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tv   News  RT  February 25, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EST

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the, the cry for freedom, something to solve with the blow to the on the phone. so makes out feelings clear out. so i think you case type port as a hearing takes place into his final appeal. again, expedition to the west coast that com, russian full to take a p location on the top fulfilled of the house on reach and following last week's capital of optics pushing you paid the past on the front line and also had more details and large of a project kidding by is reading spaces of a 6 year old style and who calls us as old years for needs to have a desperate phone call. she made in house line
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the way they had and was this sunday, the 25th of february. you've joined us in the weekly web, be thousands of stories. that's what people told king of the last 7 days. if i were welcome or if i stop, the fate of west supply luxury and the songs remains in limbo. judges are the you pays high to have yet to make a ruling on his final appeal against expedition to the us the which any found the is wanted stateside for publishing. see, put military and diplomatic files is convicted. he faces 175 years in prison, to protest as crowded outside before lunch and demanding the immediate release office associate to australia as hollingsworth, repeatedly,
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feeling unwell preventing him from appearing after hearing when since his clothes family members joined to meet ship change outside the building, claiming that he is being posted to pay for remaining to the us pace is online. the policy, they say, don't questing these lines because that will defend our allies. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing literacy and their persecuting. the journalist who exposed the julia has spread over for 2 years in one form of incarceration, or end of a youth with all of julian's
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human rights suspended. are you good with see you this afternoon on to steve sweeney was outside the high court in the bridge, his capital, where the appeal hearing was taking place behind play stalls. we've not weeks the end of the to day cool. henry painted charity and his own just potential expedition to the united states where he probably said 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers, all heating cold, not say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration . other legs, call cook top in the white house. the, with the say i to assassinate the service, owns on the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the insurance is given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited? these assurances have been dismissed by obviously ends and not so as not with the
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paper that they all written on. now there's been there a speak to taking place now behind us. i'm a, a range of sound you support, as we've heard about, the judges have deferred that decision, that not taking that decision say so that verdict will be announced a late today to we're having so that could possibly be more so forth. but of course, we'll keep you updated with the latest using the developers as we get with assumptions expedition possible. now entering the final straight, full way us intelligence of sun host of the what's the lowest on korea to visit? if lieutenant's co founder is convicted, it will in danger any chance anyone trying to expose uncomfortable truths. i think that the, that the role that assigns you and what can be explained in the, in the reporting, the war logs reporting in afghanistan and iraq was positively heroic. we wouldn't have any idea what the american government was doing, ostensibly, in our name,
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in the name of the american people, had wiki leaks not told us. we wouldn't know the details of war crimes and crimes against humanity that were committed by american soldiers and uh, and service men. so we own, we can leaks it. a debt of banks, the debt of gratitude for telling us what our government was doing. that's why i believe that said juliet assigned you and we can each should be celebrated, not prosecuted, not targeted, not assassinated in broad daylight in the streets of london. this is something that all americans should get behind is perfectly something that all american media outlets should get behind and they have not yet done. so if juliet assigned is convicted, then every national security journalist in america is liable to be prosecuted under the espionage. they're not committing espn, i, they're committing journalism. so what's the goal?
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there is the goal to lock up your journalists in direct contravention of the constitution. and the justice department has become to vociferous candidates in its attempts to go after people that they deem to be leaders. now i think where the justice department is in danger of losing the case is they've also accused julian, a subject computer hack. and there's literally no evidence that he asked anybody to hack into anything. i think it's clear that julian is a publisher and a journalist and that's what's going to come out of the trial. i'm sorry to say that i don't believe anybody will be brought to justice. the decisions have already been made, for example, not to prosecute the the army personnel involved in the killing of reuters journalist and iraqi civilians in baghdad. in what became known as the iraq
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war video, the, the, the killing video. now the statute of limitations has expired. similarly, for higher ranking military officials, people at the general officer level, they've committed war crimes and they haven't been prosecuted for those war crimes . now we've gone through another what 3 presidents, if they haven't been prosecuted by now, they won't be prosecuted. while west images have been declining the loss of the russian political activists, alex involved me hailing him a hero. they haven't shown such sentiment towards julian, a social person who risk his life for the freedom of press. let's take a look. he bravely stood up, the corruption, the violence, and all the bad things of the rest is prosecuted for forever to the crime. shows that the prison just held him
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nice solutions. the prison. she was a powerful voice for the truth. the alexia in the bombing has been a brave leader, who stood up against corruption and a talk or sing. he died pretty close to what she dedicated his whole life freedom. the world has lost freedom fighters of extraordinary
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brutality. as government, the i would argue that it's closer to me in the high tech terrorist assad is a narcissist who has created nothing of value to utilize on the dirty work of others to make himself famous. he has to answer for weddings. how is it has done to disguise a trade or a treasonous? i'm not for the debt, certainly. so if i'm not the only way to do it illegally shoot to some of the or the
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russian soul says advance and have taken another key location on the front lines of the house. phone region was according to the defense, minnesota. so they show eco and see what the president pitching out. the problem couldn't cause this issue. the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency, and some individual enemy soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender. as collins just bay is off to a rush that announced it has counted of death in the town, yet rep public, a city which has been onto the control of kids. first and foremost have decade. the bank sold for the strategic areas of many wellness and claim money lives before ukrainian forces. finally, tailed 16 withdrew the retreat from the city. i sold sales force as a bond to munition and on the west and supplied equipment. among them was the u. s
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. major on with personnel, carrier, same thing. total weight. 2 such faithfuls have been recovered enough days. the sofa. well most go claims, but to see of loss don't waste 3000 the soldiers during its retreat. washing forces also took box the main route to walk, switch supplies, a number of cities in the public, including the regional capital, financed entrees, equal sign of has this exclusive report from the site. and this is the, the nets quote of filtering plants. and until early 2022, it used to provide fresh would say to used to provide access to fresh water for the entire city in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the
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station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement shut downs to ensure workers safety back then all hopes were pinned on the o is see, and it's you. in fact, i'm on the commission of experience making skills. now the stations that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the you to call was that we took your update, read the scripture on the wall,
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left by the unit to enter the territory of the packet station fast lou, because we're no significant bottles here. but it's an interesting story which is what we're preparing for the salt and how to make our way through the tunnels. here . in the end, everything happens so spontaneously with our drill and dropped the leaflets calling for surrender and the red we will kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wants to surrender. we gave them half an hour. so they jumped out of their positions and then a chain reaction began them. then emmys fled from of they ask. that is, there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons, the 2 issues. it won't be sued until this facility will be able to pump the water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage, the river of saber sky. the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its upstream too. so the issue, clues of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that one. how
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much is done of the protein from the dog boss oxy form of senior security policy on the set. the pen took on mike maloof believes that there are also of off task. i might mock a point of no return on the battlefield. the queen's forces, the f desk is a turning point. it's the beginning of what i would see as a cascading effect of a russian offensive to finally route ukrainians out of a areas that they've long held. and they, they are totally on the defensive now. and if you hit in a number of areas, at the same time, it disperses their, their concentration of forces even more. and because they're already depleted, and they claim to have little of every emission, uh, this makes their task even more arduous. i think people are seeing that with the
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have the skin and everything else, the other just going to be throwing good money after bad and, and make that even the europeans are seamless. now, they're having hard time, even nato countries are having a hard time coming up with funds to give to the, to, to, to buy equipment for ukraine. the congress isn't coming back for almost 2 weeks. and when it comes back on the 28th february on march, 15th partial is going to be a partial shutdown of the us government. because congress will only have 3 days to, to come up with any kind of funding if there's to be any before parts of the government shutdown. so the congress, the, the, the funding of ukraine is not the highest priority right now. in the us, congress would have made russians, bonds, fulfilled games. it seems of as an increasing loss of face among those believing ukraine kind of large, victorious polls. so public support in the west is increasingly favor an diplomatic
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solution to autism where the cost of that has been looking up. the changing attitudes was kids failing to make any progress on the front line. more and more people are losing face and ukraine and the less ability to guarantee ross's defeat . and so they're suggesting a logical conclusion to this 2 year fatal fiasco. a peace deal around 70 percent of americans wants the bottom of the ministration. suppose chic right. so negotiate with russia, only 10 percent of europeans believe that ukraine actually stands that trends with as almost 40 percent one piece talks as well. the majority of ukrainians themselves and $372.00 for science wants a diplomatic solution. now these numbers were very different a year ago when everyone was search and for some odd reason that ukraine would when, however, things change. an average of just 10 percent of europeans across 12 countries
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believe that ukraine will win twice as many expect a russian victory. this week, confidence in ukraine's chances of victory is visible all over europe, poland, portugal and sweden are the most optimistic countries, but even they're only 17 percent of respondents believe ukraine will prevail. and in sweden, 19 percent think russia will. when of course, be born on the line, they know how much you are and the less i've sent the crime so far as they're not seeing any results from all those bailey and stuff could have been spawns at home. the old thing group that you were being commission and the united nations carpets estimate that as of the 31st december 2023. the total cost of reconstruction and recovery ukraine is $486000000000.00 over the next decade, up from $411000000000.00 estimated to one diego. what's also interesting is that if before russia was perceived as a top threats by 27 countries,
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now it's not even in the top 3 as well. countries a done focus on their own problems. given the absolutely critical dependence of ukraine on g 7, political, economic, and military support, this is worrying. it does not bode well for the ability of europe's political leaders to sustain the necessary public backing for continued aid transfers, voters in france and germany, for example, are significantly more concerned about mass migration and radical islamic terrorism . then putin's designs for ukraine, there's used to be a lot of talk about rasa and vladimir boots and having to say face, well, now the roles have been rivers, at least in the media. we're trying to figure out what is putin's off ramp? where does he get off? where does he find a way out? where does he find himself in a position that he does not? not only lose face, but lose significant power in russia? the no wind, i lemme of doubling down on aid excepting
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a compromise deal scene is appeasement or facing the humiliation of a russian victory. zalinski may soon be forced out on account of the bloody battle loss of div washington as long desired to bring about a change in leadership in russia. however, current developments suggest that a regime change may be more likely in kia of than in moscow. there's enough, disco was a big blow and not only for kids, but also for its allies as it became clear to everyone that without their help ukraine can even hold onto its cities. a will probably lose more as they can guarantee additional age and time. but the west was sol certain ends the beginning even day dreaming about was the change in russia for god's sake. this man cannot remain power or rebuild to see how much, what isolates in the russian regime right now. because we need to do something
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economically, politically, and diplomatically, and what the impact on society are. and how much was seeing potential regime change in russia. from our standpoint up until the point where the current regime is not in power, the country surrounding it will be to some extent, endanger not just putting but the whole regime. because you know, one might change prudence and changes in our circle, but another pollutant might rise into his place. all the tables have turned everything to change, that rasa is highly unlikely, but a new crane. very possible. the top commander has been fired. american money solid and the soldiers are getting desperate. the, when the quote was, was low, he's loser blue book. i've got one guy serving on the front line with the prospect leg up. so now what i've got soldiers with level to disability level and some are
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even level 3 usually also i've got a soldier with only one kidney y'all's school. what is left to do? well, hopefully a piece field can come to mind. it's just a matter of convincing that was to let go of control in ukraine and have to do what is best for its country and know what washington wants. and here's a suggestion. reassessing current realities on the battlefield in this way will undoubtedly be seen as appeasement by some. but a more fitting analogy might be that of west germany in 1949. and even more so, of south korea in 1953, both of which needed to establish internationally recognize borders in order to establish sovereignty in the face of hostile neighboring powers. the challenge for ukraine and it's western partners is to establish the equivalent of the korean peninsula is $38.00 the power though. the main challenge for you, craig, and it's west some partners. it's the 1st admit to themselves that this conflict is not going in their favor. so perhaps it's best to cut their losses and move on
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before dragging the globe into world war 3, just because they didn't want to look like this sore losers. a terrifying final moments of a 6 year old though and garza had been presently revealed, the palestine red crescent has released an old here reporting of how frantic phone cool pleadings to how often idea full says open fire on the call that she was travelling in last month the sooner than had them in. huh. i really big cough i had a yes. yes it had to 12 days later, a hand wide shop was found dead along with her family members inside dot com.
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what's more, a team of red crescent magic center rescue ha. we'll also discovered killed nearby . next we take a closer look at this particular human tragedy, but it's just one of the course of money to accosted me and bottled and placed of the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go selves. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians. i'm one of the
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time i will not. so give those who let hain down when they could have helped me because she was alive up until the last moment the and i have, i have be as a model, i'm the big how are they can see that the one the the
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one issue another has a still a good inside my a can hearts because of what happened to my daughter when she wasn't because change was going through the most extreme scene, you could probably imagine leon was in the car with her spite lead being most severely injured. the my daughter, she tried to save hands and started asking us how to provide 1st aid. at that moment when they showed me and my daughter told me, mom lien has a booth and her face to face looks carry. and i told her to call the her face as that hidden under the seat. the occupation pools is claimed, the only time you come off only the terrorist. so what about my daughter and the other children in the car? been off to moss or any kind of tours. 6 3 we are having constant hands kind of regarding the safety of our sons. as i went
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up to this moment, 45 our house house, and we don't know where the feet of our yusef and must have had to serve the girls the time they might be. the more details we hope not. the only thing we want to know is what's happened for the 6 years old girl. she was a true inside the 1st living in the hotter and distracting the card with here and 6 other. this body's family members who were killed in front of it on i can't even find the words to describe the header. i went to you, witness. one. when the 16 use the one, she was killed over the phone when she was the one who was missing. she was saying,
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i'm surrounding might is what they are fighting. and then what do you have here in this continuous function? the, the, the others are full of the house. they just headed over to her when she 1st came on to fire. everyone could have helped us, but they didn't go and they didn't help her. she had a dream to return to a home. we would displaced right from the 1st day the,
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the palestine red crescent. society is heart broken by the tragic ending of the story of the 6 year old hen. and the p. r. c. s. ambulance crew members, use of zeno and ahmed all my doing. when these humanitarian heroes were given the green light to rescue the little girl, we never expected this and this bombing of humanitarian workers must be condemned. our thoughts are with hands, family, as well as the families of yusef announcement, the b u. s. once again, v towed a un resolution cooling for an immediate safe spot in garza, it was the army security council member to vote against out here is proposed peace
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initiative when it came before the 14th on tuesday. here's how some of those present reactive t, washington blocks in the most. well, mine says unfortunately the security council has failed once again to rise to the goals and aspiration of the people. this faith view, there's an absolved security council of shoulder and it's responsibility and doesn't absolve the international community of its obligations to bothers and people. this fe, the doesn't absolve the occupying power of its obligations to implement a precautionary measures ordered by the international court of justice. all these people will be all cheery and draft who's capable of reversing the situation and ending being i elation of palestinians in gauze, off to unfortunately the latest and now forces us veto prevented this from happening. and due to the fates of another 1000 peaceful guys of citizens, it is a destructive policy of a single member of the security council. namely the united states, just
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a few minutes while ontario at the mall. and i meet at the fulcher cus once a limited and temporary seas far on the condition that all hostages, all release from garza post motions reject the false displacement of palestinians. i'm cool for the unimportant and fate of humanitarian aid into the enclave. but the american proposal doesn't pay for the instrumentation of those provisional measures sorted by the i. c. j paid washington has braun to fail to implant detrimental to peaceful we have made incredibly clear that the resolution before the council would not achieve the goal of a sustainable peace. and may in fact run counter to yet proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible. and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put.


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