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tv   News  RT  February 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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and when you said, oh, it's in the near the, the, the headlines on off the international as denmark drops, it's investigation into the blocks that destroyed the north stream to pipeline. all saying it's clear sabotage added. there's no grounds to continue. the case. courts must go brining that decision as opposed to the very 1st time presidents events, the names the number of ukrainian soldiers killed in the conflict. but his figure raises serious questions about whether or not it even corresponds with re on it and active duty member of the united states air force. and i will no longer be listed in genocide in washington. a member of the us air force has reportedly died off to setting himself on fire outside these ready embassy and a show of solidarity with the palace been seeing right over going green. a
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dining report hits out for the failures of an at holly and bio fuel project in africa. the promised so much to deliberate. so lift the slide on loud for most go one this monday, but the one used front on center on fields that as so the world's biggest eco side event in history will no longer be investigated. the court at the danish police, the destruction of the north stream pipelines in 2022 was sabotage. however, they are shutting down the case, citing in sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case comes on the heels of sweden and dropping its own saying it locked jurisdiction. a rush of spokes person has blasted the parties involved in this whole mission thoughts. of course the situation is quite some,
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such on the one hand there is recognition that there was deliberate sabotaged kind . on the other hand, there is no further progress there. various information leaks a whole set of facts that became known off the investigation. obviously, based on it to reach out to that closest allies in the course of this investigation, by the initial stages of this investigation, we repeatedly approached the danes requesting information about what happened. we, what refused. we could not take part in the private. the situation in this case is so obvious that one can express absolute amazement, all right, time to learn much more across and live now to walk. these are charlotte duban ski while charlotte this is. so, i mean, you know, it's been such a story ever since the pipeline was blown up. can you just tell me, i mean, what arguments have danish authorities provided to actually justify the collapse of the investigation into the node stream sabotage will very little rory copenhagen is said that it's not pursuing this is know enough evidence to pursue a criminal case, but it admits there was clear evidence that they was sabotage of the news stream.
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pipes that were blown up back in 2022 and it now becomes the 2nd western country at 2 or no. you go in the idea of following the procedure of justice for whoever blew up these multi 1000000000 dollar pipelines that were linking russian gas fields to germany, providing cheap gas directly to germany. this is what we've had from the danish investigators in regards to this investigation has led this or just to conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. however, the assessment is that there is not sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in denmark. i was also in the west of course of being that long aheads ever since this happened back in 2022, each pointing the blame at each other, but no one in the west. fleury has been able to establish and give a good reason as to why most scope would be behind the bombing of a pipeline. that one of its companies own
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a pipeline that they had spent billions and billions and dollars investing into to be able to send that cheap gas to jeremy, to people who see more money coming into russia. president preaching though his city. he is clear, he believes that the west and probably the us is behind this to blow up north stream. you for sure. it is. i was busy that day. i need it and you have to have uh, i did upload it or what? right. uh, it takes you to know what you personally may have an alibi, but with the c i it has no such alibi. did you have evidence that need or did it made to you? no, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, you look for someone who is interested. but in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities. all jokes aside, there are plenty of investigative journalists who been looking into this over the
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last year or so. and they also say that there's enough evidence to say that the west probably the u. s. is behind this. and also that there's probably some sort of thing is pointing towards ukraine. one of those investigative journalist is a pulitzer prize winner. he's seymour hersh, and he said that it's quite clear that the americans were involved in this. and the idea was to stop that cheap gas coming from russia into germany. biden's decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth the bait inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal. and it's not just june list site seymour hersh saying this, we put experts suggesting that there's politicking going on around what happened to nude stream one on to both of those pipelines, including one who is a royal danish defense college command. and see said that the reason that the swede
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to shut down their investigation just a few weeks ago was because they didn't probably want to run the boat too much because they're trying to join nato. you can read through the line to between the lines or not and not really suggest is that means that the swedish investigate is probably to the west to was also responsible for the bombing of these pipelines. and what i would say will raise, what's really interesting here is it is this pipeline had been owned by the west. i think there is a good reality that right now, we would not be seeing these criminal investigations shut down in such an early stage of investigation. because everybody, we are going to find out who did it, but of course it's a russian and pipeline. and well, people who make their own minds up about why these cases are being closed so quickly. yeah, i think you make a really good point that you all are clearly deadlock and suite a know they know they admit that sabotage they know who's behind it. they know the culprit, but that's simply to scan to point the finger onto shot it. they've been ski. thank
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you. the, the russian defense ministry size. it's forces have captured the village of less public. you know, it's in the donuts republic. it's not far from the city of, of the of cove, which of, of course came under that control just ability of this month. i knew the article for region eastern ukraine, the m o. d is released footage of cabs and drone control positions being targeted and cook yeske and across all systems can also be seen in action. protecting against anybody else strikes ukrainian presidents that n c has admitted to the pressure of his forces are facing them to reach these close to the pressure from the russians is quite strong towards the direction of car clock. sounds like will be on skis where you were in that region. you know, it was strong threats. it's not 30. 1000 soldiers have died in this war. and yet it's a great loss for us. 180000 russians have died. there are 180000 dead and wounded in russia, the ukrainians of 31000. and it's very painful for us. and i can tell you how many
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a wounded now as russian troops advance a little up and down the front lines and my colleagues ask you a tally, discussed the accuracy of the fatality, and i'm was put forward by the crating and presidents. and so i ask you to have this conversation with all these to hold court. well, 1st of all, what's interesting is the fact that this figure from ukraine's president comes recently after moscow actually gave its own estimates of ukrainian casualties, which suggest much higher losses on the side of the ukrainians. according to russia's defense ministry, key of suffered over 200000 casualties just last a year. well, the total number of ukrainian casualties, since the beginning of russia's military operation, is approaching $400000.00 according to statistics that we have from back in december. so it's already been some time since we had those numbers established then of course the wednesday says because all nonsense, but you gotta wonder, seeing all these videos of ukrainians being snatched up on the streets in the sense of the conscription offices. you've got to wonder why so much fresh meat for the
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grinder is necessary if casualties are so low, not to mention how large we've seen ukrainian cemeteries grow in recent months. so this is all together, something that rushes uh for a ministry spokeswoman is saying evidence for wise lensky is actually really just a liar. the fact that the lens keys lying is realized by every citizen of ukraine festival, but every ukrainian soldier early as the president did not consider the russian speaking population of don't bosses people. now he has stopped considering the population of the remaining parts of ukraine as people reference position on this is really only further backed up by a slip up from the president of the european commission back in 2022 or so of underlay. and when she said that ukrainian losses had at that point reached a 100000 people in a video as it was just deleted as quickly as it was published, it is estimated that more than 20000 civilians and more than 100002 korean military
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officers have been killed so far? well that's one statement that i can see is what i but the western press. but is that anything else that he mentioned and not pretty comprehensive press conference that you think is interesting? it's well now that the counter offensive is over, it's a failure. but zaleski is still saying that this is not something that he should be taking responsibility for. he says that uh, that the plans for the counter offensive were somehow available to the kremlin that in advance, he's going to want me to add to the i'll tell you frankly, i'll counter offensive operations last thoughts and we're on the criminal ins table before the counter offensive began that despite the colossal failure of the, the 2023 printing counter offensive, i mean, the fact that it's failed to accomplish anything aside from net massive casualties . on the ukrainian side, we still got ukraine's defense minister promising that 2024 is going to be a new year with new successes middleman. so mostly we're in the most liberal. we're
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doing everything possible and impossible to make a break through. the 2024 plan is already in place. we do not talk about it publicly, is powerful, it is strong. it gives not only hope, but it will give results in 2024. so definitely some big plans there, some big words, but with russian forces now in control of a day of car and advancing across most of the front line. i mean, it seems like a 2024 counter offensive would be even more doomed to failure than the one that we saw last year. so we were discussing this with international consultant, earl, if it has moved. so now he believes that with these figures, president zalinski is basically struggling. it is not entirely in touch with reality. maybe a little bit yet woken up, yet from a dream. so he's obviously delusional. perhaps the need to just drop the 01, the numbers or flip flopped the notes from russian cash and leads to your premium casually. but clearly we or maybe it's
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a budget issues. so i only claim $30000.00 killed in action. so i only pay a pay out to the families for $30000.00 soldiers. so it's clearly it's misplace, letting me know we had more casualties than that just in the, in the recent counter offensive. so which is the complete the bottle. so it's, uh, yeah, it is, it's, it's the least it's, it's, it's for political purposes solely and, and he knows his numbers are already very low. if he actually provided real numbers, you'd probably be out next week. probably a better live thing before the counter offensive that they had 100000 soldiers last . we have a us assessments anywhere from $70000.00 plus, the russian assessments obviously around the what $3.00 to $400000.00 intelligence sources, some more reliable for intelligent sources. clearly do not support the numbers the
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most is the one steve saying, i'm not sure where he's getting numbers from or maybe he's, he's better to get them themselves. but it's, it's clearly is a, he's lying to the printing public. we've got the age limits, have been expanded with getting women being brought into the service and, and we've got the rounding up another 5 minute work. well, i don't think they're gonna be able to get 500000 with it. and we're asking countries to send back to the port ukrainians in that in their draft ages, back to ukraine. so why you have these measures? if you've only, if it's only last uh, 30000 sold. that's your credit has agreed on very security deals with the number of western countries. so, so during the visit of g $7.00 to $70.00 members, to give basically paving the way for a 3rd year of fighting with russia. so let's get a slightly different slot on this without to contribute to ritual mazda. i saw a bunch of western leaders wanted
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t as over the weekend for homecoming of sorts. it's been exactly 2 years now since the ukraine conflict popped off and the country continues to lose chunks to russia while everyone cheers loads the place up with weapons to get blown up and basically keeps acting like that's what winning looks like. canadian prime minister, just intruder. oh, sure. got the draft offering just over $2000000000.00 us dollars and canadian tax fair cash in military support to ukraine may as well just hand that check right over to uncle sam. anyway. who makes the drones that too, though, just pledged you frame recently. but slovak in prime minister roberts street, so who wasn't there? gave the whole circus some major side. i thought the windows are to all those local . this will began to back in 2014 with the antics of ukrainian neo nazis. they tried to mislead russia that the war would not expand to the east and today is gone so far as the crane declared that it must become a member of the you, which i personally consider
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a good basis for the outbreak of world war 3. ukrainian rush, i need security guarantees assured by the strongest international players do not accept the arguments that mutual killings of ukrainians and brushing should continue so that ukraine can negotiate a more fair and moderate agreement. that's want to those who lose arguments in favor of continuing to boss say, a tell him premier george or maloney and belgian prime minister alexander the crew also showed up in key of and european commission. president ursula vander line to she underscored that they stand with you crane in front of the cameras. i mean, morally, seems like there's developing sense that this conflict is closer now to it's and then it is to it's beginning. and that means that there isn't much time left for europe to get aboard the tax cash laundering, bandwagon and stuff. its own military. industrial complex is coffers like washington has been doing from the get go. we have to do more and do it faster. and the coming months may decide the outcome of the war to resist is to win. so
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a bunch of countries are now giving ukraine years long, bilateral security guarantees, france, germany, canada, italy and denmark, which was said that they'd send all their weapons to ukraine and disarmed themselves for their own security. guy just made more weapons that i guess maybe funneling cash into weapons for themselves will be the hail mary pass. that saves their own economies that they've tags. meanwhile, ukrainian salaries and critical infrastructure got 38000000000 euro is the last year. that's according to the countries finance minister with another 33000000000 needed this year. so maybe western or should just be heading over there then. hey, is anyone asking about the off ramp in any of this? like, is there even one? 0 yeah, here it is. as we move forward, we continue all support ukraine info, the developing presidency. lensky speech formula. so is always case case formula
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that they're all waiting for him to cook up is the nice thing, like the big max sauce that mcdonald's or the recipe for classic coca cola. going to be a big secret for years. well, everyone's just kept guessing. it's not like even the washington press hasn't been talking about the need to find an exit. and to chavez, zalinski right towards that washington has now perceived around europe to have lost its will. the repentance and confidence have the will. they just committed another $54000000000.00 to reconstruct the country. but when it comes to repelling russians to revive defensive, they do not have the capacity even beyond washington. much of the western medias. narrative is shifted to the need to wrap things up. why the west is losing ukraine? ukraine can't win the war. the landscape is palpable frustration. 2 years in ukraine faces american made crisis 2 years into war after 2 years of war, questions abound on whether key of can sustain the fight against russia. average
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citizens can say what the magic piece formula is that zalinski insists on treating lights. it says mysterious and complicated is the secret of getting the caramel and said the little cadbury chocolate bar squares. somebody does the most the international community must force both sides to the negotiating table. the outcome can only be compromised. a flight to a street, sushi, stop. i love awesome. the for home. a stop to hold. arms deliveries immediately. the pursuit of negotiations with the russian side and an end to the ongoing insults against russia. what so this is a clearly apparently escapes, the german foreign minister who says that they're quote, racking their brains on how to get more long range weapons to refrain more ammo, air defense and artillery. she said, we're meeting with are you printing calendar part kind of sounds like the opposite of a piece formula. but then again, this is the same person who racks or brains with basic geometry thinking that an
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about face is 360 degrees. apparently, the german opposition is not too confident with her navigational skills either whoever wants to transfer the war to russia, with the help of german weapons transfers it to germany, despite the supply weaponry, ukraine's position has only wes and sounds about par for the course. for europe, some european diplomats are telling the western press that there really is no strategy at all. yes, think hard to imagine that could be any worse. so then what they're already doing in washington, a member of the us air force has reportedly died off to assessing himself on fire outside the is really embassy in a video streamed seconds before the tragedy. a code, the man said he wanted no involved with it. what was happening in god's the same and active duty member of the united states air force. i will no longer be complicit in genocide about to engage in sex stream
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active protest compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine said the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all. this is what our ruling class has decided. well, the incident comes and media, israel's plans for its ground operation in about 5, that's way more than $1000000.00 displaced jobs. and so kindly sheltering the man who set themselves on fire has been identified reportedly as 25 year old. aaron bushnell, his last words, was said to be free, palestine, what is not, not the 1st such protest? in december, i demonstrate his self emulated outside the is ready, console it in the us state of georgia. well, that's a lot more now. that's called the live to us. why does it say i'm a political analyst? joining us now live from cairo, a very well welcome to today. so what, what? well, 1st of all your reaction to this protest in front of a israeli embassy. i mean, when i saw it earlier today, i was,
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i was shocked by the photos. frankly. everyone was chuck. it's a good thing that's been happening since october 7th as been unprecedented. including what happens in front of those data emphasis. that is message is last words. uh they spoke them on the minds of a great majority that have been protesting against what's happening cause on palestine in general. and. and again, yes. a that way he express themselves in that desperate moments and those find the moments of this. and i cannot like um, expand on it, i can only just repeat them. this is what's the last it has brought to us and the best. what's the, what this trying to make a moment. so what's normal now? not we have normalized but it's been using cause of dying and starving to death. so what's the next norma? now americans getting themselves?
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is that the, the new norman and it was truly a fault with the official. is there any reaction to it like on social media, the labeling of responding to what happened as your, as their enemies getting themselves? i'm sorry about that. as an active member of the american is pulls any o j a she you go to what on the one that while it what you know, how he being affected by old this. i mean he's in the united states. he's nowhere near god. but clearly he's, he's really affected by this and, you know, in, you've got to feel some compassion for the guy. i mean he's, he expressed the showing as sold a diety with the palestinians and god, but in the, in the video that he said he doesn't want to be completed in the genocide. so, so is he suggesting that washington is completed and in the genocide in your view, or who, who is the blaming here? that was, is blaming the political stance of the american government of the american president
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and or the american fish in the position when it comes to days that i will but feet . those that have been uh, used against any of that as an ocean to sort of ceasefire, even though the oldest and if all the countries on all of the states and the security council have been uh, favoring uh, ceasefire, and its on the united states. against that, not to mention the military aid that the spot photo of somebody that is bullshit. and the money to the aid that this uh, going unconditionally to a is that i have. i mean, they are being congested. so he's, he's a free spirit, he's a free sold is he has a motor compass that is, that has, it's not, and not did you did with, with a blessing gives us that the american government has been doing and,
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and see so silver, southern. and it's directed towards you money, and that's, that's what everyone stands for. and that's what the good people of this, this, this outstanding for many see these many seeing that they know what's happening in 1000 many see in the face of the what is the bus you and has been the mentor has. and then what's been happening has thinking a ton of money people, many people have been trained thousands emotions and mentally and look at them. it's like a damaged us. i think people, people around the world, people are all around the world while it i think you're absolutely right. that has been this massive psychological impacts, not just and it is relevant. you know, so or in america, but absolutely. well, why that's the continuing. yeah. and speed continuing for, for, for 5 months, and there's no end in the and the see the future when you started to start us when, when normal. now americans getting thumbs us, what is the new noble that will,
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where is the so called rules based international order? i mean, let me ask you this why lead the whole world right now is waiting to see if it's real is going to launch this or this ground in. busy and into a rafa, as you well know, there are approximately a 1000000 people that are seeking shelter. yeah. do you think israel is going to go ahead with this, this ground operation and if it does, what can we expect? as a result, when everyone knows that there is more than a 1000000 displaced by this thing and instead of approximately $1.00 to $1.00. and everyone is anticipating some i'm standing on the stores because they are away. is that all the people be that stuff in that small area and just buy it with less money to off the nation coming from the from the is it a size? it's going to be uh, if practical genocide, just like the textbook genocide, there's no if anything good, there is no. if anything, especially this,
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most subjective today is the that's fine. but the reason is the response to the us the, the demands today's the death night. so if the invasion isn't dissipated, yes. unfortunately, anything. yeah, hold on. is government, impose the coalition even in the opposition. they are all in force. they think that they only the fit on the technicalities that should the wastewater of etc. and the victory and the making that and you all are saying that we're going to win the so i'm going to make this a little better off. i is like the final hurdle to get over. that's what and then you all was saying i'm while you just quickly going back to this poor american member of the air force who set themselves on 5 self inhalation that happened mid day on sunday. only the washington post reported that. why do you think no other american media was talking about such a tragic loss of life? every single related to palestine or the sympathizing bertha?
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and so that was on his mind. he's being brushed on the far in terms of american media and the, the whole media industry that's controlling the states because they've trying to hide the truth of what's happening. there's trying to present an alternate reality or alternate, not assume that there's pro is red, and they're doing all the profession and efforts and putting all the money in carpet. there's into that thing to control then the american people, the american public, into favor inc. i'm standing with isn't it? i mean, the super bowl happened to him to decency and the commercials and the halftime the, to support uh is that i understand what is the and the only focusing on the hospice is one neglecting them. genocide that is yeah. literally happening in gaza. that speaks volumes. yeah. and once you just share about the coverage, it speaks also for you. yeah. yeah, yeah,
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i'm supposed to be right. yeah. i photograph photo all, i'd like for all of the the economy and money spends of all the us. what did they are doing that they are spending and best effort to hide the we see of the piece of what's going on. i think that often does that. unfortunately, it's not working for them lucky for us and the people and the few people it was, is speaking loudly about the teams of justice and seeking and following. but honestly, honestly think the elevation of the senior people from this, i'm just unlawful military occupation. and i'm going genocide because of the social media and the as the american public to realize that no it but that the data to being controlled and being funded into the view and things interest and why they took the narrative and talking about narratives and, and you're absolutely writing yes, they're pushing a narrative and there's only one side. they're only showing one side. and so the
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american presidential election year, it's coming up in a few months. you know, they're going to try and keep the americans happy here. so that's why the media is already showing one side of that tragedies in gaza while each site on was a political analyst joining us live in kyra, which we have more time, but i'm very grateful for the amount of time we spent with us today. thank you. very much thank you to have an energy source that's not only good for the planet, but also for the african farm is producing. it seemed too good to be true and sadly for the italian oil drive any, it was a dining report into the company's bio fuel operations in africa saying they failed to deliver on any of the promises investigations on the ground. and the 2 african countries were any says it has advanced the furthest kenya, and the republic of congo, have them covered a string of broken promises and unmet targets. the reality is that after several years of effort and these biofuel project has gained very little attraction and that it is nowhere near its production targets. so much has been said to as the
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know regarding the say, you know all the time in fayette, in fact, those fading and so on. also waiving the hopes off many east african india has not to me to um, any proper announcements about the status of this project. but this is a project that had to um, generated to great interest in k. yeah. when menu form is i have joined the shade to the however, the results. i'm not living up to the expectations of what the deals well below the target states by in the for the upcoming. yeah. um and the investigation that we are having to have it all disposal shows that any is failing indeed to deliver on those promises to print to thousands of tons of by a few crops. and this is now raising patients off the over the print ability of the company's plans for many parts of the african continent. a lot of this is backed by the time in private as the georgia i'm below need. but also be important to note shows that not so long ago malone, me, why.


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