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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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the, the, the russian did not start this war. it came to put an end to it. all the key of authorities had to do was respect people's rights. rochester, as western nations have selective blindness. sudden death. most of the un general assembly of the body gather the on the eve of this have gotten a 2 year and invest, reset the create in conflict. the gap taking a began even if it didn't work before washington and brussels, impose a new wave of sanctions, not only on moscow, but on individuals and entities around the world. this is the domestic move to filtering plants the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st order of business for them here was to strip citizens of
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the nets of something as basic as the rice, as the access to tap water and ross. i advance those on the battlefield, handling drove and control positions and they've been yes for public audio visits. recently, captain key city of odd vs as has an exclusive report, the have a welcome to the global news update on our team to national i a my question. now all the eve of the 2 years since the beginning of the ukrainian conflicts pokes of peace were heard of the you and john the assembly. however key evan moscow have stances that still keep them far apart. ross has invested to lead out how the former territories of the crate and they've changed over the decade with moscow's help. it is people who is the 1st time to bring in the representative of key of
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naturally failed to say in a statement that the crime in peninsula was a completely abandoned region. when it was part of ukraine, its infrastructure was neglected. it's socio economic problems were addressed as an after thought and in a piecemeal fashion. over the past 10 years, however, crimea has been transformed. ukraine has been working tirelessly to mobilize international support for our peace plan. this demonstrates a growing global understanding the piece for me. what is the only way forwards to adjust and lasting piece? do you see a list of see what the most liberal it was like? russia did not start this war. it came to put an end to it. all the key of authorities had to do with respect to people's rights. let them live in peace on their own territory. study in their own language, enjoy the freedom of religion and freedom of thought. one should not waste time on, keeps futile plans to negotiate on the basis of zalinski, so called peace formula. it was nothing other than an ultimatum to russia in an
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attempt to lower as many countries as possible into endless meetings on this utopian project. at any price possible, but not for more on best lights, cross live to our to correspond and caleb mopping. caleb is good to have you join me now. but what did you tell us about the session that the un general assembly? while the un general assembly, the body that contains every un member of state country, we've heard debates taking place on the 2 year anniversary of russia's military operation. now, the representative of the united states said the war has not only affected russia and ukraine, but the entire global economy in terms of the energy sector, etc. london, the representative, speaking for the united kingdom, took things a bit further. this is what the sad prior to 2014. did you crane pose a threat to russia? no. did russia objects to the formation of the ukrainian states in 1991 the
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did it in 1994 when signing the beauty passed memorandum? no, in fact russia pledged never to use force against ukraine. poor jim tries to claim that russia is fighting, not against you crate. but a gates, the hood of the west, the claims that somehow i dismember russia, that is the central lie of this. when the truth is that we, myself included, sped, is trying to build a new relationship. we must go off to the end of the coal. now it's important to note that that claim uh, that somehow there was no threat to russia, being pro, is just kind of glosses over the reality of what was taking place with the daily bombing that the people's republic of don ask and the people's republic gods were subjected to, at the hands of the us back government in cabinets was supplied with
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a huge amount of weaponry and backing by the united states and other e u countries. european union countries that were aligned with the united states. and it's also pointed out that the men's agreement was pretty much ignored the agreement to rationally reintegrate these republics back into ukraine to respect their rights was never implemented in after 8 years of subjecting these regions to all out of salt and attack russia then recognize them and moved its forces in to protect them. the cause of the regions have a sense to voted to join the russian federation. this was highlighted by russian and bass there. and eventually as we spoke before, the u. n. g, a laying out the facts that are conveniently left out of the russian narrative, the narrative of western leaders. do you think it isn't the truth and 17 years in the interest of our western colleagues to paint a black and white narrative where russia is the aggressor and ukraine is an
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innocent victim. however, the collect at west will have to be responsible for what has been done with ukraine as well as for the selective blindness and definiteness they have manifested over the past few years, the completion of the website. so now in addition to the context of that today where we all saw parse allegations being hurled at russia, it's important to note that in washington d. c. we saw a new package of sanctions, 500 different sanctions imposed on russia and the 2 year anniversary of russia's military operation. but the sanctions, these 500 new sanctions that rolled out by the white house don't only target the country of russia, they target a number of other different countries as well. these are the details about these new sanctions that have been rolled out by the white house u. s. department of the treasury's office of foreign asset control. targeted $26.00 3rd country entities and individuals and 11 countries,
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including the people's republic of china, serbia, the united arab emirates, and linkedin stein. now the russian ambassador to the united states describes these sanctions as absolutely necessary and outrages and an attempt to divide russian society and metal and its internal affairs in the lead up to a presidential election. here's what the russian and bassinger had to say about the new sanctions package. by declaring its intention to punish us on the anniversary of this special military operation, washington aims to divert the attention of its own text purse and voters from the real state of affairs around the conflict in the distance group in space to make them forget about the failure of the calendar offensive, despite all the wanted weapons supplied by the west. don't they realize in washington that they can take us to the sanctions, battering ram despite the record number of theirs and restrictions, the russian economy is growing much faster than many western european countries. so
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in response to a barrage of western sanctions and demon is ation a barrage of the accusations of united nations general assembly, we see russia standing strong as the ambassador just pointed out time, what you just heard, the russian economy has continued to grow. russia has continued to maintain its military presence and defend the peoples of the don boss region. and despite all the war of words that's been hurled at russia, and despite all the sanctions, russia continues to move ahead. 2 years after the beginning of the special military operation, wide, hard to correspond and kinda bump in bringing us up to speed there. thank you for the inside. have given us the other new wave of functions. again, this is ross, it has been in now as the we discussed the ramifications where the power of gas have a listen after 2 years,
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even since the beginning of the conflict to the us government and together with its partners in europe, have a leased out over 10000 sanctions against russia, but look at what has happened and the sanctions didn't to work at all. and the 2nd late as a conflicting party because they are not neutral. the us, the united states of america is not a neutral party in this conflict. what right to do, they have to stop sanctioning company using other countries or other countries to for, for doing business with russia. we are already in this 21st century. and if people can behave in a more civilized way and not messing up with other countries, internal affairs of business is least for ukrainians,
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low to solve their problems with russia. we wouldn't most have arrived at where we are today. well, the most reasonable expectation is that these new sanctions will have more or less the effect of the last groups of sanctions. let's remember that russia has been the object of sanctions by the united states by a u. uh they were promised one. they were 1st started, particularly after february of 2022, that they would bring russia to its knees, make the rouble collapse, and make it impossible for russia to persist in the war and ukraine. every one of those predictions proved to be false. it did not happen, the sanctions did not succeed. and the only real question is why you are
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continuing with even more of a policy that did not work and forces every one in the world to wonder whether this is done for domestic political, public relations to look tough. when in fact, the war is going badly for you, great on the west. russia is able to function very successfully. and the sanction simply don't work. said washington is not the low, the ears you has expanded its list of sanctions targeting those who the keys are reading moscow in this conflict with ukraine. as it stands, more than 2000 names of individuals and entities are labeled as a quote to read the trades independence by the block of the expansion of the mattress. comes off the plot of a 15 section package against russia. your names added on the list are subject to have their assets are frozen in the you traveled bands implemented as well as
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various vari as on trade. and the last includes not only russian companies, but entities from india, sri lanka, china sub you file and has expanded and took you according to the india is foreign minister. the west is not doing itself any favors by shopping. the doors i can see the reality of that, but i think it's very much in the suddenly an indian national interest, but i would suggest, actually in global interest. but when russia, you know, what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's makes sense to give brush on multiple options. if we, if he really rolled restaurant the single option and say that, you know, that's really bad because that's the outcome then you are making. it does kind of a self fulfilling prophecies. in india,
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he is just one of the asian countries who has deepened the cooperation with ross and this by moscow, the so called isolation. by the end of last year, moscow, a new dahlia reached a historic hydrate volume. but both nations emphasized the need to move away from using the us dollar and this dead trade in national currencies. according to the former indian ambassador to naval lens, moscow doesn't unlock plots. and as on the global stage, i think they ought to be new. and in forget the advice that you choose to give it in there, which is the country cannot speak not its history and its job, and he is on wheels debate or walk on hostile neighborhood. perhaps the you, europe in union needs to understand that it's history and geography. is inexplicable, ending with that great go to the civilization, which is the rush of going to the position of country. that is both the are being
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and issue. a country that has deep roots into going to then i'm your glass, possibly in the middle on them to live without read with russia, links with joshua, it's going to go to the ends of an edition, but did they want? i thought it's done in the present. it's a dr. jashka so eloquently said, if they want to shut the door, there are many other doors available. yes, yes, because i she, i saw just so you know, to see if it is not just a european nations isn't as issue with a link to issue as is very deep. india, it has been india did fox brandon supporter as india and just you have a relationship with india and never forget to holidays when we would be we're isolated by the way we were facing and it's essential that we could not forgive that and not having left on that behind,
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we have develop a relationship with russia, which is injunctions, national interest at all. and that the not lawson forces i said to have carried out the wave of strikes on ukrainian drug control of prey does of a targets wherever the nor from the gas for probably quite keeps forth as controlled area j. a for the to have the cop is known as the alligators, and unique with the dual and root of designs were used and they attacked their loss in defense ministry several dislikes when launched from close range and difficult conditions, were heard about one pilot's experience. so it didn't pull up a little bit. you today, the task was set to destroy the enemies you a the control point. the flight took place without any special features. the targets have been destroyed, the helicopter did not let us down. upon finishing the attacks that one board defense system notified the crew about the launch of the sting. the onboard defense
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system then launched hate traps and the inverted the me solid deal. and moving to the south of the doesn't yes, republic. based specifically the recently captured city of d f a r t is egos donald brings us this exclusive report as he looks at how russian sold is to back the main to what i feel theresa in facility during the create a new treat. this is the, the net school to filtering plots and until early 2022, it used to provide fresh wood safe used to provide access to fresh water for the entire city in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the
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station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement shut downs to ensure work is safety. back then, all hopes were pinned on the o is see, and it's you and backed monitoring mission and it's piece making skills. now the stations that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the you to call was that we took your of dave car reads the scripture on the wall,
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left by the units who entered the territory of the batted station 1st little conflict. they were no significant battles here, but it's an interesting story. we're preparing for the assaults and how to make our way through the tunnels. here. in the end everything happens so spontaneously, or drill and dropped leaflets. calling for surrender, the red, we will kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wanted to surrender. we gave them half an hour, so they jumped out of their positions. and then a chain reaction began. then emmys fled from of they ask of that is there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons to assist, or it won't be sued until this facility will be able to pump water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage to the river of saber ski the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its upstream too. so the issue, clues of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that. i'm
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a goose done. every protein from the dog boss ocoee the west is determined not to face the tooth and that's the message from from a pink floyd from 9 raja wanted by the latest guest on building on the ground for a full discussion on once president joe biden stance. busy and the west and agenda head over to our website, r t dot com. but for now here is it's the peak. is that even declining? now the display area, russia, russell, phobia hysteria in britain as western europe realize that they're not good as an excuse, not going to wind is still good doubles taking you pig you lot the big of the i think it was gary is that the big of a lie you tell about, but you just tell it often and often after a while people will believe people are being persuaded by the powers,
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the baby to another valve. they was a democrat and a great believer in freedom of speech. super there was only see not only was allowed see left school display despite the much with people with swastikas, but then so does. so let's skis voices as well. obviously the current regime in key at the site that will not change to a man, but this a leading that direction and i have certainly controlled by roy. we log in offices. yeah, absolutely. well, where do you say the maybe savanski is not complete it because back in 22, he was trying to make peace out. the rest of the bar is johnson fluid slapped his registered city colt lake. please go out there and find work and he will be good. we'll send you a few boxes. okay. yeah, but we're gonna, oh, okay,
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cool. i'll give you a new bowl. just change some value on the side. let's see here. make sure that you go our next around to when it's so low. but in the meantime, we're just trying to, we can brush, we have no interest in your country, all your people, all that big piece anywhere in the world. we go and i'm touch about with trying to expand our info. when we've taken over russia, we're going to check the show. and as i mean, just so it's been to actually the you can watch the full episode on our website as a humanitarian situation in the democratic republic of congo has become dia, due to regional conflict unit assess, as well as food program has called for an immediate action be taken to safe civilians. western countries of waiting all righty and accused of rwanda was
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supporting rebels and the d. r. c. something to galli denies. no one knows more about the root causes and history of the conflict. and these some democratic republic of congo than phones is the real issues at the origin of the ongoing conflict where addressed the problem would not exist. frances appeal follows batch of the united states and which it condemned one does allege and support for him to 3 and hold on to god that you needed to go through all the forces from the area. the appeal was rejected by the one the government which fits as long as the united states force blaming it for the escalation of the violence. and the deal seemed one at the same time, expressing deep concern over what it calls the abandonment of childhood. without missing a beat, washington inflicted itself to get to the parties to the conflict. the original actors should immediately presume the nairobi and the one to prophecies of these regional diplomatic efforts. not military conflict are the only path to negotiated
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solution and sustainable peace. all would explain to americans and french diplomacy, care weight, and all the take it into account by african countries. many africans bought into the ideology of wisdom inhibition because they did not think that the nation without independent nation states work. so they believe that a sense of moral obligation, concern for others, and they said see a desire to spread the gospel of democracy was the main driving force behind wisdom to vision is policies and consistency in foreign policy selection, policy makers, including national hypocrisies, can come with a high price target terms of the last $4.00 digits, each damaged global procedure and diminished itself. the speak to just looking to buy it is to listen to defend israel's methods exhaust options. what are the different context condemning for the continuation of the into the city based on the african constituting cases like vehicles that have made from sending that to the
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states news put to put it in africa. and i to international people to characterize dis, genocidal and service else, a merely as an armed group named as a negative force by regional bodies. and the governments of the d. r. c is a shocking and cynical active real politic which calls into question the ability of the united states to serve as a credible mediator in the great lakes region and ask for tom across the neo liberal 10 has stripped falls off the long standing of smith that it was somehow a more of an invalid colonizer because of the culture, with legacy to establish african needs of the cons. approach has only increased and distrust because of a large military presence has not been replaced by a new international requirement for the french business deals. and stepped up, this is not what advocates wanted, but it is what the gods look at us differently by respecting us, by considering us as true partners and not always with the pets and the listing. look, but the idea of always knowing what is necessary for us, frank, are free to no longer exist. we must establish a policy of equals,
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lies in the middle states, the assumption that statehood is the b o. as in oscar p as ation, short sighted and starting to in your view pro, cuz i mean go onto a country is independence, is a milestone. things considered, however, if somebody can not, in the continued exploits of relationships between african countries and the former colonizers of the roads, the foundation of the liberty, of many forms and manifestations in which colonialism. linda is right here on the african continent. these mediations and interventions are a prime example, and it is for this reason, the wisdom to promising africa has been fading and continues to do so. now we've discussed this with political analyst, and john list all bets reduction boy. and he says that the west never intervene, do not forget to protect the people, but only to achieve its interest. google has been in
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a state of non states for more than 30 years. and the only people who are always in the feeling that all the same is most of the time or 90 percent. that would say it's for us and the us, whatever these people do with africa, it's not about the left is the other bob cherry. they don't care about africa, they don't care about about the they don't love africans or the congress. so it's all about their interest in the last 2 years. that has a run has been shot at killer re, from phone go. i've been presence of, of the lot, so to the, to tell run that they have a problem in eastern dc. the people have a problem. is this, the international community they should explain is, what interest do they have to interfere there? i do think the fear in favor of general see this. i don't think they have any moral
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grounds even to come and discuss, withdrawn that on such and such an issues. and definitely not about to run the security and now to south sudan where the united nations mission continues to make improvements on the welfare of the country and china ice. taking a leading role that of a chinese keeping a peacekeeping engineering company has accomplished its 1st main supply route, maintenance project at the south through the needs gap ment, requested being deployed thousands of peacekeepers and missionary to complete the task. it all follows a un mandate plan for reconstruction assets of a solid suit. the needs president has met with the you and on the secondary general for peacekeeping operations. while the pad this cost efforts to establish peace and stability in the region of the nation is foreign minister, read the rate of the need to deal with the regional classes and to figure out how
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to support refugees arriving from the north. we discussed how to work together to ensure peace and stability and through done and support the sudanese refugees here . and those still arriving south to don, gain independence in 2011 after a referendum in which citizens voted overwhelmingly to secede from sudan. its independence was the culmination of a long the internal conflict by the arrival functions. going back to the 1950s, a civil war erupted in 2013 with maintenance of aliens becoming victims in the cross. finally, the see that we spoke with an international policy consultant who says that there is a big difference in the approaches of the east and the west and the result in the price of id. sedan and china comes to africa. they invest, they do business, they build buildings, they invest in agriculture, investment oil, they're giving lost their building rare roads. they're building ports where
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countries in the west are simply issuing statements and sanctions, many leader, the practical of your head is spinning of an african country. and you have infrastructure projects and you have for you, you have money that you want to invest, you're going to find the more willing to come to a country invest. when you turn to the west, you're told that your country is not safe. the country that secure when you turn to the east, you've seen support, and you're welcome. if you pay attention the last time the us had a state has visited africa was during president obama. has it in trump, didn't visit africa and present it, but it has the opposite after gust and you have not seen high level delegations come to africa. so this shows you. but every couple years present. and she is hosting a conference hosting african leaders, the last african liter. somebody was held last year before the 2015. you can see that african becoming important. you've seen the rest africa, somebody to india for get somebody to turn out for the summer. italy, i forget summit germany africa summit. you see so many summers focusing africa because advertise the future in order to develop release after do you have to change how you've done things that the motors apprentice of the past is no longer
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viable. and obviously the comments where you can't get for the details of all the stories will follow this. our more updates on the top of the, the the theatre of stuff ation. staying with the sage survivors for the rest of their lives. it took a long time to restore the hills. it goes up to seize using co talk to people who manage to break out of the big draft. the what i'm doing is so us putting yourself down your service. sure. and what the book of the, on the view and union, i'm sorry.


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