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tv   News  RT  February 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. really follow holes united desktop after russian forces the take the city of paula years of live on the ukrainian control. and that's, that's the roster reports even more advanced on the didn't yes, republic, fox, the smoke rogers off the salva and gather city. or rafa has 7 people are killed by easels advising, military operations. other area has been as and then the last resort of thousands of displaced policy needs to find safety leading place the
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kind the model a mock on get some more than he ball game for our being to national level control ferrying powers as a friend. foremost during the expo, i made the outrage of the rising costs and regulations, the partisans on international routine. you live for my new center in the russian capital. i am michael fletcher with the updates. now we spot this out what the latest new dradian attack on the restaurant in domestic city, about the after mass covers the denied streets this saturday. according to local reports, a us supplied high mazda rocket designated on the pavement on the back of the banquet hall, where a wedding was being held. local official say the one pressing has been wounded. the, i mean why russian troops set to be advancing all along. but the next fond lines
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backs after the captive, the key set of ideas. earlier this week, of the months of intense lighting, the trade in forces withdrew from the and bustled area like rushes defense ministry estimates the key of last over 1500 troops during the retreat the load were heard from locals. whoever needs to see moscow's forces, the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. don't cry. it's okay. it's okay. there's just too much coast. it's calm down a little bit now. the showing continues, but it's far away. we have nowhere to hide here. the ground water is close. there is no cellar. nothing. it's scary. because the 1st 3 guys came and did the inspection clean up here. it became much easier. notice scary as it was in previous days. at the moment you can hit as bombing far away,
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but not so much that you look out of your window would have seen houses folding a box with a foot to think about whether to run to the basement, to hide somewhere else. now i'm going back to the field crashes today mocks the 2nd, the anniversary of the day. the conflict kicked off are the is marina casara by takes a look back at the western hype, ukrainian comforter offensive. they had promised results, but didn't dented buffle cab this past year. somebody highlighted some of the past few, or was it cranes watched on since the painted and much talked about counter offensive . it was supposed to be a game changer box, turned out to be much ado about nothing. oh, but a hopes were high. we believe that the ukrainians will meet with success and the scanner offensive. i'm confident that when you create decides to launch new operations, deliver it more or less, and ukraine will be successful. i think that the accounts are offensive is going to be very impressive. it wasn't impressive indeed in terms of how bad it was. first
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of all, it didn't even start on time, so for months it was all talk and no action given. rush out, plenty of time to prepare. and when it did finally start, it proved to be very and so quite lactic. now here's a year end review from russia's defense ministry, including the results of the accounts are offensive. people to the left of the teachers goes on the 4th of june. so i'm forces of ukraine launched a large scale contra offensive prepared by 4 and handlers. having failed to overcome the technical defense, so one of our troops, the enemy was stopped and suffered colossal loss of 159000 service men were killed and wounded as well as the loss of 121 aircraft 23 helicopters score 766 thank squares, including 37 left bar and 2348 farmers vehicles of various classes that you're including 50 bradley. apparently, this is why we did not see on the battlefield. the american adams delivered a few months ago, and here it is. and the photos and videos,
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western armored vehicles on fire tanks either abandoned or destroyed ukraine gold over a $120000000000.00 from its allies since the beginning of the conflict and the stakes were high. but once again, they failed to secure a victory or even any progress we could definitely go down to the community. i'm running beautifully, just like we expected. both bradley and limits the apparently the plan was for ukrainian forces to reach the sea of us off. and it wasn't there gene, this idea, as we know, t of doesn't only import the weapons and money, but also a strategy. and the movie the enemy was supposed to reach the see of as of, to gain access and cut off the cord or to crimea who it was all planned by workers of the military task force that was set up and is still working in the near abroad
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and the new york brought for them is poland, and the politics well is it don't work out for them. and once again gave all sorts of excuses for its failures, including weather conditions. again, the allies was sympathetic with the u. k. defense ministry jump. and so there defends, it was growing vegetation on the battlefield that was hamper and the crating and attempts to breach russian defences. that's what was, contributes into the genuinely slow progress of combat in the area. well, even though there were occasional admissions of slow progress in the western media, they were still at that point as events that ukraine must win, that it will win and that it urgently needs more money and more weapons. otherwise, the boogeyman will come for them. that's what the landscape was, want their citizens to believe. remember the video that went viral as the conflict venture. it's 2nd here, f schultz, donnelly, if it happens so that ukraine due to various opinions and weakening,
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depleted of assistance, loses russia is going to enter baltic states and nato member states, including the us, will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending their sons and daughters to war and they will have to fight because it's not told that we're talking about. and they will be dying. god forbid, because it's a horrible thing. lot of our so that excuse, desperation increased significantly in 2023. he was constantly begging for more and more whining, but he's not getting enough of anything, money, weapons or support. and by the end of the year, the commander in chief of the armed forces ukraine admitted that there is not much else that can do. just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough is the landscape of serious spots. detroit to downplay the situation or the time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable,
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but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again, and then he fired him and replaced them with this mat. alexander sir, escape also known as the butcher. that's how you create in. so just call him and they don't seem to like him. jermel associates, leadership is bankruptcies, prisoners, how old is coming from his name, a demoralizing, and he undermines trust in the combined, in general. his willingness pursue to have tactical gains comfortably to plates on valuable team members of is resulting in tactical advances, such as capturing trade winds or small villages with no operational goals in mind. we all in less than a month later, this new commander who is the landscape and assessed it was the most experienced and that together that would prove that things are moving forward. that there is no cellmates allowed this to happen. russia says it's just taking full control of the east and ukrainian town of i've div come after you trying to pull dates. troops on saturday. russian troops have been only offensive around these 4 months. and
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tonight, president putin has congratulated them for taking complete control of the town. it is not fear radical any more. the russians are advancing on the front lines. and now, with just this case of, of deep it is the biggest for russian advance in the last year. so where are we now? well, additional age for ukraine is stolen because more and more american politicians are becoming increasingly federal and outraged that they're sending money to a corrupt country. that has no prospect. so when they have their own expense and border security still adds to that reports of the pencil, no, i can apply and ukraine, and you get a total of recipe for disaster. any words of reassurance from washington? and the tide is turning because look at these headlines now. all about russia's
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victories on the battlefield and what that means for you frame with some even concluding that no one even wants key of to win anymore. the west happy nobody optimistic about the war in 2023. if we give the premiums the munition and training they need, they will when we have to be careful not to be ugly. pessimistic in 2024. according to the new server, barely 10 percent of europeans actually saying that you claim when the war was over triple that number hoping that a peace deal can be reached. and it comes as a lot of my opinions and just recently reiterated versus willingness to negotiate. but the wes seems to be gearing up for war at all costs, and they even managed to convince swede and finland and denmark. so give up their historic neutrality and allow that he was to militarize the northern region suite and one us for a southern of citizens to prepare for the possibility of war because of russia's war against the cray. it's just a step nor an end game apparently. well,
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if you credit is just the step, russia is definitely standing firm while the west is getting them on my colleague my research, i spoke with new tale and john list on walker responding to unreality. he says that the west is benefiting from the ongoing conflict and that it's a core component to why it's not seeking piece. in december 2021, president fulton oscar to the west. we need to sit on the table now. we need to have uh, talking about a new box for security in your end. what's what say for what, what does that apply to the west? certainly there's no, we cannot accept such agreements and we cannot accept a book about this topic to where they twisted under the way they twisted proof. and it has been saying for months we remain open to negotiations. the
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western press says, put, didn't want to go. she put in says no, he wants war, he wants to invade all of western europe. i mean, i'm sorry, i can't say the word i want to say, but it's b s. coming out of the western press when they talk about food. and so todd of it ma'am, but you may, you know, that we're on the front lines of this. so we've got, we've got to take off the gloves and push back to when you see the sheer amount of b s lies and lunacy. coming out of the west impress, i mean, these former advisor saying, i'm saying now the president putin might be interested in peace. but why has no one else be interested in piece, sofa the quest. and of course, the war for the, for the west, for a lot of or what's on surprises. incorporation is a big deal. i so not to not to many times ago the spokes of a run without for example of somebody for most the general company that are producing the frontal i opened and i saw how 5
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since uh, february 2022. mm. uh theres fuck are going up. so of course with, i mean the business of world war the racket right. that so you know, that's and this happened also for it. the company little not of the. yeah, yeah, yeah. well, the company in the west, so that, that working in the defense now, and they are shooting a lot of morning 61. that's the number of ukrainian attacks that hit the ross as bill garad region over the last 24 hours since 2023 ukraine has and testified it strikes on the area, taking dozens of lives and leaving residential buildings destroyed. one of the latest attacks killed 7 people among them a syrian student studying at the local university. the
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. this hasn't been able to say about it and my son was killed in russia. she was a student who had traveled their scheme knowledge. she had excelled in his 1st year and she was pursuing the 2nd year. you went through shopping them all to get some items. when do you crate in us back showing struck and killed him. the medicine on the gun show him. it was an ambitious young man. he loved learning and wanted to enhance his potential. so we travel to rush him to complete his education
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at the middle ground state institute of arts and culture, to finish the 1st year and wanted to continue his studies there. how much the father of $1600.00. it was an intelligent student. he went abroad to complete his education after graduating from high school with honors to interaction finish the 1st year. he was happy, we kept in touch with him and we're all please the, the can be done. this attack was backed by the u. s. america always foster's terrorism, and does not distinguish between innocence and enemies. mohammed was martyred, make god have mercy on his soul and his family. the, the as the current in
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troops flat, the strategic city of i'd be difficult with russian forces on their heels. the key of left behind not only its position, but nato supplied weapons. russian forces are now inspecting the alms, found a deliberate ins below the city of industrial plants. for more details and exclusive videos, head over to our website, r t dot com. and you'll see all of them the, the hundreds of protests, those have come out to the streets of central tel aviv, of the demonstrators on demanding date the minute the now who resign in early elections. because as the countries in the middle of full months of your locals have seemingly had enough of the use ready leadership, a protest is gathering outside the idea of headquarters. what kind of trucks have been deployed and activated to deal with the crowd. media holding packets,
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waving use ready flags and shouting polls against the government. the meanwhile, the and guy that 7 people have been killed and several others wounded in the sovereign government. safety of rafa smoke could be seen slowing over the city following the idea of strike, according to reports, a residential building and a city market where targeted with heard from eye witness. so there was a strong explosion, so i came down and saw dead bodies. the whole world turned upside down. when people were being teens out of the debris dead. there were small kids, women and children in the house was full and they were displaced. people in it to atlanta needs to be run out and found everything was burning. and the homes were destroyed and we were totally lost. now we still burning bodies and no one was able to extinguish them or even get close to the whole air. it wasn't go from done for
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a month at 1st to begin helping left the back door of our house and started putting out the flames on the burning bodies and removing to their flesh, melted on a stone, and not enough either these release or us would stop there shoot interest. while these are all has laid out, it's planned for the future will be enclave. and it doesn't include the policy and i'll forward the governing gas that the id f is essentially going to be given. caught it belongs to do whatever you want. oh, that's according to banking me, anything i was blueprints. however, his vision has not gone down well with a country's closest ally. are there certain basic principles that we set out many months ago that we feel are very important when it comes to the future, including that it cannot be a platform for, for terrorism. there should be no, is rarely re occupation of gases. the size of gases territory should not be reduced on thursday. prime minister benjamin that's in the whole world out a plan for its control over guys though it's on the plan says that is or have
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a freedom of control over the entire gather the strip without any time limitations attached. and also in addition to that, israel also established the so called south closure that will probably be when corporation was either at egypt and the u. s. in order to make sure there was no indication of meditations or arms intake as a strip. and also power to that is, are all will continue to act in the west bank and will also stick to its policy of immunization of gaga in order to weaken the element that could threaten is of security. and this plan also it touches upon a hot issue which is mainly the day after that. then, you know, it says that the governments of spring has his chip will not be given to any party that has any connection to terror. and who also vows that fuels is take a thorough over a hole in the strips, educational, and religious institution. we have the u. s. secretary of speed to estimate blinking. already spoken against this plan,
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saying that the strip should not be resized and also that another occupation of the strip by israel is out of question. however, for is, will, it seems that the criticism and concern of lincoln is just a back on voice. these really army will maintain operational freedom of action in the entire gaza strip without a time limit to prevent the renewal of terrorism into 4th threats from gaza. americans are far from being the only party who races uh, browse at the revealed plan. we also have a mass, couple official establish him that go to that distance and the whole plan was so unrealistic and would never succeed. meet on. yeah. who presented a plan that includes many of his repeat ideas. however, these planet will never become a reality or have any practical impact. so as the phone absolutely refuses to recognize that policy and stage well and to see these problems, the question of whether he and all of us like him by qualified for political talks
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with the police deviance. secondly, he insists on supervision. the west bank garza and jerusalem, this means that these and this re, a plan is to cease palistine and lance and friend commend them. was also very interesting that with the whole this plan, it also comes in the same time that a news come out of the expansion of settlements in the west bank, which also goes against the international law. and then we have the criticism by washington was echoed by the u. k. invested or 2 as 2 o as simone walters who tweeted that settlements are illegal to national law and also makes it harder still to progress any solution for this conflict. now we spoke with the research coordinator for the scientists for peace, global union. awesome, i'm a cock rash. you said that the only international community and in particular, the united states could stop diesel as we have to know, that's real fast. it is an overcrowded area that became the whole home to over one
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point. 5000000 a displaced causes according to underwater, and that's place has long been presented. does the safe place for guidance? so of course, the, sorry we can implement this plan the longest they have, they, they are backed by the us, which is in total disregard those they a human that's our cause, us review, which could be simplified and uh, the additional human laws and all these, these of course, a violation the provision of misers by the i. c g for most, nothing lifting, gaza, so concrete, the, there's no where to go. so in addition to the terrible human laws, all the money for stations of human life has have been destroyed. all the civilian facilities, some of the everything has been destroyed, the schools, everything. so of course, the objective from the star tools to provokes look,
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but sometimes the, so the next balls goes off. this is not my 1st and the carts are always ation. these are the, the terms that they, a group called her this friday who called her minister, has employed in his only thing that can stop these dis mazda after this. uh, what can qualified as a general side is the international political pressure, especially the, the, the us spots. unfortunately, we don't see any, any political reading this to do. so these roles tactics are all based on lies. and that's the message from a former pink floyd font man rhodes, or what is the latest guest on going on the ground to watch the full discussion on televi tv's actions and gaza head over to a west side. archie does come before now. here is this big, big a really see sky news, all is british ship media operators who in the habit this,
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this country where the, you end up with you as a torch. it goes on that torturing julian as they call it, the israel. i'm us war, they don't cool it. the genocide village just slide through that city. so the time is around speed lines through. it's changed since that a lot. and design us with lines for that is 400 not 100 years, may be 672, right? 2 years before day one, if you take my good sense, 1948 stay why? that's what they do. it's todd is based on lives as repeated by going tomorrow at the mid fifties alone, without people for people with my rent. those kind of blogs is just they like, apply and lie and live life. thank goodness, but no move thing comes the people with much clearer brains than may contain through this kind of stuff and be calm interest. stay that say the back to the
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master. the say the back this to it what to matches say, and purchase the should in the song is know, getting a fair trial. he never did, he said 3 or 4 of them. now they have no interest in all the powers that be in london. i'm washington and the other one is prelim districts. no, there's no interest in that or so. and neither does the state of israel, and they've said so again and again and this think so even more now that you know, came out said i have given the flying what the i c judge says, oh well, anybody thinks, 0, one of the mom. so this sensor last week and i gave them all of that, so there is do it because we walk the land we boat, which wanted a little going to get it and we're not going to stop now. well, the archie, jerry says, we couldn't, we don't care about international,
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we never did boys wrong. would you be the and the funds now? well, the international level of control held in paris and it became a hotspot. this protesting 5 months crash. the police of the venue, the whole, the on your farm. so have a chance to calm down, almost got inside and started shouting my phone to go that you call me to ask a friend president day before canceled trouble tools that the farmers union was supposed to have with him at the fed. according to media reports in mario, my phone was in a jason full when the fighting broke out a comes. i'm a nicer farmer. protest across europe, taking shape with taxes, blocking highways, city streets, and government buildings getting manual and literally dumbed on the doorstep.
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the big walmart is doing his best to come the on rest ticket. listen, i don't is it's a gallery. i'm going to be very clear with a little anger can be expressed. it's better when there isn't any, but it can be expressed blocking that email demonstration. that's part of it, but neither i nor any member of our government has ever legitimize violence against property or individuals, public or private for the funeral. so let's have
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a look at what the french government has done so far to flock aid. the farm is in early february, and he's a policy managed to pull off a professional tract se just powers by promising to allocate more resources, the pharmacy, and for spelling tests and 5 bands. how about the protest regions this week? the cost of the package of measures proposed bought upon minutes the before where and implemented or details. we got reaction from a farmer about the plan. you would give a coach or would you like people? i would say that my crunch would stop lying to us. do a few keys made some big promises since elected president even has never delivered those today? we need clarity. we need his roadmap for the next 30 years. yeah. for farmers are ready to go forward. hands on it. we have to see that road, familiar change and office shouldn't mean a change of rules every time it happens. and again, the most important thing is protecting national agriculture fortino sold today. farmers are struggling to survive because of the global market. because of ukraine aid programs, which lead to importing green and other produce a very,
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very cheaply and i do, most of these prices are killing farmers. and now let's head over to the games of the future. also known as a fidget old games where hundreds of participants from thousands of countries of gathering cause on and the rasa to do get out in the review and digital realms. now saw today was the 2nd day all the count dislike to and lisa talked events. so teams 1st competes in the legendary computer game while later gearing up in the physical arena. in a drill testing the lace on gun manship, the winners determined by the some of the rounds, one in both sides of the match off while blocked spilled online. the real class coupe, just fine, it'll be around for tomorrows and come back again tomorrow. for the rear. ok. and before we go, the us and
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u. k. have conducted additional strikes against human according to a join statement, the sold targeted thousands of who the targets in the region and wasn't the response to of types against cargo vessels in the red sea. that's currently no information on casualties or secondly would keep you updated as the come out. all right, that's all from me, not my colleague moran to mind me. will be another top of a ally. stay tuned for the document feed, letting, glad on breakable. by now the the
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