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tv   News  RT  February 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. it's relief for locals, enough to have cut off the russian forces, take the city following years of life on the ukrainian control. that is, as russia report even more advanced is up and down the don't ask for public front line smoke rising out of southern gone to city. this is the city of what about 5 to 7 people are killed by israel is advancing military operations. and the area had been the last resort for thousands of displays, palestinians to find safety in the english and the plaza piece that still includes war is ready. prime minister unveiling his post coffee game plan for gaza. the
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policy, you know, tar, he's role is not even in the script. and apparently the idea will continue to have free reign of custody and click the menu of macro and getting much more than a bargain for the international agricultural affair in paris. as the french farmers storm the expo a, made out for a job arising costs regulations and a government, but simply will not the we all work in a way to saturday night here at most go with the full program of your top stories set to go straight. to the, of creating a coffee, to kick off this hour where russian troops are set to be advancing all along. but don't yet the front lines. that's of course off of a couple of the key city of idea of that was earlier this week. now of the months of intense fighting, you're creating, the forces withdrew from the buckled area and the rushers defense ministry,
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estimating the key. i have lost over 1500 troops during the retreat alone. and we heard from local so relieved to see moscow soldiers. it makes the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. don't cry. it's okay. it's okay. there's just too much coast. it's calm down a little bit now. the showing continues, but it's far away. we have nowhere to hide here. the ground water is close. there is no cellar. nothing. it's scary. because the seriously guys came and did the inspection and clean up here. it became much easier. notice scary as it was in previous days. at the moment you can hear those bombing far away, but not so much that you look out of your window would have seen houses folding apart. would have had to think about whether to run to the basement or hide somewhere else. over the last few days at rush,
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i says it's carried out over $3000.00 precision guided strikes against ukrainian military infrastructure. the defense ministry out of the all of the intended targets was successfully hit on west and made military hardware. also finding itself on the cross has this video footage, for example, released by the russian m o. d shows the moment the components of an american made patriot missile a complex was it launcher, imo. and the transport loading vehicle is we understand that or destroyed well today does mark 2 years since the started the conflict in ukraine. and while peace tolts were held in the early days, they were soon, well broken down with the rush hour later blaming the you case for my prominence, devoris johnson for deliberately torpedoing any hopes for a resolution. of course, the western press one tell you any of that, but a hot see shot at do been ski. certainly. well. it could have been over in weeks, but instead the war in ukraine is walking another grim anniversary. so what went
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wrong at the fail? the peace talks all the way back in march 2022. most going kids had sat down the same table. they thrashed style to view the ink was drying. despite that, the west continued took full russia. everybody wants peace, including the united kingdom we. we need to visit this thing if this thing could be solved, that would be fantastic. i've got to tell you that i'm not optimistic that vladimir preach and really wants that. i think he's decided to double down. we see no sign to date. the present to the serious about meaningful negotiations if he is, and if the ukrainians engaged will support that. a ceasefire now is again, a said we'd eradication of russian conquests would if that recognize russians gauge. and it suggests toddlers made his territory by force,
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allowing russian troops to continue to occupy sovereign training and territory. but at the new go staging table, ukraine said it was willing to accept russia's clear red line on neutrality. if western nations offered the binding security guarantees, both sides have since admitted the draft agreement had the green light that was until boss johnson the then u. k. p. m dash stick. yes, i'm go to that. when we return from mr. kimball forest johnson came to key. evans said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just fight. joe smith said to be the messenger of the west. walton ukraine to fight on. i was a bit worried at that stage. i could not see for the life of me what the deal could be, and i thought that any deal with bruton was going to be produced sorted, president pitching, explained his shock at that decision to pull the plug. going to do this,
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this wasted on the put out part. we have never refused to negotiate. we have always publicly said that we are ready to continue the dialogue. let me remind you that in fact, the draft of disagreement was agreed upon. but after the withdrawal of our troops from care of and we were asked to do this in order to create conditions for concluding a final agreement, the key of authorities abandoned on previous agreements of hundreds of thousands of soldiers will last to could have kept their lives with t as a new to say to also me thing that those top had been fruitful. yeah, it was a member of the stumble. persistence is was be, it will be, it was the most profit. i agree i'm produce, that's agreement. so we, we can test these even close at 2 very, very dangerous for you, creating previous agreements like it needs. quantum is tool and disagreement can contain even the question of premium to 10. yeah. so with this customer 15 years of discussion of stuff as a premium, then as a means security for lakes region 4,
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where you have to put them in. but why did it not happen? i don't know, nobody knows because we need agreement. and this is some bull came from big for the key from of to butcher. we heard from president we still did, i guess james next to next meeting. have to be in the 9 of april and it's of 2 or 3 april. that sort of sort of secondary birth was declined as allegations swirled around defense that boucher ukraine fully stepped away from the peace process. present selected ski late to sewing. the decree declaring the prospect of any ukrainian torques with preteen impossible. russia continues to say it's open to a settlement, i'm told, but only if russia's conditions all taken into account unless they could it into the we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement based on our legitimate interest. given the lack of serious proposals from those who declared more of us and their unwillingness to consider our interest or the realities on the ground,
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reaching an agreement at the negotiating table remains unlikely. there are no viable options as the west continues to spinning the taylor most crew is unwilling to negotiate a full not advise it since the landscape has a different tale to tao. this just because it looks a new i'm going to say, and that's simply terribly suspicious thought of all 3 involved in this story. so really only put in one speech today, 2 years old, and a rule that looked like it was about to become a stalemate. a scene russia up the anti recent games on the battlefields of c most goes when playing the strategic city of updates as keeps men's guns for silent, locking the munition on the 8th promised by the west. in 2022 ukraine had the chance to push its own interests to sue for a quick pace, and the blood shed now bloodied and bruised, locking arms from the west. is it finally ready to sit down again?
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well, as all your credit and troops fled the strategic safety of the advocate with russian forces on their heels, a key of left behind on these positions, but also lots of native supplied weapons. brushing forces on how inspecting the arms found in the elaborate and drive room is below are the cities industrial plant will details and exclusive video? is it ok? see dot com the 2 of south america where the policies are the president of origin. tina have fueled anger across the country while the west is celebrating heavy and mulay locals are hitting the streets, looking homes with police, the the, the input on saturdays or thousands of protesters clearly displaying the discontent with what they called a new device. if economic measures, police attempted to block that administrators who are demanding more social funding and protective measures for the homeless. some government has have the trucking to
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come to boils, supplies of federal funds, withheld and the governor of one of us and seen as regions. it says that reduced allocation of public funding to the provinces is totally unacceptable. the south africa's ruling african national congress party is kicked off the election season with the countries president on failing the parties election manifesto and a speech on saturday. however, the election comes made a rising unemployment and a host of economic challenges as well. had this report over to local correspondent, i think, and called god in 2024 is a big election year for many countries across the world. and south africa is one of them. presidents that old i'm a pulitzer, announced the 29th of may as the election states for the country. many citizens in south africa believe that these elections are award to should moment. well, many others believe that the reminiscence of the 1994 elections,
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which i should in south africa's democracy. well, a key assign that citizens are ready for change. the agency ruling party has been at the helm since the dawn of democracy. but over the years, it's little support has di trying across various parts of the country and the fight to retain its majority. and the national assembly is on. one of the main challenges face science of africa is an alarming high unemployment rates lead in global statistics at 32 point one percent. that's 7900000 people of working age, so that i'm employed, the majority of unemployed people in south africa. a young people age between 15 and 24 years. that's near the 60 percent of those in the country that are struggling to find a job presence. so i'm a pull is that use the opening of parliament during the state of the nation
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addressed to remind south africans all the work that he's government has done over the past. so 2 years to create a tape conducive environment to create jobs in the country. so a day before the agencies manifesto launch presidents on my posts, a hosted young people who shared testimonials about how they were able to receive job opportunities for me on my pauses government, i missed these tough economic times, but many have criticized this event as an election tool on the side of the a and c, as it struggles to try and gain support from many who have lost hope,
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as the numbers continue to decline. the, the conditions here in the meanwhile, in gaza, 7 people who've been killed and several others wounded and the southern gospel, the city of alaska smoke the scene over the city. following an idea strikes according to reports, a residential building as well as a city ma good with the talk. it was more detail as comfortable as we will get them to hear. well, israel, a kindly those laying out his plans for the future of the enclave. apparently there's no role whatsoever for the palestinian authority to golf and gaza. and the
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idea is basically going to continue with comp long should do what it wants and all this, according to benjamin given y'all, it was blueprint, however, his vision has not gone down to well with his closest ally, a certain basic principles that we set out. many months ago that we feel are very important when it comes to the future, including that it cannot be a platform for, for tourism. there should be no, is really re occupation of gases. the size of gases territory should not be reduced . it's been longstanding us policy, under republican and democratic administration, so like that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching a during peace. they're also in consistent with international law art. ministration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion and in our judgment is only weakens, doesn't strengthen israel security. so on thursday, prime minister benjamin that's in the whole world out a plan for its control over gather. so the plan says that as or have
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a freedom of control over the entire guys will strip without any time limitations attached. and also in addition to that, it will also establish the so called self closure. that would probably be when cooperation was either at egypt and the u. s. in order to make sure there are no and for patient of meditations or arms intake as a strip. and also power to that as well will continue to act in the west bank. and it will also stick to what's policy of immunization of gaga in order to weaken the element that could threaten is of security. and this plan also it touches upon a hot issue which is mainly the day after ham us that then you know, it says that the governments of spring has this chip will not be given to any party that has any connection to terror. and who also vows that fuels is take a thorough over a hole in the strips, educational and religious institution, and help with moderate arab countries to make sure that the radical elements are
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taken onto the system. and also find the leave it the whole plan is rejecting any foreign interference of its affairs. seeing that israel cannot be forced to accept the establishment of the city and state to use as such is an ocean will only be seized by negotiations. however, also like this plan, as you said, it has already drawn citizens from israel's means ali, which is the u. s. we have the u. s. secretary of state to enter the blank and already spoken against this plan, saying that the strip should not be resized and also that another occupation of the strip by israel is out of question. however, for is, will, it seems that the criticism and concern of lincoln is just a back on voice for their goal is to curb the threats of terror. and so here is what the official document says on this subject. these really army will maintain operational freedom of action in the entire gaza strip without
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a time limit to prevent the renewal of terrorism into 4th threats from gaza. the security buffer zone established in the gaza strip in the area bordering israel will exist as long as there is a security need for it. restoration of the strip will only be possible after the demilitarization is completed and the de radicalization process begins. israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a palestinian state. what's interesting also here that we have heard before about the immunization of gazda and also the method of presence in the enclaves. but, and it's danielle who has helped us discussion regarding this topic, especially the so called day after the war. because the for that, that with that lead to a split into coalition, especially with some white we politicians who want to slowly control garza but also we have other cabinet ministers who understand that such talks and actions would lead to that this vision of israel's remaining support in the west,
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but here we are. where else of feel very gripping in this plan that there's been nothing else that uh guys that will be under local officials. but who are those local officials are the posting and administration because it's definitely not going to be a mess, but nothing else. so didn't specify so. so raises the question, who will govern guys? and also we have the statement from the to the has office said that the bad, the whole plan was based on the principles broadly accepted by the public. but what about the mass of process that we have seen in the, as you're all since the beginning of the war? and also in people calling on b. b to resign to for elections and also for leaving the guys district. but also have that americans are far from being the only party who raises uh, browse at the revealed plan. we also have how many official establish some that will to that distance. and the i hope plan was still unrealistic and would never succeed. meet on. yeah. who presented a plan that includes many of his repeats,
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ideas. however, these plenty will never become a reality or have any practical impact. first of all, he absolutely refuses to recognize that policy and stage or, and to see these prompts the question of whether he and all of us like him by qualified for political talks with the police deviance. secondly, he insists on supervision. the west bank garza and jerusalem. this means that the end of this re, a plan is to cease police to lance and friend, commend them now to law the police students decide the on site was also very interesting that with the whole, this plan, it also comes in the same time that news come out of the expansion of settlements in the west bank, which also goes against the international law. and then we have the criticism by washington was echoed by the u. k. invested or 2 as 2 o as simone walters who tweeted that settlements are legal under the national law and also makes it harder still to progress any solution for this conflict. and also
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in the end, this whole plan is, comes met, interest defying close to and if i think and guys are the head sort, large sloss of gazda and also to revive the efforts to establish a post the new states along side as part of funds. now, with the international agricultural fan held him, powers became a hot spot. as protesting farm was clashed with the police at the event the and before the annual problem. so how to transfer moons fed up farm was go inside and started solving. my chrome should go comes as the french president the day before come. so schedule pulled for the farmers union that was supposed to have with him at the fair and the go to the media reports and manual background was in the adjacent home when the fighting broke down the commons and made massive farm and protest across europe. taking shape with tractors, booking highways, city street,
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and government buildings getting when you a quite literally done a bed or the meanwhile macro and is doing his very best to come the this is, it's a gallery. i'm going to be very clear with a, with an anger can be expressed. it's better when there isn't any, but it can be expressed blocking demonstration that's part of. but neither i, nor any member of our government has ever legitimize violence against property or individuals, public or private. so let's have
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a quick look at what the french government has done so far. other. com, the angry farmers know the february, the se pallets managed to cool off. a potential truck to siege of power is 5. promising to allocate more resources to farm is on postpone pesticide bonds. i was the protest resume this week because of package of measures proposed by the prime minister before one or implemented where they d test. so we've got the reaction from the piece, one of the fun about this i would say that i'm a crunch would stop lying to us. do these made some big promises since elected president? it has never delivered. today we need clarity. we need is roadmap for the next 30 years. farmers are ready to go forward, hands on it. we have to see that road. formerly a change in office shouldn't mean a change of rules every time it happens. and again, the most important thing is protecting national agriculture, sorry for today, farmers are struggling to survive because of the global market because of ukraine
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aid programs which lead to importing green and other produce very, very cheaply. and these prices are killing farmers for free. and so iran is now in the space gay tyrone is relying on his domestic know how to reach the cosmo and basically while the west does condemn and the thing iran launches, the nation has no plans to stop with its reported peaceful intentions. we heard from the head of the countries of space agency from all more miles in general, the industry and science of producing some systems and launching satellites, both the satellites and the launch vehicles are based on entirely local know how to sign. well, tedious injection of the 3 satellites into orbit is a technological process that needed to be assessed through different tests which emerged successful during the latest launch control wave last month. it won't sense re homegrown satellites into orbit simultaneously using the different us. we'd be able to stage the liquid fuel to see more of the carrier. the launch took place at
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the mom. how many space launch terminal into some non profits this we satellites name? we don't take home to on hot air for placed into orbits from 550 to over 1000 kilometers a buffer surface expert subject a wrong space. agency describes the launch as a milestone demand or satellites, which weighs about 32 kilograms, is designed to test advanced satellite subsystems. the other 2 each waiting under 10 kilograms will test space based positioning technology. a narrow band communications, how some of what is all 3 satellites are classified as communication satellites. however, each has its own specific capabilities and is designed for a specific purpose. so they also, all 3 are research satellites in the sense that the data and results transmitted to earth from these satellites are used for conducting research. in the field of space technologies, they are not designed to provide services for the public or other entities. one
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experienced 5 failed launches before its most recent success. experts say the country has markedly enhanced the capability of its launch vehicles, notably the seymour of carriers. and this issue has made headlines of the west with britain, france and germany sounding the alarm that the same technology could be repressed for ballistic missiles, including those capable of delivering nuclear warheads. few days prior to the latest launch, the all your gc use, the all solid propellant volume 100 space launch view calls to launch into or read this or your research satellite. what some states have repeatedly warranted one against such launches because of their possible military applications. it won't dismiss as such. allegations, st get space program has peaceful purposes spotted on me. if i say you don't about your own space program is entirely peaceful using valuable space resources, geological, data, space space, communication and the countless capacities of space are a necessity for any country. they can provide our country with new sources of
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wealth and power. so naturally, many of our nation's political rivals in the west do not want us to achieve these goals. everyone else, so faced phone group, you come, that was what it put it towards its 1st military satellites, the newer one in 2020. it's later constructed incentive to space more advanced versions of the north satellites, namely your 2 and 3 concerns over the potential military dimensions of space. activities have prompted more pressure from the wives living iranian space that companies scrambling to explore ways to get their hands on components needed to build up their space industry. and apparently, much of the solution can be solved domestically tightly. the sanctions have slowed down our pace. however, the truth is we haven't stood still during the sanctions in the sense that we didn't let them stop us from indian icing. the space industry. as i said, the space sector has since the beginning been indigenous so that it can not be disrupted through sanctions imposed by
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a couple of countries at all since 2 decades ago when our space industry started blooming, it has been based on local know how, for example, we have to produce the sensors installed in our satellites domestically because they are among the sanction space products. while everyone has grown increasingly capable and efficient in digitizing the space sector, it has never ceased account on the help of its traditional allies, namely china and russia. but others, as that we would use the capacity of any country we cooperate with many countries. and we try to export our space industry products to countries that have a lower level of space technology and need to develop their space industry. we're also using the capabilities of many other countries in this space on the space cooperation between the tree. ok, 10 years there won't. space agency says it has several joint projects with wash as well as cosmos in the pipeline. if one has yet to venture beyond the boundaries of our planet spar, but what even advancing this far seemed out of range for a country that's been swimming against the tide of western challenges. now the one
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in space agency is aiming for g or vets located 35000 kilometers of off earth, surface ice such as this ambitious one. what position around among the leads ranks of nations with satellites soaring into celestial role? usability, r t, to $161.00. that's the number of ukrainian attacks that hit the belgrade of region over the last 24 hours since 2023. ukraine has intensified as a tax on that area, but they've been dozens of lives and leaving hundreds of residential buildings destroyed. one of the latest attacks killed 7 people among them. a syrian student study at a local university. the
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. this hasn't been able to step out of and my son was killed in russia. she was a student who had traveled their skin knowledge. she had excelled inches 1st year and she was pursuing the 2nd year. you went through shopping them all to get some items when the crate in us back showing struck and killed him. the medicine on the gun show him. it was an ambitious young man. he loved learning and wanted to enhance his potential. so we travel to rush him to complete his education at the middle ground state institute of arts and culture. he finished the 1st year
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and wanted to continue his studies there. how much the father was an intelligent student. he went abroad to complete his education. after graduating from high school with honors, she went to russian, finish the 1st year. he was happy, we kept in touch with him and we're all please. the title for the can be done. this attack was backed by the u. s. america always foster's terrorism and does not distinguish between innocence and enemies. mohammed was martyred. may god have mercy on his soul and his family the. so it continues online right now at all to dot com along with the rest of our top stories as well. thank you for sharing a sub today with one of my.


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