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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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the, the yes, the russian now like a to attack helicopters, right? the striking ukrainian at droning control positions across the, an extra public at the tear off of the recently captured of dia continues and we are on the ground. this is the, the next quote of filtering plots the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here, the 1st order of business for them. he was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. let them if it was invalid to continue strengthening rushes forces. it was coming on the defender or the fatherland national holiday. $100.00 off. we took the skies
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in our strategic diploma also in the program here the is really paula and fails to austin. m p. over his support is public support that is for south africa's genocide case against the country. if we hear from a sort of custody of himself who claims many lawmakers of turning a blind guy to be a trust settings being inflicted in guns. the vast majority of only the $120.00 members of the class. it, it just, you know, tell them it's, and they all, so even me, i'll us pregnancy and just to be judge of what's going on in the gossip. and then it's, it's bang for, for me as a human being the answer. we've made all the way to friday, but your news isn't slowing down one bit. welcome to the program here, thoughts you international, straight to the latest now from ukraine where russian for was as i said,
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to have carried out a series of strikes on ukrainian jerome controls, possessions of his pockets. where in the notes of the donuts republic, which remains partially under the control of kias. now the okay, 50 the headed companies. these are known as the alligators. these were using the attack, the russian minister defendant saying the strikes were launched from close range and tough weather conditions. in fact, that one of the pilots shed his experience. so then we'll up to date the task was set to destroy the enemy's you. a control point flight took place without any special features. the targets have been destroyed, the helicopter did not let us down. upon finishing the attack of that one board defense system notified the crew about the launch of the sting. the onboard defense system then launched heat traps, and the inverted the me solid deal at moving to the south for the script public customers. typically the reason if it captured city of f. jessica, it's where all take the eagles. donald springs us this exclusive report. is that looking at how russian soldiers took back to the main water works during the
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ukrainian armies retreat? this is the, the nets quote of filtering plants and until early 2022, it used to provide fresh wood safe, used to provide access to fresh water for the entire city in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement shut downs to ensure workers safety back then all hopes were pinned on the o is see, and it's you and back to monitoring mission and it's piece making skills. now the station that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the
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you to call was a, we took your of dave got reads the scripture on the wall left by the units who entered the territory of the battery station 1st little because we're no significant battles here. but it's an interesting story. we're preparing for the assaults and how to make our way through the tunnels. here. in the end, everything happens so spontaneously, or drill and dropped leaflets, calling for surrender in the red, we will kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wanted to surrender. we gave them half an hour,
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so they jumped out of their positions. and then a chain reaction began. then emmys fled from of they ask. that is, there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons. it won't be sued until this facility will be able to pump the water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage the river of saber ski the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its up stream too. so the issue plumes of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that. how much was done of approaching from the dog boss. ok. see like my food and his vile to beef up rushes, military capabilities is pledge came today on the defender of the fatherland national holiday. so what are you in the media? you might look, it wasn't, it was of it is, there are many allow me to challenges and risks in the modern world. but the
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powerful capabilities and combat readiness of our army and navy guarantee russia security and its free sovereign development. incorporating our real combat experience, we will continue to strengthen the armed forces in every possible way, including ongoing re equipping and modernization efforts. today, the shared with modern weapons and equipment and the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95 percent. while the naval component of the nuclear triad is at almost a 100 percent, we have begun serial production of news or con hypersonic missiles. trials of other offensive systems are nearing completion. last december, new strategic submarines were added to the navy just the other day and cars in 4 to 160 and missile carriers were transferred to the armed forces. fortunately, no worries, but now a bit earlier the president had taken to the sky hits for an up close and personal inspection of a modernized, strategic bama naturally set behind the controls of the cross for the flight, which i lost at around 40 minutes before climbing aboard he actually personally
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inspected 4 of the modernized across well, the i, c o 2160 m. it's a russian. the strategic bomber is also known as the white swan. nato calls a black jack. it's part of the country's nuclear try. i just got a range of more than 12000 kilometers. it's ammo. well, it's a big variety of, i'm a weapons, missiles guided munitions, new, clear, capable weapons, and even c mines as well. it could also carry what i called 5 ball. they've a, by the way, showing their effectiveness during the conflict on getting a new crane of the 5 f a, b it's, it's a high explosive aerial bomb is developing naturally back. stopped in the soviet union of these days and modernized with wind kits and gps, allowing precise targeting. also the ability to deploy them pretty far away from the front lines of these. whereas i understand used in high volume during the strives on of difficult. meanwhile, the russian president gave his review of the aircraft carriers. yes,
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we are receiving advanced military hardware and it's excellent. it's really of the next generation. as i told the aircraft commander in the hands of the defense ministry, of course, it can be accepted into service of the russian armed forces. it's a new aerial vehicle. it is handled very well, and which is visible to the naked eye. it's very reliable. quote, traditional values are shared by people across the globe and held the by russia. those were the key takeaways from a speech by letting me put in a form called strong ideas for the new time. is that the task of meeting and they say things will show that our detractors were pursuing, has obviously failed. but it's also clear that we have more and more supporters all over the world, especially concerning what we call traditional values. it turns out that they are not only ours, and these are traditional values for the same person. the support to hold onto these traditional values turned out to be quite large and reliable,
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not only and friendly, but also in on friendly states. and we also have many allies there. there are president also appraised, and it's highly of the students suggestion to simplify the procedure of a far and those wishing to emigrate to russia. he went on to say that most go needs to attract more highly skilled workers, adding though the old new comments must respect the country's laws and customs chief had us all to finish and be let the new side generals put conan here. you can see why russia's stones has potentially increasing appeal. just as these are these for russian world. did your whole family and it's a very strong stake. oh, i do every day use for the western population at the full day and it's all about the l g, b, d, and individual. always you preach always and you say everywhere. ready to go to the head of the western population to broke and divide the families through all the traditional valleys. the world is on the mines. there is nothing in the front line
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in the, in the, in the war we had to find. ready information to defend the true, there is the garage on the front line position, keeping the flying not to forces off from those the russians territories. and certainly there is a prolonged line in every people's lives that we meant to stand for what we are, what we are as a human being. because these global agendas, which are striking to the heart for every individual with their sex, you always in the mail par, she's in love these trying to remember before doing the black hole where this power growing up for the members of the it's already parliament have i once again, that rejected the idea of a palestinian state and it moved, it was celebrated by the country's prime minister. the connect it came together in
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an overwhelming majority against the attempt to impose on us the establishment of a palestinian state, which would not only fail to bring peace, but would also in danger of the state of israel. while this is not the 1st time that israel has dismissed the 2 state solution, which if you're a man but what's most opposed by the united nations, back in 1947 of israel added that it would be up to individual countries to decide for themselves whether to establish a diplomatic ties with any newly formed palestinian state. since 2014 is ready settlements on up to by territory have been expanded despite most of the international community considering them to be in legal. well, the palestinian, the foreign ministry condemn despite his vote saying that recognition like level players doesn't require israel is permission. meanwhile, but then these are out of itself, the opposition has branded the prime minister, the main obstacle to piece, to choose 10 of brain washing people. this a new who has been the main obstacle to peace for sure. and he certainly has
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prevented peace or any political solution into one of his years in politics. one of the reasons for cultivating him us was to make sure that there's no peace because that would mean a palestinian state, which is a big no, no for him. it's more likely that he will not go for peace, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he does not deserve any benefit. that may be a miracle can happen in a separate vote, a m p 's try but fail to oust an opposition. m p who back south africa's claim the israel was responsible for genocide and gaza. i'll put a cost if was accused of siding with how much of a we spoke with caustic himself. he believes they have mass attacks in october. we're an eval potentially blow back for is really policies have a listen for yourself. the main site though that didn't jump in bench is, is that w o himself and his government down the main venture to the very existence of the state, the reason of the pro fees. we cannot ignore all the conditions that enabled the
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town of the cottage of 7 before october, when created by nathan jo and his governments. while the use in my soccer is to stop the bloodshed. i don't want anyone to be cute and neither philistines, nobody's a lease. that's it is, of course cannot be investigated soon, like any other country cannot investigate. it stands so the part is john appropriate in the a but actually seduce him, which is nice but use this way by the way, you guys to jake. and then talk to us, be multi multi vague ship my motivation in signing these petitions. and by the way that the feature was up against the state, the freezer, it was against the government of the site. right before we go into, i guess the idea of chief of staff is ordering is ready soldiers to stop stealing on publishing. so cold revenge videos from gaza. we must be
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careful not to take anything that is not ours. the souvenir or weapons and not to film revenge videos. and stipend comes off the videos, taking my idea of troops have been used as evidence against israel and the latest i c. j. case in the hague media report. say that since the beginning of the conflict up to $25000000.00 worth of cash and gold artifacts that reportedly been stolen by the as riley army from palestinian homes. meanwhile, in his riley veteran organization published a statement saying this has actually been ongoing for years in gosh, and we've collected many testimonies over the years from different areas in the west bank and gaza strip, which occurred in very and circumstances. but these past few months have been different, losing and has never been normalized in the way it has over the last 4 months. it's never been done with such glee, knowing that these really public in the world are watching and all with such a little interest from the military's top brass. not to mention our politicians.
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that's i take this conversation. so then i'll call some live to a member of the and see okay, patient blocking to haifa, israel berry is your stable. now joining us here on, on the international a very well welcome to today. so what, why do you think the idea of chief of general stuff, but one of a sudden has called on troops not to make the so called revenge videos as well? because this, this is a kind of thing that actually, yeah, makes us these rallies look okay man in a bad way. internationally. i've been watching the be some pieces of the hearing. got the i c, j in the last few days. and one thing that's been uh, replacing ahold of time is, uh, is the fact that it's uh, a searchable uh, yeah. of the army these, well, i'm not seeing from that suite uh with the international goals. so i'm fine. and, and, and other things because this is the thing you have 2 patients. uh,
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which is the major, the major issue. yeah. first of all, i have to emphasize them. i'm just thinking for myself and the rest of the representatives will be sufficient law because we have like people within the entire capacity box that are sitting in a share, all sorts of different opinions politically. but we all have the same outcome and wrong. and that's the belief that the organization is the roots of uh, of the, the conflict. and this is the thing that we choose interest. i appreciate you saying that your so many, if i can ask you because there are a number of media reports. now admittedly, they have not been confirmed here, but we've seen these reports and, and they say that is really ministry service went to of lou to potentially millions of dollars since the start of the ground operation in ga. so, i mean in, in your thoughts is that possible and all of us we, in a fork of war,
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it's difficult to get a clear picture of exactly what's happening. but what, what do you think? uh i think i know that as you said, i use this. it's not come from, but it is, it is possible. yeah, yeah, yeah, i mean, i guess that's the idea of chief of stuff comes out and, and then tells the the soldiers to start filming these revenge videos. but by the way, you also what exactly is a revenge video can, can you tell me well, for media space to revenge video video on it would uh that would show some kind of that sense in some sort of way would, uh, would show some kind of pull that up for you already or uh, some kind of, uh, things to ensure that your, in a position uh better than the other guy. you know that to, uh, uh, create some kind of the mediation on it. so show some sort of,
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there you go and that our sense for me would be uh, desperately where, where do you stand right now? your some, you know, obviously of a full month's now into this ongoing conflict and, and so i, much of guys are, is, is in room and these days is how many refugees as well what, what's uh, what's your position now? you're at a high for the moment. i know you're speaking to friends and, and naples what, what's the general opinion among his riley's now with the ongoing conflict? i'm afraid. i'm like, i'm in the minority position right now, and i would say that amongst friends, most of the people in each room are quite okay with what's going on. as far as i want, the idea is doing. and i think it's mainly most of the use these reading media just very much in the air, supposed to come back to the searching routes. so people to to
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you and asked, follow em. i don't think i see the majority of people i see. yeah. and i get all these written media doesn't really see the full picture. as for myself, i think we're uh right now the situation is terrible. i think this lower must be stopped. and the solution must be the solution and the grid must be trying to use this thing we issued inc for at the moment and match just shooting clue raising all the hostages. and of course, i am trying to think of a sense of agreement with the regular and casa, i'm not until to bring them between israel and the student table, which at the moment it seems like it's a foster. and we seem to be by far from getting that, but i believe it's may be,
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uh, hold on the stop times. yeah. remind to reach something that, that, that will lead to a bunch of future. i mean, i think you've got a fair point there, you know, obviously obviously the nothing you know, government has got to get back. the remaining is right. a hoffstetter is i think that goes without saying, but do you think there is a, a sense of, i don't know, war fatigue perhaps among these ready population? i've seen, i've seen a growing number of protests and demonstrations against them. yeah. we'll government on the streets instead. of a yeah. as rece the tickets? sure. the number. uh well the 1st uh, the claim as well. and what was the smallest onto the executive? the dogs uh replaced uh i believe that the vast majority of the people he needs for seeds and that's in the hours. uh, as far as the major people are responsible for the situation. and they do believe
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that he should resign. and i think it was uh, the protest i'm going to go against and beginning they get within the next thing a few weeks. and then finally we'll have to face it. uh, we have to face it and you will have to resign. but although i don't seem to do that himself, but they should not find why they should find a way to remove him from his position. finally. so i go stifle, as a member of the anti occupation book in haifa, sparing is precious time to speak to us. i really appreciate you joining us here. analogy international. thank you very much for your country and your insight. thank you. move by the drum and a position to force button to send long range. cruise missiles to ukraine has been voted down by parliament. well, that will make it back in motion to still supply for the ministry support with her
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take on the story to contribute original mazda, the german chancellor or schultz, has long been saying that he doesn't want to give any of germany's long range taurus, missiles to ukraine, because he wants to avoid escalation. you think that one has 3 party traffic light, coordination of shots is read socialist democratic party. the greens and yellow liberals of the free democratic party went to the drawing board to come up with a new weapons packages for ukraine. they want to be explicit about the absolutely positively no tourist, as part that shows had adamantly been insisting on. but that's not at all what happened. instead, the 3 governing parties came up with a resolution for quote, the delivery of additionally necessary long range weapon systems that could strike quote bar in the rear area of the russian aggressor. which actually turns out to be a pretty ap description about this whole issue. risks doing the schultz himself striking him in the rear area because this resolution went to vote and burn the
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stock and ended up passing without any explicit mention of shots is red line or ne torres transfers. now, why might this spell trouble for schultz down the road? because towards this have a range of 500 kilometers. so double the striking distance of cruise missiles provided to care from some other european allies like british storm shadows, or french scout missiles. and if she ever gets his hand on torres is a condense peaceably attack really far inside russia with the like. for example, the courage bridge to the crime in peninsula that you are training and officials keep talking about attacking with you, pray and president blind years. let's be himself calling it a quote, legitimate military target, just last summer. so we're talking about a game changer that schultz is government has just introduced that schultz wishes that he would have been able to just step out and take a bathroom break or something on this vote like he was able to get on. gary and prime minister victo or bond to do in brussels, went or find was worried about low back from supporting the started crazy accession
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talks. it's not knowing that the opposition christine democrats tried to put forward a resolution earlier that explicitly mentioned the transfer of torres is increasing as ukraine continues to not receive the full amount of material it urgently needs to effectively repel the russian war of aggression. i call on each and every one of you in the federal government to vote for our resolution to finally make our government deliver the tourist cruise missiles to ukraine. sounds like they want to be 1st in line for but slots and hugs next times when he comes into town. so it looks like some, including a few from shots. his own government coalition actually really light. the idea of turning the landscape wish list directly into german decisions. got it and i have just now decided to vote for the cd. you resolution exclusively because the tourist system was unambiguous. we mentioned that i think that when we are to vote on such matters in the future, we should avoid factional coersion supporting children's government. on the whole
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though voted against that cd. you resolution that was totally explicit about the use of tauruses. i guess it's a bad idea to leave a note of intention if you're going to be in a comp list to a potential future disaster. see that it's a good idea to leave room, at least for some plausible deniability by not explicitly mentioning the actual name of the weapon, that risk being plastered all over the new sunday and tied directly to you and to this very approval. if there's any doubt that that's exactly what's going on here. just as the deputy part of mentoring group leader of schultz is on party all the for the does the formulation resolution for this? include the tourist system and not nice. this is not something that can be answered simply with a yes or no. it's a question of interpretation. the fact is, we haven't drawn a red line at this point. deniability seems to already be the name of the game with a german defense minister saying that he didn't even really have the slightest clue
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what was actually in the more vague resolution on the fastest. because he does this include torres for you. yes or no. let's guy who's gone, i can answer that. i have read the application in the applicants will have thought of their part in it. despite what seems to be an attempt by the german government to put some distance between itself and the tourist says that are explicitly included in their resolution. keep in mind that schultz really is the king of south on it, tries to go along with depriving russia gas from news that ends up sending germany into a recession and now tries to help ukraine and totally fail to put any explicit fail safe or red lines on the transfer of the very same weapons that he's been having sleepless nights over the idea of you trained even getting its hands on off showing rushes bear on see moscow has revoke to nearly 7 decade long deal with the u. k. i northern ireland, which had allowed that photos to repub,
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bounty of called and had to the traditional fiction trips, some of called it, a mazda struck by putting you response to western sanction. sitting brits breton about the food staple of the for the now the sanctions on us. but they themselves formed 40 percent of their
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menu from our comedy and now let them loose way and get smart. it's our card and other types of fish, including how to that form the rash or the it's a single shooting. yeah. disagreement unfortunately, was one sign indeed farmers and rights only to our partners at the time. sufficient disagreement did not give our fisherman such power. that is, it was actually one sided and did not bring any benefits for soviet fishermen. the denunciation of this agreement will not entail any negative consequences for the russian federation and the development of the fishery comb with some of our state. they announce the sanctions on us, but they themselves 140 percent of their menu from arcada. now let them lose weight and get smarter. tribute is our cards and other types of stations, including how to best form the ratio or wrapping up his output, the tasks broken here,
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analogy international just quickly. you may route, remember america is for my head of a c i a and secretary of defense robot dates these not one public. it may think that people talking about a so called state oh my in ukraine. wrong. he says it's the russians who have the momentum and the strategic advantages that's coming from the former secretary of defense in america, on the for my head, the c i a, this is on the the day we restore the needs of the board. that's where i can use valves
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originally inspected in the senior menu on the show any of the gentle facilities based in yet periods which are likely to ski photos than any vision isn't to look at the article still bundle scheme at the who at the site. the goal at this we had looked at the new yeah, that was that said it was a mis level. the thing is as see assessment brady, this form with year of experience of but that will say in nearest the full of books and you for the 90 percent of the apartments that you somebody to pick a video. it's nice because you have to just catch the senior the .


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