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tv   Documentary  RT  February 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] news, what are you sure. another has a seal done inside like a halt because of what happened to my daughter when she wasn't the call came to us going through the most extreme. see, and you could probably imagine leon was in the car with her despite leaving being most severely injured than my daughter. she tried to save him and started asking us how to provide 1st aid. at that moment when they showed me and my daughter told me, mom lien has a booth and her face to face looks carry. and i told her to call the her face as the hidden under the seat. the occupation forces claim the only talking time off. only the terrorist so what about my daughter and the all the children in the call
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the and the mouse or any kind of tourist. 3 we are having constant and kind of regarding the safety of our sons and i went up to this moment, 45 hours have passed and we don't know what the age of our yusef and must have had it to serve the girls the time they might see us in the north because we hope not. the only thing we want to know is what's happened for the 6 years old girl. she was a true inside the 1st living in the potter. and the shop in the car with her and 6 others did bodies from family members who were killed in front of it on i can't even find the words to describe the
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header. i went to you witness one when the to use the one. she was killed over the phone when she was the one who was missing. she was saying, i'm surrounded by the fire and i'm done. our team have here in this continuous function, the others are full of the house. they just headed over to her when she 1st came on to fire. everyone could
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have helped us, but they didn't go and they didn't help her. she had a dream to return to a home. we were displaced right from the 1st day, the, the palestine red crescent society is heart broken by the tragic ending of the story of 6 year old hands. and the p. r. c is ambulance crew members use of zeno and ahmed all my doing. when these humanitarian heroes were given, the green light to rescue the little girl, we never expected this and this bombing of humanitarian workers must be condemned. our thoughts are with hands, family, as well as the families of yusef announcement, the
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of the, the my julian defense chivas called out the western countries fighting there in direct involvement in providing weapons to terrorists groups and the west african country general. first of all, most assets of the arms are increasingly falling into the wrong hands there, as he compared the situation to what's being happening in ukraine and gaza in the fights we have would so. but while i'm the swap on the bi limits, we also have to be able to take away a little. we points on that content we fall into the country. absolutely shows that we require in a, an international cooperation collaboration for us to be able to address this issues . most african countries don't produce these refunds. this will phones get into the wrong hands and they become make tricks. because uh, like you mentioned in the ukraine level, we pause, i mean, i know this, we both i meet for most with technicians and that's why we use this opportunity to call on them to take it as
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a responsibility to ensure that they put tomatoes in place but this imposing a to wrong huntsville once they do when have a little killing us and job is directly to use them. i guess it was sensitive and for nearly 2 hours the nigerian civil defense stuff. major general christopher most of spoke to charlie in nevada, about the prevailing security problems in the country and the west african regions . the defensive set of bodies are making efforts to address in securities. but noted thoughts. these efforts are hampered by the lack of weapons to carry out military operations about african militaries compared to very counterparts abroad struggle to get the weapons. they need to fight in security territories everywhere and the most out in africa. or fortunately where one getting the brunt. unfortunately, we don't produce the we follow that we're using fighting them. i think what happened is we were mixing extremely difficult for us to even get the reform to be
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able to address this issues as well. so i put into them to cost you that if only we can get one percent of the weed funds that we're giving to you free. i kind of show you men, joe, the piece of my julia is facing numerous security problems, including honestly, i mean, insurgency in the northeast kidnappings, around some deadly farm. i heard atrocities in the central valley and separate east and gang filings in the south east. the defense you also raised concerns about proliferation in africa. he said the trend is watch them for security challenge. for fridays, he also said climate change had excessive pay that hunger and premium ology in the region made a general most i said my julia is taking measures to tighten border patrols to control arms smuggling, but noted thoughts, the international communities and countries that produce weapons. also must be more accountable tennessee of easy
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r t boned material that we spoke with global f, as on elizabeth hawkeye, who said that the west has always acted in its own self interest. it is not a hidden fox. necessarily. terriers have visited tools in the hands of the west, full price of wine, or not just enough for cardboard, sat across the words of your friends in time for some of the words and the beautiful bride of the west. and when we were fighting, okay. uh, we also knew that uh we're gonna try to print and that was a beautiful bright. so, i mean, these things are always been bad. you know, really depends on what it says they have in mind that any point to that point in time. so they can village, by all means, i mean, they can, they can make you, uh, you know, a really,
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depending on the personnel and sufficient interest. and that's the case. so you're a terrorist, if you are not, um is not a negligible spreadsheet or you know, going be here or you see or doing exactly what the wants, regardless of whether it is the best interests on their own. people you originally community, as well as i seal davis our how big and most doors again, just in less than 30 minutes season the the hey, everybody,
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welcome to the moscow mules me shape bows. i'm going to be joined tonight by my older mew, meat. yeah. how's it going to meet you is going to help us out with some of the stats on the give me a bit of guidance sometimes that i got a bit lost, which might be quite often, you know, we've got a lot to talk about today and really interesting, the, we're going to start with an old friend of mine, not a guy called poll houston. he's saying who the heck is poll houston? well, i can tell you who he is. he's better known by the name ball. no, that's checking mode. it's kind of forcing creams, usually the crowd to try and alexa, nevada, and his name at a concert check this so important that alexi, nevada and the show was to give his up, apparently coaching. i would never ever say his name. so i thought tonight, how does he know that who believe in freedom, how does he know fruit would never say his name was told?
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he was told not just to remember it. let's say it. oh yeah, they give them deals. this is where it gets cringe. like say no father who signed up to 6 shelter students name. they've never, they've never had this good time before people actually know who election of the booster or something that fits on the way of the bar. nobody knows over the states, ask a bit, you the same amount more people in the audience there know who, you know, the values don't know who to present this, but it really got good. where, where it really got interesting. in my view, with funnel a bundle on his side, a tripping into the whole ukraine. thing was his, his poem, you know, this poem he wrote for nancy pelosi this. you know, i think she about a 167 years old. i don't know who she is. she only does this every year. every year, this man decides like what can i do? i'm gonna write to nancy pelosi and this time it was about zaleski every year. he was definitely here every year. i mean, you don't do this because he did, he did a,
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did a, a sort of a freak show, a portray, doesn't ask you to put, i think, i don't know. what do you think will i read this pump on? or you have to have got really sick bags and that helps everyone to do this for you to all enjoy. okay, so this is, this is quite terrifying. here we go. and i guarantee you might like my 7 year old did not write this. okay. i promise, here we go. oh, saint patrick. he drove out the snakes. he didn't write them all out and i live. we took a lot of dudgeon politicians with his prayers. but that's not all it takes. see what he did there snakes and takes poignant poetry. for the snake symbolizes an evil that rises. snake symbolizes an evil that rises. boom. it's beautiful and evil that rises and hides in your heart as it likes. that's where it gets bad. i don't see the brakes and snakes or make snakes and breaks the evil has risen. my friends, the self appointed doctor of international relations has spoken. the evil has
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arisen foot from the darkness that lives in some man, but in sorrow and fear. that's when saints can appear. oh, that's cute island yacht. do you see? do you see the issues flowing? they're just saying because of the thing around the head. and that's not a glow of, you know, eat donuts don't. but that's what the sides could appear to drive out those old snakes once again. and they struggle for us to be free from the cycle in this human family. you'll see that it's beautiful song writing. this could be a great rep for some sort of prisoners somewhere. i don't know. arlen, so on pain is now ukraine. the only sorrow and pain people in on and feel about ukraine is the $120000.00 grains of comb that they're paying for. who are taking them all know to else screwing the you know, the tourism industry and you know who cause a lot of worries meet you. so just one more line. yeah. the line here we go. this
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is the line and st. patrick's name is now zalinski. okay. now you as an iris person, i've asked how offensive is it preparing anybody? not the saint. patrick? is that normal that people do this? well, no, i mean he's an ancient st. you know, he was actually a welshman, he was like the english, she was us and we stolen from the warehouse she, we actually came out to meet with this lady. so he was like, is she permit or something across the sea in england and wales? and we went stalled him as a slave and meet you. what's interesting about this dude is he, you know, you can tell a man from his friends, right? that's what they say. you want to know, man, look at his friends, this too high. is that with some pretty interesting people, right? yeah. what's, what's your video? here's the thing about bonham because here's the thing about bonnell. you know, look at the state of this dude. the people that understand like say he's a real deal is a guy who has got a huge heart and obviously
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a talent but cares so deeply about the human condition that he spent an enormous amount of time and capital on saving lives and. and so thank you for appraising me . i don't deserve it. the american people do, but you deserve a lot of credit. a lot on know seems to be the mind that's just obsessed with his own self image. and even as he gets older and older, i'm clean here and cringe here to just kind of sees that jesus, the nails are dug in as he gets dragged off the stage. pretty freaky meat. so we're going from you to, to who is who it's hard to know who a clinton you check to the the role rachel levine. it's not really admiral rachel levine. it's a dude in a skirt. okay, but look, let's check this. so it's hard to crime. the whole woke agend into one video based . so you've got to do is go involved in a skirt that speaks kind of funny telling black people that climate change is going to destroy the life check to. so, hello, i mabel rachel, living this black history month. i'm pleased to partner with o. m
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h in advancing better health through better understanding for black communities. what boss me come off the stage, this is a dude and a dress. climate change is having a disproportionate effect. on the physical and mental health of black communities, the black americans are more likely than white americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate related health issues. meet what, what's going on here. you know, quite a few, you know, kind of, you know, worried for, i mean, this guy, girl, whatever, and is an admiral right? rear admiral c. a rear admiral bro. we don't know if he's a bottom valley the ma. but there actually may be soldiers were supposed to be following his lead like how is that possible early if work her lead her lead? i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i don't wanna miss general. ok. i'm, you know, this all comes in the middle of a huge recruitment crisis. for the us military, you know,
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over 70 percent 77 percent of people eligible to serve in the us military at are ineligible because they're over weight, the diabetic. they're too fat and they've got mental health problems. so, you know, the states has nobody to fight its wars. and meanwhile, the us army or the fighting force that's going to defend the borders of the states . nothing is going to fade united states and is populated by these uh, woke agenda is to are completely obsessed with pushing these ludicrous risk situation. i mean, you can follow the person out and on a battleship. i mean, i'm not going to, i'm not getting on a ship with that. that dude. okay, maybe we don't understand something. maybe maybe it's actually extra scary for the enemy to have these people fighting against you. you don't know what to expect. i mean, there's people who believe their dogs, there's people believe that they're different sex. it's quite scary. do you just talking about people? i think their dogs, this is a, you know,
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us naval personnel dressed up with these dog fat issues with their, with their dog masks. on, you know, this sort of marginal sexual stuff is getting sort of centralized, a railroad, and into the main stream in the states. we've seen it everywhere in spain, in orland, you know, so i don't see how putting a dude and address this is going to encourage the right kind of young fighting men into the u. s. navy, this minds navy, it's not this matters maybe anymore. it's this black guy, girl was navy. what is it it? who's navy? is it? it's just, it's kind of trying to do a circus kind of course. and meanwhile, you've got joe biden suing the state of tennessee because the state of tennessee wants to make it a legal or crime for someone to willing a spread h i. v aids to another person by and wants to stop because he thinks it might victimize a, you know, the gay community, which is kind of crazy. meanwhile, a song is being spotted on screen with a few lines of coke. and he, obviously, he, you know, obviously did you not know this? the hunter button is
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a keen amateur at carpenter. this is merely saw. those meet you. this is my, the old colombian marching powder. it's not magic tell, this is all of those pro. you remember the story in the white house where they found a bag of coke and they are like, we have no idea who it, how does it go there? be maybe to do it on the video and the laptop, of course the laptop, the laptop was fake, right? but all this stuff is, is a huge distraction. that's a distraction from, you know, the failings to what's going on back home in the states. what's going home in the west, the farmers going crazy, you know, all this sort of tail wagging the dog stuff it's, it's all, it's all about deflection. it's on the look over there. you know, the biggest look over their plots right now is russia has a star wars weapon, bob, bob, bob, you know, use that because you know, you can see that the volcano opening up, dumped into there. and this star weapon coming out. and the russians are going to, you know, they're gonna blast this weapon weapon into america,
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and turn all the gay people straight. and, you know, all this, pull the homeless people in houses and clean up all the. so boys do all the terrible things that, you know, the americans don't do. not the 1st time it did this, ronald reagan, you know, the star weapon is big is a big deal. take a look at this space web on a russian weapon system launched into space with the ability to target and destroy enemy satellites. russia is trying to make it a reality. yeah, it's just a joke, isn't it? it is, isn't according to us officials, but who say they've been tracking development for months and here is our top scientific advices, or is there brain damage kirby? oh, another admiral, let me add 1st. this is not an active capability that's been deployed and rushes, pursuit of this particular capabilities troubling. there was no immediate threat to anyone's safety. of course, we all remember ursula vander, liars, great statement that you know,
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really should taking chips from washing machines and putting them in some uses of course, which was out of missiles. but now they've been down tens of thousands of moves, though. of course, the microwaves were being used and of course the launch rockets into space. but how did they manage to fashion this massive space lap on the on microwaves and all washing machines? of course, remember, the, the russian economy was also meant to be in touch as, and you remember earthly saying this with some great li, like is like, she was feasting on this, you know, pile of bones. russian military is taking ships from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix the military hardware because there are no send me come back to us anymore. rushes in the street is in tetra. the russian economy is entire. it's actually did you repeat the economy that's now in tatters? ursula, isn't it a growth just over 3 percent? this is a real kick in the notes. and it also tells us why. when we look
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a place like poland, spain, italy, france, our why the farmers are open arms, the dues, the grow, the food, a happy that's check out poland. and what's been happening there the, the course, if your client is ever going to join the, you have to look really like, let's be honest, just like natal this, a carrot that's been tangled. it's like no turkey on this turkey meat you've been waiting to get into the you and they're telling pearls, lansky that he's going to join. meanwhile, someone's making a pile of cash on all this cheap ukrainian green. that's getting funneled across the police board and still managing to be sold, meet you at
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a fraction of the cost of a great. it's a rush joe, right? if you can convince poland who was yeah, there was a history of russia of the they, they big, they have a beef to pick with russians, other russian. i know if you can convince them you can't convince anybody. i mean, you have a guy in poland who says, who i think you get arrested says do of ukraine, brussels in our leadership. yeah, i mean he, this is a key is actually like a you guys can see, this is this actually thing. this is a big problem. this is paula. we also had due to the prime minister of poland. the think only like 10 days ago saying you never getting claimed the impact guys never going to happen. it's been much more a lot longer russian than it's ever been ukrainian. he also called as a landscape drowning and keep away from the drowning that you're gonna pull you under the seems like the polls maybe to surprise package when it comes to ukraine. let's. let's keep an eye on it. but of course, if you want to distract from the reality of the, you know, the show and with the farmers in europe. and the farmers in europe seem to be only
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people left with knots in their trousers when it comes to protesting against this whole green woke agenda, which is trying to crush and suppress the manufacturer of our food. know farmers know food. when you want to distract from that, you got to push out the world, could you and you've got to control the media. and of course are golden and golden boy and canada just include all this putrid sacker and they're not gonna be saying a too sweet to be hold. so i kind of watch this guy speak, but what he's doing now is actually trying to make descent or disagreeing against the law. check. this very is out there, a deliberate undermining of mainstream media in the area. what do you mean to liberal undermining of main street media? you're meant you're meant to challenge the media right? me to you met the you're meant to challenge it. what do you mean? there is one truth will story. if you disagree with it, what does that make you? what does the journalist, what does this? there are the conspiracy theorist. there are the social media drivers who are
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trying to do everything they can to keep people in their little filter bottles to prevent people from actually agreeing on a common set of facts the way. yeah, the cdc and ctv when they were our only sources of news you used to use to pen global used to project across the country at least a common understanding of things. so maybe we should be asking ourselves why golden boy, pseudo is so concerned about conspiracy theories like, you know, these conspiracy theories like that the vaccines didn't really work. conspiracy theory, you know, the api. i conspiracy theory that the hunters laptop was a russian plant. you know, the conspiracy theory that half the money going to ukraine is going into by swedish, and french villas for the likes, a resident cough who go far it over. all conspiracy theory of course. but in reality, what we need to be looking at, i'm thinking about is, where is the real hartline of truth and freedom. and when you look in the west assigned you as an in jail in russia or china or in around he's in jail in the
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british prison at the high security bell myers prison. he's there today right now tonight, running away 13 years of harassment. he's the mind is paying the price for exposing the lives of the us war machine. and australian citizen, in a british jail, is heading to america for a 175 years in prison. you're going to really ask yourself, who's both, who haven't got this or don't applauded and not the dollar for the low points. i feel i don't blame the only claim your own to kind of got the guest list as let us laugh. hong k who fought the russians in world war 2, you for the, for russians to the follow. it is what of this is the brain, the smooth brain level of people in the west. you know, this is what we're up against. so guys, i think we should finish the show with as cream g, a possible, a ending as we can do road at home. yeah, i mean, i'm competing with another argument. so i want you all know at home. to repeat after me,
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julianne signed julia. now that's terrible. i'll see you next week. the take a fresh look around. there's a life collide just cool. thank isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures. design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast. can you see through their illusions, going underground can like anybody else? i watch all the manage the news media and that was,
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it is one side of the 251 sided tab as the other side does not have venue when they kill, they mention them by name. even the claim that is very presented as it is the only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking, that is of nations, but thoughts are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mind. and nathan saw the slave americans rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians. and so it is dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was
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a conscious strategy. since i'm the new one, i exist v i v. i not felicia, it's often zuba and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous, is it the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations of nature. what is founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions and millions or is business businesses good? and that is the reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion, the, the,
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the, the washington forces thinking now the fall line town on the buckle field following this week, chapter of off, do you have caught now what's pushing ukraine? farther back in the coffin region, taking a again, even if you didn't, what before, washington and brussels, impose a new wave of functions not only on moscow, but on the individuals that entities around the world. the charges for freedom support of, of gina san down saw the u. k. is high court as his legal team make a final effort to stop the whistle blow up from being answered by the, to the us where he's free to is 175 years in prison. police those in america?


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