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tv   News  RT  February 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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of the year the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. relief for locals in the off the russian forces take the city following years of life on the east. currently in control of the roster rules, even more boxes on the task group coverage wise of, of the southern golfing. for the rough about 7 people all killed by the is the new ministry. yeah, the last place left for more than the 1000000 has the space in the on the on site because it might be on my phone. this move. i'm even 12 in for the international. i go to the empower, says friends, farmers still only expos,
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outraged little rising costs and regulation the problem. okay, so the, well this is up to you and it's good to have your company today. my name's mike. i'm a big enough program with a you, for any attack on a restaurant in the city of the us. of washington level report was a us specified hi, mazda of elk designated on the pavement in the back of the banquet hall, where a wedding was taking place. officials in the area as a one person was blended. meanwhile, russian foods and balls along the front lines of the nice that's off of the caption, the use of the of the, of earlier this week for the month of intensified. so you need cleaning and falls isn't too full. named baffled the area versus defense of the estimates that key bloss mold in 1500 troops through the retreat alone. they had from locals,
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a little relieved to see most of those forces. a boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. don't cry. it's okay. it's okay. there's just too much coast. it's calm down a little bit now. the showing continues, but it's far away. we have nowhere to hide here. the ground water is close. there's no cellar, nothing. it's scary. because the seriously, when our guys came and did the inspection clean up here, it became much easier. notice scary as it was in previous days. at the moment you can hear those booming far away, but not so much that you look out of your window would have seen houses folding a box would have had to think about whether to run to the basement or hide somewhere else. and the bottle failed crashes. so i for the miles of the 2nd them of a city since the conflict began on seas. marina costs,
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whatever lives back on the west, and 5 q clinic can't offensive the promised results, but failed to deliver the main highlights over the past year, or was it cranes watch on? says the pay that and launch talked about counter offensive. it was supposed to be a game changer box, turned out to be much ado about nothing. oh, but a hopes were high. we believe that the ukrainians will meet with success and this counter offensive. i'm confident that when you cream decides to launch new operations, deliver it more or less, and ukraine will be successful. i think that the accounts are offensive is going to be very impressive. it wasn't impressive indeed in terms of how bad it was. first of all, it didn't even start on time. so for months it was all talk and no action given. rush out, plenty of time to prepare. and when it did finally start, it proved to be very and to climax it. now here's a year end review from russia's defense ministry, including the results. all the accounts are offensive. people to the left of the
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teachers goes on the 4th of june. so i'm sources of ukraine launched a large scale contra offensive prepared by 4 and handlers. having failed to overcome the technical defense, so one of our troops, the enemy was stopped and suffered colossal losses. $159000.00 service men were killed and wounded as well as the loss of $121.00 aircraft $23.00 helicopters score $766.00 bank square, including $37.00 left bar and 2348 farmers vehicles of various classes that you including 50 bradley? apparently this is why we did not see on the battlefield. the american adams delivered a few months ago. and here it is. and the photos and videos western armored vehicles on fire tying so either abandoned or destroyed ukraine gold over a $120000000000.00 from its allies since the beginning of the conflict and the stakes were high. but once again, they failed to secure a victory or even any progress,
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but it doesn't go down completely. i'm running beautifully, just like we expected. both bradley and liquids, the apparently the plan was for ukrainian forces to reach the sea of us off. and it wasn't there g, me aside, the, as we know kid's doesn't only import the weapons and money, but also it strategy, those movie the enemy was supposed to reach the see of as of to gain access and cut off the cord or to cry me, it was all planned by workers of the military task force that was set up and is still working in the near abroad. and then they are abroad for them is poland and the multics. well is it don't work out for them. and once again, t of gave all sorts of excuses for its failures, including weather conditions. again, the allies were sympathetic with the u. k. defense ministry jump. and so there defends, it was growing vegetation on the battlefield that was hamper and the crating and
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attempts to breach russian defences. that's what was, contributes into the genuinely slow progress of combat in the area. well, even though there were occasional admissions of slow progress in the western media, they were still at that point. adam, it's that ukraine must win, that it will win and that it urgently needs more money and more weapons. otherwise, the boogeyman will come for them. that's what was the lens getting the was want their citizens to believe. remember the video that went viral as the conflict venture? it's 2nd here, f schultz donnelly, the if it happens so that ukraine due to various opinions and weakening, depleted of assistance, loses russia is going to enter baltic states and nato member states, including the us, will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending their sons and daughters to war and they will have to fight because it's not told that we're talking about and they will be dying. god forbid, because it's
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a horrible thing. lot of ours. so that excuse, desperation increased significantly in 2023, he was constantly begging for more and more whining, but he's not getting enough of anything, money, weapons or support. and by the end of the year, the commander in chief of the armed forces ukraine admitted that there is not much else they can do. just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough is the landscape of serious spots. surprise to down play the situation or the time as fast . people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again, and then he fired him and replaced them with this mat. alexander sir, escape, also known as the butcher. that's how you create in. so just call him and they don't seem to like him. jermel associates, leadership is bankruptcies, prisoners,
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how old is coming from his name, a demoralizing, and he undermines trust in the combined, in general. his willingness pursue to have tactical gains constantly to plates. all valuable team members of is resulting in tactical advances, such as capturing trade winds or small villages with no operational goals. in mind . we all a, less than a month later, this new commander who is the landscape and assessed it was the most experience of that together that would prove that things are moving forward. that there is no cellmates allowed this to happen. russia says it's just taking full control of the east and you training and kind of ask dave after you trying to pull dates, troops out on saturday. russian troops have been only offensive around these 4 months. and tonight, president putin has congratulated them for taking complete control of the town. it is not fear radical any more. the russians are advancing on the front line. and now, with just this case of, of deep it is the biggest for russian advance in the last year. so where are we now?
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well, additional aid for ukraine is stalling because more and more american politicians are becoming increasingly federal and outraged that they're sending money to a corrupt country that has no prospect. so when they have their own expense and border security still add to that reports of the pencil? no, i can apply and ukraine, and you get a total of recipe for disaster. any words of reassurance from washington? and the tide is turning because look at these headlines now. all about russia's victories on the battlefield and what that means for you crane with some even concluding that no one even wants key of to win anymore. the west happy nobody optimistic about the war in 2023. if we give the premiums the munition and training they need, they will when we have to be careful not to be ugly. pessimistic in 2024. according
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to the new server, barely 10 percent of europeans actually, things that you claim when the war was over triple that number hoping that a peace deal can be reached and it comes as lighter. we approve it. and just recently reiterated rushes. willingness to negotiate. but the wes seems to be gearing up for war at all costs and they even manage to convince swede and finland and denmark. so give up their historic neutrality and allow that you was to militarize the northern region suite and one us for a southern of citizens to prepare for the possibility of war because of russia's war against the cray. it's just a step, not an end game apparently. well, if you credit is just the step, russia is definitely standing firm while the west is getting them on the, with the to also speak with the vice chair of the come is, but i do great, but it isn't just the bra she highlight to the rushes confidence in defending
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civilians and they've done boss as powerless on the battlefield. or when you look at what's happened, you see that russia has successfully defended the people of the going back to over the women, the fights, and you will for ideas for school. so we have to remember why the estimate was loops in the 1st place. russia has been successful in keeping back what was the night, so you can be crying and 3 times they to see you on this night. so it was organized and sent into the frame, and i think the, the, there's a big turning point is that to become very recently with the liberation of the have to go up. because of course, it's still not yet for the last line of these huge fortifications. that night to build you planes besides the so wage war on russia,
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the slow cations is really being broken here. and the purpose of jeff is that close to the city. it's where the credits have been. shilling the people of the doing investment of don't don't hit stitching particular non stop now for 10 years. so it's, it's a very significant moment. i think president landscape is really a public. so the west, you know, the, the launch of the eskimo was, did exactly what it was supposed to do. it came in very quickly because you probably didn't hurt the insurance. you couldn't look, we can. why did you want to warn you? we don't want to, we just need you to listen to what we say to you about you trying to see about really implementing the provisions of that have been agreed and made so you know, 7 years. oh yeah. oh, i'm ukrainians. recognize that initially the planning to go try to say yes, i understood that they could, they could come to terms and they signed up to a piece deal. what happened? the west immediately came rushing in nice. they dispatched far as jokes and they
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said no, no, no, no, sounds fun. we'll give you whatever it takes you can win this thing. you mustn't, you mustn't the solar through with this, the steel. and the reason was, the west was determined to have this russian to initiate to this. it was the west, part of the civil side of the st. jude city of all the of the, of go with the russian for this into the suit. came last behind, not only is positions with all of the schools of nathan supplied weapons. russian falls is on mountain space in the founding tunnels, below the cities, industrial font. for more details and exclusive videos heading over to our website . our teeth still come by madison. our attention to gaza. 7 people have been killed and several others wounded in the southern gauze and the city of rough, that slope could be seen blowing over the city. following that idea, like, i'll go into what was the residential building in
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a city market would solve it since we heard from eyewitness such as video to go. there was a strong explosion. so i came down and saw dead bodies. the whole world turned upside down. and people were being pulled out of the debris dead. there were small kids, women and children in the house was full and they were displaced. people in it to atlanta, initially run out and found everything was burning and the homes were destroyed and we were totally lost. now we still burning bodies and no one was able to extinguish them or even get close to the whole air. it wasn't go from done for a month, the 1st to begin helping left the back door of our house and start putting out the flames on the burning bodies and removing their flesh of melting on a stone. and not enough either these really for us to stop there, shoot interest me. why is the has laid out is problem for the future of the own crew. and it doesn't include the palestinian authority go ring. garza. the idea is
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essentially going to be given con, belongs to do what it wants. all that's according to ben. you mean that's the are the blueprint, however, is vision has know long down well with the countries closest ally? are there certain basic principles that we set out many months ago that we feel are very important when it comes to thousands future, including that it cannot be a platform for, for terrorism. there should be no, it is really re occupational guys of the size of gases territory should not be reduced on thursday. prime minister benjamin, that's in the whole world out a plan for its control. over gaz though, it's on the plan. says that is or have a freedom of control over the entire guys and strip without any time limitations attached. and also in addition to that is your will also establish the so called south closure. that will probably be when corporation was either at egypt and the u . s, in order to make sure there are no and for a patient of meditations or arms intake as a strip. and also power to that is all will continue to act in the west bank and
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will also stick to its policy of immunization of gaga in order to weaken the element that could threaten is of security. and this plan also it touches upon a hot issue which is mainly the day after that. then, you know, it says that the governments of the has, this chip will not be given to any party that has any connection to terror. and who also vows that fuels is take a thorough over a hole in the strips, educational, and religious institution. we have the u. s. secretary of speed to enter the blank and already spoken against this plan, saying that the strip should not be resized. and also that another occupation of the strip by israel is out of question. however, for israel, it seems that the criticism and concern of lincoln is just a back on voice. these really army will maintain operational freedom of action in the entire gaza strip without
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a time limit to prevent the renewal of terrorism into 4th threats from gaza. americans are far from being the only party who races uh, browse at the revealed plan. we also have have mass, couple official, establish him that go to that distance and the whole plan was so unrealistic and with never succeeds at the meet on yahoo presented a plan that includes many of his repeat ideas. however, this planet will never become a reality or have any practically impact. so as the phone, he absolutely refuses to recognize that policy and stage or, and to see these problems. the question of whether he and all of us like him by qualified for political talks with the police deviance. secondly, he insists on supervision. the west bank garza and jerusalem. this means that the end of this re, a plan is to cease palistine and lance and friend commend them. was also very interesting that with the whole this plan, it also comes in the same time that a news come out of the expansion of settlements in the west bank,
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which also goes against the international law. and then we have the criticism by washington was echoed by the u. k. invested or 2 as 2 as the motor walters who tweeted that settlements are illegal to national law and also makes it harder still to progress. and the solution for this conflict under the protest, i would say it into the face of the time of the morning, the nations prime minister benjamin netanyahu sitting down and held early elections the the. 0 the he is in mrs. full month's hello, susan. see me and he had enough of is very neat. this is, this is gavin, outside the idea. and 4th of holding fine is waving is very flags and challenging mc government. slow business and responsible for these deployed want to come in to this 1st, the 5 we've heard from some of those in attendance. we believe that now is the time
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for a new person to come and actually reunite those as we want and take care of the citizens and take care of everything. this needs to be taken care right now, instead of this extreme governments who just doesn't do its job and government has failed, needs to go. we need a new government, new fee for me. you need to shoot someone that counts us. and that's things about us. not just about themselves the us and u. k. have conducted additional so i guess you haven't according to the joint site, one of the assault talk with in thousands of who's the target is in the region. i was in response to the tax. again, it's called the vessels in the red sea and turn the rattle group has sunk to the american oil tanker. and the gulf of aidan is kind of new information on casualties from either incident, but we'll see if he updated the to the afternoon. clinton now the
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income of make community of west off for the safe, a mouse on saturday, but it would live sciences on these are the addison is intended to provide 3 during the nations leaving the union as doing so would jeopardize regional and integration timothy a be as a file district for a vs already of heads of state and compliment, of course said the decision to lift economy expansion was imposed on these air was based on humanitarian consideration, siding the hoss imparts of assumptions on citizens and regional economy. f was suspended. the closure of land, an airport as between its members, states and major. the freezing of assets and all service transactions, including utilities and the travel band on government officials and their family members. and reversed the suspension of missouri from regional financial assistance and transactions for the regional upset target individual centers and political
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sense is like limited access to the airport summit and minister of sessions will hold firm. political sanctions has not been lifted for the pleasures have been lifted. the commercial sanctions have been lifted, but they are targeted sanctions as well as political sanctions that can be made in force. of course, also called for the immediate and open base with all release of all sudden missouri and president mohammed pursued this ordinary summit from space off a general. yeah, people got one like curious farmer, head of space and one of the founding fathers of the regional blocks made of lead to the block to reconsider its measures to restore constitutional order in the region for the sake of regional integration. but the decrease on to lift the band comes at a critical juncture, for it posts on january, the 20th,
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the newly formed allows us to hell, which includes molly and these are and 14, across the announce, withdrawn from the bluff on the grounds at airports had viewed it from its founding ideas and was found to reach the foreign towers airport as denies these allegations by german presidents while a suitable who also doubles as ackwurst assets the commission is put in its citizens 1st and fed me sir. molly and fucking up also also with not perceived the commission as the enemy demo. chris is nothing more than the political from work on the path to addressing the basic needs an aspiration of the people. this is why with moss, the exam in the corner of that bridge to request for post solution uh for that info of our main by states. and you have 4 arch in total cost is add the division of these $3.00
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dishes to exit. oh, i'm not to buy save. i've got a nice ation. as the m. f horse was traded in 1975 to promote economy prosperity among member states. but it has been struggling to deal with a wave. of course, in recent years, the block was criticized for being heavy handed on these are off of the july officer freshman assume. last week, the alliance of the house, they said it was working to create a confederation and may soon welcome a new car and see known as the house. what for now it is not clear what may happen next are risk lifting sanctions. can restore the trust in the regional block, which may have been broken. timothy a piece are too light to re bind to the quote because is now all media
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has announcement is participation in the russian lead collective security 3, feel the vibration. no, not as the c s t o, which consists of 6 posts of it, states is frozen. now the initial results from russia was that it was waiting clarification on the statement is now expressing any problem it should have been discussed. i looked out in a private setting. we hope that your van will come to an understanding that the existing concern should be discussed and resolved in a calm, trusting dialogue, not by raising them in the public space. the c s t o is a real security organization with the goal of a certain funding piece on wheels fluency full, the member states, however, nichol passion. yeah. i think that it would, i, as i said, does not fulfill its obligations to either look on the done with somebody, you know, the collective security treaty organization,
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she called in our estimation has failed to fulfill its obligations in the field of security towards the republic of armenia because of some in particular, in 2021, then 2022. and this could not go unnoticed by us and without consequences. and the consequence in practice is that we have essentially frozen now participation in the collective security treaty organization. so we will see a top what will happen tomorrow to include the army and primary. so says that the block did not come to the rescue on the conference escalated with as of asia on in 2023 processes that you have as decision not to attend the cs ts summit last year. not in the quote lonesome and 1st name, people that we spoke with, jim pull and 6 x would appear and my new out to him that he described on me is policy. and specifically, what it's aimed at a this is a dangerous game of from the mist opinion,
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because he looks like we've be so communication strategy to wherever or several pages at the same time. we want to like your easy on the up the ball to be your conflict. he's upset by joining the high camera back, but you could be mentor even started. now to about to charl bucket was pato for us out by john and do sweetie. which was a games victory, t you the made between the manual. i was there by john on russia. and in addition to this, he looks like, or mr. question and would like to with a move metro corporation people west. we for united states did states would for us to actually be, i would never could not be provide a media both salt and security for a minute. and the same time it varies the russian base, you know, i mean, yeah, which is teams there. so it looks like this,
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communication pharmacy is not very clear on you. russia can really defend armenia against any question from talk to you as it by john and or we also to, to, to know, to norwich, but actually read object equal washington. you can get better cooperation result. mean. yeah. but she was still question young is looking for is not to provide a many on most security is to this step i is the coke of this region and we can rush out that's appropriate. so for on so where the inside, so i do console fair. it empowers it, became a hotspot with purchasing funds crashing with police. i live in new the who we are new from should be getting the one who was going to sign. i'm against housing. my home, most of it comes as a funds present
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a day before cancel scared to close the the farmers union of the fact of the media ripples my phone was in the day. so when the incident broke out and comes against the backdrop of a massive form of protests across europe, taking say, with frances, locate highways and government buildings. getting manila from the dump on the doorstep. the wind, the unrest, the front president tried to de escalate the situation,
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but i will listen. i don't is, it's a gallery. i'm going to be very clear with a little anger can be expressed. it's better when there isn't any, but it can be expressed blocking. you know, demonstration, that's part of it, but neither i nor any member of our government has ever legitimized violence against property or individuals, public or private for the funeral. fines of the event and to contact is going to the friends go, has done so fine. uh, the february the leaves at ellis minus of as a potential practice the jump out by apologizing to advocate more resources of farmers and postpone pesticide bonds. however, processed into this base plan. the 5 mrs suggested i could over the phone is not implemented leesburg. so right now, who says that my cons policies of this stuff to this, of the interests of i to promise the menus has to show typically what happened was almost a historic events until recently french agriculture served as an example in the
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international arena. this the 1st time that the french president has been unable to attend an agricultural expedition, he visited a little later. as to the french special police, disperse the farmers and court and off the expeditionary of the farmers, were rightly outraged by this crack down with the use of a tonnes as a result of which somewhere injured. it was only after that that he, my crown returned with his destructive policy. my crown has demonstrated to the whole of france and to farmers among others that he does not serve the french or more over the interests of french agriculture. but unrestrained globalization international, financial capital and trends, national agricultural holdings. so they were friendly to him as the agricultural exhibition. while this is doing, unk, son of boy go on, was a bunch of nice. we'll be back in just on the 30 minutes. 2 times the.


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