the such as the the, the,
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the, the, the, the independent of them. so he was because they just gave it to you. first of all, when it's done the dressers deal with a couple of things with them doing what's best for her. this
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was to check the book on looking at motion will distinguish which was which has some interest in the way for you and your for mobile phones because that's fine. it's best to read the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just shifted reality distortions . by tell us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures
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designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the discipline of both initially is when they go from the screen for the what is
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the zip code is because the zip is too, so you'll be in them. you need to pull except instead of global level, probably notice we have 2 photos on these 2. let's see. it's like this level most of the syllable you like listed on your list. okay, that's good to know. pretty good. yeah, bob, she was coordinated traditionally the just let me open that for you. sure. what's the issue? issue underneath a bunch of stuff i just put in your organization i think there's anybody else right here. thank you guys. sugar. can we get back to the demo? i'm sorry, i guess it'd be the, the one thing about the product sugar friday.
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the well, of course, of course, and that's no fun. i, you know, of, i was going to create a new job less costly than what i mean. you know, when you want them, especially if i'm only getting a good invest enough, going to have that phone. it's got yeah, there's no way for them to have in store for peace and welcome back. you see the more of it you going to actually do the one or is this? yeah, you do it for love a if i like,
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how is this the regards to the daughter core curriculum and those and this is a good night. no worries. yeah. this is the brother. yeah. so the the test go i can look up like a switch. i guess we should load them. we see that the new modem. so what i would do is just the area, the momma gigi
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of you know, that sort of with a different, you know, for you to somebody who say a lovely and who is not doing it yours are, you know, most of the forget it for the kids are good, if not, please advise them to grands get out of to re 0. save somebody is that all
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the other kids should, isn't there. but once you get the advocacy, this is gonna be nice and the, you know, most of the still, your zillow profile for you is the some of our views, the community sort
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of meetings is for the prevent splendid is not possible. you hear the but i do know i didn't, you know that it's not as football used to. what on the phone if it's something in the video still go over this a voice here from the snap that i stay on the science or anything showing you bullshit. slash about new zealand is found that a sort of stuff, but actually for, i guess the google doesn't
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on the to find out for us to have. so what i forget there's 2 ways to save and then the to the no, no, no. so that's not, but as you move the stuff i you, i would look for you a bone in your videos that, that was i should get you just thought it was about something else. if i could get upset, now, could i do that news? i could, i was always taping like giddy let loose bojangles the loser. i see. i'm still not
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literally a little bit older. i see. i think from the the, the explosion. this is a little bit over see alex here, and you can just listen literally sort of i see what you slow. what do you think was the real thing? this is the fluency meet the fluid i see here. those are the roots. and let's see what we choose to have on. that's what it was to do the but close those usually safe. let's go through there for me to get to the
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the us to the bye. bye. uh the the, the so i will try to find a place to go forward. you to spend a fortune to find a bit easier than finding what when did you mean? if at all, as i said, what did you start to forward in which are just in the surgery, the customer by time or by the us so much but basically all
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the stuff to based on your page which is quite easy for me to tell you that i sent in an exception to reference here, section one right here to share everything. the one that was on the the the
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the, the, the, this is the
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the, i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the
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patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various mean with the artificial intelligence. we have so many with him in the a robot must protect this phone. existence is alexis the way, are in moscow, standing in front of one of russia's most i conduct symbols in bodies, greece elegans, and articles. on a grandiose scale theater, the
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russian forces gain more ground, the longer the natural front lines coming just days. after taking the keys 50 off off the cops, we got to distrust that report coming up as the losses, raving questions in the west, and how the company could and in favor of the training either be killed will surrender or they try to run and sleep most of them chose the laptop, those who didn't well, they remain under the debris visible. and i would just such that besides our american colleagues would not show at their democratic table. some government remarks from the russian foreign minister save your number of monks america's foreign policy. any latent ship offers the in the following.


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