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tv   Documentary  RT  February 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EST

10:30 am
the good of the to the faith develops here where you order the order comes anyway to clean out of them because if you're not severe the yes you did load the brother product, the
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ocean of this the the we have a fix on the who run the slip for the day or so they've got the you just follow the don't try me on a software. she's doing information. you know the trash or the most of the function was searchable. as long as there's no associate what city here will be here. don't last, 4 of them are sold,
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starting with this really seems to be most controlled. her children will just thought of a model the way we will so much of your page here. we're here for football. for sure though, we're going to love it. we're just be sure to name them people so much noise or from the true i am a virtual visit any way you may go for the longest the select route so. so the personal opinion shows that you show personally the
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type of shows is this, the simple, i mean people never go and here's a sort of bringing more people to get this not have a viewing initial morgan, which is about 3 or 4 of them were still very so can you hear what fine was some furniture to but i was one, you know i'm not sure we're good to you know, for some saw from frontier the rest of junior gold
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choose the community the much of deals, motor union for realistic mutual mobile as in are you for your full length on your skills also use more. let me, let me approve some, some bubbles of food here. me professionally from the know you really who on yours to federal, which part of the full time, you know, so you're able to get pretty useful result, luscious. but i'm sure you don't find it very weird about the matter. shadows is now she's who has to remember what to do. so the
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teacher didn't just for junior god. and that would show what i showed you this afternoon. almost out of the world. sergio is one year for one year to date to be said, why are you able to persuade colon on
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the go through one of these 2 shows that practice, people start on the to move. it was us age, which is from the speech language to the way most of the need to get all of those get closer cool for 50 were through google, google, it fit into our thoughts and we know what's your way and they've been said you go and you start going through this if you want to be comfortable in this state and zip, i did find the serial number with them on some off as well. yeah. to be able to
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show you real day and wire is loose and you put your total grad school where you upload you for the the april. how are you? this is for them to them for the great you source with them on a stretch of what type of what you're looking for. so anyway, that's what we're doing. that doesn't equal based on weight. that's not part of the read through the watch. it does show you what it is,
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the 1st and foremost the love nice party, but we say the one on the plus slot, receive small. did you see the items, the brothers deep due to the the
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cause and return to the introduction. especially if there's just an extra weight which you guys are doing. i mean if equipment is 3, you could 3 or for about 300 of them. get these to be shipped. there shouldn't be anything after that. there's anything where you much entrance doors and you can see if you go, you can't go forward with this. and as i just don't, are you to go with the financial chusen doors for the holiday for the preventive? with some of the answer, assume that the the, the a lot of ways yeah, because i was about to
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do so if you thought would you met with them to the bottom? that's all we have in your mind to see. did you let them just makes it one year to move us? what was the way? remember what you to know? what i will do, i think because that's what we think you should probably a practical about the not to worry just very good. so for them, what they do go out later this evening and you should be in that you should have disappeared off the cover. they might need to have a little difficult to look at the apartment. if did you need, could you email it to me? thank you. for me, other than 5007, i just thought you 2 and wrap the piece you guys are using to do that. also to shut to us by somebody is the issue expert to find the item to
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the shipping one or the other on those. do we put notes on this p to just make partial one or we can only see the armoire. yeah. the last of the football media was that the blue star got you as i think the search. so let's say let's get the car, these 3
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municipal year employees that are scholarship following the fill uh, model of the rewards. my gosh, i can't even fill out yet. but some of them all know that made suitable that nobody because the damn thing is dusty billy certificate. you just log in and put that on there you do because i've, i've, i've looked at the screen my senior when, after we, he, you know, it's called spectrum issue. i see the, [000:00:00;00]
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the of the 1934 prance invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wires to the best land. from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this cause and as discontent. the people of l g area began their long term bite for independence. in 1954,
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the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france besides these negotiations. in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass boards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the depths of one and
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a half 1000000 algerians. the she was the 50 so it was a sort of stage where the goal was actually just for she she's the for the for the daughter blah. for this i didn't deficient just video. i just stick to the storage unit should or should i should you should. i should people just there she's here. she said, it does cover the
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1st to leave it with us that you have to pay your so that's the notion that has changed expert to to be of what you should just you but you again for the for the, the other few months is can do the,
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with the of the let me see what your new position did you think it was listed here. you're looking at the
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local it's nice to see where it is that i'll put you on this next question. you see yourself to use the computer? it's a computer, we have the video and i think it doesn't include search. you the 1st, the 1st semester i
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didn't issue the issue was it was in the news. you want to know what's the $1000000.00 because you know i'm willing to do that. i need to just look, the problem is really lucky. so i'm on for a month. it's very easy and but i do have new really just was it was green and the green lock, the door station. yeah. could you provide me that to the level i testified to indigo,
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that ones throughout the day now just to to do is ask us to do is to get off the ship. them a good for sure with this georgia number here and the for the whole time it comes to she has told me that distance and they mean you're doing it perfectly well. where's instance of them? you know, it's right to move. are you kind of willing department to see over let me just sit and then meet it when you go over what you as i should actually forget the industry. so the 2 year one samples mother or don't know what was
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the good and the music. yeah, i would run that afternoon with john. well that's what i heard that from the we just have to do,
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especially though because we've done that. yeah. so just because of the sure, with nature we actually was looking for a content experiences that came with the english one. you pretty much every, most of the subscriber's works? no, no, even, no, sir, to finish me. yeah. nobody's going to, i'm just on someone which additional one of these things more sure to for me to please look into this for, for even though you know for the, for 5 it's 6. let me just get that for your signature. i should,
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should have it as shown. finish then doing anything that just keeps. if somebody's skipped, you should be able to do in order to let degree and give you the tools as a loader to use that address and then do the 1st of the whole community there and get a new job that i could get cutting
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a tedious the of the building to push the nazi for no, no, no, no the cheapest way. i'm not by giving you dogs are getting killed or the by giving you
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something at the for the future to east bob. i'm ok. so the rest of the, the, the the, the, those codes and 2nd week of the month ago, and eventually, democrats, 20 financial judge proposes. but there are
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a couple of course on your own list of who is a similar thing is the just the stick. the additional money was this in hillsboro. 6 for the lowest version of the most efficient nowadays that's always somebody's got always great. where do you check? so what do you, what are, what are the other thing you might have part of the move on to the more affordable form finished on a grass by giving you
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a good fit as the sales price. what was the cutoff sort of what the fuck, who mailed to me. so i'm going to enjoy it. good weather games and i'd like to kind of get away from anywhere, but it hasn't even been opened. so with frontier and it's, it's in use now, you know, for just sort of showed up with it before the sports or yeah, absolutely so, so 1st of all, a silver with all the local, what he told you to click on the federal level gauge. that's the goal is to please stay from the roof. so at the other piece,
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what's your interest level? is this vehicle to? they do credit you just like we did the root just to see was here last on the ship with of the like anybody else a watch all the manage the news media and that was it is one sided completely one sided tab as to the other side. does not have venue, wouldn't be till they mention them by name. even the claim that is very presented as it is
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the day we restore the needs of the board as ordering yourselves originally new spots and i said, you mean the one that should have? yep. pets again, so 1st sweetie, base being yes, that would you like me to ski photos that anybody's industry to block out? nobody can grab it out of steel, bundle ski at the, at the site. the goal to smith looked at the new. yeah. that was, that said it was a mis leveled and everything is as assessment varies from one year of experience of but i will say in nearest the blue books and you for the 80 percent of the plan is a budget. so be $250.00 that you would say, because you have to just cash the senior
11:00 am
the, the headlines on our scenes, national as russian forces take another front line town on the battlefield. the following. this week's capture of the i've got now it's pushing ukraine even further back into her southern region, taking a mega and even if it didn't work before, washington and brussels imposing a new wave of sanctions, not only or must go, but on individuals and entities all around the world and it's a challenge for freedom. the supporters of julian assigned outside that you guys hi, cold, there is legal to making a final effort to stop the whistle blow up being expedited to the us. that's why he


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