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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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of the the russian alligators strike choppers taking a much ukrainian drone and control positions in the don't ask for public as the clearing of the recently captured key city of f. jessica continues, we are reporting from the ground. this is the jeanette's quote of filtering plots the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st order of business for them here was to strip citizens of the nets, of something as basic as the rice, as be access to tap water. by the way of food and vows, more advances and strengthening brushes. folks. it was coming on the defender of the fatherland national holiday and just the day after it took to the skies co piloting the fastest strategic bomber in the world. and the is ready can assets
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fail to house the fellow m p over his public support for south africa's genocide case against israel? we hear from the amount of a center of attention to highlights lawmakers turning a blind eye to continue the trustworthy against the pillows to the vast majority. i'm only the 120 members of the can. i said it just, you know, tell them it's, and they all so even me i was fine and just to be judge of what's going on in the gaza. and then if it's, if it's straightforward for me as a human being the, it is friday night in the city that never sleep spoken to the program. here it's off the international buy from straight to ukraine. we go to take office hours program us russian forces are set to have carried out a wave of strikes on ukrainian drone control local races. the tockets were in the
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north so they don't have to go public, but it keeps forces to control much of the area. as a k, a 52 headed cop is known as the alligators are unique. with a dual rotor design, they were used in the attack. the russian defense minister says the strikes were launch from close range and tough conditions. we heard this from one of the pilots throwing them below a little bunch of today, the task was set to destroy the enemy's you a the control point. the flight took place without any special features. the targets have been destroyed. the helicopter did not let us down. upon finishing the attack on board defense system, notified the crew about the launch of the sting. get the onboard defense system, then launched hate traps and the inverted the me solid deal. and i'm moving to the south of the head square public coast, specifically the recently captured city of, of jessica. i'll see that you called us down off now bringing us this exclusive report. i see it looks at how russian soldiers took back the main water filtration facility during the crating and retreat as this is the,
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the net school to filtering plots. and until early 2022, it used to provide fresh wood safe use to provide access to fresh water for the entire city. in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement shut downs to ensure work is safety. back then, all hopes were pinned on the o is see, and it's you induct monitoring mission and it's piece making skills. now the station that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the
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you to call was that we took your of dave reads the scripture on the wall left by the units who entered the territory of the battered station fast lou. because they were no significant battles here, but it's an interesting story. we're preparing for the assaults and how to make our way through the tunnels. here. in the end everything happens so spontaneously, or drill and dropped leaflets. calling for surrender, the red, we will kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wants to surrender. we gave them half an hour,
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so they jumped out of their positions. and then a chain reaction began. that emmys fled from of they ask. that is, there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons to issues. it won't be soon until this facility will be able to pump the water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage to the river of saber ski. the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its upstream too. so the issue, clues of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that, i guess, done every protein from the dog boss. oxy flooded mean food and has a vile to beef up rushes, military capabilities is probably just coming earlier today. this friday on the defender of the fatherland, national holiday in the media, you might look, it wasn't, it was of it is, there are many alarm and challenges and risks in the modern world. but the powerful
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capabilities and combat readiness of our army and navy guarantee russia security and it's free southern development. incorporating our real combat experience, we will continue to strengthen the armed forces in every possible way, including ongoing re equipping and modernization efforts. today, the share of modern weapons and equipment and the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95 percent. while the naval component of the nuclear triad is at almost a 100 percent. we have begun serial production of news or con hypersonic missiles. trials of other offensive systems are nearing completion. last december, new strategic submarines were added to the navy just the other day and cars in 4 to 160 and missile carriers were transferred to the on forces new ways but to just keep up with new file. his comments are coming on the heels of his trip to the cars on aviation manufacturing plant. after pre flight inspection president booting took to the skies the co pilot, one of the nation's modernized strategic bava's. before planning on board, he possibly inspected for the upgrade today across as we understand his flight.
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right that last at around 40 minutes. now the 2160 m. as a rough and strategic bomb, or as known as the white swan domestically on the black jack by nature of the countries, it is part of the country's nuclear triad. it's got a range of a 12000 kilometers without refueling. munition is pretty varied from ms aisles to guided munitions, nuclear weapons, even under the ability it, oh, it also kind of display on instead of a c mines as well. now, why do we have the weapons it carries out of the 5 bombs? they have been used to extensively in the ongoing conflict with ukraine. it's an explosive ariel device developed essentially by the soviet union these days. it's all being modernized with wing kits, satellite navigation that allow precise targeting. but also the deployment from far away from the front lines. these were used in high volume during strikes on of the food and gave his review of the aircraft carrier stuff.
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yes, we are receiving advanced military hardware and it's excellent. it's really of the next generation. as i told the aircraft commander in the hands of the defense ministry. of course, it can be accepted into the service of the russian armed forces. it's a new aerial vehicle. it is handled very well, and which is visible to the naked eye. it's very reliable. taking aim again, even if it didn't work before the us state department has teamed up with the treasury department to impose sanctions more than 500 so called targets that's unavailable to another round of restrictive measures. and it's a years long campaign against russia. the actions hopes to contain not only several russian industrial complexes, but having an international flat to them as well. us department of the treasury's office of foreign asset control targeted 26 3rd country entities and individuals and 11 countries, including the people's republic of china,
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serbia. the united arab emirates and lichtenstein. all right, let's take this conversation further now with nelson wong, the vice chairman of the shanghai center for international studies. joining us had live on uh to international a very well welcome to today nelson and thanks for jumping on so quickly. you and we love having this conversation. i mean, washington now taking it sanctions regime internationally. the last calendar, russia had over 15000 a sanction was placed on its people by western partners. now the chinese entities are getting caught up. you your thoughts if any of this will change or is just now just the full costs for the immediate future as well. thank you for having me at this hour, right? i actually don't see the logic. no. the lower that right to of the, all the sanctions because a off to 2 years, even since the beginning of the conflict to the us government. and together with this partners in europe, have
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a leased out over $10000.00 sanctions against russia. but look at what has happened, these sensors didn't work at all. uh, most of them, and i think all of them were actually meant to, to, to, to we can russia to bleed off to russia. but apparently they didn't work. so why is it coming up? ways most sections, so 1st of all, i don't see the logic being trying to solve the problem because they don't write and the secondly as a conflicting paul to it because they are not neutral. the us, the united states of america is not a neutral party in this conflict. what right to do, they have to stop sanctioning companies in other countries or other countries to, for, for doing business with russia. i, well,
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i have no idea about these companies and i don't know these companies that tool, but i'm just looking at the fact that the sanctions do not work. and that's why keep coming up. ways all these sanctions. so that's points number one important number to the as we are already in this 21st century. and if people can behave in a more civilized way and not messing up with other countries, internal affairs of business is leaves the ukrainians alone to solve their problems with russia. we would most have arrived at where we are today. yeah, yeah. i think it's a really fat point. i know. so what do, what do you think about this? uh the us recently to came but most go because polluted and gave an orest luxury call the same on the boot and drives around and he gave it to his north korean count. the pod and the us state department is now. so that's a legal, that's
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a legal you cannot gift a call to another leader of another country. this is our ranges. i mean, nelson, i mean, honestly putting, gave, reading, gave him a car. i mean, this, the world's police when the united states just just think it's got free rain around the planet. i'm sorry to say something as blunt as that, but i mean, look, piercing, gave his north green count about a car and a us state of bob and has gone mental. is this the state of affairs with dealing with today or? i think this is exactly what we see uh what they mean by the rules based old, which means that whatever they think is right is right. and whatever they do not like it, then these people are evil. so this is totally wrong. and what, where is the united nations, where do we, you know, why are we not relying on the international role that we already have in place to
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solve all the problems? this is what going back to school days, like the kids in the, in the classroom. that you have to be my friend. you are not dealing with him. he's my anybody, i don't like him so beat the shit out of him as role. right. and when will think about the whole world, we so many countries coming from different cultures and histories, people are up to respect each other, right? and there are conflicts or of disputes. i'm always used by these disputes and conflicts should be solved in the add a couple way through negotiations without the use of this. yeah, i mean, i mean having, having this conflict in ukraine dragging on for 2 years. this is horrible. look at how many young man that have died have sacrificed their lives all the manual feed me. this is horrible. well, i mean, a boy if johnson has blood on his hands,
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the full about you k 5 minute stuff scuffling those piece talks in his time bold a couple of years ago. now put in, talked about that in the tucker costs and interview a boy scouts and came out. actually he clearly how he felt he'd have to say something and boss drones. it's don't believe the lives don't believe that lies. and then he said this got talk a cause and if you want to interview me for, it's going to say you're gonna pay me a $1000000.00. and then i'll, i'll, i'll have a conversation with you. i mean, this tech guy as dirty as they come. let me ask you this now. so before i let you go to so, so good to get you on the program. you know, russia was living on to 15000 sanctions. these days are 2 or 3 times the number of sanctions against iran. i was just wondering, you know, it's always washington the levies out the sanctions. maybe it's time to put it on the other foot. maybe aside for russia, iran, china, venezuela, syria, iraq, and all these other countries does not sanctioning the united states. or do you think in some way, shape or form? some of them perhaps already are well,
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but 1st of all, these sanctions are unit electro measures adopted by the us government against the other countries. these are not un endorsed, so i means so that we shouldn't actually call them sectionals. they argue a lateral measures. and this is very come from takes, you know, and this is very much one sided. and when you talk about, you know, other countries to do, they actually, you know, planned to, to re retaliate where i think if it really hurts other companies, other countries, inches. i think the, these countries were definitely place to spend up to 3 retaliate. yeah. yeah. yeah . i mean meet, meantime this very quickly, nothing else. and meantime, it looks like the you in america a doing everything they can to get their hands on $300000000000.00 worth of russian foreign reserves. you know, the story they've been trying to essentially see they called it froze and funds.
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they're trying to steal these funds and they're saying we're going to steal these russian funds to rebuild. you cried. let me ask you this. what about seizing is rails funds to rebuild gaza, but no one's going to be seizing israel's funds all day. nelson ste. yeah, well uh, this is uh, a typical example of the jungle. yeah, uh look at, uh, i've gotten a stand since you may have seen about seizing other countries buttons, you know, billions of dollars off. i've got this done as being seats to buy the us and it's a, it's a, it's wrong actually, this, this, this kind of a major is, it's actually the attitude. it's the western arrogance. i think that we're dealing with is so uh, i've been talking to my friends and partners in the west as well. and i said, well, just look at what's happening around the world when you talk about organizations like the brakes and the guy cooperation organization. the enlargement of these
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organizations, as i said, take these as questions to ourselves and ask yourselves why, why this is happening means that people are not happy ways the way the world has been. you know, government for the time being on to now. so a change or have to be my age and, and where see the changes happening? uh, so off to this? well, let's hope that this global, this older is going to be over soon. no, because we keep going on living like this. there is no peace in the world and while entering the 3rd world war and this is no good for every one. yeah, i think it's a very, very fast. i mean to wrap this up, but nelson wong is the vice chairman of the shanghai set of international studies. joining us live on how to international was very insightful commentary. nelson. thank you very much. thank you. as well, washington is not
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a loan of the e. u is expanded as a list of sanctions targeting those who they accuse of helping must go with the conflict with ukraine. as it stands, more than 2000 names of individuals and entities are labeled as a quote, threat to ukraine's independence by the block. or the expansion of the measures comes as part of a 13 foot package of sanctions against russia. new names added on the list, the subject to have their assets frozen in the new trouble bounce implemented as well as various barriers on trade. and this includes not only russian companies, but entities from india. storyline to china. so the thailand, part of the concepts done according to india is foreign minister. the west is not doing itself any favors by shutting the door. i can see the reality of that. but i think it's very much in the suddenly an indian national interest, but i would suggest, actually in global interest when russia, you know,
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what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give brush on multiple options if we, if he really ruled restaurant to a single option and say that, you know, that's really bad because that's the outcome then you are making it does kind of a self fulfilling prophecies. well, india is just one of the asian countries, which is a deep and kind of cooperation with russia. despite moscow circled isolation by the end of last year, moscow and new delhi reached a historic new high and trade volume. and both nations emphasize the need to move away from using the us dollar, and instead trade in national currencies. according to the former indian ambassador to the netherlands, moscow does not allow any positive on the global stage, despite what the western media and political establishment likes to suggest. and i think they are being union forget the advice that you chose to give it in there,
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which is the country cannot speak not its history and its job. and he is on wheels debate or walk on hostile neighborhood. perhaps the you european union needs to understand that it's history and geography. is inexplicable, ending with that great. go to the civilization, which is the russian coincidence, the physician of country, that is both the are being and issue, a country that has deep roots into going to then add your glass possibly in the middle on the dumb provide redoubt treated with russia. links with joshua common go to them, but did they want? i thought it's done in the present. it's a dr. jashka so eloquently said, if the one to shut the doors, then many other doors available. yes. yes, because i she, i saw just so you know, to see if it is not just a european nations isn't as issue with
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a link to issue as is very deep. india, it has been india, did fox brandon supporter. as india and drugs, you have a relationship with india and never forget to read when we would be we're isolated by the with who are facing. and it's essential that we could not forgive that and not having left on that behind. we have develop a relationship with russia which isn't done. she has not showed interest at all. and that quote, traditional values are shared by people across the globe and help them by russia, those what some of the key takeaways my speech by side. and they put him out of for him, cold, strong ideas for the new time. or as i mentioned, the task of lead me thing and they say things is what i showed that our detractors were pursuing,
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has obviously failed. but it's also clear that we have more and more supporters all over the world, especially concerning what we call traditional values. it turns out that they are not only ours, these are traditional values for any same person. the support to hold onto these traditional values turned out to be quite large and reliable. not only and friendly, but also in on friendly states. and we also have many allies there. the russian president also appraised in italy and students suggestion to simplify the procedure for foreigners wishing to emigrate to russia. he added that most go needs to attract more highly skilled workers, highlighting the oh, new comments must respect the country's laws and customers. and we spoke with russian american m a 5 head, jeff monson, who told us about his own experience and what he thinks russia means that the of the must be in the good is what people asked me what to do between america. and that's the most of the thing are in my opinion,
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but i think the most is it is the values and what, what is the most important thing in russia, your family, your family, their kids, and then this family extends your family, your community, your neighbors, your city or whatever district or our republic you live in, they have what we say pride and that really take care of each other. the difference between americans, russians, um, normally, is uh, russians could make the difference between the american people and the american government. they can say, you know what, we don't like the american government don't like what they do. we don't like that. so we don't like public data, but we don't hold this against the american people. that we say. if the american people got to know us, they would appreciate if you'd like us. and if they visited us, they would have a different jack on my day of work, rushes i've other than what they see on tv. we're in the meeting. but for you forget the russian now i the passport was gone, you know, had
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a visa and like i worked recently 3 years and i was going back and forth back and forth, back and forth. and i, i enjoyed this. i saw more and more. i was on satisfied with um, seeing the difference, you know, i've been all over the world so i didn't, but i, you know, being in russia really, america, i just felt like i was coming home when i was in russia instead of visiting what i was in america, i thought all rushes were hard. all russians recalled a real estate without an appeal, without feeling without generosity. and i had, you know, this is the american, it's american media. everything, all this was on to the members of the it's where the parliament have once again rejected the idea of a palestinian state. it's a move being celebrated now by the countries. prime minister. kinetic came together in an overwhelming majority against the attempt to impose on us the establishment of a palestinian state, which would not only fail to bring peace,
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but what also in danger of the state of israel. this is not the 1st time that israel has dismissed the 2 state solution which was originally proposed by the un in 1947 years. now. was there any settlements on occupied territory in the west bank of expanded, despite most of the international community considering them to be illegal? but the policy, you know, for ministry to condemn the latest, to vote by israel saying that global recognition does not require israel's permission. meanwhile, with an israel itself, the opposition has branded the prime minister of the main obstacle to peace, even a choosing disney out of brain washing the public. this a news who has been the main obstacle to p special and he certainly has prevented peace or any political solution in one of his years in politics. one of the reasons for cultivating him us was to make sure that there's no peace because that would mean a palestinian state, which is a big no, no for him. it's more likely that he will not go for peace, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt,
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even though he does not deserve any benefit. that may be a miracle can happen in a separate vote and he's tried but fail to else. the colleague from the connected or for the cast if was accused of siding with from us as a vocal supporter of a south africa's claim that israel is responsible for the genocide in gaza. when we spoke with mr. kasey if and he said the how mass attacks would direct the blow back against years of televi. tv's policies have a listen for yourself. they may in fact, to that in gym in been just is that w o himself and his government down the main venture to the very existence of the state, the result of the, the pro fees. we cannot ignore all the conditions that enabled the data of the car from age of 74 to a bit when create the by method. yeah. when use governments while the use and my soccer is to stop the blood ship? i don't want anyone to be cute and neither police stadiums, nobody's
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a lease that's it is of course cannot be investigated. so like any other guns we cannot investigate. it stands. so the part is john appropriate in b a. but actually seduce him, which is recognized by use this way, by the way, is nice to jake. and then that was the multi multi page and my motivation in signing these petition. and by the way, that the feature was not against the state the freezer because it gives the government to piece by the the total is set to provide somalia with maritime security. as part of it recently, i think the defense and economic cooperation proposal look at issues already ratified the day of which now awaits approval and let's talk each on them. and now the time you packed, we'll see, total, defend somebody as territorial waters as well as bill train and equip a local navy and exchange incorrect will reportedly receive. 30 percent of the
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revenue is from somalia is exclusive economics of the agreement also requires turkish assistance in combating terrorism, piracy, and other threats, and somebody as president highlighted the deal is not directed against any other country. she's going month. we tell the somali people that the agreement we have table to parliament today is certainly about cooperation between somalia into key on maritime defense and economy is not in any way aimed at creating hatred or feud with another country or government in agreement. come with them. it's spiraling tensions between somebody a and e. c o, p u. it's off the he signed a memorandum of understanding with the breakaway region of somali land and exchange for recognition of the region. sovereignty addis ababa will get access to the red sea and the establishment of a naval base. i prompted mogadishu to sign and to create nullifying the deal. but we spoke with a lawyer and the university of alex electra isa,
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osmond water. semi besides that totally is integration with both sides may be able to bring positive results. it seems it is about the 4 balls and countries and the who it's going to do. and so some of the vision is with the and to vision to have is that because the lesion between the 2 captains, i think about the, the, so b as in who's that i'd be previously that he understands. and that in the interview was a mistake that he has done if i'd be over here every single. imagine that and he made a mistake focused between somebody out. it will be a kind of start. um, the visualization will come on the also the security will improve
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our right now. heating ha, fox, the our here in the russian capital. and that's it for this house program live on, on the internet for me real research and the entire news team here. thank you. so much for sharing your time with us here with most of my colleague, mike a quite cheap here at the desk and a half an hour's time with more of your friday night. well, the the the federal stuff ation stayed with the siege survivors for the rest of their lives . it took a long time to restore the hills. it goes up to see jason caught up to see.


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