tv News RT February 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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of the the, the, the, what was the mind on given us time that's done. and so the service under the impression of a new plane was in on rises border sooner like the keys encouraged me to even weapons and filing of screwed into a bubble shell report reduced by the time process. we'll just take another phone line tab on the private whitfield find this. we've captured all of the mileage pushing things further. and that has on ration but it's also freedoms of what does the sizing gather outside the case? hi, cool. this is legal team. and so file effort to stop the whistle for being expedited to the us, but he faces a 175 years in prison for exposing america. so if you see the
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slide from our international new center, and most of this is on see welcome to the global news out today of on news out west and media has expos, washington slide game shining a sort lights on. the c r u is presidents and ukraine ever since 2014. and the shocking report. the new time says that the american intelligence agency has had a dozen secret basis. neither russia moda. there was an impulse in the ukrainian forest as a part of a c. i a support network of spite bases constructed in the past 2 years. that includes 12 secret locations along the russian border in the ca, also help training new generation of ukrainian spice who operate inside russia, across europe, and in cuba, and other places where the russians have a large presence. the new york times states, many details of this intelligence partnership are being disclosed for the 1st time
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. the bombshell is that the c i, a and other us agencies, provided intelligence for targeted missile strikes, the tracking of russian drones and troop movements and support forced by networks. now in over 200 interviews from current and former officials and ukraine, united states and europe, they describe this partnership that was literally built initially from this trust. they weren't sure. and then uh, built up to a very uh t intelligence hub that surpassed more communications from russia. then they could actually handle. now, according to the article, the united states intelligence apparatus said they did have some red lines that ukraine ended up crossing. the new partnership started producing so much more intelligence, blood pressure that it had to be shipped to language for processing. but the see i did have red lines. it wouldn't help to create ian's conduct defense if lisa operations was a distinction the grid on the ukrainians. now,
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because the us and nato never admitted to that, they're fully fighting a war with russia. and the idea is that a proxy war has a hands off practice meeting that they can provide info, but they never are behind pulling the trigger. so they have to follow certain laws . now such an incident occurred in 2016 when lieutenant colonel boo down off at the time. let commanders across a narrow gulf and inflatable speed both but landed in crimea out in the middle of the night where a russian commander unit was waiting for them. the ukrainians and fought the russians, and a uh, a russian supp fighters actually died, including the son of a general, then they, uh, the ukrainians swam back to shore into your brain and control territory. now this was a p r nightmare for the united states because it was a disaster, and president put himself accuse ukrainians of committing a terrorist attack, and then promised to avenge the death of the russian fighters. meanwhile, obama who was in the president's and joe biden said this cause more problems and
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made things a lot more difficult. now there was another case. one of mysterious explosion happened in john yes. occurring in an elevator carrying explosives, exploding, and an elevator that carried a senior russian commander named arson. powell, who was known as motor roll. uh, let's hear a little bit more about that. a mysterious explosion through an elevator carrying the senior russian separate. this commander named arson, pablo of noble, he's known the garret, much roller, the ca, some learned that the assassins were members of the 5th directorate, the spikes they received ca training. some of the mr. obama's advisors were furious, but the ruling ducks the presidential election speeding donald j. trump against hillary, want him clinton was 3 weeks away and some nations continued. this goes back a decade under 3 very different presidents. you have president obama, then president trump and bite. and now donald trump, of course, did include anti russian hawks and key positions including a mike pompei o i. c i, a director, and john bolton, his national security advisor. now it's personal to point out that the new york
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times claims the size partnership and ukraine can be traced back to 2 phone calls at the night of february 24th of 2014. during, of course, the might on to the key of government news by 2 went to an office and called the c i a station shape and the local head of the and my 6 and ask for help in building the agency from the ground up. and therefore, this 3 partnership, 3 way partnership was established as the partnership different of 2016 to ukrainians, became impatient with what they considered washington's on due caution and against agent assisting nation. some other legal operations which while aided the terms the white house bought the ukrainians, had agreed to if you read officials in washington, threatened to kind of support, but they never did. now this of course was all part of the victoria newland, jeffrey piatt apparatus during that time. that of course removed victory an accomplishment power and then of course, initiated the might on cool. so this indicates a lot of the people that said that the i was involved at that time. now another
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point to mentioned really quick is in 2016 to see i a to begin training and elite ukrainian commando force known as unit 2245. they captured russian roads and communications gear, so that the c, i could actually reverse engineer this information and crack most because encryption system. they also then went onto trina news generation of ukrainians, fives, who operated inside russia, europe and cuba, or other places that russians had a large presence. they train ukrainian intelligence officers out of spies and assume pay for soon as in garner information. this was called operation goldfish. we've seen a shift in the sentiment and us americans on the economic status of the united states while giving more money to ukraine. we've also seen russia succeed, and it's military tactics of the car and also on the deal political stage. so what we're seeing is that, why is this happening now? perhaps they want to distraction, perhaps, or try to distance themselves from another failed proxy. weren't any of as high as
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a full reveals washington to aid to take. he was not only at the roots of the conflict, but that let's see. i also have a hand in cues, policies today. i'll see cause one. okay. didn't open means as well as well. the new report confirms what russian officials have been pointing out from day want that the us intelligent services are very entangled into the ukranian forces and into the conflict in ukraine. the new re. busy it says that when the special military operation was launched by russia at that time, the c, i, a officials that were in ukraine, were operating out of a hotel. and every day they met with contacts at this hotel and carried out their operations. uh, got reports about contacts and networks that were being built bite and what house authorized by agencies to provide intelligence support for legal operations against russian forces on ukrainian soil is senior us official set of the c. i a sizable presidents. are they pulling, triggers? know, are they helping with targeting?
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absolutely. now the new york times report goes on to explain how us the central intelligence agency as well as m, i 6, the british intelligence agency. they both operated in ukraine and the lead up to the special military operation. building networks, training them to recruit source is to gather information, as well as build clandestine and part of the networks and in southern tiers. and these forces moved into action, murder and people that were accused of being collaborators with russia and helping target russian positions along with ukrainian forces. now it's also important to note that according to the new york times, uh there was a meeting convened in the hague, a secret on which the us central intelligence agency coordinated with other intelligence agencies throughout europe to kind of launch an anti russian front. the representatives from the c, i frequence of my 6, the
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a true off the dutch service, but critical intelligence ally and other agencies degree to start pulling together more of the intelligence on prussia. the result was a so good coalition against russia and the ukrainians were vital members of it. now it's important to know that the new york times, as well as other mainstream media outlets in the united states, are generally used by the sky it or what they refer to as limited hangouts, where they reveal certain information but not all. and with this report coming forward in the new york times, we can assume from this that this is just the tip of the iceberg as they feel and need to at least acknowledge this much activity. there's probably quite a bit more that has taken place. the timing of the report is particularly interesting as well, right? we have the a package in congress for ukraine that has failed to pass the mog or republicans and other. ready are holding up the aid package for ukraine requested by the us white house. and this comes on the heels of information that former c i a director
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william burns, paid a secret visit to ukraine on thursday and was hurriedly reassuring ukrainian officials that american aid would come through. they would get the aid that was promised. however, not all of them found his words to be so reassuring. the question that some of you creating intelligence officers are now asking their american counterparts as republicans in the house where you were the to caught of billions of dollars in a is one of the see i will abandon them. it happen and it's getting some before and now it's going to happen in ukraine. as soon as you're creating officer set, the acting us deputy secretary state victor, a new one said that she has strong confidence that the aid package will be passed despite the disagreements in congress between republicans, democrats, monitor republicans and others. we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the us economy to mix those weapons, including good paying job, as in some 40 states across the united states. so that's the beginning of the
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conflict. russia has made clear that this is not a fight between a solver and country and russia. this is rather a country ukraine that has lost the software and become a vehicle through which the united states and its allies can antagonize and threaten rush. and after such a long period of these antagonisms rush, i felt it had no choice but to move in with its special military operation. this is what russia has been saying from the beginning. and this has been pretty much fully confirmed by this new report from the new york times. former us intelligence officer and the host, although visible is young girl who believes is a reason the dying one of the nation is coming out now. whether the c, i a is just advising the ukrainians, or advising and helping to implement the tax on russian targets along with the ukrainians. then the c, i a has to take it to the responsibility from these attacks, especially when,
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when they're on civilian targets, accidentally or purposefully. i think we're probably gonna see a lot of denials, maybe even half hearted denials. say, oh, this article got so much wrong. you can't believe everything you read even though the new york times is one of the c i is go to media outlets along. ready the washington post. if you look at this report, the, the authors say that they interviewed more than 200 people. so this is not a single source report where somebody told a fantastic story about the c. i a is 200 different interviews confirming what we all suspected all along. what did surprise me was the detail that it went into because usually this is the kind of thing that the c i a wants to keep quiet. and that led me to think that, that perhaps there's some domestic political message here that this may be
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a warning to, to maggot republicans from the white house to say, look at this, look at this new york times article. it's taking us 10 years to build this presence in ukraine. it's taking us 10 years to cultivate this relationship. look at all we've accomplished and you want to throw it away by not by not appropriating money for the ukraine fight. i suspect that's why this was leeks, and if i could make one more point to oftentimes when the new york times the washington post create uh for pre relationships with intelligence officers that allow them to come up with these big stories on major cases. if this c a or the white house complained loudly enough, the, the new york times and the washington post leadership will kill the piece, and they didn't kill this piece. they published it. so i think there are several messages here. let's update from other russian defends and then a few seconds
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a cube attempted to carry out some tests inside using 2 guided missiles over the by and see the see either the that was taken out by rough and defensive before reaching. that's all it may while russian forces are, does all say on the battlefield or i may have captured this and to the point in the hes on region, how's it going to? the nation's defense was a and then report to president clinton packard competition. the village of cranky has been cleared and our forces are standing all along the river bank. it's not just an observation point. our troops are stationed there, operating at maximum efficiency and some individual enemy soldiers remain on the left bank of the deep river. we are working on that they are being offered a chance to surrender this of those days off the russian announced that had come to the end of the public, a city that had been under the little cubes fullest as for almost a decade, the bustle for the key location to many months before ending in
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a celtic retreat via planning for addresses why, who feel gains it seems is an increasing loss of faith among those believing frank can emerge victorious. also, public support in the west is increasing. lee, favoring diplomatic solution to the off season or the color of the i've been looking at the changing attitudes i was failing to make any progress on the front line. more and more people are losing face and ukraine and the less ability to guarantee ross's defeat. and so they're suggesting a logical conclusion to this, to your fatal fiasco. a peace deal around 70 percent of americans wants the bottom and the ministration. suppose you crate to negotiate with russia, only 10 percent of europeans believe that ukraine actually stands of trends when as almost 40 percent, one piece talks as well. the majority of ukrainians themselves and $372.00 for
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science wants a diplomatic solution. now these numbers were very different a year ago when everyone was search and for some odd reason that ukraine would when, however, things change. an average of just 10 percent of europeans across 12 countries believe that ukraine will win twice as many expect a russian victory. this week, confidence in ukraine's chances of victory is visible all over europe, poland, portugal and sweden are the most optimistic countries, but even they're only 17 percent of respondents believe ukraine will prevail. and in sweden, 19 percent think russia will. when of course, be born on the line, they know how much you are and the less i've sent the crime so far as they're not seeing any results from all those billions that could have been spent at home. the world bank group, you were being commission and the united nations cabinets estimate that as of that just says, december 2023. the total cost of reconstruction and recovery ukraine is $486.00 bit
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in dollars over the next decade, up from $411000000000.00 estimated to one diego. what's also interesting is that if before russia was perceived as a top threats by 27 countries, now it's not even in the top 3 as well. countries a done focus on their own problems. given the absolutely critical dependence of ukraine on g 7, political, economic, and military support, this is worrying. it does not bode well for the ability of europe's political leaders to sustain the necessary public backing for continued aid transfers, voters in france and germany, for example, are significantly more concerned about mass migration and radical islamic terrorism . then putin's designs for ukraine, there is used to be a lot of talk about russia and a lot of my boots and having to say face, well now the roles have been rivers. i've listened the media. we're trying to
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figure out what is pollutants off ramp? where does he get off? where does he find a way out? where does he find himself in a position that he does not? not only lose face, but lose significant power in russia? the no window lemme of doubling down on aid excepting a compromise deal scene is appeasement or facing the humiliation of a russian victory. zalinski may soon be forced out on account of the bloody battle loss of div washington as long desired to bring about a change in leadership in russia. however, current developments suggest that a regime change may be more likely in kia of than in moscow. the desk of was a big blow and not only for t a but also for its allies as it became clear to everyone that without their help ukraine attends even though hold onto its cities a will probably lose more as they can guarantee additional aid in time but the west
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was sole source and in the beginning, even dreaming about regime change in russia. for god's sake. this man cannot remain power or rebuild to see how much, what isolates in the russian region right now. because we need to do something economically, politically, and diplomatically, and what the impact on society are. and how much was seen potential regime change in russia. from our standpoint up until the point where the current regime is not in power, the country surrounding it will be to some extent in danger. not just putting but the whole regime because, you know, one might change, put in and change his inner circle. but another pollutant might rise into his place . all the tables have turned to ever seen. the change of russia is highly unlikely, but a new crane very possible. the top commander has been fired. american money solid and the soldiers are getting desperate. the,
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when the quote was visible, he's losing the book, i've got one guy serving on the front line with the prospect leg up. so now what i've got soldiers with level 2 disabilities and some, or even level 3 meals. i've got a soldier with only one kidney in y'all's school. what is left of it? well, hopefully a piece still can come to mind. it's just a matter of convincing that was to let go of control in ukraine and have to do what is best for its country and know what washington wants. and here's a suggestion. reassessing current realities on the battlefield in this way will undoubtedly be seen as appeasement by some. but the more fitting analogy might be that of west germany in 1949. and even more so, of south korea in 1953, both of which needed to establish internationally recognized borders in order to establish sovereignty in the face of hostile neighboring powers. the challenge for
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ukraine and its western partners is to establish the equivalents of the korean peninsula is $38.00 power though. the main challenge for you crate and it's western partners as so 1st admit to themselves that this conflict is not going in their favor. so perhaps it's best to cut their losses and move on before driving the globe into world war 3, just because they didn't want to look like this sore losers, as well as, as a form is they have slide, the bottom is the landscape. say i haven't used cars the only 31000, the plaintive been killed in the conflict. the fact is, the lands keys lying is realized by every citizen of ukraine festival, but every ukrainian soldier early as the president did not consider the russian speaking population of don't bosses people. now he has stopped considering the population of the remaining pulse of ukraine as people, threats, age of 31000 ukranian troops have died in this war. so as little to say
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that the kremlin had information on the twins council offensive operations laid out on his table well before it even began. but those was the only ones untrue attention. he's going to want me to that. yeah, i'll tell you frankly, i'll counter offensive operations last thoughts and we're on the criminal ins table before the counter offensive began. middle, the summers, literally in the much live with the we're doing everything possible and impossible to make it break through the 2024 plan is already in place. we do not talk about it publicly, is powerful, the strong it gives not only hope, but it will give results in 2024. i might disappoint you, but what we do now is that he actually died of a blood clot and liquid being at a key at the sea, and they don't have them. this is all false reason why with the
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international consulting over was use. and he says as an excuse, as somebody is not in touch with the reality, right, keep as most likely enough that my steering is counter offensive alone a maybe a little bit yet. look it up yet from agree. so he's obviously delusional. perhaps the need to just drop the 01 the numbers or flips off the notes from russian cash leaves to you premium casually. but clearly now we, or maybe it's a budget issues. so i only claim $30000.00 until the max. and so i only pay a pay out to the families for $30000.00 soldiers. so it's a clearly it's misplace, letting me know we had more casualties in that just in the, in the recent counter offensive. so which is the complete the bottle. so it's, uh, yeah, it is, it's, it's the least it's, it's, it's for political purposes solely and,
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and he knows is the numbers are already very low. the actually provided real numbers. it probably be out next week, probably a better line saying before the counter offensive that they had 100000 soldiers. last. we have a us assessments anywhere from $70000.00 plus the russian assessments, obviously around the what $3.00 to $400000.00 intelligence sources. the more reliable for intelligent sources clearly do not support the numbers the most is the one, steve saying, i'm not sure where he's getting numbers from a or maybe he's a human patter to get themselves. but it's a clearly is a, he's lying to the training public. we've got the age limits, have been expanded. we've got women being brought into the service and, and we've got to just rounding up another 5 that works well. i don't think they're going to be able to get 500000 but and we're asking countries to send back to the
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port ukrainians in that in their draft day, just back to ukraine. so why you have these measures? if you've only, if they've only lost uh, 30000 sold and new some of this week, the faith. oh, what's the size remains in limbo is this in the u. k. r u k cycle is yet to rule on his final appeal against expedition to the us. he needs 5 is wanted alongside of a certain size. i save a publishing secret move and diplomatic 5, if convicted, he faces a $175.00 is in prison. this is, this is gathered outside the pools in the lot in the release of the 52 of those settings aside, those ruefully feeling well preventing him from appearing at the hearing on tuesday,
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his family members joined outside the building a citizen that he is being persecuted to speaking the truth, how to set up the us pace is online. the policy, they say, don't questing these lines because that will defend our online. they have to admit that what they're doing is criminalizing journalism is personalizing literacy and their persecuting the journalist who expose the julio has over 14 years in one form of incarceration, or end of a. you go to advance all of julian's human rights suspended. are you good with you this afternoon?
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we're hitting so i'm the has been enrolled in legal controversies. fee is fine. it's a refugee. and so the echo during embassy in london back in 2012. so who would exposition to sleeping over sexual assault obligations? i would like to drop off the assignment the site is related via google and until the 9th. and he was arrested by british authorities and faced with an extra digital request from the united states. a size has been lost off in belmont as president. why? his legal team, by hose bookcase to hand him over the us. and now let's head over to the games of the future. what. how does the competitors from thousands of companies of a buzz to central russia, they didn't beat in both the real and virtual worlds? well, the fidgets, old games are 1st stage of one of those sped formulas and the buffalo. the robots
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was held on sunday. the file boxes will be held on the 26th of february. we heard from members of the and g goes to the we hope that we will really, but in fact, older teams of various tourism. so be our comedies, notes, predictable, atone. who do think of the 2nd strongest team? i think the 2nd place who go to the extra bad take civic wants because they have very strong feelings. inquire really rooting for them was you know, their hearts. this is your last with the in teams here. yeah, we became friends that can most coast the happened very great prospects. they're one of the strongest baptiste defense in the bass of the robots, both in 20232024, with my their robots and their weapons. it's true. that's very powerful and very strong, and they repaired them so quickly in their repair area, the before we know if they are pulling out a new weapon, send the rope is as students who were shown to be honest with you,
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to the high levels. and also they have, there's probably an always helps anything the truth we have it varies from last year. although this is of interest in so is a multi comedy. so let's check those out. so we'll be back over. it's over there. hope you're doing the on the line, scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del bailey. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and
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