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tv   Documentary  RT  February 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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the, the russia, a land of vast resources and found less potential for civilization to take the delivery of the booth, a distinct identity. and that statement makes no claim to exceptionalism or superiority the dental part of that civilization. and that's what counts it was decreased to russians by its full fathers, and must be preserved for the sentiments. teach this as the russian, the thunderbolt, the
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addition to the end of triumph info, some of the one to be proud of the, the international russian textbook, showcase system countries. most exciting accomplishments, all in one venue and exhibition that can only be competitive scale with russia of itself. this value and that'll do is from the, the lady of this there's a new i see go out in the model that was buckled. yeah. instead of seeing it in spend almost suspicion of people that only apply at the funding. look at the the up to the sending it to us is my decision. yeah. but i see the far east
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side 1000000000 deals of ongoing region the far north and the southern seas. a going to attempt to embrace the vastness of the country and learn more about it in just one day. a fascinating journey from the present day to the future. the at the almost go with his mother almost pushed, no stomach, much stomach. but i know what i seem to get over here at the some with somebody me only customer support because what i have dispute you at the last just thing here is i recently endorsed, of course, but i would that as a new customer, just keep companies. so much it just keeps bouncing. must push me at the moment if i don't want to. i see for the up on my end. correct. uh yeah. additional. so that's what does this cost most of? yup. what's the deal now feel free to do that. i can make this misconception, can get the ball on it cuz i was sort of any customers consistent. get the machine
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into this map or it just kept my face up with almost the things you were supposed to been then you do it's less customers condition cuz i don't want to put a boat that's really cool. boma you. another way to deal with that as well. got you and the but i didn't dealership supernatural mustache. uh some statement, but its of course was scared to spanish special a border special machine. yeah. so if this takes any less of the agency to sort of course this web server and there's always some updates status of was that of the so a lot of the reports that you have to show us is our initial d. he's getting it up, but there was no use. my uncle got it. so the code i ceased, it costs service because i use that. i see it that i'm like, i thought it best a better way to get that. an expensive usually of course, but say you should, you need to pull it up, but i will get to do some nation promotion line. you'll probably get me can use nice as a bed dish. the dish or the rest of the customer trip has full the infrastructure
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ready to launch heavy? this girl gets the new generation 3 stage and government launch vehicle is made entirely from components menu cited in russia. it will become the reliable means of transport. so the regular delivery of military and civilian spacecraft, it will be once more russia's own space station which will be completely independent from the i s. s. showed soon appear in the syllabus. almost as technology and the 1st day of course was say, was it another got to do some mean 0 to dish solution will use to satisfy the bus bush in a at the ocean city? was me prior to the of the book as it goes to me. if you try to is bustling this story to keep schools and invite the especially i'm going to use the condition of those in the and i'm with us since the one you have to push ocean. otherwise we're doing so i will do that. i want to confirm what you needed for the football
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yet, so i wasn't losing that built into it. so, but of course now that it was, it was supposed to be, i'm sitting me for which be a one day these people will also leave them outs on history. 500 grams of happiness only. but it is what they call babies born before the due date. the only a few years ago, it was almost impossible to keep an infant with the best way to profit collect gramma life. but today, even this name is chances of life are embraced the let's just, i need to stick with the widget in story. just told you dollars to. so when the money, you mean the buy it from a decent saw most viewed was to get to the team that was attached to the program. the program was 30, so if you do not that enough, i've sent the top so i little to move with chips me just to cover which is junior. got the lady shut live pool for our bloom, and i put him get that our students will not sufficient,
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but less time like dance of chip up for him to provide which they do with that. not that presentation you blush. i'm not as these last bold, what city vice many did i insure for the bonita bill and look at the book, look at this and when you go near cause of only just those for form, i should it's a problem for just trying to search for you to don't complain you don't want to for which i always put that is what she started. you also some exposure to continue for which to allow us routine image hope with just for still if i remember the chairs and you know there's a 4th point. so yes, so, so i'm assuming was like that you will test now though it's just new as putting me to stick with an actual system opinions to forward. she was really thing you
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figured that so i may have to for them to go into the shifting reduce, put a minute to kind of just buy another one and with the invoice just in case you have an option control available for me to go to the water and if i used the key the sign, your 1st thing is the village position. i actually for this chapter you have the one you want to change with which one is but also it. and the last appointment's not on woodson will allow me a piece of stuff simple for me. i think that i pulled up my case. i don't wish to turn it over to someone that i get this more of those play a similar taskbar, to make sure there's no more. there's a strong global, crazy chair. so i made sure to put up $8.00 for it's what is a financing as prescribed to choose to go to the nation here we suggest this substrate to shop,
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go to my best friend board from which the said i did such a system of symbols, coastal thoughts across shot, the soonest had given him a little notice to which in june, but it's caused by pushing tissue unless he's consumed, but seem to get most teachers gradually and you get probably disagreeable was to corporate, to that particular needs to be the new list did he was 9, so saying is that only of gosh, that he believe me lives, right? 3 years fixed it in the city and yet, but i'm with the addition of to extend this thoughts of the phrase as possible miss given them by you. and you said i didn't turn in front of that address, which is for sure the address of the specimen is easy to come. people they could be stealing
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a digital sit out in the best business with that there was no leg each nipple, initiate the function, the city rules live ownership, fellows that seems to them that if the system on that i'm with it so full, sees that i need if you will not with a so despite, you'll never see me. but what i need to just set to do is to conduct quite a clue that i'm watching right now. just to learn about your thoughts. portia. the to the literature for her supervisor elizabeth: oh no, no problem. and here's a lamp and then you always get the new symbol neighbors. you try to keep the fancy best that's good or choose jewish
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to meet your technology in the front door is this'll dash to i'm not a dispute. sheila numbers varnette latasha but g g got the release of civil it's sort of cut off with the smallest couple of numbers and let him know that they knew which and of course, i mean you just have to get these which seem like in the glove you said this dissing yet are see that you some with writing sound which allows you to skip right now. we have a problem tonight. if any keep them. yeah. that's just very good. i. yeah, that's just based on the future of accomplishments, depend largely on how and where we can begins these down to learning about the world of school. we develop our talents and abilities of the values, build character and learn to reach the new goals and success. the treatments of today's students depends largely on the results is available to
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the justice. gosh, those deal circle that those cuz we went to church and metric then no she was she has the best. the wash is not good at that. the search? no. but in regards to what is she and i she is is that when go avenue? yeah. so i, so let's create a quick video clip. it's just as a by the knowledge of the schedule has a local bush. and as most of the eclipse can split or the it will share, he should, i use a function is not so well that the eel 0 it's use and then your boss or college student, which it you, it's uh,
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schedule on presence like a j, a staging yeah, style or some day to use the pena nipple, cause i still got the sketches to death. yeah, he's good though. i'm to see what's going on. file motion was a, come was not the police to i read it to that. gosh, do good either your to is the page the yeah much i that nice thing or send that the summer. he had the mr. the come here to be glad to the board, but you can see it. yeah, for sure. with the shots of them we get in front of the caught you at the we have is just the end result. i'm need to call him on behalf of to the so i you must be i will. yes. the yeah. actually that one. so it does. yes. and then also choose which channel mistakenly situated some of them there. so
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there's somebody in the know can bundle with them. so you didn't know we had some good example on williams and williams. i'm gatorade, you may call it and you have to chance to look into everybody together as they have titled some cameras. example short giving them insurance. you have to choose to go to you by giving a procedure. because i mean there's nothing to lose yet is of course at the summer goose nadine the most. okay. right. that's the future. just the district metal guidance thing. it's jill. i'm visiting 1st. the sco kindly study here ocean. so you know, better way to do use what server most of the sort of price and consensus at the worst, the see a clean slate. you have to buy a new best solution to living. yeah. in spirit and they have to go. so we bring them here coming for the music. sure. and you can see that you both rooms are the
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meter being used, but i do for you to push the button shells might have to have it. i see you mean? yep. so we care about the duma mean. yeah, the, some of the e was the veterans of those, the dynamic of them and the school got the bustle now. some of the no g i'm a looks to me last week. get confused. we'll get that. this is the number of any of the will share with the issue. so must have more of this, the humans, the, the
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good looking to is to what is most of the symbol at the, the, what we deal with. and so here the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, he's got the certificate still with us all a cigarette. so let's just choose dash, those guys cool show. the other thing was the cheapest cobra, stating it was my old, the shingles, quote. just a list of things moved over and it was my baseball shingles. cliff,
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i'm not sure what it is, but you see the i could living a most on this, which i am at the dap shuttle to be a cube ocean over there. my german there by the other strangers, whose gift by spite of what that means you to give us a quench, i'm not sure but it was can you think he's push it? got but i mean nice. yeah. when they move this key at the us, 1st on the quite a bell coupled his style. no way made you think that this case it was for the last one was a gun and it's at the bottom of the massive store like on septic. i go to spell nation dorman, ocean was deuced sure. keeping the union level. it's fun going. that's why i'm excited for that must be of this except bigger infinity guys now has been a little more or less than should that city 50 and so on. that's the issue and that's what they decided she concept on us. can i mean the email to get you guys make too much over that much to me? maybe i wake up make out most not maybe i just, you know, don't set that up but i'm gathering so the kind of a deal on, unless they had somebody come in the booster players mekaux,
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even though i thought given it out. so the, the other codes collegian isn't, doesn't the same as the bi calendar to which culture look forward to the leading edge technology to particularly interesting is the latest medium range passenger rail. i know this in a craft is an alternative to the american. boeing and your opinion of us symbolizes it with nissan. so if the russian aviation industry, the southern union will say more than you need to see in the e of a modem, and what does that mean here? what they came over here, what is what's been going to the doctor was so the opportunity to sort of look aside from, i guess the crate that we're reading is will a story when you, most of what i say suggests that we follow up with an unofficial federal, when you might have somebody those needs to deal with what i see for the next to but because we figured that those in thirty's deal is california for the police. and when you said team pretty what keeps the post the city? what for the death of the lease,
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but i'm looking for you when you flows move ok you we typically we those meet us and then you can create the receiver. some of them as well. so new with a new symbol of new and what i see on the, on where you can begin, see even the way it was a country for like a whole list of something. yeah. somebody me in the servers declining. my god issue nimble up putting the are going to say yes go us. i use it. yeah. most of them a couple of the places where do you with some of those difficult last opponents just almost like it seems put on there, but he's way but he's somebody out there, there's nothing they could do about it and then it just stays electrical studies posted you'll say, as can say, as i say, it will go with windows up. so with them for you get us up for it so much the phrase would that they would certainly be tough with the biggest and most of them going to be kind of what you're going to school or put them to somebody with the master. and that's my share, so additionally, maybe to go think of,
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let me on the team with anytime that you want to stay on the phone with us. bush look sort of issue of the use of the i'm not from somebody with a most of us and you literally he said he, i'm sent you that i'm going to try to email things again, which is pretty f number less list like at the gate component as a way to fit to put add them awesome. we're still not somebody else got us a pretty it needs to 0. and i'm just looking for the ethnic i sent over i. we didn't have someone with the store name does it me which the appreciate. if the could look to for them, and it was interesting, what's the, what's the name facilitator for the immunizations to the more still with a zeal as opposed to additionally somebody. yeah. which and they do store one of the alonzo principal federal nation. what i'm, what you know, some of them, and i'm with us citizenship as well. that's just the future isn't only being built in the sky,
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but on the ground spoiled was always an inherent out of russian culture. but now it's a mainstream activity. we have some help from domestically developed innovations. unaccessible infrastructure like a huge big city stadium for now to jim, right by your home. but even, and that's no longer enough. new ways to engage in sports or being developed to combine into physical virtual reality. the child in the sense that, that's then the lowest of to, for me at i see this is shown in the more additional, you know, lots of support there. let's just say yes, yes. or no. you said it's a fairly good as far as sort of what i just made or not because i knew that this was the end of this must be somebody in the study and probably a person that goes guns. what would some of the of somebody but i told them the
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rest of the truth because the only took such a cut off because of us on the new m 12 months ago. because then moved to as one of the most ambitious transport infrastructure projects pulled an 800 kilometers long. it will link civil russian regents. cities are getting closer distances, things show right back to you know, stuff with swords. you, nancy was crazy, the washing machine that you saw, the suspension good us the distribution system though i knew of cause a fax, it looks to you or should others to most of the each. ok, the new the dog. and then you just say she bought
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a trucks from the night. the prism is only part of the route rushes national mode away will stretch from st. petersburg to vladivostok with links to china, mongolia and north korea below. and it says this threats and even though it's a bit of the inverse to support the within words to the boy should church, they have no mover just to finish life. and that's fun because i chose that old. the only thing it was scheduled to be found to be yes. is that the chief the sooner the better? no set and then you can see a so so yeah, yeah, of course continue. yes. so to finish it and know i know some 3 to me as a, as
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a follow slush push to know what causes me drawing. and um, if this is something new and weakly, to most of the schools modeling them for us to my mothers. because i always thought ours rachel, less than 0 is to no, you shouldn't. even those could be in there, it looked and then you put a goods and you have some, a slope of those. right. and i just look at that's represent 13 years old to me. so it is shaded from all right, so she said it goes into the minutes of the co go what it is, somewhere for him. i'm going to lay as a 32 months isn't much. that's a good one because i know the face instead of getting it and so i put all for it. then i slipped it was there was the noise noises. thing of what you'll see the boeing that a yes. did you go see still but look up sides didn't she did way said that an option for a visual learner and kind of moved him physically says on the 2 of us defies. come
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on them is a choice low and sounds in the voice. uh, if i chose to it watching or snow semester, but the worst of it was the flash. if the position back a couple which the noise the come on the is this the, the, the president was coming or what it is. this is shane and goes to the sense we're good sealants, sealants us there's to effect of what the total i need. does me cheat as well? no, because it's nice. show little to 14, but i did something about that a similar just really nice to buy some of the stuff we buy some things cuz they should go with best buy. is this the best number to place the visitors to retail its in the system?
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nobody knew it, the machine, young gordon, this to conduct the station to be just that it is what shape it is the joe on his name last, just that on the 6 black, it's a bringing lash. going down. what's a chest in the regular way to sit in the line. you sitting at a sit at the window and says you enjoyed. she is cleaning it and you for a total of my 1st success. there wasn't give her story to this personnel has to do with continue to hold on this, that the nurse just a regular show us more than there's the bonus. she preferred elements 16, the way they should as or why these to see the as a positional you boy. so i need a yet. so for most services, the russian enjoys the welsh, which has natural gas deposits. but it's not enough to just extract fuel from the
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us. you will certainly processing plants and the gas transportation system covering a great many kilometers. expanding gas infrastructure in russia's regions is one of the largest state projects in the country. the goal is to ensure that every school preschool clinic and rural health clinic, even in the most remote parts of the country, has access to the the well not just childcare and much is to money. everybody to come get precious. you're trying to bring in my chest really? mean it's and yet, and there's only but everything that i need to do right here in the city, what's could you take a little does come put any there's a lot. i'm going to change the ship to this just 3 percent, but 5 minutes sooner than usually you don't need to. it is. so please could i ask to put that in with your name, do it, but i'm wondering if there's no formulas fit if this deal. so what i'm gonna do is 3 i but a year for pick up the car, i'm going to share. it's a single engine,
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actually presenting their stuff up so that needs to be seen shut off. that proposed to a stall on does nothing. yeah. the of every now and if i really knew there's oliver and me and you're pretty crazy, the worst of it for some of that age. but it says for simple and the thumb. so the doesn't mean we'd have to use the search booked. um that's just the worst though, was the that was do i doing to go? bob was scheduled to be able to view me just a engenders, can afford them at this the not the in worship of the present, the doing during the course of which was $372.00. and there was that one should have figured out that infinity does. yeah. sure if they're going to push in many of them, it will just just turn on the tonight for an aggressive for your vide most last name of the she to smith traditional fishkill customer. come go ahead. it's
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a to but what just been going. this is paul newman. yeah. but he, it's cause i need the origin was not just about to bit shit that you have to show you should try to do that. i still want you to lose control of, you know, the 1st, the reason is to just do it just to motions. it's going to be as nice for you, raise 7, your mobile champ, from which you have all the things you which some of them, and they music us the nation offensive. really chastity was that over. and you see, we say this nation much shy that are not competitive, which this guys pursue the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the boys are liberators. may god bless you with health and be your guardian angel. thank you. relief full of holes in i've the have to off the russian forces, take the city, applying his own life on the bottom. so as rational ripples even more involved has lived in this group of the firm to so that's why is above the southern dog. most of the rough uh 7 people are killed by the is there any military? the area was the last space less or more with a 1000000 policy is a space in the own. but


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