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tv   News  RT  February 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the headlines on all the international russian forces take another front line town on the battlefield the following. this week's capture of, of the i've got now it's pushing ukraine even further back in the headstone region . taking a mega and even if it didn't work before washington and brussels imposing a new wave of sanctions. not only or must go but on individuals and entities all around the world, the church. and it's a challenge for freedom. the supporters of julian assigned outside that you guys hi, cold, there is this legal team making a final effort to stop the whistle blow up and being expedited to the us. that's why he faces a 175 years in prison. for exposing america's 30 sequence,
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the would have made a busy out here in austin to national with our guests and correspondence lined up. so straight into it the right now russian forces are advancing on the battlefield. they've now taken a key location in the huff southern region that's according to the russian administer of defendants. and his report to president vladimir putin couldn't cause its issue. the village of cranky has been cleared. our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency, some individual enemy soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender. right now this comp just dies off, the rupture announced that i have captured of the i've got in the, the one that's group public said he would have been under the control of kids forces for almost a decade. the baffled for the strategic area took many months before
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a chaotic retreat by ukrainian forces. now it's key as troops. i left the city, they abandoned the i'm a stuff, piles, and other western supplies weapons of was among them right there. it's a and us made ahmed personnel carrier. it's a trophy now being towed away by russian forces. at least 2 such vehicles have been recovered enough to have the sofa now limited to russia as battlefield gains. it seems as an increasing loss of faith among those believing that ukraine can win. polls show increasing public support in the west on ukraine for a diplomatic solution. let's shift some more light on this. now with all these marine, the customer was kids failing to make any progress on the front line. more and more people are losing face and ukraine and the less ability to guarantee rushes the feats. and so they're suggesting a logical conclusion to this, to your fatal fiasco. a peace deal around 70 percent of americans wants the bottom and the ministration. suppose she crates to negotiate with russia,
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only 10 percent of europeans believe that ukraine actually stands. it tends to weigh as almost 40 percent, one piece talks as well. the majority of ukrainians themselves and $372.00 for science wants a diplomatic solution. now these numbers were very different a year ago when everyone was search and for some odd reason that ukraine would when, however, things change. an average of just 10 percent of europeans across 12 countries believe that ukraine will win twice as many expect a russian victory. this week, confidence in ukraine's chances of victory is visible all over europe, poland, portugal and sweden are the most optimistic countries, but even they're only 17 percent of respondents believe ukraine will prevail. and in sweden, 19 percent think russia will when, of course, sleep on line. they know how much you are and the last step send to crime so far as they're not seeing any results from all those. bailey is that could have been
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spawns at home, the world bank groups, european commission, and the united nations cabinets estimate that as of the 31st december 2023. the total cost of reconstruction and recovery ukraine is $486000000000.00 over the next decade, up from $411000000000.00 estimated to juan diego. what's also interesting is that if before russia was perceived as a top threats by 27 countries, now it's not even in the top 3 as well. countries a done focus on their own problems. given the absolutely critical dependence of ukraine on g 7 political, economic, and military support, this is worrying. it does not bode well for the ability of europe's political leaders to sustain the necessary public backing for continued aid transfers, voters in france and germany, for example, are significantly more concerned about mass migration and radical islamic terrorism
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. then putin's designs for ukraine, there is used to be a lot of talk about russia and latimer boots and having to say phase, well, now the roles have been reversed, at least in the media. we're trying to figure out what is pollutants off ramp? where does he get off? where does he find a way out? where does he find himself in a position that he does not? not only lose face, but lose significant power in russia? no window. lemme of doubling down on aid. excepting a compromise deal scene is appeasement, or facing the humiliation of a russian victory. zalinski may soon be forced out on account of the bloody battle loss of div washington as long desired to bring about a change in leadership in russia. however, current developments suggest that a regime change may be more likely in kia of than in moscow. there's enough, disco was a big blow and not only for kids,
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but also for its allies as it became clear to everyone that was out there help ukraine can even hold onto its cities a will probably lose more as they can guarantee additional aid in time. but the west was sol, starts and ends the beginning even day dreaming about was the change in russia for god's sake. this man cannot remain power. we're able to see how much, what isolates in the russian regime right now, because we need to do something economically, politically, and diplomatically, and what the impacts on society are. and how much was seen potential regime change in russia. from our standpoint up until the point where the current regime is not in power, the country surrounding it will be to some extent in danger. not just putting but the whole regime because you know, one might change prudent and changes in our circle, but another pollutant might rise into his place. all the tables have turned everything to change. that rossa is highly unlikely, but
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a new crane very possible. the top commander has been fired, american money, solid, and the soldiers are getting desperate. the, when the quote was visible, he's losing the level of i've got one guy serving on the front line with a prospect leg up. so now what, i've got soldiers with level 2 disabilities and you know, and some, or even level 3 meals, i've got a soldier with only one kidney. all school was left to do well, hopefully a piece still can come to mind. it's just a matter of convincing that was to let go of control in ukraine and have to do what is best for its country and know what washington wants. and here's a suggestion. reassessing current realities on the battlefield in this way will undoubtedly be seen as appeasement. by some of the most fitting analogy,
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you might be that of west germany in 1949 and even more so of south korea in 1953, both of which needed to establish internationally recognized borders in order to establish sovereignty in the face of hostile, neighboring powers of the challenge, the ukraine and its western partners is to establish the equivalent of the korean peninsula is 30 eight's power though. the main challenge for you, craig, and it's western partners, is to force admit to themselves that this conflict is not going in their favor. so perhaps it's best to cut their losses and move on before dragging the globe. and so world war 3, just because they didn't want to look like this sore losers. the face off, it was a blow, but julian assigned remains in limbo. judges of the u. k. is high, cool, and have yet to make a ruling on his final appeal against extradition from united states, the weekly scope, highlander has wanted stateside for publishing secret, military and diplomatic files. and of course, there was an influence video of an apache headache off that gunning down civilians
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in cold blood in iraq. if convicted face is 175 years in prison, the protestors are crowding outside the court in london, demanding the immediate release of the 52 year old australian assigned was or fortunately feeding on well preventing him from appearing at the hearing on tuesday . as family family members joined, a make shift stage outside the building, highlighting that he's being persecuted for simply telling the truth. how the fedex in the us pace is online policy, they say don't questing these lines because that will defend our online. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing literacy and their persecuting the journalist who expose them.
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julia has printed over 14 years, in one form of incarceration, or end of the user to advance all of julian's human rights suspended. are you good with you this afternoon? the auntie, so steve sweeney was outside the high court in the british capital for the appeal hearing was taking place not just behind closed doors, but as we understand and quite possibly the smallest room in the entire court house, as we've not reached the end of the 2 day co henry entertaining us on his potential expedition to the united states where he probably saved 175 years in prison under the espionage ok. now his defense team, his lawyers,
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all heating court that say the judges in the original case have not taken properly into consideration a legit call cooktop in the white house. the with the say i to assassinate mysterious, owns on the streets of london. they said that this call serious bounce over the assurances given by the united states about his health and wellbeing. should he be expedited? these assurances have been dismissed by obviously international as not worth the paper that they all written on. now there's being uh there is free to taking place now behind us from a, a range of a sound. you suppose, as we've heard about, the judges have deferred that decision, that not taking the decision, say, so that verdict will be announced a late today. so we're hearing that that could possibly be more so forth. but of course, we'll keep you updated with the latest using developments as we get done with this . hodges extradition battled down into his final days for my us intelligence officer and the host of the whistle blowers and john kerry eco. he's worried fears
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the fate of the when he leaves co founder will stop all the journalists from, well, simply doing that job. what is that? that's exposing shrugs. and i think that the, that the role that assigns you and wiki leaks played in the, in the reporting, the war logs reporting in afghanistan and iraq was positively heroic. we wouldn't have any idea what the american government was doing, ostensibly, in our name, in the name of the american people, had wiki leaks not told us. we wouldn't know the details of war crimes and crimes against humanity that were committed by american soldiers and uh, and service men. so we'll, we can leeks a debt of thanks a debt of gratitude for telling us what our government was doing. that's why i believe that that julian assigned you and we can, each should be celebrated, not prosecuted, not targeted, not assassinated in broad daylight in the streets of london. this is something that
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all americans should get behind is perfectly something that all american media outlets should get behind and they have not yet done. so if juliet assigned is convicted, then every national security journalist in america is liable to be prosecuted under the espionage act. they're not committing espionage, they're committing journalism. so what's the goal there? is the goal to lock up your journalists in direct contravention of the constitution . the justice department has become into vociferous candidates in its attempts to go after people that they deem to be leakers. now i think where the justice department is in danger of losing the case is they've also accused julian, a subject computer hacking. and there's literally no evidence that he asked anybody to hack into anything. i think it's clear that julian is a publisher and a journalist,
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and that's what's going to come out at trial. i'm sorry to say that i don't believe anybody will be brought to justice. the decisions have already been made, for example, not to prosecute the, the army personnel involved in the killing of reuters journalist and iraqi civilians in baghdad in what became known as the iraq war video, the, the, the killing video. now the statute of limitations has expired. similarly, for higher ranking military officials, people at the general officer level, they've committed war crimes and they haven't been prosecuted for those war crimes . now we've gone through another what 3 presidents, if they haven't been prosecuted by now, they won't be prosecuted stringent sanctions has stopped on molly and, but cannot fast so by the echo boss, group of west african states of suddenly being lifted. the book had recently made
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a similar concession tools in asia while leaving some still in place. it comes off with a trio of nations, have threatened to quit the echo, watch group of people on the streets of nature as capitol of a scene, celebrating that assertion by echo was the routing dug into effect immediately. however, the book maintained that certain political sanctions are still imposed on need air after a rough end of the leadership in the country last year. get a few more details now with local reporter, timothy of us. the authority of heads of state and compliments of that court said the decision to the lift economy expansion was imposed, but these air was based on humanitarian consideration siding the harsh imparts of assumptions on citizens and regional economy. airport suspended the closure of land . an airport as between the member states and major the freezing of assets and all service transactions, including utilities and the travel ban on government officials and their family members. and reversed the suspension of missouri from regional financial assistance
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and transactions for the regional upsets targeted individual centers. and political centers like limited access to the airport summit and minister of sessions will hold firm. political sanctions has not been lifted for the proposals have been lifted. uncommercial sanctions have been lifted, but they are targets at sanctions as well as political sanctions that to remain in force. of course, also called for the immediate and open base with all release of all sudden misery and precedent. mohammed pursued the extraordinary summit from space off a general. yeah, people got one like curious farmer, head of space. and one of the founding fathers of the regional block made of lead to the block to reconsider its measures to restore constitutional order in the region for the sake of regional integration. but the decision to lift the band
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comes at a critical juncture for it posts on january the 20th, the newly formed allows us to hell, which includes molly and these are and for jennifer also announce withdrawal from the bluff on the ground. airports had viewed it from its founding ideals and was trying to arrange for install was airport as denies these allegations by june president, while at suitable who also doubles as eric was, suggest that the commission is put in its citizens 1st and fed me, sir. molly and 14 apostle also not perceived the commission as the enemy demo. chris is nothing more than the political from one of the paths. so addressing the basic needs and that's creation of the people. this is why we're malls the exam in our corporate approach to request for post solution uh for
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that info of our main by states. and you have full arch in total cost. is that the vision of these 3 dishes to exceed? i cannot to by steve, i've got a nice ation. as the n e l course was created in 1975 to promote economy prosperity among member states. but it has been struggling to deal with a wave. of course, in recent years, the block was criticized for being heavy handed on these are off of the july also president assume. last week, the alliance of the house, they said it was working to create a confederation and may soon welcome a new car and see known as the house. but for now, it is not clear what may happen next august. the lifting sanctions can restore the trust in the regional block,
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which may have been broken. timothy or peasy are to apologize material. we were talking with the last say you do about this coordinator of the m 62 civil society organization. he says that it's simply not enough for eco wants to just lift the sanctions about us. a soldier took 7 whole months after many victims after destroyed economy and stops projects for equal wants to finally come to their senses and make this decision. it seems to me that the sanctions were not to exert pressure, but in fact, these were strategies and breaking the will of new share, the movement of new share within the framework of the alliance of say, how states and the creation of confederation of south states. we also believe that despite the lifting of the sanctions each year should develop as a part of the alliance of sal states and contribute to the fulfilment of the economic, political and social goals of this union. including, for example, if the creation of a single currency that will keep france and what remains of it on the territory of equal was wary. after all,
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it is not enough to lift the sanctions. you need to admit your guilt to ask the people for forgiveness and to compensate for the damage to restore justice, to the people of new share, to those who suffered from these cowardly illegal. and the legitimate decisions are shifting gears to gaza. now where the idea of reports of military operation is the necessary for hospital located in hon. eunice, have finished. meanwhile, in the southern city of rough uh, near the gyptian border, this is the off the mouth of some of the latest idea of strikes. you can see the buildings destroyed, their locals trying to pick up the pieces we understand. 8 killed during these like a strikes that is though, according to the gas and health officials outside of it, you can finally get to start his ground operation in the rough uh, in the beginning of march. if hostages are not released by the militants, wing all come up and heard of the heat for
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the month, because the for this, what is your for the showing what's left off. throw another idea of striking an apartment building in the alpha and with a home of all to the wall correspond. that is, you can see on your screen basically in the ruins mohammed not sort of managed to leave the building with his children right before the attack. well, let's take this conversation further. now of course, live too, and he called them all in the senior research on the right combined university. and of course of israel's, it's due for counter terrorism is the cut along. thank you very much and a very well welcome to you to join us this evening. here on oxy international, i just want to, if i made a straight get into it, hit the objectives of israel's operation in the file which has been planned at the beginning of what i've done as i understand what all the objectives of what we're expecting a ground operation in the last 5, please, a good job to make some fidget good goals. what was the story? the last for what that is or from us, which are particularly for the door be active in the word from units was particularly uh, clean,
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almost green. but the idea of loss of ideas about these, the last, the people who don't last and see where there is a significant loss presence and it's really described or for me to be present. actually the goal is to restore the joke of us. we spoke a cheap, the 2nd was perhaps more important. the goal is to close the possibility or from us using the tools that are on the ground, those lips. for years they have a huge degree. the walls and the 3 girls are asleep. and egypt in order to smuggle maybe where there's also some or if you're into the goose, but maybe where bruce, how do we know that the government has made the export or do we're pretty close
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to such a grand total of $800.80 rebecca, eager. what a good general the test was. the uh the uh huh. are those we know after lovely into so in all those guys are the huge major or for those our than ration ideas. the reservation was that there is some to deal with this offer, don't think of or off the 1st of pages. and i be originally spoke about white glove at all because of those now renewed at 700 kilometers. are on the ground, those joy hughes. basically there's a little girl on the main but to go based on most of the spanish and number i have to same as the bottom one, i apologize for interrupting you. i mean, i've seen that for just call us over the, over the past number of months about these underground tunnels. 700 kilometers does seem to be a no mess number. but regardless, i wanted to say that i'm glad you brought up the issue of egypt. we've seen
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pictures of egypt erecting an enormous wall. a big border rolled, stopped palestinians from fleeing over the egyptian board and not from alpha. i mean, to cut them when you tell me that's the idea of the trying to take out the last full bath result of how much flight doesn't in the fall, but isn't enough. uh, where many thousands of refugees are kind of if you're trying to find shelter a, if indeed this idea of ground operation does roll into a raw file. what can we expect for the civilians who are living in 10 so but the smoke about the goals but that you spoke about the difficulties and strategic your article switch, one of which is the present, the huge amount of effort and use from to know because of the 1000000000, so why don't better with each offer easily? well 1st of you know, why would it be started to find a huge, huge windows yard and goes up to them either to the north or know the part of it or to the sea?
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sure. the 2nd very important issue is to coordinate with the judges. as you say that you chose some very, a free or reduced little guys up to the site rental digital sign it by the way, the cd on the other side of the border inside the egypt and so. so one of the see so has, is important a better which egypt and. ready so do i to stays because one of the reasons for the solution for boys is that you either states or the and you were comfortable with dollars or prior to the start dollars. they exist on the addiction side and not the division of for is all the forces. now that's a very, that's a very interesting point. i just want to jump in, i'll use are you saying that the, these, these have us tunnels also go under the egyptian border in the continuation over a fi? is that what you're saying? that's exactly what they say. although most of them have been destroyed by uh,
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egypt, the jobs and the uh, we don't have our experience. we destroyed a lot of, uh, if i bought it by the way, during the about is a patient in 2014, a deep breath to love. where do you do still this huge network anyways. so this is a very important, the must. first of all, the mediators, and also the verify just to go to sign a and perhaps a, somebody somewhere, i guess, i guess, i guess at this point mister called them and it's, it's, i mean, and the, forgive me, we're running so low on time here. but i guess at this point the idea is, is, is basically full costing is ground operation into the file. we know how many hundreds of thousands of people basically stop that egypt does not want them coming over the border. so i guess we're looking at another continuation or what's the name of the humanitarian crisis alley. i wish we had more time, but we will speak again and you called them on a senior research or the right one university. and of course of israel institute for counter terrorism. next time, we'll talk for longer. thank you very much for joining. thank you. very good for
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the next thing. taking a again, even if it didn't work before the us state department has teamed up with the treasury department to impose sanctions. i'm more than 500 so called pockets as unveiled. another round of restricted measures, and it's years long campaign against russia. the actions hoped to contain not only several russian industrial complexes, but have an international flat to them as well. the u. s. department of the treasury's office of foreign asset control targeted 26 3rd country entities and individuals and 11 countries, including the people's republic of china, serbia, the united arab emirates, and linkedin. stine level without causing a lot to ever search with the middle east, that, that foster teacher can political consulting, the father of july. and, you know, joining his head live in a very warm welcome to today. so what do you think about this? do you think this a, i feel it seems round events. he rushes sanctions analysis week. is this going to be the silver bullet that will bring russia to its knees?
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you know, i don't think so. this is a conflict. what we call a pending commission war. it isn't the commission to a to consume and make kaleisha exhausted. it is not happening. i see because there is, you know, unification in the e u towards the conflicts between ukraine and russia. the 2nd part, this is a guest private company. it's not a guest. dcc company or, or either a foreign companies. this is a targeting private company. sadly, we convinced in our minds and how that is a conflict between the 2 and the sheriff. it's not our interest to involve or in, but some private companies. you could get the benefit from this so the out of trying to find to find gaps between holes and,
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and i see like the benefits i've been doing this for so long now. i mean, the rush has been living on the 15000 more than 15000 sanctions today. but now with this new package of sanctions, it's not just targeting russia. it's also targeting, for example, companies in the united arab emirates companies in china, in india, in other parts of asia. it's increasing their own going to act like on washington's marching orders. or they just going to kind of flip them the bud and say, get lost. we don't care exactly it's, it's not, it's not to get lost. we don't care, but i think it is not to use for them. for the united states or the 3 generate department to fight the whole work. it is useful to have a peaceful solution between the complex parties between ukraine and russia. people or trade would continue. trade is looking for best prices. uh no
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surprises and trying people to smuggle or use different means. some countries or many countries does not agree with the policies that united the state and some e u. countries towards that i shop. but do you mostly the you do, but i mean they're not even un sanctions and nobody ever knew when the global governing body there's a basically uni lateral sign sions far. let me ask if i can let me get your thoughts on this because you know what's not being sanctioned. for example, i mean the boss or russian resources that are still being shipped still being sucked up by european and the better good partners. i mean, talk about a shadow fleet of india and call their vessels transporting russian oil and selling it to europe or the business of industrial metals, for example, parts of the energy sector. but it literally still fueling the west. do you think russia potentially has a boomerang and it's hand that it can throw back?


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