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tv   News  RT  February 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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so the, [000:00:00;00] the russian forces taken now the fund line town on the bottom of the field, following this week's capital of off the truck. now it's pushing your train, brought it back in. they've come from reason taking aim again even if they didn't work before. washington and brock, those impose a new wave of functions, not only you and moscow, but on individuals and entities around the world. i saw the full freedom supporters of julianna sons' outside the u. k. fi court as a legal team make
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a final effort to stop the wisdom to. busy from being expedited to the us, where he's phases of 175 years in prison for exposing america that the split the or what considering a coverage of the latest trends should shaping the world right now. welcome to our, the international i a michael question. now russian forces are advancing a on the bottom of the field and have now taking the key location and the costs and region. and that's according to the nation's defense minister. and his report to president vladimir putin. according to this issue, the village of cranky has been cleared and our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed, they're operating at maximum efficiency, and some individual enemies soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered
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a chance to surrender for more thoughts here from the bible. seals in the next republic, city of gil gift this from all the image and from a drug and shows russian that to very strikes in the area against the terrain intrudes of the 2nd for that shows you a v finding its way into a garage where it keeps, forces had been hold up now this comes just days off the russia and now is the, had kept to the of the guy in the next republic. a city if we'd had been under the control of kias forces far almost a decade of the bible for the strategic area to many months before a chaotic retreat by you create in forces. and as keeps troops left the city, they abandoned the almost the files and all the west and supplied weapons of war. among them was this us made homage pass no carrier, a trophy now seen being towed away. 2 such vehicles have been to cover the novelty of castle farm. and moscow says a key of loss, nearly 3000. so just during its retreat,
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a russian 4th is also 2 parts of back. the main ones i feel traced in times of which supplies the number of cities and the republic, including the regional capital, didn't ask our to is it goes down of being says this explicit report in the next quarter filtering plots and until early 2022, it used to provide fresh wood safe, used to provide access to fresh water for the entire city in early 2020, to kind of switch sides. it used to be in the grey zone, kind of the no man's land according to the mask agreements and the ukrainians. they were the 1st to gain a foothold here. the 1st thing they did, the 1st order of business for them here was to deny was to strip citizens of the nets of something as basic as the right as the access to tap water. the station hasn't been a safe place for years. it's operating company would have to repeatedly implement
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shutdowns to ensure workers safety back then all hopes were pinned on the o is see, and it's you and back to monitoring mission and it's peace making skills. now the stations that provided water for over a 1000000 people looks like this. the you to call was that we took your up, dave got read the scripture on the wall left by the unit to enter the territory of the batch at station fast, little because we're no significant battles here. but it's an interesting story. we're preparing for the assaults and how to make our way through the tunnels. here . in the end,
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everything happens so spontaneously our drill and drop the leaflets calling for surrender in the red. we won't kill you and had the phone number of our division commander. they called and said that they wanted to surrender. we gave them half an hour, so they jumped out of their positions. and then a chain reaction began them. then emmys fled from of they ask of that is there were no harsh clashes. they simply fled and were shot as they ran away, throwing their weapons to assist. it won't be sued until this facility will be able to pump the water to people's kitchens and bathrooms. ukraine still holds hostage the river of saber ski the next. the main water supply of the don't pass rusher has to claim control over its up stream too. so the issue, clues of black smoke rising on the horizon show that it is doing just that. how much is done of approaching from the dog boss oxy and over to india, now,
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where i shipped from the russian navy specifically to arrive to take part in the multilateral unable drills on your screen slide. now you can see one of the war ships ducking off in one of the india sports. it's set to take part in exercises. 5 hold milan, 2024 of the visit of the russian sailors will report to the last for over a week. moscow has sent a mess all crews and forget to join in the drills the why taking am again, even if it didn't work before the us state department has teamed up with the treasury department to impose sanctions on more than $500.00 so full of targets as we do on bills and now the route of restrictive measures, in its years long campaign against russia. the action is hoped to contain not only several of the russian industrial complexes, but had an international happen international. so that to the u. s. department of
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the treasury's office of foreign asset control targeted 26 3rd country entities and individuals and 11 countries, including the people's republic of china, serbia, the united arab emirates and lichtenstein area. we had some, a research around the middle east center for strategic and political consulting, who suggested that washington, his new sanctions would have literally set. this is a conflict, what we call it an addition war. it is an addition to the to consume and make kaleisha exhausted. it is not happening. i see because there is no unification in the, in you towards the conflicts between ukraine and russia. the sanctions is useless. honestly, especially in the oil market or energy market. i am in that the energy that you could have many ways to to avoid these kinds of sanctions. you could, you could use the oil and then add them name with another car. busy or with another
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source and you sell it again to the a you and they, you know about that. it, it just a matter of global guns. it's such a just a matter of minutes to be able to tell you that i get it all department of can i get a sheet of raising the flag? this is a use i'm so i think the american administration has failed to have an edition more . i guess, to marcia, not the faith of with the blow i jude and assigned remains in limbo, just the u. k. the high court have yet to make a ruling on his final appeal against expedition to the us of the week at least found that is wanted stateside for publishing secrets, military diplomatic files. and i didn't so much video find the pastry attack attack helicopter gunning down civilians in cold blog if convicted, he faces 175 years in prison to
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protest as garage, proud in outside the port in london, demanding the immediate release of a 52 year old australian assigned was reported the feeling unwell of preventing him from hearing of a hearing on tuesday, his family members joined the makeshift stage outside the building, highlighting his being persecuted for revealing richard how to set it to the u. s. case is online, prostitute a say, don't questing these slides because that will defend our online. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing the truth and their persecuting the journalist who exposed the julia has printed over 14 years in one form of incarceration,
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or end of youth with all of julian's human rights suspended. are you good with you this afternoon of the week? he liked the phone that has been embroiled illegal controversies for years. songs took refuge and find a quid euro, or an embassy in london back in 2012 to avoid expedition to sweden over sexual assault allegations that were later dropped off to his asylum status was revealed by f for adult in 2019. he was arrested by british authorities and faced with expedition requests from the united states assigned has been locked up in the most prison. while his legal team baffled the case to hand old pond him over to the us. artists might not consider of i dell said to the story of the whistle blower and free speech advocate,
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who's been vilified by american officials for repeating the dirty secrets. a julian, a songs answered the spotlights with a bang, releasing a series of explosive and incriminating leaks about various state actors, including the u. s. military. well, many call him a truth seeker, for those he exposed, he is of course, an enemy of the states. so what did he reveal? well, it all started in 2006 went to then all known australia and computer programmer and activist. set up a small website that he called, which leaks, it was a platform for anonymous whistle blowers wanted to share top secret information and data. well, fast forward for years and the sides exploded onto the global stage. also known as collateral murder, it's 2010. which lakes release is classified us military floods. it's showing call
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not helicopters, conducting a series of attacks on baghdad. and this was in 2007, and they killed over a dozen people, including suv reuters staff to a nice shoot them off buddy. my gosh, pick up the slots. it's called outrage on one side and of course panic on the other . it was not the 1st such incidents and definitely not the last but this time. not only did it involved the journalist, but more importantly, that was video evidence which was made worse. while the fact that the perpetrators was so adamant in the claims of innocence. we regret the loss of innocent life,
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but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement. the words that kept forming on my lips were cold blooded murder. the us military. they just, they lied to us, it was all lies. suddenly everyone knew about what felix n julianna songs the thoughts as was social care and it was picked up by most international media outlets. it may be, wes looked bad so the hans was on and eventually the source was exposed and american soldier at the time called bradley manning and later chelsea after his transition. well, he leaves around $0.75 to military and diplomatic documents. manning was court martialed and convicted of espionage among other charges and jailed by us authorities. finally turn was a tough a year for the us as with leaks delivered at another bombshell. and that was very
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blue. the lead on the true scale of devastation caused by the american military's actions abroad. the iraq and i've done more diaries, became a sensation, the rock files revealing a huge stuff. sol, as well as cases of abuse and torture by us led coalition forces to the reports detail 109000 32 deaths in a rock comprised of 66081 civilians. 23984 enemy. those labeled as insurgents. 15196 host nation rocky government forces and 3771 friendly coalition forces. the majority of the us 66000 over 60 percent of these, our civilian deaths. that is 31 civilians dying every day. during the 6 year period, there were nearly $400000.00 military logs. it was
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a mess. washington claim that which leaks was put an american soldiers in danger by releasing this information to learn. the songs, however argued that it was necessary to expose just how many lives were senselessly lost around the world due to us policies. what is the most single, damming revelation? the real story of this material is that it's for it's one damn thing, often another most of it, this is for our as a result of the every day scroll or for, you know, i think that the, the so called war on terror is, is what has created more terror in in the region. i can tell you from my own experience in the c, i a, that many, many outside of fighters that i interview, that i interrogated, said the same thing. they said that they had no problem with the united states until we bonds their villages until we killed their parents until we killed their
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brothers. and their uncles and their cousins until we bombed the hospitals or the schools in their villages. otherwise, they had no problem with the united states, but the more we bomb, the more we use drones, the more terrorist we create, that is a, that is a very difficult truth that the united states doesn't want to face. and we have, julian assigned you and we get weeks to think for exposing that information. these leaks covers the us military's actions during the war in afghanistan from 2004 to 2000 and said, well, they revealed call us from forces attacks on civilians friendly fire incidents as well as, as gun forces attacking each other. and once again, a much higher death, so including hundreds of civilians previously on reports as by the coalition. and here's just one example. maureen then fired $56.00 me and made around at the bus.
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there are 4, ex coalition forces wounded in action to ex civilian killed, 13 ex civilian injured. the main shock from the legs was washington's cover up of the true scale of civilian casualties from the media and the public with a staggering amount of attacks by coalition troops on ask and civilians. it does appear to be evidence of all crimes in this material. these files bring to light what's been a consistent trend by us and nato forces, the concealment of civilian casualties, despite numerous tactical directives, ordering transparent investigations. when civilians are killed, there has been incidents i've investigated in recent months where this is still not happening. the 2011 brought new leaks and this time it was about those that changed at guantanamo bay, courtesy of the us department of defense. so 779 people were imprisoned there
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from 2002. the eldest, been an 89 year old, african village are suffering from dementia, and the youngest. a 14 year old, innocent kidnapping victim. some people were tape stopped for reasons like we're a cost fuel watch. themes suspicious apparently because there was use this timers by all call you to i was sleep deprived. i was beaten till they broke my and i was not given food for a very long periods of time. i was situated, assaulted on multiple occasions, seem to provision the 1st 70 days, mostly an all to 0 reporter was obtained for 6 years to prove unknown, accessed the links between the news outlets. and i'll call you to, even if you put someone in how they are going to say it's great because they just left guantanamo. the media is not asking the real questions. how are they going to be reunited with their families? what are they going to live on once they are released, hundreds of lives destroyed in secrecy,
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with no fair trial and 0 regard for the law. now made headlines around the world and the world seemed grateful about a saw and had exposed how the us illegally the tape and even tortured innocence, people for years. the crucially, the files also contain detailed explanations of the supposed intelligence used to justify the prisoner's detention. the documents drawn the testimony of witnesses in most cases, the prisoner's fellow prisoners whose words are unreliable, either because they were subjected to torture or other forms of coersion, sometimes not in guantanamo, but in secret prisons run by the ca, or because they provided full statements to secure a better treatment in guantanamo the cord cables dated all the way back to 1977 showing how us foreign policies and c i a activities, larry the foundations, with the emergence of ices,
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decades later. and when the terrorist eventually turned on america. so should it says it tends to rain domains, in particular, the role of hillary clinton, while this military or power mode treat operation is moving forward. we need to use all diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of costs are in saudi arabia, which i provide and clung destin, financial and logistics simple to iso and other right. it goes to in the groups in the region. another email worth mentioning is the best one right here. we're job items, national security advisor, jake sullivan, then working for hillary clinton, sauls, or that's all kind of was on their side in syria to okay, the leader also wish you recall the most slims into to you and the me least 28 rebel forces in their fight against the supporters of suzanne president, a sub in an internet video recording was over here. we also urged the syrian people
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not to rely on the arab league to kia or the united states for assistance. hillary clinton said it would go on to feel the wrath of wake legs once again and sweats to succeed in doing her presidential election campaign. clinton took $100000.00 in cash from and was director of a company that gave money to isis the disastrous. absolutely disastrous intervention in libya knew the destruction of the get off the government which led to the occupation of isis, of large segments of the country with as far as going a bit to, to syria, a being pushed by hillary clinton into jobs within syria, including isis and that's where in those emails the largest cyber publication of confidential documents on the c, i a turns out they can spy on all of us. year 0 introduces the scope and direction
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of the c. i a is global cobra hacking program. it's malware arsenal, and dozens of 0 de weaponized exploits against a wide range of us and european company products, including apple's iphone, google's android, and microsoft windows, and even samsung tvs, which are turned into a covert microphones, the c i a was furious and announced that it would work with the f, b i to conduct a criminal investigation. and so with the leaks because it was apparently damaged and the agencies claim, the ability to protect america against the bad guys will damage and or no. so these revelations show, there's one source said a serious need to address the c i is hacking capabilities and whether they exceed that it's mandate its powers. instead, the us authority is that all that they could to destroy with leaks and so islands. julian, his sons, who ultimately paid the heaviest prize for exposing their on accountable corruption
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and war crimes and with his hodges expedition battle. now in his final days, a former us intelligence officer and a host of the whistle below was john to react. who fears that the fate of the wicked leaks co founder will stop all the journalists from exposing uncomfortable truths? i think that the, that the role that assigns you and what can be explained in the, in the reporting, the war logs reporting in afghanistan and iraq was positively heroic. we wouldn't have any idea what the american government was doing, ostensibly, in our name, in the name of the american people, had wiki leaks not told us. we wouldn't know the details of war crimes and crimes against humanity that were committed by american soldiers and uh, and service men. so we'll, we can leaks it a debt of thanks a debt of gratitude for telling us what our government was doing. that's why i believe that said juliet assigned you and we can each should be celebrated,
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not prosecuted, not targeted, not assassinated in broad daylight in the streets of london. this is something that all americans should get behind is perfectly something that all american media outlets should get behind and they have not yet done. so if juliet assigned is convicted, then every national security journalist in america is liable to be prosecuted under the espionage. they're not committing espn, i, they're committing journalism. so what's the goal there? is the goal to lock up your journalists in direct contravention of the constitution . the justice department has become to vociferous candidates in his attempts to go after people that they deem to be leakers. now i think where the justice department is in danger of losing the case is they've also accused julian,
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a subject computer hacking. and there's literally no evidence that he asked anybody to hack into anything. i think it's clear that julian is a publisher and a journalist, and that's what's going to come out at trial. i'm sorry to say that i don't believe anybody will be brought to justice. the decisions have already been made, for example, not to prosecute the, the army personnel involved in the killing of reuters journalist and iraqi civilians in baghdad in what became known as the iraq war video, the, the, the killing video. now the statute of limitations has expired. similarly, for higher ranking military officials, people at the general officer level, they've committed war crimes and they haven't been prosecuted for those war crimes . now we've gone through another what 3 presidents, if they haven't been prosecuted by now, they won't be prosecuted. and 2 guys,
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and now why the idea of reports that military operations are manasseh hospital located in come you this finished move while in the southern city, a rock located near the egypt and florida. this is the, after all the idea of strikes, homes destroyed while levels including women and children, pick up the pieces. 8 people are reported to have been killed during the attacks. and guys i have officials report a tel aviv has confirmed they will spotted some ground, a person in ra, find the beginning of march. if hostages are not returned by the militant wing of have mass, our attorneys walker responding to in the area was on. i witness all the ideas twice in film, the consequences of the month, because that's for the tech report that the shows what's left off. another
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idea slide gone on the apartment building in vasa for the whole of our to use war correspondent, as you can see on your screen. last mohammed nasa has managed to leave the building with his children biased to be attack of all the terrifying and final moments of a 6 year old girl. and guys that had been vividly revealed the policy never read. preston has reviewed or released an audio recording of hot, frantic phone calls, pleading for help out. the idea of forces opened fire on the caution was dropping in last month. the sooner than have them in. huh. i really big cough heather. yeah. guess it
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had the 12 days later, henry, a job was found dead along with family members inside the car. what's more, a team of reg precedent medic sent to rescue han was also discovered kills nearby. next, let's take a look closer. look at the human tragedy, just one of many to occur in the in buckled polish team. your name please. of the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go selves. some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. the. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of
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the time i will not. so give those who let hain down when they could have helped him because she was alive up until the last moment the may i have the model. i'm the the how are they can see that the the 1st one,
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the the, what do you see? another has a still a good inside my a can hearts because of what happened to my daughter when she wasn't because change was going to the most extreme scene. you could probably imagine leon was in the car with her, despite leaving, being more severely injured. my daughter, she tried to save hands and started asking us how to provide 1st aid. at that moment when they showed me and my daughter told me mom lee and has a booth and her face to face look scary. and i told her to call the her face as to a hidden under the seat. the occupation forces claimed the only time you come off only the terrorist. so what about my daughter and the other children in the car? the enough to mouse or any kind of tourist. 3


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