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tv   News  RT  February 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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new and old episode of going on the events is that the longer in parliament improves sweden's bed to join the native block. after nearly 2 years of non negotiation and dead mob job states investigation into the block to destroy the node stream gas pipeline policy. it's obviously stop because the added there are no grounds to pursue a criminal case of moscow bronze the decisions as upset the prime minister of the policy to move forward to submit his resignation to the president, taking his government with him. justifying the news i made estimating validus in the west bank of the war and got that also ahead of time and active duty member of the united states air force. and i will no longer people with this genocide,
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stateside a member of the us air force makes the ultimate sacrifice for the policy and pause expressing himself on fire outside the gates of the through the embassy in washington dc. the head of the welcome to our team to national reaching you live for my new center with moscow. i a my, i called quite chat with the update. now the home girl in parliament has finally approved sweetens bid to join nato. and back comes out to nearly 2 years of intense negotiations as would have passed approval was the final hurdle for stuck them to join the block at the key and the hungry had been raising concerns and that not to uncorrected cues. we did not have varying code is separate as groups which the country considered as terrorist. congress a was vague over its position on sweden,
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but claimed it spread out dried lies about hungary is faded to it had to european union standards of little. there's lead to the decision to freeze premiums was a fundamental hungry on deal size concerns were addressed. also know as a what some have called bending to the used commands. question more with us here at r t after the latest develop bins and the ukranian conflicts while america reported is positive even further in the sense that to one our brands . thanks to your trade last september and they've been passed in the rear for months. now. one has been destroyed. according to a preliminary information, the american made m one, a bronze bayne bottle. a tank was taken out near of the left, a barn in the fields after its defeat by the rocks and 15th peace keeping brigade.
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all the russian defense ministry says its forces have captured the village of last post cannot hand the nets. republic it's not far from the city of the f graph with also came on to the control any of this month. i didn't talk of region of eastern ukraine, the russian administrative defends has released footage of keeps drug control positions being targeted in be honest. anti aircraft of a missile missile systems can also be seen in action, protecting against the tree and asked, likes, president lot to me is the last key of made his country is not only territorial, but personnel office state of the capital t number has he summed up 2 years of fighting, how about accounts in 1000 add up compared to what the chief also loved bundling in said long ago, the streets each other not 31000 soldiers have died in this war. and yet it's
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a great loss for us. it is estimate that more than 20000 civilians and more than 100002 crane and military officers have been killed so far. last month, the russian defends ministry relieves this estimate of the trade in casualties which indicated the key of losses in 2023, where over 200000 either killed or wounded. i bring that up to december last year. the overall number had grown significantly, as you can see on the screen, suggesting the last case estimate is way off of more a t p as a stalling with the base catch you doing in washington? kyla papa, a senior center adviser to the us commission on security and cooperation in europe is now under investigation. nobody's actions and ukraine, according to the reports issued as if this frequent trips to ukraine and providing snap. i get 2 kias for his was around $30000.00. according to the new york times,
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which view the confidential report, the gift transfer could make kind of pockets quote on, on registered for an agent. we discussed all the latest developments on the ground with political come and data and radio host, steve gill, who says that the nothing is accurate, but comes from ukraine or the west and media that is quoting t f. well, i think we waited with the branches of patients, the next propaganda for some music lensky when he claims that the, there virtually no casualties on the brand new inside is wiped out the russian army that they are on the verge of winning the 4th or 5th the camera offensive as a withdrawal and withdrawal, and we saw nothing that we're hearing from the frame or the western media he's putting, are you printing and propaganda is, is accurate. so i think a lot of members of congress are wanting some truth before they are right. another big check, particularly when there's been no accountability for the hundreds of billions of dollars that have already been expended. we don't know where it's gone,
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but it's not been stolen. and there's plenty of evidence that the staff to corrupt please. i and you frantic. another official, we've got a $1000000.00 in cash and 2 boxes recently. so i think i got questions for like the more internally i spent the money and it's already been is that the i will cultural industry and the you is out of hand. farmers across europe ignite fire, you protest and roll through the streets, pasture being european officials to solve the problem of cheap ukrainian products flooding the region. the
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united message in belgium in spain is that giving advantage to kids. agriculture instead of their own has create an unfair competition in the blog splitting menu farm as livelihoods i race. they're also demanding that the gives up on it's planned to cause bombing emissions, and changes climate policy. demonstrations comments i will call to administer as gather in brussels to discuss the intensifying prices. well, while what does a $160.00 tons of the parade in green looked like a mid wide spread protest of the policy? railway station? polish farmers have blocked a border crossings with the grade and spelled a ukrainian and courteous from trained carriages, protesting against unfair competition from the ukraine and you environmental regulations. this is the 4th case of destruction of ukraine and paradox. i've published real ways patients of those previous cases took place on the border with
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ukraine, ukraine in palm. minnesota said our deputy prime is that rabbi said, a bes, what, an act of quote, impunity and irresponsibility. now the will, is the biggest active side event in history. will no longer be investigated according to danish police, the destruction of the north stream pipelines in 2022 was somewhat task. however, the shopping the pro, down a siding in this, insufficient evidence to pursue a criminal case of this comes on the heels of sweden dropping its own investigation, saying that a lot of jurisdiction roscoe's presidential spokesperson last of the parties involved this whole mission. thoughts, of course the situation is quite so absurd. on the one hand, there is recognition that they was deliberate, sabotaged, and on the other hand there is no further progress. there are various information leaks, a whole set of facts that became known off the investigation. obviously,
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based on it to reach out to that closest allies in the course of this investigation of the initial stages of this investigation, we repeatedly approached the danes requesting information about what happened. we what refused. we could not take part in the private. the situation in this case is so obvious that one can express absolute amazement for your visit. well, it's pretty incredible. we've got copenhagen saying that they couldn't take this forward to a criminal case because this isn't sufficient evidence. and yet on the flip side, saying that there's enough evidence to say that this was sabotaged. they knew that this was a deliberate act to destroy these pipelines. these multi $1000000000.00 pipelines that were taking a cheap russian gas directory from those gas fields to germany. and this now is the 2nd west and country that is pulled out of its investigation. say it's not going to take things for that. you'd sweden did exactly the same just 3 weeks ago. the
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investigation has let this or just to conclude, that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. however, the assessment is that there is not sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in denmark. as we know russia on the west have been pointing the finger at each other since this happened all the way back in 2022. and what's really interesting is that nobody in the west has been able to say, why russia, for what reason? russia would blow up a pipe. it's spent years building had spent billions of dollars on providing president preaching, however, has been pretty clear. he was speaking to us during this talk a call soon just a few weeks ago. and he said, it's the west who blow up north stream you for sure. it is. i was busy that day. maybe you have to have uh, i did not pull up the tray. uh, cute though. you personally may have an alibi, but the c i a has no such alibi. you do have evidence that nato or did mention,
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you know, i won't get into the details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested. but in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities. when the blame game 1st kicked off, it was a very famous john list who pointed the finger. it wasn't this. yeah, this right. this is a pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, who had an incredible tale to tell. he basically said that he had spoken to sol as is with direct knowledge of a military operation. a us move which will for ation that. so us don't leave as deep diving down to the pipes punting see for explosives. he said that this was all done, while in nature operation was on going to be covered up and nobody would be suspicious as to why these us operatives with the. and he said the reason behind this was because the us feed that the was addicted to cheat russian gas. and in fact,
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he said that this operation was planned prior to the ukraine rule. that's how sky the america was. and so that cheap flushing and gas bottles decision to sabotage the pipeline scheme after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth the bait inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal to see more hers is not the only person saying this, it sounds like spine, no food, but all those we've had reports in the washington post as well, all suggesting that the west played a very large hand in this. if it wasn't them directly, it was that a thing you quite well look, i mean it wasn't that long ago. it was, it was a couple of years. what's it been job? i basically said we have all ways. we're gonna stop that pipeline in victoria at noon in the might on midwife, she says something very similar as well. and yet still somehow no one's taking responsibility. yeah, that's why to me is pretty incredible way. well, uh, 18 months on from that now, and nobody has been able to say, well,
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this is what happened. and interestingly, this was a huge logical dissolves. so when the pipelines were up below, not masses of me same came into the this is greenhouse gases, this is what western experts say is causing climate change. so you'd think if nothing else would prompt them to investigate that, the fact that this was such an ecological dis off, that would've been the reason i'm of course, we've got the fact that germany are still investigating. we've had a statement from germany on monday saying that, but i'm not going to hopefully press give them that we for it just seemed to of the cases not being proceed any further on that specific. the interesting because germany is the country that really has been who is soft as a result of best germany, you know, the industrial base of europe. it's a engine of money. essentially. it's the industrial base needed to achieve energy to be able to continue pumping out the goods at still thing that russian energy
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coming into germany has an impact not just on to and they would just say higher inflation. and now apparently is going into a light to recession, but it had an impact to run vacations across western europe. but despite all of that, we know that one pipeline is still operational. and present. pushing says he's a very still giving money, and he says russia remains ready. this also confuses me. but today's german leadership is guided by the interest of the collective west rather than its national interest. otherwise, it is difficult to explain the logic of their action or inaction. after all, it is not only about north stream one which was blowing up. a north stream too was damaged, but one pipe is safe and sound and gas can be supplied to europe through it. but germany does not open it. we already please. well heard from the kind of mistake of hama, he says that the sabotage was carried out by joy west an effort. but the punishment
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for the crime would never come. well, the best explanation on what happened gave signed hash that these far not only the american surfaces, but that's to the services con, operate in europe, without the knowledge then that's probably the approval of the big power. as in europe, i the ones who of the see sites, there are the which is denmark, sweden and germany, or what to go into that. so um, it is not excluded that these are partners in crime, in this thing. and what a coincidence that um, to blow up the gas pipeline was absolutely in lines with the greens agenda to get us off the fossil fuels, which they agreed in doubles and so on. so there is no coincidence for me and i'm not, and i have no face at all in the german investigation of people in
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this, in this case, that's something will really come out. i think they would drop it because they have to, they might be having to sue their own foss, plus in billing and, and brussels that i don't think that will happen to the german legal system is not independent enough to meet the requirements. also the justice of the re adjusted system so politics can always intervene into the legal system, and that's probably what they do, especially if the suspicion would be in case that they apartments in crime. the policy and president obama boss has accepted this brought ministers resignation . mohammed style you said the taste made the move, i met the crisis in gaza. the cost this decision comes in the wake of the political security and economic development related to the aggression against our people in the gaza strip. and the unprecedented escalation in the west bank in jerusalem,
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and the fierce and unprecedented attack on our people, our palestinian cause and our political system. but the decision to completely off hand, the government comes after us, secretary state onto the blank and visited the policy didn't capital last month. i've seen a media report. so have had that have said that they shakeup happened after pressure from washington to now the situation in gaza is getting worse every day. as a deliveries to the enclave had been caught in half a maid intends finding an id if asked, likes kidding, you and shelves. as, according to a report, a by the global body. now pictures here essentially show with shuffled gaza, or the un agency for positing the refugees reports that an average of 98 age drugs reach gather each day in february, fall below its target of $500.00 deliveries,
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where impeded by so called a security constrains and closes at border crossings, idea of routed air strikes, where a core component contributing to the crisis that we've heard from locals about the dire situation like risk my life, and i still don't succeed in obtaining a to over time mc handed. some people manage to receive a well, all this face danger get killed, an end up with nothing. unfortunately, many women including myself, do not have the chance to access aid. no, there was nothing left that we hadn't eaten. we even consume chicken food and i wish we could find it again. animal and donkeys. it became or substance and i hope we can find it too. yesterday my mother and watched the 1st foot over the floor. i swear we didn't know if we will have no food or drink for so. so our children, we are trapped in the north and there is no age reaching us. the situation is extremely difficult at bank of flow is being sold for imbalance. we did not have
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the ultimate self sacrifice for the policy. now, of course, that's what we're looking at next. it to america's capital. now, where a member of the us air force has died half a set of himself a blaze outside the gates of the east. really embassy in the video of the big gun streaming seconds before the tragedy occurred. the man said he wanted no involvement. what was happening in gas. the same and active duty member of the united states air force that i will no longer be complicit in genocide about to engage in an extreme active protest compared to what people have been experiencing and how science at the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all. this is what our ruling class has decided wanting. i did this, the disturbing images that had the man who set themselves on fire has been identified in reports as 25 year old era on
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a bush. no. his last words were said to be free polish. fine, it's not the fuss, such protest in december demonstrate a self even related to an outside they use really constructs in the us state of georgia. we discussed the tragic display of solidarity with political analyst wiley . siam everyone was chuck, it's a big thing that's been happening since october 7th as been unprecedented. including what happens in front of those data emphasis. that is message is last words. uh they spoke them on the minds of uh, a great majority that have been protesting against what's happening cause on palestine in general. right. in that way he express themselves in that desperate moments and those find the moments of his i cannot like um, expand on it. i can only distribute them. this is what the class that's hasbrook.
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less than that. that's what's what this trying to make a moment. so what's normal now that we have normalized, but it's been using cause of the inc, i'm starving to death. so what's the next norma know, americans getting themselves? is that the new norman? and i was really a fault with the officially saying the, the action to it, like on social media, of the labeling of responding to what happens as your, as their enemies getting themselves. i'm sorry about that. as an active member of the american is any of the industries hundreds of representatives from 130 countries around the world have descended on moscow. here for the 2nd congress of the international regional 5 movement and the forum on multiply routine which kicked off this monday. but let's cross
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now to say, well, how much more on the political i'm listen, refresh. so i tear on university done that, jenny, me right here in the studio in moscow, professor is good to have you join me right now. thank you for the really have you in the studio would be your very kind. great, now let's talk about, let's, let me start with russia. what's your assessment regarding the, the standing of russia when it comes to the wall forum, especially the, as it relates to the mazda polarity of the world. what's your assessment? i think the west is clearly on the decline and russia among a number of other countries have been moving in the opposite direction, rushes fairly on the rise. we have seen that after the waves of sanctions against russia, the country continues to grow. it continues to make advances on the
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battlefield in ukraine. so the future as things progress seemed to favor a global south. and one of the key countries in the global south, that is of course, why should the factual resources of russia unrivalled. and it has a large population. so, and also russia is making a lot of statements and the noises that are coming out of mosque out appeal to many across the world. many who are dissatisfied with the status of that you talked about the world changing area. this paradigm shift is, is the, what is the west and they are aware of this power done shift. i think they are the last people to find out. there are some among it leads in the west who are increasing nice. speaking about decline and even some politicians,
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but they haven't changed their behavior. they even those who acknowledge the decline of the wes among b. m, eats that are close to power or in power. they are not pushing to change policy that each the west is not managing its decline well at all or. and if they were smart, they would re negotiate their position with other countries they would try to while acknowledging the changes they would try to fit into this changing world order in a way which benefits the west. but they're trying to hold on to power as if things were, are still like they were 3040 years ago. and that's only going to and i make the claim for exactly. and that's only going to make things worse for the west because they are not to they were decades ago. let's look at the place of russia. what
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does russia needs to do more especially more intentionally to lead the well, because the pun days, if you look at the numbers right now, it looked like russia is meeting over 4000000000 people around the world. if you're putting china, put the india, putting africa and the middle east and lots of asia together, that number found out ways what the west controls the west doesn't even have up to up with beat on support as around the world right now. if you look at the market, if you look at the numbers, and so one, what is rush rush that needs to do more intentionally, to leave the global south into that new world? i think rush, it definitely will have to continue working for greater conversions with other major powers country. china, of course, is the world's most powerful economy. it's, in my opinion,
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more important than the united states. rush of course has resources that no other country has. on the other hand, you have major regional powers. india is the most important country in the subcontinent year on the most important country in west asia, especially with this coalition of allies and you have presented of and the countries in africa and she resources in africa. so through breaks, for example, russia can be a leader alongside these other powers in managing this global change in isolating the west until the west chooses to change its policy. if the westport to behave as equals with other countries, there is no reason not to have excellent relations with europe or the united states . but unfortunately, the west is as, as i said earlier, is unwilling to change. whereas a, it's, it's not,
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it doesn't have the power anymore to maintain control like it could in the past. do you imagine breaks editor on the, is breaks the formula now? is that the gain change around the world? what do you think it's, it's hard to say, but brooks has huge potential, especially in the economics fear. because increasingly, a larger number of countries want to have alternatives to western financial institutions. and they don't want the western control over trade and business. and so you run in rush of course more than any other country and in breaks because both are heavily sanctioned by china also wants this. india wants this for some with different reasons. then china, but this is very key. so at the moment i think it's the identity
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of bricks is not yet completely clear. it's not clear where they want to go. but i think this is a key objective. and when russia becomes, and then next had a break of breaks in the coming months. i think they will probably be pushing harder in this particular direction with regards to economics. all right, how would you describe, let's talk about you run and how would you describe of the role the, the position of the vine in the police, especially way we would consider the ongoing tensions in the middle east. the role that the ron even needs to perform right now. recall that some countries in the west are calling for outright war with you, ron, but but speak to us about the position. if you run in the, in the middle of things here. i think a ron has been constantly on the rise for the last couple of decades in particular, ever since 911. i think the americans have been making major mistakes in our region,
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and the iranians have been able to capitalize on those mistakes and to punish the americans and push them back. and also by craving alliances across the region. iran now has its friends that are very powerful across the, across the region in, alongside the mediterranean, whether it's their policy and resistance or their resistance and not been on in yemen. they have a key ally and of course in iraq and syria. and therefore, you runs alliances, and it's capitalizing on the foolish mistakes and the times of the united states and this region, this is position, creating a shift in the balance of power. i think if i, for the i think by american standards today, they would recognize that they cannot win a war against iran,
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a conventional war. iran is simply too powerful. the americans have defined iranians, so they are much more powerful. and as i said, they have regional regional network of allies that makes it virtually impossible for the americans to win. and the ronnie is, have done this by winning hearts and minds. americans impose regimes, they carry out tools, they keep unpopular dictators in power across the world. that that it, that allows them to carry out certain policies, but it doesn't give them the power that the country like you run has when it's allies across the region. see iranians treating them as equals and treating them as friends rather than proxy is americans in the west, like to call them foxes, but that's where they think they get things wrong. now it's 2 years after the war.


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