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tv   News  RT  February 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the, the russian forces gain more ground along the natural front lines coming just days after taking the key city of opt. you got, we got to distrust that report coming up as t, as lost, as raising questions in the west and how the company could and in favor of the training either be killed will surrender or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the laptop, those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. i would just wish, such that besides our american colleagues would not show at their democratic table . some gum had remarks from the russian foreign minister, save your number of monks, america's foreign policy. any latent, popular,
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see in the following. international. also ahead. this is a board of extermination and awards. i mean, this is not a goal. this is already 9 lation. as hunger grows foot supply the shrinking you and cuts of 8 deliveries to the home but destroyed the northern gas. and they comes, us, ease, ready, officials, brave. the idea of the devastation will be in great. unfortunately proud of the dogs and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren what did you did the at midnight in moscow? welcome to on global news update on arch internationals. i a my question that would begin in the next people's republic square russian forces, if kept it, the village of pull that according to the nation's defense ministry are to, is
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a goes down of 5 in this report. one thing to understand about to get a, there is a small village just outside the city of the desk where i am right now. it's got to, has become possible off to russian forces. liberated another town to even close to, to where i'm standing right now. and that's the town of money in case used to be one of ukraine's major struggles where they basically they turned it into a basque unit of defense. so why did russia decided to make the bed? it's next target off to liberating martin, even though the village itself has maybe 3 or 4 streets. basically, this village is seen as one of the key points towards the town of oakley dot, which is another stronghold of ukraine. you know, i mean, he didn't ask for public schools who are very, very close to the city of dentists. c with dies located on the domain, 18 high surrounded by open fields. so taking a good job with a stupid in stopping the upfront attack is really impossible. and that even if it
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is possible, it would ensue heavy losses. so the capture, the town of the village of the bed that is one small step towards flanking oh, good on cutting supply flies to this town for the training forces. this is, this is the tactic that we have seen in of day of the latest big victory with dog u. b. it is bigger than the capture of the bed. and we were among the assess tv crews to visit the town of dave. and we have, we have been bringing you exclusive reports. this is our latest one. as we have been observing some, a trophy vehicles that fell into the hands of the russian fruits and speaking with the locals. this is the high rise district enough to have cuz this was supposed to be the main stronghold, at least one of the main strongholds of its garrisons. but when the russian troops cuts the main supply, audrey well, they will simply left with the rather well unpleasant choices either of these they
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and will either be wont killed or surrender or they try to run and sleep. most of them chose the latter. those who didn't well, they remain under the debris. russian troops here read the spoils of soldiers salute as they tow a ukrainian tent right past us. an infantry fighting the co that lays on its side and the massive crater is pulled out and towed a way to of dave good, is it so see the say, feel free. everything from nature may bradley's too small a weapons in demo for the for the ford escape. since the city of i'm going to get off of uh, as much as the phone ready keep troops didn't bother with digging
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trenches inside of town, making themselves comfortable in houses and basements, rightful homeowners had no shame. this one of the, the crating troops hate mdf cane retaliation to fight. he is on the front line. they find tanks near the front, free 1st on my comes to bed straight and they fall, sole civilians leave and then the military took over. and then when they were on depression themselves, they started spreading around the city. despite all this, we see a staggering number of locals while driving around up. dave got hold of them, chose to live through how and bombs and bullets were only a part of it. one elderly woman tells me how you crane found humanitarian aid into it. to me for bending people's will the people responsible for distributing and give it out there? well, i'm russian. so the ukrainians were giving me through mentoring a but not all the time. wherever to get the a, do you have to write an application at the end you had to ride glory to ukraine. it
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frustrated me. yet she refused to be evicted on key terms. ukrainian troops offered to evacuate for their way from the front line, but i refused. i'm a russian citizen of russia. why should i move there? i have a son living and then yes, but they didn't allow me to go there many of leaving, even now. we look at somebody who, but the bar, who bears there, will do cities that russia is building a new in hopes that their homes and lives will be revitalized to make is done every opposing form of the oxy. been a while ukraine claims the last idea of kind of due to you and sufficient supplies of western weapons of the countries. foreign minister made the claimant on the interview with on cnn with 2 days. and that was 2 days after he ever treated from the city area will discuss the issue with our 2 correspondent environmental survey . and for the you as ami river reserve us scott bennett,
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that we wouldn't have lost. and after you have got, if you crated received only on send react munition that we needed to defend it. now they're saying that they don't have enough money. they don't have enough weapons from the west. but so far, when we seen the west sending them all these weapons that didn't manage to do much with the counter offensive, for example, failed the didn't achieve much. and even in west or media, we are now seeing reports stating that ukraine is looking, facing to lose this war because it's not advancing. it's not making any progress on the battlefield. the new york times now reported that after the cale to put treat from a desktop, that there were up to a 1000 soldiers that were captured by russian forces straight away. she was adamant saying, well, this is faith. news in new york times is binding to russian propaganda. what is happening? let's so have a look up. what they said about our sources. the new york times are 1st 2 are totally untenable because there are no such people. yes,
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we have said that they are prisoners, but their number is by no means in the hundreds. the statements of russian propaganda on hundreds and thousands of ukrainian prisoners are complete misinformation and their sources of new york times article or to a crate in soldiers, apparently. and american officials and they are also in this article stating that, like i said, more all is low, they're struggling. recruiting additional sources before this, before we're seeing people being slashed from the streets. also the size of the top calendar was like going up there and i have someone else that apparently printing and soldiers don't really like. so this is all not looking good and they know it's what i mean. it just gets messier and messy. a, by the day here, i mean, scope what, what do you think about this? i mean, is it fair for the ukrainian forces? who, who, frankly, we know the nato troops, all the helpings are choreographing coordinate, everything the ukrainian soldiers are doing. but that's not talk about that very quickly. what about this school? what about, you know, for example, the lack of abrams times or the inability of the bradley fighting vehicles is the hardware all the luck. they're all of making such
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a difference. so for the right hand side, well i think putting ukrainians in charge of some of these advanced weapons or like putting chimpanzees on a piano, thinking that they somehow can play mozart and they can't. when i was in gwinnett school, i wasn't, le gone. so when i was in mariel, i saw a war crimes. when i went back to the united states, i reported that i sent very efficient letters to ran paul to marjorie taylor green to a variety of conservative republicans telling them, do you realize you are committing war crimes by giving money to this nazi zalinski and these right wing sugs that are going around carbon swastikas and to women's bellies and killing them. is that what america has become? and of course, that terrifies a lot of the american political leaders. so i think you're seeing the american republicans trying to split away from this funding of zalinski. they've used ukrainians. of course, in the past to orchestrate some disruptions on capital hill. for example,
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january 6th. you had a lot of ukrainian mercenaries wearing orange hats. i was there, i was part of trump analytical team. so i know just how c i a uses the ukrainians. and right now you're seeing ukraine completely fall apart because this was never war that was going to win. this was a tragic experiment for the u. s. has destroyed 500000 the british have destroyed 500000 ukrainians that never had a chance against russia. so i think russia is going in and liberating the people of ukraine. where is the west is only sought to destroy them. you know, you have the announcements of the bradleys and any abrams tanks. these are all supposed to be game changes the these weapons were suppose to change it all for the entire day. all right, we hard games where in your are though, if well, nothing happened a just saying we're going to send f sixteens. we're going to said, you know what, send the 16th to see how quickly they wind up on the black market. because so many of the weapons have been sent to ukraine, have just been sold off onto the buy market. that's why you found all these western weapons being used in gaza back in october about how much attack i mean, i mean,
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scott, you know, being an american, you have for many of the, the us military yourself. i mean, can i just asked you for one person to another how, how bad you feel of it isn't, was cringe. well, the watching the way the us government operates a new credit. and i, i feel like i'm covered in blood in the sense of wickedness in deaf stains, me and every officer in the united states. that's why officers like scott ritter and myself and doug mcgregor and others have come out going. this is a ridiculous betrayal of the constitution of the american people. this war was created by lies. and the by that and ministration is falling apart, the by the administration is in civil war right now. and all of these weapons that they send to ukraine are going to be used by mexican drug cartels against the southeast border. southwest border of the united states, california, new mexico, arizona. all of that flood of immigration coming across this country. i think they are setting the united states up for massive kinetic operations, mass of civil war,
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and the most disruptive time in american history and 2024. so you're seeing a great split in america right now. yeah, you're seeing 25 states declaring independence from biden. yeah, because there is nothing but chaos in deaf that is been exported by like allies as well and just lies. i mean, you know, the, i'm sorry, but the b. s, you know, it comes out of the white house every single day. i mean, that's why when people watch vladimir putin speak, they get, they get wild, they almost, and i'm with the n d or it indeed bite him because he speaks logical measure statements where you've got this guy in the white house. he doesn't even know what he has a breakfast today or you'll, it's in to say something. yeah, i was about to say that they're more and more americans a wondering, hey, where are we going with this? these are the questions are arise and also as press conference, is that the pencil going just a day ago? there was a question as well. ok, right now ukraine. last of difficult. there is no more money going in because you as a public consult blocking the additional age. mm hm. so we'll ukraine,
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lose more cities. we've heard from joe biden saying, well, he can guarantee that more cities will fall, and then we have the pencil going also saying that they can guarantee that more a series will of basically go into russian hands. let's take a listen. i've got, unfortunately, was the strategic withdrawal that ukraine made in order to conserve their own artillery and ammunition and look, if we don't get more, if we don't get the supplemental, i outlined that at the very top. but if we don't get the funding needed from the senate, or sorry, from the house to pass the senate supplemental, we will not be able to provide these critical p da packages. and ukraine will have to make choices and decisions on um, what city is, what towns they can hold with what they have and what partners content can continue to supply them. so what we have is a, with the west support to ukraine, as we've seen, is losing without the west support. again,
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it's also losing and doesn't even stand the chance. and we're not seeing us republicans and democrats being able to come to any sort of conclusion, a decision in a way to release those extra funds. so right now it seems that it's, it's a lose lose situation. yeah. frank. yeah, i mean, it certainly is, but the, you know, the western allies thing, we're with you to the very end we're going to stand by it, no matter what happens and how quickly have they turned tail and basically bail to marina. it's, i mean it's, it's, you know, what it is, it's, it's, it's a sad case of affairs. everyone's become in seconds, hard of you cry. then you can see that frustration again in the west impressed weather, actually stating in the head lives that ukraine will lose this more. so here we are mister by that and says, we mustn't give mister put in the victory without quite committing himself to ukrainian victory. mr. trump says it's stupid to give key of anything but loans between the 2. the american people are getting the crucial debate about what we
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want the outcome to be and why and so at so that there was even a survey conducted in january. so for us, and it's that, that out of the 12 e u countries that were surveyed, the majority offers. oh, this actually believe that ukraine will lose this war. so again, it's all looking good for them. people are starting to get fed off with all this whining and complaining and saying that they need more weapons when they get them to don't make progress. and now it seems that they're out of options. ukraine. the lensky regime is nothing but a bunch of nazi is the torture women and children and kill civilians. i've seen the bombs, i've seen everything, and that's, it's an abomination. and the fact is, the american people do not want this war. they do not want to fund this war. they don't want politicians little from this war. but yet the us through its own media propaganda has been constantly selling democracy. ukraine is nothing close to democracy, but what do you think would be an exit strategy at the same time? because it's what's also interesting is that for the past 2 years, we've heard,
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well, how will proof and come out of this, even if he would want to, how would he say face right now, the conversation is changing and everyone's talking about nato and washington the want to come out of this conflict, but they, it feels like they can because they need to say face. so how do they exit pollutant it has to be lab are often zachary, of all have to be the peace makers, right. let's sort of the peace makers, they shall be called the children of god. the more they are peaceful, the more they are bringing bread and salt in feeling to ukraine. the more the european people in the american people will go. that's the right thing to do. and they'll find the us politicians and the bridge politicians in these idiots and the you are completely out of touch with the sentiments of their people. yeah. so i think russia is not only going to militarily when, but they're going to diplomatically public relationally, strategic communications wise, go in and when the hearts and minds of the european people saying the long term agenda of peace is going to be achieved. when we come in and, and seal ukraine,
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of the scars in the, the wound is the b u and the united states cause they had on the danish ministry of defense as that the country will try for the 1st of 16. find us, do you agree? and this summer, will the old jacks be of the much 5 game changer with the conflict we provide all over at the r t dot com the. i certainly love the how the press conference out of the g. 24 were administered and via diginero meeting. his remarks he won to washington is operated for a hedge of money can lead to choking the notion that was before our meeting here, there wasn't munich security conference where we stopped participating a long time ago, but it goes in recent years, it has the generated interest such inter nissan affair, where the west convinces itself, but it is always right everywhere and that it will be live space forever. but i was also sitting there in front of some of the media that weren't covering this event.
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i, mr. blinking said there, i even wrote it out. i quote, for which it under no circumstances divide the world into separate locks. it seems like the right idea which he made of the can see in it without any pause. of course, 1st of all, we will cooperate with democracy those and then you for the most beautiful thing is the statement that all countries i quote, there was a choice to be at the table of the international system to support to be on the menus. that it is here, you have the approach of a representative of some of us foreign policy to those who disagree with that. and i would just wish that with such appetites, our american colleagues would not show at their democratic tables. i think it is a phrase about that. no choking of the democratic table perhaps was they had the most the day that the one the but i have to say that this is not just the russian fire sarcasm. this attitude is a shared by the majority of the g 20 members. in fact,
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i put in some sort of de la problem. this is something that the brazilian holes tried to make the main theme of the presidency because we're now the point where i do apologize is so this is the, there's a huge gap. it's been retorted co pull it taking or do pull it taking and the ability to do practical, substantive work. and the brazilians, uh, try to make sure that this forum remains the place where people are not only throwing rhetorical dirt at one another, but also discuss certain issues of mutual importance. there they've been some results coming out of it because they talked about the reforming global governance, not only the united nations, but also the global uh, governing infrastructure like they are math and other financial institutions. they also talked about inclusivity and sliding power to they talked about sustainable development in the economic, social and uh, a logical sense. and this is how it sort of deal a bit of some that the, the,
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the prevailing attitude among the majority of the types of members. what are the issues that i'm developing? countries have actually emphasized the need to move away from artificially narrow opportunities to attempts to achieve geopolitical goals, which for the most part have nothing to do with international law. and they're designed to defend the interest of only one narrow group of countries and the attempt of some of our western colleagues at the meetings of the group of 20 ministers. to divert the discussion from considering these key issues on the topic of support for the key for team to unfounded accusations of russia and in every possible way to equalize the gender by developing countries, which most countries of the global south have not supported. and this was proven by the discussion that took place here. so the west ones have been the west bay for then try to hijack this uh, forum as well. um, a number of ministers including the u. k. 4 and secretary drummond,
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foreign minister, the american secretary of state, brought up the issue of the death and full exciting of all need this palm and the critic of the russian president in one of the russian prisons. now the causes of the of these death are still unknown, but as to the gala rudolf faced questions about the fate of alexander obama. she also said that if you are truly concerned about, you know, human lives, the value of human life. if you're concerned about the rule of law about freedom of speech, then you would be concerned about all those cases across the board, then you would not pick and choose, you know, cases that are suitable for your ideological. i've done that and ignore something that happened in your own country. um, here is he specifically, ma'am, the, the death of the american journalist, a recent death of the american journalist in a ukrainian prison who died of pneumonia. now here's what sort of gate levels have to say about double center with the police stood
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a group of people do ask for the history about the valley staff. i don't even want to comment in detail. these people have no right to interfere in our internal affairs, especially since they themselves have such a login there. i with julian assange with guns out of leroy who died of torture in the ukraine in prison. and neither the americans nor any other western figures in any way, even commented on it. i'm just making sure once again that the nazis can do anything . this is a very serious thing. and if we talk about the demands that are being made now, we demand open and independent investigations. well, it's a shame. remember, when he became ill on the plane, the plane was the mid of we landed, an ambulance was already wage on their arms. conductors began to provide him with all necessary assistance. the germans, at the request of his wife, asked to pick him up urgently. it was all done with an hours one day and then when he ended up in germany, nothing was found in the civil and clinic there of what they accused as false
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statement brought him to the buddhist where mail to the clinic where they determined that some kind of novel chuck was found in his body. we ask to see the results of the tests, but we were told, no, it's none of your business. we accuse you of poisoning him, but we won't show you the analysis. we will give it to the organization for the probably be sion of chemical weapons. we went there, they tell us, yes, we were given this analysis, but they told us not to show it to anyone. that's it. the circle has closed and these people are still trying to make some accusations that we are not doing something transparently, i think is just is on it in and dirty. it is very inspiring to see, not just russia, but many other countries. the global maturity, many developing countries, taking a stance for what used to be perceived as normal governance, you know, policy for the sake of the people rather than app to drill political pull the taking. um uh, we'll have to see whether these type of attitude could be continued. but as we can
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see from this form, it is gaining support all across the world because at many governments are facing real issues. they are determined to use these international platforms to substantively improve lives of the people by creating, drawing synergies by creating joint projects. and by eliminating all the calls that the privilege wants to have created for themselves. and together. now why the un will food program is suspending a deliveries to the northern parts of be in grave and that decision on leave the countless policy means they're facing 7 of age stoppage will before they remain in place until it's possible to be safely handed out. either via the side of the new pause is due to quote the collapse and civil order during distribution. recent times of seem chaotic situations as delivery trucks brought to 2 of the locals that while the so called civil,
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this order is not the only threat. 30th crowds of display spa this evenings who had gathered there to get food from a trunks and gather city, were forced to flee when idea of forces opened. fire on them. we heard from residents, the set of the attack equates the ethnic cleansing. is become very hard. i've been trying to get you monetary night for several hours. this is a war of extermination and a war famine. this is not a war. this is our night elation to do the north of guys that is suffering from poverty. the banks have come in, displaced people, the we, the palestinian people are on the arm on the display stuff from my home. we're hungry and we're inevitably approaching death. this isn't just this, this is ethnic cleansing. but the spider lily consigned from the humanitarian organizations about the scale of human loss. now these were, any officials claim that they do care about gavin populations and not doing
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everything to preserve human life. but it seems, but it seems, but not everyone in the government got the memo. the hold on. hello, we're not ashamed to say that. we want to see the soldiers of the idea of catching send war and he stars by their ears and dragging them all across the goddess trip. or in the best case scenario to a coffin. i'm personally proud of the ruins and gaza and that every baby, even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren, but the jews did. when their families were murdered and raped and their civilians were kidnapped. we have emission by talking about traditional values according to letting me put in there i shared by people across the globe and held dear by russia and russians. whose comments came during the farm titled as strong ideas for new times. given that the task of lead me thing and they so they think that russia and that our detractors, we're pursuing as obviously failed. but it's also clear that we have more than more
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supporters all over the world. not just especially concerning what we call, traditional values of cetera. it turns out that they are not only ours, and that was mentioned. and these are traditional values for the same person. the support to hold onto these traditional values turned out to be quite large and reliable because not only and friendly but also in on friendly states. we also have many, which way you can look for them. let's see. the charlotte, russian president also come monday tale and the students suggestion to streamline the process the following are seeking to relocate the russia. he went on to emphasize that russia needs to a truck more highly skilled professionals. but i saw that bad migraines must respect the country as laws, traditions in the and its language in a medium that were heard from the special representative and envoy how the russian foreign ministry sticking steven segal that he should. he's thoughts of why russia
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is often portrayed in a negative light and how it differs from reality. i was raised in the russian. how so my parents from russia then from, i mean my grandparents were from. busy there from the far east and a quickly as a child, i realize that there's politics going on because i was told i don't see question and my parents were saying yes to the grandparents. don't speak russian to stephen . and we don't want him to speak russian because we're in the middle of the cold war. so cold war goes back a long time. yeah. it's, it's american cars on the agenda. and they have their own narrative. and one of the things that they have wanted to do, going back and way back from, from the beginning of after world war 2 was to be able to paint russia as the bad guy 90 percent of the people who america believed. whatever they
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saw in the internet, whatever they saw in the newspapers, whatever is on the magazines. and as time went on, they started to wise enough and realize that, you know, oftentimes are being manipulated and lied to. but in the beginning it was oftentimes pretty terrible. and pretty hard on somebody like me because i loved russia and i can see that these people didn't know. and i, you know, sometimes you was, you're crazy, crazy lies and propaganda like, you know, somebody will say, what does this mean as a, well, i'm russian and this, and that we'd be talking about version of russia. you don't ever want to go to russia, russia, your wife will be raped, your mother will be raped. you know, if you want to get a taxi, there's uh, you know, a horse and buggy that will come down the street because they don't really have
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cars yet. and you know, this is the kind of, i mean really, really crazy stuff that from time to time was out there. one of the things that happened recently was the world cup. and i think was genius because he invited the world here. and all of a sudden the world came here and saw that wait a minute rush is a beautiful place. moscow is an amazing city. it's very cultured. a if the technological advances are higher here than most places, restaurants are some of the best toners. uh, the culture is some of the deepest and most, you know, beautiful culture on earth. you have amazing literature, amazing history. oh, it's, and you have the bo show about lane. you have amazing musicians and music institutions and a may.


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